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Field Subject Level Grade Estimated time

Languages and English II 3rd 45 minutes
Topics Learning situations
 Grammar: Likes and Dislikes - Teaching grammar
Learning outcomes according to the key competences
 The student understands expressions and a very useful vocabulary about himself, his family and the
immediate environment, interacts more easily both in structured situations and in short dialogues with the
help of a classmate, understands short, simple texts that contain a high-frequency vocabulary including
words from a common international vocabulary. The student transmits social values and respects others’
right to hold and express opinions that differ from their own.
Learning outcomes related to the topic Key words:
At the end of the lesson student will  Hot dog, chips, burger,
pizza, chicken, orange juice,
 Use correctly "like and don't like" to complete the
carrots, chocolate, favourite,
yummy, yuk, etc.
 - Write sentences using " I like and I don't like".
 - Conjugate the verb "like" in affirmative, negative and
interrogative form.
Resources and aids
Connection with other fields or cross curricular
Student’s book, pictures, notebooks,
subjects: Native language /ICT
Methodologies, techniques and student’s activities
Asking and answering/ Co-operative reading & learning Communicative language teaching/ / Pair work
Lesson organization PPP (Presentation- Practice- Production)
I greet students and introduce them to the topics of today’s lesson.
Presentation Before starting to teach grammar rules about " likes and dislikes", I am going to ask students to
mention some of the vocabulary learnt in the previous lesson like: Hot dog, chips, burger, pizza, chicken, orange
juice, carrots, chocolate, favourite, yummy, yuk etc.
Practice Then, I am going to explain to the students how to use the verb like in affirmative, interrogative and
negative form: We form the interrogative and the negative form by using the verb "do" ex: Do you like burgers? Do
you like chips? I don't like burgers, I don't like chips etc. Students have to listen and repeat the new vocabulary. In
exercise 3 students have to look at the pictures and draw the correct face to show likes and dislikes. Then, they have
to talk with their classmates about them. In exercise four pupils have to say what is their favourite food and match
them to the pictures.
Concluding To reflect on the presentation and practise of likes and dislike students will conjugate the verb in
affirmative, negative and interrogative form.
 N2 - The student understands expressions and a very useful vocabulary about himself, his family and the
immediate environment.
 N3 - The student understands short, simple texts that contain a high-frequency vocabulary including words
from a common international vocabulary.
 N4 - The student communicates while performing simple, mundane tasks that require an exchange of direct
Assignment: Write 10 sentences using like and don't like.

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