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This is the list of databases that Fahasa business uses:

1. Sales Department:
* Customer database: Store personal information, purchase history, customer contact
* Product database: Contains information about products, including description, price, publisher
information and other related information.

2. Purchasing Department:
* Supplier Database: Stores information about suppliers, including names, addresses, contact
information, and contract terms.
* Product Database: Contains product information including publisher, author and inventory

3. Inventory Management Department:

* Warehouse database: Store detailed information about goods in the warehouse including item
code, item name, quantity, unit of measure, location in the warehouse and other related

4. Marketing and Advertising Department:

* Customer database: Store customer information and potential customers to serve for marketing
and advertising campaigns.
* Advertising campaign database: Contains information about advertising campaigns, including
goals, plans, budgets and evaluation results.

5. Finance Department:
* Financial Database: Stores the financial information of the business, including financial
statements, financial transactions, budgets and other financial information.

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