Hunters AD 2114 Scenario Book v1.8 en

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A pale light was shining from the outside, barely able to penetrate look too dangerous, and the money is good. You accept the terms of
the discolored rugs that hung in the windows. Inside, it was hot and the bargain quickly and get to it.
sultry. It seemed that a real crowd had filled the room, which was very
unusual for a backwater place such as this. One of the hosts kept The Prefect starts by asking you to visit the town and assess the
staring intently at everyone, as if trying to learn their intentions. As he situation personally. One of the Prefect’s men will be waiting for you
looked around, a particular group of men caught his eye. His fingers at the outskirts of town to show you the places worth visiting at the
now nervously wandered around the holster. The man wondered why beginning of your investigation.
the Prefect himself, a person of such great importance, would choose
to visit their hideout. Three of his men followed close by. Each were
unique with their own fears and habits. Each had a tragic story to SETUP
tell. But after the Impact tragedies, their stories just became inherent • Set up the following : 404, 405, 406, 407, 408, 409, 410,
parts of the past. Hell, you could call yourself lucky if you had a single
411, 412.
relative still alive.
• Place 001 face-down on top of 404
The Prefect looked around. He welcomed the stench of long-unwashed • Place the Hunters marker on 404
bodies, must, and leftovers that had been left to rot. Who would
believe that the best local machine hunters lived in such a hovel? But
nowadays, a working air conditioner or a bathtub with running water
were a luxury hardly anyone could afford. The Prefect understood
this very well. It was no accident that he had become a man of such
power. He could easily get into other people’s shoes and find words of
comfort if need be. That was the reason the sorry state of the Hunters’
shelter had made him optimistic ahead of the coming negotiations. He
assumed they wouldn’t bargain too hard.

When business was usual, the Prefect was preoccupied with normal,
everyday problems. Sometimes there was a stray group of aggressive
machines that needed taking care of. Sometimes new wells needed
digging. Other times he had to make an example of some particularly
reckless smuggler. But the thing that had brought the Prefect here was
entirely different, and it kept becoming more and more profound. A
strange plague was spreading in the town, but it was not your typical
disease commonly encountered these days. This illness infected the
soul itself, giving beggars hope, making misers’ lives meaningful, and
ultimately undermining the Prefect’s position.

A few weeks ago, some strangers visited the town. They called
themselves priests. Street preachers and doomsayers always had
many listeners in lean times, but the Prefect tolerated them. They
were just a part of the folklore, an entertainment for the masses and
a rare retreat in the endless bleakness of hard life. But these guys
were different. One look from them made your skin crawl. There was
something real and zealous about them that differentiated them from
the sorry bunch of charlatans and madmen prowling the streets. They
talked about the cold that would soon cleanse the world, about a
Frozen God who would only protect his anointed servants. The worst
part of all this was that it actually started getting cold. Despite the
fact that the summer was in full bloom, in the evening, temperatures
fell below zero. It couldn’t be an aftermath of the Impact, as many
years had passed since then. This was something new and alarming.
The Prefect couldn’t find any explanation, and such a situation always
roused his fear. Yesterday, it even snowed for a moment, and now
everyone was talking about it.

The Prefect’s men even attempted to arrest the priests, but for each
taken from the streets, two more appeared. This plague was like a
cancer threatening the order the Prefect had been working so hard
to maintain. The balance had to be restored, and it was high time
someone took care of it. Someone with fresh ideas and, preferably,
uninvolved in local politics.

You get a job from the Prefect, the man keeping a steel grip on New
Jensen and everything surrounding it. Your task is to catch and bring
to him the leaders of a new cult. In these lands, the Prefect’s word is
law, so refusing him would mean exile at best. Besides, this cult doesn’t
Stanisław steps aside, apparently having no intention of intervening, and looks nervously at his watch. „Take care of them, boys. I have no time for
such bullshit. You have five minutes to play,” he says.
The thugs remove spiked clubs from beneath their coats and close in on your group.

STR 01

3 characters:
The Bandit with a Pistol starts with 1 Damage Token

2 characters:
1 The Bandit with a Pistol starts with 1 Damage Token.
The Muscle with a Club starts with 2 Damage Tokens.


Stanislaw leads you through the streets. “You might want to start by
having a look around town, listening to the speeches of the followers of
the new religion. You could even try to get some confessions from one
of their priests, or see what the local lowlifes have to say.

“It’s a good idea to visit ‚Piggery’, a dilapidated joint hidden in an alley

to the west of the Main Square. Ask for Jim Velazquez and tell him
SETUP I sent you. Another place you might find interesting is a pub called
1. Muscle with a Club (x1) and Bandit with a Pistol (x1) ‚Under the Side’. Customs officers and smugglers often drink there. Old
2. Character deployment zone. Grant is the bartender—maybe he’ll tell you something?

“Of course, you’ll want to visit the Main Square in the evenings, from
MISSION OBJECTIVE time to time. That’s where rallies usually take place. Frozen God’s
Your mission objective is to defeat all enemies by the end of turn 5. priests come to give speeches there.

“Located outside of town is El Infierno. The Tech Square over there is

SPECIAL RULES popular among priests and preachers, but beware—getting there is
• If at least 1 enemy is defeated, the other runs away in panic.
His figure is immediately removed from the board and the
“In the meantime, I need to head east. We’re negotiating protection
players win.
terms regarding a new settlement called Red Canyon. If you happen
• The enemies start the mission.
to discover something important before I return, go straight to the
Prefect’s HQ. They will point you in the direction of the right person to
talk to. Good luck!” Stanislaw shoots you a grin and hurries off.
• Place 002 face-down, over 405.
„Are you finally done cleaning up?” Stanislaw asks, looking
unimpressed with your effort. “I didn’t expect it would take so long. • Place 003 face-down, over 406.
Well, as my father used to say, the first pancake is always spoiled. Now • Place 004 face-down, over 407.
that the welcoming party is finished, we can get back to the task at • Place 522 face-down, over 409.
• Place 005 with face-down, over 410.
• Each character gains 1 . • Place on the Days Track, 4 days from now. This is when the
• The character who deals the finishing blow to the Bandit with a
next speech on the square is scheduled to take place and will
Pistol gains 1 .
• Each character gains 1 found on the defeated enemy’s body. allow you to investigate this lead.
• Place 508 face-up, under 406.
• Place 501, 504, 506, 513, and 543 face-up, under 407.
DEFEAT • Place 510, 515, 521, 542, and 546 face-up, under 410.
Your focus is broken by the sound of a gunshot from behind you, as
one of the men you’ve been fighting falls to the ground. Stanislaw steps
out in front of you and shoots the other man in the chest, putting an
end to the brawl.
„What’s wrong with you?” he asks. “Can’t you get rid of two damn
junkies? I’m starting to wonder if choosing you was a good idea. I
guess you’ll have more opportunities to prove your worth, but we
should get back to your task.
• Each character gains 1 .
Q 01A / 01B
You quickly realize this area has been inhabited by a small pack of machines. Mechanical dogs are approaching from multiple directions. You can
either fight or flee, but considering how quickly the dogs are closing in, the second option may prove difficult. You decide to hold your ground and
prepare to defend yourselves.
WAS 03

WAS 04
1D 1A

WAS 01

WAS 02

1C 1E 1B

1. A/B/C/D/E. YE-3 Wild Dog (x5). • Place 517 or 518 last resolved by the characters,
2. Character deployment zone. face-up, over this .
3. Junk (x2) with Findings (x2). • Each character gains 1 .
4. Findings (x1). • Any character who retreats from the board loses 2 .
• You can retry this mission immediately or return on a later day to
try it again.
Your mission objective is to defeat all enemies by the end of turn 5.


3 characters:
• For each defeated enemy, a randomly chosen character During setup, do not deploy a YE-3 Wild Dog on space [1E].
immediately gains 1 .
• The characters start the mission. 2 characters:
During setup, do not deploy any YE-3 Wild Dogs on spaces [1D] and

• Each character gains 6 and the reward for completing this

• You gain for each defeated enemy.
• Roll a D6 for each Finding you collected:
1-3) 1 4-5) 1 6) 1
Q 02
Upon seeing you, a few of the rats scuttle away from the wreck and hide nearby. Unfortunately, the squealing sounds have attracted others, and
you see their dreadful silhouettes emerging from the darkness. If you don’t want to become dinner, you’ll need to reach the vehicle and repair it
as quickly as possible. It’s in pretty rough shape, but if you can keep the rats away long enough to get the engine running, it might get you back to
town in one piece.

WAS 02

4 • In order to repair the vehicle, the character who has the

required parts (1 ) must perform 2 Interact Actions while
on the space with the vehicle. When performing these Actions
the character cannot be engaged in Melee combat with
any enemies. If the character enters Melee combat before
performing the second Interact Action, to finish repairing the
vehicle, they lose their progress and must start the repairs over
from the beginning.
• At the beginning of each turn, starting with turn 3, deploy Giant
Rat (x4) on spaces [3A/B].
• At any time, there can be a maximum of 8 Giant Rats on the
board. If this number would be exceeded, do not deploy any
additional Giant Rats.
2 1B • The characters start the mission.

WAS 04

1A 1C • Each character gains 7 ,2 and the reward for completing

this task.
• Roll a D6 for each Finding you collected:
1-3) 1 4-5) 1 6) 1
5 1D

5 • Place 505 last resolved by the characters, face-up, over
this .
• Each character gains 1 and 2 .
• If any character retreated from the board, they lose 1 .
• You can retry this mission immediately or return on a later day to
3A 3B
try it again.
• +1

1A/B/C/D. Giant Rats (x8).
2. Vehicle (x1). Use any unused token to represent the vehicle. 3 characters:
3. A/B. Deployment zones for new enemies. During setup, deploy only 1 enemy on each space [1A/B].
4. Character deployment zone. At the beginning of every enemy turn, starting with turn 3, deploy only
5. Findings (x2). 3 enemies on each space [3A/B]. The enemies should be deployed
randomly on the marked spaces.


During setup, deploy only 1 enemy on each space [1A/B/C/D].
Your mission objective is to repair the vehicle by the end of turn 5. At the beginning of every enemy turn, starting with turn 3, deploy only
2 enemies on each space [3A/B].

Q 03
With the oil plant worker as your guide, it takes you no longer than an hour to reach the alleged lair of the machine. A short canyon, flanked by tall
rock walls, leads you to a cavern entrance. The worker wishes you luck and hurries off.

You enter the cavern with caution, your flashlights penetrating the darkness inside. As you move around the cavern, you find yourself stumbling
over spent fuel cells and piles of junk that are scattered all over. You realize the workers were telling the truth, but it looks like your new host isn’t
home yet. With time to spare, you take the opportunity to set up an ambush.

CAV 03

1 1. AKA-2L Spider (x1) and Giant Rats (x4).

2. Character deployment zone.
3. This is the route the AKA-2L Spider will take through the cavern.
4. Explosives (x2).
5 5. Findings (x4).

3 Your mission objective is to destroy the AKA-2L Spider by the end of
turn 12.

• Before the mission begins, the characters may deploy Traps on
any board spaces. There is no limit to the number of Traps that
may be deployed.
CAV 01

• All characters may start Hidden. If all characters are Hidden

when the first Trap is triggered, the character closest to the Trap
loses their Hidden status.
• As long as all characters remain Hidden, the AKA-2L Spider
3 moves 1 space each turn, along the set route. If the AKA-2L
Spider reaches the destination point, and leaves the cave, the
mission ends with the characters’ defeat.
• The AKA-2L Spider always performs its movement first and the
Giant Rats always move to occupy the space behind the AKA-2L
4 5 Spider.
• The enemies start the mission.

• Each character gains 8 and the reward for completing this
• You gain 1 ,1 ,1 , and 1 for destroying
CAV 04

CAV 05

4 the AKA-2L Spider.

• Roll a D6 for each Finding you collected:
1-3) 1 4-5) 1 6) 1

• Place 507 last resolved by the characters, face-up, over
this .
• Each character gains 1 .
• You can retry this mission immediately or return on a later day to
try it again.
• +1

3 characters:
During setup, deploy only 2 Giant Rats on space [1].

2 characters:
During setup, do not deploy any Giant Rats.

Q 04
After marching through the cold and rain for a few hours, you conclude that accepting the oil plant worker’s help might have been a good idea.
Feeling exhausted, you finally reach the lair of the predator that has been harassing Paradise Lost.

A short canyon, flanked by tall rock walls, leads you to a cavern entrance. You enter the cavern with caution, your flashlights penetrating the
darkness inside. You hear your mechanical host, lurking somewhere in the dark.

CAV 03

1. AKA-2L Spider (x1).

2. Giant Rats (x4).
3. Character deployment zone.
4. The AKA-2L Spider’s route. The AKA-2L Spider moves clockwise
2 6 along the route until it is attacked by the characters or reaches any
character’s entrance on CAV 01.
5. Explosives (x2).
6. Findings (x4).

Your mission objective is to destroy the AKA-2L Spider by the end of
6 1 turn 9.

CAV 01

• The AKA-2L Spider moves 1 space each turn along the set route.
6 If the route follows a curve, the AKA-2L Spider performs the
proper turn at the beginning of its next move.
4 • The AKA-3H Spider stops its movement when any character
performs an attack or any character enters on CAV 01.
5 • The Giant Rats attack immediately after the AKA-2L Spider stops
• The characters start the mission.

5 6
• Each character gains 8 and the reward for completing this
• For destroying the AKA-2L Spider you gain 1 ,1 ,1 ,
and 1 .
• Roll a D6 for each Finding you collected:
• 1-3) 1 4-5) 1 6) 1
CAV 04

CAV 05

• Place 507 last resolved by the characters, face-up, over
this .
• Each character gains 1 .
• You can retry this mission immediately or return on a later day to
try it again.
• +1

3 characters:
During setup, deploy only 2 enemies on space [2].

2 characters:
During setup, do not deploy any Giant Rats.

Q 05
Guided by the navigation device, you begin to notice pieces of scrap and technology, scattered across the landscape. As you get closer to the
coordinates, you realize the debris around you was once part of a large flying vessel. Unfortunately, the weather is getting worse. A light drizzle
turns to rain, and then into a heavy downpour.
Finally, you reach the source of the GPS signal. Lightning flashes and you are able to make out the silhouette of a massive wing, reaching toward
the sky, just beyond the hill in front of you. The main part of the wreck must be beyond that ridge. As you approach, you hear terrible screeching
of wild animals and the scraping of mechanical limbs. The only thing left to do is take the safety off your weapons and be ready to deal with
whatever is waiting for you on the other side.
WAS 04
WAS 03

1A 5 1B 1A/B. Giant Rats (x4).

2. YE-3 Wild Dog (x2).
3. Character deployment zone.
4. Junk//Wreck (x4)
7 5 4 and Findings (x4).
5. (x10)
6. Chemicals (x2).
7. Combustibles (x1).
4 4 2 5
5 Your mission objective is to
retreat from the board with as
5 5 6 5 much loot as possible.

The mission ends when the last

character leaves the board.
WAS 01

5 6
If any character remains
unconscious when the mission
ends, all their Findings are lost.
5 4

WAS 02


• At the beginning of each turn, starting with turn 2, new enemies • Each character gains 2 for every turn they were on the
appear at the edges of the board. The characters must choose board, starting with turn 2 (up to a maximum of 6 ).
the best time to stop searching the wreck and safely retreat to • Roll a D6 for each Finding you collected:
the road. 1-3) 1 3-4) 1 5) 1 6) 1
• The enemies appear on spaces [1A] and [1B] according to the
following pattern:
• Turn 2: YE-3 Wild Dog (x2) [1A] and Z-719 Tiger (x1) [1B] DEFEAT
• Turn 3: Z-719 Tiger (x2) and Giant Rat (x4) distributed • Place 509 face-up, over this .
equally between spaces [1A] and [1B]) • You can retry this mission immediately or return on a later day to
• Turn 4: YE-3 Wild Dog (x2) and G-12A Bug (x6) distributed try it again.
equally between spaces [1A] and [1B]) • +1
• Turn 5: Gorilla 3A Black (x1) [1A] and Z-719 Tiger (x2) [1B]
• Turn 6 and every subsequent turn: AKA-2L Spider (x1) [1A],
Giant Rat (x4) [1A], and E-14 Dragonfly (x1)[1B] FOR 2 OR 3 CHARACTERS
• The characters start the mission.
This scenario is played according to the same rules regardless of the
• The mission is played during Heavy Rain.
number of characters.

Q 06
You run toward the buildings, checking your weapons and discarding any equipment that might slow you down. The woman with the two children sees you
approaching and hides behind a pile of junk and rubbish. She knocks over a rusty barrel and puts the children inside, blocking it’s opening with her body.
Across the road, you notice a man hiding behind a destroyed vehicle, his rifle trained on the machine. Before he is able to take a shot, a powerful explosion
sends him flying into the air, rocking your chest and leaving your ears ringing. His body lands nearby—charred and disfigured by the blast. Unless you act
quickly, none of these people will survive. You take a deep breath and prepare to engage the machine.
WAS 04

WAS 03

1 1. AKA-3H Spider (x1).

2. Character deployment zone.
3. Starting space for inhabitants
(x6). Use any unused token or
7 human figure to represent the
4. Buildings (x2).
5. Junk (x1).
7 6. Tower (x1).
7. Explosives (x2).

4 Your mission objective is to
destroy the AKA-3H Spider by the
end of turn 8.
Your secondary objective is to
WAS 01

6 3 save as many inhabitants as


FOR 2 OR 3
3 characters:
The AKA-3H Spider starts with 2
Damage Tokens.
3 4
2 characters:
The AKA-3H Spider starts with 4
Damage Tokens.
3 3 2 3
WAS 02


• 6 inhabitants participate in the mission. Each has 1 . One of the surviving inhabitants approaches you after the machine stops
The inhabitants perform no Actions—they are only hiding and hoping moving. “I can’t thank you enough for what you’ve done!” he says. “If not for
they stay safe. you, this would have been our last day. Unfortunately, this is not the end of
• The AKA-3H Spider always targets and attacks the inhabitants, even our troubles. This was only one machine, out of a group of three, that we
if the characters are closer to it. spotted this morning, to the north. I’m afraid the others will come before
• If the AKA-3H Spider performs the Parting Leap, it always tries to do dawn, to finish what this one started. We don’t have much to offer, but if you
it toward the nearest inhabitant. stay and help us, we have a crate full of scavenged equipment that might be
• If the AKA-3H Spider enters an inhabitants space as part of the useful for a group like yours. We keep it hidden in the church basement.
Parting Leap, instead of performing its standard Action as described
• Each character gains 5 .
on its card, it performs a Melee Attack against the inhabitant.
• The character who defeats the AKA-3H Spider gains 3
• The AKA-3H Spider starts the mission.
and 1 .
DEFEAT • Each character gains 1 for each inhabitant who survives
until the end of turn 8.
As darkness falls, the damaged machine begins to behave in a strange manner,
• For destroying the AKA-3H Spider you gain 2 ,1 ,1 ,
and stops attacking. It retreats into the badlands. It seems you have damaged
and 1 .
one of its sensors and it can no longer effectively fight in the dark.
• You gain the reward for completing this task.
Little remains of the settlement but smoldering ruins. A few of the inhabitants
stumble out of their hiding places but there aren’t many of them left. They thank
A. You choose to stay for the night.
you for your efforts and offer you some rations, before locking themselves inside
• Q07
the wooden building.
• Each character will gain 1 ,1 and 1 .
• Each character gains 1 . • +1
• Each character gains 1 for each inhabitant who survives
until the end of turn 8. B. You refuse and get back to your business—leave this .
• Each character gains 1 and 1 .
Q 07
You don’t have much time to prepare the settlement for the next attack. There’s no way to know when the machines will arrive, but the clock is
ticking. The inhabitants work ceaselessly, guided by your orders to fortify their settlement. Everything is going smoothly. You help them set up
makeshift barricades and reinforce a handful of strategic positions. Some of the men carry an old AT cannon up from the church basement and
you manage to drag it a few dozen paces through town. It will be a hell of a surprise for whatever threat is coming.
Two of the inhabitants with fighting experience offer to help you defend the settlement. Their weapons are tarnished and the look of terror on their
faces isn’t very reassuring. It’s not going to be pretty but it’s better than nothing. Just before dawn, the young boy who has been scouting from the
church tower rings the bell. “I can see movement on the horizon!” he shouts. “They’re coming!”

WAS 03 WAS 04
2 1. AKA-3H Spider (x1).
2. Defender TR-2 (x1).
3. Character and inhabitants (x2)
deployment zone. Also deploy
1 Concrete Wall (x1), Combustibles
(x1), Junk (x2) and AT cannon
(x1) in this zone. Use any unused
token to represent the AT cannon
and inhabitants.
4. Buildings (x2).
5. Tower (x1).

FOR 2 OR 3
3 characters:
AKA-3H Spider starts with 4
5 4
Damage Tokens.

2 characters:
During setup, deploy only AKA-3H
3 Spider (x1).

WAS 01 WAS 02


Your mission objective is to survive, with at least one conscious • Each character who is conscious at the end of the mission gains
character, until the end of turn 7. 5 .
• For each machine that was destroyed, each conscious character
at the end of the mission gains 2 .
SPECIAL RULES • Each character gains the following rewards: 1 ,1 ,1 .
• Each inhabitant has the attributes of a Bandit with a Pistol. They • You gain 1 ,1 and 1 for each destroyed machine.
perform their Actions after the last character, according to the • Change 417 to 417A. From now on, new gear elements are
description on the Bandit with a Pistol enemy card. available on it for buying or selling.
• The characters may also fire the AT cannon. Any character may
operate it instead of using a normal Ranged weapon. The AT
cannon has the attributes of the RECOILLESS RIFLE but its range
is increased by 1 (with the same characteristics as for range =5). • Each character gains 3 .
It also needs to be Reloaded before each shot. The characters • If all characters retreated from the board or are unconscious,
have 4 shells— once they have all been fired, the AT cannon each of those characters loses 2 .
becomes useless. The cannon may be placed on spaces that
contain other tokens.
• The characters start the mission.

Q 08
A group of grisly inhabitants and self-appointed lawmen close in on you, intent on forcing you to pay their toll. The commotion has attracted the
attention of a larger group who are approaching from a nearby building. You won’t have much time to escape, before being overpowered by the mob.

CAN 01

1A 2 1A/B. Muscle with a Club (x4).

2. Gregor - Boss (x1).
3. Character deployment zone.
4. The edge of the board where the characters must retreat.
Your mission objective is to retreat through the marked edge of the
board. If you do it by the end of turn 6, the mission ends with the
characters’ victory.
If at least half of the characters are overpowered or unconscious, the
mission ends with the characters’ defeat.

• If, at any time, there are more enemies than characters on the
CAN 02

same space (e.g. 3 enemies and 2 characters) and any character

loses any , that character is considered to be overpowered:
their figure is placed horizontally and they can no longer
participate in the mission.
• At the beginning of each turn, starting with turn 3, deploy Muscle
with a Club (x2) on space [1B].
• At any time, there can be a maximum of Muscle with a Club (x8)
on the board. If this number would be exceeded, do not deploy
any additional enemies.
• The characters start the mission.

1B • Each character gains 3 .
• The characters must pay the entry tax of 4 for the whole
group and a fine of 1 per character. The may be
exchanged for .
• Each character gains 1 .

3 characters:
During setup, deploy only 1 enemy on space [1A].
At the beginning of each turn, starting with turn 3, deploy only 1
enemy on space [1B].

2 characters:
During setup, deploy only 1 enemy on space [1A] and 1 on space [1B].
At the beginning of each turn, starting with turn 3, deploy only 1
enemy on space [1B].

Q 09
You immediately hit the floor and take cover behind the nearest food crates. Your training saves you from a barrage of bullets overhead. You
can hear the red-haired woman and the rest of her gang on the other side of the chamber, cursing with frustration. The shouting stops and the
chamber goes quiet. Then, you hear their footsteps slowly moving away from you, as they begin to retreat deeper into the compound. You check
your weapons and emerge from cover, ready for a fight.

FAC 01

2 1A/B/C/D/E. Muscle with a Club (x5).

2. Character deployment zone.
3. The red-haired woman - Leader (x1).
4. Junk (x1).
5. Findings (x2).
6. Chemicals (x1).

1A 6
Your mission objective is to kill enough enemies to force the rest to
retreat by the end of turn 7.
• When only one enemy remains on the board, they begin to
retreat and the mission ends immediately.
FAC 02

• The red-haired woman and the rest of the enemies have night
vision devices and ignore any Nighttime effects when performing
their Actions.
• The enemies start the mission.

1E 5
After the fight, you return to the chamber beneath the dam.
Unfortunately, the young boy wasn’t strong enough to pull his sister
1C out of the hole on his own. His strength likely gave out before you
even fired the first shot. He’s sitting at the edge of the hole, with tears
streaming down his face, as the shape of his sister’s lifeless body lies
broken at the bottom of the pit.
The locals promise to look after the boy and return him to his mother.
Based on the description of the woman you fought, they tell you she
must have have been part of the gang of ‘Fire Eaters’—a group of organ
DEFEAT traders whose name originates from their spikey, red hair. The stories
they tell you are horrifying. The ‘Fire Eaters’ traffic or abduct children
After the fight, you return to the chamber beneath the dam. Both of from nearby towns and settlements, so they can extract their organs
the children are gone. You see the signs of a struggle where the young and sell them on the black market. Now that you’ve thinned their ranks,
boy had been trying to hold his sister, but the pit is empty. While you hopefully these terrible practices will end.
were busy fighting, some of the gang members must have broken off
and circled back to grab the children. They’re long gone by now and the • Each character gains 2 .
children’s fate will be grim. • Each character gains 1 for each defeated enemy.
• Each character loses 1 .
Based on the description of the woman you fought, the locals tell you • Your group finds 1 on each defeated enemy.
she must have have been part of the gang of ‘Fire Eaters’—a group of • Roll a D6 for each Finding you collected:
organ traders whose name originates from their spikey, red hair. The 1-2) 1 3-4) 1 5-6) 1
stories they tell you are horrifying. The ‘Fire Eaters’ traffic or abduct • Gain NIGHT VISION DEVICE
children from nearby towns and settlements, so they can extract
their organs and sell them on the black market. If you had acted
more quickly, you may have been able to put an end to their horrible FOR 2 OR 3 CHARACTERS
practices. For now, all you can think about is your failure. 3 characters:
• Each character gains 1 for each defeated enemy. During setup, do not deploy enemies on spaces [1C/D].
• If all characters retreated from the board or are unconscious,
each of the unconscious characters loses all in their 2 characters:
possession. During setup, do not deploy enemies on spaces [1A/B/C].
• Each character loses 1 .

Q 10
The priest and his acolytes walk the street at a slow pace. The sound of their measured footsteps echo between the high walls, covered in sheets
of steel, advertisements, and glittering neon signs. They pass by a group of beggars who extend their arms in futile attempts to receive a few
scraps of food. The beggars wail, drowning out the footsteps of the priest and his men.
You bide your time as you stalk the group, waiting for the most opportune moment to strike. They turn down a shadowy, secluded street—the
perfect place for an ambush.
STR 02

1. The priest - Boss (x1). Use any unused human figure to represent
the priest.
2A/B. Priest’s acolytes - Muscle with a Club (x2).
3. Priest’s acolytes - Marauder with a Rifle (x2).
4. The priest and his acolytes’ route.
5. Character deployment zone.
6. Concrete Wall (x1).
7. The edges of the board where the priest can escape.
Your mission objective is to render the priest unconscious (his
must be 0) by the end of turn 7. At least one character must be
conscious when this happens, in order to successfully complete the
STR 01

• Before the mission begins, the characters may deploy Traps on

any board spaces. There is no limit to the number of Traps that
may be deployed.
2A • All characters may start Hidden. If all characters are Hidden
when the first Trap is triggered, the character closest to the Trap
loses their Hidden status.
• As long as all characters remain Hidden, the priest and his
acolytes move 1 space each turn, along the set route.
3 1 • Once a character loses their Hidden status, the priest’s goal is to
escape from the board. Instead of performing the Actions listed
on his enemy card, the priest performs the following Actions:
• Not in Melee combat - Move 1 space toward the nearest
2B escape edge. If the route is blocked, the priest turns toward
the nearest edge that is not blocked.
7 • In Melee combat - Parting Leap (1 space) toward the
nearest escape edge.
VICTORY • If the priest escapes from the board, the mission ends with the
Characters’ defeat.
You are about to drag the priest away to interrogate him, when you • The priest starts the mission, then his acolytes perform their
notice some bloody froth around his mouth. His hands begin to shake Actions.
and clutch at his chest as his body trembles on the ground. It seems he
managed to poison himself at the last moment. His skin turns pale and
his body stops moving. You begin rifling through his belongings, hoping DEFEAT
to find something useful. As a man of faith, his possessions appear to
• Each character who is unconsciousness at the end of the
be limited to the clothes on his back and a bag filled with a few useless
mission loses 1 .
trinkets. You dump the bag out on the ground and hear a click. The bag
• Place 005 last resolved by the characters, face-up, over
has a false bottom and you discover an encrypted note, folded inside.
this .
• Each character gains 1 .
Despite your best attempts, you’re unable to decipher the mysterious
• You can retry this mission immediately or return on a later day to
writing. This is going to require the help of an expert. Luckily, one of
try it again.
you knows a guy—a mathematician who used to work in intelligence,
• +1
creating ciphers, before the cataclysm. Folded up with the note is
tattered page with excerpts from Frozen God’s writings.
• Each character gains 5 . 3 characters:
• If all enemies were defeated by the end of turn 7, the characters During setup, deploy only 1 enemy on space [3].
may loot the area. They gain 1 for each acolyte and 2 for
the priest. 2 characters:
• Gain 096 During setup, deploy only 1 enemy on space [3] and
• Set up 424 and place 024 face-down, on top of it. do not deploy any enemies on space [2A].
Q 11
As the tension mounts, patrons disappear into the darkest corners of the joint, as if they were never there. Soon, it’s only you and the gang
members, standing across from each other. Mangled stops laughing and you stare at each other in silence for a moment. Then you hear the sound
of angry footsteps coming from the entry hall. There are more of them than you thought.

PUB 01

6 3A 6 1. Mangled - Boss (x1). Use any unused human figure to represent

2A/B/C/D. Muscle with a Club (x4).
3A/B. Bandit with a Pistol (x2).
1 5 4. Character deployment zone.
2A 5. Combustibles (x2).
6. Findings (x3).

Your mission objective is to defeat enough enemies to force the rest
to surrender.

• If there are less enemies (including the Boss) than conscious
PUB 02

characters on the board, the rest surrender and the mission ends
with the characters’ victory.
• The enemies start the mission.

• Each character gains 5 ,2 and 2 .
• The character who deals the finishing blow to Mangled gains 1
2D additional and 1 .
6 • Gain .
• Roll a D6 for each Finding you collected:
1-2) 1 3-4) 1 5-6) 1

• Each unconscious character loses 1 .
• Place 027 last resolved by the characters, face-up, over
this .
• Each character gains 1 .
• You can retry this mission immediately or return on a later day to
try it again.
• +1

3 characters:
During setup, do not deploy any enemies on spaces [2D] and [3B].

2 characters:
During setup, do not deploy any enemies on spaces [2B/C] and [3B].

Q 12
You can smell the rotten meat stored in the back of the joint, wafting out and into the street. You imagine the meat probably looks better than
Mangled’s hideous face. Fortunately, a strong wind blows the fetid odor of decay away, allowing you to focus on the assholes standing in the
street. A gust tugs at their coats, revealing a few holstered pistols and scraps of armor. Mangled doesn’t waste any time and fires his shotgun in
your direction. The wooden shack next to you explodes into splinters. Either his aim is even worse than he looks, or this was the signal for his men
to close in.

STR 03

1. Mangled - Boss (x1). Use any unused human figure to represent

2A/B/C/D. Muscle with a Club (x4).
3A/B. Bandit with a Pistol (x2).
4. Character deployment zone.
5. Junk (x2).

Your mission objective is to defeat enough enemies to force the rest
to surrender.
• If there are less enemies (including the Boss) than conscious
characters on the board, the rest surrender and the mission ends
with the characters’ victory.
STR 04

• The enemies start the mission.

5 2A • Each character gains 5 ,2 and 2 .
• The character who deals the finishing blow to Mangled gains 1
additional and 1 .
1 • Gain .
3B 2C 2D 3A
• Each unconscious character loses 1 .
2B • Place 027 last resolved by the characters, face-up, over
this .
• Each character gains 1 .
• You can retry this mission immediately or return on a later day to
try it again.
• +1

3 characters:
During setup, do not deploy any enemies on spaces [2D] and [3B].

2 characters:
During setup, do not deploy any enemies on spaces [2C/D] and [3B].

Q 13A / Q 13B / Q 13C
WAS 03

WAS 04
3B 1


1 5A 5B 3D

WAS 01

WAS 02
2 5D 6 5C

7B 7A



1. Defender TR-2 (x2). Q13A
2. Findings (x2). • The prisoners cannot move until a character frees them by
3A/B/C/D. Muscle with a Club (x4). entering their space. After being freed, the prisoners start
moving (they move 1 space each turn instead of performing
Q13A/B: Actions) toward the nearest edge of the board .
4. Character deployment zone. • If a Muscle with a Club is in the same space as a prisoner (and
5A/B/C/D. Starting spaces for prisoners (x4). Use any unused token there is no character in the space), that prisoner is bound and
or human figure to represent the prisoners. can no longer move until they are freed again.
• Instead of performing their normal Actions, Muscles Move 2
Q13C: spaces toward the nearest freed prisoner.
4. Character deployment zone. • If a character is on a space with a prisoner, they prevent
5C/D and 7A/B. Starting spaces for prisoners (x4). Use any unused prisoners from being bound. Instead, enemies target the
token or human figure to represent the prisoners. character with a Melee attack.
• If there are no freed prisoners on the board, enemies perform
their Actions according to the description on their enemy card.
MISSION OBJECTIVE • All Defender TR-2s ignore prisoners.
Your mission objective is to retreat with at least 2 prisoners and 1 • The characters start the mission.
character, through any edge of the board by the end of turn 6.
• Use the same Special Rules as in Mission Q13A with the
following changes:
• prisoners on spaces [5A/B] start freed.
• Each Defender TR-2 starts with 1 Damage Token

• Use the same Special Rules as in Mission Q13A with the
following changes:
• All prisoners start freed.
• Each Defender TR-2 starts with 1 Damage Token
The moment you leave the camp, heavy rain begins to fall. Your group • Place 033 face-down, over this .
takes shelter in a rocky crevice and you thank the heavens that the rain • Each character gains 1 .
will wash away your tracks, making it impossible for anyone to follow • You can retry this mission immediately or return on a later day to
you. try it again.
• If all characters retreated from the board or are unconscious,
When the rain slows, you escort the prisoners back to town and take a each of the unconscious characters loses 1 .
detour hoping to avoid further excitement. Along the way, the prisoners • +1
thank you for your help and one of them introduces himself as Jack
Reno. Jack tells you that the men who kidnapped them were a group
of slavers who use their machines to abduct people. Gangs such as FOR 2 OR 3 CHARACTERS
this have been more numerous lately, hunting inhabitants of remote Q13A
settlements, and selling them at underground slave markets. 3 characters:
During setup, do not deploy any enemies on space [3D].
You tell Jack about the conversation you had at ‘Piggery’ and he is Each Defender TR-2 starts with 2 Damage Tokens.
eager to aid you with the abandoned weather station. He’ll be ready
when you are. 2 characters:
• Set up 422 and place 037 face-down, on top of it. During setup, do not deploy any enemies on spaces [3C/D].
• Remove 080 from 422. Each Defender TR-2 starts with 4 Damage Tokens.
• Each character gains 4 and 2 .
• Each character gains 1 for each freed prisoner. Q13B/C
• Roll a D6 for each Finding you collected: 3 characters:
1-2) 1 3-4) 1 5) 1 6) 1 During setup, do not deploy any enemies on space [3D].
Each Defender TR-2 starts with 3 Damage Tokens.

2 characters:
During setup, do not deploy any enemies on spaces [3C/D].
Each Defender TR-2 starts with 5 Damage Tokens.

Q 14
You run toward Nag’s stall. Before you can reach the old man, his companion recognizes the dangers and draws a rifle from among the crates.
He takes cover behind the stall and opens fire, shooting blindly in your direction. The crowd panics and disperses. You have little time before local
lawmen reach this place.

STR 04

2 1. Nag - Bandit with a Pistol (x1).

2. Young - Marauder with a Rifle (x1).
3. Character deployment zone.
4. Nag’s Stall - Junk (x1).
Your mission objective is to defeat all enemies and demolish the stall
3 by the end of turn 4.

• In order to demolish Nag’s Stall, any character may perform 1
Interact Action, while on the space with the stall.
• The enemies start the mission.


3 characters: • Each character gains 1 .
Nag starts with 1 Damage Token. • Place 531 face-down, over 402.

2 characters:
Nag starts with 2 Damage Tokens. VICTORY
• Each character gains 5 .
• Place 529 face-down, over 402.

Q 15A / Q 15B

CAN 02

1A/B/C. Starting spaces for Marauder with a Rifle (x6).

2. Starting space for the priest - Boss (x1).
3. Character deployment zone.
4. Wrecks (x2).
5. Location of the characters’ weapons. All weapons have been
stashed on this space. Each character who wants to use their
weapons has to enter this space and perform an Interact Action to
retrieve all weapons to their inventory.

Your mission objective is to kill the priest and at least half of the
remaining enemies by the end of turn 6
CAN 01

• The enemies start the mission.

You search the priest’s body and find a device that appears to indicate
1C 1A the direction of the transport. One of you strips the priest of his robes,
patches up some of the damage caused during the fight, and puts
them on. You don’t know who you might encounter on your journey but
you’re less likely to run into trouble if it looks like you’re traveling with
a priest.
2 1B
You trudge across the desert for the next few hours, following
the signal on the device. In the distance you hear a series of loud
explosions. A few moments later, the signal on the device disappears.
You head in the direction of the explosions for a few kilometers before
noticing a thin wisp of smoke, drifting in the distance. The wind
begins to pick up, tossing dust and sand into the air. The sand storm
hits hard and fast, but you press on. Half an hour later, you reach a
small transmission station. The ruins of the small compound are still
smoldering, but you can barely make them out in the deteriorating
weather. Making matters worse, the air has grown much colder than
DEFEAT you’re used to in New Jensen, and you regret not having packed
• Place 051 face-up, under 420. warmer clothes.
• Each character gains 2 .
• You can retry this mission immediately or return on a later day to You search the area and discover tracks heading west. By the look
try it again. of it, a large group came through this area. The tracks haven’t been
• +1 completely erased by the blowing sand, so whoever destroyed this
place couldn’t be more than ten or fifteen minutes ahead of you. The
station is a lost cause and this is your only lead. Your only option is to
FOR 2 OR 3 CHARACTERS follow the trail and try to figure out what’s going on, before the wind
leaves you stranded in the desert.
3 characters:
During setup, do not deploy any enemies on space [1C]. • Each character gains 7 .
• The characters find 1 on each defeated Marauder with a
2 characters: Rifle.
During setup, do not deploy any enemies on space [1C], and deploy • The characters find 4 on the defeated priest.
only 1 enemy on space [1B]. • Set up 429.
• +1
• 022

Q 16A / Q 16B
CAN 02

2 3 1. Character deployment zone.

2. Findings (x3).
3. Radio Station (x1). Use any unused token to represent the radio
2 Q16A
4. Boss (x1).
5A/B. Marauder with a Rifle (x4).
6A/B. Bandit with pistol (4x)
6B 6A 4 5B
7. Boss (x1).
8A/B. Marauder with a Rifle (x4).
5A 9A/B. Bandit with pistol (4x)

CAN 01

8A 7 9A Your mission objective is to defeat all enemies by the end of turn 8.

2 9B 8B • At the beginning of each turn, choose 1 enemy who is closest
to the radio station. Instead of performing its normal Actions,
this enemy will be moving toward the radio station. During each
Action this enemy moves 1 space (in Melee combat - parting
leap). When this enemy enters the space with the radio station,
it performs 3 Interact Actions and uses the radio station to
communicate with the base. If this enemy is defeated before
alerting the base, the next enemy begins moving toward the
radio station, instead of performing its normal Actions.
• The characters start the mission.

• Each character gains 8 .
• Roll a D6 for each Finding you collected:
1-3) 1 4-5) 1 6) 1
A. If enemies used the radio station, read 063 and place 064
face-down, under 428.

B. Otherwise, read the following text:

• Move the Hunters marker to 429. You approach the hatch installed in the rocky wall. It is frosted over and
• Each character gains 2 . secured with a sturdy, old-fashioned, combination lock. You’ve never
• Place 064 face-down, under 428. seen an antique like this—it might even be as old as the 20th century!
• +1 You try to smash the lock but it doesn’t budge. Using explosives
might cause the entire wall to come down on top of you. You’ll have
to enter the 4-digit code that opens the lock. The hatch appears to be
FOR 2 OR 3 CHARACTERS connected to some sort of security system. Making a mistake now
might be very costly.
3 characters:
During setup, do not deploy any enemies on spaces [5B/8B]. • One of the priests, who were leading the transports must have
The Boss starts with 2 Damage Token. known this code. If you believe you know the correct code, find
the card with the proper number in the Event Cards Deck.
2 characters: • If you don’t find a matching card, it means you’ve entered the
During setup, do not deploy any enemies on spaces [5B], [6B], [8B] and wrong code, read 063.
[9B]. The Boss starts with 4 Damage Tokens. • If you find a matching card in the deck, read it.

Q 17
CAN 01 CAN 02

1B 1D 1A/B/C/D. Muscle with a Club (x4).
2A/B. Defender TR-2 (x2).
3. Character deployment zone.
4. The edge of the board where
2B the characters must retreat.

4 3
2A 1C



Your mission objective is to retreat with all characters from the board • Move the Hunters Marker to 429.
or kill all enemies by the end of turn 8. • Each character gains 2 .
No character can be left unconscious on the board. • Place 064 face-down, over 428.
• +1

• The characters start the mission. FOR 2 OR 3 CHARACTERS
3 characters:
During setup, do not deploy any enemies on spaces [1A/D]. Each
VICTORY Defender TR-2 starts with 2 Damage Tokens.
• Each character gains 8 .
• If all enemies are defeated, gain 2 ,2 , and 2 , 2 characters:
for each defeated Defender TR-2. During setup, do not deploy any enemies on spaces [1A/D]. Each
Defender TR-2 starts with 4 Damage Tokens.

Q 18
CAN 01 CAN 02

1A/B. Thug with a Machine Gun (x2).
2A/B. YE-3 Wild Dog (x4).
3. Leader (x1).
4. Character deployment zone.
2A 1B 2B 5. The enemies’ route until they
detect the characters or trigger
a Trap.

Your mission objective is to defeat all enemies by the end of turn 8. • Each character gains 8 .
• For each destroyed YE-3 Wild Dog you gain 1 , and 1 .
• Gain .
• Before the mission begins, the characters may deploy Traps on
any board spaces. There is no limit to the number of Traps that
may be deployed. • Place 084 face-down, under 430.
• All characters may start Hidden. If all characters are Hidden • Each character gains 1 .
when the first Trap is triggered, the character closest to the Trap • You can retry this mission immediately or return on a later day to
loses their Hidden status. try it again.
• As long as all characters remain Hidden, the Leader moves • +1
1 space each turn, along the set route. After reaching the
destination point, the Leader leaves the cave and the mission
ends with the characters’ defeat. FOR 2 OR 3 CHARACTERS
• The Leader performs moves first, followed by the YE-3 Wild Dog, 3 characters:
and then the Thugs. During setup, do not deploy any enemies on space [1B] and deploy
• The enemies start the mission. only 1 enemy on space [2B].

2 characters:
During setup, do not deploy any enemies on spaces [1B] and [2B].
The Leader starts with 2 Damage Token.

Q 19

3 1. Gorilla 3A MKII (x1).
WAS 04

2. Character deployment zone.

3. Findings (x3).

Your mission objective is to disable the Gorilla 3A MKII by the end of
turn 7.
3 3
• The Gorilla 3A MKII can be disabled in two ways:
1. Hit it with an EMP AMMO or EMP MINE in order to break its
2 defense. Then enter its space when it is non-functional with any
character and perform an Interact Action.
2. Move to a space adjacent to the Gorilla 3A MKII and use the
Net. In order to successfully use the Net, a Ranged Attack
(range 1) with 1 Attack Die must be successfully made. After a
successful hit with the Net, during the same turn, any character
must enter the space with the Gorilla 3A MKII.
• For this mission, Zac equips each character with a Net.
• The characters start the mission.
• The mission is played during Heavy Rain.


3 characters: • You can retry this mission immediately or return on a later day to
The Gorilla 3A MKII starts with 3 Damage Tokens. try it again.
• Place 554 face-up, under this .
2 characters: • +1
The Gorilla 3A MKII starts with 6 Damage Tokens.

VICTORY If you choose to scavenge a few components from the machine,
read the following text:
• • Character gains 5 and 2 .
• • Roll 1 D6 for each Finding you collected: You return to town with your prey and meet Lady as agreed—hoping
1-3) 1 4-5) 1 6) 1 she’s not clever enough to notice the missing parts. “Oh what a
beautiful specimen!” she says. “Such cold steel, the round curves of
its limbs, the delicate imprints on it’s back.” A look of disappointment
If you choose not to scavenge the machine, read the following text: fills Lady’s face, followed by disgust. “Where’s the radiator cover? And
You return to town with your prey intact and meet Lady as agreed. what’s this? Someone damaged its motion system! What have you
“Oh what a beautiful specimen!” she says. “Such cold steel, the round done? Get out of my sight! I want nothing to do with a bunch of hack-
curves of its limbs, the delicate imprints on it’s back. Thrilling! Zac, give jobs like you!”
our guests the books you promised them.”
Zac pulls a device out of his pocket and presses a few of its buttons.
• Move the Hunters marker to 404 (+1 ). Some of the more impressive machines in Lady’s collection begin to
• Gain CHAINSAW, RIFLE, and BULLETPROOF VEST. hum and twitch as their lights flicker on. It’s clear you’ve overstayed
your welcome.
• Move the Hunters marker to New Jensen (+1 ).
• Gain 2 ,1 ,1 , and 1 .

Q 20A / Q 20B / Q 20C

5 7B 4 5 1A/B. Butcher with a Machete (x4).
1A 2. Thug with a Machine Gun (x2).
6 7A 3. Chemicals (x2).
4. Junk (x1).
2 1B 3 5. Findings (x2).
6. Steel Gate.

CAV 04 CAV 05 CAV 03
7A. Character deployment zone.

7B. Character deployment zone.


• If any character moves within 2 spaces of the steel gate, the enemy Your mission objective is to defeat all enemies by the end of turn 6
closest to the steel gate will attempt to reach the steel gate and lock and make sure the steel gate remains unlocked.
it. This enemy will use all of his Actions to move to the steel gate.
Once the enemy reaches the steel gate, the stresses of combat make
him clumsy. Follow these steps as he attempts to lock the gate: VICTORY
- During his first 2 Interact Actions he drops the key and is unsuccessful. You head through the steel gate and see about a dozen flying machines
- During his third Interact Action he rolls a D6. If he rolls 4, 5 or 6, he parked on a large, flat surface. Some workers are servicing the
manages to successfully lock the steel gate. machines, while others pump strange chemicals into tanks and attach
- During his fourth Interact Action, he manages to successfully lock them to the fliers. A few guards stand watch so you take cover and try
the steel gate without rolling. to figure out what’s going on.
• Once the steel gate is locked, the mission ends with the characters’ “Hey, Kurt! Just get the rest of the aerosol loaded and we’re finished
defeat. for today,” yells an older guy, standing next to the crater. “They’ll have
• The characters start the mission. to push their heaters to the limit tomorrow, after we dump all this shit
on ‘em. Make sure you wait until you’re close to New Jensen before
DEFEAT dropping. We don’t want anyone snooping around here, trying to figure
out what’s been changing the weather.
• Each character gains 2 . You decide to move, but one of the workers spots you and calls out to
• +1 the guards. They waste no time closing in on you and a few of them
• Place 066 face-up, under this . open fire. You dive behind a pile of volcanic rock and use the position
• The characters may attempt Q20A again immediately or on to your advantage. Barrels are stacked next to a nearby wall and you
any later day. hope they’re not combustible. It’s not a perfect position, but it will have
to do.
• Each character gains 8 .
3 characters: • Roll a D6 for each Finding you collected:
During setup, deploy only 1 enemy on each space [1A] and [1B]. 1-3) FIRST AID KIT 4-6) 1
2 characters: • Q37A
During setup, deploy only 1 enemy on each space [1A], [1B], and [2].

Q 21

4 5
2 1A/B/C/D. Muscle with a Club (x8).
1A 2B 2A/B. Thug with a Machine Gun (x2).
3 3. Character deployment zone.
4. Combustibles (x2).
5 1D
2 1B
2 1C
2 4 5. Findings (x2).

CAV 04 CAV 05 CAV 03


Your mission objective is to defeat all enemies by the end of turn 6. The last enemy falls to the floor, landing on top of shards of volcanic
rock. You waste no time and run straight for the tunnel, hoping you’ll
find the leader of the Frozen Ones.
• Each character gains 5 .
• The enemies start the mission. • You find FRAG GRENADE and FIRST AID KIT on one of the dead
• Roll a D6 for each Finding you collected:
DEFEAT 1-3) 1 4-5) 1 6) 1
• Each character gains 2 . • Read 009.
• Place 066 face-up under this .
• The characters will have to resolve Q20A immediately or on
any later day. You cannot repeat Q21 after defeat. FOR 2 OR 3 CHARACTERS
• +1 3 characters:
During setup, deploy only 1 enemy on each space [1A/B/C].

2 characters:
During setup, deploy only 1 enemy on each space [1A/B/C/D], and do
not deploy any enemies on space [2B].

Q 22A / Q 22B / Q 22C

STR 01 STR 02

1. Character deployment zone.

2A/B. Thug with a Machine Gun (x2).
2B 2D 2C/D. Butcher with a Machete (x2).

1 Q22B
2A/B. Marauder with a Rifle (x4).
2C/D. Muscle with a Club (x2).
2C 3 3 2A 3. Chemicals (x2).

2A/B/C/D. Muscle with a Club (x8).
4 3. Explosives (x2).
4. Leader (x1).

Your mission objective is to defeat all enemies by the end of turn 5 Q22A
—before their companions from neighboring streets come to aid them. 3 characters:
During setup, do not deploy any enemies on space [2A].
2 characters:
SPECIAL RULES During setup, do not deploy any enemies on spaces [2A/C].
• The characters start the mission.
3 characters:
VICTORY During setup, do not deploy any enemies on spaces [2A/C].
2 characters:
• Each character gains 3 .
During setup, do not deploy any enemies on spaces [2A/B/C].
• For each defeated enemy gain 1 .
DEFEAT 3 characters:
During setup, deploy only 1 enemy on each space [2A/B].
• Each character gains 2 . 2 characters:
• Each character still on the board after the end of turn 5 is robbed During setup, deploy only 1 enemy on each space [2A/B/C/D].
and loses 2 and 2 .

Q 23A / Q 23B
CAV 02 CAV 01

6 8 7 1A/B/C/D. Butcher with a
Machete (x4).
2. Leader (x1).
3A/B/C. Spaces where the
3B 5 1C 3C reinforcements - Butcher with a
Machete (x6) will be deployed.
4 4. Character deployment zone.
5. Wrecks (x2).
6. Findings (x4).
3A 1A 5 8 2 1B 6 7. Concrete Wall (x1).
8. Chemicals (x2).

6 1D 6


Your mission objective is to defeat all enemies (including The last enemy falls to the floor, landing on top of shards of volcanic
reinforcements) by the end of turn 8. rock. You waste no time and run straight for the tunnel, hoping you’ll
find the leader of the Frozen Ones.
SPECIAL RULES • Each character gains 10 .
• Reinforcements are deployed at the beginning of turn 4. They • You find FRAG GRENADE and FIRST AID KIT on one of the dead
perform their Actions in the same turn, according to normal enemies.
order. • Roll a D6 for each Finding you collected:
• At any time, there can be a maximum of 8 Butchers and 1 Leader 1-3) 1 4-5) 1 6) 1
on the board. If it is not possible to deploy all reinforcements at • 009.
the beginning of turn 4, set the extra Butchers aside and attempt
to deploy them at the beginning of the next turn. Repeat this DEFEAT
procedure until all 6 reinforcements have been deployed.
• Each character gains 3 .
Q23A • Place 066 face-up, under this .
• All aforementioned rules apply. • The characters will have to resolve Q20A on any later day.
• The characters start the mission. You cannot repeat Q23A/B after defeat.
• +1
• All aforementioned rules apply.
• The enemies start the mission.
3 characters:
During setup, do not deploy enemy on space [1A].
Reduce the total number of reinforcements to 4 (2 enemies on space [3A]).
Do not deploy reinforcements on space [4C].

2 characters:
During setup, do not deploy enemies on spaces [1A/B/D].
Reduce the total number of reinforcements to 3, deploying only 1 enemy
on each space [3A/B/C].

Q 24
IMPORTANT: If you encountered this mission with 207, instead of resolving this mission read the following text:
The big one stops at the very last moment and glances unsure to the side. – Damn! Pole’s boys are coming here again. Time to go!
He turns around and bolts to the nearest alley.
If you encountered this mission with 317, resolve it according to normal rules. FAC 01


2C 5
4 1B 5 1A

FAC 03

1A/B. Muscle with a Club (x2). You waste no time and rush inside, leaping over your fallen enemies.
2A/B/C. Bandit with a Pistol (x6). You must use this opportunity to reach the center of the station
3. Character deployment zone. as quickly as possible. That’s where the receivers are located and
4. The edge of the board where the characters must retreat. reinforcements could arrive at any minute. Jack leads you through a
5. Junk (x2). maze of crisscrossing corridors, up a long stairway, and straight into a
room filled with various devices. Jack wastes no time and immediately
begins repairing the main receiver and its infrastructure.
Jack has been at it for about fifteen minutes when you hear the
Your mission objective is to cross the marked edge of the board by
commotion of enemy footsteps approaching your position. Fortunately,
the end of turn 10. No character can be left unconscious on the board.
your guide has almost finished his work and just needs to test
the settings. The equipment turned out to be mostly undamaged.
SPECIAL RULES Replacing a few small parts and installing a new power source was
enough to get it going. You train your weapons on the door, hoping to
• The enemies start the mission. give Jack a few more minutes to work. As soon as he’s done you can
get the hell out of here.
FOR 2 OR 3 CHARACTERS • Each character gains 6 .
• Q58
3 characters:
During setup, deploy only 1 enemy on each space [2B/C].
2 characters:
During setup, do not deploy any enemies on space [1A] and deploy • Each character gains 2 .
only 1 enemy on each space [2A/B/C]. • Leave 317 face-up on this .
• You can retry this mission immediately or return on a later day to
try it again.
• +1
Q 25
You take up positions inside the outpost’s comm room. You must overpower or eliminate all soldiers stationed here, as quickly as possible. More
importantly, you can’t let anyone escape and call for help. You start the assault by severing communication with the Prefect’s HQ.
IMPORTANT: It is recommended to save the game before starting this mission.

HOU 01

4 1A/B/C/D. Butcher with a Machete (x8).

2A/B. Leader (x2).
3. Character deployment zone.
4. Findings (x3).

HOU 02
1A 4 5. The exit space, where no enemy is allowed to retreat.

1B 1C

2A 4 1D

HOU 03
2B 3


Your mission objective is to defeat all enemies by the end of turn The whole thing was a mess. Anything that could go wrong, did. The
8 and prevent any of them from retreating from the building. If an Prefect’s men managed to escape and have surely told him everything.
enemy reaches the exit space and uses a Move Action to retreat from It won’t be long before the building is surrounded—they’re probably
the board, the mission immediately ends with the characters’ defeat. already taking up positions and waiting for backup to arrive. One of you
searches the area and finds a couple med kits—good as new—stashed
on a nearby shelf. You laugh to yourself and sit down on the cold
SPECIAL RULES concrete, waiting for the inevitable.
• At the beginning of each turn, identify the 2 enemies who are • Each character gains 2 .
closest to the exit space and not in Melee combat. Instead of • +1
performing their normal Actions, they move toward the exit. • Gain 2 FIRST AID KITS AND 1 INTRAMUSCULAR INJECTION.
During each Action they move 1 space. • You cannot leave this .
• The characters start the mission. • If you are ready for the final battle 018 Option B


With all of your enemies incapacitated or dead, the outpost is yours. 3 characters:
Now it’s time to wait for the Prefect. He should arrive within the next During setup, deploy only 1 enemy on each space [1C/D] for a total of
two hours. If you want to prepare any surprises, this is your last 6 enemies. The Leader on space [2A] starts with 3 Damage Tokens.
• Each character gains 8 . 2 characters:
• You find 1 on each defeated enemy. During setup, deploy only 1 enemy on each space [1A/B/C/D] and do
• You cannot leave this . not deploy the Leader on space [2B].
• If you are ready for the final battle 018 Option A

Q 26
You move along the cave walls, keeping an eye on the shape lurking in the darkness. The only sources of light in the cave are the torches the girl
gave you. You throw one of them into the middle of the rocky chamber, hoping to chase the darkness away and reveal this so-called “Black Spirit.”
The shape stops moving and the chamber goes silent. You hold your breath as a massive steel body stalks into the torchlight, rising up on sleek,
tiger-like legs. It crouches down into a hunting stance and faces you.

CAV 05


CAV 04
1. Black Spirit - Z-722B Tiger (x1).
2. Character deployment zone.
2 3. Findings (x3).

Your mission objective is to defeat Black Spirit by the end of turn 5.
CAV 01

• Black Spirit is not a typical specimen of its kind — years of
hunting in darkness have allowed it to gain an uncanny fortitude.
3 Black Spirit’s starting = 11. Use any unused tokens to mark
the additional health on the Z-722B Tiger card.
• The characters start the mission.

Now that the beast is dead, you get a closer look and recognize its
construction. Black Spirit is a unique and heavily modified version of
the Z-722B’s that often stalk the badlands surrounding NJ.
After treating your wounds, you return to the girl. She doesn’t believe a
word of your story. “No one can kill Black Spirit,” she says. After a little
persuasion, you convince her to see for herself, promising to keep her
safe. She follows close behind as you approach the fallen machine.
You can feel her trembling as she peeks out from behind your legs. “It’s
dead?” she asks. “Black Spirit is no more?” She throws her arms around
each of you and starts jumping around the cavern, overwhelmed with

“I’ve got something for you,” she says. “Now that Black Spirit is dead,
we no longer need our sacred book of protection.” She leads you back
to her camp and fetches a tattered tome from a sturdy chest. “Take
DEFEAT it. Maybe you can use it when you meet one of Black Spirit’s family
members. It is very powerful and will keep you safe.” You open the
The machine loses interest in you, like a cat that has grown tired of book and discover that it’s full of blueprints and technical notes. Most
playing with a mouse. You use the opening to retreat from the cavern. of this ‘sacred tome’ is useless, but one of the blueprints catches your
Everything hurts but you manage to make your way back to the girl. eye. You smile at the girl and head back into the tunnel.
She leads you to her camp and does her best to dress your wounds.
Her people thank you for attempting to kill Black Spirit and allow you to • Each character gains 7 .
rest for a few hours. • Gain MACHINE GUN.
• Each character gains 1 and heals 2 .
The fight replays in your mind. Something was familiar about Black • Roll a D6 for each Finding you collected:
Spirit, and you realize the machine is a unique and heavily modified 1-3) 1 4-5) 1 6) 1
version of the Z-722B’s that often stalk the badlands surrounding NJ. • Gain 2 ,1 , and 1 for destroying the Z-722B Tiger.
You’ve never fought a machine like that before and you’re not sure if • 040
you want to again.
• +1
• Each character gains 2 and 1 .
• Each wounded character heals 3 . 3 characters:
The Z-722B Tiger does not start with any additional Health ( = 9).
A. The characters may resolve this again on any later day.
Leave 048 face-up, under this . 2 characters:
The Z-722B Tiger starts with 3 Damage Tokens ( = 6).
B. You may abandon this and move on 040
Q 27


FAC 03

FAC 04
1A/B/C/D. G-12A Bug (x4). 2A
2A/B. Giant Rats (x4).
3. Character deployment zone.
4. Findings (x2).
5. The edge of the board where the
characters must retreat.

FAC 01
Your mission objective is to retreat from the enemies through the
marked edge of the board, or to defeat all enemies by the end of turn
8. No character can be left unconscious on the board.
4 1A
• Starting with turn 3, deploy G-12A Bug (x2) at the beginning
of each turn. They are deployed on spaces [1A] and [2A], and 1B 1C
perform their Actions in the same turn.
• At any time, there can be a maximum of 8 G-12A Bugs on the
board. If this number would be exceeded, do not deploy any
additional enemies. 1D 4
• The characters start the mission.


• Each character gains 8 .

• Roll 1 D6 for each Finding you collected:
1-3) 1 4-5) 1 6) 1
Once you’ve destroyed the swarm of bugs, you dress your wounds and
collect your scattered gear. You begin to ascend the stairs. It seems
like the steps go on forever. Finally, you reach the top level and find
yourself standing in front of a wide door, made of thick steel. Beyond
the door are the technical rooms. You can hear a voice coming from
the other side. It looks like you’re not the first person to visit the
A. You enter ready for a fight.

B. You shout to the men inside: 5

“That’s enough! Whoever you are, you have thirty seconds to open the
door and come out with your hands up!”

C. You retreat from the station compound. You don’t want to risk
another hard fight without proper equipment.
Leave 040 face-up, under this . You may return to it later, at
any time, skipping Q27, and moving straight to the action choices FOR 2 OR 3 CHARACTERS
described above. 3 characters:
During setup, do not deploy any enemies on space [1C], deploy only 1
enemy on space [2A].
DEFEAT Starting with turn 3, do not deploy any enemies on space [2A].
• Each character gains 2 .
• Place 040 face-up, under this . 2 characters:
• You can retry this mission immediately or return on a later day to During setup, do not deploy any enemies on space [1C] and [1D] ,
try it again. deploy only 1 enemy on each space [2A] and [2B].
• +1 Starting with turn 3, do not deploy any enemies on space [2A].

Q 28A / Q 28B


2 1. Character deployment zone. Jack starts here.

2. Findings (x3).
3. Combustibles (x2).
4. The location of the meteorological equipment. Use any unused
6 token to represent the meteorological equipment.
5. The edge of the board where the characters must retreat.
6. The space where enemy reinforcements appear.

FAC 01

7B 3 9B 4 7A/B. Muscle with a Club (x2).

8. Boss (x1).

8 2 9A/B. Bandit with a Pistol (x4).
3 Your mission objective is to repair the meteorological equipment and
retreat with all characters and Jack by the end of turn 7.
No character can be left unconscious on the board.

• Jack joins the characters for this mission. Use any human figure,
not already participating in this mission, to represent Jack.
FAC 05

• Jack uses each of his Actions to move 1 space toward the

meteorological equipment.
• When Jack reaches the meteorological equipment, he has to
perform a total of 3 Interact Actions to repair it.
• After the meteorological equipment has been repaired, Jack uses
each of his Actions to move 1 space toward the escape edge.
• Enemies do not attack Jack—they always target the characters.
5 Jack cannot enter a space occupied by an enemy.
• Starting with turn 3, enemy reinforcements appear on the board.
DEFEAT Deploy Bandit with a Pistol (x4) on space [6], at the beginning of
• Each character gains 2 . each turn.
• Leave 040 face-up, under this . You may return to it • At any time, there can be a maximum of 8 enemies on the board.
later, at any time, skipping Q27 and moving straight to the If this number would be exceeded, do not deploy any additional
action choices described at the end of Q27. enemies.
• +1 • The characters start the mission.


Q28A You successfully retreat to the staircase. A well-aimed grenade
3 characters: collapses the ceiling and blocks the only corridor connecting the
During setup, do not deploy any enemies on space [7B]. stairwell to the rest of the station’s upper level—at least for now. On
Starting with turn 3, deploy enemies (x3) on space [6], as your way back through the belly of the mountain you are lucky not to
reinforcements, at the beginning of each turn. encounter any more danger.
2 characters:
During setup, do not deploy any enemies on space [7B]. Along the way, Jack relays everything he learned, and gives you print-
The Boss starts with 2 Damage Tokens. outs from the detectors and measuring devices. It seems the epicenter
Starting with turn 3, deploy enemies (x2) on space [6], as of the climate changes is located to the northeast of NJ and emits
reinforcements, at the beginning of each turn. waves throughout the surrounding area. It is located in a rocky region
that has a high peak towering over it. The mountain is called Old Crow.
Q28B That whole area is riddled with a complex system of caves. It’s difficult
3 characters: to imagine a better place for a hideout.
During setup, deploy only 1 enemy on space [9B].
Starting with turn 3, deploy enemies (x3) on space [6], at the • Each character gains 8 and 1 .
beginning of each turn. • Gain .
2 characters: • Roll a D6 for each Finding you collected:
During setup, deploy only 1 enemy on each space [9A/B]. 1-3) 1 4-5) 1 6) 1
Starting with turn 3, deploy enemies (x2) on space [6], at the
beginning of each turn.
Q 29A / Q 29B
Your foes look hardy but desperate. Under their white coats they are wearing patched-up leather jackets and pieces of armor that they probably
scavenged somewhere in the badlands. Their heads are adorned with antlers and horns taken from all sorts of animals. They are armed with
primitive weapons but charge you with disturbing ferocity. Technology is on your side but you’re outnumbered and they know the terrain. These
savages might be the end of you.
WAS 01

WAS 04
WAS 03

1A 1B

1A/B/C/D. Butcher with a Machete (x4).
2. Character deployment zone.

3. Choose 1 character to deploy to this zone.



Your mission objective is to defeat half of the enemies by the end Another bunch of foes appears from above the rocks. This group is
of turn 5. Once you have completed your objective the mission ends armed with rifles and they begin sighting you up. Your only option is to
immediately. evac immediately. Helping your wounded, you tumble and slide down
314 the slope. They fire their rifles into the air as you descend. Apparently,
their only goal was to chase away intruders.

SPECIAL RULES • Each character gains 2 .

• Place 315 face-down, under this .
Q29A • You may return here later and reveal the card by proceeding
• One character is on a different map tile than the rest of the along this trail.
group. The distance between the tiles (for Ranged Attack • +1
purposes) is assumed to be 1 space.
• It is not possible to move between the tiles.
• The enemies start the mission. FOR 2 OR 3 CHARACTERS
3 characters:
During setup, do not deploy any enemies on space [1C].
• The enemies start the mission.
2 characters:
VICTORY During setup, do not deploy any enemies on spaces [1B/D].

• Each character gains 6 .

Q 30 WAS 01

WAS 04
3 2A

WAS 03

1A/B/C/D. Butcher with a Machete (x4).
2A/B. E-14 Dragonfly (x2).
3. Character deployment zone.
1B 1D 4. If one of the characters was separated during the previous mission
- this is their deployment zone.


Your mission objective is to defeat more than half of the Butchers by You spot more enemies approaching from multiple angles. There are
the end of turn 6. E-14 Dragonflies do not count toward this number too many of them and you choose to retreat while at least one of you is
(their destruction does not affect the characters’ victory or defeat). still standing. Your enemies do not pursue you. It seems their only goal
was to chase away intruders.
• Each character gains 2 .
• Any character who defeats a E-14 Dragonfly immediately • Place 315 face-up, under this .
gains 1 . • You may return here later and reveal the card by proceeding
• One character is on a different map tile than the rest of the along this trail.
group. The distance between the tiles (for Ranged Attack • +1
purposes) is assumed to be 1 space.
• It is not possible to move between the tiles.
• The characters start the mission. FOR 2 OR 3 CHARACTERS
3 characters:
VICTORY During setup, do not deploy any enemies on space [1C].
The E-14 Dragonfly on space [2B] starts with 2 Damage Tokens.
The last of the locals escape in disarray, dragging their wounded. The
way to the weather station is open! 2 characters:
• Each character gains 7 . During setup, do not deploy any enemies on space [1C/D] and [2B].
• For each destroyed E-14 Dragonfly you gain 1 and 1 .
• 313

Q 31

1. Thug with a Machine Gun (x1). 4 5 3A
2. Character deployment zone.
3A/B/C/D. The spaces where new enemies
appear in the turn after raising the alarm.

FAC 04
4. The edge of the board where the characters 3C 5
have to exit.
5. Findings (x4).
FAC 02

Your mission objective is to move with all characters through the
marked edge of the board by the end of turn 9.

FAC 01
No character can be left unconscious on the board. 5 3D 3B
• The characters start the mission.
• All characters may start Hidden.
• If any character loses the Hidden status, the guard uses his
next Action to raise the alarm. Once the alarm is raised, at the
beginning the next turn, Bandit with a Pistol (x4) are deployed on
the marked spaces.
• Read the “Inside setup” steps below only after the first character
entered tile FAC01.

“Inside setup” 5
Deploy 2 Bosses on the 2 spaces at the edge of the board, where
the characters have to exit.
3 characters: One Boss starts with 2 Damage Tokens.
WAS 04

2 characters: One Boss starts with 2 Damage Tokens, the other 1

Boss starts with 3 Damage Tokens.

You waste no time and rush inside, leaping over your fallen enemies.
You must use this opportunity to reach the center of the station
as quickly as possible. That’s where the receivers are located and
reinforcements could arrive at any minute. Jack leads you through a
maze of crisscrossing corridors, up a long stairway, and straight into a
room filled with various devices. Jack wastes no time and immediately
begins repairing the main receiver and its infrastructure.

Jack has been at it for about fifteen minutes when you hear the 2
commotion of enemy footsteps approaching your position. Fortunately,
your guide has almost finished his work and just needs to test
the settings. The equipment turned out to be mostly undamaged.
Replacing a few small parts and installing a new power source was
enough to get it going. You train your weapons on the door, hoping to
give Jack a few more minutes to work. As soon as he’s done you can
get the hell out of here.
• Each character gains 8 .
• Roll a D6 for each Finding you collected:
1-3) 1 4-5) 1 6) 1 FOR 2 OR 3 CHARACTERS
• Q58B. 3 characters:
The guard is represented by a Marauder with a Rifle instead of a Thug
with a Machine Gun.
DEFEAT No enemies appear on space [3C] after the alarm is raised.
• Each character gains 2 .
• Place 313 face-up, under this . 2 characters:
• You can retry this mission immediately or return on a later day to The guard is represented by a Bandit with a Pistol instead of a Thug
try it again. with a Machine Gun.
• +1 No enemies appear on spaces [3A/C] after the alarm is raised.
Q 32A / Q 32B

1A/B. Muscle with a Club (x4). 4 5 3D
3A/B/C/D. The spaces where new enemies
appear in turn 4.
4. The edge of the board where the characters
have to exit.

FAC 04
5. Findings (x4). 5 3C

2. Character deployment zone. FAC 02

6. Character deployment zone.

FAC 01
Your mission objective is to move with all characters through the
marked edge of the board by the end of turn 9.
No character can be left unconscious on the board.

• The characters start the mission.
• At the beginning of turn 4, Bandit with a Pistol (x4) are deployed 5
on the marked spaces.
• Follow the “Inside setup” steps below, after the first character
enters tile FAC 01.
“Inside setup”
Deploy 2 Bosses on the 2 spaces at the edge of the board, where
the characters have to exit.
WAS 04

3 characters: One Boss starts with 2 Damage Tokens.

2 characters: One Boss starts with 2 Damage Tokens, the other
Boss starts with 3 Damage Tokens.
You waste no time and rush inside, leaping over your fallen enemies.
You must use this opportunity to reach the center of the station
as quickly as possible. That’s where the receivers are located and
reinforcements could arrive at any minute. Jack leads you through a
maze of crisscrossing corridors, up a long stairway, and straight into a
room filled with various devices. Jack wastes no time and immediately
begins repairing the main receiver and its infrastructure.
Jack has been at it for about fifteen minutes when you hear the
commotion of enemy footsteps approaching your position. Fortunately,
your guide has almost finished his work and just needs to test
the settings. The equipment turned out to be mostly undamaged. DEFEAT
Replacing a few small parts and installing a new power source was • Each character gains 2 .
enough to get it going. You train your weapons on the door, hoping to • Place 313 face-up, under this .
give Jack a few more minutes to work. As soon as he’s done you can • You can retry this mission immediately or return on a later day to
get the hell out of here. try it again.
• Each character gains 8 . • +1
• Roll a D6 for each Finding you collected:
1-3) 1 4-5) 1 6) 1
3 characters:
During setup, deploy only 1 enemy on space [1A].
No enemy appears on space [3D].

2 characters:
During setup, deploy only 1 enemy on space [1A] and 1 on space [1B].
No enemies appear on spaces [3C/D].
Q 33
The huge monster’s head appears, its powerful, steel fangs strike dangerously close to your arm. A moment later, a long body springs up from
beneath the snowdrifts. It writhes and coils with blinding speed. The beast lunges forward with a mouth full of titanium blades snapping furiously.
It’s a terrifying display of metal and movement that makes you hope there are no more creatures like this, hiding beneath the snow.

WAS 02

1 1. GY-2 Python (x1).

2. Character deployment zone.

Your mission objective is to defeat the GY-2 Python by the end of turn 8.
• The enemy starts the mission.
• The mission is played during a Blizzard.

That was a hell of a fight, but there’s no time to rest. The sounds of
battle might draw more machines to the area. You don’t like the idea of
traveling through the snow at night but you have no choice. There are
still many hours until dawn.

The terrain is even more demanding than the path you took yesterday
and the wounds you suffered during combat make things even more
difficult. You decide to stop for a short rest as the sun begins to rise.

The moment is short-lived and interrupted by a gunshot. The bullet

ricochets off a rock, dangerously close to your feet. Some shadowy
figures, wrapped in white masking cloaks jump out from behind nearby
rocks and assault you. It doesn’t seem like you can catch a break.
• Each character gains 6 .
• For destroying the GY-2 Python you gain 2 ,1 ,1 .
• +1
• Q29B

You barely manage to get away with your lives. Traveling farther will
be a huge risk—considering your injuries and the number of enemies
prowling the area. You decide to return to the town, to find a guide or
someone able to show you a different path.
• Each character gains 1 .
• If all characters retreated from the board or are unconscious,
each of the retreating characters loses 2 .
• Move the Hunters marker on different .
• Place 328 face-up, under this .
• You can retry this mission immediately or return on a later day to
try it again.
• +2

3 characters:
The GY-2 Python starts with 2 Damage Token.

2 characters:
The GY-2 Python starts with 4 Damage Tokens.

Q 34

CAN 02

3 1. GY-2 Python (x1).

2. Underground Worm (x1).
3. Character deployment zone.

Your mission objective is to defeat all enemies by the end of turn 8.

• Before the mission begins, the characters may deploy Traps on
any board spaces. There is no limit to the number of Traps that
1 may be deployed.
• All characters may start Hidden. If all characters are Hidden
when the first Trap is triggered, the character closest to the Trap
loses their Hidden status.
CAN 01

• As long as all characters remain Hidden, the enemies do not

perform any Actions.
• The characters start the mission.

After the second beast falls dead to the ground, you let yourself
sink into the desert sand, exhausted. Then you prepare the Python’s
enormous body for transport.
• Each character gains 8 .
3 • For destroying the Underground Worm you gain 5 .
• You take the other carcass to Azar, as agreed.
• Gain .

• Each character gains 2 .
• If all characters retreated from the board or are unconscious,
each of the retreating characters loses 2 .
• Place 078 face-up, under this .
• You can retry this mission immediately or return on a later day to
try it again.
• +1

3 characters:
The Underground Worm on space [2] starts with 6 Damage Tokens.

2 characters:
During setup, do not deploy any enemies on space [2].

Q 35
„Hey, you! Move away from the plants, we were here first! Go on, quickly!” someone shouts. A rag-tag band of strangers starts walking toward you,
each thug brandishing a machete with ill intent. It seems you’re going to have to cut down more than moldcorms today.
WAS 03

WAS 04

1 1

3B 3D

1 3A 1
WAS 01

WAS 02

3C 1

4B 4A


1. Moldcorms (x6). Use any unused token to represent the • In order to harvest a Moldcorm, the character must perform two
Moldcorms. Interact Actions in a row.
2. Character deployment zone. • It is also possible to harvest a Moldcorm without using any
3A/B/C/D. Bandit with a Pistol (x4). Actions, but there is a risk of being wounded by the plant’s
4A/B. The spaces where new enemies appear. natural defenses. Any character in the same space as a
Moldcorm can roll a D6 to harvest the plant. This is always
MISSION OBJECTIVE successful, but on a result of 1, 2, or 3, the character loses 1 .
• At the beginning of each turn, starting with turn 4, deploy Butcher
Your mission objective is to harvest as many Moldcorms as possible with a Machete (x4) in the designated spaces. They perform
and retreat from the board. their Actions in the same turn, according to normal order.
• At any time, there can be a maximum of 8 Butchers on the board.
If this number would be exceeded, do not deploy any additional
FOR 2 OR 3 CHARACTERS enemies.
3 characters: • The characters start the mission.
During setup, do not deploy any enemies on space [3D].
At the beginning of each turn, starting with turn 4, deploy only 1
enemy on space [4B]. VICTORY
• Each character gains 1 and the agreed upon reward for
2 characters: each personally harvested Moldcorm.
During setup, do not deploy any enemies on spaces [3C/D]. • +1
At the beginning of each turn, starting with turn 4, deploy only 1
enemy on each space [4A/B].

Q 36

WAS 04

1. Gorilla 3A MKII (x1).

2. Defender TR-2 (x1).
3. Character deployment zone.
4. The machines’ route.

Your mission objective is to destroy both machines by the end of turn 10.

• Before the mission begins, the characters may deploy Traps on
4 any board spaces. There is no limit to the number of Traps that
may be deployed.
• All characters may start Hidden. If all characters are Hidden
when the first Trap is triggered, the character closest to the Trap
WAS 02

loses their Hidden status.

• As long as all characters remain Hidden, the machines move
1 space each turn, along the set route. After reaching the
destination point the machines leave the board and the mission
ends with the characters’ defeat.
• The enemies start the mission.

2 • Each character gains 8 and the reward for finishing this task.
• For each destroyed machine you gain 2 ,1 ,1 .

• If 1 machnine has been destroyed, each character gains 3 .
• Otherwise, each character gains 1 .
• Place 563 face-up, under this .
• You can retry this mission immediately or return on a later day to
try it again.
• +1

3 characters:
The machine on space [2] starts with 4 Damage Tokens.

2 characters:
During setup, do not deploy the machine on space [2].

Q 37A / Q 37B

CAV 01

4B 4A 1A/B/C/D. Muscle with a Club (x4).

2. Marauder with a Rifle (x2).
3. Concrete Wall (x1).
4A/B/C. The spaces where enemy reinforcements appear.
3 5. Chemicals (x2).

6 Q37A
6. Character deployment zone.
5 5
7. Character deployment zone.

Your mission objective is to defeat all enemies by the end of turn 8.
CAV 02

• Reinforcements are deployed at the beginning of turn 3 - Muscle
with a Club (x6). They perform their Actions in the same turn,
according to normal order.
7 • At any time, there can be a maximum of 8 Muscles on the board.
If it is not possible to deploy all reinforcements at the beginning
of turn 4, set the extra Muscles aside and attempt to deploy
them at the beginning of the next tour. Repeat this procedure
1D until all 8 reinforcements have been deployed.

• All aforementioned rules apply.
4C • The characters start the mission.

• All aforementioned rules apply.
• The enemies start the mission.

The last enemy falls to the floor, landing on top of shards of volcanic
rock. You waste no time and run straight for the tunnel, hoping you’ll
find the leader of the Frozen Ones.
• Each character gains 10 .
• You find FRAG GRENADE and FIRST AID KIT on one of the dead
3 characters:
During setup, do not deploy enemies on spaces [1C/D].
At the beginning of turn 3, do not deploy any reinforcements on space [4B].
• Each character gains 3 .
2 characters: • Place 066 face-up, under this .
During setup, do not deploy enemies on each spaces [1B/C/D]. • The characters will have to resolve Q20A on any later day.
At the beginning of turn 3, deploy only 1 reinforcement on each space Then they will potentially be allowed to continue their journey.
[4A/B/C]. • +1

Q 38A / Q 38B
1. The edge of the board 1

WAS 02
HOU 01
where any character has to
move with the incapacitated 5B 8
2. Character deployment zone. 2
Q38A 5A 5C
3A/B/C/D. Thug with a HOU 03
Machine Gun (x8).
4. Prefect – Leader (x1).
4 3B 6 3C
5A/B/C/D. Marauder with a
Rifle (x8).
6. Prefect - Leader (x1). 3A 5D 3D 7
7. Defender TR-2 (x1).
8. Z-719 Tiger (x1).


Your mission objective is to incapacitate the Prefect and retreat from Partially dragging the Prefect’s unconscious body, you head west to a nearby
the board, through the marked edge of the board, by the end of turn 12. canyon. A group of Frozen Ones are waiting to pick you up in a few fast
pursuit machines. The Prefect’s men chase close behind in vehicles of their
SPECIAL RULES own—their numbers increasing as others join from nearby outposts. Their
gunfire seems endless, but the Frozen Ones have armored their vehicles well.
• In order to incapacitate the Prefect you have to reduce his to 0. You manage to lose most of them before you reach the end of the canyon,
• Once the Prefect is incapacitated, any character in his space can and the others fall far behind as you head out into the desert.
perform an Interact Action to start carrying his body.
• The movement speed of any character who is carrying the When you reach his camp in the desert, the leader of the Frozen Ones is
incapacitated Prefect is reduced to 1 space. This movement waiting for you. His face is bright with joy. “Finally! So many years, and I have
speed cannot be modified in any way. Cards, gear, and other him at last,” he says. You drag the Prefect over to the man and drop him in
bonuses that affect movement should be ignored while carrying the sand. The Prefect is brutally revived by a series of punches to the face.
the Prefect. He raises his head and looks around, scanning the onlookers until his eyes
• Before the mission begins, the characters may deploy Traps on meet your own.
any exterior board spaces, except for the enemy starting spaces. “Traitors!” he shouts, spitting blood onto the sand. “And you! You planned
MINES cannot be deployed inside, as their explosions would all this? I remember your faces. I gave you shelter when you had nothing. I
demolish the whole building. should have kicked you out like the mongrels you are! This is what I get for
• The characters start the mission. showing you mercy?” The Prefect pauses and waits for you to respond. You
stare back in silence. “Oh you remember it differently?” he asks. He continues
FOR 2 OR 3 CHARACTERS his tirade. “History is written by the powerful, my friends. In the end, the truth
means nothing. No one will remember you, and no one will care what really
happened before this all began. You are nothing. I am the Prefect!” It’s clear
3 characters:
the gravity of his situation hasn’t yet sunk in. It soon will.
During setup, do not deploy any enemies on space [3D].
The Prefect starts with 1 Damage Token. A few days later, you receive word that New Jensen has surrendered to
2 characters: the Frozen Ones. The last remnants of the Prefect’s followers have been
During setup, do not deploy any enemies on spaces [3C/D]. killed or retreated into the wastes. You return to town with the leader of the
The Prefect starts with 2 Damage Tokens. Frozen Ones and the captured Prefect. Streets look as if a hurricane has
Q38B torn through the area. Furniture has been dragged outside and set on fire.
3 characters: Dead bodies are everywhere. Bands of thugs, marked with the sign of white
During setup, do not deploy any enemies on space [5D]. hands, lean against walls and watch you from rooftops. Groups of scared
The Prefect starts with 1 Damage Token and the Defender TR-2 starts inhabitants cower in charred alleys. You move toward a large structure that
with 3 Damage Tokens. has been erected in the center of the main square—a wooden platform fitted
2 characters: with a few massive canisters of liquid nitrogen. Hanging in front of them you
During setup, do not deploy any enemies on spaces [5C/D]. spot a steel rack with two long chains hanging from it.
The Prefect starts with 2 Damage Tokens, the Defender TR-2 starts A few Frozen Ones escort the Prefect to the platform. Limp and emaciated,
with 4 Damage Tokens. his feet drag behind him. He says nothing. The men bind his hands with the
chains and turn a large wooden wheel, lifting him into the air. The leader of
DEFEAT the Frozen Ones raises his arms and the crowd falls silent. The Frozen Ones
continue to spin the wheel and one of the cannisters slides forward, stopping
• Suffering defeat during this mission means losing the entire
beneath the Prefect’s lifeless body. He looks down and fear fills his eyes.
campaign—the Prefect’s men spare no one and they will finish
off all unconscious characters. The Leader of the Frozen Ones lowers his hands to his sides, and the crowd
• After being defeated, the characters may use the last saved begins to stomp their feet in an unsettling rhythm.“Death by freezing!” he
game and continue playing from that point. shouts. THE END
Q 39A / Q 39B

Q39A You sneak up to an old wall and circle the building from behind. The door is locked but you make short work of it with deft hands and
a sturdy pick. You enter the kitchen and scan the area for danger. There are signs of recent activity, so you move forward, looking for
hostile bandits.
Q39B You stand in front of the main entrance and start banging on the rusty, steel door. A moment later, a thin, haggard man with a machete
tucked into his belt opens it. „What the hell do you want?” he asks. Before you can respond, he continues his line of questioning.
“Lookin’ for work? What? Something wrong with your brains? Or maybe you were born dumber than diggin’ machines? Go to the mail
square. They’re always lookin’ for lazy assholes..”
You decide to let your weapons do the talking.

FAC 05
FAC 04

3A 3B

FAC 03
6 2 5 1C 6 5 4
FAC 01

5 1B 3C


Your mission objective is to defeat all human enemies (Butchers and
the Boss) by the end of turn 10. Once all human enemies are defeated,
8 the mission immediately ends, and the YE-3 Wild Dogs and Giant Rats

SETUP • The characters start the mission.
1A/B/C. Butcher with a Machete (x6). • The enemies do not perform Actions until the characters do 1 of
2. Boss (x1). the 2 following:
3A/B/C/D. YE-3 Wild Dog (x4). 1. Any character enters an element of the board that contains
4. Giant Rats (x4). enemies. In this case all enemies from a given board element
5. Findings (x4). (but not from other board tiles) start performing their Actions as
6. Combustibles (x2). normal.
2. Any character or enemy performs a Ranged Attack. In this
Q39A case all enemies from all adjacent board elements are alerted to
7. Character deployment zone. the noise and start performing their Actions, as normal.

8. Character deployment zone.
• • Each character gains 8 .
• • For each destroyed YE-3 Wild Dog you gain 1 and 1 .
FOR 2 OR 3 CHARACTERS • • You find 1 on the defeated Boss.
3 characters: • • Roll a D6 for each Finding you collected:
During setup, deploy only 1 enemy on space [1A], 3 enemies on space 1-4) 1 5) 1 6) 1
[4], and do not deploy any enemies on space [3D]. • 535 option B
The Boss starts with 2 Damage Tokens.

2 characters:
During setup, deploy only 1 enemy on each space [1A/B/C], 2 enemies • Each character gains 2 .
on space [4], and do not deploy any enemies on spaces [3C/D]. • Place 531 face-down, under 402.
The Boss starts with 2 Damage Tokens. • +1

Q 40A / Q 40B

STR 01

1. Character deployment zone.

2. Leader (x1) and Bandit with a Pistol (x2).
3B 3A/B/C/D. Bandit with a Pistol (x4).

1 Q40B
4. Leader (x1) and Bandit with a Pistol (x2).
3A 2 3D 5A/B/C/D. Bandit with a Pistol (x4).

3C Your mission objective is to defeat the Leader by the end of turn 7.

HOU 01

• If there are any other enemies in the same space as the Leader,
5B 5A 5C he cannot be the target of attacks (area damage is the only
exception to this rule, and can be used to damage the Leader
and any other enemies in his space). If there are no other
enemies in the Leader’s space, you can directly target and attack
5D 4 the Leader.
• The characters start the mission.

• All aforementioned rules apply. Additionally, enemies do not
perform Actions until a character performs an Attack or moves
into the board element HOU 01.

• Each character gains 7 .
• You find 7 on the defeated Leader.
• Place 536 face-down, under 402.

• Each character gains 1 .
• Place 531 face-down under 402.
• +1

3 characters:
During setup, deploy only 1 Bandit and Leader on space [2], do not
deploy any enemies on space [3D].
2 characters:
During setup, deploy only 1 Bandit and Leader on space [2], do not
deploy any enemies on spaces [3C/D].
The Leader starts with 1 Damage Token.

3 characters:
During setup, deploy only 1 Bandit and Leader on space [4], do not
deploy any enemies on space [5D].
2 characters:
During setup, deploy only 1 Bandit and Leader on space [4], do not
deploy any enemies on spaces [5C/D].
The Leader starts with 1 Damage Token.

Q 41
FAC 04

FAC 03
3B 6 3C

5 1C
FAC 01

5 3A 7 SETUP
1A/B/C. Giant Rats (x6).
2. MK-14 Rhino (x1).
3A/B/C. Z-719 Tiger (x3).
2 8 4. Character deployment zone.
5. Findings (x4).
6. Junk (x2).
7. Combustibles (x2).
6 5 8. Chemicals (x2).

FAC 05

1B Your mission objective is to defeat all enemies by the end of turn 10.

7 • The characters start the mission.
• The character who deals the finishing blow to MK-14 Rhino
immediately gains 1 .
• The enemies perform no Actions unless the characters do 1 of
FAC 02

5 the following:
1. Any character enters an element of the board with the
enemies. In this case all enemies from a given board element
(but not from other rooms) start performing their Actions in
1A normal order.
2. Any character or enemy performs a Ranged Attack. In
this case all enemies from all adjacent board elements start
performing their Actions.
• Each character gains 8 and the reward for finishing this task.
4 • For each destroyed Z-719 Tiger you gain 1 and 1 .
• For the destroyed MK-14 Rhino you gain 4 ,1 ,1 ,1 .
• Roll a D6 for each Finding you collected:
1-4) 1 5) 1 6) 1


3 characters: • Each character gains 1 for each Z-719 Tiger destroyed
During setup, do not deploy any enemies on spaces [1C] and [3C]. during this mission.
The MK-14 Rhino starts with 2 Damage Tokens. • Each character gains 2 , if the MK-14 Rhino was destroyed
during this mission.
2 characters: • Place 541 face-up under this .
During setup, do not deploy any enemies on spaces [1B/C] and [3C]. • The characters may return on a later day to try this again.
The MK-14 Rhino starts with 5 Damage Tokens. • +1

Q 42
You go with Brad toward the southern border of the town, where the high, wandering dunes slowly eat away swaths of the inhabited area. In this
place, the power of nature proves it’s more than capable of erasing the works of many human generations. Some houses have been swallowed by
the dunes—their chimneys sticking out of the sand are the only sign of their existence. Other buildings are still visible, with the sand only having
drifted up beyond the first or second floors.
Brad has managed to keep the sand at bay and his home is safe for now. In a few years’ time he will likely have to abandon it. He reaches into his
pack and hands you a large chunk of dead rat to use as bait. He wishes you luck and hurries into his house, locking the door behind him. You’re
left standing alone, outside, wondering what you’ve just gotten yourself into.

CAN 02

1 1. Underground Worm (x1).

2. Character deployment zone.
3. Findings (x3).
4. Combustibles (x1).
3 5. Bait (x1). Use any unused token to represent the bait.
6. This is the Underground Worm’s route.

6 4
Your mission objective is to defeat the Underground Worm by the end
of turn 8.

• Before the mission begins, the characters may deploy Traps on
any board spaces. There is no limit to the number of Traps that
CAN 01

5 may be deployed.
• All characters may start Hidden. If all characters are Hidden
when the first Trap is triggered, the character closest to the Trap
loses their Hidden status.
• As long as all characters remain Hidden, the Underground Worm
moves 1 space each turn, along the set route. When it reaches
the bait, it performs an Interact Action, instead of moving, and
the bait is removed from the board.
• After the Underground Worm consumes the bait, it begins
2 moving toward the nearest edge of the board. If the Underground
Worm leaves the board, the missions ends with the characters’
• The Underground Worm starts the mission.

• Each character gains 6 and the reward for finishing this task.
• For destroying the Underground Worm you gain 5 .
• Each character who remains conscious gains 1 .
• Roll a D6 for each Finding you collected:
1-3) 1 4-5) 1 6) 1
• +1

• Each character gains 2 .
• Place 549 face-up under this .
• You can retry this immediately or return on a later day to try
it again.
• +1

3 characters:
The Underground Worm starts with 3 Damage Tokens.

2 characters:
The Underground Worm starts with 6 Damage Tokens.
Q 43
You jump out of the vehicle and dive under a hail of bullets. Selena takes cover behind a nearby pile of rubble. You stay low and try to follow her
lead. When the time is right, you make your move, but a loose harness on one of your packs catches on a sharp piece of the truck, leaving one
unlucky man out in the open. One of the shooters takes advantage of the opportunity and puts a couple rounds in his leg. Fortunately his harness
tears and he’s able to get into cover before the shooter can finish the job. Without a word, Selena leaps out of cover, leaving the others behind, and
sprints over to the injured man.

STR 02

9D 9C 2 9A 1. Defender TR-3 Red (x1).

2. E-14 Dragonfly (x2).
3. Character deployment zone.
4. Starting space of wounded character (randomly chosen) and Selena.
1 5. Explosives (x2).
6. Wrecks (x2).
7. Concrete Wall (x1).
8. The machines’ route.
9A/B/C/D. The spaces where the second wave of enemy machines
5 appear: MK-14 Rhino (x2) and Gorilla 3A Black (x2).

Your mission objective is to prevent all enemies from leaving the
board, until the end of turn 12. If any machine leaves the board, the
8 mission ends with the characters’ defeat.
STR 01

4 6
• Choose one random character to start on space 4 with Selena.
This character loses 2 .
7 5 • During this mission, Selena fights on the characters’ side. Use
any human figure, not already participating in this mission, to
represent Selena.
• Selena starts on space 4 with the wounded character. She has
3 6 the characteristics of a Marauder with a Rifle. The only Actions
she attempts to perform are Ranged Attacks. If an enemy enters
her space, she defends herself by performing Melee Attacks
instead of Ranged Attacks. Once there are no more enemies in
her space, she resumes her Ranged Attacks.
• Each character starts the mission with 1 AT MINE. Choose one
character to start the mission with a 2nd AT MINE. Use any
unused tokens to represent the AT MINES. The AT MINES do
not take up slots on the character sheets. The characters may
DEFEAT deploy them according to normal rules, by performing 1 Interact
• Each character gains 2 . Action on any chosen space.
• Return 570 face-up, under 407. • At the beginning of turn 4, The second wave of enemy machines
• You can retry this mission immediately or return on a later day to is deployed on the marked spaces (1 enemy on each space).
try it again. They perform their Actions in the same turn.
• +1 • All enemy machines use the first of their two available Actions to
move 1 space along the set route. For their second Action, they
perform a Ranged Attack or a Melee Attack. They never perform
FOR 2 OR 3 CHARACTERS any other Move Actions or Parting Leaps, even if their enemy
3 characters: card instructs them to do so.
Deploy only 1 enemy on space [2]. • The enemies start the mission.
When deploying the second wave, do not deploy any enemies on
space [9D].
2 characters: • Each character gains 10 and the reward for finishing this task.
During setup, do not deploy any enemies on space [2]. • +1
When deploying the second wave, do not deploy any enemies on
spaces [9B/D].
The Defender TR-3 starts with 5 Damage Tokens.

Q 44

STR 03

1. The Bald Man with Arm in Sling - Boss (x1).

2A/B. Butcher with a Machete (x4).
3. Character deployment zone.
4. Chemicals (x1).
Your mission objective is to defeat all enemies by the end of turn 5.
2B 4
• When there is only one enemy left on the board, it flees in a
2A panic, and the mission ends with the characters’ victory.
• The mission is played during Heavy Rain.
• The enemies start the mission.

• Each character gains 5 and the reward for finishing this task.
• +1

• Each character gains 1 .
• +1

3 characters:
Deploy only 1 enemy on space [2B]. The Boss starts with 2 Damage

2 characters:
Deploy only 1 enemy on each space [2A/B]. The Boss starts with 4
Damage Tokens.

Q 45A / Q 45B / Q 45C / Q 45H

WAS 03

5B 1. Character deployment zone.

2. AKA-2L Spider (x1).
3A/B. E-14 Dragonfly (x2).

3B 2. Gorilla 3A MKII (x1).

4. Thug with a Machine Gun (x2).
2 4 5A/B/C. Muscle with a Club (x6).

WAS 04

5C 5A Your mission objective is to defeat all enemies by the end of turn 6.

The AKA-2L Spider is heavily damaged. It starts with 2 Damage Tokens.
The enemies start the mission.

The enemies start the mission.
The mission is played during Fog.
The enemies start the mission.

The enemies start the mission.


Q45A • Each character gains 5 .
3 characters: • For each destroyed AKA-2L Spider you gain 2 ,1 ,1 .
The AKA-2L Spider starts with 3 Damage Tokens. • For each destroyed Gorilla 3A MKII you gain 3 ,1 ,1 .
2 characters: • For each destroyed E-14 Dragonfly you gain 1 and 1 .
The AKA-2L Spider starts 4 Damage Tokens.

3 characters:
• Each character gains 1 .
The E-14 Dragonfly on space [3B] starts with 2 Damage Tokens.
• If all characters retreated from the board or are unconscious,
2 characters:
each of the retreating characters loses 1 .
During setup, do not deploy any enemies on space [3B].

3 characters:
The Gorilla 3A MKII starts with 3 Damage Tokens.
2 characters:
The Gorilla 3A MKII starts with 6 Damage Tokens.

3 characters:
During setup, do not deploy any enemies on space [5C].
One of the Thugs with a Machine Gun starts with 3 Damage Tokens.
2 characters:
During setup, deploy only 1 enemy on each space [5A/B/C] and [4].

Q 46A / Q 46B / Q 46C

STR 01

3A 3B 3D 4A 1. Character deployment zone.

2. Leader (x1).
3C 3A/B/C/D. Marauder with a Rifle (x4).

3A/B/C/D. Butcher with a Machete (x8).
1 4C Q46C
4A/B/C. Muscle with a Club (x6).

Your mission objective is to defeat all enemies by the end of turn 6.

• The enemies start the mission.

• Each character gains 3 and 1 .

• Each character gains 1 .
• If all characters retreated from the board or are unconscious,
each of the retreating characters loses 1 .

3 characters:
During setup, do not deploy an enemy on space [3D].
The Leader starts with 1 Damage Token.
2 characters:
During setup, do not deploy any enemies on spaces [3C/D].
The Leader starts with 3 Damage Tokens.

3 characters:
During setup, do not deploy any enemies on space [3D].
2 characters:
During setup, deploy only 1 enemy on each space [3A/B/C/D].

3 characters:
During setup, deploy only 1 enemy on space [4C].
2 characters:
During setup, deploy only 1 enemy on each spaces[4A/B/C].

Q 47
The trap is set. The only thing left to do is to wait for the next transport convoy to get caught in it. However, your lookout, watching the
surrounding area from the nearby tower, spots something alarming. A few hundred meters behind the first group, is another bunch of marauders
with dogs. They are barely visible in the dark. Something must have slowed them down for a few minutes and the rest chose to keep moving with
the transport machines. It will take the marauders some time to catch up, but you won’t be able to hold them off when they do. You have just a few
minutes to take what you can and escape.

WAS 03

1B 1C 1D 1A/B. Muscle with a Club (x4) with transport machines (x2) Use any
unused tokens to represent the transport machines. Place a stack of 3
Findings on top of each transport machine.
1C/D. Muscle with a Club (x4).
1A 2. Leader (x1).
3. The enemy route.
4. Chemicals (x2).
5. Buildings (x2).
6. Tower (x1).
7. Character deployment zone.

3 Your mission objective is to collect as many Findings as possible and
retreat from the board with all characters. The mission ends at the
end of turn 8, but the characters can choose to retreat from the board
on an earlier turn.
WAS 01

4 6
• Before the mission begins, the characters may deploy Traps on
5 7 any board spaces. There is no limit to the number of Traps that
may be deployed.
• All characters may start Hidden. If all characters are Hidden
when the first Trap is triggered, the character closest to the Trap
4 5 loses their Hidden status.
• As long as all characters remain Hidden, all enemies and
transport machines move 1 space each turn, along the set route.
The enemies in front move first, then the transport machines,
and finally the enemies at the back.
• If the characters have not collected at least 1 Finding before
the last enemy on the board reaches the destination point and
leaves the board, the mission ends with the characters’ defeat.
• In order to retrieve Findings from the transport machines, you
have to be in their space and perform 1 Interact Action per
Finding token.
• The transport machines ignore the characters and only use their
actions to move along the set route.
• All enemies have night vision devices and ignore any Nighttime
effects when performing their Actions.
• The enemies start the mission.


3 characters: • If the characters manage to carry at least 1 Finding from the
During setup, deploy only 1 enemy on each space [1C/D]. board, each character gains 5 .
The Leader starts with 1 Damage Token. • Roll 1 D6 for each Finding you collected:
1-2) 2 3-4) 2 5) 2 6) 1
2 characters:
During setup, deploy only 1 enemy on each space [1A/B/C/D].
The Leader starts with 3 Damage Tokens. DEFEAT
• Each character gains 1 .

Q 48A / Q 48B

WAS 04

3 1A/B/C. Butcher with a Machete (x6).

2A/B. Bandit with a Pistol (x2).

3. Character deployment zone.

4 Q48B
4. Character deployment zone.
1B 1C
Your mission objective is to defeat all enemies by the end of turn 7.

• The characters start the mission.
WAS 02

1A 2A
• Each character gains 5 and 1 .
• Each character gains 1 .
• If all characters retreated from the board or are unconscious,
each of the retreating characters loses 1 .

3 characters:
Deploy only 1 enemy on each space [1B/C]. Do not deploy any
enemies on space [2B].

2 characters:
Deploy only 1 enemy on each space [1A/B/C]1. Do not deploy any
enemies on space [2B].

Q 49
The bodyguards overwhelm Lisa in a flash, and pull the Prefect away from her—giving you a few more precious seconds. You take advantage of
the commotion and rush toward your former employer, remembering why you came here.
IMPORTANT: It is recommended to save the game before starting this mission.

HOU 01

1C 1A/B/C/D. Thug with a Machine Gun (x8).

2. Prefect - Leader (x1).
3. Character deployment zone.
4. The edge of the board where any character has to move with the
2 1A incapacitated Prefect.


HOU 02
1B Your mission objective is to incapacitate the Prefect and retreat from
the board, through the marked edge of the board, by the end of turn 9.
• In order to incapacitate the Prefect you have to reduce his to 0.
• Once the Prefect is incapacitated, any character in his space can
perform an Interact Action to start carrying his body.
1D 4 • The movement speed of any character who is carrying the
incapacitated Prefect is reduced to 1 space. This movement
speed cannot be modified in any way. Cards, gear, and other
bonuses that affect movement should be ignored while carrying
the Prefect.
• The characters start the mission.

Partially dragging the Prefect’s unconscious body, you head downhill.
You hear shouting and footsteps approaching from many directions. It
seems the rest of the guards are running your way. Facing them head-
on would be suicide, so you decide to use the back door. You kick open
the door and head out into the parking lot behind the Prefect’s HQ. Lisa
told you a vehicle would be waiting for you, but which one is it?

On the far side of the lot you spot a girl, sitting on the hood of a car
that looks to be reinforced with steel sheets. You start moving toward
the vehicle, waving your hands to get her attention. When she sees you,
she shouts something and jumps into the driver’s seat. She starts the
engine as the Prefect’s men spill out of the building behind you. Across
the street, a group of soldiers have opened a cage full of mechanical
dogs. They’re trying to block your escape route.
• Each character gains 10 .
• You find 4 and FIRST AID KIT on the incapacitated Prefect.
• Q50


3 characters: • Suffering defeat during this mission means losing the entire
During setup, deploy only 1 enemy on each space [1C/D]. campaign—the Prefect’s men spare no one and they will finish
The Prefect starts with 1 Damage Token. off all unconscious characters.
• After being defeated, the characters may use the last saved
2 characters: game and continue playing from that point.
During setup, deploy only 1 enemy on each space [1A/B/C/D].
The Prefect starts with 3 Damage Tokens.

Q 50
STR 03

4 1A/B/C/D. Butcher with a Machete (x8).

2A/B. YE-3 Wild Dog (x6).
3. Marauder with a Rifle (x2).
4. Character deployment zone.
1B 5. Vehicle (x1). Use any unused token to represent the vehicle.
6. Chemicals (x2).

1A Your mission objective is to have 1 character carry the unconscious
Prefect and put him into the vehicle by the end of turn 9.

Screeching away, you drive forward, the bandits’ bullets ricocheting off the
reinforced hood of the vehicle. You just need to make it a few blocks and
the Frozen Ones should be waiting to aid you. Ahead you spot a large crowd
STR 04

2B 6 of people, rioting in the street. You see a group of Frozen Ones leading the
crowd, and they wave you past the group. These zealots sure do know how
to make a mess of things and it will be impossible for the Prefect’s men
to follow you through the crowd. As you pass, the mass of people push
wrecked vehicles into the road, blocking the street. You’re safe.

When you reach his camp in the desert, the leader of the Frozen Ones is
waiting for you. His face is bright with joy. “Finally! So many years, and I
have him at last,” he says. You drag the Prefect over to the man and drop
1C 5 him in the sand. The Prefect is brutally revived by a series of punches to the
face. He raises his head and looks around, scanning the onlookers until his
eyes meet your own.

2A 3 “Traitors!” he shouts, spitting blood onto the sand. “And you! You planned
all this? I remember your faces. I gave you shelter when you had nothing.
I should have kicked you out like the mongrels you are! This is what I get
for showing you mercy?” The Prefect pauses and waits for you to respond.
You stare back in silence. “Oh you remember it differently?” he asks. He
SPECIAL RULES continues his tirade. “History is written by the powerful, my friends. In the
• Choose 1 character to carry the Prefect. The movement speed end, the truth means nothing. No one will remember you, and no one will
of this character is reduced to 1 space. This movement speed care what really happened before this all began. You are nothing. I am the
cannot be modified in any way. Cards, gear, and other bonuses Prefect!” It’s clear the gravity of his situation hasn’t yet sunk in. It soon will.
that affect movement should be ignored while carrying the
Prefect. A few days later, you receive word that New Jensen has surrendered to
• Once the character reaches the space with the vehicle they need the Frozen Ones. The last remnants of the Prefect’s followers have been
to perform 1 Interact Action to place the Prefect’s body inside killed or retreated into the wastes. You return to town with the leader of the
and enter it themselves. Frozen Ones and the captured Prefect. Streets look as if a hurricane has
• The characters start the mission. torn through the area. Furniture has been dragged outside and set on fire.
Dead bodies are everywhere. Bands of thugs, marked with the sign of white
DEFEAT hands, lean against walls and watch you from rooftops. Groups of scared
inhabitants cower in charred alleys. You move toward a large structure that
• Suffering defeat during this mission means losing the entire has been erected in the center of the main square—a wooden platform fitted
campaign—the Prefect’s men spare no one and they will finish with a few massive canisters of liquid nitrogen. Hanging in front of them you
off all unconscious characters. spot a steel rack with two long chains hanging from it.
• After being defeated, the characters may use the last saved
game and continue playing from that point. A few Frozen Ones escort the Prefect to the platform. Limp and emaciated,
his feet drag behind him. He says nothing. The men bind his hands with the
FOR 2 OR 3 CHARACTERS chains and turn a large wooden wheel, lifting him into the air. The leader
of the Frozen Ones raises his arms and the crowd falls silent. The Frozen
3 characters: Ones continue to spin the wheel and one of the cannisters slides forward,
During setup, do not deploy any enemies on space [1D], and deploy stopping beneath the Prefect’s lifeless body. He looks down and fear fills his
only 2 enemies on each space [2B/C]. The Marauder with a Rifle on eyes.
space [3] starts with 1 Damage Token.
The Leader of the Frozen Ones lowers his hands to his sides, and the crowd
2 characters: begins to stomp their feet in an unsettling rhythm.“Death by freezing!” he
During setup, deploy only 1 enemy on each space [1A/B/C/D] and [3]. shouts.
Deploy only 2 enemies on space [2B]. THE END
Q 51

You manage to surprise a few of the enemies and take them out, but the others quickly realize what’s going on and open fire. When the girl hears
the gunshots, she panics and hides behind a dais. As she cowers in fear, her assailants head straight for her.

STR 03

4 4 1A/B. Marauder with a Rifle (x4).

2A/B. Thug with a Machine Gun (x2).
3. Character deployment zone.
4. Findings (x3).
6 5. The dais - Concrete Wall (x1) where the girl is hiding. Use any
2A unused token or miniature to represent the girl.
6. Junk (x2).

Your mission objective is to keep the girl alive until the end of turn 6.

• The enemies’ priority is to kill the girl. As long as there are no
characters in the same space as an enemy, they use each of
their Actions to attack the girl.
STR 04

• If a character is in the same space as an enemy during that

enemy’s activation, the enemy uses their first Action to perform
a Parting Leap. For their second Action, they perform a Ranged
Attack, targeting the character they were sharing a space with.
6 2B 1A 4 If no other characters enter the enemy’s space before their next
activation, they resume attacking the girl.
• The girl’s starting = 7, without armor, and performs no
• The characters start the mission.

More armed men arrive at the square, but they’re clearly on the victim’s
3 side. They attack any enemies still standing. When the gunshots die
out, the girl stands up and dusts herself off. She looks around with a
challenging gaze. She walks up to each and every dead enemy and
paints a symbol, depicting two intertwined sandworms, on their chests.
Her comrades round up some of the onlookers, who were cursing the
girl when you arrived, and bring them to the center of the square. She
draws a gun and shoots them, one by one. Their bodies fall to the
ground with meaty thuds. Then she turns around and shouts to the
gathered crowd.

„This is a lesson! Remember it forever. For each of our dead, we will kill
three inhabitants of this district. If any of these assholes were related
to you, you can come find us and we’ll trade their sorry corpses for
a crate of junk or a couple packs of cells!” The group loads all of the
DEFEAT bodies into pick-ups and drives away. The crowd remains in shock long
A minute later the bandits gather in the middle of the square. You’re after they leave.
able to hide in a neighboring building before they spot you. You can • Each character gains 5 ,2 and loses 1 .
hear one of them speaking. • Roll a D6 for each Finding you collected:
„Remember well! That’s the end of anyone ready to sow terror and 1-3) 1 4-5) 1 6) 1
violence in our district! This girl killed over a dozen inhabitants, in
cold blood, and her gang has beaten and maimed many others. We
won’t stay idle. If the authorities are unwilling to help us, we will help FOR 2 OR 3 CHARACTERS
ourselves! From now on, we proclaim this district free from any gangs.
3 characters:
If anyone here is planning to harm us, or our families, let them take
During setup, do not deploy any enemies on space [1B], and deploy
a good look!” The man lifts the girl’s body up by her hair and shows
only 1 enemy on space [1A].
her face to the crowd. The people gathered around start cheering and
applauding the speaker.
2 characters:
• Each character gains 1 . During setup, do not deploy any enemies on space [2B], and deploy
• 1 random character loses 1 . only 1 enemy on each space [1A/B].
Q 52
The thugs immediately face you, as if they’ve lost all interest in the old man. He takes this opportunity to crawl away, hiding behind two waste
bins. Your enemies look enraged and willing to beat someone into a pulp.

STR 04

1C 1A/B/C/D. Muscle with a Club (x8).

2. Character deployment zone.

Your mission objective is to kill enough enemies to force the rest to
retreat by the end of turn 5.

• If there are ever fewer enemies than conscious characters on
the board, the remaining enemies flee and the mission ends
1D immediately.
• The characters start the mission.

• Each character who is unconsciousness at the end of the With the thugs gone, you approach the old man and help him up. “Oh
mission loses 1 . thank you, my dear friends!” he says. “Such scallywags! No respect for
• Each character gains 1 . the elderly. I asked them to buy me some bread at the market but they
laughed in my face. So, I picked up the nearest stick and hit the big
FOR 2 OR 3 CHARACTERS one in the back. You saw what happened next.” The old man reaches
into his pocket and pulls out a can full of pills. “Here’s a little reward
3 characters:
for helping me out.” He puts the can in your hand and grins. “Let’s hope
During setup, do not deploy any enemies on space [1D].
you like it. See you soon!”
2 characters: • Each character gains 4 .
During setup, deploy only 1 enemy on each space [1A/B/C/D]. • Gain STEROIDS.
• Each character gains 1 .

Q 53

FAC 01

1C 1A/B/C/D. Butcher with a Machete (x8).

2. Character deployment zone.

Your mission objective is to kill enough enemies to force the rest to
retreat by the end of turn 6.

1B 1A
• If there are ever fewer enemies than conscious characters on
the board, the remaining enemies flee and the mission ends
1D immediately.
• The enemies start the mission.

You wake up a few hours later, barely alive. You remember—despite The last of the attackers escapes to a side corridor, yelling for help.
your heavy heads—that after the first few minutes of the brawl, another You quickly gather your scattered gear and move toward the exit. You
group of enemies came into the room and destroyed what was still keep running along alleys and back streets. After a few minutes, you’re
standing. Fortunately, they chose to spare you. It seems a severe almost certain that even if someone has been pursuing you, you’ve lost
beating was punishment enough. them.

• Each character who is unconsciousness at the end of the • Each character gains 4 .
mission loses 1 .
• Each character gains 1 .
• +1
3 characters:
During setup, do not deploy any enemies on space [1D].

2 characters:
During setup, do not deploy any enemies on spaces [1C/D].

Q 54A / Q 54B

HAU 01

2 1. Muscle with a Club (x2).

2. Bandit with a Pistol (x2).
3. Character deployment zone.

Your mission objective is to defeat all enemies by the end of turn 5.
HAU 03

3 Q54A
The characters start the mission.

The enemies start the mission.

VICTORY Following a blaze of gunfire and shattered glass, you find yourselves
standing in the quiet room. You glance around and realize something
is wrong. The family lies at your feet in a pool of blood. It seems not
With the last enemy dead, the husband rushes over to you. „Thank you every parting shot was meant for you. You can’t help but wonder how
so much!” he says. “I’ll be in your debt for the rest of my life! It keeps things may have ended differently—if only you’d been able to act more
getting harder and harder to make ends meet. Even staying inside our quickly.
home is no longer safe. Maybe the priests of Frozen God will make a • Each character gains 1 .
difference? I hold out hope that things will get better. We have no way
of thanking you for your help, but my wife would be happy to pack Q54B
some provisions for your journey.” The woman smiles and begins rifling
• Each character gains 1 .
through the bullet-riddled cupboards. “We can’t stay here after this,” the
man says. His wife hands you a bag and hurries into another room. The
man shakes your hand and gives you a sincere nod. “May Frozen God FOR 2 OR 3 CHARACTERS
protect you.”
3 characters:
• Each character gains 4 and 1 . During setup, do not deploy any enemies on space [1].
2 characters:
• Each character gains 4 ,1 and 1 . During setup, deploy only 1 enemy on space [1] and 1 enemy on space [2].

Q 55
Two powerful machines start moving toward you. Their hulls have been reinforced with additional armor plating, and their legs have been modified
with advanced hydraulic systems. You’ve never faced machines as impressive as these before. Their massive arms, fitted with multi-barrel
cannons, are already fixed on you, trying to seek out the most vulnerable target. The leader of Frozen Ones is hiding behind the machines, ready to
attack from behind the cover of his “pets.”

CAV 01

1A/B. Defender TR-3 Red (x2).

2. Leader (x1).
3. Character deployment zone.
4. Wrecks (x2).
6 1B 5. Concrete Wall (x1).
6. Explosives (x2).

Your mission objective is to destroy the machines and kill the Leader
by the end of turn 12.

• Each Defender TR-3 Red’s starting = 14. Use any unused
tokens to mark the additional health for each Defender TR-3 Red.
CAV 02

4 5 • The character who deals the finishing blow to the Leader

immediately gains 2 .
• The characters start the mission.

You’ve successfully completed your mission. It’s time to let the
Prefect’s men know they can clean up this whole mess—and to collect
your reward, of course.

A few hours later you find yourself sitting across from your employer’s
3 smiling face. “I was beginning to worry you might not succeed,” the
Prefect says. “And there were those rumors regarding your loyalty. But
you’ve done it and anyone who thought otherwise can rot in Hell! I will
start by executing any remaining rebels, and together we will build a
new state. No more liberal laws. It’s time we showed the people who
rules here.”

You collect your reward and return to your hideout for a well-deserved
rest. These past few weeks have been crazy. You’ve completed your
task, but don’t feel any satisfaction. Could you have done something
differently? A few bottles of booze later and you don’t care anymore. “It
was just another job,” you tell yourself. “There will be many more like it.”
Tomorrow, you’ll wake up and do whatever it takes to survive another
day. There is no way to know what the future holds, but you’re certain
of one thing—it’s getting warmer outside.



3 characters: • Suffering defeat during this mission means losing the entire
Each Defender TR-3 Red starts the mission at 11. campaign—the Frozen One’s leader spares no one and will finish
off all unconscious characters.
2 characters: • After being defeated, the characters may use the last saved
Each Defender TR-3 Red starts the mission at 7. game and continue playing from that point.

Q 56

WAS 04

1B 1A/B/C. YE-3 Wild Dog (x6).

2. Character deployment zone.
3. Wrecks (x2).

Your mission objective is to defeat all enemies by the end of turn 6.

• The characters start the mission.

2 3
• Each character gains 5 .

• Each character gains 1 .
• If all characters retreated from the board or are unconscious,
each of the retreating characters loses 2 .

3 characters:
During setup, do not deploy any enemies on space [1C].

2 characters:
During setup, deploy only 1 enemy on each space [1A/B/C].

Q 57

CAN 02

1A/B. Marauder with a Rifle (x4).

2. MK-14 Rhino (1x).
3. Character deployment zone.
4. Concrete Wall (x1).
5. Junk (x2).

Your mission objective is to defeat all enemies by the end of turn 10.

5 2 • The characters start the mission..
CAN 01

Once again you approach the hatch. With the fighting over, you hope it
5 was worth the risk. Will you succeed this time? Have you discovered
the right code?
• If you believe that you know the correct code, find the card with
the proper number in the Event Cards Deck.
• If you don’t find such a card, it means that the code is incorrect.
• If you find the card with the correct code in the deck, read it.
• Each character gains 8 .

3 • Move the Hunters marker to 429.
• Each character gains 2 .
• Place 064 face-down, under 428.
• +1

3 characters:
During setup, deploy only 1 enemy on space [1B].
Enemy on space [2] starts with 2 Damage Tokens.

2 characters:
During setup, deploy only 1 enemy on each space [1A/B].
Enemy on space [2] starts with 5 Damage Tokens.

Q 58A / Q 58B

8 1A 3 7B 1A/B. Butcher with a Machete (x2).
2. Character deployment zone.
3. Findings (x3).
4. Combustibles (x2).
3 1B 7A 5. The location of Jack and
meteorological equipment. Use any
unused human figure to represent Jack.
FAC 03 6. The edge of the board where the
FAC 01

characters must retreat.

4 5 7A/B. The spaces where new enemies
4 8. Leader (x1).

8. Marauder with a Rifle (x2).

3 Your mission objective is to repair the meteorological equipment and
retreat with all characters and Jack by the end of turn 8.
No character can be left unconscious on the board.
FAC 05

• Jack joins the characters for this mission. Use any human figure,
not already participating in this mission, to represent Jack.
• Jack needs 3 full turns to repair the meteorological equipment.
• After the meteorological equipment has been repaired, Jack uses
6 each of his Actions to move 1 space toward the escape edge.
• Enemies do not attack Jack—they always target the characters.
DEFEAT Jack cannot enter a space occupied by an enemy.
• Each character gains 2 . • Starting with turn 4, enemy reinforcements appear on the board.
• Leave 040 face-up, under this . You may return to it later, Deploy Butcher with a Machete (x4) on spaces [7A/B], at the
at any time, skipping Q27, and moving straight to the action beginning of each turn.
choices described at the end of Q27. • At any time, there can be a maximum of 8 Buchers with a
• +1 Machete on the board. If this number would be exceeded, do not
deploy any additional enemies.
• The characters start the mission.
3 characters:
Leader starts with 2 Damage Token. VICTORY
Starting with turn 4, the total number of reinforcements deployed at You successfully retreat to the staircase. A well-aimed grenade
the end of each turn is Butcher with a Machete (x3). collapses the ceiling and blocks the only corridor connecting the
Q58B stairwell to the rest of the station’s upper level—at least for now. On
During setup, deploy only 1 enemy on space [8]. your way back through the belly of the mountain you are lucky not to
Starting with turn 4, the total number of reinforcements deployed at encounter any more danger.
the end of each turn is Butcher with a Machete (x3). Along the way, Jack relays everything he learned, and gives you print-
outs from the detectors and measuring devices. It seems the epicenter
2 characters: of the climate changes is located to the northeast of NJ and emits
Q58A waves throughout the surrounding area. It is located in a rocky region
Leader starts with 3 Damage Token. that has a high peak towering over it. The mountain is called Old Crow.
Starting with turn 4, the total number of reinforcements deployed at That whole area is riddled with a complex system of caves. It’s difficult
the end of each turn is Butcher with a Machete (x2). to imagine a better place for a hideout.
• Each character gains 8 and 1 .
During setup, do not deploy enemies on space [1A] and deploy only 1
• Gain .
enemy on space [8].
• Roll a D6 for each Finding you collected:
Starting with turn 4, the total number of reinforcements deployed at
1-3) 1 4-5) 1 6) 1
the end of each turn is Butcher with a Machete (x2).
Q 59A / Q 59B

CAN 02

1 1. Defender TR-3 Red (x1).

2. Character deployment zone.

3. Combustibles (x2).

4. Wrecks (x2).
5. Junk (x2).
4 3

Your mission objective is to defeat the Defender TR-3 by the end of
turn 6.

CAN 01

• Before the mission begins, the characters may deploy Traps on

5 4 any board spaces. There is no limit to the number of Traps that
may be deployed.
• All characters may start Hidden. If all characters are Hidden
when the first Trap is triggered, the character closest to the Trap
3 5 loses their Hidden status.
• As long as all characters remain Hidden, the Defender TR-3 uses
it’s sensors to try and locate the characters. It moves 1 space
toward the nearest character each turn.
2 • The Defender TR-3 starts the mission.

• Each character gains 5 .
• For the destroyed Defender TR-3 you gain 2 ,1 ,1 .

• Each character gains 1 .
• If all characters retreated from the board or are unconscious,
each of the retreating characters loses 2 .

3 characters:
The Defender TR-3 starts with 2 Damage Tokens.

2 characters:
The Defender TR-3 starts with 5 Damage Tokens.

Q 60
STR 01

1D 1A/B/C/D. Muscle with a Club (x8).

2. Boss (x1).
3. Character deployment zone.

Your mission objective is to kill enough enemies to force the rest to
retreat by the end of turn 4.
1B 3
• If there are ever fewer enemies than conscious characters on
1A the board, the remaining enemies flee and the mission ends
• The characters start the mission.


3 characters: „Thank you, you saved my life! I have no idea what those wretches were
During setup, do not deploy any enemies on space [1D]. talking about. I didn’t hurt anyone. I’m just a teacher.” The man starts
The Boss starts with 2 Damage Tokens. crying and hides his face in his hands. You’re not going to be able to
learn anything more from him.
2 characters: • Each character gains 4 and 1 .
During setup, do not deploy any enemies on spaces [1C/D].
The Boss starts with 4 Damage Tokens.
Despite a desperate fight, the attackers grab their victim again and
drag the man away. There’s nothing more you can do.
• Each character gains 1 .

Q 62
1C 1D 1A/B/C/D. Muscle with a Club (x8).
STR 01

2. Leader (x1).
3. Character deployment zone.

Your mission objective is to defeat all enemies by the end of turn 7.
• The characters start the mission.
• The mission is played during Heavy Rain.

• Each character gains 4 .
3 characters:
During setup, do not deploy any enemies on space [1D]. • Each character gains 1 .
The Leader starts with 1 Damage Token. • Any character who retreated from the board loses 2 .
• Any character who is unconscious, while the others retreat, loses
2 characters: all of their .
During setup, do not deploy any enemies on spaces [1C/D].
The Leader starts with 3 Damage Tokens.

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