Test 1 Questions Jan-April 2023

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Fluid Mechanics Test 1 (Jan-Apr 2023)

Ref No

EM211 / BEM2033 Fluid Mechanics

TEST 1 (JAN-APR 2023)

Student ID :
Student Name :
Duration : 1 hour 30 minutes
Name of Lecturer : Asst. Prof. Dr. Teng Kah Hou


Answer ALL questions. Answers MUST be written in PEN only.

This question paper consists of 7 pages only including cover page. Answers are to be
written in the answer sheets provided. Candidates are not allowed to bring textbooks,
lecture notes, files or any materials except writing equipment and scientific calculator
into the examination hall.

The University Examination Board of UCSI University regards cheating as a most serious
offence and will not hesitate to mete out the appropriate punitive actions according to the severity
of the offence committed, and in accordance with the clauses stipulated in the Students’
Handbook, up to and including expulsion from UCSI University.

Question Marks Marks


Total 40 marks

Fluid Mechanics Test 1 (Jan-Apr 2023)

Question 1 – 20 marks

(a) Explain the laminar, transition and turbulent flow.

(6 marks)

(b) The viscosity of a fluid is to be measured by a viscometer constructed of two 75

cm long concentric cylinders. The outer diameter of the inner cylinder is 15 cm,
and the gap between the two cylinders is 0.12 cm. The inner cylinder is rotated at
200 rpm, and the torque is measured to be 0.8 Nm. Determine the viscosity of the

Fig 1(b)
(6 marks)

(c) The circular gate ABC in Fig. 1(c) has a 1 m radius and is hinged at B. Determine
the force P just sufficient to keep the gate from opening when h = 8 m. Neglect
atmospheric pressure.

Fig 1(c)

(8 marks)

Fluid Mechanics Test 1 (Jan-Apr 2023)

Question 2 – 20 marks

(a) Construct the equation of Bernoulli Equation by using Fig. 2(a) and explain it.

(10 marks)

(b) Water flows at a rate of 0.025 m3/s in a horizontal pipe whose diameter increases
from 6 to 11 cm by an enlargement section. If the head loss across the
enlargement section is 0.45 m and the kinetic energy correction factor at both the
inlet and the outlet is 1.05, determine the pressure change.

(10 marks)


The empty space below is for draft only

Fluid Mechanics Test 1 (Jan-Apr 2023)


Area and second moment of inertia for different geometries

Taken from: Çengel, Y., & Cimbala, J. (2014). Fluid mechanics: Fundamentals and
applications (3rd ed.). McGraw-Hill Higher Education.

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