Tacoma Times US 6.4.1917

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rwrnln, Amrtrix'*
tnrrinn mlnUtor, t*]k» p<*f.
"l""*iB"""''voliiiiiin wet
»oy«ltj lo considering |knu-«\
*** world.

TheTacoma Times
VOL. XIV. NO. 92.
Tacoma: Fair to
night, showers Satur
Washington: Same.
h^KtM* I
S? •

Draft 500,000 Men At Once; 91 Steamers Are Seized
IS PROCLAIMED Good Friday dawned —the day on which The Man mado His supreme sacrifice that "peace
on eaith, good will toward men
might he established among men in a pagan world.

n iilii-il Vrrmu I German chips Serapla, Ottawa aud
<-ii«.-d Wire.)
Good Friday has dawned in America 19 centuries and 17 years later —and with it the call has
sounded for the country to make its supreme sacrifice in order that a genuine, enduring peace
among the nations may for the first time be achieved.
Flash—Navy ordered mobilized. (6 p. m. eastern time)

! Peace—Freedom — Equality —(>ood Will to All Men —this is the war cry of America as it of-
Atlas were seized by Collector of
N'KW YORK, April «.
the Port J.O. Davis and the crewa ii nil. ii i-imv btani wire.)
I'nlted States armed force* were taken to Angel Island for de- fers the best that it has for a Great Cause. There can be no other. WASHINGTON, D. C, April 6.—War was officially declared at
BeUfd all (•ernian ships in all tention. 1:13 this afternoon.
American ports today. At Portland three Interned At exactly that time President WU>M sinned the joint resolu-
It was America's first act ships, the Dalbek, Vinton, the Vln- ticn passed by the house anil senate, declaring a state of war be-
of war. nenn, at Clifton and the Kert at tween the I'nlted States and fUn— J.
In ports on every coast of the Astoria
United States proper, and in
Island possessions,
marines or were
were seized by the collec-
of customs.
In all cases the enemy sailors
sent to the immigration sta-
went aboard the en- tions, some later being released
In a patriotic appeal at the defense on the part of America. shipping board of the direct need yards could turn out 16 vessels
The resolution had tMM paused last night by the kNM of rep-
resentatives after a single lajr'l debate, was signed l»y Speak*!
Champ Clark at 12:10 today, taken to the senate and signed by
Vice President Marshall three minutes later.
For German victory would be a of a campaign of shipbuilding." Immediately Hfter the resolution had been signed !>y President
emy shlpß early today, made mem- Commercial club ln-n- Friday of the type wanted by the govern-
Wilson, the navy department wirelessed every hattleship and sub-
on parole. I Ih-oilim i- lifi-iii. iii•\u25a0 chair- menace to our peace and demo- This need, he added, had de- ment, in ]3 months.
bers of the German crews prison- In Had Condition. marine that war was on. Every American representative In foreign
ers and took possession of the ves- man of the federal shipping cracy." termined the board to launch its The yards would be able to
At New London, the steamer board, declared that (he de- "Brent startled the Tacoma present plans for a merchant ma- launch a vessel in four months, lie
countries wm notified by cable.
sels in the name of the United Willehad, which had served as Wilson at once Issued a long proclamation, declaring war on
States. fence of the nation do|>eiids shipbuilders who met in confer- rine of wooden vessels of about said. 4
mother uliip to the submarine ence with him by declaring that l,tM tons. Germany, and directing all officers of the T'nited States to nurit—
At Hoboken, N. J., alone, IS Deutscliland, Imi«?-I\ on the united service Steel is out of the "We have three ways now, and >igilance in the discharge of their duties incident to such a stat*
was seized. of its shipbuilders, and par- the success of the new submarine question, he said. wo have room for five more," he
vessels, Including the giant Vater- The German vessels are now of war.
laini, were taken over. In all, 27 BUbject to use ticularly those on the Pacific campaign launched by the kaiser Approves Ooiiglus Kir. said. "We have 225 men on the
by the United coast. in February has been far greater Brent took testimony from Ta- payroll, of whom 60 are skilled He called attention to the federal statute which provides that
ships were seized in New York States. Whether any of them can whenever the (nited Stateß Ik at war with another country, all citi-
waters. One of the most Immediate than has been reported by the coma shipbuilder! on tlie capacity shipwrights.
be put in commission at an early needs the country faces today, lie press. of their plants, their capacity of l.ilvm- Patriotic. zen* and subjects of the enemy country who are within the I'ntted
91 Taken in All. date, however, Is problematical. said, Is for vessejs to carry sup- Sinking* Are Heavy. expansion, and the supply of labor fetates' boundaries nhall be liable to arrest.
The total number of German In most cases the machinery of the' "Our ability to expand depends
plies to the allies "with whom this "Since February, German sub- In Tacoma, after repeating the as- He warned all aliens to conduct themselves In such manner that
ships in American waters wliicn ships has been wrecked. only upon the amount, of laboi their arrest would not be necessary, but directed federal officer! to
nation has now decided to cast its marines have mink 780,000 tons surance that Douglas fir for ship- we can get, but we have a great
were seized I* 91. They represent The hulls of rtie vessels are, of fortunes." of shipping," he declared. "The building purposes fully comes up fund of unskilled labor
make speedy arrests wherever an alien was known to.be speaking
% total tonnage of 694,600. course, in bad condition, owing to in and
Improperly regarding tne government, or where suspected of plotting
"The lack of supplies is proba- kaiser's plan was to sink a million to the government's requirements. about Tucoma that could be drawn
In New York harbor a long, being tied up for nearly three bly the greatest menace to the suc- tons, so you see they haven't fallen Phillip Morrison, representing upon. These are men trained
against the I'nited States.
gray war painted destroyer waited years.
cess of the allies," he said. "To very short of their mark. the Seaborn shipyards here, told in our sawmills and logging camps
int off the bow of the Vatarland.
Her guns were trained on the en-
Vit.il \llMlllllirv
It was learned at Washington
furnish these Ik a measure of self- "All this has convinced the Vice-Chalrman Brent that his of many years
they make the finest sort of skill-
experience, Washington Screams Approval
emy sea monster. today that nm-t of the passenger Germany will be notified of tiie war declaration by the Swing
ed workers.
At Seattle customs authorities ships are built a* naval auxiliaries
selzel the Hamburg-American in- with gun platforms, reinforced
terned freighter Saxonia and the decks and other equipment for of'
DR. RICH IS Mother Gives T. R. & P. TO minister. Xo information is given out regarding naval MttOM fol-
"We employ union labor In our lowing the declaration of war, but the navy was the first branch
yards, but the men have come to the government to be notified ot. the
the front patriotically and have As the president affixed his signature
German sailing ship Steinbeck at fensivo purposes.
1:30 o'clock a. m. Twelve men, Officials said seizure of these
including Captain Frank Heifer of ships has Increased our transport-
the Saxonia and Captain Johannes
The long looked for battle be-
told me they would be willing to ant-Coinmander Huron McCandless signaled to the
work under
nation in an emergency."
any conditions for the navy department that war was formally on,
document, Ueuten-
the street to n,«
and orders
flashed out from the government wireless to the ships ut eea and

For a Pension m
ing ability tremendously. Four- Instead of actually operating
Wohlern, of the Steinbeck, are teen of the larger vessels are able tween the county commissioners the municipal tkleflats street Plenty of I/umber. to the forts of the United States.
held. and Dr. 8. P. Rich of Roy, who Morrison said he had assurances Simultaneously every eteam whistle in Washington and on th«
to carry 40,000 troops, twice what oar line Itself, the city of Tacoma from Tacoma lumbermen that all Fntomac. river nearby was opened
Sailors Paroled. the American merchant fleet avail-
At San Francisco the Interned able at present can carry.
claims he was offered the super-
lni«>iiilcni \ of the. Mountain View
The first application for a war
mothei'b pension that lids ever
Will probably turn the job over to
the T. R. P. Co., which has of- the timber necessary to carry out heard in every corner of the nation's capital.
wide and their screeches could
KMiuitoriuin. did not occur Thurs-
day, as Dr. Rich did not make Ins
been made to the county was re-
ceived at the office of Probation
fered to run cam at coit, and turn
al! proceeds over to the city.
the government's program, could The war declaration document bears no outward mark of dlt-
easily be supplied on the, Tacoma ferenee from hundreds of thousands of other state papers in
SUBS AWAIT One House In appearance at the court house.
"1 am waiting for the commis-
Officer S. S. Healey Friday morn-
This Is the latest development
of the street car tangle readied
waterfront, and that at least two department files. But II marks the beginning of a new
of the Tacoma sawmills were 7ation, according to President Wilson —a war the end of which
equipped to turn out the largest determine whether democracy shall rule the world.
war of civllN
U. S. VESSELS Three Flying sioners to take some action on my
request of last Monday," said Dr.
Rich over the telephone Friday.
Mrs. Eva Cuibertson, a widow
with two sons, was the applicant.
One of her sons lias lately Joined
late Thursday afternoon by a spe-
cial committee appointed iiy May-
ship beams.
\u25a0 \u25a0•>•\u25a0—•• ( .ii |>entei v Good.
ltoth houses of congress adjourned this afternoon until Monday.
No steps toward raising revenue fur the huge war budgets asked by
or Fawcett.
•I ndr.i 9mm l.raard Wire.)
Its U. S. Flag the navy, anil gone with the IT.
S. S. Vicksburg which, leaves her
The street railway company was
unwilling to assume further finan-
Nick Uabare of Babare, Bros.'l I the administration will be taken until some more definite idea ia
shipyard^ in Old Tacoma, said Ills'| obtained of the iiniount to be raised.
NKW YORK, April 6.—German That about one north end house Without rapport Her other son cial rink, bin asreed to operate the
yards already have one ways to I• The general deficiency bill, earr.uiiK $1 n0,000,000 for il«
submarines are now in the great in three is decorated with Ameri-
circle trade route between New can (lags is the conclusion of E.
York and Cape San Koque and A. Wilbur, foreman of The Times
SEIZE RADIOS is only 12 years old. line at cost, the city to foot all
bills .-.ml to receive all receipts.
It will cost approximately $300.-
handle large ships and room for national defense and $64,000,000 for usual expenditures
three more if required.
he had fonnd house
Ho said war MB«rg*noy measure to come before ooiiKress —was passed by tb«
carpenters senate today.
the first

other South American ports, a i iiiiiiki-.li>;- room, who has been

warning sent out early today said. doing some counting as he has rid-
British and other merchant den back and forth to work the
ON MT. HOOD Warning To --000 to build the line, according to
the final decision. This provides
for a double track for the entire
have the makings
C. B. Hyde, representing
of excellent The sum of $ 100,000,000 was added by the appropriations com-
mittee "for every purpose of national defense at the discretion ot
the the president."
vessels were warned to be on the laut few d;i
lookout for U-boats In latitude I'6 On the right hand side of the
north, longitude 19.41 west.
ird Prraa

Auto Owners
u»«r.l Wire.)
PORTLAND, Or., April 6—Fed-
Point Defiance line, coining down, eral officials here admitted today A warning is being issued by in-
length, a loop around A street and
10th, and $1,10,000 for street cars.
Vice President Leonard of the T.
now Pacific Coast Shipbuilding
Co., said his company was rushing lations for aliens.
its plant to early completion airl nhall huve In his possession
In his proclamation, President Wilson gave a long list of regu-
Among them he requires that no alien enemy
any fire-arms, weapon or implement ot
Wilbur says, there are 2'Sa houses that a well-equipped wireless sta- spectors from the state auditor's R. & P. Co. wired the Stone-Web- Is now preparing to build a 26~>- war. or any ammunition; no aircraft or wireless; no siKiialing rievir*
between North 4 sth and Orchard tion, carefully hidden in the woods f00l steamer. Of 'ipher code. An alien enemy muK not approach within one-half
office to all automobile owners ster offices in Boston Thursday
streets and South Ninth street. at the haste of Mount Hood, has who do not have 1817 licenses, to night for permission to furnish
mile of any federal or state camp, arsenal or itrmy post. Immedl<
been discovered and destroyed. nte arrest for violation of any war order Is threatened.
United I'reaa LtjaaJ Wire.)
Seventy-eight of them are decked
with flags.
On the other Hide there are 135 and
The plant included h generator immediately purchase
them or
aerials capable of com- they will be liable for arrest. Fri-B.
house, 64 of them displaying the municating in a radius of D.OOO
day in Justice Linck's court,
curs lor the line, on an agreement
that the city should take them
over and pay for them at the end m ALK 0 THE Detention camps for alien enemies who violato any rule laid
down by the liniled States government are hinted by Wilton, lna»-
niuch as he provides that such persons "shall remove to any loca-
H. McCormick was fined $1.1 and of the contract, which will proba-
EL PASO, April 6. —Scores of Btars and Stripes. miles. tion designated bjf the president by executive order and sli-ill not
costs for not having a license. Mc- bly run fl\e aud one-ball' years. remove therefrom without a permit, or shall depart from the I'nited
Germans are being detained here "It doesn't look like a very big
by the department of justice percentage to me," says Wilbur. Cormick. runs a Tacoma-Olympia If Tacoma banks will take the Stales if s-o required."
stage. paper, utility bond* for $:!00.000
agents, in connection with investi-
gations of Herman plots against
the United States in Mexico.
It is said that the department
ALIENS TO BE \V. S. McCalley, one of the three
inspectors in Tacoma, says there
are more than 1,000 automobiles
will be issued by the city at once,
to finance the new line. Plans For Immense Army
(I'niled l»rc«» I.*» <.•-\u25a0! \\h.
officials havo Information to the II !\u25a0 I Preaa l.rnard Wire.)
in the county without new licenses WASHINGTON, I). ('., April I.—After proclaiming a state of
on their machines.
effect that prominent

rests may follow.

Carranza GAIA'ESTON, April 6—Reports
officials are implicated, and ar- that the government has evidence
of the presence in the Gulf of Mex-

(United Press Leased Wire.)
SAN FRANCISCO, April 6. AMERICAN NEGRO MAY ENLIST <ii«'<'(in({s, have you Kub-
iniiii-il a kind words para-
war, thr prwMMl (his afternoon issued the following statement
roßanlinj; Hip mean* to lie chosen to raise
asked for by the war head* last ni^ht:
the army of two million
'The prtaelplwi embodiod In the legislation presented
ico of German submarines caused Acting on secret telegraphic In-
many people here today to apply structions from Washington, U. 8.
for insurance against bombard- District Attorney John \V. Preston
FOR THE KAISER IN THE NAVY irriiph ill (lie I'ink's $10 con-
text yet?
war department
by the
to the military committees of the *pnate and noun*
have my «>nlirr> approval and its specific r<>< ummendatlons embod-
Bumped His Head ment, riots and civil disturbances. this afternoon ordered IT. S. Mar-
shal Holahan to take into custody

I nil.-.' ITmi I.mini Wlro.l
BIHMINGHAIf, Ala., April 6.-
l*p to noon Friday, 20 new re-
cruits had been signed up since As we understand the T. H. &
led, in that it. is the best judgment of the officers of the war deparW
Instead of having l>oen brutal- The third arrsst in connection ; the first of the week at the V. S. P Co.'B offer it will operate the "It proposes to raise the fon'os MCMMry to meet the picsi'iit
ENGLAND GREETS a number of Germans living in the city car line on the tldeflats pro-
ly beaten while he slept Thursday San Francisco bay region whom with German plots to incite ne- ! navy recruiting station. Thurs- emeißency liy luinning the roKiilar army and national Riiard to
night, as was first reported to the vided the city first builds and
police, Orin Parks, a fireman on HER NEWEST ALLY the government is said to consid- groes to rebellion was made here : day and Friday were the biggest
equips it complete and then guar-
Hlronnth and liy .Mldiin; the additional toKM which will now b«
(I iiii.il Prvsa l.vuacil Wire.) er hostile to the United States. today when a negro, addressing days for Officer O. Strickland. needed so that thr national army will romprise three elements tht
the tug Falcon, and a coast artil- members of his race at a local anie?s the company against km. r< Kular arniv, the national (uard and the so-called additional forr.ea,
LONDON, April 6 —Stating that Six recruits took examinations
Talko hereby volunteers to run
lery man, walked In his sleep and he spoke at the instance depot, declared they should join Thursday afternoon and Friday of which a first five hundred thousand are to l»e authorized iinme*
of ihe
bumped his head so hard against the German army. Good pay, so- morning. the entire Stone & Webster sys- diately and later increments of the fame size as they may he needed
a beam
out. 1'
imperial war cabinet, Premier
that ho was "knocked Lloyd-George this afternoon sent
a stirring message to America
At. the Tacoma General hospital recognizing her entrance into the
CUBA MAY GO chises were offered. allup;
They were Ralph Stew-
cial equality und unrestricted fran- •art, Puyallup; Otto Mason. Puy-
Oscar Carlson, Burton;
Government men admit a plot John Rinehart. Puyallup; Albert
tem cu^the same basis.
Now that Kpokane people
in order that all these forces may romprlHc a single army, the tern
of enlistment in the three is equalized and will be for
period of
Friday It was reported that Parks' war.
Injuries were not severe.
(t'nlted I'iv.M i,c«wl Wire.)
has been unearthed whereby ne- McCanless, of California, and Ce-
gr'ors working in the various coal cil Leßoy Howe of Classic, Wash.
mines and industrial plants of the
have li;u in <l how their con-
gressman, IMII, voto<l, i.fuv-
iiiK to Ink k the prcsidrnt, he
The necessary men will be sernred for the regular army and
the national guard l»y volunteering bh at present, until, In the Judg-
ment of the president a report to a ti'lertive draft is desired.
npjioi.rs to be in a pickle. "The additional forres, however, are to l>e raised by Melertiv*
IN HISTORY OF WORM) NEW YORK, April B.—Presi- district were to dynamite the
dent Menocal of Cuba has tent a wines and plants. draft f'" in nm ranKing jM :,^, from II) to 25 yew*.
Gets Promotion (United Vrt>** Leased Wire.)
WASHINGTON, D. C, April 6. message to the Cuban congress re-
questing that a state of war be de-
CAN'T FORECLOSE JAIL FOR SPY! What's your Idea on renaming
the Teut ships? Have Sullivan,
"Tbe quotas of the several states In all of these forces will b*
in proportion to their population."
Policeman H. D. Dyment, until —Never before In the history of clared to exist between Cuba and telegraph operator, wants the
recently a sergeant on the Tacoma the world has there been such de- Germany, according to a cable re- ON ENLISTED MEN It ultra Pma Leased Wire.) Vaderland made Der Sam I'ncle.
department, was promoted to the stTuction, either by victorious or
dry squad Friday by Commission- vanquished armies as that wrought ceived by the official Cuban
bureau here this afternoon from
press Halted Press Leased Wire.) NEW YORK, April 6.—Captain
SALEM, Or., April 6. -- The Alfred A. Fritzen pleads guilty In No doubt IJryan will be
"Lady From Montana" Sobs
er Pettit. He will work under by the retreating Germans In the Secretary to President Euseblo S. property of any Oregon man en- U. 8. district court here today to auiii tlie IcaKiie to enforce WASHINGTON, 1». C, Apr. i unexpected, after the thrilling dec-
Bergt. Falconer, who heads tli* 100 miles of French territory they Azpiazu. listing In the army, navy or na- having conspired with Captain |mmm-. Too harsh a Mound. 6.—A woman runn-lini tli« laration of Rep. Claude Kitchen,
have justevacuated. Ambassador moxt dramatic scone of (he North Carolina, democratic floor
Sharp cabled the state department tional guard shall be exempt from Hans Tauscher to blow up the l'r.fiiMl.l>, a loaKue to in-
A law providing for Welland canal and was sentenced duce |K>Mce by prayer and p<-- most dramatic ho*mloii in the lender. In the afternoon that h«
today. foreclosure.
Reports that have been publish- tl'io moratorium will become ef- to 18 months in the federal peni- tition. hJ»tory of thin nation's house
of reprvwrntatlvM.
couM not bring himself to vot« tbs
GERMANS TRY TO ed "have In no way T>een exag- Lucky 13 Again tectlve May 21. tentiary at Atlanta, Ga. He was
arrested in Los Angeles. "TOLCHKS" OP SPRING The woman In Mim J Annette
country Into war.
Kitchen's Rpeech swung a dozen
RELIEVE PRESSURE gerated," Sharp said. (By I'nlted Pri-iw.) The new garden hose, Rankin, of Monlann, tlie fimt or more votes to the ranka o*
ON SAINT QUENTIN WASHINGTON, D. C, U. S. AGENTS TOO The new garden hoes, woman ever to sit in Hlh«r those opposing tht resolution.
TODAYS Vi.K\H\\(iH April The new uilken hose, body of the country's legisla-
6.—Striving «.—VicePresident BUSY TO TAKE UP When the long, but always
desperately to relieve Clearings
the tre-I {Balances
iniMiilinis pincer-llke grip around
f 347,988.03
Marshall signed the war
resolution at 12:13 p. m. CASE OF WEBBER Mayor a-Fishing The new Eaßter clothes—
The way the dough goes
With a *oh and a protest of
thrilling, debate had at last been
concluded, a stillness that seldom
St. Auentln exerted by British Transactions 1,135,925.46 Eactly one hour later to Federal secret service men are Tne lure of the trovt stream No American knows, her love of country, she voted
marks house proceedings settled
and French forces, picked Gor- the second, President Wll- I so rushed with "war business" was too much for Mayor Fawcett Nor cares, we 'spose, "No." over the chamber.
man troops were hurled against KINO GKORGE WIHKS son signed his name—at that they have not yet had time to Friday, and he slipped away from A darn what he owes. The house passed the histric
Investigate the case of Frank the city hall early in the day, Promptly at 2:45 o'clock th«
the French line northwest of (I iili.-.i Preaa I 1:13 p. m. resolution that says Germany has
I rn.rl Wire.)
; „ Webber, alleged German reservist, carrying his rod, basket and lunch. warred upon this government, house started to vote on the rsslu-
nheims last night and today in LONDON, April 6—King George Thirteen Is President Wil- ; captured at the docks Wednesday The mayor's whereabouts are de-
Thin much ftlmply muxt be
Mild of Annette Kellernian, amid stirring soenes at 3:08 this tlon. At 3:08 the roll had bee*
one of the most powerful "diver- this afternoon sent a message to ; ton's lucky number. < called In record time and the pres-
morning with dynamite fuse and scribed as "somewhere in western she has beautifully rounded, morning.
sions" attempted In mouths. President WMbod. cops in his pockets. Washington." ident's state of war resolution ba4
nllnrinfiljformed finger jwil«. The vote—373 to 60—was not passed both branches of congress*

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