Integration of VTIGER

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Integration of VTIGER

Hi All, I have been a part of this community for a few months now. There are few common configuration problems for new user after successful install. Among those one is integration of VTIGER. I did this integration for quite a few times without any problem. I decided to share my guide with others. If admins like this guide they may decide to make this sticky for others. There are three things in this guide 1-For MySQL 2-Installation of Vtigercrm 5.0.4 3-Integration with VICIDIALNOW VERSION: 2.0.5-173 Let we take these steps one by one. 1-For MySQL
Code: #mysql -u root -p (it will ask for root password default is vicidialnow) mysql>GRANT ALL on vtigercrm504.* TO vtiger@'%' IDENTIFIED BY 'vtuser'; mysql>GRANT ALL on vtigercrm504.* TO vtiger@localhost IDENTIFIED BY 'vtuser'; mysql>create database vtigercrm504; mysql>quit

2-Installation of Vtigercrm 5.0.4

Code: #cd /var/www/html #rm -r -f vtigercrm #wget #gunzip vtigercrm-5.0.4.tar.gz #tar xvf vtigercrm-5.0.4.tar #chmod -R 0777 vtigercrm #cd vtigercrm

* * * * * * *

in browser go to the following URL: http://ip-address/vtigercrm/index.php enter contact info and click the START button at the bottom of the screen in system configuration set the database host to: <ip-address> database user/pass: vtiger/vtuser database name: vtigercrm504 change default admin(vtadmin) and standarduser(vtuser) passwords click to install vtiger, then follow the on-screen instructions

After successful install it will ask for login into vtiger crm, you can login to test if everything is fine. Password for admin to login is "vtadmin", we have choosen this in aboive step. Now we have to patch this new install of vtiger to work with VICIDIALNOW Note: Make sure to execute these commands in vtigercrm folder
Code: #wget #patch -p1 < ./Vtiger504_vicidial.patch

After this goto admin interface for integration and user synchronization Admin->System Settings 3-Integration with VICIDIALNOW
Code: Enable Vtiger Vtiger Vtiger Vtiger Vtiger Vtiger Integration: 1 DB Server IP: <your ip> DB Name: vtigercrm504 DB Login: vtiger DB Password: vtuser URL: <yout ip>/vtigercrm

Submit setting and click "Click here to Synchronize users with Vtiger" This will synchronize all users with VTIGER Note: After synchronization your VTIGER admin password is replaced wih your VICIDIALNOW admin password. I hope this will help for all beginners like me Best regards,

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