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Narrative Report

I. Title Page

“Dulce Empanada”

II. Historical Background of the Business/ Nature of the Business

According to Dra. Susana Barberis. (2010); Empanada is a stuffed bread baked or fried

with meat and vegetables filling that is mainly discovered and produced in South America.

The entrepreneurs decided to adopt the foreign product and make it localized with the twist

that is in the inside of the dough which is the filling. Since empanada is mostly known or

famous to adults especially to elderly people, the owners decided to use and innovate

another product to introduce to the people at any ages. Sweet delicacies mostly suit to the

taste of everyone so the business emerged to have them taste the new innovated product

that is offered in a very affordable price

The business people have noticed most people are engaging and adopting to what top

food products are drifting in the economy. Due to these the businessmen decided to

introduce and make their own empanadas with local ingredients which is suitable for all

ages and would like to introduce varieties of flavors that consumers that would not

normally taste in a conventional empanada. The entrepreneur proposed the product for the

purpose that the business want to serve the valued customer in a new conceptualized

product which is empanada that comes with variety of fillings such as Empanada with

caramelized banana, camote delight, and chocolate filling empanada.

III. Description of the business/ Services of the company

The business is made to produced empanada with candied or sweetened filling. Its

process starts from kneading the dough with the use of mixer and flatten with the use of

dough sheeter, filling is then made together with the dough prepared by the chef. Each

dough is being filled with the special filling piece by piece by the chef. After each dough

is filled and ready to fry, the assistant chef will have to fry the empanada for consumption

with the help of the chef. and in the dough from kneading the dough to making the filling

and finished with frying procedure. The business is a manufacturing type, it produces its

own product that accepts special deliveries and distributes the products to specific outlet

around Manila.

IV. Target Clientele

Dulce Empanada wants to distress the purchasing influence of most of the Filipinos as

it is offering an affordable price. At all ages is the target market of the business,

professional or not, and people with different walk of life. Locals living in Manila was

chosen as target customer of the business.

V. Organizational Structure/ Chart of the Company

Dulce Empanada is a business with the partnership of 5 owners. Since it is a starting

business, it is expected that the manpower is less. Owners are also expected to be more

hands on and flexible to the operation. Thus, they will be assigned to different tasks and

responsibilities to work towards a common goal in growing the business.


Partner A Partner B Partner C Partner D Partner




Marketing Manager/ Production lead Financial manager
Sales Person



VI.Company Rules and Regulations

● All bakery products and ingredients thereof shall be stored, handled,

transported and kept so as to protect them from spoilage,

contamination, disease and unwholesomeness.

● Boxes and other permanent receptacle or containers for the storing,

receiving or handling of products shall be so placed and constructed

as to be beyond the reach of contamination from streets, alleys and

sidewalks and from pests and shall be kept clean and sanitary by the


VII. Safety/ Production/ Maintenance/ Quality Control/ Quality

The business shows the operation and production flow of the business as well as the

manpower requirements needed for their operation. It concludes that the business has

smaller expenses for their machineries and equipment for it is only a manufacturing

business and the product itself does not need much of equipment to produce. It can quickly

generate the income from the outlets where they distribute their products. The business

should provide cozy ambiance for workers to unwind and to recharge for their workers to

recharge for their work. Thus, helping them be more productive. They should maintain to

be customer friendly to keep their business’ name clean from the eyes of the community

and to not have a problem with the government when it comes to complaint records.

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