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Day 11

50 Important MCQs from Past Papers

1. How many stages are there in the Holy Quran? 7 stages
2. Who was the first writer of “Wahi” in Quraish? Hazrat Abdullah Bin Masud (R.A)
3. Kitab-ul-Assar is compiled by? Imam Abu Hanifa (R.A)
4. Imam Shafi took the office of “Religious Judgement in the age of? 15 years
5. What was the name of the foster sister of the Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H)? Hazrat Shima (R.A)
6. Namaz-e-Istasqa is a prayer for? Rain
7. Who is called “Saqi-e-Zam zam? Hazrat Abbas (R.A)
8. The kissing of Hajr-e-Aswad is called? Istelam
9. What is the number of Ramadan the Islamic Calender? 9th
10. Who compiled first work of Hadith “Sahifa-e-Sadiqa”? Hazrat Abdullah bin Amr (R.A)

Everyday Science
1. The instrument which is used to measure high temperature? Pyrometer
2. Monsoon caused by? Seasonal reversal of winds
3. The fruits without seed, like banana are called? Parthenocarpic Fruits
4. Total volume of blood in a normal adult human being is? 5-6 Liters
5. Tibia is a bone found in? leg
6. The largest part of brain is called? Cerebrum
7. What is main component of bones and teeth? Calcium Phosphate
8. The main constitution of haemoglobin is? Iron (Fe)
9. The function of haemoglobin is? Transportation of Oxygen
10. Which is the largest gland of the human body? Liver

General Knowledge
1. The first blind judge in Pakistan? Yousaf Saleem
2. The force that pulls everything downward is? Gravity
3. The sides of trapezium are? Four sides
4. Condensation occurs when a gas becomes? Liquid
5. The most abundant element in the sun is? Hydrogen
6. TASS is news agency of? Russia
7. The animal that produces the biggest offspring is? The Blue Whale
8. Princess Diana died in a car crash in? 1997
9. Malaya is another name of? Malaysia
10. Santiago is the capital of? Chile
Pakistan Studies
1. When Simon commission was announced? November 1927
2. When Simon Commission issued its report? In 1930
3. Who was the Prime Minister of British at the time of Round Table Conference? Ramsey
4. Who was the viceroy of India at the time of Round Table Conference? Lord Irwin
5. When Quaid-e-Azam presented his 14 points? In 1929
6. Who wrote the Lahore resolution? Zafar-ul-Allah Khan
7. Who presented the Lahore Resolution? A.K. Fazl-ul-Haq
8. When communal award was announced? In 1932
9. After India Act 1935 India was divided in how many provinces? 11 provinces
10. When Muslim League observed “Day of Deliverance”? December 22, 1939

1. To cut a word in Microsoft Word Document, which combination of keys is used? Ctrl+X
2. Shortcut key for printing a document in MS word is? Ctrl+P
3. The ALU of a computer responds to the commands coming from? Control Section
4. World Wide Web is standardized by? W3C
5. In MS Excel, comments out in cells are called? Cell tip
6. UPS stands for? Uninterruptible Power Supply
7. HTML stands for? Hyper Text Mark-up Language
8. Two types of memories “RAM” and “ROM” are part of? Main Memory
9. A document reader is an example of? Input device
10. The software which contains rows and columns is called? Spreadsheet

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