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Vistas Chapter 2
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CBSE Class 12 English NCERT Solutions for

Vistas Chapter 2 - The Tiger King

NCERT solution of Class 12th English, The Tiger

King is available with a brief explanation that
can enable students to learn and score better.
Class 12 The Tiger King NCERT solutions are
equipped with the professional's touch. At the
end of the chapter, all the test paper questions
with solutions are enlisted for the students who
have the di!culties to solve them and can
easily revise them. Download CBSE NCERT
solutions of the chapter The Tiger King Class 12
to improve the grades.

A Brief Introduction to the Chapter 2 - The

Tiger King

The fable of the Tiger King satirises those in

positions of power for their obstinacy and
intolerance. The story's author transports us to
a time when kings ruled. The plot revolves
around the Maharaja of Pratibandapuram, who
attempts to deny his fate, which was predicted
by the renowned astrologers to be killed by a

As a result, he seeks to disprove the prophecy

by e#ectively hunting down 99 tigers. However,
despite not being composed of $esh and blood,
the 100 tigers kill him. 

The narrative depicts the state of the nation

and its rulers in those days. The story portrays
the ruler as being ruled by the British.
Furthermore, the monarch remained apathetic
in assisting the people, preferring instead to
engage in stupid pastimes. They twisted the law
to suit their needs.

Last updated date: 30th Apr 2023 • Total views: 543.9k • Views today

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English Vistas Chapter 2




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English Chapter 2 – The Tiger King
1. Who is the Tiger King? Why Does He Get That
Ans: The Tiger King is Jilani Jung Jung Bahadur,
the king of Pratibandapuram. When the prince
was born, astrologers predicted that he would
have to die one day. The ten-day-old prince
asked the astrologers to divulge the method of
his death. The wise men were perplexed by
this miracle. According to the chief astrologer,
he will be killed by a tiger. 'Let tigers beware!'
hissed the young prince, hissing ominously. He
decided to kill a hundred tigers. As a result, the
moniker "Tiger King" was bestowed upon him.

2. What Did the Royal Infant Grow Up To Be?

Ans: The royal newborn grew up to be
Pratibandapuram's king, who was enthralled
with the concept of killing a hundred tigers. He
desired to do so to defy the prophecy that his
death would be brought about by the
hundredth tiger. As a result, he slaughtered all
of Pratibandapuram's tigers. For the sake of
his ambition, he even married. He earned the
moniker "Tiger King."

3. What Will the Maharaja Do To Find the

Required Number of Tigers To Kill?
Ans: The Maharaja would instruct his dewan to
select a suitable female for him to marry to kill
the required number of tigers. A suitable
female for matrimony should not only be from
a royal family, but also a state with a
signi%cant tiger population. Because there
were no more tigers in Pratibandapuram, a
region belonging to his father-in-law would
undoubtedly o#er him the opportunity to kill
more tigers and achieve his goal of killing one
hundred tigers.

4. How Will the Maharaja Prepare Himself for

the Hundredth Tiger Which Was Supposed To
Decide His Fate?
Ans: When dealing with the hundredth tiger,
which was said to be the cause of his death,
the Maharaja would be extra cautious. When
he comes across the hundredth, he will
carefully aim at the tiger and shoot it. He'll be
overjoyed when it collapses into a crumpled
heap, and he'll rush out of there.

5. What will now Happen to the

Astrologer? Do You Think the Prophecy
was Indisputably Disproved?

Ans: Before the king of Pratibandapuram had a

chance to slaughter a hundred tigers, the
astrologer dies. The king's existence appears to
be solely to disprove his prophecy. Everything
else for the king takes a backseat to slaughter
a hundred tigers. The prophecy can't be proven
false because the king was eventually
murdered by a tiger, though not a real one or
the hundredth. No one would have guessed
that the hundredth tiger, which was feeble,
aged, and almost lifeless, would escape the
king's bullet by fainting from the shock of the
bullet speeding by. The death of the Tiger King
was brought about by the toy shop's "small
little wooden tiger."

6. The Story is a Satire on the Conceit of Those

in Power. How Does the Author Employ the
Literary Device of Dramatic Irony in the Story?
Ans: "The Tiger King" is a brilliant example of
dramatic irony. The term "dramatic irony"
refers to a situation in which the audience may
see the full impact of a character's words or
actions but the character is unaware of it. The
character behaves irrationally in light of the
circumstances or expects the polar opposite of
what fate has in store for him. In the story,
Kalki employs a deft use of dramatic irony. The
King $aunts the dead body of the %rst tiger in
front of the astrologer to demonstrate that he
is more strong than the tiger. The astrologer,
on the other hand, cautions the king to "be
careful with the hundredth tiger." The king
decides to prove the astrologer incorrect once
more by attempting to kill a hundred tigers in a
desperate e#ort. Thus, the Tiger King believes
he has killed the hundredth tiger by shooting
at the old tiger. However, the reader, as well as
the king's o!cers and subordinates, quickly
discover that the malnourished tiger is not
murdered, but has simply fainted. The king is
pleased with himself for killing the tiger, but he
is unaware of the ironic fate that awaits him. A
sliver on the wooden tiger's body which was
the toy of his child causes his spectacular
death. Ironically, the hundredth tiger kills the
king instead, proving the astrologer's
predictions correct.

7. What is the Author’s Indirect Comment on

Subjecting Innocent Animals to the Willfulness
of Human Beings?
Ans: The author has accurately depicted how
humans have forced innocent animals to
untold su#ering and death to satisfy their
whims and fancies through this satirical novel.
The maharaja's indiscriminate shooting of
tigers resulted in the extinction of the species
in several states, but the maharaja was
unaware of the serious rami%cations of his
actions. The maharaja went on a killing
rampage to display his authority over the
helpless animals to prove an astrologer wrong.
He used his abilities to murder a hundred
unlucky tigers to demonstrate his superiority
as a human being.

8. How Would You Describe the Behaviour of

the Maharaja’s Minions Towards Him? Do You
Find Them Truly Sincere Towards Him or Are
They Driven by Fear When They Obey Him? Do
We Find a Similarity in Today’s Political Order?
Ans: The Maharaja's servants were obedient
and adoring. The majority of them feared
Maharaja and tried to please him by obeying
his instructions so that they could save their
jobs or perhaps their lives. The astrologer was
frightened of forecasting his death, but
Maharaja had insisted that he speak freely.
Dewan, who should have counselled the king
against killing the tigers, instead chose to
support him in his marriage to a princess
whose father realm had a great number of
tigers. He provided an old tiger to appease his
Maharaja's demands because he was
frightened of losing his job. Similarly, the
hunters elected not to alert him of the 100th
tiger's survival and instead killed it themselves
for fear of losing their jobs. Even the
shopkeeper who sold the king a cheap wooden
toy tiger raised his price to avoid being %ned
under the emergency laws. As a result, the
king's servants were motivated by fear rather
than any genuine feelings for their ruler.
Today's political system is no exception. We all
know that many people in positions of power
are there because of their in$uence and
power, not because of their competence.
Furthermore, others pander to them for
personal gain rather than the sake of the

9. Can You Relate Instances of Game-Hunting

Among the Rich and the Powerful in the
Present Times That Illustrate the Callousness
of Human Beings Towards Wildlife?
Ans: In recent years, there have been a few
incidents of game hunting. Even the wealthy
have been involved in incidents demonstrating
human callousness towards nature. Salman
Khan is involved in a poaching case involving
blackbucks. Nawab Mansoor Ali Khan Pataudi
is involved in an antelope lawsuit. Salman
Khan is a well-known Bollywood actor who
enjoys hunting. He snatched three Chinkaras
in a row on two occasions. The blackbuck is a
critically endangered animal. Even though he
was aware of it, Salman killed them. He was
charged with a crime, but he was judged not
guilty. Nawab Pataudi, the great cricketer, was
also in the news for assassinating rare
antelope species.

NCERT Solutions for Class 12 English

Vistas- Free PDF Download
Vedantu’s NCERT solutions Class 12 English
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Summary of the Story

The Maharaja Sir Jilani Hung Bahadur of

Pratibandapuram is the subject of this tale.
While he was only 10 days old, astrologers
prophesied his future. According to astrology,
he will be killed by a tiger. The boy was reared
in the same manner as every other royal kid.
For example, sipping white cow's milk while
being cared for by an English nanny and
enjoying English movies.

He succeeded to the throne at the age of 20

and learned of the prophecy concerning his
demise. As a result, he began slaughtering
tigers and declared a moratorium on tiger
hunting in his state. Even if he successfully kills
99 tigers, astrologers advise him to be cautious
with the 100th tiger.

When a high-ranking British o!cer came to

visit his kingdom, he expressed an interest in
going on a tiger hunt. The maharaja, though,
turned down his request. In need to shield the
state from the British deputy's hostility the
o!cer's spouse received 50 diamond rings
from the maharaja.

Throughout a decade, the maharaja had

successfully hunted down and killed 70 tigers.
However, there were no tigers left in
Pratibandapuram after that. As a result, in
order to achieve his goal of killing a hundred
tigers, he marries a girl from the royal state,
which has more tigers. He makes it a point to
kill 5-6 tigers every time he visits his in-laws in
the wild.

He was able to slaughter 99 tigers in this

manner, but he has been unable to locate the
100th tiger. When the maharaja failed to %nd
the 100th tiger, he became enraged and
ordered the Dewan. To avoid the king's wrath,
the Dewan borrowed an old tiger from the zoo
and placed him in the wilderness with
tremendous di!culty.

He informed the Maharaja of the tiger's

existence. As a result, the maharaja embarked
on a hunt and shot the tiger. But, on the other
hand, he had no idea that his bullet had
missed and that the tiger was still alive, and he
had just collapsed from fright. No one had the
courage to tell the king the truth, so the tiger
was slaughtered and carried in a spectacular

Finally, the maharaja exuded delight and

happiness. As a result, for his son's birthday,
he purchases a wooden tiger. The toy had
jagged surfaces, and he got a scratch on his
hand while toying with it, which subsequently
turned into an infection. He died as a result of
it. As a result, the 100th tiger, while being
made of wood, took his revenge and murdered
the king. 

Bene%ts of NCERT Solutions for Class 12

English Vistas
The bene%ts would be obtained by the
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Class 12 English chapter The Tiger King

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NCERT Solutions for Class 12 English

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Access Chapters of NCERT Solutions for Class

12 English Vistas

Chapter 1 - The Third Level

Chapter 2 - The Tiger King

Chapter 3 - Journey to the end of the


Chapter 4 - The Enemy

Chapter 5 - Should Wizard hit Mommy

Chapter 6 - On the face of It

Chapter 7 - Evans Tries an O-level

Chapter 8 - Memories of Childhood

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FAQs on NCERT Solutions for Class 12

English Vistas Chapter 2

1. Why Does the Maharaja Kill the Tiger?

The story 'The Tiger King' describes the arrogance of
those in power. The storyline goes as a man is born,
who will be becoming the king. When the king was a
newborn of ten days, an astrologer predicted, however,
that a tiger in the forest would kill the king. As he
belongs to the royal family, this prediction is not
accepted by the king because of his superiority. After
he was crowned as the king, he started to kill all the
tigers in the kingdom. He also banned tiger hunts in his
kingdom. He wanted to prove the prediction wrong. He
was killing all the tigers in his kingdom tirelessly. He
had killed 99 tigers and was looking for his 100th kill.

2. Why Does the Maharaja want to get


3. Is Vedantu the Best Reference for

Achieving a High Grade?

4. Where can I %nd NCERT Solutions for

Chapter 2 of Class 12 English?

5. Why did the Maharaja fear losing his


6. Explain the ‘ring episode’ in Chapter 2 of

Class 12 English Vistas.

7. Why was the Maharaja afraid when he had

to kill the 100th tiger?

8. What are the tips for scoring full marks in

Chapter 2 of Class 12 English?

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