ACI Hook

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Table 25.3.1—Standard hook geometry for development of deformed bars in tension Type of Straight standard Minimum inside | extension! hook Bar size | bend diameter, mm | _ fy) mm Type of standard hook Point at which No. 10 through 6dy bar's developed No. 25 ¢ No. 29 through Sy peed on o0-degree No. 36 i 7 hook ce No. 43 and No. 57 ne i Point at which No. 10 through a fe No. “ No. 29 through ‘ah . qa tt * 180-degree No. 36 ty Greater of ; 1 eS jot dere hook 4dy and 65mm | Diameter — No. 43 and | 10d; 1 rext No. 87 1 Z bg ah SIA standard hook for deformed bars in tension includes the specific inside bend diameter and straight extension length. It shall be permitted to use a longer straight extension at the end of a hook. A longer extension shall not be considered to increase the anchorage capacity of the hook. STRUCTURAL CONCRETE BUILDING CODE (ACI 18-11) AND COMMENTARY 2 CHAPTER 7 — DETAILS OF REINFORCEMENT CODE 7.4 — Standard hooks The term “standard hook” as used in this Code shall mean one of the following: 7.1.1 — 180-degree bend plus 4dp extension, but not less than 85 mm at free end of bar. 7.1.2 — 90-degree bend plus 12dp extension at free ‘end of bar. 7.1.8 —For stirrup and tie hooks (a) No. 16 bar and smaller, 90-degree bend plus 6¢p extension at free end of bar; or (b) No. 19, No. 22, and No. 25 bar, 90-degree bend plus 12d, extension at free end of bar: of (c) No. 25 bar and smaller, 135-degree bend plus 6d, extension at free end of bar. 7.1.4 — Seismic hooks as defined in 22. 7.2— Minimum bend diameters 7.2.1 — Diameter of bend measured on the inside of the bar, other than for stirrups and ties in sizes No. 10, through No. 16, shall not be less than the values in Table 7.2. 7.2.2 — Inside diameter of bend for stirups and ties shall not be less than 4d for No. 16 bar and smaller. For bars larger than No. 16, diameter of bend shall be in accordance with Table 7.2 7.2.3 — Inside diameter of bend in welded wire reinforcement for stirrups and ties shall not be less than 4dp for deformed wire larger than MD40 and 2d, for all other wires. Bends with inside diameter of less than Bdy shall not be less than 4dp from nearest welded intersection, COMMENTARY R7.1— Standard hooks Recommended methods and standards for preparing design drawings, typical deails, and drawings for the fabrication and placing of reinforcing steel in reinforced concrete structures are given in the ACI Detailing Manual, reported by ACI Committee 315.7 Al provisions in the Code relating to bar, wire, or strand diameter (and area) are based on the nominal dimensions of the reinforcement as given inthe appropriate ASTM specii- calfon. Nominal dimensions are equivalent to those of a circular area having the same weight per meter as the ASTM designated bar, wie, or strand sizes. Cross-sectional area of reinforcement is based on nominal dimensions, 7.1.3 — Standard stirrup and tie hooks are limited to No. 25 bars und smaller, and the O0-depree hook with 6, extension is further limited to No. 16 bars and smaller, in both cases as the result of research showing that larger bar sizes with 90-degree hooks and 6d extensions tend to pop ‘out under high load. R7.2— Minimum bend diameters Standard bends in reinforcing bars are described in terms of the inside diameter of bend because this is easier to ‘measure than the radius of bend. The primary factors affecting the minimum bend diameter are feasibility of bending without breakage and avoidance of crushing the ccoerete inside the bend. RI.22 — The minimum 4d, bend for the bar sizes commonly used for sirups and ties is based on accepted Industry practice in the United States. Use of a sirup bar size not greater than No. 16 for either the 0-degree or 135-degree standard stirrup hook will permit multiple bending on standard stirrup bending equipment. [R7.23 — Welded wire reinforcement can be wsed for stirups and lies. The wire af welded intersections does not have the sume uniform ductility and bendability asin areas that were ‘not heated. These effects of the welding temperature are usually dissipated in a distance of approximately four wire diameters. Minimum bend diameters permitted are in most cases the same as those required in the ASTM bend tests for | wire material (ASTMALO64M).. ‘American Concrete Intute Copyihtod Material—www concrete org 0 [STRUCTURAL CONCRETE BUILDING CODE (ACI 3184-11) AND COMMENTARY CODE ‘TABLE 7.2 — MINIMUM DIAMETERS OF BEND Gara Tie To rough Ne 2 Wa 29, Ne anda 36 Tia. 4S and No.7 Tima ae ods 7.3 — Bending 7.3.1 — All reinforcement shall be bent cold, unless = chemise permitted by the licensed design professional 73.2 — Reinforcement partially embedded in concrete shall not be field bent, except as shown in the | contract documents or permited by the licensed design professional 7.4 — Surface conditions of reinforcement 7.A.A—At the time concrete is placed, reinforcement shall be free from mud, cil, or other nonmetallic coatings that decrease bond. Epoxy-coating of reinforcement in accordance with standards referenced in and shall be permitted, 7.4.2 — Except for prestressing steel, steel reinforos- ment with rust, mill scale, or a combination of both shall be considered satisfactory, provided the minimum dimensions (including height of deformations) and weight of a hand-wire-brushed test specimen comply with applicable ASTM specifications referencediin 3.5. COMMENTARY R7.3—Bending 73.1 — For unusual bends with inside diameters less than ASTM bend test requirements, special fabrication may be required 7.3.2 — Construction conditions may make it necessary 10 bend bars that have been embedded in concrete. Such field bending should not be done without authorization of the licensed design professional, Contract documents should specify whether the bars will be permitted to be bent cold or IF heating should be used. Bends should be gradual and should be straightened as required. ‘Tests7275 have shown that A615M Grade 280 and Grade 420 reinforcing bars can be cold beat and straightened up to 90 degrees at or near the minimum diameter specified in 72. If cracking or breakage is encountered, heating 10 4 maximum temperature of $20°C may avoid this condition forthe remainder ofthe bas. lars that fracture during bending or straightening can be spliced outside the bend region. Heating should be performed in a manner that will avoid damage to the concrete. If the bend area is within approxi- mately 150 mim of the concrete, some protective insulation may need to be applied. Heating of the bar should be ‘controlled by temperature-indicaling crayons or other suitable means. The heated bars should not be arficially cooled (with Waler or forced air) until after cooling to at Least 320°C. R74 — Surface conditions of reinforcement ‘Specific limits on rust are based on tests,” plus a review of earlier tests and recommendations, Reference 7.4 provides guidance with regard to the effects of rust and ‘mill scale on bond characteristics of deformed reinforcing bars. Research has shown that a normal amount of rust Increases bond. Normal rough handling generally removes rust that is loose enough to injure the bond between the concrete and reinforcement. ‘American Concrete institute Copyrighted Materia concrete og

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