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Unit 11

A Choose the correct answer, a, b or c.

1 My wallet was stolen by a ___ on the bus once.
a murder b pickpocket c defendant
2 He could not come up with any ___ for where he had been at the time of the crime.
a motive b sentence c alibi
3 I don’t know where the phrase ___ sense came from when so many people don’t seem to have any.
a common b ordinary c logical
4 He’s a cat ___, which does not mean he steals cats. He robs the upper floors of houses.
a convict b burglar c theft
5 Ignorance of the law is no ___. You can’t just say you didn’t know it was illegal.
a trial b excuse c case
6 Just choose one! Why is it so hard for you to come to a ___?
a conviction b verdict c decision
7 Criminals often return to the ___ of the crime.
a scene b motive c evidence
8 The case was dismissed owing to a lack of ___.
a witness b evidence c convict
9 He ___ guilty to the crime so he got a lighter sentence.
a pled b read c claimed
10 It isn’t ___ the law to avoid doing your homework but it should be.
a opposite b above c against
11 He didn’t have to go to prison but he was placed under house ___ for six months.
a arrest b investigation c record
12 The police have closed off the area to the public because they’re looking for ___ to help them
to solve the crime.
a complaints b clues c decisions
B Choose the correct answer, a, b or c.
This is a true story. I once met a man 1 ___ name I don’t remember because it was a long time ago. We were
both originally from the same city, 2 ___ gives you a connection 3 ___ you’re abroad and you meet somebody
from the same place 4 ___ you’re from.
Anyway, the reason 5 ___ he was abroad was because he had committed a crime for 6 ___ he might have gone
to prison. The crime was robbery.
Here’s how he almost got caught. He was robbing a children’s clothing shop 7 ___ , in the middle of the robbery,
he opened the small fridge in the shop and made himself a sandwich. The police, 8 ___ investigated the crime,
had found his fingerprints on the fridge. Honestly, 9 ___ does that?
So he left the country before he had to appear in court. He told me that when the statute of limitations,
10 ___ is the time period that you can be tried for a crime, was up, he would go back.
I never saw him again, 11 ___ is probably a good thing although he was actually quite pleasant.
Well, now you know. Don’t make yourself a sandwich 12 ___ you’re in the middle of a robbery, or at least
remember to wear gloves.
1 a whose b who’s c that 5 a why b which c where 9 a what b who c why
2 a which b that c who 6 a when b why c which 10 a when b that c which
3 a when b where c while 7 a where b when c that 11 a when b that c which
4 a when b whose c that 8 a who b when c whose 12 a that b when c which
C Rewrite the sentences using a suitable participle clause to replace the words in bold.
1 Who are those men who are being led away in handcuffs?
2 The castle which was built in 1639 is now a famous tourist attraction.
3 After the detectives found his fingerprints at the scene of the crime he was soon arrested.
4 The man who was sentenced to ten years was, in fact, innocent.
5 They robbed a bank and made their getaway on a motorcycle.
6 When we had finished the cleaning, we decided to bake a cake.
7 The detective who was assigned to investigate the murder soon solved the case.
8 The student who was attempting to cheat on the test was made to do fifty exercises on phrasal verbs.
Unit 12
A Circle the correct answer.
1 The blouse fits / suits me, but do you have it in any other colour? I look terrible in beige.
2 The bride walked down the catwalk / aisle at church in a lovely designer gown.
3 Having lost a lot of weight, she had her jeans taken in / off.
4 He had on a checked / striped suit and he reminded me of a zebra.
5 That colour really fits / suits you. You should wear it more often.
6 I’d like to get a refund / discount on this purchase because it was a gift and I’ll never wear it.
7 I’d be quite willing to give you your money back, madam, if you had the purchase / receipt.
8 I don’t have enough money to afford / hire designer clothes, but I wish I did.
B Complete the text with these words.
bargain catalogue exchange fit high heels purchase
quality receipt shopaholics smart try on wear out
I hate shopping. I know many people enjoy it and some people love it so much they become real 1 ___________
but, personally, I hate it.
Anyway, the other day I had no choice. My most comfortable shoes were really starting to 2 ___________.
I could still wear them casually, but they were not 3 ___________ enough to wear at work. I have found that you
really have to 4 ___________ shoes to make sure they 5 ___________ so buying shoes online or ordering from a
6 ___________ was out of the question. Off to the centre I went.
Surprisingly enough, I found a pair within half an hour that were good 7 ___________ and exactly what I wanted.
They were also a real 8 ___________ because the shop was going out of business and you can imagine how
crowded it was. The salesperson put my 9 ___________ in a bag and I was quite proud of myself for having
accomplished my mission so quickly.
On Monday morning, I was getting ready for work and, of course, had planned to wear my new shoes.
I opened the bag and inside was a pair of bright red 10 ___________. Don’t get me wrong. They were lovely, but
they’re the kind of shoes I never wear because I’d break my neck within seconds. I had obviously been given
the wrong bag and would have to 11 ___________ them.
So after work, in my old shoes, it was back to the centre. Luckily, I had the 12 ___________ and I was hoping they
still had the shoes I had wanted.
You’re not going to believe this, but the shop had closed down for good. Naturally, I hate shopping even more
now but, by the way, would you happen to be interested in a pair of red shoes for your next birthday?
C Complete the second sentence so it has a similar meaning to the one above it using the word in bold.
1 She was going to make the dress herself but her mother did it in the end.
She was going to make the dress herself but ________________ in the end.
2 Celebrities rarely do their own makeup before an awards show.
Celebrities usually ________________ before an awards show.
3 He was handsome as well as being talented.
He was not ________________ talented.
4 She made her brother do his chemistry homework.
Her brother ________________ homework.
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Close-up B1+
Vocabulary/Grammar activities
5 We should have left 10 minutes ago.
It’s ________________ left.
6 These trousers are too long. The tailor will take them up.
These trousers are too long. I ________________ up.
7 If you join the army, they’ll make you get a haircut.
If you join the military, ________________ get a haircut.
8 My laptop is overheating, so my brother is taking it to the technician.
My laptop is overheating, so I’m ________________ technician.
9 The clothes in that shop are good quality and they have a good range as well.
Not only ________________ they also have a good range.
10 I have never seen such a weird hairstyle in all my life!
At no time in my life ________________ weird hairstyle!

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