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Commerce is the sale and purchase of
products (goods) or services.
It is domestic when the exchanges take
place in the same country, it is also
external when the seller and the buyer
have their tax domicile in a different
So we are going to be interested in
foreign trade.
Foreign Trade or International Trade!
Foreign trade includes all activities
related to the import and export of a

An import refers to the entry of goods
into a country following the purchase
of the latter from an economic agent
established abroad.

Action to export exit of national goods
sold to a foreign country.

III-The different types of foreign trade:

1-Intra-industrial trade when exports
and imports from the same country are
mainly between products belonging to
the same branch of activity.
2-Inter-industrial trade when exports
from one branch are offset by imports
from another branch.

3-Intra-firm trade is an international

exchange of goods or services between
companies of the same group, of the
same multinational firm.
4-Inter-company trade is used to refer
to all companies that buy to sell to
other companies, goods or services.

1-The benefits of foreign trade:

Is an engine of growth: it creates jobs,

reduces poverty and opens up
economic opportunities.
The World Bank Group helps its client
countries improve their access to
developed country markets and
increase their participation in the
global economy.

2-The disadvantages of international trade

Risk of relocation of activity:
If it is possible to produce in another
country at a lower cost, entrepreneurs
can relocate their capital and their
companies, thus causing the
destruction of jobs.
-The key expression
Foreign trade: commerce international
Accountant: comptable
Order: commande
Invoice: facture
Delivery notes: bordereau de livraison
A subsidiary: filial
The stockholders: les actionnaires
C.E.O: P.D.G
Good: biens
Purchase: achat
Exchanges: échange
Seller: vendeur
Buyer: acheteur
Abroad: à l’étranger
Offset: décalage

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