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What are autosomes?

Pair of chromosomes which carry the same genes in both females and males.

What are sex chromosomes?

Members of a pair of sex chromosomes differ between females and males. The
differences determine an individual’s sex.

Male chromosomes: XY
Female chromosomes: XX

Genetic Counseling: Genetic Counseling starts with diagnosis of parental

genotypes, pedigrees, and genetic testing for known disorders.

Prenatal Diagnosis: Doctors and clinicians commonly use methods of prenatal

diagnosis to determine the sex of embryos or fetuses and screen for more than 100
known genetic problems.

Preimplantation Diagnosis: Preimplantation diagnosis is a procedure associated

with in vitro fertilization.

What does a DNA nucleotide has?

Has a five-carbon sugar, three phosphate groups, and one of four
nitrogen-containing bases:

Watson and Crick’s discovery of DNA’s structure was based on almost fifty years
of research by other scientists.

How’s the DNA’s structure?

tremendously variable
What is the structure of DNA?
A DNA molecule consists of two nucleotide chains running in opposite directions
and coiled into a double helix.

A cell copies its DNA before mitosis or Meiosis I begins. DNA Polymerase does
the copying.

What is semiconservative replication?

One strand of each molecule is old and the other is new.

What is DNA ligase?

An enzyme that participates in DNA replication, joins those segments into a
continuous strand of DNA.

What are DNA repair mechanisms?

They fix DNA by enzymatically excising and replacing any damaged or mismatched
bases before replication begins.

How is DNA copied?

A cell replicates its DNA before mitosis or meiosis. Each strand of DNA double helix
serves as a template for synthesis of a new, complementary strand of DNA.

What is reproductive cloning?

Is a reproductive intervention that results in an exact genetic copy of an adult.

What is somatic cell nuclear transfer (SCNT)?

A researcher removes the nucleus from an unfertilized egg, then inserts into the egg
a nucleus from an adult animal cell.

What is a transcription?
Converting the information encoded by a gene into a product to a RNA.

What are the three types of RNA?

Ribosomal RNA (rRNA) is the main component of ribosomes
Transfer RNA (tRNA) delivers amino acids to ribosomes
Messenger RNA (mRNA) specifies the order in which tRNA should deliver
What is translation?
Is the process in which the protein-building information in an mRNA is decoded
into a sequence of amino acids.

What is gene expression?

A multistep process by which genetic information encoded by a gene is converted
into a structural or functional part of a cell or body.

What is RNA polymerase?

Is an enzyme that adds nucleotides to the end of a transcript.

What is a promoter?
A specific binding site in the DNA.

How is RNA assembled?

RNA polymerase uses the nucleotide sequence of a gene region in a chromosome
as a template to assemble a strand of RNA.

What are introns?

Nucleotide sequences that are removed from a new RNA.

What are exons?

Sequences that stay in the RNA.

What is alternative splicing?

One gene can encode different species.

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