Tarea de Ingles Sam

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The next week we will go to the beach, I was frightened because is my first time swimming in the

sea, when we arrive to the beach I was fascinated for the view, it was beautiful.

I'm very annoyed with my brother because he lost my favorite ring, I told him that help me to look
it, after one hour the ring appeared in him jacket.

One time each month my job have voluntary helps, this time I was amused because we went a
kindergarden near of my job, The children were very happiest for the activities, we check a social
experiment and was a full succes.

My classmate and me had an exposing about biology, but my partner forgot say a lot of
information about the topic, I was very embarrassed for he fault, the teacher gave a middle score
to our exposing, I was disappointed with my partner.

I will go to an important meeting job, in this meeting we tall about a business arrange, my boss
trust in my to close the arrange, after 30 minutes the meeting finished and my boss was surprised
for the succes business arrange.

I will going to wet my face to deal with the night shift, I forget ask for a change of shift and have to
work all night.

The next week the sales team have an important meeting about a new business, I will look into my
agenda to search for the sales boss contact and let him know the details about the meeting.

I will going to met up with a classmate in a coffee shop for the afternoon, I need remind him our
homework and activities for tomorrow, he has been sick and I will help him to think about how to
do the homework and activities

I had put my glasses in the desk of the classroom, I went to the bathroom, when I was back the
glasses disappear of the desk, I asked to the alumns if someone has saw the glasses but no one
know nothing about it, after a few minutes I discover who has my glasess and talk with him to get
back my glasess.
My mom comes to visit my house, she always want go to eat when she came, this time I delayed
to locate a good place to eat, after eat my mom wants to return to my house and sleep a little
beat, in the morning my mom has to take the buss to return at her home, she leave her bag back
and I told that I will send on mail tomorrow.

I like ride horses when I go to the park, usually I'm be carefully because a fall of these height could
be dangerous, my brother always accompanies me and give me a helmet to ride.

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