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The Canadian Center for Gender and Sexual Diversity

Wehbet Dirar and Iaspis Kafunda

Child and Youth Care Program, Algonquin College

FAM1271: Sexual Health and Development

Professor; Melissa Pfeil

February 19, 2023


The Canadian Center for Gender and Sexual Diversity

The Canadian Centre for Gender and Sexual Diversity is an organization located in Ottawa, Ontario.

Their contact information is (613) 400-1875.

This organization supports gender and sexually diverse communities through education, research and

advocacy by offering training, workshops, youth network projects and forums. It also supports Black

communities by raising awareness about black history and honoring the legacies of Black people and

communities. It fights to promote equity, human rights, and equality to help society live lives free from any type

of oppression. It welcomes and serves youth of all genders and cultural backgrounds. The population it targets

is people who face sexism. It is its mission to support and empower people who experience challenges

because of their gender.

The Canadian Center for Gender and Sexual Diversity organization has a website and services that are

easily accessible. The website provides details about their mission, programs, resources and contact

information that is well organized into different categories. It also has a search bar to find information related to

their programs, services, mission and other contents of the website while easily.

The programs at The Canadian Center organization for Gender and Sexual Diversity do not directly

promote sex positivity. They mainly focus on promoting social justice. However, they can direct clients to

appropriate resources and experts to support and promote sex positivity.

This organization promotes inclusivity and actively reduce stigma for those who access its services by

creating forums and opportunities for education. Forums and opportunities for education help clients to

embrace their uniqueness and help encourage others to embrace their uniqueness.

I would refer a young person to this organization. It supports people who experience sexism, racism, or

social injustice by offering services that fight oppression and discrimination. It allows clients to feel loved and

accepted for who they are. It promotes love, unity and freedom by offering services, advocating and creating

opportunity for education. It supports communities by making a difference in the lives of every individual that

seeks its supports. Therefore, I would certainly refer a young person to this organization.

Did the

If yes, describe how.
Item meet this
If not, what was missing?


1. It is accessible to people of all Yes It welcomes people of all cultural

races, religion background, gender backgrounds, gender identity, race,

identities, geographic locations, …etc. It fights to end discrimination
housing status, cultural background,
of any type and promote inclusivity.
abilities, socio-economic status,

those living in care facilities,

homeless or those who are


2. Community-based organizations Yes It does not offer opportunity for

should link individuals to sexual sexual health education as its main

healthcare services and have staff mission is to promote social justice.
with training to connect clients to the
Therefore, it links individuals who
appropriate services.
they cannot help by linking them to

the appropriate services.

3. It provides access to comprehensive No It does not have services designated

sexual health education. for sexual health education.

4. It should be aware of the traditions, No There is no information on the

values and practices related to website that communicates the


sexuality and sexual health of organization’s awareness about the

Indigenous people traditions, values and practices

related to sexuality and sexual

health of indigenous people.

5. Staff should have access to sufficient Yes There are services for research,

resources and training opportunities to education, workshops and trainings

provide comprehensive sexual health for staff.


6. It should be supported by No There is no information on the

provincial/territorial ministries of website that indicates the

health in providing comprehensive organization is supported by

sexual health education. provincial health ministries. This

organization mainly promotes social


7. It provides children and youth with Yes This organization is fully dedicated

age-appropriate and school-based to educate youth as much as

comprehensive sexual health education possible. Education is one of their

throughout their academic years. guiding principles.

8. It supports parents and guardians by No

providing access to sexual health

education resources

9. It is accessible to ethnocultural Yes It is accessible to everyone who

minorities, newcomers and immigrant needs support. It welcomes these

communities and provides culturally- groups of people and shows support

competent sexual health education by raising awareness to public about


their history. An example of this is

Black heritage month. This

organization raises awareness about

the history and legacy of Black


10. It is responsive to emerging issues Yes It continuously strives to learn new

information. It has research to keep

learning about emerging

information and issues



The Canadian Centre for Gender and Sexual Diversity. (2023). About Us. Mission Vision. Retrieved from

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