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To determine the proportion of birds in the F2 generation that will produce only white, feathered,
pea-combed progeny when mated to colored, clean-shanked, single-combed birds, we need to
consider the inheritance patterns of each trait independently.

Let's assign the following symbols:

- W: Dominant allele for white plumage

- w: Recessive allele for colored plumage

- F: Dominant allele for feathered shanks

- f: Recessive allele for clean shanks

- P: Dominant allele for pea comb

- p: Recessive allele for single comb

According to the given information, the parent chickens are homozygous for their respective traits:

- Homozygous white, feathered, pea-combed chicken: WWFFPP

- Homozygous colored, clean, single-combed chicken: wwffpp

When these two chickens are crossed (WWFFPP x wwffpp), the F1 generation will be heterozygous
for all traits (WwFfPp).

Now, we can determine the possible genotypes of the F2 generation resulting from interbreeding
the F1 generation with colored, clean-shanked, single-combed birds (wwffpp).

To produce white plumage (W) in the F2 generation, the bird must have at least one copy of the
dominant allele. Therefore, the only possible genotype for white plumage is Ww (heterozygous).
This occurs in 2 out of 4 possible combinations of Ww and ww (Ww x ww, Ww x Ww).

To have feathered shanks (F) in the F2 generation, the bird must have at least one copy of the
dominant allele. Therefore, the only possible genotype for feathered shanks is Ff (heterozygous).
This occurs in all 4 possible combinations of Ff and ff (Ff x ff, Ff x Ff).

To have pea comb (P) in the F2 generation, the bird must have at least one copy of the dominant
allele. Therefore, the only possible genotype for pea comb is Pp (heterozygous). This occurs in all 4
possible combinations of Pp and pp (Pp x pp, Pp x Pp).
Since the inheritance of each trait is independent, we can multiply the probabilities of obtaining the
desired genotypes for white plumage (Ww), feathered shanks (Ff), and pea comb (Pp) together.

The proportion of birds in the F2 generation that will produce only white, feathered, pea-combed
progeny when mated to colored, clean-shanked, single-combed birds is:

(Probability of Ww) * (Probability of Ff) * (Probability of Pp)

= (2/4) * (4/4) * (4/4)

= 2/4

= 1/2

Therefore, half of the birds in the F2 generation are expected to produce only white, feathered, pea-
combed progeny when mated to colored, clean-shanked, single-combed birds.

2. To determine the proportion of the purple-flowered progeny that will breed true in jimsonweed,
we need to consider the inheritance pattern of flower color.

Let's assign the following symbols:

- P: Dominant allele for purple flowers

- p: Recessive allele for white flowers

According to the given information, the self-fertilization of a purple-flowered jimsonweed produces

28 purple-flowered and 10 white-flowered progeny.

Since purple flowers are dominant, the purple-flowered progeny can have two possible genotypes:
PP (homozygous dominant) or Pp (heterozygous).

To determine which proportion of the purple-flowered progeny will breed true, we need to
determine the genotype of each purple-flowered individual. We know that individuals with the
genotype PP will breed true because they can only produce offspring with purple flowers.

However, individuals with the genotype Pp can potentially produce both purple and white-flowered
offspring. To determine the proportion of purple-flowered progeny that will breed true, we need to
figure out the ratio of Pp individuals that produce purple-flowered offspring to those that produce
white-flowered offspring.

Let's assume x represents the proportion of Pp individuals that produce purple-flowered offspring.

Given that 28 purple-flowered progeny were produced, we can set up the following equation:

28 = (x * total Pp individuals)

We also know that 10 white-flowered progeny were produced. Since white flowers are recessive, we
can assume that they were produced by individuals with the genotype pp (homozygous recessive).

Since self-fertilization was performed, all white-flowered progeny must have the genotype pp.

Therefore, the total number of Pp individuals can be calculated as follows:

total Pp individuals = total progeny - number of pp individuals

total Pp individuals = 28 purple-flowered progeny + 10 white-flowered progeny

total Pp individuals = 38

Substituting this value into the equation, we have:

28 = (x * 38)

Now, we can solve for x (the proportion of Pp individuals that produce purple-flowered offspring):

x = 28 / 38

x ≈ 0.7368

Therefore, approximately 73.68% of the purple-flowered progeny (individuals with the genotype Pp)
will breed true and produce only purple-flowered offspring.

5.In the F1 generation resulting from a cross of homozygotes with chromosome arrangements
ABCDEF and MNOPQR, a reciprocal translocation occurred, resulting in the chromosome
arrangements ABCPQR and MNODEF. The expected pachytene configuration in the F1 generation
can be represented as follows:

Chromosome I': ABCPQR

Chromosome II': MNODEF

During pachytene, homologous chromosomes align, and in this case, the sections affected by the
reciprocal translocation (ABC and PQR from Chromosome I' and MNODE and F from Chromosome II')
pair up.

This configuration reflects the exchange of genetic material between Chromosome I and
Chromosome II due to the reciprocal translocation.

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