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6/5/23, 9:56 PM Skills for English B1 Listening (Practice) - Result

Skills for English B1 Listening (Practice)

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2023-06-05 18:54

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Answer Listing
Item Text Answer Feedback Result

B1 Listening

1. Why is Ahmed tired? Your Answer Correct

He is studying on a course.

2. What is the speaker’s Your Answer Correct

greatest wish?
To visit different countries.

3. When can Mr Kemal collect Your Answer Correct

his car from the garage?
After 4pm.

4. How high is the highest Your Answer Correct

mountain in Africa?
5897 metres.

5. What time will the train Your Answer Correct

arrive at Edinburgh Waverley
6. What is Laura Pinkerton best Your Answer Correct
known for?
Her journalism. 1/4
6/5/23, 9:56 PM Skills for English B1 Listening (Practice) - Result

7. Where did Steve buy his Your Answer Correct

A charity shop.

8. Why is the man calling? Your Answer Correct

To rearrange an appointment with a doctor.

9. Where are the keys? Your Answer Correct

Under the newspaper.

10. People who enjoy foreign Your Answer Incorrect

movies, should buy a ticket for
Screen 3.
1. What made Hannah decide Your Answer Incorrect
to become an athlete?
She performed well in different races.

2. Which other sport does Your Answer Correct

Hannah do?

3. What did Hannah enjoy most Your Answer Correct

about the National Youth
Meeting different athletes.
4. How did Jack join the Your Answer Correct
England Under 18 Schoolboys
The team coach chose him.
basketball team?
5. What does Jack say is the Your Answer Correct
most important thing to him?
Spending time with friends.

6. What does the grant NOT Your Answer Incorrect

Buying equipment.

7. What does Hannah need Your Answer Incorrect

most support with at the
Buying a car.
8. How has Jack’s routine Your Answer Correct
changed recently?
He is eating different foods.

9. What does Hannah say she is Your Answer Incorrect

most happy about?
Preparing for school examinations.

10. What is Jack looking Your Answer Correct

forward to doing this summer?
Helping family at home. 2/4
6/5/23, 9:56 PM Skills for English B1 Listening (Practice) - Result

Complete each sentence by

dragging a word from the
box.To change your response
click on the dragged answer.
Friendship Topic of talk: place
of friendship in 1 [ ] today
Reasons for people moving 2 [
]climate changestudyStrong
friendships generally begin:
when children are 3 [ ] years
old People who leave friends
behind can feel 4 [ ] at the
beginning Travelling can make
you become more 5 [ ] Having
children made it easier to meet
other 6 [ ] Doing a new sport
can help meet other people:
speaker started 7 [ ] Speaker’s
wife worked in a local 8 [ ]
Speaker’s advice Accept when 9
[ ] give you invitationsTry new
activitiesAsk 10 [ ] for helpStay
in touch with old friends
[] Your Answer Drop Area Correct
society Drop area 01
[] Your Answer Drop Area Incorrect
education Drop area 02
[] Your Answer Drop Area Correct
ten Drop area 03
[] Your Answer Drop Area Correct
lonely Drop area 04
[] Your Answer Drop Area Correct
independent Drop area 05

[] Your Answer Drop Area Correct

shop Drop area 08
[] Your Answer Drop Area Correct
skiing Drop area 07
[] Your Answer Drop Area Correct
colleagues Drop area 09

[] Your Answer Drop Area Correct

parents Drop area 06 3/4
6/5/23, 9:56 PM Skills for English B1 Listening (Practice) - Result

[] Your Answer Drop Area Correct

neighbours Drop area 10

Non-scoring items

Skills for English B1 LISTENING

Skills for English B1 LISTENING
Skills for English B1 LISTENING
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Skills for English B1 LISTENING
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