Twee - Clime Change

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Holodomor: Recognizing Genocide

1 Time to Read!
Climate change is one of the most pressing issues facing humanity today. The scientific
consensus is clear: our planet is warming at an alarming rate due to human activities such as
burning fossil fuels and deforestation. Despite this, there are still those who deny the reality
of climate change or argue that it is not a significant problem. However, the evidence shows
that we must take action now to mitigate the effects of climate change before it is too late.
One of the main arguments against taking action on climate change is the belief that it will
harm the economy. However, this argument ignores the fact that transitioning to renewable
energy sources and reducing carbon emissions can actually create jobs and stimulate
economic growth. A report by the International Renewable Energy Agency found that the
renewable energy sector employed 11 million people worldwide in 2018, with the potential to
create millions more jobs in the coming years. Furthermore, investing in renewable energy can
reduce our dependence on foreign oil and improve national security.
Another argument against taking action on climate change is the idea that it is too expensive.
While it is true that some measures to reduce carbon emissions may require upfront costs, the
long-term benefits far outweigh the initial investment. For example, investing in energy-
efficient buildings can save money on heating and cooling costs over time, while also reducing
carbon emissions. Additionally, the cost of renewable energy has been steadily decreasing in
recent years, making it increasingly competitive with traditional fossil fuels.
Some also argue that individual actions, such as recycling or using public transportation, are
not enough to make a significant impact on climate change. While it is true that systemic
change is necessary to address the root causes of climate change, individual actions can still
make a difference. By reducing our own carbon footprint, we can set an example for others and
put pressure on governments and corporations to take action as well.
In conclusion, the evidence is clear that we must take action on climate change before it is too
late. The economic benefits of transitioning to renewable energy and reducing carbon
emissions far outweigh the costs, and individual actions can still make a difference. We must
work together to create systemic change and ensure a sustainable future for ourselves and
future generations.

2 Time to Discover Some Fun Facts!

1 Human activities lead to a 40% increase in atmospheric carbon dioxide levels since pre-
industrial times.
2 The last five years have been the warmest globally since record-keeping began.

3 Climate change has caused ocean temperatures to rise and oceans to become more
4 Melting ice caps are causing sea levels to rise by almost 4 mm per year.

5 Changing climate patterns have caused more frequent and intense natural disasters.
6 Climate change is causing the loss of some species and the migratory patterns of others.

7 Rising sea levels threaten to displace millions of people living in low-lying areas.

8 Global warming harms human health by increasing the risk of heatwaves, vector-borne
diseases, and respiratory problems.
9 The Paris Agreement's goal is to limit the temperature to well below 2°C above pre-
industrial levels.
10 The United States is the world's second-largest emitter of carbon dioxide, after China.

3 What's Good and What's Bad? Let's Discuss!

1 Promotes awareness of environmental issues.

2 Encourages the development of sustainable practices.

3 Stimulates scientific research to mitigate or reverse its effects.

4 Leads to the creation of new green jobs and business opportunities.

5 Provides an opportunity for global cooperation in finding solutions.

1 Results in extreme weather events such as floods, droughts, and storms that affect
infrastructure and people's safety.
2 Can cause economic instability due to crop failures, water scarcity, and damage to
3 Endangers animal and plant species by altering their habitats and food sources.

4 Increases the spread of diseases carried by insects and pests.

5 May exacerbate geopolitical conflicts over resources and migration patterns.

4 Let's Learn Some Essential Vocabulary!

greenhouse gas
global warming
to reduce carbon footprint
to increase awareness
to recycle waste
to take action
rising sea levels
melting ice caps
extreme weather conditions
out of harm's way
the calm before the storm
on thin ice
5 Can You Match These Words to Their
1 the calm before the a the average weather conditions in a particular place over a
storm long period of time, including temperature, rainfall, and wind
2 to take action b the gradual increase in the height of the world's oceans,
caused by melting ice caps and thermal expansion of
3 greenhouse gas c to make more people conscious of a particular issue or
problem, often through education or publicity campaigns.
4 global warming d to decrease the amount of greenhouse gases produced by
one's activities, such as driving less or using energy-
efficient appliances.
5 to reduce carbon fo e in a risky or dangerous situation where one mistake could
otprint have serious consequences.
6 weather f to do something to address a problem or issue, rather than
just talking about it.
7 rising sea levels g a gas that traps heat in the Earth's atmosphere, contributing
to global warming. Examples include carbon dioxide and
8 temperature h the process of large masses of ice at the Earth's poles
turning into liquid water, causing rising sea levels.
9 climate i severe or unusual weather events, such as hurricanes,
tornadoes, or droughts.
10 out of harm's way j a measure of how hot or cold something is, usually measured
with a thermometer.
11 emissions k gases or particles that are released into the air, especially by
cars and factories, which can harm the environment.
12 on thin ice l an increase in the Earth's average surface temperature due
to rising levels of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere.
13 to increase awarene m to convert used materials into new products instead of
ss throwing them away, reducing the amount of waste sent to
14 extreme weather co n in a safe location, away from danger or potential harm.
15 to recycle waste o a peaceful period before a difficult or turbulent situation.
16 melting ice caps p the state of the atmosphere at a particular place and time,
including temperature, precipitation, and wind.

6 Time to Read!
The XX century was a time of great change and progress for humanity, but it also brought about
significant challenges that we still face today. One of the most pressing issues of our time is
climate change, which has been caused by rising temperatures and increased emissions of
greenhouse gases. This has led to global warming, which in turn has resulted in extreme
weather conditions, rising sea levels, and melting ice caps.
It is essential that we take action to reduce our carbon footprint and increase awareness of the
impact that our actions have on the environment. Recycling waste is one way to reduce
emissions, as is using public transportation or carpooling instead of driving alone. We must
also encourage governments and corporations to invest in renewable energy sources such as
solar and wind power.
However, individual actions alone are not enough to combat climate change. It is crucial that
we work together to address this issue and ensure that future generations are not left to suffer
the consequences of our inaction. This means taking bold steps to reduce emissions and
transition to a low-carbon economy.
We must also prepare for the impacts of climate change that are already happening, such as
rising sea levels and more frequent extreme weather events. This means investing in
infrastructure that can withstand these changes and ensuring that vulnerable communities are
out of harm's way.
It is important to remember that we are all responsible for the future of our planet. We cannot
afford to be complacent or wait for others to take action. We must act now before it is too late.
As the saying goes, "the calm before the storm" is the perfect time to take action and prepare
for what is coming. We are "on thin ice" when it comes to the state of our planet, but if we work
together, we can make a difference.
In conclusion, the XX century brought about many challenges, but none more pressing than
the issue of climate change. We must take action to reduce our carbon footprint, increase
awareness, and invest in renewable energy sources. We must also prepare for the impacts of
climate change that are already happening. It is time for all of us to "take action" and do our
part to ensure a sustainable future for generations to come.

7 Pick the Right Answer!

1 What is one of the most pressing issues of our time?
a Overpopulation
b Climate change
c Economic inequality
d Political corruption
2 What has caused climate change?
a Increased emissions of greenhouse gases
b Decreased temperatures
c Increased use of renewable energy sources
d Decreased deforestation

3 What are some consequences of global warming?

a Decreased sea levels and melting ice caps
b Extreme weather conditions and rising sea levels
c Increased biodiversity and ecosystem stability
d None of the above

4 What is one way to reduce emissions?

a Driving alone
b Using public transportation or carpooling
c Not recycling waste
d Investing in fossil fuels

5 What should governments and corporations invest in?

a Renewable energy sources such as solar and wind power
b Fossil fuels
c Nuclear power
d None of the above

6 Why are individual actions alone not enough to combat climate change?
a Because they are too expensive
b Because they are not effective
c Because everyone needs to work together
d Because climate change is not real

7 What must we do to combat climate change?

a Take bold steps to reduce emissions and transition to a low-carbon economy
b Wait for others to take action
c Ignore the problem
d None of the above
8 What must we do to prepare for the impacts of climate change that are already
a Invest in infrastructure that can withstand these changes
b Do nothing
c Hope for the best
d None of the above

9 Who is responsible for the future of our planet?

a Only governments and corporations
b Only individuals
c Everyone
d No one

10 What must we do to ensure a sustainable future for generations to come?

a Take action and do our part
b Wait for others to take action
c Ignore the problem
d None of the above

8 Let's Dive into a Dialogue!

Mia Have you read that article about climate change?
Sam Yeah, it's pretty concerning.
Mia I know. It's amazing how much the world has changed in just a few decades.
Sam And not for the better.
Mia Right. Rising temperatures are causing so many problems like extreme weather
conditions and rising sea levels.
Sam It's scary to think what else could happen if we don't do something about it.
Mia Well, there are things we can do, like reducing our carbon footprint by using
public transportation or recycling waste.
Sam But individual actions alone won't be enough. We need governments and
corporations to invest in renewable energy sources.
Mia That's true. We also need to prepare for the impacts of climate change that are
already happening.
Sam Like building infrastructure that can withstand these changes and protecting
vulnerable communities.
Mia Exactly. It's important to remember that all of us are responsible for the future of
our planet.
Sam Yes, we must act now before it's too late.
Mia Agreed. We need to work together and take bold steps to combat climate

9 Four Opinions, One Discussion. Let's Go!

1. Sarah I completely agree that climate change is an urgent issue, and we need to take
action now before it's too late. I've started to reduce my carbon footprint by
using reusable bags when I go shopping, bringing my own coffee mug to work,
and even walking or biking instead of driving short distances whenever possible.
2. John Honestly, I don't really see why everyone is making such a big deal out of climate
change. Sure, the weather might be a little different than it was a few years ago,
but it's not like the world is ending. Plus, who has time to worry about this kind of
thing anyway? I have a family to take care of and bills to pay.
3. Maria I'm not sure where I stand on this issue. On one hand, I know that climate change
is a serious problem that needs to be addressed. But on the other hand,
sometimes it feels like there's nothing I can really do as an individual to make a
difference. I recycle and try to conserve energy, but is it really enough?
4. Jack I'm sick and tired of people denying that climate change is real. It's like they're
living in some kind of alternate reality. The evidence is all around us - just look at
how much the ice caps have melted in the last few years, or how many natural
disasters are happening all over the world. We need to take action now, or else
our planet is going to be destroyed.
Correct Answers
5 Correct Answers:
1 o 2 f 3 g 4 l 5 d 6 p 7 b 8 j
9 a 10 n 11 k 12 e 13 c 14 i 15 m 16 h

7 Correct Answers:
1 b 2 a 3 b 4 b 5 a 6 c 7 a 8 a
9 c 10 a

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