Email Assignment Description 1902F - W23B

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ENL1902F – Professional Email (5%)

*Please Note: You will write this email in a Word document and submit it via the Brightspace drop-box
online. You are not to send an actual email. To lock-in your formatting, submit
your work as a PDF.

You are a student at Algonquin College seeking a placement position to fulfill your program
requirements. You need a position that will allow you to work a total of 30 hours over a period of 4
weeks between April 3rd and April 28th 2023. You are available all day on Mondays, Thursdays, and
Fridays, and you have availability from 8AM to 1PM on Wednesdays. You can also work weekends, but
you prefer not to.

Your program coordinator, Sandra Edwards, has informed you that the facility manager at Community
Living Upper Ottawa Valley, an organization that supports individuals with intellectual disabilities, has a
number of positions available that could provide you with valuable experience helping youths to live,
learn, work, and participate in the community. The facility manager’s name is Jamie Hoag.

In a Word document, write an email to Jamie Hoag ( at the Community Living Upper
Ottawa Valley organization that achieves the following:

 provides sufficient context for a first communication

 explains your requirements and availability based on the scenario above
 indicates at least two, specific reasons why you would be a good candidate for the placement
 specifies at least two activities you would be interested in doing with the youth
 requests a meet-and-greet
 focuses on the reader’s needs and how you could benefit them and not YOUR needs
 revises the tone and/or diction in the scenario above as necessary to achieve a professional
tone throughout
 does NOT copy any of the content above verbatim

All of the above should be achieved with a positive, professional tone and the “you focus.” Use the
active voice.

 Your email should be organized using the Direct Strategy.
 Your email should include the identifying information present in all emails :

To: Name of recipient here, Job Title, Email address

From: Name of person sending email here, Student, Email address

Date: Date in numerical format: 13-Jan-2023

Subject: Subject in Title Case

 Your email should be no longer than 3 short, unified paragraphs (approximately 100-150 words).
 Ensure that details are included when you explain why you would be a good candidate
 Ensure you are specific about the kinds of activities you could do with the youth
 Ensure that you request a meet-and-greet (this could be a remote meeting through Zoom) and
provide necessary details.
 Don’t forget to write a subject line for your message, in title case.
 Include an appropriate salutation and complimentary closing.

 Email should be single-spaced with one, blank line of space between paragraphs
 No indents
 Approximately 100-150 words
 Complete sentences and paragraphs
 12 point Times New Roman or Arial font
 No contractions
 No slang, jargon, clichés, colloquialisms
 If you use any bullets, requirements must be followed (e.g. prefaced with complete sentence,
parallel structure bullet points, standard bullet style)
 Please see the template on Brightspace

Your work will be evaluated according to the rubric on Brightspace.

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