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Issues Paper Adolescent Development



Summarize an issue related to adolescent development,

identify potential protective factors for the issue, and
discuss the role of a CYC in implementing these protective
factors for optimal development.


Write your paper based on an issue from chapter 11 of the

textbook that interests you.

Issue topics include Delinquency and Violence, Substance Use,

Eating Problems, Depression, and Suicide.


2 pages
Double spaced
12-pt Times New Roman
Standard margins
Use headings to organize information
Include a cover page
Cite in text and include a reference list in APA format
Issues Paper Adolescent Development


Include the following in your paper:

A brief introduction and conclusion (1-2 sentences each)

A summary of the issue (approx. 1.5 pages)

Summarize the essential information about the issue you
chose (from ch. 11).
Identify risk factors for the issue and negative outcomes for
adolescent development.

A discussion of protective factors and CYC practice in relation to

the issue (approx. 0.5 pages)
Identify and define protective factors (from ch. 12) that might
be important for a young person facing the issue you
Explain how a CYC could provide or facilitate access to these
protective factors.
This paper is worth 20% of your final grade.

8-10 6-7 3-5 0-2

The summary captures all essential The summary captures most of the The summary does not clearly The summary has a narrow focus
information from the text and essential information from the text. It focus on essential information. with too much detail. It does not
effectively covers the topic. includes more detail than necessary. cover the topic.
Paraphrases are unclear or difficult
Paraphrases are well-written. (The Some paraphrases are awkward or to understand. Paraphrases and quotes are missing
summary captures the essential difficult to understand. They do not or they do not address the research
information in the writer’s own capture the full meaning of the Quotes are present but their topic or the content of the
words.) information. incorporation into the paper is paragraphs in which they appear.
Summary adequate.
Quotes are integrated clearly within Quotes are integrated clearly within No mention of risk factors and
paragraphs. paragraphs. Risk factors and developmental developmental outcomes.
outcomes are mentioned but not
Excellent balance of information on Adequate coverage of risk factors described.
the issue, including risk factors and and developmental outcomes.
developmental outcomes.

4-5 3 2 0-1
This section makes clear connections This section implies a connection Connection between the topic, Connection to resilience and CYC is
between the chosen topic, resilience, between the chosen topic, resilience, resilience, and the CYC field is missing or does not address the topic
and the CYC field. and the CYC field but could be more limited. chosen.
A clear explanation is given to support Statements are mostly the writer’s
Discussion the connection. Sources are used to support the opinion and are unsupported.
Sources are used to define concepts
and/or support the connection.

4-5 3 2 0-1
The paper is COHESIVE. Writes with a Writes with a clear purpose. Writes with a vague sense of Meaning is unclear. Progression of
clearly stated purpose (thesis) and Progression of ideas in paper is purpose or organization of ideas is ideas is difficult to follow.
clearly organized ideas (paragraphs) awkward yet moves the reader unclear.
to support purpose. through the text adequately or There are major errors in spelling and
without too much confusion. There are major errors in punctuation.
Structure PUNCTUATION AND SPELLING are punctuation, and/or spelling.
correct. Paper is virtually error-free. There are moderate errors in
& Sentences do not flow smoothly.
punctuation, capitalization, and/or
Style SENTENCE STRUCTURE is smooth and spelling. Moderate editing would be
coherent throughout the paper. required to polish the text.
Sentences are professionally written Sentence structure is smooth and
and precise. coherent throughout most of the
paper. Minimal editing would be
required to polish the text.
4-5 3 2 0-1
In-text citation format is correct or has In-text citation format has moderate In-text citation format has major Citations are missing.
minor errors and corresponds directly errors and/or the in-text citation errors or does not correspond with
with an entry on the reference page. does not correspond with an entry an entry on the reference page. Reference page is missing or
on the reference page. inadequate sources are used.
Reference page format is correct or There are major errors in the
APA Format has minor errors and the minimum Moderate errors in the reference reference page.
number of citations is used. page or fewer than the minimum
sources are used.

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