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Astral Tides

Species Languages of the Han’Arai

Each species in the Han’Arai Galaxy are talented There are dozens of languages throughout the
and capable, with various strengths and Han’Arai Galaxy. Listed below are some of the
weaknesses. The species available for play are: languages the crew is more likely to come across
in their adventures in the Astral Tides
Ardaxian – Purple-skinned humanoids from the Roleplaying Game.
planet Ardax, Ardaxians are lithe and agile,
charming and intelligent. They make excellent Common Languages in the Council of Allied
researchers, socialites, and investigators. They Systems
love team sports and tend to be secretive about ● Bratallish Basic. The native language of
their homeworld. Irokians and Palorians, originating from
the world of Bratirin.
Ceralissian – Bulky humanoids covered in short ● Cericash. The language of the
fur and sometimes sporting tusks. Ceralissians Ceralissians.
come from the cold planet of Ceraliss, and they ● Galactic Trade. The language of the
make skilled explorers, pilots, and gunmen. Ardaxians, now the most common and
Ceralissians are almost always devoted to their widely spread language in the galaxy.
voyager god, Korgath, the Mariner of the Stars. ● Leranic. The language of the Sebekians
of Lerath, as well as the default language
Human – Run-of-the-mill homosapiens from the of most Independent Robotic Entities.
planets Idris, Eravice, and Gargaren. Widespread, ● Narssian. A soft, almost whispered
resilient, and adaptable. Relatively new to language spoken by the Minix of Narss.
interstellar travel, but also instrumental in the
establishment and prosperity of the Council of Common Languages in the Fora-Tahn Union
Allied Systems. ● Antollish. Language used by the worlds
of the Versian Drift.
Irokian – Short, amphibious humanoids with ● Fasam. Language of the Confederate
large eyes, thick tails, and the ability to scale most Worlds of the Berith Vast.
surfaces with their sticky hands and feet. Irokians ● Kiirin. The language of the worlds of the
make excellent mechanics, opportunists, and Fora Cluster.
spacers. ● Seltoruk. An unspoken language of
gestures and facial expressions used
Minix – Another species under 4ft tall, Minix are widely on Talrinda and Cobrion.
feline-humanoids with thick fur of various colors ● Tahnnish. The most common language
and patterns. They have heightened senses, of the Tahn Threshold.
causing them migraines while in crowded areas.
Minix tend to wear sealed spacesuit helmets in Exotic Languages of the Han’Arai Galaxy
busy markets and spaceports for this reason. ● Ghresh. Sacred language of the religious
Order of Ghresh.
Palorian – Large lizard-like humanoids with ● Mordish. Long, melodic syllables
sharp teeth, claws, and a resistance to hot or arid reminiscent of whale-song, spoken by the
environments. Palorians are physically powerful, Mordai of Pionus.
making them great Cybermancers, Protectors, ● Parallish. An official trade language
Gladiators, and Mercenaries. used by the residents of the worlds in the
Pollis Verge.
● Shadow Hand. An offshoot of Seltoruk,
used primarily by underground crime

Astral Tides

Ardaxian Names
From the planet Ardax, the Ardaxian names tend to be two
Ardaxians are humanoids with or three syllables and have a
skin of various shades of way of rolling off the tongue,
purple and hair of all ranges of favoring soft consonants.
color. They are of slender- Female names often pair
build, generally shorter height vowels together, and where a
than humans. Ardax is ruled by male name would use a
an aristocracy of noble houses, singular ‘s’, the same name
and members of the noble caste with a double ‘s’ would be a
are marked with various facial feminine moniker. Ardaxian
tattoos, while common surnames represent the house
Ardaxians go without such from which they descend.
Male Names
Ardaxians hold a love for Amulo, Brullus, Caelus,
community, finding strength in Derumel, Enricus, Farlio,
their connection to those Galeris, Ocaviter, Tulnus
around them. An Ardaxian that
belongs to a Noble House Female Names
wears that association with Palonia, Duroria, Maxina,
pride, with adults gaining Vilea, Lutaana, Darssala,
facial tattoos of their house's Arnessi, Trissala, Tarina
insignia. Common House
Ardaxians – while wielding House Names
less political and social power Halarean, Erilian, Paligius,
– are still no less fierce in their Dardascus, Aurn, Udorien,
devotion to their house. Even Teil, Surnis, Aetlin, Helsis,
Ardaxians who have chosen Druslin, Fein, Tigatus, Adraso,
the life of wanderers, Episo, Ignalus, Relm
explorers, and travelers show a
strong devotion to a house of Species Features
sorts – either to their home
house, or to the crew or Languages
company with which they Ardaxians know Galactic
travel. Trade as well as one additional
language of your choice.
Ardax is known across Council space for its
secrecy towards off-worlders. This planetary Size & Movement
secrecy exists because of the Ardaxian belief that Ardaxians have a size of 2 and a Movement of
preservation of culture is paramount to their 30ft.
identity as a society, and to their success in the
galaxy at large. Visitors to Ardax are forced to Social Butterfly
enter the planet through one of a dozen different You begin the game with one additional Contact
Gateway Cities, where the wait for Ardaxian of your choice (see Backgrounds later in this
customs release can take days or even weeks. But chapter). Additionally, when you succeed at the
the wait is not entirely unenjoyable – many Carousing downtime action, you may gain one
Ardaxian Common Houses make fortunes by piece of information as if you had succeeded a
providing queued visitors with all sorts of Research action, in addition to the normal action
entertainment. results.

Astral Tides

A physically large and imposing race of
mammalian humanoids, Ceralissians stand
between six and seven feet tall, are broad-
shouldered. Hailing from the cold planet of
Ceraliss, the Ceralissians evolved from a
nomadic way of life and are among the most
religious of all the Council races – their
religious leaders also hold the highest positions
within their theocratic government.

Ceralissian culture is as rich and diverse as the

nomadic tribes from which they progressed, yet
there are still many similarities shared by each
of these facets to thoroughly define Ceralissian
culture. The lines drawn in the past by various
tribes have all but disappeared, but many
Ceralissians still wear the colors or crests of
their heritage tribes as a symbol of their
commitment to tradition. While families and
organizations will claim a tribe as their own,
there is no known record of which bloodlines
belonged to which tribes.

Most other species will know the Ceralissians

as conquerors. Some Ceralissians still embody
the ideals of their ancestors, yet such ideals are
largely kept in check by the Ceralissians'
devotion to the Council.
then Gath, such as Doz’Gath, Kel’Gath, or
In the present day, Ceralissians' love of combat Oro’Gath.
and desire to prove their strengths to Korgath
come out in streamed boxing and wrestling Ceralissian Names
matches. Ceralissians of every class and social Darkod, Kyrdaan, Torgan, Mardath, Forgaath,
stature are known to participate in tournaments, Mok, Gan, Nathar, Sagak, Bodath, Pargan
and simple local tournaments are treated as
seriously as planet-wide events. In the absence of Species Features
an established tournament, some may attempt to Languages
set one up on their own, which has led to small Ceralissians know Galactic Trade as well as
'tournaments' taking place on ships with a Cericash, their native tongue.
Ceralissian presence.
Size & Movement
Names Ceralissians have a size of 3 and a Movement of
Ceralissian names are gender neutral, and the 30ft.
common pronoun for Ceralissians is they/them.
Ceralissians of notable social status often alter Tundra Survivalist
their names to feature the double A, pronounced You gain a +1 bonus to Defense. Might
as if it were hyphenated. Ceralissian surnames Resistance tests made to resist the effects of cold
consist of three letters with an apostrophe, and environments gain a bonus die.

Astral Tides

A world of sprawling metropolises and beautiful

beaches, Eravice is a human planet ruled by a
bureaucratic government. The planet with the
most space ports in all of the Core, if not all of the
galaxy, Eravice is the best place to look for work
within Council Space, as most ships, crews, and
corporations have some sort of presence on the

Less welcoming to outsiders than Eravice, but

even more technologically advanced, is
Gargeren. A militocratic human world that has
become the center of the Council Security Forces,
Gargeren is home to thick jungles, winding
coasts, and expansive mountain ranges.

Where Eravice is for the decadent and Gargeren

is for the dogmatic, Idris represents the industrial
side of humanity. A human bureaucratic world
and the single leading producer of the cutting-
edge starship fuel liquid masorium, Idris is a
bustling industrial world often on the outer edges
of the Core.

Outside of the Core Humans can no longer claim

the largest population on a single world, but they
Human can claim the largest combined population across
The most diverse and widespread race in the all the worlds of the Midrim. The Midrim lacks
galaxy, Humans have spread to the farthest the established manufacturing plants of the Core,
reaches of Council Space, Union Space, and forcing a wider reliance on interplanetary trade.
everything in-between. Humans have shown the
greatest ambition out of all the galactic races to Names
explore the vast reaches of space. Descendants of Human names are similar to how they’ve always
ancient Earth, children of the great exodus over a been back on Earth. Some humans have even
thousand years ago, Humanity entered into the
begun to name their children using alien
Han’Arai Galaxy after a journey that lasted eons conventions.
on their generational starships. Now, Humanity
has spread to more worlds than any other race,
though when it comes to their presence in the Species Features
Council of Allied Systems, their influence can be Languages
found primarily on three of the Core worlds Humans know the Galactic Trade language and
Eravice, Gargeren, and Idris. one additional language of your choice.

Humans, as a pillar species of the Council, enjoy Size & Movement

a healthy presence in the Core of the Han'Arai Humans have a size of 2 and 30ft of movement.
galaxy. Three different Core worlds are
considered to be human worlds - Idris, Gargeren, Adaptable
and Eravice. From these three worlds, humanity Choose one Attribute. You gain a Bonus Die
has extended its reach to the farthest reaches of when testing that Attribute’s Resistance.
the galaxy.
Astral Tides

Irokian Palorians, and Irokians have

One of the two interstellar races harbored a suspicion and
from the planet Bratirin, the distrust of the Palorian species
Irokians evolved around the ever since.
humid coastal regions.
Resembling large amphibious Names
reptilian-humanoids, with large Irokian Names are always two-
black eyes, skin ranging in all syllable first names followed by
sorts of colors, and some even a single syllable surname. The
have cartilaginous combs use of a double I in Irokian
extending from the top of their names produces a long E sound.
heads in various arrays. Their Irokian surnames are short, and
short stature (generally between 3 they are passed down from the
and 4 feet tall) and history as Irokian matriarch who birthed
engineers make them excellent their clutch.
ship's mechanics.
Irokian Male Names
Irokians have a unique biological Merez, Arnas, Varkaz, Rasiz,
adaptation that limits their Tirik, Arnaz, Nimiz, Follum,
reproductive capabilities. Only Podgle, Werex
female Irokians who remain on
Bratirin for a period of three to Irokian Female Names
five consecutive years become Pela, Naly, Pernne, Aila, Vela,
viable for reproduction. As such, Valenne, Nayla, Brin, Orla,
female Irokians tend to have a Toly
pilgrimage period where they
wander the galaxy, learning what Irokian Surnames
they can from other planets and Lingh, Norn, Lihd, Prehnk,
peoples while they are still relatively young. Mingh, Moir, Tehnk, Tahng, Norl, Delm
Then, female Irokians who seek to bear offspring
will eventually return to Bratirin, at which point Species Features
they will often court and reproduce with many
suitors and produce a clutch of between 30 and Languages
100 Irokian eggs. Irokians know both Galactic Trade and Bratallish
A matriarchal society at home, Irokians naturally
carry this reverence for the female gender when Size & Movement
they travel. However, Irokians who are more Irokians have a Size of 1 and a Movement of 30.
experienced in the ways of the galaxy at large will
generally lose their inherent reverence towards Amphibious
the female gender and begin treating all genders Irokians can breathe both air and water, and their
equally - for better or worse. movement speed is not reduced by swimming.

One cultural habit that is much more difficult to Wall Crawler

leave behind, however, is the Irokian’s cultural Irokians have sticky pads on their hands and feet
rivalry with the Palorians. When the Ardaxians which allow them to climb most surfaces and
brought the secret of interstellar travel to Bratirin, even scale along ceilings with relative ease. Your
it was first brought to the Palorians. In fact, it took Athletics tests made to climb gain a Bonus Die,
multiple decades before the Irokians were able to and you gain +5ft of Climb movement.
secure the knowledge of Superspace from the

Astral Tides

Generally between three and four feet tall, Minix Minix Male Names
come from the world of Narss and display a great Aldazar, Aditun, Orledan, Izarul, Zerazeth,
many feline qualities. Covered in fur of various Noldoro, Giderath, Edrozo, Rastera, Mardolo
colors, the Minix have developed incredibly
advanced senses, able to detect micro changes in Minix Female Names
air density on their sensitive whiskers. This also Illindra, Otylzia, Izrullu, Utiras, Muryne, Nyzria,
results in the occasional migraine headache in Imegyn, Zarnan, Hyldria
area of dense populations. Minix-founded
settlements tend to be sprawling blankets of low Species Features
buildings and wide streets, occupying a great Languages
array of landscape. Minix who spend Minix speak their native language of Narssian, as
considerable time among the cities of other well as Galactic Trade.
species, however, tend to wear sealed helmets
even while in breathable atmosphere. Size & Movement
Minix have a Size of 1 and a Movement of 30.
A traditional Minix believes that only the most
accomplished are worthy of authority over others, Secure Landing
and thus their society has become a meritocracy. You receive half damage from falling, and you
Minix schools and academies present a wide gain +5ft of Balance movement.
variety of studies for all prospective students, and
many Minix continue to learn for most of their Heightened Senses
lives. Basic education for Minis begins at three Your Wits + Awareness tests gain a bonus die.
Narssian years and continues until a Minix is 13, Additionally, increase the Doom cost for the GM
at which point they may choose to either enter the to interrupt your turn in combat by 1.
workforce or continue schooling. The more terms
spent in advanced education, and the better
their performance in those terms, the higher
position a Minix can expect to attain right
out of school.

Minix value proof of skill above all else. If

among a crew of starsailors, a Minix often
finds it easiest to follow the command of
any other crew member who has proven
their mastery over a set of skills. If a Minix
views themselves as a master of a particular
set of skills, they may behave under the
assumption that others will inherently
follow their lead.

Traditional Minix names are always three
syllables, borrowing one syllable from each
parent and ending with a unique syllable.
The name Bazara, for instance, would take
‘Ba’ from their mother Banora, ‘za’ from
their father Mizalos, and the final ‘ra’ as a
unique syllable to finish out the name.
Minix lack surnames.

Astral Tides

From the planet Bratirin, the Palorians
are traditionally very reptilian in
appearance - long, crocodile-like
snouts, small, dark eyes, scales, and
natural claws on their feet and hands.
Their natural affinity for dryer
climates makes them excellent at
overland travel, as they consume less
food and water than most others.

Palorians are the natural end result of

a society and species that has evolved
through survival of the fittest. Coming
from the arid highlands of the world of
Bratirin, the Palorians that exist now
are the descendants of reptilian folk
who had to fight for their survival,
who had to adapt or die out. That
history is baked into Palorian genes,
manifesting as an instinct that
Palorians find difficult to shake, even
if they want to.
same name repeatedly, resulting in an entire
This results in Palorians bringing an interesting
brood of Aveks or Kilgans. Palorians have no
outlook into Council worlds. They believe that
surnames, though Palorians who have found
strength and cunning are the signs of a good
safety and security in a specific territory or ship
leader, and they know little of honor or duty.
may adopt the name of that location as their
They know loyalty only to those who can
outsmart them and outfight them. Despite their
knack for cunning, they naturally have little
Palorian Names
concept of deceit. Since survival is so strongly
Zuma, Srytis, Tygnis, Vrulos, Brulevo,
woven into their history, they see any attempt at
Vrugartad, Ravnit, Stordon, Zagdimond,
deception as the sign of an organism undeserving
of survival.

These, of course, are extreme examples. The Species Features

more that Palorians have intermingled with other Languages
races over centuries past, the more these base Palorians know both Galactic Trade and
impulses have been dulled, or even eradicated Bratallish Basic.
completely. Now some Palorians can find it
difficult to not give in to the benefits of a Size & Movement
comfortable life. Some Palorians are still learning Palorians have a Size of 3 and a Movement of 30.
the limits of what is appropriate in any given
setting, as they struggle to navigate the emotional Desert Survivalist
minefield of dealing with other species. Your unarmed attacks gain a damage bonus of
+1. Additionally, Might Resistance tests made to
Names resist the effects of hot or arid environments gain
a Bonus Die.
There is no ceremony to traditional Palorian
naming, and Palorian parents may even use the

Astral Tides

Aspects long blades with which you like to dance around

your foes.
No small amount of the Astral Tides Roleplaying
Game is combat. Your Aspect shows how your Table 2.1: Aspect Overview
crew member approaches combat. The various
Aspects are as follows: Aspect Key Magic? Best Suited For…
Agent – You are a master at insertion, striking
from the shadows, and then making a swift Agent Agility No Control, Damage
retreat, all before security systems even pick up a
Channeler Spirit Yes Control, Damage,
Channeler – Every living thing is connected to Cybermancer Might Yes Damage, Tank
one or more cosmic beings. You can not only see
those connections, but you can pull on them to Gladiator Spirit No Control, Tank
create supernatural effects.
Mastermind Wits No Control, Support
Cybermancer – You are outfitted with extensive
cybernetic modifications, which you can activate Mentalist Wits Yes Control
to cause one of a variety of effects.
Mercenary Agility No Damage
Gladiator – You are a member of an
entertainment network, and you turn your Operator Wits No Control, Support
dangerous life into someone else’s evening show.
Protector Might No Tank
Mastermind – You are your crew’s planner and
Star Sorcerer Spirit Yes Support, Tank
tactician. You support your team from a distance
and correct their errors on the fly. Swashbuckler Agility No Damage
Mentalist – You are gifted with psionic abilities,
tapping into the untapped potential of your mind Control. Aspects that excel at control will offer
to influence physical space around you. many Talents and Powers that limit enemies.
Applying conditions, reducing damage dealt, and
Mercenary – You excel at one thing: violence. applying negative modifiers to tests are just some
You love big guns and big explosions. ways an Aspect can control their enemies.

Operator – You see standard drones as clunky Damage. Aspects that focus on damage do just
and cumbersome. Instead, you employ an ever- that – deal damage. They can often make quick
growing swarm of microdrones on your enemies. work of most enemies.

Protector – You are trained to be a bulwark for Support. Support Aspects have an array of buffs
your crew, keeping them together and alive. and boons to apply to their allies, as well as
removing damage, wounds, and stress where
Star Sorcerer – You are a strange phenomenon, possible.
born with a connection to the mystical forces that
bind the celestial bodies of the universe. You Tank. If an Aspect is built to get face to face with
embody the life cycle of the stars themselves. their enemies, they will often have the Tank role.
Tanks soak and prevent damage. A good Tank
Swashbuckler – Your confidence and your will command enemy focus, allowing their allies
panache are your weapons. Well, those and the the freedom to move about unhindered.

Astral Tides

Agents are spies, infiltrators, assassins, and

thieves. They are masters of their own discipline, Agents in action. Agents can come from a wide
keeping calm under pressure and always variety of professions. An agent could be a
calculating their odds with deadly efficiency, member (or ex-member) of Council Security
even in the heat of battle. They know how to Special Forces, or even one of the infamous
remain unseen, whether that means blending into Huntmasters. An operative with the skills of an
a crowd or hiding in the shadows. And they time Agent would be highly coveted by the CSF, and
their strikes perfectly, finding the weaknesses of would likely be sent on long range, covert
their enemies and exploiting those weaknesses in missions.
powerful and devastating fashion.
Agents can also be problem-solvers for mega-
Agents can specialize in many skills and talents corporations, business entities that have grown so
that center around subterfuge and assassination. vast and powerful that they almost have their own
An Agent can sight their targets down the scope police force. Working to protect corporate
of a long-range rifle, the thunder of their gunshot interests in the galaxy would be made easier with
and the death of their quarry the only sign of their the talents of an Agent.
presence as they slink away into the shadows. Or
an Agent may use their specially modified Finally, Agents are often employed by
datapad to hack into enemy electronic systems, independent vessels of the Outer Rim. Their
disabling weapons, escape shuttles, security knack for observation and skill with ranged
systems, and more. Finally, if caught in melee weapons make them handy in almost any
combat, the Agent can unleash a storming flurry situation that a smuggler, trader, or even pirate
of swift attacks that leave their enemies might find themselves in.
disoriented and disabled, giving the Agent time to
escape. Should you play an Agent?
Consider playing an Agent if any of the following
Aspect Complexity
resonate with you.
● You never miss your target.
● You’d prefer to observe others
silently before engaging.
The Agent is a relatively simple Aspect to play, ● A sound plan is more important to
capable of dealing significant damage or you than ‘thrilling heroics.’
hindering your opponents without burning your ● You often see your allies as
brain. stumbling into success.
Astral Tides

Creating an Agent Agent Features

If you want to create an Agent, follow the steps below. Key Attribute: Agility
Skill List: Athletics, Awareness, Operate, Savvy,
1. Assign your Attributes Stealth
You begin with 10 attribute points to distribute among
your four attributes as you see fit. Each attribute must Stress Reduction
start at a minimum of 1, and your starting attributes
cannot exceed 3. Agility is the Agent’s key attribute, Choose one of the following Downtime actions:
however, so it can start as high as 4. Carousing, Maintenance, Research, or
Scrounging. Each time you perform the chosen
Listed below are four recommended starting attribute action during a Downtime scene, you reduce your
distributions. Select one of these or create your own. Stress by 1.
Agility: 4, Might: 3, Wits: 2, Spirit: 1
Agility: 4, Might: 2, Wits: 2, Spirit: 2 Resources
Agility: 4, Might: 1, Wits: 3, Spirit: 2 Agents are masters of subtlety and stealth,
Agility: 4, Might: 2, Wits: 1, Spirit: 3 observing their targets while remaining
undetected, and carefully planning their next
2. Select your Skills move. This is represented by the Agent’s resource
Select five skills and give each of those skills a value of pool, Guile. Agents have a pool of Guile equal to
1. Of those five skills, at least three of them must be
their Agility value.
from the Agent Skill List, listed to the right. The
remaining two skills may any two skills of your choice.
You cannot select the same skill twice. An Agent’s pool of Guile resets to full after each
Downtime scene. At the start of each scene, if an
Listed below are four recommended sets of starting Agent has fewer than their maximum number of
skills. Select one of these or create your own. Guile, they gain 1 Guile.

Athletics, Awareness, Navigation, Piloting, Stealth When creating an Agent, you gain access to a
Athletics, Awareness, Engineering, Savvy, Stealth pool of Guile equal to your Agility value. After
Awareness, Analysis, Operate, Stealth, Survival you roll an Influence or Stealth test, you may
Athletics, Awareness, Influence, Medicine, Savvy
spend 1 Guile to reroll all dice used in that test.
3. Select your Talent You must keep the new total. Your Guile will also
Agents provide you with three starting Talents, of gain additional uses as you gain additional Agent
which you choose one and record on your character Talents.
sheet. See Agent Talents on the following page.

4. Select your Favored Downtime Action

How does your Agent like to relax between missions?
Select one of the Downtime Actions – Carousing,
Maintenance, Research, or Scrounging. Each time
you take the chosen Downtime Action, you may remove
1 Stress.

5. Record your starting Resources

Finally, record your character’s resources – Guile.
These are detailed in the section titled Resources to the

Astral Tides

Agent Talents a precision shot at a target within your weapon’s

range. Make an Agility ranged attack against the
target’s Defense. This attack gains a bonus equal
Starting Talents to your Wits value.
When creating your Agent, choose one of the
three Talents below and record it on your 2nd Level Talents
character sheet. When you ascend to second level, choose one of
the following Talents and add it to your character
Combat Trick sheet. Or you may instead choose another
Action: Full Action Starting Talent, rather than choosing one of the
Description: You may spend Guile to reroll talents listed below.
melee attack tests, as described in the Resources
section above. Additionally, when you are Dismantle
engaged with an enemy, you may spend your Full Action: Quick Action
Action to attempt a Combat Trick. Make an Description: After you deal damage to an enemy
Agility melee attack against that target. This with an unarmed melee attack, you may use your
attack is unarmed unless you are equipped with a Quick Action to dismantle a Ranged weapon
light melee weapon. If that attack is successful, equipped by that enemy. The weapon is
you may spend 1 Guile to immediately move up considered Broken until the end of your next
to 10ft and make a second unarmed Agility melee turn.
attack against a target. This movement doesn’t
provoke opportunity attacks. Phantom Program
Advancement: Future Talents can enhance this
talent, such as Dirty Trick, and Extended Trick. Action: Quick Action
Description: When you avoid detection by a
construct or digital character, or a device (such as
a handheld scanner, a scanner attached to a
Action: Full Action weapon, or a character wearing interface gear),
Description: You may spend Guile to reroll you may use your Quick Action and spend 1
Awareness and Operate skill tests, as described in Guile to feed false information to that character
the Resources section above. Additionally, while or device. If this information would indicate your
you are equipped with your datapad, you may use position, you may choose to show your position
your Full Action to attempt to hack one device, at any point within 60ft of yourself, rather than
console, interface weapon or interface gear your actual position. This false information lasts
within 60ft. If the target does not have a Security for up to a minute, or until you are detected.
rating, treat it as a Wits mental attack against the
bearer of the device, weapon, or gear. Otherwise, Send it Back
test Wits + Operate against the target’s Security.
If successful, you quickly disrupt the software of Action: Quick Action
the target, rendering it Broken until the end of the Description: When a grenade lands within 10ft of
next round. you, you may drop prone and make an Agility +
Athletics Test (10) to knock it away before it
goes off. If you succeed, you send the grenade
Precise Shot
10ft in a direction of your choice, plus an
Action: Full Action additional five feet for each point above ten
Description: You may spend Guile to reroll scored on your test. The grenade then explodes in
ranged attack tests, as described in the Resources its new position.
section above. Additionally, while you are
equipped with a ranged weapon and unengaged,
you may reduce your Movement to 0 until the end
of your next turn and use your Full Action to fire

Astral Tides

5th Level Talents been drawn to you, such as by the actions of your
crew, you are considered to have a natural Stealth
When you ascend to fifth level, choose one of the
value of 16. This value may only be used if there
following Talents and add it to your character
are other people around you for you to blend in
sheet. Or, you may instead choose another Talent
with, such as in a local dive bar, walking along a
from a previous level, rather than choosing one of
public sky pier, or in the middle of a crowded
the talents listed below.
street. This natural stealth value cannot be used if
you, or you and your crew, are the only
Chink in the Armor individuals in a certain location, such as breaking
Action: Full Action into a docked frigate after hours, or finding a
Description: On your turn you may spend your hiding spot in a warehouse.
Full Action and make an Agility melee or
ranged attack against an Armored target within Dirty Trick
range of your equipped weapon. If the attack is
Requires: Combat Trick
successful, you may spend 1 Guile to ignore
Action: Passive
Armored when resolving this attack.
Description: When you successfully deal damage
to an enemy with your Combat Trick, you may
Deactivation spend 1 Guile to force that enemy to make a Wits
Action: Full Action Resistance test or gain the Blinded condition.
Description: On your turn you may spend your
Full Action and make an Agility melee or Expertise
ranged attack against a Powered target within
Action: Passive
range of your equipped weapon. If the attack is
Description: Select two of your skills with a
successful, you may spend 1 Guile and reduce the
value of 1 or more. You may spend Guile to reroll
damage you deal to 1. If you do, you hit the target
tests for the chosen skills, as described in the
in a weak spot, disrupting their defenses for a
Resources section above.
short time. Until the end of the next round, the
target is considered to have basic defenses.
14th Level Talents
Frigid Strike When you ascend to fourteenth level, choose one
Action: Full Action of the following Talents and add it to your
Description: On your turn, you may use your Full character sheet. Or, you may instead choose
Action to make an Agility melee or ranged another Talent from a previous level, rather than
attack against a target within range of your choosing one of the talents listed below.
equipped weapon. If the attack is successful, you
may spend 1 Guile to deal cryo damage for this Extended Trick
attack. Requirements: Combat Trick
Action: Passive
8th Level Talents Description: When you spend Guile to activate
your Combat Trick, you resolve one additional
When you ascend to eighth level, choose one of
attack. The extra attack provided by this Talent is
the following Talents and add it to your character
an unarmed Agility melee attack. You may
sheet. Or, you may instead choose another Talent
move up to 10ft before resolving this additional
from a previous level, rather than choosing one of
attack. This movement does not provoke attacks
the talents listed below.
or opportunity.
Blend In Hidden Shot
Action: Passive
Action: Passive
Description: You know how to stay out of the
Description: Ranged attacks you attempt while
limelight. As long as special attention has not
Hidden from your target gain a damage bonus of
Astral Tides

+3 (if you hit your target, increase the amount of 19th Level Talents
damage dealt by 3).
When you ascend to nineteenth level, choose one
of the following Talents and add it to your
Lightning Reflexes character sheet. Or, you may instead choose
Action: Passive another Talent from a previous level, rather than
Description: At the end of each of your turns, if choosing one of the talents listed below.
you have no Quick Actions remaining, you gain
one Quick Action. If not used, this Quick Action Calculating
is lost at the start of your next turn.
Action: Passive
Description: When you become Hidden in
17th Level Talents combat, you regain up to 2 spent Guile. Once this
When you ascend to seventeenth level, choose talent has been used, it may not be used again
one of the following Talents and add it to your until you complete a Downtime scene.
character sheet. Or, you may instead choose
another Talent from a previous level, rather than Ever Vigilant
choosing one of the talents listed below. Action: Passive
Description: You cannot be surprised while
Evasion conscious, and you always have a turn in combat
Action: Passive even if the rest of your crew is surprised.
Description: You gain a +1 bonus to your
Defense, and your Agility Resistance tests gain a Slippery
Bonus Die. Action: Passive
Description: On your turn, you may spend 1
Mentalist’s Bane Guile. If you do, for the rest of your turn, you do
Action: Passive not provoke attacks of opportunity.
Description: You gain a +1 bonus to your Mental
Defense, and your Wits Resistance tests gain a
Bonus Die.

Into Shadow
Action: Full Action
Description: While there are no enemies within
30ft of you, you may spend your Full Action and
1 Guile to become Hidden. When hiding in this
manner, only a Wits + Awareness test (16+) will
reveal you.

Astral Tides

Channelers are instruments of a higher power. All Channelers in action. Channelers often find
living things are connected to a cosmic being of themselves in positions of significant influence.
some sort, whether they know it or not. What Their force of will and social presence means
makes Channelers special is their ability to draw they have often enjoyed leadership roles of some
upon those connections to create supernatural sort. While most Channelers disapprove of the
effects. They pull on the Threads of the cosmos constructs of Core world corporatism, others
to accomplish great feats and miracles, or to bring embrace the system and ascend the ranks of the
unforgiving destruction on their foes. corporate ladder.

Not all Channelers are religious, or even spiritual. While they have the social capacity to survive and
The Channeler can see and manipulate the thrive as Colonial Administration, officers on a
threads which connect all life to one or more vessel, or even as battlefield commanders, most
cosmic entities. This is a fact of life for the Channelers tend to prefer the unofficial approach
Channeler, not a matter of belief or faith, towards leadership. You are more likely to find a
although some particularly spiritual Channelers Channeler acting as an advisor to a person in
see this fact as an indicator that they have some power than as the one in power. Channelers have
sort of divine purpose, depending on the entity a knack for finding and pulling on threads –
they are tethered to. whether those are from their cosmic connection
or from their relationships with others. All of this
The entities to which Channelers are connected boils down to mean that a good Channeler is a
are mysterious. They would be considered no good influencer, and each Channeler learns how
more than myths if their Channelers did not to use their skills in different ways.
manifest unique supernatural powers. Such
entities instill a variety of emotions in their Should you play a Channeler?
Channelers, and these emotions can influence the Consider playing a Channeler if any of the
Channelers’ motivations and goals. following resonate with you.
● You feel an undeniable pull to see the
Aspect Complexity wider universe.
● You believe your actions are guided
by a force greater than yourself.
● You like to have the option to learn
new skills, or to enhance the skills
The Channeler some challenge, with less direct
you already know.
Talent choices than an Agent or Mercenary.
● You often wonder – or dread – what
lies in the spaces between stars.
Astral Tides

Creating a Channeler Channeler Features

If you want to create a Channeler, follow the steps Key Attribute: Spirit
below. Skill List: Analysis, Awareness, Influence,
Navigation, Savvy
1. Assign your Attributes
You begin with 10 attribute points to distribute among Stress Reduction
your four attributes as you see fit. Each attribute must
start at a minimum of 1, and your starting attributes Choose one of the following Downtime actions:
cannot exceed 3. Spirit is the Channeler’s key attribute, Carousing, Maintenance, Research, or
however, so it can start as high as 4. Scrounging. Each time you perform the chosen
action during a Downtime scene, you reduce your
Listed below are four recommended starting attribute Stress by 1.
distributions. Select one of these or create your own.

Agility: 3, Might: 2, Wits: 1, Spirit: 4

Agility: 1, Might: 3, Wits: 2, Spirit: 4 Channelers have established a connection to their
Agility: 2, Might: 1, Wits: 3, Spirit: 4 superior cosmic beings, which is represented in
Agility: 2, Might: 2, Wits: 2, Spirit: 4 their resource pool, Threads.
2. Select your Skills When a Channeler begins their pilgrimage, they
Select five skills and give each of those skills a value of have a number of Threads equal to their Spirit
1. Of those five skills, at least three of them must be
from the Channeler Skill List, listed to the right. The
value. Threads are used with the sole purpose of
remaining two skills may any two skills of your choice. activating the powers granted to you by your
You cannot select the same skill twice. superior being.

Listed below are four recommended sets of starting A Channeler’s pool of Threads resets to full after
skills. Select one of these or create your own. each Downtime scene. At the start of each scene,
if a Channeler has fewer than their maximum
Awareness, Influence, Piloting, Savvy, Stealth number of Threads, they gain 1 Thread.
Athletics, Awareness, Medicine, Navigation, Savvy
Awareness, Analysis, Influence, Operate,
Navigation Cosmic Connections
Awareness, Athletics, Influence, Piloting, Savvy Choose one of the four Cosmic beings to whom
you are connected, as detailed below. Each
3. Select your Talent Cosmic Connection will inform the creation of
Channelers provide you with three starting Talents, of your character, as well as outline what changes
which you choose one and record on your character you make to your character as they advance in
sheet. See Channeler Talents on the following page. level.
Character Creation: Of the spells provided by
4. Select your Favored Downtime Action
How does your Channeler like to relax between your Cosmic Connection, choose three to know
missions? Select one of the Downtime Actions – at character creation and record these spells on
Carousing, Maintenance, Research, or Scrounging. your character sheet. Do not record the upgrades
for these spells.
5. Select your Cosmic Connection and Spells Level Up: Do each of the following once at 3 rd
Refer to the section to the right titled Cosmic level, 6th level, 13th level, and 16th level:
Connections. Read through that section and make all ● Choose two spells you know. Apply
necessary selections. one upgrade to each spell.
● Choose a new spell to learn.
6. Record your starting Resources
Refer to the section to the right titled Resources to
learn about the Channeler’s resource pool, Threads. The Elements of the Universe
While most Channelers get their powers from one
cosmic being or another, Elemental Channelers
Astral Tides

can harness the raw, terrestrial power of the The Preserver

universe itself. Elemental Channelers call upon
The Channelers of the Preserver are those who
the powers of air, earth, fire, and water to enhance
seek to protect and preserve all life in the
their own abilities or to bring destructive wrath
universe. Channelers of the Preserver often
upon their enemies.
become wandering humanitarians, seeking to aid
as many as they can across the galaxy. When they
The Elements of the Universe provide Channelers
are met with opposition, a Preserver will often
with a wide array of powers. Fire Channelers tend
seek to redirect their foe’s energy rather than
to be radical and destructive, while Earth
meet it with force. Though sometimes the
Channelers are protective and stoic. Air
Preserver’s Channelers have no choice but to
Channelers are mobile controllers, and Water
respond to violence with violence – and under
Channelers heal and restore their allies.
such lamentable circumstances, the Preserver
ensures their Channeler is not without resources.
Spells: Acidic Splash, Cleansing Waters,
Firebolt, Immolation, Stone Skin, Stone Wall,
The Preserver provides the widest selection of
Wispy Form
restorative powers amongst all Cosmic Beings.
The Preserver also offers powers which calm the
The Temporal Cosmos minds and hearts of others and help to turn
When the Nuani War was nearing its anti- individuals away from violence.
climactic conclusion, there were some planets
that they conquered early on that were not Spells: Banish Darkness, Close Wounds, Dispel,
decimated like Folir. Some of the people who Energy Beam, Preservation Aura, Restorative
continued to live in the presence of the Nuani Aura, Sanctuary
even adopted their faith, following a deity they
called ‘The Temporal Cosmos’. It is unclear if The Forgotten Pantheon
Iyrnith’Urgakra represents a pantheon, a singular
A mysterious pantheon of animalistic deities
being, or just the mysteries of spacetime itself.
whose ruined temples are found on many frontier
worlds, though any worship they receive now is
The Irynith’Urgakra provides access to magical
from travelers seeking to embrace the past. There
abilities which warp spacetime around the
is no knowledge of what their original dogma
Channeler, often resulting in effects which
consisted of, as scholars have so far been
control the flow of battle rather than deal direct
unsuccessful in translating any Phosmis texts. In
the present day, Channelers recognize the
Phosmis not as a pantheon of gods, but as an
Spells: Enhanced Reflexes, Folds in Space,
enigmatic cosmic force which mirrors – or
Paralytic Awareness, Quickened Aging, Restrict
influences – the behaviors and physicality of
Motion, Targeted Wormhole
alien wildlife.

The Phosmis provide access to magical abilities

which alter the Channeler’s physical form,
making them capable of absorbing or dealing
incredible amounts of physical damage.

Spells: Arkadasaur’s Beckon, Arkadasaur’s

Bellow, Gargoloth’s Tenacity, Scytheclaw’s
Ferocity, Terrorwing’s Speed, Thunderbeast’s

Astral Tides

Channeler Talents 2nd Level Talents

When you ascend to second level, you gain the
Starting Talents talent listed below. Or you may instead choose
another Starting Talent, rather than choosing one
Choose one of the three Talents below and record of the talents listed below.
it on your character sheet.
Resistant Threads
Fraying Threads
Requires: Mortal Threads
Action: Full Action Action: Quick Action
Description: You locate the Threads of Creation Description: As a Quick Action on your turn, you
that connect to a nearby enemy, and you pluck at may spend 1 Thread to grant yourself and the
them mercilessly. Make a Spirit melee attack crew member connected via your Mortal Threads
against an enemy within 5ft. When you use this shielded defenses until the end of your next turn.
Talent, you may spend 1 Thread to increase the
range of this effect from 5ft to 15ft, or to gain a Spiritual Shield
damage bonus of +2.
Action: Quick Action
Mortal Threads Description: When you receive physical damage,
if you have 1 or more Threads, you may use your
Action: Full Action Quick Action to take it as mental damage instead.
Description: On your turn, you may spend your
Full Action and 1 Thread to choose a crew Woven Escape
member within 30ft. You channel your cosmic
connection into the chosen crew member, Action: Quick Action
connecting your life force with them. Whenever Description: When you would receive damage,
one of you would receive physical or mental you may use your Quick Action and spend 1
damage, the damage is split as evenly as possible Thread to cancel the damage and immediately
between the two of you, with the original target teleport to an unoccupied space up to 10ft away.
taking the greater amount of damage if an even
split is impossible. This effect lasts until one of 5th Level Talents
you receives a Wound or a Stress, until you are When you ascend to fifth level, choose one of the
more than 30ft from each other, or if you use this following Talents and add it to your character
Talent again. sheet. Or, you may instead choose another Talent
Advancement: Future Talents can enhance this from a previous level, rather than choosing one of
talent, such as Calming Connection and Resistant the talents listed below.
Sever Thread
Restorative Touch Action: Full Action
Action: Full Action Description: You attempt to target an individual
Description: You locate the Threads of Creation and sever their threads to the cosmos. Spend your
that connect to a nearby ally, and weave and Full Action making a Spirit mental attack
repair them. Target an ally within 5ft and make a against a target within 30ft. If successful, this
Spirit + Influence test against a target number of mental attack gains a Damage Bonus of +1. When
10. If successful, you remove up to X damage, you use this Talent, you may spend 1 Thread to
where X is the number of points you scored above increase the range of this effect from 30ft to 60ft,
10. When you use this Talent, you may spend 1 or to increase the damage bonus from +1 to +3.
Thread to either increase the range from 5ft to You cannot use this Talent if you have 0 Threads.
15ft, or to allow this Talent to remove a Wound.

Astral Tides

Shared Threads Wholeness of Spirit

Action: Full Action Action: Passive
Description: On your turn, you may spend a Full Description: While you have 1 or more unspent
Action and 1 Thread to instill positive emotions Threads, your Spirit and Wits Resistance tests
into one target within 30ft. The target must gain a Bonus Die.
attempt a Spirit Resistance test or gain the
Charmed condition. 14th Level Talents
When you ascend to fourteenth level, choose one
Stargazer of the following Talents and add it to your
Action: Full Action character sheet. Or, you may instead choose
Description: Being under the open sky grants you another Talent from a previous level, rather than
greater connection to Cosmic Threads. As a Full choosing one of the talents listed below.
Action on your turn, you may refill your pool of
Threads to its maximum. This may only be used Calming Connection
while you are under the open sky or out in the
Requires: Mortal Threads
vastness of space. Once it has been used, you may
Action: Quick Action
not use this Talent again until after the next
Description: As a Quick Action on your turn, you
Downtime scene.
may attempt to reduce the strength of one
Condition afflicting the character connected to
8th Level Talents you via your Mortal Threads. You test Spirit
When you ascend to eighth level, choose one of Resistance against that Condition, rather than the
the following Talents and add it to your character Resistance determined by the Condition.
sheet. Or, you may instead choose another Talent
from a previous level, rather than choosing one of Guidance
the talents listed below. Action: Quick Action
Description: When an allied crew member within
Cosmic Knowledge 10ft attempts a skill test, if you have 1 or more
Action: Passive Threads, you may use your Quick Action to grant
Description: While you are resting, you may that crew member a bonus to the skill test equal
reach out to your cosmic connection and gain to your Spirit value (this cannot be used to boost
insight into the cosmos at large. At the end of a a test that doesn’t involve a skill).
Downtime scene, you may choose one of the
following skills: Analysis, Awareness, Thread Network
Influence, Navigation, or Savvy. Increase your Action: Full Action
skill value for the chosen skill by +1 (to a Description: You may spend your Full Action
maximum of +4). This effect lasts until the start and 1 Thread to weave together the mortal threads
of your next Downtime scene. of yourself and all crew members within 30ft.
Each crew member targeted with this talent gains
Star Walker a +2 bonus to Defense and Mental Defense until
Action: Passive the end of the next round. If a crew member
Description: While you have 1 or more Threads benefiting from this bonus moves further than
available, you are immune to the harmful effects 30ft from you, that crew member loses this bonus.
of outer space. While in outer space or on a world If no crew members are within 30ft of you before
with thin or no atmosphere, you may spend your this bonus ends, then you lose this bonus.
movement action to fly for 20ft.

Astral Tides

17th Level Talents 19th Level Talents

When you ascend to seventeenth level, choose When you ascend to nineteenth level, choose one
one of the following Talents and add it to your of the following Talents and add it to your
character sheet. Or, you may instead choose character sheet. Or, you may instead choose
another Talent from a previous level, rather than another Talent from a previous level, rather than
choosing one of the talents listed below. choosing one of the talents listed below.

Additional Connection Cosmic Traversal

Action: Passive Action: Full Action
Description: During your Downtime, you may Description: As a Full Action, you and up to X
contact another cosmic connection. Reduce your willing characters within 30ft, where X is your
maximum possible Threads by 1 to add a spell to Spirit value, are teleported from your current
your spell list that belongs to a different Cosmic location to the last location where you resolved a
Connection than yours. You gain access to that Downtime scene.
spell until the start of your next Downtime scene.
Threads of Fate
Glimpse Immortality Action: Passive
Action: Passive Description: Increase your Thread pool by +2.
Description: When you would receive a Wound,
you may spend 2 Threads to prevent that Wound Weaver’s Regeneration
and reduce the damage you receive by 5. If this Action: Full Action
reduces you to 0 Threads, you gain 1 Stress. Description: As a Full Action on your turn, you
may spend 1 Thread to immediately remove 1
Threads of Doom Wound.
Action: Quick Action
Description: As a Quick Action on your turn
while you have at least 1 Thread available, you
may choose a combatant within 30ft who is
afflicted with either Charmed, Frightened, or
Stunned. That combatant must make a Spirit
Resistance test. If failed, increase the strength of
one of the above conditions afflicting the target
by +1 (to a maximum of 5).

Astral Tides

Connection Spells Firebolt

Below is the complete spell list for the Channeler Action: Full Action
aspect. When you are 1st level, you will choose Cost: N/A
two spells from the list below which belong to Description: You fling a ball of burning fire
your Cosmic Connection. As you level, you may towards one target you can see within 60ft. Make
have the opportunity to choose additional spells, a Spirit ranged attack against the target. This
or to apply upgrades to your current spells. attack deals Thermal damage. After your first
Firebolt hits or misses, you may spend 1 Thread
to hurl a second Firebolt as part of the same
The Elements of the Universe action. The second Firebolt may be thrown to the
same target or to a different target within range.
Acidic Splash Upgrades:
Action: Full Action • Reaching Firebolt: The range of Fire
Cost: 1 Thread Bolt increases from 60ft to 90ft.
Description: You reach out and release a burst of • Multiple Firebolts: Upon casting the
acidic water from your outstretched hand. Choose spell, you now hurl two Firebolts at the
a 10ft by 10ft area adjacent to you. Each same or different targets. If you spend 1
combatant within the chosen area must make an Thread, you hurl two additional
Agility Resistance test, suffering Thermal Firebolts, again at same or different
damage equal to the difference. targets.
• Corrosive Splash: Combatants who fail Immolation
their Agility Resistance test also no
Action: Full Action
longer add their Gear bonus to their
Cost: 1 Thread
Defense until the end of the following
Description: You spend your Full Action and 1
Thread choosing an enemy within 30ft who you
• Powerful Splash: The difficulty of this
can see. The chosen enemy must succeed at a
Agility Resistance test increases by +2.
Might Resistance test. If failed, the target ignites
in open flame, taking 5 thermal damage and
Cleansing Waters suffering from Burning (see Chapter Five: The
Action: Quick Action Game for details). If the test is successful, the
Cost: 1 Thread target takes 3 thermal damage and does not burn.
Description: You reach out and release a stream Upgrades:
of cleansing waters from your outstretched hand. • Broadened Immolation: Immolation
When you activate this spell, remove up to X now targets up to X enemies within
physical damage from a target within 10ft of you, range, where X is your Spirit value.
where X is twice your Spirit value. If fewer than • Improved Immolation: Immolation
X damage was removed in this way, remove up gains a damage bonus of +2.
to X physical damage from an additional target
within 10ft of the original target. Stone Skin
Action: Full Action
• Empowered Waters: Increase the
Cost: 1 Thread
physical damage removal of this spell to
Description: You cover yourself or one ally
within 5ft in a casing of stone armor. While this
• Reaching Waters: The range of
spell is active, the target crew member ignores all
Cleansing Waters - for both its original
damage from the next X successful attacks, where
target and its secondary target - increases
X is your Spirit value. After the armor ignores the
to 20ft.
damage from the last successful attack, it shatters
and it lost.

Astral Tides

Upgrades: The Forgotten Pantheon

• Sturdy Stone Skin: The armor now
ignores all damage from two additional Arkadasaur’s Beckon
Action: Quick Action
• Explosive Stone Skin: When the armor
Cost: 1 Thread
shatters, it explodes outward. All
Description: Choose an enemy within 30ft and
combatants within 5ft must make an
make a Spirit mental attack against that enemy.
Agility Resistance test, taking 1 damage
If successful, that enemy is pulled 15ft towards
for each point the Resist test fails by.
you in a straight line. This movement does not
provoke attacks of opportunity, and the
Stone Wall movement stops if it strikes a solid object, other
Action: Full Action character, or a hazard that deals damage to the
Cost: 1 Thread target.
Description: You create a wall of stone that can Upgrades:
block line of sight and ranged attacks. Choose a • Reaching Beckon: Arkadasaur’s
straight line that is 5ft wide and 30ft long, Beckon now has a range of 50ft and pulls
originating from a space adjacent to you. All the target 20ft towards you.
combatants in the chosen line must make an • Broadened Beckon: Arkadasaur’s
Agility Resistance test. Those who succeed step Beckon now targets up to X individuals
5ft in a direction of their choice without at once, where X is your Spirit value.
provoking attacks of opportunity. Those who fail
take 1 physical damage for each point the test Arkadasaur’s Bellow
failed by and are forced to move to an adjacent
space of their choice. While active, the stone wall Action: Quick Action
blocks line of sight and reaches 10ft in height. Cost: 1 Thread
The stone wall has a Defense of 10 and Vitality Description: You may spend your Quick Action
of 15. When the Stone Wall takes 1 Wound, it is and 1 Thread to unleash a powerful bellow. Each
destroyed. enemy within 30ft of you must make a Might
Upgrades: Resistance test, and each enemy who fails is
• Sturdy Stone Wall: The Stone Wall may pushed back from you 10ft.
now take up to 2 Wounds, with 15 Upgrades:
Vitality per wound. • Reaching Bellow: Arkadasaur’s
Bellow’s range increases from 30ft to
Wispy Form
• Frightening Bellow: Characters affected
Action: Quick Action by Arkadasaur’s Bellow also gain the
Cost: 1 Thread Frightened Condition.
Description: As a Quick Action on your turn, you
may spend a Thread to take on a form of wispy
Gargoloth’s Tenacity
vapor. Until the end of your next turn, you are
immune to physical damage, you cannot deal Action: Quick Action
physical damage, and your Movement increases Cost: 1 Thread
by 15ft. While in this form, you do not provoke Description: After you deal damage to an enemy
attacks of opportunity and may move through a within 5ft, you may spend your Quick Action to
space as narrow as 1 inch, but you must end your remove X damage, where X is the amount of
movement in an unoccupied space. damage you dealt.
Upgrades: Upgrades:
• Swift Form: Your movement speed • Quickened Tenacity: Gargoloth’s
increases by 30ft instead of 15ft. Tenacity no longer costs a Quick Action.
It now resolves on a Free Action which

Astral Tides

you may utilize once per round, on your Wyrakax’s Haste

turn. Action: Quick Action
Cost: 2 Threads
Scytheclaw’s Ferocity Description: You gain an additional Full Action
Action: Quick Action on the turn you cast this spell.
Cost: 1 Thread Upgrades:
Description: When you would deal basic damage • Efficient Haste: Wyrakax’s Haste now
to an enemy within 5ft, you may spend your costs 1 Thread to cast.
Quick Action to increase the damage dealt by X,
where X is your Spirit value. The Preserver
• Quickened Ferocity: Scytheclaw’s Banish Darkness
Ferocity no longer uses your Quick
Action, and instead uses a Free Action Action: Quick Action
once per round, on your turn. Cost: N/A
Description: An orb of bright light forms in your
outstretched hand and orbits around your head.
Terrorwing’s Speed
This orb generates 10ft of bright light and 20ft of
Action: Free Action (once per round) dim light and remains active for up to an hour or
Cost: 1 Thread until you dismiss it as a free action.
Description: On your turn, you may spend 1 Upgrades:
Thread to move up to 30ft by flying. • Rallying Light: When you cast this
Upgrades: spell, you may spend 1 Thread to reduce
• Blinding Speed: Your movement made the Frightened condition by 1 Strength
on the same turn as using Terrorwing’s in all characters within the orb’s light.
Speed no longer provokes attacks of • Burning Light: Enemy creatures within
opportunity. the orb’s bright light must make an
• Empowering Speed: If you make a Agility Resistance test, suffering 1 point
Melee attack after moving at least 30ft of thermal damage for each point they
with Terrorwing’s Speed, that attack fail by.
gains a Bonus Die.
Close Wounds
Thunderbeast’s Resilience
Action: Full Action
Action: Quick Action Cost: 1 Thread
Cost: 1 Thread Description: You weave the threads of the
Description: When you would receive physical universe around an ally, restoring their vitality.
damage from an attack made by an enemy within Choose a combatant within 30ft. The chosen
5ft, you may spend your Quick Action and 1 combatant removes all physical damage and 1
Thread to reduce the amount of damage you Wound.
would take by X, where X is your Spirit value. Upgrades:
Upgrades: • Deeper Heal: The chosen combatant
• Improved Resilience: Thunderbeast’s now removes up to 2 Wounds instead of
Resilience can now reduce damage from just one.
attacks made by enemies within 30ft. • Lasting Heal: After one or more
• Potent Resilience: Thunderbeast’s Wounds are removed with this spell, the
Resilience now reduces damage from chosen combatant gains a +2 bonus to
attacks by an amount equal to double Defense until the end of the following
your Spirit value. round

Astral Tides

Dispel Restorative Aura

Action: Full Action Action: Full Action
Cost: 1 Thread Cost: 1 Thread
Description: Choose a crew member within 30ft Description: You project an aura of restorative
and make a Spirit Resistance test. If successful, cosmic energy. At the end of each of your turns,
reduce the strength of one Condition on the target you and each crew member within 15ft of you
by X, where X is your Spirit value. remove X physical and mental damage, where X
Upgrades: is half of your Spirit value (rounding down). This
• Quickened Dispel: Casting this spell effect lasts until the end of the scene, or until you
costs you a Quick Action instead of a Full receive a wound or a stress.
Action. Upgrades:
• Powerful Dispel: Succeeding on your • Deeper Restoration: Your aura now
Spirit Resistance test now removes one removes an amount of physical and
condition of your choice. mental damage equal to your Spirit
Energy Beam • Enduring Aura: When you would
Action: Full Action receive a wound or a stress, you may test
Cost: 1 Thread Spirit Resistance. If successful, you
Description: You harness your connection to the maintain the aura.
threads of life in order to deny that connection to • Extending Aura: The range of this aura
another, manifesting as a beam of starlight from increases from 15ft to 30ft.
your outstretched hand. Make a Spirit ranged
attack against a target within 60ft, dealing Sanctuary
thermal damage. Action: Full Action
Upgrades: Cost: 1 Thread
• Searing Bolt: This spell gains a damage Description: You project an aura that calms
bonus equal to half your Spirit value, emotions and instills a peaceful mind in those
rounding down. around you. At the end of each of your turns,
• Illuminating Bolt: When a target choose a combatant within 30ft of you. Until the
receives damage from this attack, they start of your next turn, enemies cannot attack the
glow with lingering starlight. The next target of this spell unless they succeed at a Spirit
attack made against that target gains a Resistance test. This effect ends if the target of
bonus die. the spell resolves an attack, deals any amount of
damage, or moves further than 30ft away from
Preservation Aura you.
Action: Full Action Upgrades:
Cost: 1 Thread • Extending Sanctuary: The range of
Description: You project an aura of protective Sanctuary increases from 30ft to 60ft.
cosmic energy. You and each crew member • Broadened Sanctuary: You may now
within 30ft of you gain +1 Defense. This effect choose up to X combatants to be targeted
lasts until the end of the scene, or until you by Sanctuary, where X is your Spirit
receive a wound or a stress. value.
• Enduring Aura: When you would
receive a wound or a stress, you may test
Spirit Resistance. If successful, you
maintain the aura.
• Empowered Aura: Increase the Defense
bonus from +1 to +2.

Astral Tides

The Temporal Cosmos you were at the chosen point. While you are
perceiving in such a manner, you are Hidden (to
Enhanced Reflexes all characters in normal space as well as in the
area of your perception) and time in normal space
Action: Quick Action is brought to a halt until you finish.
Cost: 1 Thread ● Up to 24 hours in the past, in
Description: You spend your Quick Action to your exact position.
slow the flow of time around yourself. All Agility ● Up to 24 hours in the future, in
Resistance tests you attempt gain a Bonus Die, your exact position.
and you gain a +2 bonus to Defense. This effect ● Up to 100ft in any single
lasts until the end of the scene, or until you take direction from your exact
any amount of damage, whichever comes first. position (including through
Upgrades: walls, and other barriers).
• Improved Enhancement: Enhanced Upgrades:
Reflexes grants a +3 bonus to Defense • Quickened Glimpse: Glimpse Beyond
instead of +2. now uses a Free Action (once per round
• Reliable Enhancement: When you take on each of your turns) instead of your
physical damage while Enhanced Quick Action.
Reflexes is active, you may maintain the • Reliable Glimpse: After you use
effect if you succeed a Spirit Resistance Glimpse Beyond, you may test Spirit
test. Resistance. If successful, you regain the
Thread you spent to cast Glimpse
Folds in Space Beyond.
Action: Full Action
Cost: 1 Thread Paralytic Awareness
Description: You target yourself or a crew Action: Full Action
member within 5ft, and then choose an Cost: 1 Thread
unoccupied space within 50ft. You fold Description: You target one enemy within 30ft
spacetime around the target, causing them to and spend your Full Action. The target must
disappear from their current position and succeed at a Spirit Resistance test or gain the
reappear in the chosen space. Stunned condition as their eyes are opened to the
Upgrades: maddening infinity of the cosmos.
• Quickened Folds: Folds in Space uses a Upgrades:
Quick Action instead of a Full Action. • Broadened Awareness: Paralytic
• Broadened Folds: Folds in Space now Awareness may now target up to X
targets a number of individuals equal to enemies within 30ft, where X is your
the Channeler’s Spirit value, as long as Spirit value.
all are within 5ft of each other. All • Disrupting Awareness: Paralytic
chosen individuals reappear within 5ft of Awareness has the chance to destroy the
each other. mind of an affected enemy. Each enemy
targeted by Paralytic Awareness who
Glimpse Beyond rolls a result of 9 or lower on their Spirit
Action: Quick Action Resistance test immediately takes 10
Cost: 1 Thread mental damage.
Description: You may spend your Quick Action
and 1 Thread to bend spacetime around yourself, Quickened Aging
allowing you to perceive reality as if you were in Action: Full Action
a different time or place. When you cast this spell, Cost: 1 Thread
specify one of the following options listed below. Description: You choose an enemy within 30ft
For the next minute, you perceive the world as if who must succeed at a Might Resistance test.
Astral Tides

If they fail, the target ages rapidly. Until the end

of the next round, the target suffers a -1 to
• Broadened Aging: Quickened Aging
may now target up to X individuals
within 30ft, where X is your Spirit value.
• Potent Aging: Quickened Aging now
reduces Defense by -1 for each point the
Resistance test failed by, up to a
maximum of -3.

Restrict Motion
Action: Full Action
Cost: 1 Thread
Description: You choose an enemy within 30ft
and force that enemy to make an Agility
Resistance test. If failed, the target gains the
Restrained condition.
• Broadened Restrict: Restrict Motion
may now target up to X individuals
within 30ft, where X is your Spirit value.

Targeted Wormhole
Action: Quick Action
Cost: 1 Thread
Description: When you or a crew member within
30ft would take damage from a ranged physical
attack, you may spend your Quick Action to open
a wormhole in spacetime between the projectile
and its intended target, causing the attack to miss.
• Reaching Wormhole: Targeted
Wormhole’s range increases from 30ft to
• Redirecting Wormhole: When
Targeted Wormhole is used, you may
spend 1 additional Thread to open the
other end of the wormhole near an
enemy, causing the ranged attack to
strike that enemy instead. The targeted
enemy must also be within the range of
this spell.

Astral Tides

Filled to the brim with cybernetic upgrades, Cybermancers in action. Cybermancers have a
Cybermancers are two steps ahead of other way with tech, and this deep technological
cybernetically enhanced individuals. Whether understanding means that they are often
their rig consists of powerful software or surrounded by all manner of devices, vehicles,
unmatched hardware, whether it is a sleek gear, and systems. Cybermancers from the Core
aesthetic or literally cobbled together, could be on the R&D team of a mega-corporation,
Cybermancers are part organic, part machine, and or maybe they fled their former employers with
all power. some experimental tech.

Such mastery over both biology and technology The powers of a Cybermancers are nearly
can create a number of effects that simple ‘meat- indecipherable to others, and while a wary ship
heads’ would only understand as magic. But these captain may recognize the skill a Cybermancer
effects are not magic. Instead, they are physical has, they may still not promote that Cybermancer
manifestations of a powerful combination of to Chief Engineer out of fear of what the
digital code powered by the biological processes Cybermancer is capable of.
of the Cybermancer. The greater their physical
fitness and health, the further they can push their Cybermancers on the Outer Rim tend to be
programming and the more they can accomplish. unpredictable and wild in their actions and
motives – the term ‘gear crazy’ being thrown
Cybermancers also greatly customize the way in around by meatheads. In truth, Cybermancers on
which these programs appear. Two different the Rim are not bound by the cybernetic
Cybermancers could execute the same program, restrictions and regulations of the Core and
and it would look vastly different from one to the Midrim.
next. A Cybermancer could write their programs
to appear as beams of neon lights shooting forth Should you play a Cybermancer?
from their outstretched hands, while another Consider playing a Cybermancer if any of the
could write theirs to resemble holographic following resonate with you.
animals charging at their targets. For the ● You treat every obstacle as if it were
trappings of Cybermancer powers, the stars are a puzzle.
the limit. ● You like to mix and match different
actions to create customizable
Aspect Complexity effects.
● Others treat your skills with
machines and computer software as
if it were a magical gift.
The Cybermancer’s excessive modularity make it ● You have the right tools for any job,
one of the most challenging Aspects in the game. you just don’t always bring them

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