Shots Notes

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Some notes regarding the shots and Final shots :

- The shots should open without problems from the Pmanager if you already have a mapped
drive ( R: in this case ) , Do not repath/ replace char , props or sets from other paths. If
you see a warning when opening the shot:

Do not ”look for it “, check if you downloaded the references to the right place and if you have all
the files. Your R: drive Should look like this. You can always request for missing files, we will
quickly upload any missing file

R: is your ROOT, the order/folder structure is the same as in the gDrive.

About the shots:

Do not rename, move or relocate the camera.

Is camera1, without maya namespaces.

Camera on the layout was already approved. And so is the character's position, and space on
the shot ( seating standing, etc )
Animate the characters according to their “positive space” given by the layout, in the direction
they are aiming at. Sometimes they walk / turn , be aware of the timing hinted by the layout to
understand the flow of action.

The LAYOUT Animation is important, the Animatic is just there as a reference for the client.
Layout prevails always. Do not consider the small Animatic as a guide.

Layout is your guide. In doubt you can ask.

Their angle is important, don’t animate the characters in profile ( from the side ), the LAYOUT
already gives you a base on which angle should be aiming or moving to /from.
Some face general Notes:

No extreme smiles like this please: “Emoji Smile “ , No.

No smiling “o” also:

This is an ok “O” or “U” example.

This is an Ok smile example:

Some characters have skirts they are not automatic , should animate them so penetration doesn’t

Be aware of floating characters, you always smooth the ground surface to have a better idea how
it will look in the render to avoid problems.
Avoid falling shoulders or bend over spine for this character unless the action requires to do so.
She is a teacher and they need to stand and walk straight.

Keep the arms alive while they stand, pose the arms , like this:
And this:

Don’t let arms hanging down without a purpose, these are kids 5-6 yrs old. Not robots. Pose the
arms, Is a subject of revisions.

- Before uploading the FINAL scene, REMOVE any character and prop that is not part of that
scene ( not in camera ).


Remember to always remove what is not part of your shot, so just the clean version comes as the
final file.

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