Day 3 Mcqs

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1. How many articles were there in the constitution of 1956? 234 Articles
2. How many articles were there in the constitution of 1962? 250 Articles
3. How many articles are there in the constitution of 1973? 280 Articles
4. When did Fatima Jinnah join Muslim League? 1939
5. Hockey was originated by------England
6. Earth’s rotation around its axis is----- West to East
7. Paper currency was introduced by----- China
8. First international organization was------League of Nations-----After WW1
9. Spain parliament is known as----Cortes
10. Temple of Trees is an official residence of------- Sri Lanka PM
11. World’s oldest inhabited city-----Damascus
12. World’s smallest city by area-------Vatican City
13. Digital computer was invented by------ Howard Aiken
14. 1st largest arm seller-------USA
15. 2nd largest arm seller------Russia
16. 1stlargest arm importer----- kingdom of Saudi Arabia
17. 2nd largest arm importer-------India
18. Organization of Islamic Cooperation OIC was established in-----1969
19. The name United Nations was coined by----- US president F.D. Roosevelt
20. Smallest country of Asia ------ Tajikistan
21. Which sea separates Asia from Africa? Red Sea
22. Printing press was invented by------ Johan Gutenberg
23. Formosa is the old name of ----- Taiwan
24. 3rd president of America----- Thomas Jefferson
25. Old name of Table Tennis was----- Ping Pong
26. Al-Azhar university is situated in--- Cairo
27. 1st Nobel Prize awarded to a South Asian was---- Rabindranath Tagore
28. In which pact the Muslims and Hindus of British India agreed for separate electorates? Lucknow
Pact 1916
29. First owner of Microsoft company was------ Bill Gates
30. Parliament of Norway is called-----Storting
31. Capital of Bosnia Herzegovina-------Sarajevo
32. Founder of Wikipedia------- Jimmy Wales
33. The Magna Carta was agreed by ------- King John of England in 1215 AD
34. Trachoma is the disease of------ Eye
35. Balochistan acquire the status of province----- in 1970
36. NIKKEI is a stock exchange of------Tokyo
37. Napoleon Bonaparte was the King of-------France
38. Largest country in Muslim world is ------ Kazakhstan
39. First Viceroy of India was-----Lord Canning
40. Great Sandy desert situated in-----Australia
41. Pakistan has the coastline of-----1046 km
42. Tibet is known as the------- roof of the world
43. Nairobi is the capital of----- Kenya
44. Compound that is used as Anti-malaria drug----- Chloroquine
45. Photosynthesis in plants takes place faster in-------Red light
46. First president of USA who visited Pakistan------ Dwight D. Eisenhower
47. Study of human population is called----- Demography
48. Headquarter of Interpol is in-----Paris
49. Old name of Myanmar was----- Burma
50. Capital of Tajikistan is------- Dushanbe

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