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Names Ideas Attendance & Implementation TOTAL

Arranged in (Did the punctuality (Did the group
ALPHABETICAL groupmate (Did the mate help in the
ORDER contribute groupmate making of the
(Family Name, RELEVANT ACTIVELY attended video pitch and
First Name, ideas) group discussions, business model
M.I.) 10 texting back, canvas written
responding back to output)
GC, present during
online and/or f2f 10
Sese, William 9 8 8 25
Tresmanio, Lex 9 9 8 26

NOTE: No groupmate with a PERFECT 30 total score.

Ideas- rate groupmate if he or she contributed RELEVANT ideas. S/he might be contributing
ideas but senseless ideas. Rating 0-10

Attendance & punctuality- rate groupmate if he or she has been ACTIVELY attending your group
discussions, promptly texting back or responding back to GC, present during online and/or f2f
meetings . Might be attending but always late—always late in texting back or responding back
to GC. Or only seen zone. Rating is 0-10

Implementation- rate groupmate if s/he helped in making the output (video pitch/write-up).
S/He might be the source of idea but did not help in the finalizing of the output. Rating is 0-10.

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