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Stories that call you to escape to its world

Once in a while, stories can call you to escape into them, they affect you emotionally,
and that’s what we like the most about them. The Lord of the Rings, is a piece written by
J.R.R Tolkien who lived in Africa for a while, where his father died. Then his mother
moved over to England where he learned literature and languages. This piece, helps to
understand most of his personality, we have the example of “Frodo’s house, where he
founds his friend sitting in a porch of the side of the house looking east. Shadows had fallen
in the valley below…” This piece is centered on how the setting affects its characters, how
they go through a lot of trials and also its centered in the malevolence and sense of
goodness created in the readers mind to bring up inner battles.

Body Paragraph 1: “Setting and its effects on characters”

Topic Sentence: Development of the setting.

Quotation from the book: “The Company spent that night in the great cavernous hall,
huddled close together in a corner to escape the draught: There seemed to be a steady
inflow of chill air through the eastern archway. All about them as they lay hung the
darkness, hollow and immense, and they were oppressed by the loneliness and vastness the
dolven halls and endlessly branching stairs and passages...”

Who says it?: Is the narrator description of the setting.

My description/My interpretation of it? Describes how the setting is giving the characters a
fear feeling, since we see that everything calls the readers mind that the experience the
characters are going through is something terrible and that they are facing something evil
going on.

Body Paragraph 2: “Trials that the characters face in the story”

Topic Sentence: Trials from our characters

- Persuasion caused by the Dark Riders whose presence brings a freeze scene with so
much fear.
- Frodo’s and Sam’s Journey which brings up a painful reading.
- Golum’s appearance and malevolence described in him.

Body Paragraph 3: “Malevolance and sense of goodness caused in the reader


- The story brings characters and settings in a way that the reader infers that the entire
scene comes up with a malevolence and dark appealing.
- The diversity of settings and personalities written, demonstrates there is uniqueness
in this world.
- Most chapters in the story represent inner battles within the characters development.

Conclusion (Re-statement of the thesis and the entire piece)

The lord of The Rings can be defined as one of a kind story, that develops the struggle that
good and evil has. The setting helps the story to personify and make the reader imagine
those difficulties the characters go through, besides the trials and feelings the characters
have. All of these characteristics work together to make an excellent portrayal of external
and internal struggles that we as humans can have.

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