GROUP2 Module2 Lesson1

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Historical Foundations of Education



BSED Mathematics 2
What do you think about the history of education? After
completing the KWH, find a partner and share your answer

What I know or What I want to learn How I can learn this What I learned
think I know

We know that We want to We believe that We learned

history of know more we can learn that history of
education holds broadly about the history of education
a very big role the history of education by helps teachers
in today’s education so reading books in training to
system that we can and browse appreciate the
because it will adapt and credible various aspects
help us future apply the sources in of the past
teachers to strategies they internet that educational
understand how used before or contains process to link
the past events we can information them to the
shaped the enhance what about the topic. future. It also
present are needed to enables
education be enhance in teachers in
systems the future. training to
know what type
of education
we had and the
purpose it
served in the
1. What do you feel after discussing your answer with
your partner?
I felt the excitement when we were brainstorming because both my
partner and I share similar thoughts about the topic, It's as if we share
the same mind. I never thought discussing such a topic would evoke
our critical consciousness as educator aspirants. It also became a way
for us to learn from each other's own knowledge and helped thrive
more for learning.

2. Are your answers the same? Or not?

Likewise, what amazed me most is that we also have similar

perceptions of our past and current education system. We believe that
it is significant to appreciate traditional methods/strategies used by our
respected past educators and transform them into effective
contemporary strategies that would serve as the main ingredient in
providing quality education.

3. What are you going to do now to improve your knowledge

about the history of education?

To improve my knowledge about the history of

education, I might as well try to browse the Internet for
sources about education's history. Reading books and
other references would also help me widen my scope of
knowledge, and have a deeper understanding about the
educational system. Through this, as an aspirant
educator, I would be able to appreciate how education
evolved from time to time and how it has changed a lot
of lives.
Fill out the last column of the table indicating what you
have learned after the discussion.

What I know or What I want to learn How I can learn this What I learned
think I know

The evolution of It is also interesting The era has Learning of

Education to learn about the entered into the Education helps
throughout time in-depth history of era of information, teachers in
has significantly education, as who in which training to
become the became the most information is appreciate the
foundation of influential person rampant with the various aspects of
today’s education on the matter of use of technology, their past
system. It became education. In more specifically, educational
a plumbline together with the the internet. Old process. It enables
towards providing different tools and manuscripts can teachers in
quality education tactics to use in also be a medium training to know
to the future providing of learning such what technique we
promising education. It is also things, but it is had and the
generations. The believed that in already limited, in purpose it served
preservation of every era, there are terms of in the past. It also
education as well problems that availability. helps to
as improving it has have been understand
drastically overcome, and it is changes which
changed over time interesting to learn can be
which brings to the techniques implemented
more used in performing towards learning
understanding on solution to the

the things on our problems


1. Through the use of a graphic organizer trace the
evolution of education from the preliterate societies to
the 20th century.
2. Write a brief discussion on the important concept
timelines related to the growth and development of

Preliterate societies 7000 BCE-5000 BCE, it gives emphasis on

informal education and stories to transmit skills and values. China
3000 BCE-1900 BCE, contributes to written examinations for civil
service and professions
Egypt 3000 BCE- 300 BCE, places educational authority in a
priestly elite; using education to prepare officials
Judaic 1200 BCE to present, influenced the concept of
monotheism and covenant between God and humanity; religious
observance and maintaining cultural identity
Greek 1600 BCE-300 BCE, Athens: concept of the well-rounded,
liberally educated person, and Sparta: the concept of serving the
military state
Roman 750 BCE-450 CE, uses education to develop a sense of
civic commitment and administrative skills
Arabic 700 CE-1350 CE, influenced Arabic numerals and
computation; re-entry of classical Greek texts to Western
Medieval 500 CE-1400 CE, established structure, content, and
organization of universities as major institutions of higher
education; the transmission of liberal arts; institutionalization and
preservation of knowledge
Renaissance 1350 CE-1500 CE, put emphasis on literary
knowledge and style as expressed in classical literature; a two-track
system of schools
Reformation 1500 CE-1600 CE, a commitment to universal
education to provide literacy to the masses; the origins of school
systems with supervision to ensure doctrinal conformity; the dual-
track school system based on socioeconomic class and career
Today we learned that studying history is really important
especially to us as future educators. History is an essential
part of any child's education. We'll go through why it's
important to learn history and offer some study techniques for
students. We all live in the moment and make plans for the
future, but how do we know where we're headed and how far we've
come? We must first comprehend where we came from in order to
know exactly where you are heading. That necessitates a
historical understanding. One of the most renowned and valuable
academic subjects your child will learn is history.

Developing your historical knowledge entails gaining a

better understanding of all of these distinct facets of
existence. Children can learn about the pillars that different
civilizations, including cultures and individuals who are
different from their own, were built upon. History also
encourages a more in-depth appreciation of diversity. There are
lessons to be learnt from our forefather's interactions with
individuals who live in other ways, both good and bad. In a
modern world where everyone is welcome regardless or their
origin, understanding how past societies integrated is critical
to humanity's future progress.

It is not necessary to memorize a loft of facts or dates in

order to understand history. It necessitates the evaluation and
analysis of data pertaining to topics that frequently have no
right in incorrect answers. Even yet, there are a variety of
successful ways for studying history. Studying history will
provide child a broader range of academic abilities and a better
capacity to think critically, which they can apply throughout
their schooling.

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