Dreams of Muhammad Qasim (Eng) PDF

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(PDF in English)
Compiled by Amna Hanna
Date : June 2022
Content .......................................................... page no


1. Who Is Muhammad Qasim Bin Abdul Karim? When Did He Has His
First Dream? Why He Shares His Dreams? Full Detail .......................... 2
2. I Am an Ordinary Muslim. Avoid Giving Me ‘Titles’ ............................ 8
3. I Am an Ordinary Human Being and Only Seek the Mercy of Allah .... 10
4. Allah ‫ ﷻ‬and Muhammad ‫ ﷺ‬in My Dreams ............................................ 12
5. Meeting With Allah and the Last Prophet Muhammad ‫ ﷺ‬..................... 17
6. What Is Shirk? How Did it Begin? Forms of Shirk in the Modern Age and
the Way to Avoid Shirk ......................................................................... 19
7. The Salvation of the Muslim Ummah and Pakistan Is Only in the
Elimination of Shirk .............................................................................. 26
8. I Strongly Condemn the Blasphemous Sketches Made in France
................................................................................................................ 30
9. Why Does Muhammad Qasim Share His Dreams? Analysis in the Light
of Qur'an and Hadith .............................................................................. 31


1. Praises to Be Allah and the Way of the Last Prophet Muhammad
‫ﷺ‬............................................................................................................. 39
2. Admission of Muhammad Qasim Bin Abdul Karim in the School of
Hazrat Umar RA ................................................................................... 40
3. Allah's Most Beloved Servants? What Has Allah Shown to Muhammad
Qasim? ................................................................................................. 44

SOME SPIRITUAL DREAMS................................ 51

1. The 1st Divine Dream of Muhammad Qasim .......................................52
2. Angel Jibraeel (AS) and Muhammad Qasim bin Abdul Kareem ......... 54
3. Spiritual Gradation and Special Significance to the Muhammadan
Ummah ............................................................................................. 57


QIYAMAH (Mahdi AS, Dajjal, Isa AS, Gog &
1. 4 Major Signs of Qiyamah....................................................................60
2. Who Is Dajjal (the Antichrist)? Where Is He Now? And When Will He
Appear? Learn Full Details.................................................................. 62
3. 'Dajjal' Satan's Rich Warlord .............................................................. 69
4. The Power of Dajjal (Antichrist) and the Help of Allah ......................72
5. Freedom From the System of Dajjal (Antichrist) ................................ 74
6. Magic of Dajjal (Antichrist) and the Negligence of the Muslims ....... 78
7. Sending a Terrible Storm of Antichrist in Muslim Countries ..............83
8. 2 Faces of Dajjal .................................................................................. 87
9. Who Are Gog and Magog? What Are They? When Will They Appear?
.............................................................................................................. 89


.................................................................................. 92
1. The Help and Support of Allah, One Day Before Qiyamah ................93
2. Respite and Mercy of Allah Before Establishing the Last Day (Day of
Qiyamah).............................................................................................. 94
3. Reaching Qiyamah (the Day of Judgement) ....................................... 97

DREAMS ABOUT WAR ...................................... 99

1. How Will WW3 Start? And How Will Pakistan Win in This War? .....100
2. Allah's Black Helicopter and Pak Army ............................................... 103
3. Satanic Technology and the Trouble for Muslims ............................... 106
4. Indian Attack on Lahore and Pak Army Paralyzed .............................. 108
5. Virus in Pakistan Army Food ............................................................... 111
6. What Is Ghazwa E Hind? When Will It Begin? Learn Full Details ......113


VIRUS ..................................................................... 118
1. Corona Virus Compatible Dream ....................................................... 119
2. Economic and Gold Earthquakes ....................................................... 122
3. Muhammad Qasim Gave a Good News That Corona Virus Can Be Cured
... ......................................................................................................... 124

DREAMS ABOUT GEO POLITICS ...................126

1. 3 Mighty Castles of Islam, 2 of Them Will Be Destroyed by Dajjal.... 126
2. Horrible Plan Against Turkey, Saudi Arab & Pakistan ....................... 128
3. Construction of the Palace of Dajjal (Antichrist) and the Terrible
Destruction in the Middle East .................................,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,............ 130
4. Three Evil Countries Make a Terrible Plan for the Destruction of
Kashmir Just Like Palestine ................................................................ 132
5. Horrible Plan Against Turkey & Erdogan ........................................... 134
6. Dajjal's Powers Plan to Destroy Palestine and Rule the World .......... 136
7. Kidnapping of the Son of a Prominent Head of State ......................... 139
8. Destruction of the Middle East and the Establishment of the Islamic
Edifice ................................................................................................. 141
9. Iran's Revenge on the United States ................................................... 148
10. Death of Erdogan and Fall of Turkey ................................................. 150
11. Atrocities of Israel in Palestine and the Message of Almighty Allah to the
Muslim Ummah ................................................................................... 151
LAND .....................................................................152
1. Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala and Pakistan ...................................... 153
2. Why Did Allah Create Pakistan? ................................................... 155
3. Special Mission Given to Muhammad Qasim by The Last Prophet
Muhammad ‫ ﷺ‬................................................................................. 156
4. Tallest Building of the World in Pakistan ..................................... 160

DREAMS ABOUT IMRAN KHAN ..................... 163

1. Imran Khan's Decision to Adopt Simplicity ...................................... 164
2. Imran Khan's Government Fails to Reform Pakistan ........................ 166
3. Imran Khan's Argument With America ............................................. 167
4. What Is the Reason for Imran Khan's Failure and How Is Success
Possible? Learn Full Details .............................................................. 168
5. How should Imran Khan rule? And how can they succeed? ............. 170
6. True Dream About Imran Khan Illness ..............................................172
7. Imran Khan's Failure and Dreams Come True About Corona Virus in
Pakistan ...............................................................................................174
8. Did Imran Khan give bases to America?............................................ 177
9. Sunken Land and Imran Khan ........................................................... 179
10. Imran Khan's Resignation ...................................................................180
11. Message of Muhammad Qasim and Imran Khan's Close Ones ......... 181
12. Dreams of Muhammad Qasim to Imran Khan ................................. 182
13. A Dialogue with Imran Khan & Allah’s Plan .................................. 183
14. Imran Khan's Failure and Scholars Believe in Muhammad Qasim's
Dreams ............................................................................................... 191
15. Imran Khan Should Accept His Failure ............................................. 193


PAKISTAN............................................................ 195
1. Tyrannical Powers Are About to Destroy the Political Planes of Pakistani
Leaders .............................................................................................. 196
2. Spreading the Anarchy of the Political People in Pakistan................ 198
3. Nawaz Sharif Returns to Pakistan ..................................................... 199
4. The Role of Pakistan's Rulers, Shirk and Pak Army ......................... 200
5. Islamic Presidential System Will Be Implemented After Imran Khan .....


1. First Sign of Muhammad Qasim's Dreams ..........................................205
2. US President's Terrible Plan Against Pakistan..................................... 206
3. Terrible Destruction of Evil Forces in Pakistan and Muslim Countries ....
4. Terrible Explosions of Evil Forces and Help of Muhammad Qasim ....210
5. Murder of a Person and Chaos in the Country ..................................... 211
6. Demise of Nawaz Shareef and Civil War in Pakistan ......................... 213
7. Chaos and Panic Everywhere in Pakistan............................................ 216
8. Rage of Allah and Chaos in Pakistan .................................................. 218


........................................................... 220
1. How Is Pakistan's Success Possible? Allah's Message to the Army Chief
............................................................................................................. 221
2. Dreams of Muhammad Qasim to the Army Chief ............................ 223
3. Army Chief of Pakistan, Conspiracies and Martial Law ................... 225


MUHAMMAD QASIM......................................... 227
1. The Nur of Allah and the Journey of Prosperity of the Muslim Ummah
2. Muhammad Qasim and Four Moons ...............................................229
3. Decorated Car of Muhammad Qasim ..............................................231
4. Magnificent Painting and the Reward of Allah Tabaarak wa Ta'ala ...
5. Muhammad Qasim Gets the Job and Faces the Problems ................236
6. Job of Muhammad Qasim and Happy Boss...................................... 240


1. Blessed Car .........................................................................................242
2. True Religion of Islam and the Establishment of Peace in the Whole
World ..................................................................................................244
3. Big Masjid and the Prayer of the Last Prophet Muhammad ‫ﷺ‬............246
4. Last Prophet Muhammad ‫ﷺ‬, His Companions and Muhammad Qasim
Bin Abdul Kareem .............................................................................248
5. Black Horse and the Freedom of the Important Building of Islam ....249
6. Protection of the House of The Last Prophet Muhammad ‫ ﷺ‬.............252
7. Adhan of Muhammad Qasim Ibn Abdul Kareem Inspires Religious
Leaders ...............................................................................................254


TO LIGHT .............................................................255
1. Hungry Lions and Allah's Help ..........................................................256
2. A Big House and the End of Evil .......................................................259
3. House of Hazrat Ibrahim AS .............................................................260
1. The Search for a Peaceful Land and Allah’s Special Help................264
2. Finding a Peaceful Place and Migrating to It ..................................266
3. Flying Carpet and the Throne of Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala .........270
4. Build Future Technology With Valuable Resources .......................272
5. Modern Bus and the Search for the House of the Last Prophet
Muhammad ‫ ﷺ‬..............................................................................276
6. Army of Dajjal (Antichrist) and the Preparation of Ghazwae Hind ..281

DREAMS ABOUT ERA OF PEACE ....................286

1. Peace in the World and Abundance of Food .......................................287
2. Barren Land and the Blessings of Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala........... 288
3. Promise of Allah and the Establishment of a Miraculous City............290
4. Surprising Changes in the Solar system and Its Terrible Effects on the
Earth ....................................................................................................292
5. Ants Make the Wooden Dice/ Podium ...............................................294


MUHAMMAD QASIM ..........................................295
1. Chosen People of Allah Tabaarak wa Ta'ala .........................................296
2. Glad Tidings for Those; Who Support Muhammad Qasim in Difficult
Situations .............................................................................................297
3. Message of the Last Prophet Muhammad ‫ ﷺ‬in the Name of
Muhammad Qasim's Supporters ..........................................................299
4. "Qasim, Whoever Is with You as If He Is with Me"- Hazrat Muhammad
‫ ﷺ‬........................................................................................................301
5. People of Indonesia, Malaysia and Bangladesh Help Spread Dreams.. 303
6. Muhammad Qasim Bin Abdul Kareem Softening Iron and Gold for His


MUHAMMAD QASIM .....................................308
1. Confirmation of Allah ‫ ﷻ‬That Muhammad Qasim's Dreams Are True
2. Muhammad Qasim's Decision to Abandon the Mission of Spreading the
Dream and the Order of The Last prophet Muhammad ‫ ﷺ‬..................310
3. Work on a Mission to Spread the Dreams ..........................................311
4. Muhammad Qasim Bin Abdul Kareem Becomes Famous Personality


PUNISHMENT OF ALLAH ................................314
1. Ordinary Muslims Will Be the First to Believe in Muhammad Qasim's
Dreams .............................................................................................315
2. Muslim Leaders and Their Followers Deny Qasim's Dreams .........316
3. Denial of Muhammad Qasim's Dream and Muslim Civil War ........319
4. Respite of Allah and His Warning About Punishment .....................320
5. Torment of Allah and the Search for a Safe Place ...........................321

WEBSITE AND YOUTUBE LINKS ....................323



Who Is Muhammad Qasim Bin Abdul Karim? When

Did He Has His First Dream? Why He Shares His
Dreams? Full Detail
‫ﺑﺴﻢ ﷲ ﺭﺣﻤﻦ ﺍﻟﺮﺣﻴﻢ‬
Assalamo Alaikum wa Rahmatullahe wa Barakatuhu

My name is Muhammad Qasim and I am from Pakistan. Allah

‫ ﷻ‬and the last Prophet Muhammad ‫ ﷺ‬told me in my dreams
to share my dreams with others and that is all I'm doing so
don't blame me. The mercy of Allah ‫ ﷻ‬is for everyone and
everything. I just want to be a friend of Allah ‫ ﷻ‬and nothing
more. Only Allah ‫ ﷻ‬is my Wakeel (Trustee).
I have been seeing such dreams for more than the last 27
years. Allah ‫ ﷻ‬came into my dreams for more than 500 times
and the last Prophet Muhammad ‫ ﷺ‬more than 280 times. I
was about 12 or 13 when Allah ‫ ﷻ‬and the last Prophet
Muhammad ‫ ﷺ‬both came in my dreams for the first time.
And then after that in 1993 when I was 17 yrs old, Allah ‫ﷻ‬
and Muhammad ‫ ﷺ‬started to come regularly and
continuously in my dreams. And ever since, Allah ‫ ﷻ‬and the
last Prophet Muhammad ‫ ﷺ‬keep coming into my dreams.

Muhammad ‫ ﷺ‬is the last Messenger and prophet of Allah ‫ﷻ‬

and I am Ummati (member of nation) of the last Prophet
Muhammad ‫ﷺ‬. And I am proud that I am the Ummati of the
last Prophet Muhammad ‫ﷺ‬.

In many dreams, Allah ‫ ﷻ‬told me, “Qasim! Go and spread

light in the world as it is in darkness.” In one dream Allah ‫ﷻ‬
told me “Qasim! I will defend Pakistan and I will save

Pakistan.” Allah ‫ ﷻ‬and the last Prophet Muhammad ‫ ﷺ‬told

me many times in my dreams that “Qasim! one day you will
take the whole Ummah out of darkness and then the whole
world, and after that the world will become peaceful but it
starts from Pakistan.”
In my dreams Allah ‫ ﷻ‬and the last Prophet Muhammad ‫ﷺ‬
guided me to the straight path. From 2007 Allah ‫ ﷻ‬and the
last Prophet Muhammad ‫ ﷺ‬started to teach me about the
things which I should do and the things which I should avoid.
Mostly Allah ‫ ﷻ‬and the last Prophet Muhammad ‫ ﷺ‬told me to
avoid all types and forms of shirk (worship other than Allah)
and to be a good human.
In April 2014, Allah ‫ ﷻ‬and the last Prophet Muhammad ‫ﷺ‬
started telling me in my dreams to share them with everyone
and then I started to share my dreams with my family
members, friends and some other people. I also shared my
dreams through Email to Pakistan Army Official Sites and
Pakistan Government Sites and also to popular people and
with Islamic Countries Official Websites but it seemed that no
one was believing in me or my dreams and they all ignored
After that I stopped sharing my dreams. But in December
2014, the last Prophet Muhammad ‫ ﷺ‬came twice in my
dreams in a single night and told me "Qasim! You have to
share these dreams to everyone to save Pakistan and to save
Islam". I got confused and I said to myself that I have shared
my dreams with many people and they are not believing me.
What more should I do? Then Peshawar School got attacked

and I thought about it. Then I decided to share my dreams on

the Internet.

Let me make it clear that I am a simple person and not

religious. I am clean shaved. I did not use to pray regularly
and i don't pray Tahajjud (overnight prayer). I just tell the
truth and I do not lie.

In 1994, Allah ‫ ﷻ‬told me from the sky and I still remember His
words that, "Qasim! The promises which I have made to you,
I will indeed fulfil them and if I fail to fulfil my promises then I
am not the King of all the Worlds." Ever since that day, I have
been waiting for Allah ‫ﷻ‬, when will the time of his promise
arrive and when will my patience end? I did not despair of
the Mercy of Allah ‫ﷻ‬. Whenever I start to despair then Allah
‫ ﷻ‬or the last Prophet Muhammad ‫ ﷺ‬would come to my
dreams and say that "Qasim! Despair not of the Mercy of
Allah‫ﷻ‬. Qasim! be patient, Allah‫ ﷻ‬does not waste the
rewards of those who are patient and Allah‫ ﷻ‬is the best
disposer of affairs." They motivate me with such words and I
become fresh again.

In January 2014, Allah ‫ ﷻ‬told me that "Qasim! I have tested

you for 20 years. I wanted to see whether you are from the
ones who despair of the Mercy of Allah‫ ﷻ‬or not".

I saw this dream in summer 2003, Allah ‫ ﷻ‬said "Qasim! Until

the time when my promise arrives, even if you dip your hand
in gold then it will become dust and when my promise arrives
then after that, if you dip your hands in dust then it will
become gold by my order."

I saw this dream in spring 2002, that the last Prophet

Muhammad ‫ ﷺ‬told me “Qasim! My son! Do not despair in
the mercy of Allah ‫ﷻ‬. Qasim! It is impossible that you exist
and strange things don’t happen. In your time, the earth will
pour forth its treasures, trees will grow more fruits and bear
less leaves. There will be sustenance upon sustenance. No
one will remain poor and there will be peace everywhere and
law andjustice and no one has ever seen such a time before."

I do not look at Allah ‫ ﷻ‬in my dreams and I just feel in my

dreams that Allah ‫ ﷻ‬is on Arsh-al-Azeem (throne) and His
voice is coming down from there or I see Nur (light) and voice
comes from the Nur or Allah ‫ ﷻ‬talks with me from the sky. In
every dream I feel Allah ‫ ﷻ‬nearer to my jugular vein.
I do not look at the face of the last Prophet Muhammad ‫ﷺ‬
but I can see his body. In one dream I hug the last Prophet
Muhammad ‫ ﷺ‬and my whole body witnessed that I am
hugging the last Prophet Muhammad ‫ﷺ‬. I have shaken hands
many times with the last Prophet Muhammad ‫ ﷺ‬in my
dreams and my hands witnessed that I am shaking hands
with the last Prophet Muhammad ‫ﷺ‬.
In Sep 2015, in a dream for the first time in my life I look in
the eyes of the last Prophet Muhammad ‫ﷺ‬. When my eyes
look into the last Prophet Muhammad's ‫ ﷺ‬eyes then they get
fixed and I couldn't look away. I feel as if in his ‫ ﷺ‬eyes Allah ‫ﷻ‬
has filled all of His Noor which was an unbelievable moment
for me. I have seen many other Prophets (Alaihisalam/peace
be with them) and Messengers in my dreams but I only
looked at the face of Suleiman (Alaihisalam). And I have seen
Isa (Jesus Alaihisalam) in my dreams many times.

In a few dreams, I saw that when the whole world became

peaceful, Dajjal from somewhere else will come and try to
destroy the peace of the world. In one dream, I saw Isa
(Alaihisalam) coming from the sky and Guj & Majuj came out
and they spread across the whole earth. Me and very few
people join Isa (Alaihisalam) and then we live with

In 1993, when the dreams started, I made a notebook and I

used to note my dreams in that notebook and things like;
how many times I saw Allah ‫ ﷻ‬in my dreams and how many
times I saw the last Prophet Muhammad ‫ ﷺ‬in my dreams but
few years back I lost that notebook during relocating. Total
dreams are more than 800 and I still remember many

Many years back in one dream, Allah ‫ ﷻ‬told me "Qasim!

Before sleeping read Surah-Ikhlas Surah-Falaq Surah-Naas
(chapters/Quran) and then sleep so Satan stays away from
you", and I have been doing this from the last many years.
Allah ‫ ﷻ‬told me in many dreams “Qasim! One day I will help
you and will give you success and I will fulfil all my promises
even if there is one day left from the day of judgement and
the whole world will see your success." But Allah ‫ ﷻ‬did not
tell me when that day will come and I am waiting for the last
22 years. It has been a long journey for me and still I am
waiting for Allah ‫ﷻ‬, I did not lose my hope for the last 22
years now. I don't know when or how I will reach my destiny.
I don't even know what is my destiny, only Allah ‫ ﷻ‬knows

Please share my these dreams and visit my fb page n YT


It doesn’t matter whether you believe in them or not. My job

is only to share them, after that the choice is yours. All I
wanna say is that “your choices of today are gonna shape
your destiny for tomorrow. So make them wisely."

Walaikum Assalam wa Rahmatullahe wa Barakatuhu


I Am an Ordinary Muslim. Avoid Giving Me ‘Titles’

When I started sharing my dreams, I only put my trust and
faith in Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'la. I had the belief that only
Allah can help me and only He can turn my dreams into
reality. Before sharing my dreams, I had never heard or read
any hadith about the Mahdi, and then people told me that
your Dreams are like the Mahdi's.
I respect Mahdi (Alaihissalam). But, (I think) my dreams do
not belong to him. I never saw him in my dreams. I am only
sharing my dreams, as I was commanded by Allah and His
Messenger Khatam-un-Nabiyyin Muhammad ‫ﷺ‬. I have never
been shown who the Mahdi is and I am not the Mahdi, nor
do I want to be the Mahdi, because Allah and Khatam-un-
Nabiyyin Muhammad ‫ ﷺ‬are with me and I need nothing
more to succeed.
I am just like any other ordinary person (a simple human
being). And I hope and trust only in Allah SWT. Allah's mercy
and help are not only for the Mahdi. I hope you understand.
I have always denied that I am the Mahdi. And, I really don't
want to be (the Mahdi).

Mahdi cannot turn my dreams into reality. There is only one

Almighty Allah who can do this. And I solely hope and faith in
Allah SWT. Allah SWT's help and mercy are for (His) all
creatures, not just for the Mahdi. I am one hundred percent a
simple person and nothing more than this.
I'm just trying to spread my dreams, nothing else.

I'm not making any other claim and never will.

I hope everything is clear now.


I Am an Ordinary Human Being and Only Seek the

Mercy of Allah

Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem

Assalamo Alaikum wa Rahmatullahe wa Barakatuhu

Muhammad Qasim narrates that in a dream, I saw that Allah

commands me to do something in a dream and I am doing
that. Some people say to me, "You are misleading people in
the name of Allah and His Messenger, the last Prophet
Muhammad ‫ﷺ‬." Some say, "You write these dreams yourself
and try to show people that you are Imam Mahdi, while
others say that I am a liar." Today, I am responding to the
statement that "I did not use the name of Allah and His
Messenger, the last Prophet Muhammad ‫ ﷺ‬to mislead the
people, nor did I write these dreams myself, nor I am trying
to show people that I am Imam Mahdi. I have never claimed
to be the Messiah or even a scholar, I am just a simple man
and I want nothing from anyone. Khatimin Nabiyyeen Hazrat
Muhammad ‫ﷺ‬, is the last prophet of Allah, and Allah’s mercy
is for everyone. I just want to be Allah’s friend. That's the
truth and now it should be clear."
These are the dreams of Allah, (the Lord of the worlds and
the owner of all creatures). I have tried my best to describe
my dreams exactly as I have seen them and only Allah, the
Lord of the worlds can turn these dreams into reality. I seek
help only from Allah and Allah alone is my helper. I have
never forced anyone to believe in these dreams, everyone
has the right to believe them or not.

Allah and the last Prophet Muhammad ‫ﷺ‬, have commanded

me to narrate these dreams and this is what I am doing. Allah
has also told me, "Qasim! If someone calls you a liar, tell him
to come and I will come too, and then we will send the curse
of Allah on both liars and whoever uses the name of Allah
and the last Prophet Muhammad ‫ ﷺ‬to mislead the people
would always be in the fire of hell and may the curse of Allah
be on the liars! Ameen."

Walaikum Assalam wa Rahmatullahe wa Barakatuhu


Allah ‫ ﷻ‬and Muhammad ‫ ﷺ‬in My Dreams

Introduction of Muhammad Qasim

My name is Muhammad Qasim. I testify that there is no God

except Allah and Muhammad ‫ ﷺ‬is His messenger. I am proud
that I am the Ummati of the last Prophet Muhammad ‫ﷺ‬. For
the last 28 years, I have been constantly dreaming about
Pakistan, Islam and the End times.
Talking to Allah Almighty and the Last Prophet Muhammad
‫ ﷺ‬in Dreams

All praises to be Allah Almighty, In my dreams, I have spoken

to Allah more than 530 times and I have had the privilege of
meeting the last Prophet Muhammad ‫ ﷺ‬more than 300
times. I do not look at Allah Almighty in my dreams but just
as we stand with our heads bowed in prayer, I find myself
standing in front of Allah's Throne and I do not dare to look
up at Allah Almighty. Allah Almighty is on His Throne and
Allah's voice comes from the Throne, or Allah's Nur was there
and Allah's voice comes from that Nur or Allah speaks to me
from heaven.

In the same way, I find myself standing before the last

Prophet Muhammad ‫ ﷺ‬with my head down, and I do not
dare to raise my head before the last Prophet Muhammad ‫ﷺ‬.
That is why I have not been able to see the blessed face of
the last Prophet Muhammad ‫ ﷺ‬until today. Of course, I have
seen the face of the last Prophet Muhammad ‫ ﷺ‬from a far

but from such a distance that the impressions of the face of

the last Prophet Muhammad ‫ ﷺ‬are not clear.

In a dream, I hugged the last Prophet Muhammad ‫ﷺ‬, and my

whole body was testifying that I was embracing the last
Prophet Muhammad ‫ﷺ‬. In the same way, in many of my
dreams, I have shaken hands with the last Prophet
Muhammad ‫ ﷺ‬and my hand was testifying that I am shaking
hands with the last Prophet Muhammad ‫ﷺ‬.
Allah Almighty and the last Prophet Muhammad ‫ ﷺ‬told me in
my dreams to share my dreams with others and that is all I'm
doing, so I kindly request you; not to blame me. The mercy of
Allah is for everyone. I just want to be a friend of Allah and
nothing more. That’s why I trust in Allah Almighty only and
only Allah Almighty is my Wakeel (Trustee).

The Beginning of the Dreams and Its Main Content

I was about 12 or 13 when Allah Almighty and the last

Prophet Muhammad ‫ ﷺ‬both came together in my dream for
the first time. And then after that in 1993 when I was 17 yrs
old, Allah Almighty and the last Prophet Muhammad ‫ﷺ‬
started to come regularly and continuously in my dreams.
And ever since, Allah Almighty and the last Prophet
Muhammad ‫ ﷺ‬keep coming into my dreams. In these
dreams, Allah Almighty and the last Prophet Muhammad ‫ﷺ‬
have given me many good news about Pakistan. In a dream,
Allah Almighty told me that Qasim! "I would defend and
protect Pakistan." In another dream, the last Prophet
Muhammad ‫ ﷺ‬told me that "a time would come when
Pakistan would make everything of the world herself, even
the space craft."

Muhammad Qasim's Personal Training Through Dreams

From 2007 Allah Almighty and the last Prophet Muhammad

‫ ﷺ‬started to teach me about the things which I should do and
the things which I should avoid. Mostly Allah Almighty and
the last Prophet Muhammad ‫ ﷺ‬told me to avoid all types and
forms of shirk (worship other than Allah) and to be a good
The Command to Narrate Dreams

April 2014, Allah Almighty and the last Prophet Muhammad

‫ ﷺ‬started telling me in my dreams to share them with
everyone. And then I started to share my dreams with my
family members, friends and some other people. I also
shared my dreams through Email to Pakistan Army Official
Sites, Pakistan Government Sites, leading personalities, and
with Islamic Countries Official Websites. But it seemed that
no one believed in me or my dreams. And they all ignored
me. After that I stopped sharing my dreams.

The Last Prophet Muhammad ‫ ﷺ‬Emphasis on Narrating


In December 2014, the last Prophet Muhammad ‫ ﷺ‬came

twice in my dreams in a single night and told me "Qasim!
"You have to share these dreams to everyone to save
Pakistan and to save Islam." I got confused and I said to
myself that I have shared my dreams with many people and
they do not believe me. What more should I do? Then
Peshawar School got attacked and I thought about it. Then I
decided to share my dreams on the Internet. Let me make it

clear that I am a simple person and not religious, I am clean

shaved, I did not use to pray regularly and I don't pray
Tahajjud (overnight prayer).

Hope for Allah’s Mercy

I did not despair of the Mercy of Allah Almighty. Whenever I

start to despair then Allah Almighty or the last Prophet
Muhammad ‫ ﷺ‬would come to my dreams and say that
"Qasim! "Despair not of the Mercy of Allah." "Qasim! be
patient! Allah does not waste the rewards of those who are
patient and Allah is the best disposer of affairs." They
motivate me with such words and I become fresh again. In
January 2014, Allah told me that Qasim! "I have tested you
for 20 years. I wanted to see whether you are from the ones
who despair of the Mercy of Allah or not".

Visit of Other Prophets (Alaihimusalam)

In Sep 2015 in a dream for the first time in my life, I look in

the eyes of the last Prophet Muhammad ‫ﷺ‬. When my eyes
look into the last Prophet Muhammad SW‘s eyes, they get
fixed and I couldn't look away. I feel as if in his ‫ ﷺ‬eyes Allah
has filled all of His Nur. I have seen many other prophets
(Alaihimusalam) and messengers in my dreams but I only
looked at the face of Suleiman (Alaihisalam). And I have seen
Isa (Alaihisalam) in my dreams many times. In one dream, I
saw Isa (Alaihisalam) coming from the sky. And Yajuj & Majuj
came out and they spread across the whole earth. Me and
very few people join Isa (Alaihisalam) and then we live with
Isa (Alaihisalam). In a few dreams, I saw that when the whole

world become peaceful, Dajjal from somewhere else appears

and tries to destroy the peace of the world.

Records of the Dreams

In 1993, when the dreams started, I made a notebook and I

used to note my dreams in that notebook and the things like
how many times I saw Allah Almighty in my dreams and how
many times I saw the last Prophet Muhammad ‫ ﷺ‬in my
dreams but few years back I lost that notebook during
relocating. Total dreams are more than 800 and I still
remember many dreams.
Urge to Avoid Shaytan

Many years back in one dream, Allah Almighty told me

"Qasim! Before sleeping read Surah-Ikhlas, Surah-Falaq and
Surah-Naas.(chapters/Quran) and then sleep so Satan stays
away from you". I have been doing this for the last many

Waiting for Dreams to Come True

It has been a long journey for me and still I am waiting for

Allah Almighty, I did not lose my hope for the last 23 years
now. I don't know what is Allah Almighty has written in my
destiny and only Allah Almighty knows best.

Jazakumullahu Khair
Walaikum Assalam wa Rahmatullahe wa Barakatuhu

Muhammad Qasim

Meeting With Allah and the Last Prophet Muhammad


Assalamo Alaikum!

Muhammad Qasim states that "all my dreams are as clear as

if they were happening in real life. But when I wake up, I feel
like it was just a beautiful dream. Whenever I see Allah
Almighty and His last Prophet Muhammad ‫ ﷺ‬in a dream, I
wish I could have such a dream all the time. The colours I
have seen in my dreams, I have never seen in real life, I will
give them 10 out of 10 marks. Shaytan can never imitate the
glory of Allah Almighty. Nor he can take the form of last
Prophet Muhammad ‫ﷺ‬.
Allah Almighty is the one who often appears in my dreams. I
have never seen Allah Almighty with my own eyes in my
dreams. I just feel that Allah Almighty is on the Throne and I
am hearing Allah's voice from behind the curtain. The sound
sometimes comes from the sky or I see incredible light,
sometimes a wonderful sound comes from this incredible
light. Whenever I see the light of Allah Almighty, my eyes
freeze, it is impossible to describe it. I do not say that it is the
light of Allah Almighty. Allah Almighty is above all that cannot
be classified as light and He is the Creator of light. Allah
Almighty's voice is also incredible, it has so much mercy and
purity that it is impossible to describe in words. In my
dreams, the voice of Allah Almighty is louder than a human
being; there is no weakness like breathing while speaking in
this voice.

In every dream, I feel that Allah Almighty is closer to the front

of my brain and my jugular veins. Allah Almighty has never
spoken to me out loud, nor has He ever spoken to me in
anger or in annoyance. Allah Almighty always speaks to me
very kindly and calmly even though I commit countless sins
every day.

Allah Almighty and the last Prophet Muhammad ‫ ﷺ‬never

forced me to follow their teachings, that is why I like Allah
Almighty and the last Prophet Muhammad ‫ ﷺ‬more than
anything else. Allah Almighty and the last Prophet
Muhammad ‫ ﷺ‬speak to me in Urdu, it is my basic language.

I bear witness that there is no god but Allah and Muhammad

‫ﷺ‬, is the last Prophet and Messenger of Allah and that I am
only a Ummati of the last Prophet Muhammad ‫ﷺ‬. I bear
witness that curse upon the liar.
Walaikum Assalam wa Rahmatullahe wa Barakatuhu

What Is Shirk? How Did it Begin? Forms of Shirk in the

Modern Age and the Way to Avoid Shirk
Assalamu Alaikum

What Is Shirk?

To associate someone else with the essence or attributes of

Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala, or to consider someone equal to
him, or to respect or obey someone in the same way as Allah
Subhanahu wa Ta'ala is done, is called shirk.
For example; Considering any kind of worship as permissible
for someone else other than Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala, that
is, to offer prayers, or to fast, or to slaughter for or asking
help from someone else other than Allah Subhanahu wa
Ta'ala is also shirk. e.g., asking help from someone who is in
the grave or to call on him, or to call on someone absent to
help in a matter over which no one has power except Allah
Subhanahu wa Ta'ala. It is every verbal action or deed in
which Shari'ah has applied the description of shirk. For
example, swearing by someone else other than Allah
Subhanahu wa Ta'ala, because the last Prophet Muhammad
‫ ﷺ‬said that whoever swears by other than Allah Subhanahu
wa Ta'ala is a disbeliever or did shirk. Show off also falls into
shirk. Show off is doing something, not for Allah but only to
show people.
The story of Ibrahim AS in Surah Al-An'am in the Qur'an is
very instructive and encouraging. Quran says:

We also showed Ibraheem (AS), the wonders of the heavens

and the earth, so he would be sure in faith. When the night
grew dark upon him, he saw a star and said, “This is my
Lord!” But when it set, he said, “I do not love things that set.”
Then when he saw the moon rising, he said, “This one is my
Lord!” But when it disappeared, he said, “If my Lord does not
guide me, I will certainly be one of the misguided people.”
Then when he saw the sun shining, he said, “This must be my
Lord, it is the greatest!” But again when it set, he declared,
“O my people! I totally reject whatever you associate ˹with
Allah in worship˺. I have turned my face towards the One
Who has originated the heavens and the earth being upright
and I am not one of the polytheists.” (Surah Al-An'am, 6:75-

How Did Shirk Begin?

Images can be a form of Shirk (Polytheism). Because the first

people to enter polytheism were through the same pictures
and statues, Allaah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala says in the Qur'an:
"And they said, 'Never leave your gods and never leave Wadd
or Suwāʿ or Yaghūth and Yaʿūq and Nasr.'" (Surah Nuh, verse

Ibn 'Abbas RA explained this verse in his Tafsir (explaination

of Quranic verses) that these are the names of some
righteous people of Nuh (AS)'s time. And when they died,
Satan inspired their people to place images at the places
where they used to sit. And to call those images by their
names. The people did so, but those images were not
worshiped till those people (who initiated them) had died

and the origin of the images had become obscure,

whereupon people began worshiping them. (Saheeh Bukhari,

What Is the Importance of Avoiding Shirk?

The first message that Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala has sent to

mankind through all the prophets is "La Ilaha Illa
Allah" which means "there is no god but Allah and this is
called Tawheed. Tawheed means that Allah is one and no
one shares in His essence and attributes. The opposite of
Tawheed (monotheism) is shirk, which means associating
anyone with Allah, and Allah will never forgive shirk." As
Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala says in the Qur'aan: “Indeed,
Allah does not forgive associating others with Him (in
worship), but forgives anything else of whoever He wills. And
whoever associates others with Allah has indeed committed
a grave sin.” (Surah An-Nisa, 4:48)

Muhammad Qasim bin Abdul Kareem has had many dreams

in which Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala and the last Prophet
Muhammad ‫ ﷺ‬instructed him to follow the straight path and
what to avoid. The most important of these is shirk!
Muhammad Qasim emphasizes that "we should avoid shirk
and its forms as much as possible because this is the key to
our success. In this world as well as in the Hereafter. And if
we want to get out of darkness and misguidance, we must
give up shirk and its forms and urge others to avoid it as well.
Allah has instructed Muhammad Qasim many times that on
the Day of Resurrection, I will forgive every sin, but I will not
forgive shirk."

Forms of Shirk in the Modern Age and Their Prevention

In the present age, it has become very tough to recognize

and avoid shirk. And it is a pity that in this modern age, shirk
and its forms abound everywhere. Even in a dream, Allah
Subhanahu wa Ta'ala told Muhammad Qasim that this world
had never been filled with as much shirk (polytheism) as it is
today. A frequent example of shirk is unnecessary images,
such as images found on food products and other daily used
materials. For example; "drinks, milk, yogurt, shampoo and
other such male and female consumer goods that have
pictures on them." Another example is the large billboards in
various places in the cities that contain unnecessary images
of any animal or creature on them. Similarly, shirks
(polytheism) are also available in movies where false Gods
and their fake powers or other evil deeds are shown, such as
magics, to manifest a common man as very powerful. It is
also a form of shirk.
If you see a picture on an advertisement board, don't look at
it and roll your eyes and say, "Subhan Allah", meaning that
Allah is pure from what I see and there is no partner of Allah.
If you see a statue in a park, shop, or any other place, roll
your eyes and don't look at them. If you are watching a
movie and it shows a false god, don't watch it and turn it off.
If there are any pictures of any living things in your room or
on the walls, remove them. If you have toys for your children,
keep them out of your sight or hide them in a closet when
they stop playing. If you have small pictures or statues inside
your home, throw them away or hide them too. If you have
any creams, perfumes, or other beauty items, as well as the
logos of some brands, are made with a picture of a living

thing, then hide those pictures on them with a tape or

marker because you will need to use these things for a few
weeks. Even if you have a 'Bubble Gum' in your pocket that
contains a picture on it, don't put it in your pocket or take off
the picture paper.
Never say or write about a person that he is our only hope,
but say that hope is only from Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala.
And there is no harm in having pictures on mobile phones,
laptops, or computers because they are not visible but also
keep them hidden in a folder in the computer. If there is a
picture on your desktop wallpaper or profile picture, change
or remove it because you will see it all the time
unnecessarily, and there is no need to look at it. You can take
photos of yourself or your children digitally or with a camera,
but also keep them hidden and open only when needed.
If you go to a friend's house and there are pictures in his
house or room, do not insist on removing them but do not
look at them because that house is not yours and you are not
responsible for it. Of course, if your friend wants to learn
about shirk and they remove those pictures by themselves,
then it's ok. But don't force them. Similarly, people keep pots
in their gardens that are statues or idols of animals or
humans. You should not retain such statues in your house
and if, someone has these idol-like pots in theirs, do not look
at them.

Indian movies always start with either an idol, or a statue, or

an image of a false god, or an idol-worshiping is shown during
the movie. Movie also has its own world. And the owner of
this world is also Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala, and no one else

can be associated with Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala or shown

in it, even if it is just a movie.

Sometimes we have to comply with government-imposed

laws where images are required. In that case, images are
permissible. Such as images on rupees and dollars, as well as
having photos on passports and ID cards, and in this case,
you can keep it in your pocket, and also if someone has a
health issue and there is a picture on the medicine pack, he
can keep it in his pocket. But we should not have any
unnecessary photos in our pockets.

We also need to make sure that our clothes, our window

curtains, our beds, our towels, our carpets, and even our
prayer rugs do not have a picture of any living thing on them.
Use a jaenamaz (prayer rug) with a simple print or design.
Sometimes there are too many flowers or other forms of
prints on the musalla or jaenamaz (prayer rug), and often
they look like an image of a living soul, so do not use such
jaenamaz (prayer rug).
In your daily life, whenever you see a picture or an idol or a
statue, turn your eyes away from it and say "Subhan Allah"

Du'a for Protection From Shirk in the Hadith

Hazrat Maqil ibn Yasar RA says: I came with Abu Bakr Siddiq
RA to the service of the last Prophet Muhammad ‫ﷺ‬. The last
prophet Muhammad ‫ ﷺ‬said: "O Abu Bakr! Shirk (polytheism)
is hidden among the people like a black ant [in a black stone
in a moonless night]." Abu Bakr Siddiq Akbar RA asked: "Is

there any shirk with Allah SWT other than believing in Allah?"
Last Prophet Muhammad ‫ ﷺ‬said: "I swear by the caste in
whose possession my soul is, shirk (polytheism) is more
hidden than the black ant [in a black stone in a moonless
night]. May I tell you a prayer by which you can be safe from
every shirk, big or small? Say:
‫ﺍﻟﱠﻠ ُﻬ ﱠﻡ ِﺇﻧِّﻲ ﺃَﻋُﻭﺫُ ِﺑﻙَ ﺃ َ ْﻥ ﺃُﺷ ِْﺭﻙَ ِﺑﻙَ ﻭﺃَﻧﺎ ﺃَﻋﻠَ ُﻡ ﻭﺃَﺳﺗَﻐ ِﻔ ُﺭﻙَ ﻟﻣﺎ ﻻ ﺃَﻋﻠَ ُﻡ‬
Allahumma inni audhu bika an ushrika bika wa ana alamu
wa astaghfiruka lima la a`lamu

(O Allah I seek refuge in You from knowingly associating

partners with You, and I seek Your forgiveness for that which
I do not know) (Narrated by Al-Bukhari in Al-Adab Al-Mufrad
(739), and authenticated by Al-Albani)

Our present tragedy is that no head of any Muslim country

cares about avoiding shirk, and they are not even creating
awareness about it. The only way to get the Muslim Ummah
out of the darkness and regain its lost status is to get rid of
shirk, Insha Allah! May Allah help us to avoid all kinds of
shirk. Ameen

The Salvation of the Muslim Ummah and Pakistan Is

Only in the Elimination of Shirk
Assalamo Alaikum!

I see in this dream that many rulers come and rule Pakistan
but the situation in Pakistan does not change. Then Imran
Khan comes and people hope that everything will be fine
now because Imran Khan has come but nothing is fine and
everything remains the same.

Then Asif Zardari gets angry with the government (of Imran
Khan) and starts holding meetings and speeches. He says "I
will not leave you and I will not let your government run and
this country will not proceed." I'm watching it all on TV. After
watching all this, I go out of the house and I say that "if the
situation remains the same, the country will not be fine."

Then Asif Zardari holds a rally and I see him standing with
distance. When I am watching this rally, a field starts to form
on the ground to my right. And a floor of mud begins to form
on this field. The soil in this field is spread as if someone is
laying the soil in a very systematic way. The soil is as smooth
as a clay floor and looks as if it has been laid by an advanced
and expert company. The soil is very suitable, that is, just as it
is moist and moist from the top, it is also wet from the

Then I don't pay attention to this soil and I turn to Asif

Zardari and say that "many rulers have come i.e. army, other
rulers and Imran Khan etc. but nothing has changed."

Then I look at the soil, it is spreading a lot and it is spreading

in such a systematic way that the level of the soil and
distance is the same and natural fertilizer is being applied on
it and is spreading itself.
I say "who is spreading this fertilizer on this soil like this?"

Then I think that now Asif Zardari is speaking, in the same

way soon my turn is to speak and I also have to talk to people
now, so I should prepare for it.I have to plan what I should
say and what I shouldn't say.

Then I go to a room or a small house. When I go there I see

that it is a hall-like room and there are few people there. I
talk to them and tell them that "many rulers came and went,
and you look at the history of all of them, every time there
was hope that prosperity would come but nothing happened
and every time the situation got worse than before."
I say that "there is only one reason for this failure" and that
"Until this country is purified of shirk and its forms, and
until shirk and its forms are eliminated from the country,
Allah will not help. And also prosperity will not come until
I see other people come there and listen to me. Then I see
that two army men are also listening me standing at some

Then I say that:

"There are various idols and sculptures in the name of art

and culture on different highways and intersections in the
cities, there are big boards with unnecessary pictures on
them, and just like there are many idols and statues in the
parks, and other unnecessary pictures are shown in cities
which are not needed, these are all types of shirk."
I say more that:

"The last Prophet Muhammad ‫ ﷺ‬had also eliminated shirk

by eliminating such idols. When we eliminate all these
forms of shirk, Allah will help us. Then not only Pakistan
would win Ghazwae Hind, but she would also defeat super
powers like Russia and the United States in World War III
and Pakistan herself would become a superpower."
The people of the army and some other people were
listening to me and I say that "when we put an end to shirk,
then Allah would bless us with His blessings and mercy and
He would open His treasures for us because even in the early
days of Islam, The last Prophet Muhammad ‫ ﷺ‬exhorted the
people to avoid shirk and he established a society free from
Then here I give a live interview and the anchor asks me
about the shirk and the need of pictures in today’s life for
different purpose so I say that:
" Where it is needed, it is fine, but where it is not needed,
images should not be used. It is permissible to use the
image in various state affairs, such as the use of images on

identity cards and currency notes, or if a photographer has a

shop, he can use the image because it is necessary."

I say more:
... "But other than that, if you see various unnecessary
pictures in the city or as most people put pictures of
celebrities in their houses, it is not permissible and it falls
under the category of shirk."
I say that "in the same way if you watch live interviews of
anchors they use their image, famous anchors don't need to
post their image so don't post it because they don't need it
and those who are anonymous anchors, they can post a
picture in their program promo." The people of the army are
standing at a distance and constantly watching all this and
listening to me carefully.

I Strongly Condemn the Blasphemous Sketches Made

in France
I am saying with great sadness and anguish that now the
world of disbelief has become so bold that the honour of the
Last Prophet Muhammad ‫ ﷺ‬is being attacked continuously
and Muslims are becoming a picture of helplessness. Such
cowardly acts of the disbelievers are by no means tolerable
for Muslims. All Muslims, especially my humble self, strongly
condemn the blasphemous sketches made in France and
want to warn the world of disbelief that the time is not far
when Allah's system will be established on Allah's earth with
Allah’s help. And the earth will become narrow for the
blasphemer of the last Prophets Muhammad SW and for the
enemies of Allah.
I have been shown in my dreams that the armies will
withdraw from Pakistan and take back the lost territory of
the Middle East and with the help of Allah, the disbelievers
will be defeated.
"‫"ﻭﷲ ﺍﻟﻣﺳﺗﻌﺎﻥ ﻋﻠﯽ ﻣﺎ ﺗﺻﻔﻭﻥ‬

"It is Allah’s help that I seek to bear your claims!”

Muhammad Qasim / Lahore, Pakistan


Why Does Muhammad Qasim Share His Dreams?

Analysis in the Light of Qur'an and Hadith
The topic we will discuss today is "Dreams" and especially the
compassionate dream of Muhammad Qasim bin Abdul
Kareem and what is his significance in our life? Many people
ask why does Muhammad Qasim bin Abdul Karim share his
dreams and why it is so important to promote and articulate
these dreams.

I have done research on this subject and today I will tell you
fully in the light of Qur'an and Hadith why Muhammad Qasim
narrates his compassionate dreams to everyone.

There will be very few dreams near the Day of Judgment that
will not come true
There will be very few dreams near the Day of Judgment that
will not come true. The last Prophet Muhammad ‫ ﷺ‬said: This
is because the Prophethood and its effects will be so far away
that the believers will be guided by dreams which will bring
them glad tidings or will help them to be patient and to stand
firm in their faith. (Bukhari 6499, Muslim 4200)
True dreams are the forty-sixth part of the prophecy
Similarly, another hadith states that true dreams are the part
of prophet hood, as the last Prophet Muhammad ‫ ﷺ‬said:
"True dreams are the forty-sixth part of prophecy." (Bukhari
6472, Muslim 4201)

Dreams have a special significance in Islam


The story of Yusuf AS mentioned in Qur'an helps to open the

eyes and to awaken those people who unjustifiably deny the
dreams of the believers and the guidance attached to them.
On the contrary, in Qur'an, Allah Himself mentions the dream
of a non-Muslim king of Egypt in the time of Yusuf AS, whose
dream saved his kingdom from a great calamity and disaster.
Allah SWT says in Qur’an in Surah Yusuf:

“And [one day] the King said, I dreamt of seven fat cows
eaten up by seven skinny ones; and seven green ears of grain
and [seven] others dry. O chiefs! Tell me the meaning of my
dream if you can interpret dreams.” (Surah Yusuf 12:43)

The King of Egypt had a very frightening dream and he asked

his most experienced advisers to tell him the interpretation
of this dream. They all tried hard but no one could give a
satisfactory answer. One of the servants in the King's palace
remembered Yusuf AS and his ability to interpret the dreams
from his time in the prison because he himself got benefited
from Yusuf AS’s ability to interpret dreams when he was in
prison with him.

So, the King's advisers visited the prison and asked Yusuf AS
about the King's dream. Yusuf AS interpreted that the time is
about to come to Egypt when there would be seven years of
fertility and then seven years of barrenness or famine. Yusuf
AS suggested them to maintain discipline in the usage and
distribution of resources in coming years of difficulty. He also
told that after these difficult 14 years, the land of Egypt will
be fertile again and wealth and the grain will be abundant.

The King was glad to know about this interpretation of Yusuf

AS and he ordered his release and promoted him to the

position of Finance Minister of Egypt. As a result, Yusuf AS

took the responsibility of farming and storing the grain. He
used and distributed resources wisely. He saved resources
during the seven years of fertility and stored it for the next
seven years of famine. In this way, he saved his kingdom
from the great tribulation and trial. And thus, the guidance
hidden in the dream saved many lives. Don’t forget that this
dream was seen by a non-Muslim king!

Muhammad Qasim's dreams warn us about upcoming trials

and they guide us to the best way to deal with them and
often they have good tidings in them

In the same way, if we see the compassionate dreams of

Muhammad Qasim bin Abdul Kareem, we will find that these
dreams are a special blessing from Allah SWT. These dreams
guide us on how we can progress and how we can prepare
ourselves for difficult times. These dreams also contain glad
tidings for Ummah and also they warn us about incoming
sufferings that Ummah will face in coming times and as well
as about the conspiracies of non believers against Islam.
Muhammad Qasim's dreams indicate that the situation will
get worse soon and we must do planning for it otherwise we
will suffer badly.

It is very important to spread Muhammad Qasim's dreams

If, according to Muhammad Qasim's divine dreams, a third
world war breaks out in the Middle East, a large number of
people, especially Muslims, will be perished. To avoid this
catastrophe, we must spread these dreams and we must
unite and we must do planning to save people's lives. If we
don’t do this, a large number of innocent people will fall

victim to the war. Through Muhammad Qasim’s dreams we

can make people aware of what they should do to protect
themselves in future and therefore it makes us realized that
how important and necessary it is to spread Muhammad
Qasim’s dreams to others.
Spreading Muhammad Qasim's dreams will awaken people
and prepare them for the difficult times ahead
If Pakistan is taken into account, spreading the dreams of
Muhammad Qasim will not only bring awareness among
people but also these dreams will help in convincing the main
leadership of Pakistan, especially, the Army Chief, how to
handle the situation when it will get out of control and when
there will be chaos and uncertainty everywhere in Pakistan.
Then, when the army chief will listen to Qasim's dreams
carefully and he believes in them, the last Prophet
Muhammad ‫ ﷺ‬too will testify to him through his dream that
Muhammad Qasim's dreams are true and that they are from
There is no justification for rejecting Muhammad Qasim's

Muhammad Qasim, is a common man and a follower of the

last Prophet Muhammad ‫ﷺ‬. He has been waiting for his
dreams to come true for the last 28 years, just as Yusuf AS
waited patiently for years and endured hardships in his life
and faced difficulties. It is Allah's will for whom He will
bestow His special blessings and count them among the
righteous ones.

Allah SWT says in the Qur'an in Surah Yusuf: "And thus did
We give to Yusuf power in the land, he had mastery in it
wherever he liked; We send down Our mercy on whom We
please, and We do not waste the reward of those who do
good” (Surah Yusuf 12:56).
This is a brief analysis of Muhammad Qasim's dreams in the
light of the Qur'an and Hadith. Some scholars took the path
of silence and did not believe in Muhammad Qasim's dreams.
However, the scholars who deny Qasim's dreams came either
out of fear or because of unfamiliarity or ignorance of the
knowledge about dreams mentioned in the Qur'an and
Hadith. Today we have proved to you from the Qur'an that
how an Egyptian non-Muslim king’s dream saved his kingdom
from a disaster and trial and Allah SWT Himself mentioned
the dream of that King in the Qur'an. Given this example of
Qur'an, no scholar should ignore Muhammad Qasim's
dreams. Therefore, we appeal to our scholars to come
forward and consider the dreams of Muhammad Qasim
carefully and patiently before giving any judgment or
statement in a hurry, because these dreams contain very
crucial messages from Allah SWT and the last Prophet
Muhammad ‫ ﷺ‬regarding Pakistan and the rise of Islam.
There is no justification for rejecting these dreams by anyone
in general or in particular because rejecting these dreams
means that you are rejecting the guidance of Qur'an and
Hadith about dreams because according to the Qur'an and
Hadith, such dreams are possible! Don't let the hastily
formed opinion contrary to the Shari'ah and Allah will accuse
you of this.

End of the discussion

We will end our discussion with this blessed hadith of the last
Prophet Muhammad ‫ ﷺ‬which he narrated in the last
moments of his blessed life, and in this hadith, he mentioned
the significance of a believer's dreams. It was narrated that
'Abdullah bin 'Abbas RA said: The Messenger of Allah (SWT)
drew aside the curtain when he had a cloth wrapped around
his head during his final illness, and said: 'O Allah, I have
conveyed (the Message)' three times. 'There is nothing left of
the features of Prophethood except a good dream that a
person sees or is seen by others for him. But I have been
forbidden to recite the Qur'an when bowing and prostrating,
so when you bow, then glorify your Lord and when you
prostrate, then strive hard in supplication, for it is more
deserving of a response.' (Sunan-An-Nasai, 1121)

Humble request to the most respected Scholars

Our most respected scholars of the Indo-Pak subcontinent!
we humbly request you to consider the dreams of
Muhammad Qasim bin Abdul Kareem, as Allah SWT has
commanded in the Qur'an that when any news comes to you,
Confirm it before you judge.

In verse 43 of Surah Yusuf in the Qur'an, Allah Himself

mentions the dream of a non-Muslim Egyptian King and how
Allah saved his kingdom and his people from a calamity and
famine after giving them warning in his dream. Don't reject
Muhammad Qasim's dreams in a hurry and judge carefully in
this matter. Because according to the Qur'an and Hadith, it is
quite possible to have such dreams, don’t make an opinion

contrary to the Shari'ah in a hurry, and Allah will accuse you

of this.


Praises to Be Allah and the Way of the Last Prophet

Muhammad ‫ﷺ‬
Assalamo Alaikum wa Rahmatullahe wa Barakatuhu
In another dream, Muhammad Qasim saw the last prophet
Muhammad ‫ ﷺ‬was praising and glorifying Allah the almighty,
and I said, "Where is the last prophet Muhammad ‫ ﷺ‬going?"
Then I saw that the last prophet Muhammad ‫ ﷺ‬is going
towards Allah Almighty. Then I asked Allah Almighty, "What is
the best way for us to go towards you?" Almighty Allah said,
“This is the way of the last prophet Muhammad ‫( ﷺ‬peace and
blessings of Allah be upon him)." Then I started walking on
the path of the last prophet Muhammad ‫ ﷺ‬and I kept walking
on his path.

Walaikum Assalam wa Rahmatullahe wa Barakatuhu


Admission of Muhammad Qasim Bin Abdul Karim in

the School of Hazrat Umar RA
Assalamo Alaikum wa Rahmatullahe wa Barakatuhu

I was living in a house. One day I was talking to myself and

Allah was watching me from the sky. I say to myself "Qasim!
What sort of life is this? You don't do anything special all day
Then after some time the last Prophet Muhammad ‫ ﷺ‬came
to my home. He made me sit next to him and said that "look
Qasim! l have got you admission in a nice school (l have
forgot the name of the school). You will go to school from
tomorrow." And he passed his hand over my head and said
"read and write in the school and then enlighten my name
throughout the world as it once was".

I became very happy that Allah listened to me. Last Prophet

Muhammad ‫ ﷺ‬got me admission in the school and gave me
the address of the school and said that “reach the school
before 8 tomorrow.” I said “ok I will reach the school on time
lnn shaa Allah (Allah's will).” Last Prophet Muhammad ‫ ﷺ‬did
not give me any books. I had a few old books and I gathered
them and pressed and prepared clothes for the morning. I
was thinking that it would be an ordinary school. Who is
going to observe me there?

I woke up in the morning and got ready and went out of my

home. A bit far from the home came a road junction and I

could not remember where to turn from here. Hazrat Abu

Bakr (Radiallahuanhu/, May Allah be pleased with him) was
passing from there and I stopped him to ask the address of
the school. Hazrat Abu Bakr (Radiallahuanhu) became
surprised hearing the name of the school and looked at my
state and asked "why are you asking the address of that
school?” I said that “I have been admission in that school and
this is the first day of mine.” He (Radiallahuanhu) looked at
my admission letter and said "Maa shaa Allah!" (Impossible
without Allah). He (Radiallahuanhu) told me the way to the
school and I started to go towards the school.

Now when I came near the school my eyes widened with

surprise. I said that “how great is the building of this school.”
And then I saw a few students who were wearing very nice
clothes. Their bags were also very nice. I thought that have I
entered another school? Then I looked at the name of the
school and no this was my school. Then why did last Prohet
Muhammad ‫ ﷺ‬not tell me that this school is very amazing. I
became very confused after seeing all this and thought that
what is happening with me? My clothes are very ordinary
and I have my books held into my hands and they are also
very old. Outside the school was a cafe area. I sat there, and
a few students came there and they sat on the table next to
mine. I was getting nervous by seeing them. One of them
asked my name and I told him my name. One called me and
asked me to sit with them. I said to myself that “Qasim! Get
ready! They will make fun of you.” I sat with them and they
talked to me very politely and asked me that "are you a new
student here?” I said "yes this is my first day here." One
asked me "what will you eat?” I said that "I have already
eaten from home". They ordered juice and sandwiches for

themselves and also ordered for me and said to me that

"don't get tense. We are taught here that we are all brothers
and we should take care of others like we take care of
ourselves". And if you have any problem then you tell
anyone, he will help you." I thought that Subhan Allah
(glorified be Allah) the building of this school is amazing just
like the students here are also amazing. But I was being
affected by low self esteem inside myself. I was becoming
very ashamed. Then the school bell rang and every student
started to go towards the main gate and they told me to go
with them also. I said to them that "you all go! I will come
alone". When they were all gone then I started to walk
towards the main gate slowly and said that "what just
happened with me? Last Prophet Muhammad ‫ ﷺ‬did not tell
me that this school is very extraordinary and its students are
also and so are their clothes and their bags, what should I do
now? Every student of the class is wearing nice clothes and
only I am wearing old and torn clothes. My books are also old
and rotten and my shoe is also of plastic and broken." After
saying this I closed my eyes and said that "it is better to go
home than to get ashamed."

Suddenly I felt like the books just vanished from my hands

and I got a bag. I opened my eyes and I was surprised to see
that my clothes were also changed and they were like the
clothes of others and my shoes were also changed. And there
was an amazing bag in my hands. After seeing all this, I said
that "how did this happen? What happened when I closed
my eyes that my clothes were changed to very nice clothes?”
Then Allah said from the sky that "Qasim! It is impossible that
Allah will leave alone someone on whose head is the shadow
of mercy of the last Prophet Muhammad ‫ﷺ‬. And Allah is very

merciful and is fully Dominant over everything." After hearing

this, a wave of strange happiness went through my body and
I ran towards the main gate shouting in excitement that Allah
made me like the other students of the school by His mercy."
When I reached the gate then Hazrat Umar (Radiallahuanhu)
was standing there. I said "Salam" to Hazrat Umar
(Radiallahuanhu). He replied to my greeting and said that "l
was waiting for you.” I said to Hazrat Umar (Radiallahuanhu)
that "I also got admission in this school and this is my first
day." Hazrat Umar (Radiallahuanhu) said "Subhanallah only
those who can get admission in this school are specially
gifted by the mercy of Allah. Now we will go inside and then
we will praise Allah and then we will go to classes. I said to
Hazrat Umar (radiallahuanhu) that "l checked the schedule
and you will take my first class” and He (radiallahuanhu) said
that "lnn shaa Allah (Allah's will)."

The dream ended there.

Walaikum Assalam wa Rahmatullahe wa Barakatuhu


Allah's Most Beloved Servants? What Has Allah

Shown to Muhammad Qasim?
Assalamu Alaikum

Allah SWT and The Last Prophet Muhammad ‫ ﷺ‬have taught

Muhammad Qasim the best teachings of living through his

A Significant Dream: Enrolment in a Special School

Muhammad Qasim had started receiving various dreams
since his childhood and one of those dreams was about his
"Education" and "Training".
In short; in his dreams, The Last Prophet Muhammad ‫ ﷺ‬told
Muhammad Qasim that "I have admitted you to a school".
After that, Qasim discovered himself in a school. There, he
met Hazrat Abu Bakr Siddiq RA and Hazrat Umar Farooq RA,
and there, he also received a magnificent uniform, Holy
Books, and all necessary things. (To read the complete
dream, click here)
It is an indication of how Allah will guide Muhammad Qasim.
And the school refers to the teachings that Allah and The Last
Prophet Muhammad ‫ ﷺ‬taught Qasim through his dreams.
Below are some of the most significant points of these

1. Avoiding All Forms of Shirk


The first lesson that Allah SWT taught Muhammad Qasim is

to avoid all forms of shirk. Shirk is the most disliked by Allah
SWT. Allah SWT sent about hundred thousands of Prophets
and Messengers to this world and all of them had the same
message that
O the men of Allah! Never associate partner with Him!

The most all-embracing requirement that Allah SWT has on

us is: "We should not associate anyone with Him at all."
‫ﺳﺗ َ ْﻐ ِﻔ ُﺭﻙَ ِﻟ َﻣﺎ َﻻ ﺃ َ ْﻋﻠَ ُﻡ‬
ْ َ ‫ َﻭﺃ‬، ‫ﺍﻟﻠﱠ ُﻬ ﱠﻡ ِﺇﻧِّﻲ ﺃَﻋُﻭﺫُ ِﺑﻙَ ﺃ َ ْﻥ ﺃُﺷ ِْﺭﻙَ ِﺑﻙَ َﻭﺃَﻧَﺎ ﺃ َ ْﻋﻠَ ُﻡ‬
O Allah! I seek refuge with You lest I should commit shirk
with You knowingly, and I seek Your forgiveness for what I
do unknowingly. (Surah an-Nisa' : 48)

On the day of Judgement, Allah can forgive everything, but if

someone associates a partner with Allah and then does not
repent, does not forsake shirk, and does not change his life,
Allaah will never forgive him.
For us, it is very urgent to understand that: "What is Shirk?
And what are the forms of shirk in this modern era?"

2. Frequent Zikr (Remembrance) of Allah

Allah has taught Muhammad Qasim to remember Him at all
times as much as possible. May the Zikr (remembrance) of
Allah always continue on our tongue and always remain in
our hearts. As Allah SWT says in the Qur'an

ِ ‫ﺳ َﻣـ ٰ َٰﻭ‬
‫ﺕ‬ ‫ﻖ ٱﻟ ﱠ‬ ِ ‫ﻭﻥ ﻓِﻰ َﺧ ْﻠ‬َ ‫ﻋﻠَ ٰﻰ ُﺟﻧُﻭ ِﺑ ِﻬ ْﻡ َﻭﻳَﺗَﻔَﻛ ُﱠﺭ‬ َ ‫ٱ� ﻗِﻳَ ٰـ ًۭﻣﺎ َﻭﻗُﻌُﻭ ۭﺩًﺍ َﻭ‬ َ ‫ِﻳﻥ ﻳَ ْﺫﻛ ُُﺭ‬
َ ‫ﻭﻥ ﱠ‬ َ ‫ٱﻟﱠﺫ‬
‫ﺍﺏ ٱﻟﻧﱠ ِﺎﺭ‬ َ ‫ﺳ ْﺑ َﺣ ٰـﻧَﻙَ ﻓَ ِﻘﻧَﺎ‬
َ َ ‫ﻋﺫ‬ ُ ‫ﺽ َﺭﺑﱠﻧَﺎ َﻣﺎ َﺧﻠَ ْﻘﺕَ َﻫ ٰـﺫَﺍ ﺑَـ ِٰﻁ ۭ ًﻼ‬ ِ ‫َﻭ ْٱﻷ َ ْﺭ‬

They are˺ those who remember Allah while standing,

sitting, and lying on their sides, and reflect on the creation
of the heavens and the earth ˹and pray˺, “Our Lord! You
have not created ˹all of˺ this without purpose. Glory be to
You! Protect us from the torment of the Fire. (Surah Al-
Imran, 3:191)

The sense of a Hadith of The Last Prophet Muhammad ‫ ﷺ‬is:

There are two words that are light on the tongue, heavy in
the balance, and very pleasing to Allah. These two words are:

"‫ﷲ ﺍ ْﻟﻌَ ِﻅ ْﻳﻡ‬

ِ ‫ﺳ ْﺑ ٰﺣ َﻥ‬ ِ ‫ﺳ ْﺑ ٰﺣ َﻥ‬
ُ ،‫ﷲ َﻭ ِﺑ َﺣ ْﻣﺩ ِٖﻩ‬ ُ “
(Subhaan-Allaahi wa bihamdihi, Subhan-Allaahil-Azeem)

(Bukhari, vol. 4, p. 297; Hadith-6682)

Allah SWT has taught Muhammad Qasim the lesson of
remembering these words again and again, and reciting them
all the time.
3. Sending Durood (Blessings and Peace) upon The Last
Prophet Hazrat Muhammad ‫ﷺ‬

Hazrat Muhammad ‫ ﷺ‬is the most beloved and the last

Prophet of Allah SWT. His rank to Allah is that: Allah Himself,
and His angels send Durood (blessings and peace) on him and
Allah has commanded us to do the same.
۬ ‫ﺳ ِﻠّ ُﻣ‬
‫ﻭﺍ‬ َ ‫ﻋﻠَ ْﻳ ِﻪ َﻭ‬ ۬ ‫ﺻﻠ ﱡ‬
َ ‫ﻭﺍ‬ ۬ ُ‫ِﻳﻥ َءﺍ َﻣﻧ‬
َ ‫ﻭﺍ‬ َ ‫ﻋﻠَﻰ ٱﻟﻧﱠ ِﺑ ِ ّﻰ ۚ ﻳَ ٰـٓﺄَﻳﱡ َﻬﺎ ٱﻟﱠﺫ‬ َ ُ‫ٱ� َﻭ َﻣﻠَ ٰـٓﺋِ َﻛﺗَﻪُۥ ﻳ‬
َ ‫ﺻﻠﱡ‬
َ ‫ﻭﻥ‬ َ ‫ِﺇ ﱠﻥ ﱠ‬
ْ َ‫ﺗ‬
‫ﺳ ِﻠﻳ ًﻣﺎ‬
Indeed, Allah showers His blessings upon the Prophet, and
His angels pray for him. O, believers! Invoke Allah’s

blessings upon him, and salute him with worthy greetings of

peace. (Surah Al-Ahzab, 33:56)

Now the question arises as to the appropriateness of reciting

Tasbeeh and Durood Shareef that; what should we read
more, Durood-Sharif, or Hamd?

In a dream, Allah SWT told Muhammad Qasim to recite

Tasbeeb (praising Allah) 6 times, and then to send Durood
Sharif on the last Prophet Muhammad ‫ ﷺ‬for once (1 time).

4. Never Despair of Allah's Mercy

Allah SWT told Qasim never to despair of His mercy because
only Kafirs (disbelievers) despair of Allah's mercy as the
famous saying goes: 'Mayoosi Kufar Hai' (Despairness is
So, the fourth lesson Allah SWT has taught Muhammad bin
Abdul Kareem is: 'One should always hope for the mercy of
Allah SWT.' So if you face difficulty today, be patient Insha
Allah, Allah will make it easy for you tomorrow.
‫ﺳ ًﺭ ۠ﺍ‬
ْ ‫ﺳ ٍﺭ ﻳﱡ‬ ُ َ‫ﺍ�ُ ﺑَ ْﻌﺩ‬
ْ ‫ﻋ‬ َ -‫ﺳﺎ ﺍ ﱠِﻻ ﻣﺎ ٰﺍ ٰﺗﻬﺎ‬
‫ﺳﻳَﺟْ ﻌَ ُﻝ ﱣ‬ ً ‫ﺍ�ُ ﻧَ ْﻔ‬
‫ﻑ ﱣ‬ُ ّ‫َﻻ ﻳُ َﻛ ِﻠ‬
Allah does not hold a person responsible with more than He
has given him. Allah shall bring about ease after hardship.
(Surah At-Talaq, 65:7)

Allah SWT has repeatedly emphasized the in the Qur'an

َ ِ‫َﻭﻻَ ﺗ َ ِﻬﻧُﻭﺍ َﻭﻻَ ﺗَﺣْ َﺯﻧُﻭﺍ َﻭﺃَﻧﺗ ُ ُﻡ ﺍﻷ َ ْﻋﻠَ ْﻭ َﻥ ِﺇﻥ ﻛُﻧﺗُﻡ ﱡﻣ ْﺅ ِﻣﻧ‬
So do not become loose, nor be grieving, and you shall be
superior if you are Mü'min. (Surah Al-Imran, 3:139)

What more guarantees do we need? But Allah has asked His

last Prophet Muhammad ‫ ﷺ‬to give more comfort.
‫ﻳﻥ ﺗَﻘُﻭ ُﻡ‬ َ ‫ﺻ ِﺑ ْﺭ ِﻟ ُﺣ ْﻛ ِﻡ َﺭ ِﺑّﻙَ ﻓَ ِﺈﻧﱠﻙَ ِﺑﺄ َ ْﻋﻳُﻧِﻧَﺎ ۖ َﻭ‬
َ ‫ﺳ ِﺑّﺢْ ِﺑ َﺣ ْﻣ ِﺩ َﺭ ِﺑّﻙَ ِﺣ‬ ْ ‫َﻭٱ‬
So be patient with your Lord’s decree, for you are truly
under Our ˹watchful˺ Eyes. And glorify the praises of your
Lord when you rise. (Surah At-Tur, 52:48)

It is so beautiful that 'You are right in front of ˹Our˺ eyes all

the time'. Allah does not look (watch) like any creature. His
look is very different and perfect. When we think that we are
in the sight of Allah SWT, we feel/think that 'Where there are
many other creatures of Allah, and I am also one of them
then Allah must be looking at all of us at the same time.' To
elaborate more, when a teacher looks at his all students at a
time, that look becomes very sketchy and incomplete. And if
the teacher pays special attention to one particular student,
the rest of the students get ignored/ avoided. But that is not
the case with Allah. HE is totally unique and not comparable
to anything. When Allah looks at His servants, HE can equally
observe everyone as if HE SWT is looking only at me, that
look does not contain any weakness or shortcoming because
HE is 'Ahad' (one and only).

The words that Allah SWT has used are very appealing; Allah
SWT says that you are always in front of My Eyes as if it is
only He and me, and no one is in between us. When you
realize that Allah SWT is always watching and hearing me and
no one else is in between us, and then you will enjoy the
beauty of patience and only ask Him for help, Insha Allah.
5. Walking Humbly on the Earth

The fifth thing is to walk humbly on the earth. While walking,

everyone should reject arrogance, pride, and adopt humility
and simplicity. It has been emphasized a lot in the Qur'an.
۬ ُ‫ﻭﻥ ﻗَﺎﻟ‬
‫ﻭﺍ‬ ِ ‫ﻋﻠَﻰ ْٱﻷ َ ْﺭ‬
َ ُ‫ﺽ َﻫ ْﻭ ۭﻧًﺎ َﻭﺇِﺫَﺍ َﺧﺎ َﻁﺑَ ُﻬ ُﻡ ٱ ْﻟ َﺟـ ِٰﻬﻠ‬ َ ‫ٱﻟﺭﺣْ َﻣـ ِٰﻥ ٱﻟﱠﺫ‬
َ ‫ِﻳﻥ ﻳَ ْﻣﺷ‬
َ ‫ُﻭﻥ‬ ‫َﻭ ِﻋﺑَﺎﺩُ ﱠ‬
‫ﺳﻠَ ٰـ ًۭﻣﺎ‬
The ˹true˺ servants of the Most Compassionate are those
who walk on the earth humbly, and when the foolish
address them ˹improperly˺, they only respond with peace.
(Surah Al-Furqan, 25:63)
Allah SWT Himself praised those who walk humbly on this
earth. Allah SWT has mentioned Luqman Hakim in the Holy
Qur'an who advised his son not to walk proudly on the
ground and Allah hates this lot.
‫ﺏ ُﻛ ﱠﻝ ُﻣ ْﺧﺗَﺎ ۢ ٍﻝ‬
‫ٱ� َﻻ ﻳُ ِﺣ ﱡ‬ ِ ‫ﺎﺱ َﻭ َﻻ ﺗ َ ْﻣ ِﺵ ِﻓﻰ ْٱﻷ َ ْﺭ‬
َ ‫ﺽ َﻣ َﺭ ًﺣﺎ ۖ ِﺇ ﱠﻥ ﱠ‬ ِ ‫ﺻ ِﻌّ ْﺭ َﺧﺩﱠﻙَ ِﻟﻠﻧﱠ‬
َ ُ ‫َﻭ َﻻ ﺗ‬
‫ﻭﺭ‬ ٍ ۢ ‫ﻓَ ُﺧ‬
And do not turn your nose up to people, nor walk pride fully
upon the earth. Surely Allah does not like whoever is
arrogant, boastful. (Surah Luqman, 31:18)

Allah SWT says in Surah Bani Isra'il:

ًۭ ‫ﻁ‬
‫ﻭﻻ‬ َ ‫ﻕ ْٱﻷ َ ْﺭ‬
ُ ‫ﺽ َﻭﻟَﻥ ﺗ َ ْﺑﻠُ َﻎ ٱ ْﻟ ِﺟﺑَﺎ َﻝ‬ ِ ‫َﻭ َﻻ ﺗ َ ْﻣ ِﺵ ِﻓﻰ ْٱﻷ َ ْﺭ‬
َ ‫ﺽ َﻣ َﺭ ًﺣﺎ ۖ ِﺇﻧﱠﻙَ ﻟَﻥ ﺗ َ ْﺧ ِﺭ‬
And do not walk on the earth arrogantly. Surely you can
neither crack the earth nor stretch to the height of the
mountains. (Surah Al-Isra, 17:37)

We will try to share more information about it, Insha Allah.


May Allah SWT be the supporter and helper of all of us, and
may Allah SWT grant ease to the Muslim Ummah out of

Wa-Assalam o Alaikum warahmatullah-e-wabarakatohu



The 1st Divine Dream of Muhammad Qasim

1980 or 1981

Bismillah A-Rahman A-Rahim

As-Salaam Alaikum

Muhammad Qasim says that the first dream of my life came

to me when I was about 4 years old. I started going to school
at the age of 5. I didn't go to school at the time when I had
this dream. So I guess this dream came to me when I was 4
years old. As a kid, I used to love gas balloons. I had an
interest in helium filled balloons. I had loved releasing them
and watching them go up in the sky.

In this dream, I was in my house, and my older brother Javaid

came from outside and said that "the balloon man is here,
buy your balloon before he leaves, otherwise you will start
crying." I got money from my mom and went outside. I asked
the Balloon Man for one balloon and he said "Okay". While
filling the balloon he said "Qasim! Did you know there are
stairs on the roof of your house leading straight to the sky?" I
was very surprised and excited because I was always curious
to know where my balloon goes in the sky. I ran to the roof of
my house with so much excitement. I even forgot to take the
balloon with me.
When I went to the roof, I saw actual stairs, exactly like the
ones from the Mughal Empire. They were circular stairs made
of red bricks leading to the sky. I became very happy when I
saw the stairs. I started going up the stairs. I went up high
and when I looked down, all the houses were tiny. Seeing

this, I got even more happy and went further up. I was even
able to touch the clouds and I got very excited.

Then I thought my mom might be looking for me. So I

decided to go back down when I get tired. Then suddenly, I
got this feeling that these stairs will lead straight to Allah, The
Lord of the worlds. I felt the strange pulse of happiness
surging through my body and I ran up the stairs with full
speed hoping to reach Allah.
And this dream ends here.

Angel Jibraeel (AS) and Muhammad Qasim bin Abdul

Assalamo Alaikum wa Rahmatullahe wa Barakatuhu

In this dream I was sitting on the roof of my house, talking to

Allah. I said “oh Allah! Allow me to walk on the path of the
last prophet Muhammad ‫ ﷺ‬and let me see the gardens of
your mercy then Allah said "okay Qasim! I am sending Jibril
(Alaihisalam) in a clean place in front of your house. He will
take you to the place where you will be able to walk on the
path of the last prophet Muhammad ‫ﷺ‬, and from there you
will reach the gardens of my mercy and blessings."

I became really happy and went to my brother, telling him

"Allah is sending Jibril (Alaihisalam) to me right now." When
my brother heard this he said "Qasim! what are you talking
about? Why would Allah send Jibril (Alaihisalam)?" He didn't
listen to me so I left my house. Then in the park nearby, I saw
“a light coming from the ground.” My brother was staring at
me thinking “what has happened to Qasim!”
In some time, I saw Jibril (Alaihisalam) coming from the sky.
His wings were purely white and there was light emanating
from it. They looked like puffy clouds and they were so white
that the back of the wings could be seen from the front and
all of those wings were moving around very quickly at once.
This was such an amazing sight for me. Jibril (Alaihisalam)
came to me and his beauty was tremendous. I felt that he is

one of the first Angels (Alaihisalam) ever created. I said to

him that "Allah ‫ ﷻ‬told me that you will take me to some
place." He said "yes Allah ‫ ﷻ‬has just given me the order. Grab
my hand and you will fly with me." I grabbed his hand and I
told my brother "look! This is Jibril (Alaihisalam) and he has
come to take me." My brother became surprised that I was
telling the truth. He ran to meet Jibril (Alaihisalam) but he
didn't know there was a terrace in front of him. He was about
to fall over but at that moment, Jibril (Alaihisalam) caught
him and landed him on the ground. Then he took me far
away and landed me at some place. He said "this is where I
was ordered to take you". I said “okay” and walked some
distance Jibril (Alaihisalam) left.
I didn't know where I was, but then I saw the footprints of
the last prophet Muhammad ‫ﷺ‬. I followed those prints until I
reached an amazing place. The place had gardens and
different types of trees and plants. They were such that I
have never seen before. There was a beautiful sweet scent
which I have never smelled before and there was a calm
breeze that felt amazing against my body. I felt a strange type
of pleasure and became very happy. It was a very special
feeling of joy, relief, and satisfaction all at once.
Then I saw a person reciting Surah Rahman (chapter
merciful/Quran) in a very beautiful and soothing voice. His
melody was such that I have never ever heard before. I was
immediately captivated and sat down next to him and
listened to his recitation and I felt a very strange pleasure
every time he recited this ayah (verse), "Which of the favours
from your lord would you deny?" I look back at the gardens

and said, "Indeed we cannot deny any of the favours of


Then I got up and ahead of me, I saw the Nur (light) of Allah
‫ﷻ‬. Then I felt sleepy and started to lay down there. I thanked
Allah for bringing me here out of his Mercy. For bringing me
to a place that I could have never ever imagined. Then I fell
asleep in peace.
The dream ended there.

Walaikum Assalam wa Rahmatullahe wa Barakatuhu


Spiritual Gradation and Special Significance to the

Muhammadan Ummah
‫ﺑﺴﻢ ﷲ ﺍﻟﺮﺣﻤٰ ﻦ ﺍﻟﺮﺣﻴﻢ‬
Assalamo alaykum.

Muhammad Qasim tells that I saw this dream 2009. It was

dark evening time and I was sitting inside of my house, then
suddenly a sharp light entered from the window.

I ran outside out of curiosity and what I saw was beyond

words, I saw beautiful castles floating in the sky; shining like
stars. They were see-through like crystal and moving in one
direction, and then among them was a very marvellous and
magnificent looking castle, this castle was extremely huge
and much taller and wider than any other castle.

My eyes were fixated on this castle, I couldn't look away, its

beauty was immense and its height was immeasurable; going
above the sky and beyond my fields of vision. This castle was
leading ahead of all the other castles, on that castle was the
name of the last prophet Muhammad ‫ ﷺ‬written eloquently.
In the dream, I strongly felt that these castles were the
spiritual ranks of the Prophets (AS) and on every castle the
spiritual ranks were also written.

After seeing the beautiful and amazing castle of the last

prophet Muhammad ‫ﷺ‬, I felt overjoyed and thanks to Allah ‫ﷻ‬
that I am a person in the Ummah (Nation) of the last prophet
Muhammad ‫ﷺ‬, whose spiritual rank is greatest to Allah ‫ﷻ‬.
The spiritual rank written on the castle of the last prophet
Muhammad ‫ ﷺ‬was 99,000 and this was the highest to Allah

‫ﷻ‬. The second biggest and most beautiful spiritual Castle was
that of prophet Ibrahim (AS), and there were the spiritual
ranks of other Prophets (AS) and I didn't see a spiritual rank
of any Prophet (AS) to be less than 12,000. All these beautiful
castles of the Prophets (AS) were like the shining of the stars.
There were really no words to describe how astonishing it
was and soon after, they went by until they were no longer
visible to me. From what I have seen in my other dreams, the
spiritual rank of the Sahabah kram RA (Companions of the
last prophet Muhammad ‫ﷺ‬,) are from 8,000 to 10,000. No
one can ever reach the spiritual rank of any of the Prophets
(AS) and also no one can ever reach the spiritual rank of any
of the Sahabah kram (RA) and the spiritual rank of a normal
Muslim starts from 200. (The dream ended there.)

Walaikum Assalam wa Rahmatullahe wa Barakatuhu



1. Mahdi AS
2. Dajjal
3. Isa AS
4. Gog & Magog)

4 Major Signs of Qiyamah

‫ﺑﺴﻢ ﷲ ﺭﺣﻤﻦ ﺍﻟﺮﺣﻴﻢ‬
Assalamo Alaikum wa Rahmatullahe wa Barakatuhu

I saw a dream on 10th April 2015. Last Prophet Muhammad

‫ ﷺ‬addressed me and he said to me: "My son Qasim! Just
before the day of judgement, 4 major signs will appear."

Then he said to me: "The first major sign is appearance of

you my son Qasim!" I was shocked by the news and saw
myself consulting a religious scholar to confirm about the
first sign of Qiyamah. The scholar asked me the question,
"Are you related to Prophet Muhammad ‫ "?ﷺ‬I told him, "He
is my father and people used to call him by the name Abu Al
Then I saw that scholar talking to the people about my
matter. He returned to me and said that, "Qasim! The first
major sign is already shown by Allah and other will be coming

After 3 or 4 weeks, I dreamed that the last Prophet

Muhammad ‫ ﷺ‬prophesied that "the second major sign will
be shown in the coming years which are the emergence of
Dajjal." He also pointed that the last 2 major signs include the
descent of Eesa AS and the destruction by the Gog and

According to the all prophecies from the dream, the end of

the time is very close. I myself cannot imagine that the world
is going to end in the coming years.

I never ask anybody to believe in me but believe in what

Allah and His last messenger are commanding to Ummah
through my divine dreams.

I humbly request you all to share these dreams with your

family and friends, also visit my fb page and YT channel for
more upcoming and previous dreams also.

Walaikum Assalam wa Rahmatullahe wa Barakatuhu


Who Is Dajjal (the Antichrist)? Where Is He Now? And

When Will He Appear? Learn Full Details
‫ﺑﺴﻢ ﷲ ﺭﺣﻤﻦ ﺍﻟﺮﺣﻴﻢ‬
Many years ago the last prophet Muhammad ‫ ﷺ‬said to his
companions: “between time of the creation of Adam AS and
the Resurrection day, there is nothing greater than the
mischief of Dajjal (the Antichrist).”

Muhammad Qasim says: "In my dreams, I have seen many

things pertaining to the false Messiah and today I’m going to
combine them to present a comprehensive narrative of what
I have witnessed regarding MASIH AD-DAJJAL (THE

The Physical Description of Dajjal (the Antichrist)

Dajjal’s height is about 6 feet and 1 or 2 inches. He has a

cruel face with dark brown skin. He is clean shaved and bears
a mole on his cheek. Dajjal has slight curly dark hairs and he
bears close resemblance to a typical south Asian or Middle
Eastern man. Dajjal has a muscular built and when I saw him,
I didn’t see any of his eyes bulging out rather they were
normal. I don’t know if he is blind in one of his eyes, however
he does have the ability to shapeshift, therefore he can take
on any appearance he desires and uses this ability to appear
in a pleasant form and seduce the masses.
When Dajjal walks, he strides with a lot of pride and it feels
like no one can approach or stand in front of him even those

who may seem to have unshakable resolve will fall victim to

his deception. In my dreams, I have heard Iblees addresses
Dajjal as “My Rich Warlord.”

The Power of Dajjal

According to what I’ve seen in my dreams, Dajjal is frequently

triggering and conspiring pandemonium (fitna) in the Middle
East. Bear in mind that he hasn’t reached his full potential
yet, perhaps that’s why he has not yet appeared in front of
the people but he wants to achieve his full power so that he
can appear in front of the people and for this he increases his
power in various ways. So for the most part of my dreams, I
have seen him constructing some black-magical harnessing
plants which he uses to fuel his powers. In one particular
dream, I’ve seen him performing bizarre rituals through the
use of skulls which he used to gather magical power and
collect them in a fuel tank which acted as a repository similar
to what you see sorcerers and magicians do. In one dream, I
have heard Dajjal saying “very soon my power will increase
and I will acquire some new powers. I will implement my fear
across the entire world and the whole world will either
submit to me…otherwise I will kill them.” Perhaps this is
symbolic for something ominous…Allah knows better. To me
it seems that dajjal is waiting to gather enough power until
he is ready to make an appearance to the world and he gains
this power by establishing magic-harnessing plants. I’m not
sure if the construction of the 3rd temple is a part of his
ritual to obtain more powers, Allah knows best.

When Will Dajjal Appear?

After the great Malhama (WW3), the noor of Allah is filled

throughout the earth and the Muslim ummah implements
peace and justice upon the entire world, and this peace lasts
close to a decade (for 9 years). During this peaceful reign the
Muslim army builds heavy, high tech weaponry and
technology to prepare for the war against Dajjal. While the
Ummah prepares for this trial, a few disbelievers await the
arrival of the Dajjal, most of them being from the Yahood

What Will Dajjal Do When He Appears?

When Dajjal emerges in public, he is able to quickly subdue

the entire world which causes the believers to become fretful
of him. Dajjal claims that he is a God and is easily able to
appeal to the masses and support his claims through the use
of his diabolical powers. Dajjal fools many people and those
with weak faith start joining him very quickly.
Many people have questioned me about whether or not
Dajjal will use technology or Jinns to perform his deceptive
miracles. From what I have seen, Dajjal will be able to
perform his supernatural feats through the use of black
magic. It is only by Allah’s decree that he is able to have such
powers and he is indefinitely the greatest trial for mankind.
In my dreams, I was informed that the supernatural feats
which we watch in movies and television would easily be
performed by Dajjal. *Such as running in the air, shape
shifting, mind manipulation, weather control, and power

over the elements, and so on. These are just examples Allah
knows best.

Dajjal promises the people a paradise on earth, to the men

he promises women, wealth, property, and whatever their
hearts desire. To the women Dajjal promises to beautify their
appearance, make them more attractive, and grant them
anything they desire. Due to this, billions of people join him
in a matter of days.

Dajjal and Muhammad Qasim Face to Face

The Islamic forces advance to confront Dajjal and engage him

and his army of followers, however our efforts seemed to be
of no avail and our heavy missiles were like firecrackers in
front of Dajjal. Remember that at this time technology and
military equipment is at its peak. Allah has sharpened the
minds of Muslims and the world has developed in a way that
no one has seen before but still Dajjal and his armies are
easily able to repel our attacks.
After the appearance of Dajjal and the battle of the Islamic
army with him, I go myself to confront Dajjal and he
persuades me to join him and promises me eternal life and a
high status. I renounce/rebuke him saying “what will happen
by that? we are all going to die someday and nothing except
Allah can live forever, you will fail in your endeavors and you
too shall die one day. The Lord of you and I is one, Allah..the
lord of all the worlds (of the worlds).” Upon hearing this
Dajjal becomes infuriated (irritated/aggitated) and changes
his appearance into a very terrifying form which causes my

body to shake and I couldn’t muster up the courage to say

anything. Dajjal then exclaims that “Qasim! If you don’t
pledge your allegiance to me, I will kill you…go home and
contemplate about your final decision."
After this encounter, I leave from Dajjal’s presence and go
back home. I approach the Muslims and warn them that “If
anyone confronts Dajjal, there is a 99.9% chance that they
will join him. Dajjal is indeed a great trial and only those who
Allah has bestowed his special mercy upon can save
themselves from this trial” I instruct them that “O Muslims! If
we love Allah and the last prophet Muhammad SW, it is
better for us to die as Muslims than to pledge allegiance with
Dajjal. Come! let us die as shaheed in the path of Allah while
fighting Dajjal” The Muslims agree with me and the believers
gather to wage a war against Dajjal and his group of
disbelievers. And with that begins the war between truth
(Haq) and falsehood (Batil).

The Ultimate War Between Dajjal and the Muslims

And with that the war between truth (Haq) and falsehood
(Batil) begins. I engage Dajjal with the Noor of Allah on my
index finger and attack him to divert his attention so that he
doesn’t use his powers on the Muslim army. I keep engaging
Dajjal so that the Muslims could inflict as much damage to
Dajjal’s armies. Due to Allah’s Noor, I was able to fight with
Dajjal for quite some time, however Dajjal was extremely

In the midst of battle, the Noor of Allah suddenly disappears

from my index finger and then I say to myself that "Qasim!
It’s best to fall back from here." I start evading Dajjal and try
to run away and then by the mercy of Allah, I begin to run in
the air and Dajjal comes after me by flying and he exclaims
“Qasim! I will not let you live today!” I manage to traverse
into a mountain terrain; Dajjal follows me there and
continues his onslaught. Dajjal strikes my back and injures
me; I lose my balance and fall down. A large stone next to me
opens up and says “Qasim! Hide yourself inside me, I will
save you from Dajjal" but I refuse the offer. At that moment
Dajjal approaches me while uttering “Qasim! Get ready to
die.” I then beseech Allah praying ” Ya Allah! Help me!” And
then the word “ALLAH” descends from the sky, and then
Allah causes the lightning to strike at the side of a mountain.
The mountain darkens in colour and it shatters into many
pieces. Subsequently causing a frightening sound to arise and
upon hearing this Dajjal immediately faints and falls down.
Then Allah heals my wounds and tells me that “Qasim! Dajjal
has only fainted for four hours and he will wake up after
that." Allah says to me that "Qasim! Run away from here and
hide elsewhere, afterwards I will tell you what to do next and
don’t come in front of Dajjal as long as I command you." I say
”as you command my Lord!” And I express my gratitude to
Allah for saving me from Dajjal and then I start journey to
another location and hide myself.
When Dajjal regains consciousness, he doesn’t remember the
incident that had just occurred and believes that he has killed
me. Dajjal goes back and gloats to the Muslims that he has
killed me. Upon hearing this news the Muslim army becomes

disheartened and demoralized and with that Dajjal starts his

mission without any resistance and one by one the Muslims

The wars with Dajjal cost the lives of hundreds of millions of

people most of them being Muslims.

The End of Dajjal

Dajjal advocates a lifestyle filled with facade, illicit acts,

debauchery, adultery and basically a false “kingdom of
heaven on earth” for his followers and this fitnah continues
for 4-5 weeks until the descent of the son of Mariyum Isa

The Descent of Hazrat Isa (‫)ع�ييه ا�م‬

In my dreams, I have seen our noble prophet Isa alaisalam

descending from the sky. He appears to have wet black hair
and he resembles a Middle Eastern person. Me and the few
believers who remain start to live with Isa alaisalam, and this
is followed by appearance of Yajuj wa Majuj.

Jazakallah Khair

'Dajjal' Satan's Rich Warlord

Bismillah A-Rahman A-Rahaim

As’Salamu Alaikum.
Muhammad Qasim said: I saw dreams about Dajjal and I am
going to share that dream in parts. This is the first part. I’ve
seen Dajjal many times in my dreams. Dajjal’s height is 6 feet
and 1 or 2 inches. Little curly hair, a little black coloured skin.
Dajjal’s face was cruel and when he walks it seemed like no
one can stand before him. He seems like a normal man to me
but he had many magical powers. In one dream Satan calls
him as his "Rich Warlord." When Allah fills the entire world
with His Nur (light) by His mercy then after that it becomes
filled with peace for a while. And after a few years Dajjal
suddenly appeared. When Dajjal appeared, pious people
became worried. Dajjal claimed to be a God and he had also
magical powers.
To support his claim, Dajjal tried to lure the people by false
promises to get eternal youth and life. People with weak
faith started to follow him very quickly. I went to stop Dajjal
and he said that “Qasim! Join me! I will give you eternal life
and Youth!” So I asked Dajjal that “what will happen by that?
One day we are all going to die. You will never succeed in
your purpose and you have to die one day also. The Lord of
me and you is one Allah. The Lord of all the worlds!" Upon
hearing this Dajjal became irritated and he changed his
appearance into a very terrifying one. My body started to
shake and I couldn’t muster up courage to say anything.
Dajjal said to me that “Qasim! If you do not join me then I
will kill you! So go home and think carefully which path you

want to choose!” Then I came back towards Muslims and

said "if anyone went in front of Dajjal then there’s a 99.9%
chance that he would join him. Dajjal is a great trial and only
those can save themselves from this trial upon whom is the
special mercy of Allah. And O Muslims! Instead of joining
Dajjal it is better that we die as a Muslim! Come let’s die in
the way of Allah while fighting Dajjal!" All the Muslims
agreed. We wage a big war against Dajjal. The Nur of Allah
appeared on my right hand index finger and I engage him
with the Nur of Allah, so he won’t be able to use his powers
on the Muslim Army.

The Muslim Army fought with Dajjal’s Army and I fought with
Dajjal so that the Muslim Army may deliver as much damage
as possible to Dajjal’s Army. I keep on fighting Dajjal for a
long time with the nur of Allah. But Dajjal was very powerful
and while fighting him suddenly the Nur of Allah disappeared
from my index finger. I said to myself "Qasim! run away from
here!" Dajjal came after me and said that “Qasim! I will not
let you go alive today”. I started to run in the air with the
mercy of Allah and I kept running till I reached a mountain
terrain and Dajjal also came there after me. Dajjal attacked
me from the back and I fell down there injured. A large Stone
was lying there and it opened and said that "Qasim! Hide
yourself inside me! I will save you from Dajjal!" but I refused
and with that Dajjal approached towards me and said
“Qasim! Get ready to die!” He was going to kill me but at that
time I called Allah. I said “Ya Allah help me!” And then the
word "Allah" written came down from the sky and then Allah
threw lightning on a mountain nearby. And a terrifying sound
was produced and the mountain shattered after becoming
black. Dajjal fainted and fell down. Allah healed my injury and

said “Dajjal has only fainted for 4 hours and he will wake up
after 4 hours. You run away from here and hide yourself
somewhere as long as I do not command and don't come in
front of Dajjal!” I thanked Allah that He saved me and then I
ran away from there. When Dajjal woke up again, he thought
that he had killed me. Then Dajjal came back towards
Muslims and told them that he had killed me and the
Muslims felt weak after hearing this. Dajjal continued his
Mission again without any hurdle. The spirits of Muslims are
lowered by the news of my death.
Jazakallahu Khairan

The Power of Dajjal (Antichrist) and the Help of Allah


Assalamo Alaikum wa Rahmatullahe wa Barakatuhu

In this dream, I had reached a place and saw there was a

rather large plant Dajjal was using to increase his powers. He
installed special equipment to help him accomplish this. He
also had a team of people assisting him. Dajjal was wreaking
havoc and in listing people to join his dark forces. He killed
those who didn’t comply.
I saw Dajjal, but this time I saw him in a very different form.
He was so terrifying; he was exceptionally tall and very
strong. He said, “Soon, when my strength peaks and I attain
even more new abilities. I will instil fear in the hearts of
people all around the world, and the people will either bow
down to me or be killed." I was so disturbed. I wondered
"how can I fill the world with peace and spread true Islam
throughout the world once again as it once was, if Dajjal
I prayed "O Allah! Please do something to stop Dajjal". So
Allah gave me a sword like weapon. I went back to the plant
where Dajjal was upgrading his strength. I started breaking
up the equipment with the weapon given to me by Allah.
When I broke all the equipment Dajjal suddenly came
running out of nowhere and said, ''Qasim! That wasn’t a very
good job you did of trying to get rid of me and now I’m going

to come after you!" I said, "You're a troublemaker that

causes confusion and chaos. You deserved it." Dajjal says,
"How do you think you’re going to stop me?” Then I hit Dajjal
with a swift blow using the weapon given to me by Allah and
he was injured pretty badly but didn’t die. He was
incapacitated so I buried him deep in the depths of the earth
and melted iron over the area where he was buried and said
to myself, “Dajjal isn’t dead, but this will slow him down. It
will take many years for him to get out of there!”

Freedom From the System of Dajjal (Antichrist)


Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem

Assalamo Alaikum wa Rahmatullahe wa Barakatuhu

Muhammad Qasim saw a dream. In this dream we were in a

very huge building. The building was managed with a system
which prevented anyone from escaping. I was very
concerned with this system of the building and I wanted to
escape it but I couldn't find a way out. Then in a dream Allah
told me “there's a way out, search for it and I will help you."
I immediately started searching and on the way, I met a few
people. I told them “Allah has told me there's a way out of
the system. Come! Let's go and find it” but they said “are you
crazy? No one has ever escaped this building and even if they
did we have no clue how to do it. So don't waste your time
and don't waste ours. Why don't you just keep on living in
this building like everyone else?” I said in my heart “you
mean live like a slave?” I refuse to accept that so I continue
my search. I found some influential people who had many
followers. I asked them “is there a way out of here.” They
told their “take him to a doctor, this man is crazy.” They took
me to a doctor and the doctor said that “there is a defect in
his heart and there is no cure.” After seeing this I became
worried. No one was listening to me and Allah hasn't helped
me yet. I became disappointed so I left.

I passed by several halls one after another until I reach a

place where there was the light of the Sun and that light was

shining on one or two people. They looked at me and one of

them said "look! How beautiful his sweater is". I looked at my
sweater and I became surprised thinking “when did I put on
this sweater?” It was actually a very beautiful sweater with
amazing colour. I didn't understand so I continued walking
towards the source of the sunlight. A man said “if he is
truthful then he will distribute food and money.” I ignored
them and went to the source of the light; it was a small hole
in the wall where the sunlight was coming from. I became
But sadly the hole was not big enough for me to escape
through, so I stuck my hand in to see if I could make it bigger
and then it expanded by a little. Then I inserted both hands
and my head and I was able to climb out. I became very
happy knowing the help of Allah had arrived. I went forward
and found my home. In my house there were many birds
inside cages. They were hungry and chirping loudly. I thought
how I can feed them since I have nothing to feed them with. I
became worried so I clinched my hand into a fist and then
suddenly I felt grains. I poured the grains into the container
for the birds until it was filled and my hands also remained
filled with grains. I was amazed and wondered where the
grains came from? I gave a little food to every bird fearing
the grains in my hands might run out but they didn't.

Then I gave the birds water just like that and they were all
eating. I became very tired after doing all this and told myself
”how this is difficult work.” I open the door of their cages and
told them to go out in the morning and find their sustenance
with their own and come back to your cages in the evening
and also keep your cages clean. The birds all agreed and said

"we will obey all your commands." I became surprised

thinking what type of birds are these that they're able to talk
to me.

Then all those birds did exactly what I asked them to do and
their breed multiplied swiftly. I said “I will sell these birds to
the rich people of the building and gain wealth and I should
also do something else to impress the people of the building
and that I should surpass them so that they will have to
accept my terms. I remember how they lacked a source of
power in that building. So I wanted to invent a new generator
to create electricity. Then a powerful and new generator
appeared in front of me by the mercy of Allah.
I was so surprised. I thought about it and Allah made it into a
reality. I said to the people of that building that “I invented a
very easy and new formula to generate electricity.” Then
those people sent their best engineers and they were
amazed by the generator and they requested the formula to
make a similar one.
I needed to gain wealth to free the people. So I said to them
do you think that I will give it to you for free. Then I gained a
lot of wealth by selling the birds and the formula. I freed
many people from the building by giving money to the
owners. I distributed money amongst the people and gave
them food as well as a place to live. There was still more
people in the building and I was debating whether I should
give the rest of food and money to all of them or not.

I know I would feel ashamed if the money finishes and I

couldn't save the others and distribute to them but Allah said
from the sky that “those people who do not despair from the

mercy of Allah and remain patient then Allah gives such a

reward to them and the treasures of Allah do not end by
distributing, instead they constantly increase. And Allah is
dominant over what He does but most people know not.”
Walaikum Assalam wa Rahmatullahe wa Barakatuhu

Magic of Dajjal (Antichrist) and the Negligence of the


Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem

Assalamo Alaikum wa Rahmatullahe wa Barakatuhu

Muhammad Qasim says: In this dream, I got something from

Allah ‫ ﷻ‬and I had to spread some messages to people and
after that I started to meet people but Dajjal found out that I
am trying to help the Muslims to regain their lost destiny and
unite them. So Dajjal started to use his powers. I met the
Muslims and gave them the messages but Dajjal had already
made them senseless and the people neither listened to my
messages nor did they listen to anything I said but there were
some people upon whom was the special Mercy of Allah ‫ﷻ‬
and Dajjal had no power over them and they listened to what
I said and they recognized me that "your name is Qasim!"
I became happy upon meeting these people. Then these
people gave others the messages along with me but no one
listened to us except for a few people. Then one or two who
used to believe in me went away and I became surprised that
‘’What happened to them’’? Then I felt difficulty in breathing
and one friend who was with me said that ‘’My face looks
changed’’. I became surprised and looked at the mirror and
saw that there was a mask on my face and I said that ‘’This is
why I have difficulty in breathing and then some people left
me and went away because they couldn't recognize me
because of the mask’’. My friend said that ‘’This is definitely
the work of Dajjal so that the people who believe in you will

leave you.’’ I took off the mask and said that ‘’Dajjal isn’t in
full power yet and still he is so powerful. How dangerous will
he be when he gets the full power?’’

Then we decided to reach some influential people but before

we could reach them Dajjal had made them deaf, mute and
blind and they were unable to think or understand anything
as if they were in a coma. I became really surprised that why
is Dajjal so strong. How does he find out that we are going to
these places so he can do magic on them. I told all the people
who were sitting with me that ‘’Dajjal is after us, I have
something which was given to me by Allah ‫ ﷻ‬and Dajjal isn’t
in full power yet so he will not appear before us but he will
attack us by his magic and from behind so you all be careful
and act upon all the advice given by the last Prophet
Muhammad ‫ ﷺ‬to keep us safe from Dajjal’’.

Then we went to various places to contact the people. There

were two or three people with me and we reached a river or
a beach along the sea and there was a boat there. I said upon
seeing it that ‘’we will sit on this boat and go to a different
place’’ but there were some people who had gone to some
other places to give the messages. We left a person with the
boat and went to call other people who had gone to contact
other people. We brought those people back and that person
was sitting with his leg placed in muddy water, and suddenly
he screamed and took his leg out and his feet up to his knee
were burning as if someone threw an acid on it. We became
worried on seeing it that ‘’what has happened?’’ I said to him
that ‘’why did you sit and place your leg in the muddy
water?’’ I had already said that ‘’Dajjal is behind us and he
will not miss a single chance.’’ He couldn’t walk and other

people picked him up and put him in the boat. I went back
once again and looked at the influential people and said that
‘’when will these people wake up? For how long will they
continue to exist in the same state? These people will only
believe me when they wake up and thats when their
followers will believe me but when will all this happen?’’
Then I said that ‘’I should leave them and go to the other side
of the boat, perhaps there I might find some hope.’’ And in
the way back I also got some medical treatment along with
me and then we wrapped plaster on that person's leg so that
he might recover soon. Then another person said that
‘’where will we go on this boat?’’ I said that ‘’Perhaps we
might find some hope for we have tried here but nothing
When we sat on the boat and we were ready to go then we
saw some people who looked like as if they had escaped a
war zone. We asked them ‘’who are you all?’’ They said that
‘’War started suddenly at the place we were living at and our
homes were destroyed badly and we could hardly make it
here.’’ I said that ‘’what happened there that all their homes
were destroyed and they were forced to migrate?’’ I said to
my friends that ‘’lets take them to a safe place first and then
we will go on our journey.’’ After taking them to a safe place
we went on our journey and we reached a place where there
was a very huge castle type house with very high walls. After
seeing it I said that ‘’this is the place where I wanted to go.’’
I said to the people that ‘’there is a huge door here which we
will open to enter the castle.’’ Then we searched for the door
but we couldn't find it. I became surprised that this is the
right castle so why couldn't we find the door? Then I saw a

pillar and said that ‘’the door was near it so why can't I see
it?’’ When we went a little further from the pillar then we
saw the door but when I went a little back then it
disappeared. One person said that ‘’Perhaps Dajjal knows
about this door and he hid this door with his magic so that no
one could see the door from far. I said that ‘’Yes this could be
the reason, there's a wall of magic in the middle which is
hiding the door.’’ And when I looked from far then I could
only see the wall but when I came near then I started seeing
the door. One person said that ‘’How will this door open?" I
went near to the door but it did not open. I looked at the
door and said that ‘’perhaps Dajjal has took it under his
control otherwise this door would have definitely opened
upon my arrival.’’ Then I took out the thing which was given
to me by Allah ‫ﷻ‬. It was pure water and I poured it on the
door and the door started to upgrade. I said to the people
who were with me that ‘’this door has a level 6 but by
pouring this pure water it has started to upgrade and it will
upgrade to level 10 and then it will be free from control of
Dajjal and then it will open.’’ One person asked that ‘’how
long will it take this door to upgrade?’’ I said that ‘’Allah ‫ﷻ‬
knows better, now come with me there is a secret way near
this door from which we can look inside the castle but we
can’t enter it from there and if we see someone inside then
we will convince him to help us.’’

When we went up from the secret way then the castle was
filled with darkness and it was abandoned and it seemed that
no one had come here for centuries. Upon seeing it
abandoned I became very sad. I looked at the door and it was
upgrading and we could only go inside when it opens. We
couldn’t find anything there either except for the door and

then we decided to go back because we could only do

something if the door opened. Suddenly a green coloured
paint bucket came jumping towards me while shouting my
name and said that ‘’Qasim! You have come! I've been
waiting for you for long while hiding inside here.’’ Dajjal has
taken control over everything and he has changed everything
into ghost like because they are unable to understand what is
happening to them and only those people are safe who have
a special mercy of Allah ‫ ﷻ‬upon them.’’ I said that ‘’this is
why I was surprised because everyone in the castle knew me
whether they are living or non living and thats why the door
didn’t open either.’’ Then I sprinkled the pure water on the
bucket and suddenly a peacock came flying while speaking
my name, and said that ‘’Qasim! You have come!’’ That
peacock was very beautiful and I sprinkled pure water on it
too and it started to shine and then another peacock came.
We became happy on seeing all this that at least we got
some hope even if these are birds and non living things but
these are very great signs for us.
Then I looked at the corner of the castle and I saw a black
weak and hungry cow which was chained. Its face was very
weird and horrifying and I felt as if Dajjal has brought it into
this state. When I looked into its horrific eyes, I felt that
Dajjal is present in this castle and he is looking at me from
these cows’ eyes. (And the dream ended there.)

Walaikum Assalam wa Rahmatullahe wa Barakatuhu


Sending a Terrible Storm of Antichrist in Muslim


Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem

Assalamo Alaikum wa Rahmatullahe wa Barakatuhu

Muhammad Qasim says: In this dream, I was on the roof of a

very large house, situated between some smaller houses
where I and some other Muslims lived. There was a smaller
house to the right of me that wasn’t too sturdy. There were
Muslims occupying all these houses. In the distance I could
see two large buildings surrounded by several large houses
and some more small houses, Muslims lived there too.
Around there was huge lofty buildings.

I could see some people constructing a rather large plane.

They fixed one engine but left the other not fixed. I was
puzzled as to why anyone would attempt to fly a plane in this
condition. I figured it’s probably going to crash and hit
something if it takes flight like this and cause a lot of
destruction. Just as I suspected when the plane took off it
spent out of control and turned slightly ultimately heading
straight towards my house. I was terrified. A huge blast which
caused me to duck in shock. I had to muster up some courage
and get up. The plane crashed into the house next to mine.
The house caught fire and spread to my house causing a wall
to become engulfed with flames.

People in the house were asking "who would do a thing like

this.” When I looked in the direction the plane took off from,

I could see "the Dajjal (Antichrist) standing there on the roof

of a house." I was shocked and confused. "Why was he
there? He seemed to be doing something strange." Then he
used his powers to unite the winds and the clouds and a
terrifying sort of thunderstorm was formed. He sent it
towards the place where there were several big homes and a
few smaller ones. The thunderstorm was terrifying and
scared the Muslims upon seeing it. The thunderstorm just
stopped over top of those homes. Thick dark clouds with
lightning and fast winds kept hovering over the roofs of their
houses circulating like a huge hurricane. It felt as if would
destroy everything. The clouds were so enormous they
reached my roof, it was terrorizing for every Muslim home
but no Muslim or scholar could muster up the courage to say
All Muslims started to pray to Alláh ‫ ﷻ‬to stop this
thunderstorm or finish it. I said “Dajjal is doing all of this, It’s
better to do something practical along with the supplication.”
I was looking at Dajjal, "he was looking at the sky and
thinking something." I wondered "what he’s looking at and
what he’s waiting for." Then, Dajjal raised his arms in the sky
and did something. I decided that it’s better to go down
there and try to prevent any further evil. As I left, rain started
to pour. On my way down, I noticed the ceiling being filled
with water drops. I said “What is this? Water is dropping
from the roof? There isn’t even a single hole”. Then in the
floor below, I noticed the same water dripping through the
ceiling like before.

I became horrified, thinking how is this even possible? This

will completely destroy our house. I saw the others, they

looked very worried. I went back to the roof. The rain was so
much, visibility was zero. I looked over the edge and saw that
water was accumulating in the house. The water was swishy
around violently, I felt like it was going to break the walls. I
looked at the main gate and it was closed. I became shocked
upon seeing the powers of Dajjal. I said "I should open the
main gate so the water can leave and the pressure is lifted
before the wall breaks." I went to the ground floor and saw
that many people were drowning in water. I swam towards
the main gate and then grabbed it. The water was pushing
me back with force but I managed to open the main gate. All
the water drained out and we were all saved. They said
“Qasim! If you hadn’t opened this gate, then we would have
surely drowned.”
Some army men came and warned us against people who are
attacking our homes. The people became distressed saying
"one problem was solved and now another one begins." The
army men left and I decided to follow them in order to
defend the innocent people. I stopped and realized that I
needed ammunition to fight. After searching the house, I
found some ammo as well as a giant weapon with a scope,
and a uniform in one room. I saw that the back side of the
house was slightly damaged and there was a house on the
other side of this wall. I then made my way back. The army
was fighting a few people but their ammunition was weak
and running out and the enemies were too strong. Those
enemies had a very solid strategy leaving the army at a
disadvantage. I hid myself strategically and looked through
the scope. I was able to see through the wall very clearly. I
aimed and activated the weapon which passed right through
the wall and hit the enemy. That enemy fell and became

unconscious. I became amazed thinking "what kind of

weapon is this? I activated the weapon a few more times and
the rest of the enemies fainted."

The army also saw me and became surprised that "what kind
of weapon is this?" I said to them that "these enemies are
very powerful and only this weapon can stop them." Then we
went into a room and there was a person controlling that
entire building. Upon seeing him, I knew that he is a helper of
Dajjal. I captured that person and left the army detain him
and guard him carefully because he knows the whereabouts
of his leader. I didn’t tell the army that Dajjal sent these men.
Then we returned and the army said that "the enemies are
dealt with" and so everyone became happy. They said
"Qasim defeated all these enemies when we were unable to
do anything." People became surprised and said “Qasim, how
did you overcome the enemies? Where did you get this
weapon and uniform? Are you a soldier?” I said “yes I am a
soldier of Allah ‫ﷻ‬.”
Then I thought about Dajjal and said that "this is just the
beginning." I never got a chance to see how much
destruction the thunderstorm caused. This is because of the
heavy rain.

Walaikum Assalam wa Rahmatullahe wa Barakatuhu


2 Faces of Dajjal
November 28, 2021
‫ﺑﺳﻡ ﷲ ﺍﻟﺭﺣﻣٰ ﻥ ﺍﻟﺭﺣﻳﻡ‬
Assalamo Alaikum wa Rahmatullahe wa Barakatuhu

Brother Qasim saw a short dream a few days ago that there
was a person who looked in his middle age and he had a very
pious look and he was doing welfare work and helping people
and pretending to be a very nice and pious person and
religious too. And then Brother Muhammad Qasim found
himself in a place where some person was looking for him.
That person was wearing a hoodie (black-coloured outfit).
And that person was looking for Brother Muhammad Qasim
and he was finding him in that dream to kill him or harm him.
But Brother Muhammad Qasim found himself in sort of a
place which is not easily visible just like you see there is a
chimney or fire place inside rooms. As in some western
constructions, you see fireplaces that are made within rooms
so that it is used as a heater. So in that kind of place, he saw
himself hiding in. And that hoodie person was looking around
for Brother Muhammad Qasim but he couldn't see him.
Because of Brother Muhammad Qasim's position under that
fireplace, he could see that person.

After some time that person found a woman who was

wearing an Islamic dress and she looked religious and that
person slaughtered her right there. And while slaughtering
her, his face was revealed a bit and then Brother Muhammad
Qasim was able to see his face and he says to himself in the
dream that O! This is Dajjal. Before that, he didn't know that

the person looking for him and after him was Dajjal and he
then realises that O! This is Dajjal that was after me. I think
that is about the dream.

But basically, that dream is about the 2 faces of Dajjal. In

public Dajjal is living like a very pious person in his middle age
and he does welfare work and pretends himself as a very nice
and pious and religious man and pretends to be a caring
Muslim but in his other mode, he actually is some sort of
assassin who hits religious people and Islamic people and the
people who are in the path of Allah and kills them for no
reason and he is living like two faces and two presentations.

Walaikum Assalam wa Rahmatullahe wa Barakatuhu


Who Are Gog and Magog? What Are They? When Will
They Appear?
Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem

I have seen Gog and Magog and Isa (AS) many times in my
dreams. Here is a summary of the dreams I had about Gog
and Magog.

Gog and Magog are of two colours which are black and
white. Both are the same and the only difference is their
colour. Gog and Magog are like a different type of big
gorillas. I have never seen a face similar to Gog and Magog in
pictures or movies. When they start coming out then they
never stop. And they have a unique type of anger inside them
for humans. Because of humans they were in prison for
centuries and they take revenge for this from humans.

Gog and Magog live in a very huge hole in the earth. And the
way to the hole is trough a very large cave and inside is a long
way that leads into the earth. This one is smaller as
compared to the cave but Gog and Magog can easily come
and go from the cave via this path. The roof of the hole was
very high and Gog and Magog are unable to climb it and in
the roof are small holes from where they get light and air.
When Gog and Magog are in the hole, they have no idea
what is going on in the cave or in the way leading to the cave.
When Gog and Magog come out they spread mischief and
after spreading mischief they go back into the hole and they
live there for 4 to 6 months and they don't come out. And
this is the time when Zulqurnain builds a wall on the opening
of the cave. Zulqurnain first blocks the inner way to the cave

and when the inner way is blocked then Gog and Magog are
trapped and they couldn’t break down this wall.

When Gog and Magog come out, just a few weeks before it,
the Muslims have the worst battle with the Antichrist. And
When Gog and Magog come out; humans have no heavy
weapon to fight Gog and Magog.

In a dream I go to fight with a strong headed non believer.

And before going I boarded my family and some other people
in an advanced type of train and I tell them "to wait for me
here. When I come back, we will leave this place forever and
will go to join Isa (AS)." When I kill that strong headed non
believer with the help of Allah, I hear the voice of the last
Prophet Muhammad ‫ ﷺ‬saying "Qasim! Gog and Magog have
come out; get to your home fast." I get to my home fast.
When I reach home, everything was fine.
I tell the people that "you all sit with caution" and that "Gog
and Magog have come out" and they can attack our train". I
started the train and get up on the roof of the train. So that if
Gog and Magog would attack, I will kill them with the Nur
(light) of Allah. The Nur of Allah then appeared on my finger.
And on the way four or five white coloured Gog and Magog
attacked our train. And when I see them it seems like they
are coming down from the sky. They attack with a terrifying
scream and a lot of speed. But when I throw the Nur of Allah
on them they die in the air. Later I feel that Gog and Magog
run fast and they make small jumps and then they make a big
jump and they go very high in the air. And then they attack
on coming down so that no one is able to defend himself. The
best way to kill Gog and Magog which I have understood is to

kill them while they are in the air because their movement
speed is very fast and their body is very strong and they have
a lot of power in their arms and legs.

On the way I saw a few people and I stopped there to board

them on the train and the people who were with me told me
not to stop as it can be dangerous but I said that "perhaps I
will be able to save a few more people." And just as I stop the
train black-coloured Gog and Magog attacked and since it
was night, I could not see them clearly either but I kill them
all with the Nur of Allah. And the people who were with me
were saved with the mercy of Allah and there was no damage
to the train but those people were killed for whom I stopped
for. My companions said that "Qasim! You will get us killed
while saving a few people" and I said that "you are right we
shouldn't take the risk."

Then we did not stop anywhere. And with the mercy of Allah
we reached Isa (AS) at fajr (dawn) time. Isa (AS) came to
earth just a few moments before we reached him. Then we
started to live with Isa (AS).

I've never seen in my dreams that what Gog and Magog eat
and how they are alive in the cave for so many years and also
I've never seen who kills them all but I've seen that Gog and
Magog destroy the entire world and only a few people were


The Help and Support of Allah, One Day Before

Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem

It is the last day until Qiyamah (day of judgement) and I see a

building which I have to climb. I don't have any equipment
(stairs, etc.) to reach the top of the building. So people are
making fun of me saying he is merely wasting his time. I see a
brick in one of the walls of the building with little space that
can be stepped on. From there I step on the bricks and start
climbing which was a very difficult for me but I do not give

I keep climbing up and say to Allah Almighty “why did you

put me in so much trouble?" But with Allah’s help, I finally
managed to reach the top of the building. Muslims address
me and say "we are your brothers and we want to help you."
I think in my heart "you people used to laugh at me when I
needed your help and when you saw that Allah is with me,
you changed your attitude! And now you are trying to show
me that you are a true Muslim! Rather You are very bad
people. Allah is the One who has given me success. It would
be better for me to trust in Allah alone in the future."

Respite and Mercy of Allah Before Establishing the

Last Day (Day of Qiyamah)

Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem

Assalamo Alaikum wa Rahmatullahe wa Barakatuhu

Muhammad Qasim saw many dreams where it was the last

day until Qiyamah (day of judgement) but every time Allah
extended it by a day out of his Mercy. This is because Qasim
did not finish the work he had been given. In the 1st dream
of Qiyamah Muhammad Qasim says: I was talking to Allah
while He was above His throne. Allah told me "Qasim! do all
your work before 6pm so I can establish Qiyamah". I said
"okay" and started to walk home. I saw a girl on my way and I
wanted to marry that girl. I started to follow the girl and
completely forgot that Allah will establish Qiyama at 6pm.
The girl was walking with speed and I couldn't keep up with
her because there were many obstacles and big crowd
slowing me down as well. When she left my sight, I kept on
searching for her. When I was sure that I had lost her, I
looked at my watch and it was 8pm. I was so shocked and
terrified; I sat down holding my head thinking what has
happened to me. Allah only gives us one chance and I have
wasted it. But then I wondered how I'm even alive its past
I walked back to the place that I spoke to Allah completely
filled with fear. I asked Allah in a fearful tone saying "O Allah!
Why haven't you established Qiyamah yet?" Allah replied in a
very soft and gentle way saying "Qasim! You never told me

whether you completed your work or not so I didn't establish

Qiyamah". After seeing Allah’s Mercy I felt more at ease. I
told Allah “how I met a girl and I wasted all my time chasing
after her and in the end I couldn't even get her.” Allah said
"no problem Qasim! For you I have extended the time before
Qiyamah. You must be very tired, you should go home and
rest. Then work on any day that you choose and when you
finish your work then tell me so I can establish Qiyamah".

I was so excited. I said to Allah in my heart that “you have

done such a huge favour on me today. From now on, I will
only ever rely in you.” I went home slept and woke up at
7am. I took a bath put on new clothing and started my work.
One of my works was to remove darkness from the world. I
completed all my work by 10 or 11am. I told myself at 5pm
that “I will tell Allah about my completion.” But for now
everything was peaceful, ! and everyone were enjoying
ourselves and we ate from the mercy of Allah. When it was
5pm, I went to the place where I talk to Allah. I told him "with
your help I have completed the work you had given me".
Then Allah said "okay Qasim! I will now establish Qiyamah".
Then I asked Allah "you didn't establish Qiyamah yesterday
because of me so does that mean you increased the lifespan
of people?" Allah Told me "not only did I increase their
lifespan but I also increase their Rizq (provision).” And the
dream ended there.

The same thing happened to me in my real life. In October

2013, I felt that I had wasted my life and I realized that my
time won't ever come back. And then Allah told me in a
dream on December 2013 that "Qasim! I have some very
special plans for you now you take some rest and afterwards

I will tell you what to do next". Then in the dream on April

2014, Allah told me for the first time "Qasim! Narrate your
dreams to the whole world; I want everyone to know who
you are".
Walaikum Assalam wa Rahmatullahe wa Barakatuhu

Reaching Qiyamah (the Day of Judgement)

‫ﺑﺴﻢ ﷲ ﺭﺣﻤﻦ ﺍﻟﺮﺣﻴﻢ‬
Assalamo Alaikum wa Rahmatullahe wa Barakatuhu

Muhammad Qasim tells that “there was a beautiful dream in

which I intend to follow the path of the last Prophet
Muhammad ‫ﷺ‬. When I dreamed of stairs, I always thought
that I should see the next part of that dream. That what
happens after I climb all those stairs?

Then in 2005 I saw a dream that I came out of the earth/soil

and I found myself in Maidan e Hashar (Day of judgement).
And that soil was very pure and very clean and didn't look
dirty or bad. There were clouds in the sky and the light rain
and a very beautiful weather. And when I woke up I saw that
my face was towards the south. The scene was so beautiful
that I started praising Allah SWT that you are so merciful that
you created this weather. Then I looked towards the west
and I saw that two people were standing in front of Allah's
Arsh (throne). One person's height is nearly touching the
Arsh of Allah and the second man is only as tall so that he
reaches the knees of the first man. One man was very tall
and one was short and I said that "who is this person that his
height is up to the Arsh of Allah? (I have always wished that
my voice reaches Allah's Arsh) And His head cloth was
rubbing the Arsh of Allah and he was moving slightly and due
to that the Arsh was moving a little. And I said that "how
great is this person that Allah's Arsh is shaking." And then I
promised myself that I will follow the footsteps of that tall

person and reach Allah SWT. When I woke up I had an

amazing feeling and it remained for at least a month. Then I
realized that the tall man could only be the last Prophet
Muhammad ‫ ﷺ‬and the short man could be Ibrahim AS.
Then after a month Allah SWT told me in a dream that the
tall person was the last prophet Muhammad ‫ ﷺ‬and the short
person was Ibrahim AS and you were right to think so!
Walaikum Assalam wa Rahmatullahe wa Barakatuhu



How Will WW3 Start? And How Will Pakistan Win in

This War?
MAR 03, 2017


Assalamo Alaikum wa Rahmatullahe wa Barakatuhu

Muhammed Qasim saw Turkey falling down and destruction

was everywhere. Immediately after this happened, Israel
became very active. They increased their operation around
Palestine and they also built a fort for Dajjal. And Muslims
couldn't do anything either other than protest.

Then Israel formed alliances with other countries and spread

unrest. USA was among their supporters and helped Israel by
offering their intelligence. When Russia found out about this,
it immediately formed alliances with countries nearby. And
Russia also became active and raced the others in conquering
lands in the Middle East. It was as if they were all aiming to
conquer the entire world.

Then USA openly jumped in the Middle East and they met
with Israel and other allies and together they started fighting
against groups of Russia. And this caused Russia and their
allies to fight back. And thus World War 3 had begun and the
battlefields were countries of the Middle East. Due to which

the worst destruction took place in the Middle East and huge
amount of Muslims were massacred. The war became so
violent and terrifying that neither were the Muslims able to
fight back nor did anyone dare to come to their help. The
Bloodshed slowly spread throughout countries such as Egypt,
Sudan, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, UAE and almost every part of
the Middle East.

The team of Israel were constantly gaining more and more

allies. And even some Muslim countries also became allies
with either USA or Russia. Both superpowers wanted to
conquer most of the lands. And whichever territory they
attained, they held onto it firmly. And they continued fighting
one another while massacring the Muslims.

On the other side Pakistan grow stronger and started

expanding. But then India who was allied with Israel started
attacking Pakistan. USA Israel and even many other Middle
East countries helped India against Pakistan. They all
intended to destroy Pakistan completely. So Pakistan had a
very large amount of enemies but Allah protected Pakistan
with around 3,000 black fighter jets. Then the war against
Pakistan began and with the help of Allah Pakistan came out
Victorious against their enemies.

Pakistan conquered all of India as well as Bangladesh and

Afghanistan and once Pakistan claimed victory over India.
Indonesia and Malaysia also became allies of Pakistan.

Then Pakistan jumped in the Middle East by the will of Allah

and they fought with both superpowers using the powerful
black fighter jets. Pakistan attacked enemies in such a way
that no one could stop them.

After defeating both superpowers Pakistan became a

superpower and secluded themselves from the world.
Pakistan regains control of the Middle East and Arab
countries too. All of these areas became a part of Pakistan
and they started rebuilding those areas. Then the true Islam
of the last Prophet Muhammad ‫ ﷺ‬started establishing in all
those areas and peace finally prevailed where once the
greatest war of mankind took place.

Jazakallahu Khairan

Allah's Black Helicopter and Pak Army

As-Salaam Alaikum

Yesterday in a dream, I was lost and going somewhere. I

supplicated to Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala to let me walk on
the path of last Prophet Muhammad ‫ ﷺ‬and let me do such
works by which you shall become happy.
After that I saw a huge and tall building and I went inside.
Then I went ahead and reached the roof of the building and
said that ‘’This is the time when Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala
will talk to me.’’ So just after that Allah started to talk to me
from the sky and said that ‘’Qasim! I am sending a powerful
big black helicopter for you and then I will teach you how to
fly it.’’

After some time the helicopter arrived and Allah Subhanahu

wa Ta'ala told me about the helicopter and how to fly it. I
flew it but I couldn't fly it correctly. Then I learned how to fly
the helicopter and I flew the helicopter and brought it near
the Army of Pakistan. Pakistan's Army was ready to go on
some mission. So I asked them to take me along with them, I
have been given this helicopter by Allah Subhanahu wa
Ta'ala, and Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala and the last Prphet
Muhammad ‫ ﷺ‬has told me that

‘’Qasim! one day the Muslim Ummah will need you to take
them out of darkness!’’

Then the Army Chief said that ‘’thank you for your help! You
should take rest, we are enough for this operation!’’ So I said
that ‘’as you wish.’’ Pakistan’s Army came out for an
operation and I went with them a bit far and then I went to
another direction.
And then the night fell, and I slept in the helicopter and the
last Prophet Muhammad ‫ ﷺ‬came in my dream and said that
‘’Qasim! Pakistan Army is getting trapped in a hardships and
their ammo is also going to finish!’’

I woke up and started to find a way to get to Pakistan Army

but I didn’t find them. I said ‘’Pakistan Army is a strong army
they can handle it’’ and then I slept again. Then the last
Prphet Muhammad ‫ ﷺ‬came to my dream again and said that

‘’Qasim! Pakistan is the last castle of Islam! wake up! you

have to save Pakistan go and help them!’’
Then I woke up and said that ‘’whenever the last Prophet
Muhammad ‫ ﷺ‬comes to my dreams two times then it means
that I have to do that work.’’ Then I search and say ‘’where
has Pakistan Army gone?’’ I ask Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala to
show me the way, so the Nur (light) of Allah Subhanahu wa
Ta'ala appeared in front of me and I followed that Nur with
full speed and I reach the place where Pakistan Army had
conducted the operation. I had went ahead where there
were some terrorists left and they were becoming powerful. I
kill them with a machine gun but I couldn't aim correctly and
a lot of ammo got wasted but I killed them all.
Then I went ahead and saw that an operation had occurred
at another place but a few terrorists were still left there. I

said to myself that ‘’Qasim! leave these little terrorists and go

and help the Army.’’ So I flew the helicopter once again at
high speed and reached the place where Pakistan Army was
conducting the operation. There was a huge tank like
machine which Pakistan’s Army was trying to destroy but it
was not getting destroyed and only Army Chief and two
other helicopters had ammo. The ammo of everyone else
had finished and one or two Pakistan's helicopters had also
been destroyed. So I opened fire on it immediately after
arriving there. My aim wasn't very accurate but I destroyed it
with the Help of Allah.

Then another machine came which was much bigger than the
last one and it fired a missile at Pakistan Army helicopters.
And I destroyed that missile in the air. I said to Pakistan Army
that ‘’you all go away and let me fight with this machine." So
Pakistan Army went to a side and I went in front of the
machine and fired two small missiles at it and those missiles
exploded after going inside the machine and the machine got
destroyed. After that Pakistan Army raised the slogan of
Allahu Akbar and everyone became happy.

Army Chief said that ‘’you destroyed the machine with ease,
we should have listened to you before, you came in the niche
of time otherwise our ammo was almost finished and that
machine was also not getting destroyed.’’ I replied ‘’I had told
you before but anyway Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala brought
me here at the right time and I destroyed the machines with
the Help of Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala. Allah Subhanahu wa
Ta'ala has sent this helicopter and no machine can withstand
in front of it.’’ And this dream ends here. Jazakallahu Khairan

Satanic Technology and the Trouble for Muslims


Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem

Assalamo Alaikum wa Rahmatullahe wa Barakatuhu

Muhammad Qasim saw there was chaos and unrest

everywhere. All the Muslims were busy with their own
selves. I reached a place where evil forces were plotting a
plan and were talking to each other, “How since Muslims are
occupied with their own lives, they will be unable to save
themselves so we will destroy every one of them and make it
seem to the world that we are doing this for peace.” After
that, they started to make powerful machines one after
another. I thought how no one could possibly fight against
these powerful and dangerous machines. When they finished
completing the machines, I went back.

The machines flew high in the sky and those machine started
firing at each other. We Muslims were trapped in the middle
and all of our buildings and businesses were there. Also there
was a huge wall that blocked off the rest of the world from
seeing what was going on. So they showed the rest of the
world how powerful their machines are and how two groups
were fighting each other but in truth, it was actually just one
group destroying Muslim's and their houses. The evil forces
told the world that a group amongst the Muslims have
powerful machines and they also said that we have to
destroy them or else they will destroy the world peace. But
these were horrible lies and all of the machines belong to evil

forces. It was only a wretched excuse to massacre the

Muslims and to be shown to the world as the righteous ones.

I gather a few people and asked them "how can we fight

them?" Because of this war, we will get completely
destroyed. We Muslims didn't know what to do. Everyone
was trying to hide and we kept on getting killed. Then the
Nur (light) of Allah appeared on my right hand index finger
but it wasn't enough to destroy those machines. I said "ya
Allah (oh Allah) do something otherwise we will get
destroyed. Our homes have perished and many of us have
been killed. We are getting humiliated in front of the entire
world." Then Allah increased the Nur so much that I was
certain it will perish those machines.
When I went out to fight those machines, then my clothing
changed. I said to myself that "Qasim! It's finally time to
destroy those machines." I started to run, and then ran in the
air by the mercy of Allah. I was face-to-face with those
machines and I threw the Nur of Allah through my index
finger and to my amazement, those machines couldn't bear it
for even a second and completely melted down. I went back
and all the Muslims came out and became overjoyed saying
indeed Allah has saved us and protect us. I told them how
Allah is with us and you shouldn't ever be afraid again.

Walaikum Assalam wa Rahmatullahe wa Barakatuhu


Indian Attack on Lahore and Pak Army Paralyzed

20/03/ 2017

Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem

Assalamo Alaikum

In this dream I see an area across the Pakistani border which

looks like the border of Afghanistan and enemies are sending
terrorists in Pakistan from there. Pakistani Army is dealing
with these terrorists very well and exterminates them. Upon
seeing this the enemies become very angry that Pakistani
Army is always in their way. Then the enemies send their
trained terrorists into Pakistan by providing them night vision
tools and modern weapons. But as soon as they enter the
Pakistani territory Pakistani Amy detects their movement on
their systems and takes out every single terrorist. On seeing
all this the enemies get very frustrated and furious because
none of their plan is working.
Then they plan and decide to launch an internal attack to
weaken Pakistan internally and then launch an attack from
the borders. They mix some kind of virus or chemical in the
food of Pakistani Army and after eating that food the army
becomes paralyzed and they can’t move around. Then the
enemies said that "now we will attack Pakistan." India attacks
Pakistan on the eastern borders and Afghanistan attacks
from the western borders.

India launches a massive offensive attack on Lahore and

Pakistani Army is not able to handle this attack. Then the
people of Pakistan take arms and ammunition and fight with

India. I also head towards the border to fight with the Indian
Army. I find a big machine gun and I start firing at the enemy.
There are other soldiers with me as well. When the Pakistani
Army and the public fight together then the Indian Army
stops where they are. During this I tell our people that "we
need to go back and shift our public to a safer place because
we can’t stop the Indian Army for too long." Some people say
that "we are here to fight the Indian Army and we are ready
to die but we are not going back." Then after that when we
are going back to the city then some people said that "if
Army Chief believed in Qasim’s dreams and planned
accordingly then the circumstances could have been
different." And during all this chaos a big part of Lahore gets
Then I go to a place which is like an underground basement
of a building. Then after that It feels like I am going in search
for some place. At this point a country that has a red colour
flag gives a very strong warning to India that stop your Army
where they are otherwise we will destroy you. Then this
country supports and helps Pakistan. They also send their
doctors to treat the Pakistani Army. Their Head of the State
also visits Pakistan himself to show moral support. Whilst
helping Pakistan they also bear some losses but even then
they don’t complain about it. India continues to adopt the
cheap tactics and sends virus and bacteria inside Pakistan
through the drones. Due to this a vast amount of Pakistani
children get affected and become ill. Upon seeing this sad
situation, I make Dua to Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala and ask
for His help. Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala sends rain by His
mercy and all the viruses vanished.

Then I head towards some destination and on my way I see

an area which is like a meadow. The Head of the state of the
country with the red flag, that helped Pakistan, is also there.
He is sitting among the people and talking to them. Upon
seeing me he recognizes me and says "you are Qasim, right?!
I have heard about your dreams and they have become true
as well." After greeting him, I go searching for a place, and I
feel like without finding that place we cannot get out of these

Virus in Pakistan Army Food

26/05/ 2018

Bismillah A-Rahman A-Rahim

As-Salaam Alaikum

In this dream I was thinking ‘’what is the food of Pakistan

Army that the enemy can contaminate to harm them? Then I
hear a voice saying, ‘’it's the dollar and fuel, if those two run
out, the army will become paralyzed and won't be able to
make any movement.’’ Then I think in my mind that fuel is
bought from dollars, if dollars run out, they won't be able to
buy the fuel as well.

Then I see that the condition of Pakistan has worsened.

Pakistan had to pay the debt instalment which we didn't
have. If we pay the instalment, there won't be any dollar

One or two army officers suggest that we should ask the

overseas Pakistanis to send us dollars so that we can buy
fuel. I ask myself, ‘’for how long will they keep on sending the
dollars, they must have their own needs as well; why is army
making such inefficient plans?’’ Then the debt instalment is
paid and remaining dollar reserves are near to none. Then I
see Army chief imposing all kinds of restrictions to reduce
expenses. So much so that the TV channels also start
broadcasting public service messages for the citizens to
adopt simpler lifestyles. All extra activities like sports and
events are also limited.

Then the army openly admits that the situation is very bad.
On the other hand the enemy rolls out its plans to create
chaos in 4 to 5 big cities so that the things get out of control
for army. Then I go to see a big army officer. I think it was the
house of a Lt. Gen. I wait for him there so that I can tell him
about my dreams. After waiting for a while, I go outside for
something. I find a lot of security outside, and the house was
protected with a blockade on both sides of the road.
Suddenly two big cars appear. Gates are opened and they
enter the house.
I also go inside immediately so that I can meet the officer.
When I go inside, I find out it's no other but the COAS. Then I
realize, that this was the reason of this much blockade and
security. I recall a dream of mine in which the life of COAS
was in danger; I ask myself if it's that time?

Anyways, I go inside and look for the chief. I find him in the
TV lounge probably. I say my Salam to him and tell him that I
have to tell him an important thing. He takes me to the
drawing room where I start telling him about my dreams, he
listens to me calmly. I tell him about Gazwa e Hind as well.
And also how the chaos will ensue and situation will go out of
hands and how the 3rd world war would start. Also what
should be the strategy of Pakistan? I also tell him that the
Muslims of the world would see their first victory in Gazwa e
Hind and how the army should plan for that. After listening
to my talk, the Army Chief says, "Listen to me Qasim! These
are all dreams and they have no relationship with reality, we
are doing everything for the defense of Pakistan. It's a tough
time right now, but we will take care of everything." The
dream ended there.

What Is Ghazwa E Hind? When Will It Begin? Learn

Full Details
Assalamo Alaikum wa Rahmatullahe wa Barakatuhu

I have seen Ghazwa E Hind or WW3 many times in my


Survival of Islam
This war was imposed upon Pakistan, and we defended our
country and Islam. That was a worst war against Islam in the
history; it was not only the war of the survival of Pakistan but
also the war for the survival of Islam. Because before this
War, two main powerful castles of Islam, Turkey and Saudi
Arabia were destroyed by wicked illuminati forces.

And, since Pakistan was the last castle of Islam. So, it was
very important to defend Pakistan to save Islam.

The Situation of Pakistan Before This war

Before this war, Allah ‫ ﷻ‬conveyed the news of my dreams to
Pakistan Army Chief, and the last Prophet Muhammad ‫ ﷺ‬also
gave him the witness of my dreams that Qasim is not lying to
anyone regarding his dreams and his dreams are true, and
they are from Allah ‫ﷻ‬. And something exactly is going to
happen as shown in Muhammad Qasim's dreams.

After that, Pakistan Army and the people of Pakistan believe

in my dreams very much.

After that, the Army and people of Pakistan took bold steps
to save Islam and Pakistan.

Pakistan is ruled by people who love Pakistan, who are

obedient to Allah and the last the Prophet Muhammad ‫ﷺ‬,
and who are sincere.

Pakistan is cleansed of all forms of Shirk (polytheism) and

justice is established.
And such a system of justice was formed that the rest of the
world became surprised and such a system of government
was formed that Pakistan started to progress and also started
to prepare for the war.

During Ghazwa E Hind, the Situation of Middle East

But with that, destruction started to happen in Turkey and
Middle East, and new terrorist groups were formed in the
Middle East.
Pakistan could not jump into all the wars in the Middle East
and Turkey due to its limited resources, but it does protect
the sanctity of Macca and Madina.
Tricks of India and the Black Standards of Khurasan

When Pakistan started to progress then India tried to attack

Pakistan, but Allah ‫ ﷻ‬helped Pakistan with powerful Black Jet

According to my dreams, these black jets are extremely

powerful and diverse, and the world has never seen such
technology before.

After seeing these Black Jets, India did not dare to attack

Independence of Kashmir
But, India continued to persecute Kashmiri Muslims, so
Pakistan decided to liberate Kashmir through these Black
And then, without any effective resistance, Pakistan freed
Kashmir. India did not dare to resist Pakistan because of
those Black Jet's extremely high combat capabilities.
The Development of Pakistan and the Preparation for
Ghazwa E Hind or World War III

As India did not attack Pakistan because of those Black Jets;

so, this allowed Pakistan to develop and prepare for the war.

But on the other hand, India and its allies, other terrorist
groups, and the world's major powers were preparing for the
war against Pakistan.

After seeing these Black Jets, many Muslims from all over the
world came to Pakistan to glorify Islam and join Ghazwa E

Pakistan also took measures, to protect Muslims living in

India so that they remain safe during the war.
The whole world observed that Muslims are uniting once

Allah also made us very intelligent, and by His mercy, we built

our own technologies, aircrafts, ships and became self-

Why Is Ghazwa E Hind Called 'Ghazwa'?

According to my true dream, the last Prophet Muhammad ‫ﷺ‬

participated in this war invisibly and secretly, which was only
in the knowledge of the leading commanders of that time.
The Beginning and the End of the War

A while before this war, the last Prophet Muhammad ‫ﷺ‬

called me to Madina through a dream. When I went there, I
saw unrest and darkness among the people. So I told him to
be patient for a while, Allah ‫ ﷻ‬will fix everything with his
When I came back the enemies were ready to attack Pakistan
and we were also ready too.
After completing the preparations for war, India invades
Pakistan with the help of its allies and then the worst war
started. Then enemies of Pakistan were sure that they would
destroy Pakistan but the planning of Allah ‫ ﷻ‬was something
else and Allah ‫ ﷻ‬helped Pakistan in this war.

Muslims did not kill any children or old people or unarmed

men who wished to make peace.
I don't know for how long this war continued, but Pakistan
won this war with the help of Allah ‫ﷻ‬.
After the War

After this war was finished, I came to know that in this war
80 crore (800 million) people were killed.

Then I became very sad and I said that ‘’why was this war
ever imposed upon us. We only defended ourselves and our
enemies themselves wanted death.’’

We helped all women, kids, elderly and adopted them as a

family and they reverted to Islam.
Since we won this war with the help of Allah ‫ ﷻ‬and the
enemies got defeated then Muslims from the East came out
with the help of Allah ‫ ﷻ‬into the world and regained their
territories of Middle East and Turkey and there was no one to
stop us and all forms of terrorism and oppression were
Pakistan becomes a super power with the help of Allah. We
spread true Islam in the entire world with the help of Allah ‫ﷻ‬,
and the entire world got filled with peace.

Islam got spread in the whole world once again and everyone
came to know that the real Islam of the last Prophet
Muhammad ‫ ﷺ‬is full of Peace.

Allah's blessings and bounties are everywhere and no one

remains sad and poor. And above all, it is pleasing to Allah.

And this peace lasts for eight or ten years and then Dajjal
(antichrist) appears.


Corona Virus Compatible Dream


Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem

Assalamo Alaikum wa Rahmatullahe wa Barakatuhu

Qasim saw in this dream that I was sharing my dream with

people that an earthquake will come and that our fragile
buildings will be destroyed and that this will create a huge
problem for us but the people said that "it's just a dream." I
told them that "our business buildings are much damaged
and they have huge cracks in them" but they said that "we
have withstood many earthquakes and we are still here and
not much has happened."

I said: "Yes! But our building will not be able to withstand any
further earthquakes and our buildings will fall." Then I saw
myself moving into a very badly damaged building with huge
cracks. In this building, I and my family members were doing
business. I told my family members that "if an earthquake
comes, then we will have to get out of this building
immediately because this building will collapse." But they
kept on doing their work and after sometime nothing
happened. I thought maybe the earthquake will not come so
I also started to do my work.
Suddenly, I felt the earth is slightly shaking. Then I looked
around and saw fan and other objects are shaking as well. I
told myself that "the earthquake is coming and we have to
get out of this building. I shouted loudly that the earthquake
is coming! Leave this building fast!" Then I started to run

downstairs very fast. In that time, a heavy earthquake came

and the building started to shake heavily. I exited the
building, and to my left on the other side of the road, I saw
another damage building starting to collapse. I said "oh no!
This will be a huge loss for us because that building was

A few of my family members also got out and I told them to

run because when this building collapses, some parts of it will
collapse and a lot of dust will come from them and I started
to run in the opposite direction and I saw other buildings
started to fall and I saw everyone running around frantically. I
kept running and reached my house. I saw almost every
business building falling down. I said that "this damage is
intense and it can’t be repairable. I saw that my house had no
damage since our homes are strong and they can sustain
heavy earthquakes unlike our weak business buildings.

When I came home, my family members those were with me

in that building reached home. And someone asked me
"what happened?" I said that "all the business homes and
buildings are destroyed." The people are running around in
worry and the dust is spreading everywhere because of the
collapse of the buildings. Another one said that "what can we
do now? How can we sort this out?" I said that "I informed all
of you before that this is going to happen but no one listened
to me. As of now, I don't know what we could do to solve
this?! At least many of our homes are still safe."
Then we moved to a safer location and everyone was sad and
worried. When the people saw the destroyed buildings, they
said to each other that "where did that time go when these

buildings were still standing and we were happy? Now

everything is destroyed." One of them asked me that "Qasim!
What will happen to us?" "Please do something and recover
all of this." I became sad and thought that "I can't do
anything in this situation. No one can help us, only Allah is
the one who can help us."

Walaikum Assalam wa Rahmatullahe wa Barakatuhu


Economic and Gold Earthquakes

Assalamo Alaikum!

Muhammad Qasim saw in this dream that, I come out of my

house and I saw a park there. Then I saw that a big building is
under construction and it is near to completion, and I saw a
big hall like room there which had quite a few beds inside it.
One of the beds was occupied by a familiar person and he
said that "this is my bed." I said to myself "what is he doing
here?!" He said "if someone else wants to live here they can
come and occupy the other beds for themselves." I went to
one of the corners of this hall like room and saw a park on my
left-hand side. Another person came there who also looked
familiar. Here I said that "Corona situation will remain the
same for a few months and if a strict lock down is
implemented then it will be safer otherwise virus will
spread." Here I recalled the earthquake dream in my mind
and I said to them that "economy of some of the countries
will be ruined due to this virus. Rather it might be the case
that some countries might break apart to an extent that only
their names would survive." And here I recalled that part of
the earthquake dream where the business buildings started
collapsing. Then I thought about Pakistan in my mind but I
did not say anything out of concern that it might become
true. Here the other person said that "if the economies of the
countries are going to collapse then we should get some
dollars and reserve them." I said to them "No! My suggestion

is that we should buy and preserve the gold as it will be

acceptable in any country."

The dream ended there.


Muhammad Qasim Gave a Good News That Corona

Virus Can Be Cured

Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem

Assalamo Alaikum wa Rahmatullahe wa Barakatuhu

Muhammad Qasim says: In this dream I saw a black and

white screen and in there I saw the Corona virus moving in its
real shape or form. I felt as if I was watching this under a type
of microscope. Then someone told me that “if we cut this
virus in certain way, it becomes weak and ineffective.” He
then cut the virus at a certain point in front of me and said:
“Now if we put this weak or ineffective form of virus into the
human body it won't cause any harm to the body, and the
immune system of the body will destroy the weakened virus,
and information pertaining to this virus will register in the
immune system, which means that the body will learn how to
fight off the virus. Now if the original virus enters the human
body, the immune system will recognize it and eliminate its
negative impact and there will be no harmful effect on the
After this I said that this concept might not be understand by
the common people but if I explain this to a medical
professional (such as a doctor, medical scientist or a
virologist) they will understand it easily and dream ended

Walaikum Assalam wa Rahmatullahe wa Barakatuhu



3 Mighty Castles of Islam, 2 of Them Will Be

Destroyed by Dajjal

Bismillah A-Rahman A-Rahim

As-Salaam Alaikum

In this video I am unfolding some of the shocking truths

through my divine dreams. There is no doubt that all of these
events will happen soon one after another.
In many of my dreams I saw Islam like three main powerful
buildings which look just like castles. These castles are
protecting Islam. Recently Allah well defined all 3 castles to
me through the Divine dreams. According to my true dreams;
first castle is Turkey and the second castle is Saudi Arabia and
the third is Pakistan. In all of my dreams, I've seen that two
out of three castles were destroyed by non-believers. In one
of my dreams on December 2015, the last Prophet
Muhammad ‫ ﷺ‬mentioned to me that the last castle of islam
is Pakistan.
On December 4, 2014 Allah showed me that two out of three
castles were destroyed by the wicked Illuminati forces and
they faced not much resistance. Muslims were anxious when
they saw the first castle get destroyed but they failed to
resist them. Muslims got shaken heavily when the second
castle was destroyed and they said that, it was a devastating
loss to Islam. Then they move towards Pakistan, the third and
final castle of Islam.

I saw myself in the third and last castle of Islam. I saw that
the three castles are located one after the other in a row and
two of them got attacked by the enemies with weapons. I
was very intimidated and I wanted to make the people aware
but no one paid attention and they lost the two castles.
Then I saw the enemy started to move towards the third and
last castle of Islam. Muslims tried to run and hide themselves
and ran around with fear. I told them that whether you fight
or hide you will be killed. Then I decided to fight and die
while saving Islam. Allah helped the Muslims in the third
castle of Islam with His powers and also by the powerful
black jet fighters. With the help of Allah Muslims defended
the third and last castle of Islam successfully. Also by the help
of Allah Muslims from the east will spread the true Islam
around the whole world and the whole world was filled with
peace and Justice until the appearance of the Dajjal.

May Allah save all castles of Islam.

Please spread these true dreams do not live in darkness and

perceive the meaning of these divine dreams. The game of
these wicked enemies is soon going to end. Glad tidings to
the true Muslims, if there are any left.

Jazakallahu (may Allah reward you)


Horrible Plan Against Turkey, Saudi Arab & Pakistan

JAN 22, 2017

Bismillah A-Rahman A-Rahim

As-Salaam Alaikum

Muhammad Qasim saw that every country has its own

building. The bigger the country is the larger is its building.
The US had the largest building and Russia had the second
largest. Muslim countries have white minarets instead of
buildings and I saw only three of them. Two of the minarets
were close together but the third one was far away. The first
minaret had a flag of Turkey and was larger than the other
two. The one next to it had a flag of Saudi Arabia and the one
far away had a flag of Pakistan. Along with the third minaret
were two buildings that had Flags of China and India.
Then I saw non Muslim leaders making a plan. They said to
one another that "we are the ones with the best buildings
and we give freedom. But the Muslims have minarets and
they believe in one God named Allah and they don't worship
our Lords, those minarets are destroying the peace and
beauty of the world. So if we destroy these three minarets
then our buildings will last forever and the Islam will be
completely destroyed and then the whole world will be on
the same page. Finally Muslims will accept our Lords and if
they don't, we will kill them and we will rule the entire world
and do whatever we want".

After hearing this treacherous plan, I became surprised and

worried. Then I saw they destroyed the minaret of Turkey

from the base and it started to fall over. And the people of
turkey didn't even know about it. The building of Russia was
right next to Turkey. As soon as the Turkish minaret starts to
fall, the Russian building supports it with ropes, which
prevents the Turkish minaret from collapsing. Russia has its
own interests in this, but the Turkish people and government
do nothing to save their minaret and they can do nothing
because the minaret is too big and its foundation is
completely broken. Now it is only prevented from falling by
Russia's safety ropes. Then the evil forces started breaking
the ropes of Russia and then marched towards the second
minaret. In so much shock, I said to myself that the evil forces
work so much on their plan and we Muslim still are in deep
sleep. We aren't doing anything to save the three minarets
and we aren't doing anything to save Islam either. And if the
first minaret was destroyed then the second wouldn't be safe
either and the third minaret will be left all alone by itself. So
how can the third minaret possibly fight of hundreds of
buildings all by itself.

Construction of the Palace of Dajjal (Antichrist) and

the Terrible Destruction in the Middle East

Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem

Assalamo Alaikum wa Rahmatullahe wa Barakatuhu

Muhammad Qasim says: I saw in a dream that Israel started

constructing a large brown coloured building in the land of
Palestine. Because of this the Muslims of Palestine became
very angry as well as other Arab nations thinking why is Israel
making a building there, this is the land of the Muslims. The
Muslims of the world raise their voices against it. They
started to protest against Israel but Israel did not stop and
the Muslims were unable to do anything further to stop them
except they just protest.

When I saw this I said “what kind of building is this that so

many Muslims are protesting.” I went on a flying machine
similar to a plane to see what the building was. When I came
closer, I saw more and more Muslims protesting but Israel
had almost completed the building. When lights were turned
on in that building, Muslims became outraged and started
even more protests.

Then suddenly there was a huge blast at the base of the

building. The impact was so intense that the entire building
was disintegrated to mere ashes. A terrifying dust storm was
formed because of this and it spreads everywhere. Many
Muslims and their families were affected by it. I saw
thousands of dead and injured men, women and children.

The dust storm was so intense, it blocked out the light of the
sun and changed day into dark evening in an instance. It was
so bad no one could even go for help. I just couldn't bear
watching so I turned away however the storm continued to
It spreads to the Middle East, Sudan, Egypt, and many more
Arab countries. It caused so much destruction it was hard to
put in words. I said to myself “what exactly did Israel do to
cause such a huge storm. What was in that building that Arab
countries were angry about? And when will this treacherous
storm stop?” And the dream ended there.

Three Evil Countries Make a Terrible Plan for the

Destruction of Kashmir Just Like Palestine

Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem

Assalamo Alaikum wa Rahmatullahe wa Barakatuhu

In this dream, Muhammed Qasim find himself at the White

House. He says: I was standing in front of the White House
looking at how it was built. I was impressed with the way it
was constructed. Then I went inside and passed through a
hall until I reached a door. I entered the door and there were
two people talking to each other. One man was begging the
other person to make him his younger brother. He was saying
“I will obey every command of yours and that I will do
whatever you say. Rather, look at this: I have spread
destruction in Kashmir in the same way Israel did in Palestine
and I did this all just to make you happy.” The other person
smiled and said: “You have just earned your position as my
younger brother.” That man became so happy and said: “I
will never ever displease my elder brother.”
When I saw this, I became surprised thinking who are these
people who have just become brothers? Then the elder
brother left the room and I peeked inside to see who the
younger brother was. I saw that it was the Prime Minister of
India. He was feeling very happy that his heart's desire has
been fulfilled. I became more surprised that he has become
the younger brother of the President of America and now
they will spread the destruction together.

Then I followed the President of America where he was

talking to someone else. That other person was the Prime
Minister of Israel. He said: “We have found a younger brother
who will do exactly as we say. Look at the work he has done!
He is following the exact path as yours.” Then they both
smiled and said that “the day is not far when we will rule the
entire world.” He said: “I want to meet this younger brother
of yours.” When they both came out of the room, I see that
the President of America was talking to the Prime Minister of
They both come into the hall and then the President of
America calls the Prime Minister of India and says: "Come
out! Now you don't have to hide from anyone. Now we will
continue our mission together.” Then the three of them
shook hands and they said: "Now we will surely crush

Upon seeing all of this I said that “the Muslims are sleeping
and the evil forces are working on their plan day and night
and all of them are uniting and so the Muslims will soon go
through the worst tribulation and Pakistan will suffer as

Horrible Plan Against Turkey & Erdogan

FEB 28, 2017

Bismillah A-Rahman A-Rahim,

As-Salaam Alaikum

Muhammad Qasim saw Erdogan in a dream. The president of

Turkey was speaking to a huge crowd. He said to the people
of Turkey "we will make the Ottoman Empire again! And all
these powers that I've been getting are also a part of it. And
now we will regain the lost status of the Muslims." After
addressing the crowd then Erdogan sat in his seat again. He
had a smile that was filled with so much pride. It made me
feel that with this much power he will claim to be the Mahdi
(imam the guided-one). But Allah Knows Best.

Then I saw big people of evil forces became angry. When

they saw this, they said that "this man is very dangerous!
After getting this much power he will be able to do anything.
And his plans are dangerous as well. And if he wants to be
like the Ottoman Empire then he will be even more
dangerous". Another person said that "he should be stopped
at any cost. He has already started his mission and he is
conquering Syria". Another person said that "he might
become a very strong leader from the Muslims. No matter
what happens we have to stop him from getting more power.

Otherwise this would be a big problem for us. We have to

pave the way for the Messiah."

Then I saw The Last Prophet Muhammad ‫ ﷺ‬walking back and

forth in extreme concern. This made me feel like something
horrible will come very soon.

Dajjal's Powers Plan to Destroy Palestine and Rule the


Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem

Assalamo Alaikum

I saw in this dream that the president of America went to

Israel for a visit. I said to myself that “there must be a reason
for this and I have to find out why.” I wore a suit and flew to
Israel on a plane type machine. The president of America and
the prime minister of Israel gathered in a building to meet. I
said that “I must go inside and if Allah wills then no one will
recognize me.” I took Allah’s name and went inside. No one
stopped me since they thought I was part of the meeting and
an agent of an intelligence agency. There was a huge hall in
the building and there were many people in it. I kept an eye
on the president of America and the prime minister of Israel.
Then they both went to the corner of the room to a cabinet
type area. I followed them and saw that they sat there and
started talking. I said that “I have to get closer in order to
hear what they're talking about. I don't think they will
recognize me since no one has yet.” I stood near them as if I
was minding my own business. Israel's prime minister told
American president that “I have almost completed the secret
Temple of Dajjal and soon only the name of Palestine will be
left and then we will rule the entire Middle East.” The
American president then replied “we will rule the entire
world not just the Middle East.” I became shocked that they
had already built the temple of Dajjal while I was unaware. I

came out from there in a state of great concern and I started

to go towards Palestine.

I saw that the army of Israel were breaking the houses of

Palestine and Palestinian children were fleeing with their
mothers. I became sadden by seeing those small children
encounter such a great hardship. I said “how will they survive
and who will help them? Then I saw that all of them were
going towards the building in which I just left. I said to them
“why are you going to the building where your persecution is
being planned?!” A woman said “then where else can we
take our children? We have no other choice. She said "they
may kill the adults but perhaps they may spare the younger
ones.” I became even more saddened on hearing this. I said
that “those people are very oppressive and they had made a
plan to finish everyone.”

I quickly boarded my plane and went to find the Temple of

Dajjal so that I can destroy it before it is completed. I soon
found the Temple of Dajjal. It was a light brown coloured
building and it was completed. After seeing this I said that
“something is going to happen and it's best to get out of
there.” Just as I turned a blast occurred which leads to storm
and sand and dust started blowing everywhere. Big buildings
started to get destroyed and the homes of Muslims started
taking on severe damage.
I thought about those kids and I started to search for them in
the storm but the storm was intense and overwhelming. It
had blocked out the light of the sun which made the
temperature plunge drastically. I saw those women and

children from far away. Upon seeing those kids I said “how
will they survive outdoors in such frigid hard conditions.”

I tried to reach them but the debilitating effects of the sand

storm were just too much for me to manoeuvre. I was
devastated by what had happened. I felt helpless. No one
was coming to help these people and I had no means. I knew
only Allah could save these people.” I continued to observe
the sandstorms destruction and decided it was time to go;
staying there risked my machine and me becoming trapped
there. I set back towards Pakistan and the dream ended

Kidnapping of the Son of a Prominent Head of State


Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem

Assalamo Alaikum wa Rahmatullahe wa Barakatuhu

I see a big palace in this dream and an event has been

organized there by the Head of the State of that country.
There are many other people there and I find myself present
in that event too. Suddenly something happens and some
people arrive at the event and open gunfire. In chaos people
start running in all directions to save their lives.
The security guards of the palace fight back and stop those
people. When the situation improves a little, someone calls
the name of the head of the state and says that his son has
been killed. This news spreads in the entire palace. People
start saying that the son of the Head of the State has been
killed but no one finds his dead body. When the Head of the
State comes to know about this tragedy he becomes furious
and he vows to avenge the death of his son and punish the
culprits. The news of the sudden demise of his son spreads in
the whole world. Some people start predicting that now the
circumstances are going to get worse as this is not an
ordinary incident. The ruler spends a lot of energy and
resources to find out the whereabouts of the culprits. A lot of
raids are conducted and even if there is a shadow of doubt
that area is destroyed by his forces.

The situation worsens and chaos keeps spreading. Due to this

incident many other countries are affected too so much so

that Pakistan is also affected by this tragic incident. Upon

seeing all this I said to myself that "this is a very bad situation
and if it continues to remain like this then everything will get
out of control." To assess the situation better I also leave for
some place. When I arrive there then I see a minaret type
building and I see some people are in there.

They come out of the building and suddenly another group of

people open gunfire on them. In response they also do the
same. I hide in a place and after sometime almost all the
people die due to the exchange of gunfire. I came out and
said to myself that "there is definitely something present in
this building that these people were hiding in it." An injured
man said to me that "there is a man inside this building, go
and help him as some people want to kill him."

I go inside the building and after walking around for some

time I arrive at the upper floor of the building and I find an
injured man lying there. When I get a bit close to him, to my
surprise it’s the same son of the Head of the State and he is
alive. I thought to myself that "People were saying that he
has died and he is alive but it is too late now." I said to him
that "People are thinking you have died but you are alive!"
He told me that "some people kidnapped me but some other
people found me and they saved me and brought me here
and since then I am hiding here." I said to myself that "He is
unaware that those people who saved his life and brought
him here are themselves dead now." I gave him some food
and medical assistance and I planned to take him out of here.
The dream ends there.

Destruction of the Middle East and the Establishment

of the Islamic Edifice

Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem

Assalamo Alaikum wa Rahmatullahe wa Barakatuhu

In this dream, I find myself in a house which is in the Middle

East. It was a very big house but it was old fashioned. There
were a lot of rooms in this house and the walls were painted
green. There were people in the rooms of the house who
were all busy working privately. I said to myself "what am I
doing in this house?!"
I walk through the house and there was a window in one of
the rooms which opened outward. Standing at the window
was a child around 12 years old and he was looking at
something outside. I look out the window to see what he is
looking at and I see a house off in the distance. This house
was very modern and large like a big building. There were a
lot of people there. A man had a red car and he was driving it
around there.
I feel like this man may have been the homeowner. He was
drifting the car and performing different stunts. On lookers
start praising him after seeing this. That man was doing some
pretty awesome stunts. After that, I begin walking towards
another room, the same child from before comes running
towards me and greets me. He tells me his name and I greet
him back. He said “did you see that man drifting that car?" I
said “yes I saw him. This is leisure for rich people. He has a

car and has a large area too that’s why he is performing

different stunts." The kid said to me "can you please play
cricket with me? I have a bat and a ball." I said "sure why
Just then his mother called him from the other room and
said” finish your homework first, then you can play! Then
that child said to me "please stay here! I will be back as soon
as I complete my school homework and I will bring back the
bat and ball too. I told him "that’s fine! I will be waiting
here!" Then suddenly something comes in my mind that I
walk towards the window again and start watching the man
with the red car. After a while another man comes up to the
window and start watching the car stunts too. I look at that
modern house and it was strongly built and looks very nice
from there. The man with the red car shouts to the crowd
with pride: "Look! I am doing such a good stunts."

Then suddenly I hear a strange sound from the base of the

walls of that house and the earth around them start to sink.
The walls of the house also start collapsing after that. Upon
seeing this, I tell the man standing next to me that "look! The
earth is sinking from there and the walls are also collapsing."
He was surprised to see this and said "how did this happen?
This house was so sturdy!" I said "yes but I am worried what
if the debris from the walls of that house fall on our house
and damage it." He replied "no! This is not possible.That
house is far away, even if the walls collapse, the debris won’t
reach here." Then I see that the earth in front of that house
starts sinking and one of the side wall collapses. The earth
start sinking very fast but the people in the surroundings
don’t pay attention towards that. They were busy watching

the stunts of the man with the red car. Neither does the man
himself pay any attention towards that situation.

I said to myself "the earth beneath this house is sinking and

these people are heedless and are still busy boasting about
this man." Then suddenly that man turns his car towards the
parking area. The earth was already sinking very fast and
some of the people who were praising the man also get
swallowed by the earth. Others start screaming when they
saw them getting sunk into the earth. Due to the collapsing
walls and sinking earth there was a lot of dust around there.
As soon as that man reached the parking bay and he was
about to park the car, the earth sinks and that man sinks very
deep along with his car. Upon seeing this I become very sad. I
asked the man next to me "do you think this man is still
alive?" He said "no, he must have died." I said "yes, after
getting buried under so much soil he must have died due to
suffocation." Upon seeing this horrible scene I said "I have to
go outside and warn those people to get out of there as that
house is collapsing."
By the time I reach outside, the earth starts sinking even
faster and a lot of destruction happened in that house due to
this. Then the earth continues to sink until it reaches the
house where I was present. The earth sinks from under one
of the walls of this house too and the wall collapses. Then
one of the rooms of this house also collapses and creates
dust around there. I become worried that this calamity has
also reached here and what is going to happen next?!
Suddenly the earth stops sinking near the main entrance
door of this house. It only sinks up to there and doesn’t sink
any more due to which the people of the house can get out.

I express gratitude to Allah (swt) that the earth has stopped

sinking there. When I take a look at the soil which was sunk,
it was equal in breadth all the way starting from that house. I
see some pieces of iron in the soil that sank and there were
similar patterns on that soil. It was cut in an organized
manner in lines as if in the hindsight someone was collapsing
these houses with proper planning. Then I thought that I
need to hurry up. I run towards inside and shout out "get out
of this house! Because the earth beneath this house is going
to sink". Some people listen to me and they carry their
belongings and start to head out. Then I realize that some of
my stuff is also there. I quickly go towards a room to pick up
my things. Upon seeing them I get a feeling that I got all this
from Allah (swt).
After picking up my stuff, I think of that child and I go and
find him in one of the rooms. I tell him to get out of there as
this house is going to collapse. He and his family pick up their
belongings and run towards outside. The sinking earth was
still stopped near the main door but the earth starts sinking
from the other side of the house and there was a destruction
in the surroundings. After evacuating that house people ask
me what shall we do now and where can we go? I said to
them "don’t worry" and I point towards the east and tell
them "to go in that direction. There is a small river on the
way. After crossing the river you will see another house, you
can go to that house."
Those people start walking in that direction. I was also
carrying my things with me and I never put them down. I said
to myself "what if I put it down somewhere and forget it or
lest it gets buried." Hence I carry my stuff all the time. I go

inside the house again and bring some more people out. As I
come out, the first group of people return to me and ask how
we will cross the river? I take them along, that river is shallow
at one point. I ask them to cross the river from that point. We
cross the river and go further ahead and find a small, old and
weak house. When I see that house I said "It is the same
house where I was born." I tell those people to seek refuge in
that house and when Allah (swt) wills everything will be fine.

Those people go inside that house. I said to them "we need

to strengthen this house and we need to protect it from
beneath the ground as well so that calamity doesn’t befall
this house and damage it and Allah (swt) will definitely help
us." Then I go back as there are some other houses as well. I
tell the people of those houses and the two big houses "to
get out and go towards that house across the river." Those
people start heading towards that small and old house one
after another.
After this the scenes in the dream go into a fast forward
mode. I don’t remember what happened during that time.
Then when the scenes become normal again, I find myself in
front of the door of the house. I feel like that calamity has
shed away and those people who were saved are all in this
house. When I go inside the house, I find that it has changed
completely. I become very surprised and said that this is the
same house that was built by the last Prophet Muhammad
SW and I was looking for the same house in my dreams. Allah
(swt) has returned this house to us by His special mercy and I
become very happy. This house is much bigger than those
two houses.

I walk around in this house and find that there is peace and
prosperity everywhere. I enter a very big room there. And I
see that a lot of people are sitting together talking to each
other. Muslims from all over the world with different
languages and cultures are gathered there. I looked at them
and thought that until the calamity didn’t befall them these
people didn’t even want to see each other. And now they are
gathered in one place and talking to each other as if they are
real brothers. They are consoling each other and treat each
other with great respect and honour.
Then a young man enters the room, he looks familiar and I
feel like I have seen him before. Then I thought to myself his
looks resemble the child that I met in that house in the
Middle East. During this, that young man also looks at me
and starts talking to me. I said to him "I met a child and you
resemble a lot with him. I remembered that child upon
seeing you." He said to me "I am the same child." I become
surprised and call him by his name and ask him "are you that
same child?" He replied "yes! I am the same child that you
met." I said to him "you have quite grown up now." He said
"yes, I am a grown up now and I am very happy to see you." I
talk to him for some time and upon seeing this I get lost in

Then I sit somewhere in that room. I am still holding tight to

my things that Allah (swt) gave me. I said to myself "many
years have passed in chaos and I didn’t even realize that this
young man was a child at that time. After so many years, I
got time to take a sigh of relief and saw these times of peace
and prosperity. Ya Allah! When I see the walls of this house, I
feel as if it is very strong and no one can defeat it. There are

blessings and mercy of Allah (swt) showering upon us from

the walls and the roof of the house." Then I think now there
isn’t much time left. Very soon we are going to meet with
Allah (swt), the lord of the worlds!
And dream ends there!

Iran's Revenge on the United States


Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem

Assalamo Alaikum wa Rahmatullahe wa Barakatuhu

I saw in this dream that after the assassination of the Iranian

General, the Iranian government becomes very sad and
enraged. It feels to me that Iran is being supported by some
other Middle Eastern allies as well. Since their faces
resembled the people of the Middle Eastern countries, all of
these individuals vow to take revenge together.
Then I saw that 2 American fighter jets are flying in the sky
and practicing some defence exercises. Suddenly from
another side around 4 fighter jets fly in and surround one of
the American fighter jet and immediately destroy it. I am
close by to those fighter jets as I am witnessing all of this. I
said to myself "they have destroyed the fighter jet of the
United States and this is not good because they shouldn't
have done this against a powerful country like America
without proper strategy and planning." Some Muslims are
watching all this from the ground became very happy and
start chanting slogans in celebration that we have destroyed
the fighter jet of America. Then they also shoot down the
second American fighter jet and again the people became
very happy and start celebrating. Their pilots also became
very happy and say that "we have reached to such a point
where we have take revenge from America." However on the
other hand, the rest of the Muslim world becomes very

frightened that "what has happened? Now America will take

revenge and this is no ordinary thing."

Then I found myself in the Middle East, where I am assessing

the situation and looking at people's houses and I said to
myself that "at this moment everything seems fine but when
America will attack then all of this will be destroyed and
people will have to run away from there and chaos will
spread everywhere." Hence I decided to leave that place
before any destruction happens and the dream ended here.

Walaikum Assalam wa Rahmatullahe wa Barakatuhu


Death of Erdogan and Fall of Turkey

Assalamo Alaikum wa Rahmatullahe wa Barakatuhu
7th January 2020

I see that I am seated in front of a screen. I see Erdogan on

the screen in front of me. I tell Erdogan that Turkey will be
destroyed because it is the first castle. The evil people will
also plan and try to kill you (Erdogan). I also tell Erdogan that
after Turkey's fall, evil forces will also destroy Saudi Arabia.
Then I see that Erdogan gets worried when he hears these
dreams. He then starts making plans for Turkey, himself and
his safety. Dream ends.

Walaikum Assalam wa Rahmatullahe wa Barakatuhu


Atrocities of Israel in Palestine and the Message of

Almighty Allah to the Muslim Ummah

Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem

Assalamo Alaikum wa Rahmatullahe wa Barakatuhu

Muhamad Qasim Says, he saw a dream on 19th May 2021: In

this dream I heard Allah's voice. And Allah said: "Qasim!
Deliver my message to the muslims." Allah started speaking
in an angry tone, and I got scared: "At least have some grace
O Muslims! Your population is more than 1.5 billion. But, let
alone ruin it (Israel); you Muslims could not even convince
(Israel) on ceasefire"

Alternative Translation:
Muhammad Qasim says that in this dream I hear the voice of
Allah. Allaah affirms "Qasim! Take this message of mine to
the Muslims." ALLAH, the Lord of Glory, begins to speak in
anger, and I become afraid: "O Muslims, where is your
honor? Your population is more than one and a half billion,
but to ruin it (referring to Israel) is a far cry, you could not
even persuade it (Israel) to cease fire! O muslims!"

Walaikum Assalam wa Rahmatullahe wa Barakatuhu




Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala and Pakistan


Assalamo Alaikum wa Rahmatullahe wa Barakatuhu

In this dream, Allah Tabarak wa Ta'ala was high on His Arsh

(throne) and Allah Tabarak wa Ta'ala was teaching the
Muslims about Pakistan. Allah did everything to teach the
Pakistanis but they didn’t understand at all. Then Allah
Tabarak wa Ta'ala directs Himself to the Arabian sea and says
to the Pakistanis that "you are not of those whom

I was seeing all of this from a small cloud I was sitting on. I
get worried after seeing this, so I get down to try and make
the people of Pakistan understand.

When Allah Tabarak wa Ta'ala sees what I am doing, Allah

Tabarak wa Ta'ala starts to observe me.

One and a half years later I saw the second part of this

I reached the earth and took a roundabout in Pakistan. Allah

Tabarak wa Ta'ala put a boundary around me so that nothing
could harm me.

Then I pray to Allah Tabarak wa Ta'ala that "O! Allah send

your blessings to Pakistan and its people!" Then the earth
starts pouring out it's blessings of Allah and its treasures.

Walaikum Assalam wa Rahmatullahe wa Barakatuhu


Why Did Allah Create Pakistan?

Assalamu Alaikum
I am Muhammad Qasim, and today, I'm going to share a 1400
years old Secret that why Allah created Pakistan.

In a dream in 2006, I asked Allah that "Oh Allah! Why did you
create Pakistan? Every vice is present in Pakistan. There is no
peace or prosperity; there are Injustice and oppression
everywhere." Then Allah told me that Qasim! 1400 years ago
when the last Prophet Muhammed ‫ ﷺ‬was present in this
world. He often used to supplicate to me that "O Allah! Near
the Qiyamah (Day of Judgment), create such a country whose
name will be La Ilaha Illallah (there is no God but Allah). And
when my Islam would become weak in the entire world, let it
rise from this country into the entire world. And Qasim! I
accepted this supplication of the last Prophet Muhammad ‫ﷺ‬.
And then I decided to create Pakistan. And Qasim! I will
defend Pakistan and I will save Pakistan!"

I request you all to share these dreams.

JazakAllah (may Allah reward you)

Special Mission Given to Muhammad Qasim by The

Last Prophet Muhammad ‫ﷺ‬

Bismillah A-Rahman A-Rahim

As-Salaam Alaikum

In this dream, the last prophet Muhammad ‫ ﷺ‬speaks to me

with a phone like device. The last prophet Muhammad’s (‫)ﷺ‬
voice sounds old, very tired and anxious. Last prophet
Muhammad ‫ ﷺ‬says to me: “Qasim! I called a lot of people
but no one heard me. I'm very tired now. I do not have the
strength. ”So I reply him, “Please! Order me! I am here.” The
last prophet Muhammad ‫ ﷺ‬says to me: “Qasim! I want to
meet you for a very important job. Can you come to me? So I
reply him, “Why not, I have to get my passport and visa. So
the last prophet Muhammad ‫ ﷺ‬says, "Okay, but do it all
I go to a travel agent and he tells me that it will take 3 to 4
months. Hearing this, I say in my heart, “It will be too late.
The last prophet Muhammad ‫ ﷺ‬has told me to come
quickly.” I come back and tell the last prophet Mohammad ‫ﷺ‬
that it will take me at least 3 to 4 months. On hearing this,
the last prophet Muhammad ‫ ﷺ‬becomes depressed and says,
"Wait there, I will come to you." I reply, "Please be patient, I
will come myself." You are already very tired and you have
become old. “So the last prophet Muhammad ‫ ﷺ‬says, “No
son! work is very important. Don't be late. I have suffered a
lot for my Ummah (nation) before. Still I will do it.” So I feel

very sorry for him and say, “Okay! You may come. May Allah
help you and make it easy for you.” At the same time, I pray
to Allah that O Allah! Help the last prophet Muhammad ‫ﷺ‬
and make his journey easier!"
Then I rush to the airport so that the last prophet
Muhammad ‫ ﷺ‬may arrive and keep waiting for me. Shortly
afterwards, the last prophet Muhammad ‫ ﷺ‬arrives at the
airport. I am very happy to see him and run to him. The last
prophet Muhammad ‫ ﷺ‬too is very happy to see me. I say to
the last prophet Muhammad ‫ ﷺ‬that “Allah has brought you
here.” So the last prophet Muhammad ‫ ﷺ‬says, “Yes, indeed
Allah is very kind.” I put him in my car and bring him to my
house. I have a rented house and there is dim light in it.
When the last prophet Muhammad ‫ ﷺ‬comes home, he sits
next to me and says, “Qasim! I have come for a very
important task. No one is listening to me. Look! if the
condition of my Islam remains same, I am afraid that Islam
may end. Everyone is busy with his own affairs. No one cares
about me and my Islam. I want you to do this work for me.
Explain all the dreams that Allah has shown you and convey
my message to the people. Look! I've got a tool for you.
Through it you convey your dreams and my message to all.
And tell the Muslims that the last prophet Muhammad ‫ ﷺ‬has
given the message that however Qasim is, after all he is my
Ummati (follower) and I don't differentiate among any of my
Ummati (folowers) and Islam will rise from Pakistan. People
should not quarrel over this and they should not be divided
into groups. Near the Day of Judgment, Islam has to rise with
the mercy of Allah from somewhere. No matter from where
Islam rises, the good thing is that all Muslims will be united

again and regain their lost glory. Islam will be looked upon
with respect in the world again. So what's wrong with that? '

Hearing this, I say to the last prophet Muhammad ‫ ﷺ‬that “no

matter how difficult this task may be and no matter how
dangerous it may be, I will definitely do your job with the
help of Allah. A wave of joy runs through the eyes of the last
prophet Muhammad ‫ ﷻ‬and he hugs me tightly to his chest
and says, “I hope from Allah that you would not disappoint
me." Then the last prophet Muhammad ‫ ﷻ‬takes a deep
breath and says, “O Allah! Thank you!” Then the last prophet
Muhammad ‫ ﷻ‬says, “Qasim! There is also a map in this box
and when you build a city of true Islam on this land with the
help of Allah, I will call you to me and tell you what you have
to do next.” I say to the last prophet Muhammad ‫ ﷻ‬that
“Insha'Allah! Do not worry and rest now. Now this work is
mine and I will do it with the help of Allah." After that, the
last prophet Muhammad ‫ ﷻ‬starts praying to Allah for my
success and help. Then I say in my heart that "I have
promised to the last prophet Muhammad ‫ ﷻ‬to do this job but
may Allah help me! How can I do this without the help of
Well, I take the name of Allah ‫ ﷻ‬and start my work. When I
open the box given by the last prophet Muhammad ‫ﷻ‬, it has
a computer-like device and a map. With this device, I send
my dreams and the message of the last prophet Muhammad
‫ ﷻ‬to the people and go to some big personalities. I tell them
that the last prophet Muhammad ‫ ﷻ‬has given me this
message. So they laugh and say, “Qasim! Do your work and
don't waste our time.” I get a little disappointed to hear this
but then I say, “No! I promised the last prophet Muhammad

‫ ﷻ‬that, I will do this for you. Then I open the map and see
which map is this. So there is a map of Khurasan and on the
land before Khurasan in the east. The last prophet
Muhammad ‫ ﷻ‬has made another map similar to Pakistan on
which the last Prophet Muhammad ‫ ﷻ‬has written that “If you
see true Islam is spreading from the land before Khurasan
near end times then join it even if you have to walk barefoot
through the mountains.”

Then a man messages me, and he talks to me in detail but he

did not understand my words well. So I say to him, “Come to
my house! I will show you the map and see it for yourself.”
Then he comes to my house and looks at the map and says,
“Yes, I have also read in the hadith that this is not the land of
Khurasan but the land before Khurasan. Then he says, "Now I
understand what I have to do. If this is the mainland, then
the army with black flags is the army of Pakistan. So I say,
"Pakistan's army is the best army in the world and is
selectively targeting terrorists." In response, the man says,
"We have to convey the message of the last prophet
Muhammad ‫ ﷻ‬to the Pakistan army." We have to save this
last stronghold of Islam.” So I say, “We have to hurry and the
last prophet Muhammad ‫ ﷻ‬also says that whoever reads my
message should pass it on and then we work as a group and
spread these dreams and messages very fast." Then these
dreams and the message of the last prophet Muhammad ‫ﷻ‬
are spread all over the world with the help of Allah ‫ﷻ‬. And
then the same big personalities say, “We wish! Qasim! We
would have believed your words first." After that I say to
myself, "If Allah had not been merciful and without Allah's
help, this would never have happened."

Tallest Building of the World in Pakistan


Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem


Muhammad Qasim tells in this dream people are talking

among themselves that "there are tall buildings in the other
countries but there is none in Pakistan." Then an idea comes
in my mind that I should make a building. In the dream, I see
that the tallest building of the world has 110 floors. I have a
plot of land and I ask someone "if a building can be built on
that land?" He said that "it is impossible for a building, you
need a big plot of land and this plot is only 10 marlas or
around 25 square meters." And I replied to him that "So what
at least the building can be constructed". He said to me that
"There are some government rules and regulations as well,
you can’t build more than a 3 story building otherwise they
will intervene and stop you". Then I said to myself that "I
should try, I will construct the building so quietly and quickly
that no one will come to know about it and when everyone
will see the building they will become happy."

I start the work at night time and perhaps within a single day
I manage to build around a 3 to 4 story building. Then I also
do the interior designing and I build flats in such a way that
each floor has one flat which people can rent out and each
flat will have kitchen, rooms and washrooms. Then in 3 to 4
days that building has already reached 30 to 40 stories. I also
design and make the interior, then I see that there are some
people who are working on the interior as well. I got

surprised that "who are these people and who has called
them here?" I talked to them and they said that "they are
here to do the work. The work you are doing is very good but
we are improving its interior so that people get impressed by
it." Those people were working very hard and they almost do
nonstop work. They put some chemical on the wall and
rubbed it and the wall started to shine. I asked them that
"why are you using chemical and even to apply it you are
wearing special gear and it is not an easy job to rub it either."
They said that "without this chemical the floor and walls will
not shine and neither will someone like them." I said to them
"do as you like." Then I told them that "tomorrow this
building will reach 60 stories" and they replied "that is fine."
Next morning when I arrived, that building had really reached
sixty stories and it could be seen from a faraway distance.
When I entered the building then those people were working
inside on the next 20 stories of the building, however the
wall on one of the sides was not built yet. Here I got a bit
worried that we have built sixty stories but what if the
building collapses as it is weak and a wall on one of the sides
is also not built yet. I only thought about this and suddenly a
machine with a pipe arrived there and started filling the
concrete, upon seeing this I became satisfied. Then after this
perhaps some people came there to see the building thinking
that who has built it? Since it was good from inside so the
people also liked it. Some people went to the top story and
started watching Lahore city to see how it looked like from
such height. I said to myself that "there is no railing up there
and what if someone falls down." Then I went upstairs to put
the railing but it got installed by itself. "All this work was
done by the mercy of Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala."

Then those people brought some big people inside that

building so that more people come to know about it. When
some media people came to know about the building then
they came with cameras and reporters to see the building. At
this point, I think, I go to check the interior of the building
and when I went up to the roof, those people was present
there and they were showing it on the television that "so far
this is the tallest building of Pakistan."

When I arrive at the top my dress also changed. Those people

talked to the media persons but when I arrived then the
journalists said that "Qasim has also come here, we should
ask him that how he made this building?" I had a back pack
on me that was hanging off my shoulder like a school bag but
it was small. When I am about to run and jump off the
building then those people who were working there they said
to me that "what are you doing? Do you want to fall and
die?" The people from the media also get worried and I think
I told them that "no need to be worried." Then I jump off the
building and I remain in the air and I told them that "this bag
that I have on me has a special gas in it and it can carry the
weight of a single person." Then I ran and went further away
and looked at the building and said that "this has to become
the tallest building of the world and by the mercy of Allah
Subhanahu wa Ta'ala this job has become easier now." When
people saw me running in the air then they became very
happy and the people of the media were also happy. It felt as
if now a lot of people have come to know about this building
because people were also watching me from down below
and one or two TV channels were also showing this through
the live broadcast. Walaikum Assalam wa Rahmatullahe wa


Imran Khan's Decision to Adopt Simplicity


Bismaillahir Rahmanir Raheem

Assalamo Alaikum Wa Rahamatullahe Wa Barakatuhu

Muhammad Qasim saw this dream on February 3, 2021. At

the beginning of this dream, Imran Khan was addressing the
nation of Pakistan. He says that "the price of electricity and
petrol is rising due to inflation. And we are seeing this day
because of the incompetence of previous governments. But
this difficult time will also pass. Our economy is recovering
but it will take some time. Everyone should adopt simplicity
and save electricity, gas and petrol. And don't use them
unnecessarily." So I say "what's going on. In my old dream
from 2018, I recall some Army men asking the people of
Pakistan to adopt simplicity. But something else is happening
here." And I'm upset to see this. Then I follow Imran Khan
wondering why he had said this. After walking some distance,
I see that Imran Khan tells his close associates that "we were
chasing the opposition and we have not paid attention to the
economy and big companies. Because of this we lost four or
five billion rupees. And now we have no money. So now I
have told the people to save and adopt simplicity because we
have no other solution and we have failed. We have not been
able to perform as we had promised the nation."
Then in the dream there is another event and Imran Khan is
addressing the audience. Imran Khan again repeats the same
narrative that our economy is recovering, it is a little difficult
time but you have to put up with a little bit and I will not

leave these thieves and then he starts praising his

government. I am shocked to hear all this, I say that "not long
ago with his colleague, Imran Khan was admitting his failure
and now he is coming in front of the people and saying that
we are doing a very good job." After his speech, I see Imran
Khan then goes to the same room again and repeats that "we
have failed." So I say "why is he deceiving the people? If he
has failed, he should come forward and admit it. What is the
need to deceive the people in this way?" And this dream
ends here.
Walaikum Assalam wa Rahmatullahe Wa Barakatuhu

Imran Khan's Government Fails to Reform Pakistan


Assalamo Alaikum wa Rahmatullahe wa Barakatuhu

Muhammad Qasim saw in this dream that Prime Minister
Imran Khan is trying to do reforms in different institutions.
The opposition parties insist that no reforms are being done
and everything is still the same. Media and the journalists
also insist that the ruling party, PTI, has same old people who
have been a part of the previous governments too, what
change are they going to bring about? But PTI and its
government reject all these allegations and they say that we
are working hard and there is a lot of work being done. The
supporters of the ruling party PTI adopts the same narrative
as usual and insists that their government is doing everything
right. Then suddenly something happens and everything
collapses and the reality about the performance of the
government gets exposed and people are in great shock.
They can’t believe the situation and they express their
despair by saying "What has just happened..? Imran Khan has
also failed!" And after this there is severe crisis in Pakistan.
Walaikum Assalam wa Rahmatullahe wa Barakatuhu

Imran Khan's Argument With America

Bismillah A-Rahman A-Rahim

As-Salaam Alaikum
27 /08/ 2018

Muhammad Qasim says, in this dream I saw that Imran Khan

was in a dialogue with the Americans and he was having a
conversation with them. During the conversation there was
an exchange of harsh words, and Imran Khan became angry
and he began to speak in anger. There is a similar kind of
reaction from the Americans too. Then the conversation
becomes more heated and there is also an exchange of
threats from both sides. Imran Khan tells the Americans that
"we are not slaves." He gets up and starts walking in anger as
I have seen him in my other dreams. Out of despair he says
"is there someone that can help resolve these issues?" I see
this all while standing next to my oven and I'm preparing to
make something and I say "this is the same situation". After
this I do something that I cannot remember.

What Is the Reason for Imran Khan's Failure and How

Is Success Possible? Learn Full Details
Bismillah A-Rahman A-Rahim

As-Salaam Alaikum
In a dream, Muhammad Qasim saw that Imran Khan was
surrounded by many difficulties and troubles. The cause of
these troubles and troubles is Shirk. Let's see the dream:
Muhammad Qasim saw that the Prime Minister of Pakistan,
Imran Khan is facing a lot of challenges and difficulties and he
can not pursue his goals in the way he wants to and he fails in
his pursuit. Due to his failure he becomes very upset. I am
observing all this situation whilst sitting in a room. Then
Imran Khan also walks towards that room where I am already
present. When he enters the room, he is saying something
out of anger that I do not remember.

I talk to him and tell him that "if you want the help of Allah
Subhanahu wa Ta'ala, then you should avoid all forms of
shirk. The way you prostrated in the shrine is a major form of
shirk and you should repent and seek forgiveness for this act
of yours and in the same way you should prostrate before
Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala in repentance. You have to make
a firm and sincere promise that you will never bow down to
anyone except Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala." I also remind him
that "you yourself used to say that Imran Khan doesn’t bow
down to anyone except Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala! Then

why did you do so?" Then Imran Khan realizes his mistake
and says that ‘‘yes! I used to say this!’’

Then he says that "I used to bow down only to Allah

Subhanahu wa Ta'ala but unfortunately, I got surrounded by
such people that I went in the wrong path." Then I tell him
that "whoever has died is dead and he is disconnected from
this world and we can not call him for help." Imran Khan is
listening to me with great care and attention. I tell him that
"if someone goes to a grave and seeks help from the dead
then this is also a form of shirk. If a person bows down in
respect for greeting someone like the people of Japan do it,
then that is also a form of shirk. Similarly there are many
other forms of shirk. If you want Allah’s help and you wish to
be successful then you have to protect yourselves from all
forms of shirk otherwise you will never succeed."

Imran Khan is listening to me very attentively as if someone is

seeing a great hope in something. And Imran Khan sees this
hope in avoiding shirk and its forms because no one had
explained to him about shirk and its forms like this before or
warned him about them.

How should Imran Khan rule? And how can they


Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem

Assalamo Alaikum

In this dream Muhammad Qasim sees how Imran Khan

should rule and how he can succeed. Muhammad Qasim says
that in a dream; I am sitting in front of the TV and different
things are going on it. Imran Khan is saying that "debt is
drowning this country; we have to get rid of it so that we can
be free." Then I saw that Imran Khan is levying different taxes
so that we don't have to take loans but because of this price
of the things is going up and inflation starts to rise and at the
same time people's anxiety also increases.

I am watching all this and saying that "this is how inflation

will come to the country. Imran Khan is also putting the
entire burden on the people. Today, a sack of cement costs
Rs. 600. If it continues like this, it will cost Rs.1000 in a short
time. Everything else will be the same. How can prosperity
come to the country in situation like this? In this way, the
burden on the poor will increase and people's confidence in
politics will erode. Imran Khan should cleanse Pakistan from
shirk and not increase the price of things and not impose
taxes on them. In this way the burden on the poor will not
increase. Imran Khan should live on debt now. Where this
country has been in debt for so long, there has been some
time more. Imran Khan should stop the theft of gas and
electricity in this country. Fix institutions, eradicate

corruption, end money laundering, catch corrupt people,

bring back the money looted from them, and fix the system
of hospitals, police, courts and other government
departments. When all these institutions are fixed, then
Imran Khan may not need to take a loan and there will be no
inflation and Imran Khan will have the full support of the
people otherwise what Imran Khan is doing, inflation will rise
and the poor people will be crushed apart and in this way we
may have to borrow more than before and Imran Khan will
also lose the support of the people and the country will be
stuck in a swamp where It will not be easy to get out of."

Walaikum Assalam wa Rahmatullahe wa Barakatuhu


True Dream About Imran Khan Illness

2020 February

Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem


I dream that I go to a house, where there are a lot of people

moving around. In the hall where I am, the door of one of the
rooms suddenly opens. There I see a person get sick and
people gather around him. Then I go to see and say "May
Allah has mercy on this person whose health is bad." The
door is open and there are some employees. Then I look
carefully and Imran Khan is lying on the bed. His condition is
as if his blood pressure is high and he can't even walk. There
are doctors and employees around. At the same time, the
army chief was there in a state of worry.
When I see this, I say that this is Imran Khan! I thought
someone else would. Then I walk from this hall to the
kitchen. Meanwhile someone grabs me a plate and tells me
to take it to the kitchen so I say "why is he giving it to me."
Anyway, I take this plate and see that the custard is made.
When I go to the kitchen, I see Imran Khan sitting at the
table. I say that "Imran Khan had a problem in walking so
how he came here before me." Ignoring him, there is a
woman in the kitchen and I give her the plate.

She takes the plate from me and starts adding something to

it. Meanwhile Imran Khan starts asking me a question. But I
don't understand and I keep quiet. So that woman says that
"Imran Khan has asked you something." Then I ask Imran
Khan "what did you say? I do not understand you." Then he
repeats and I understand.

In such a short time, that woman puts something more in the

same custard. And she asks me to give this plate to Imran
Khan. I say "why did she ask me to give this plate to Imran
Khan." Anyway, I give it to Imran Khan, then Imran Khan is
very happy to see me and wants to talk to me, but I do not
pay much attention. Then he start eating and that dream
ends there.
Walaikum Assalam wa Rahmatullahe wa Barakatuhu

Imran Khan's Failure and Dreams Come True About

Corona Virus in Pakistan
Assalamo Alaikum wa Rahmatullahe wa Barakatuhu!

Why did Imran Khan fail?

Finally, the time has come when Muhammad Qasim told you
in 2018 that Imran Khan will sooner or later fail. And today
Imran Khan is also admitting his failure. We have repeatedly
told you that in the last days believers will be guided by true
dreams but the government ministers did not take us

Today I want to ask you and to the people some questions so

keep your eyes on the screen. Didn't we tell you in 2018 that
Imran Khan will fail due to incompetence of his party and
ministers and misunderstanding of the system?

Didn't we warn that he will bring down lightning strikes on

his own home and the allies of Imran Khan's government will
blackmail him? Didn't we also tell you that opposition parties
and corrupt mafia will not allow Imran Khan to work? Every
word we said and our warning is proving to be true today.
You can see on your screen that we had this dream in 2018.
And word for word, the same thing is happening.

And today Imran Khan has also admitted that it has taken
him a year and a half to understand the system. And if
Mahathir Muhammad had been in his place, he would not
have been able to do anything. In a way, he has
acknowledged his defeat.

Imran Khan (delivering speech): "It took three months only to

understand. Everything we saw from the outside was very
different when the government came. That is, for a year and
a half we did not know the actual figures. Sometimes a figure
would come from a ministry, we thought it was doing very
well and then we would know that another figure had come."

Mr Imran Khan! You were scared at the time of election that

you do not know whether you will be able to become the
Prime Minister or not, so you preferred to form an undefined
and weak government. You should have dissolved assemblies
that would not have been blackmailed by your allies and
other entities.
Now it seems to us that according to Muhammad Qasim's
dreams, Imran Khan should not say that if anyone can do a
better job than me, he should come. Mr Imran Khan! You
used to give examples of Hazrat Umar while speaking in favor
of the poor, now your government has forced the poor to
commit suicide.
And you have forced the people to say that the previous
government was better than your government and the poor
are right to say that he does not care how much you have
reduced the current account deficit. He just can't see his
children starving and dying.
Muhammad Qasim had already told about the corona virus

Muhammad Qasim also told in 2017 through his dream of

economic earthquake. Its effects on the economies of the
countries are being compiled by Corona and the credit for
the lack of Corona in Pakistan was taken by your government

which was mainly due to extreme hot weather but now that
Corona is spreading, this is also what Muhammad Qasim said
in one of his dreams. It has already been stated that the
Corona cases will intensify after November.
And in the health sector, as in the case of the economy, the
government of Imran Khan seems helpless. Mr. Imran Khan!
Soon you and your government will have to consider where
we stand in history and how much time we have left.
Walaikum Assalam wa Rahmatullahe wa Barakatuhu

Did Imran Khan give bases to America?

6th June 2021

Bismillah hir rahman nirrahim.

Assalamo Alaikum wa Rahmatullahe wa Barakatuhu

Muhammad Qasim saw this dream on 6th June 2021. In the

beginning of this dream I see Imran Khan promoting and
talking about his accomplishments and achievements. That
his tenure of leadership is better than the past and Pakistan
is progressing. There are other people present there too who
are applauding Imran Khan. After seeing this I say, the reality
isn’t what Imran Khan is saying, these figures are wrong and
fake. Because the reality on ground, for the common man is
different. And I also say that Imran Khan must focus towards
Afghanistan now as well.
Then I see that my dreams are spreading in another country.
At this moment, a group of people become powerful in
Afghanistan. And those people come to know that Pakistan
has secretly given its bases to USA. So that the American
government can keep an eye on them. After learning this
secret, these group of people from Afghanistan threaten
Pakistan. And soon after this they increase their terrorist
activity in Pakistan.
I recall that in my dream there is an explosion and this group
of people become more aggressive. All of Pakistan reacts to
this, and people criticise the government for secretly giving
bases to America.

Imran Khan is also worried about this reaction from public.

He says that these terrorist events were well controlled in
Pakistan, and now people will blame me for what’s
happening today. And the secret of our support to America is
also public. All this will now become my responsibility.
Walaikum Assalam wa Rahmatullahe wa Barakatuhu

Sunken Land and Imran Khan

25 /08/ 2018

Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem

Assalamo Alaikum wa Rahmatullahe wa Barakatuhu

Muhammad Qasim says, in this dream I find myself in a huge

area of land. There are other people around there too as if
they are patrolling the area. The land is very big and
everything seems to be fine. Suddenly something happens
and the land sinks very deep similar to the depth of a river
and a lot of people get affected by this incident. Upon seeing
this I became shocked and said "what has happened here?
Everything was fine then how did all this land sink?" People
wait for some time thinking that it might get fixed but
nothing improves. I said to myself "I will go and see what is
Imran Khan doing at this moment in time?" Then I head
towards the place where Imran Khan is present and I see that
he is going somewhere along with some other people. Imran
Khan is upset and he is walking in anger as I have seen him in
my dreams. He expresses grief on the situation and
complains about some people that "Why are these people
not letting us do the work? This incident that just happened,
how will it be fixed?"

Imran Khan's Resignation


Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem

Assalamo alaikum!

Muhammad Qasim says that in this dream, I am on the roof

of my house and it is evening time. Planes are flying in the
sky. Suddenly I see a big plane passing through the land of
Pakistan. And a small plane is flying under it. Then I realize
that there are some hackers who are trying to destroy the
system of this plane and they blast the plane. There is a loud
explosion in the plane and the little plane below it tries to
save itself and I say "how can this little plane survive but it
saves itself." And as soon as the big plane crashes on the
ground, people start shouting that "it has crashed on the land
of Pakistan, so the responsibility goes to the Imran Khan’s
government because it happened in the presence of Imran
Khan." Then, I see that Imran Khan comes on TV and agrees
with this and says "because this blast happened while I was
there so I resign" and then Imran Khan's supporters get upset
and in the country a state of chaos ensues.

Walaikum Assalam wa Rahmatullahe wa Barakatuhu


Message of Muhammad Qasim and Imran Khan's

Close Ones
Assalamo Alaikum wa Rahmatullahe wa Barakatuhu

In this dream, I had come outside the house and went inside
a large hall. There were people there who were either fellow
classmates or close acquaintances of Imran Khan. I told them,
“I need to convey the news of my dreams to Imran Khan.”
They said "We are close to Imran Khan, however if you
describe the dreams to him yourself it may come across
better and be taken to heart”. The people direct me to where
he might be.

Then someone there asked me, "What will you do after

spreading the dreams?" I said "I will establish a company that
the people can benefit from, and attain a better quality of
life. It will also help the country prosper and progress."

The dream ended there.

Walaikum Assalam wa Rahmatullahe wa Barakatuhu

Dreams of Muhammad Qasim to Imran Khan


Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem

Assalamo Alaikum

Muhammad Qasim says that I see in this dream that there is

a big building and Imran Khan is present in it and is engaged
in some important work. I am also present at this place and I
am surprised that I have come here close to Imran Khan.
Then I think it is a good opportunity to tell Imran Khan about
my dreams that have come to me about him but I do not get
a chance all the day to tell him my dreams and it would be
night. Then I see that it is evening and he launches a
program. Then I say that "he will not succeed as he wanted
and he cannot do anything because he did shirk." Then I see
that what he wanted to do is not really done and the rest is
not done too. Then he looks very tired and frustrated and he
goes to his room at night. After that I go to a room and see a
man there, and then I say "it is night and Imran Khan has
gone to his room, now how can I reach Imran Khan? Why
don't I tell my dreams to this man in a loud voice so that my
voice will also reach Imran Khan." Then I do the same and I
start telling all my dreams about Imran Khan to this man in a
loud voice. I tell him all my dreams about Imran Khan's shirk
and his failure. Then I see that the sound reaches Imran
Khan's room and he hears all the dreams. When he hears
this, he comes out of the room and wonders who is that has
dreamed about me and the dream ends here.

A Dialogue with Imran Khan & Allah’s Plan

Assalamo Alaikum wa Rahmatullahe wa Baraka tuhu
Qasim saw this dream on January 30th, 2020

In this dream, I was inside a house, in which many other

people were also present. While looking around, my gaze
lands upon a man who I didn’t recognize at first, but then I
realize that I have seen this man before, this man is seated
on a chair against the wall,…upon careful inspection I
recognize that this man is Imran Khan and he seemed to be
busy with his work,
Eventually… I get occupied in my work.

A few moments after I recall that I have tried my best to

reach Imran Khan and share my important dreams, and now
that I have this opportunity, I should take advantage of it and
speak to him.
I reach closer to Imran Khan, and I tell him that, “I have seen
many dreams regarding you and I have also tried very hard to
get the message of these dreams to you but I was not
successful. Now that I have this opportunity, I would like to
share a dream with you, and I want you to ponder about this
dream and when you have time come and meet me, so that I
can discuss the dreams in greater detail, as my dreams are
coming true just as I have seen them”
I narrate that “On July 25 2018, a night before the elections, I
saw in a dream that you are elected as Pakistan’s Prime

Minister, but you struggle and fail to fulfil the promises you
had made to the people. On the contrary, you are forced to
withdraw and regress on your promises, different from what
you had previously planned. I have also seen the reasons to
why you have continued to fail in my dreams” After saying
this, I step back and suggest to “Contemplate about what I
have said to you, and when you get a chance take some time
out to meet me”

I then move away and it eventually gets dark (night time). I

am in the same house, and I see that Imran Khan is walking
with a few other individuals. Upon seeing me, he approaches
me and asks me,
“So tell me what dreams have you seen?” I tell him, “Take
some time out of your schedule, and give me adequate time
so that I can properly explain these dreams to you in detail”.
In that moment I notice that he is not taking much interest,
so I start explaining a little more of my dreams. I say that “I
have had more dreams about you, for instance I’ve seen that
the people surrounding you do not let you work, give you
incorrect advice and misguide you, and they report incorrect
information on the progress of their work, when in reality the
opposite is happening in Pakistan. Within your party, there
are opposing members who have formed internal rifts &
groups, and the coalition members are also pressurizing you.
I also state that I have not made up any of this information, I
have seen all this in my dreams, and have uploaded my
dreams as I saw them on Youtube on earlier dates. If you
wish, you can verify this information yourself. And I have also
seen in my dreams that Usman Buzdar will cause the most
damage, to your party and hurt its reputation.” Upon hearing

this, Imran Khan realises that I have proof for what I say, and
he takes more interest in the dreams. He proceeds to further
discuss with me. “He asks, what other dreams have you
Nearby in the room, I saw 2 chairs, and we both sat on these
chairs as I began to explain my dreams to him. I say that “In
the dream I saw on July 25th 2018, I see that you have
become the Prime Minister, but you face so many difficulties
& problems that you are unable to fulfil your promises.
Internal party rifts, grouping, and pressure from the coalition
also hinder your activity and you become fed up of these
circumstances. You also say, why are these people not letting
me work properly. Nevertheless, aside from these things, the
most detrimental action that you have done was when you
bowed down to prostrate to the shrine in Pak-Pattan, as it
was Shirk, and remember that you yourself said that you will
not bow down in front of anyone except Allah SWT”
Upon hearing this Imran Khan interrupts me and states, “No I
did not prostrate to a grave, I just kissed the floor and people
have taken this incorrectly and propagated against me”.
I respond by saying “No, 2 days after you had prostrated, I
saw another dream in which I was shown that even if
someone bows (like performing a rukou) in front of anyone
else except Allah, that person has also committed Shirk.
Remember that You yourself used to say IYYAKA NA’BUDU
WA IYYAKA NASTAEEN, and just to become the Prime
Minister you bowed in front of someone other than Allah,
this is the reason why you no longer have Allah’s help. You

have also not repented or asked for forgiveness for your


“I also saw in another dream that you prioritize on addressing

the bigger problems in Pakistan and reduce the current
account deficit. In doing so, you forget to focus on increasing
prices & inflation which increase abruptly and reaches a point
in Pakistan where you are not able to control it despite your
many efforts. In this situation, the citizens of Pakistan & the
opposition advise you that the economy is failing and not
functioning correctly, but you ignore them and only trust the
people you are surrounded by. I have also uploaded this
dream on YouTube at an earlier date.”
“With regards to Usman Buzdar, I saw this dream in 2014,
that you and your party members are travelling on a truck.
The driver of this truck is not experienced and has not driven
a truck before. I warn you that this driver is not suitable for
this job, and your truck (vehicle) is important. The person will
crash your truck somewhere, to which you dismiss my
warning saying, “No this driver is good, just watch he will
drive this truck very well”. After a few moments my warning
comes to pass as the exact same thing happens, regarding
what I had warned you about. The road you were travelling
on was leading towards a sharp round about, and the driver
Usman Buzdar gets frightened upon seeing the sharp turn,
and instead of slowing down he speeds up the truck and
crashes into a nearby building. In this particular dream, I saw
that many of your party members get injured in this accident,
and some even die.

In 2019, in another dream I was shown that this truck driver

is in-fact Usman Buzdar, and he is accompanied by another
person in the driving seat. Now you can examine your own
situation and see that this dream has come true as you
cannot replace this driver (Usman Buzdar) nor can you
continue to rely on him (keep him).

“Also recall, that when the elections were near, you began to
fear in your heart that what will become of you if you do not
win this election and do not become the Prime Minister of
Pakistan. You were also fearful and worried when your party
did not win enough seats to form a government, thus you
were forced to form a coalition government. I was shown all
this in my dreams. And I was also shown that you should not
have formed a coalition government. In fact, you should have
only relied & trusted on Allah’s help, which you didn’t do” .
Upon hearing this Imran Khan responds back and says, “the
Government cannot be formed unless you have majority of
seats and we did what was right”. I answered “ No, you were
fearful in your heart that you may not be able to win enough
seats again”…

I then ask Imran Khan, “how many seats did your party win in
2013”, he replied back saying “We had 30 seats”. I respond
by saying, “No, they were slightly more than 30”, to which he
responds by saying “Yes, it is possible, I cannot recall well”.
Then I ask him how many seats his party won in 2018, he
replied, around 115 seats. I explain to Imran Khan that, “Allah
helped you in increasing your party’s seats by 4 folds, despite
you committing Shirk at the Shrine. You should not have
formed a coalition government, instead you should have held
back just like you used to say that you will form a

government only if you get the majority of seats, otherwise

you won’t.

With regards to forming a coalition government, you did not

rely or trust in Allah’s plan and you continued to face further
difficulties & challenges. During all this period, Allah’s help
was not with you and you also did not pay attention to the
Shirk you had committed.” While our conversation was
happening, I observe that someone else had come and sat
next to Imran Khan but I was unable to see who this person is
due to the dim lighting, but I note that Imran Khan is very
focussed and is listening to me with great attention. Then I
tell Imran Khan that, “if you had trusted Allah, and had not
formed a government as you had said, then the opposition
would have setup a coalition government. This would not
have gone well with the public and the citizens of Pakistan
would have increased their trust, respect and resolve for you,
as they had not experienced your governance yet. Then the
true face of the opposition and their failures would have
come to light in front of the public. They would have realized
that the same people have returned to governance and have
caused a rise in inflation, and that law & order is not being
implemented appropriately. This would have given you the
opportunity to recall the election, resign from the assembly,
and reset the government with an increased support from
the People and their added trust. Maybe at re-election you
would not get the simple majority but you would get two
thirds majority. Nonetheless, you did not trust in Allah, and
your Imaan and Faith weakened, resultantly you
compromised and formed a coalition government. Now
instead of the Opposition being critiqued, your governance is
critiqued. You should see what common Pakistani today has

to say about your government’s failures…What have you

achieved? What respect will you have if you lose your
government today?, or if Chief Minister of Punjab is changed,
or if something else happens? People will remember you as
the worst PM in this history of Pakistan. They will say, once
there was Imran Khan who came and made many great
promises, but alas he failed miserably”.

At this point I see that Imran Khan is listening to me very

attentively, and concludes that “the way this person is talking
about me, is unlike anything I have heard from anyone else
before, and he expresses his content with a smile.

Then I tell Imran Khan that “I have made many attempts to

find a way to reach you and share these dreams. I shared my
dreams with everyone else, and even gave a message to
those closer to you and your ministers but everyone turned
me down. Only if any of those people had shared this
message with you, you would not have been in the
difficulties you face today, and even now you have an
opportunity to fix all this”.

Imran Khan then asks me how can all this be fixed? I respond
and say, “First and foremost, you should provide subsidies to
the People of Pakistan, reduce prices on basic food items,
reduce taxes, reduce price of fuel & electricity and give
support with funds to the most impoverished. If you continue
doing this for 3-4 months, you will see that people’s opinion
will change about you. People will be relieved with low prices
on basic items, reduced taxes, and improving conditions of
their business and earnings. After 3-4 months you should
break the Government assembly, people of Pakistan will trust

you more and once elections are held again, it is likely that
more people will vote for you and you can possibly form the
government again with majority. Once you have a majority
government there is no chance for anyone to stand against
you, like in current government, how Pervez Khattak
pressurizes you that he will depart with his group. If you had
two thirds majority or more, no one would be dare threaten
your authority”.

Upon hearing this all, I see relief in the eyes of Imran Khan,
and he regrets that he did not hear these suggestions before,
however after hearing my suggestion about lowering the
prices for 3-4 months Imran Khan interjects stating that “The
IMF will not allow me to reduce prices and taxes for 3-4
months”. I respond by saying, “Don’t be afraid, you are still
worried about what the IMF will do, and what kind of
pressure you will encounter on an international level…. You
should repent and say ask forgiveness for the Shirk you have
committed, and trust only in Allah SWT. The IMF can’t do
anything… At most IMF will stop giving you further loan
funds, what else can they do?. But if you do not trust in
Allah’s plan, you will not be successful”.
Imran Khan pays great attention to what I have to say, and he
expresses relief in hearing the resolution, but he also regrets
that he had not heard about my dreams earlier.
And the dream ends here.

Walaikum Assalam wa Rahmatullahe wa Barakatuhu


Imran Khan's Failure and Scholars Believe in

Muhammad Qasim's Dreams
Assalamo Alaikum wa Rahmatullah


In this dream I see that Imran Khan’s government has failed,

finished and they leave the government offices and go away.
I am standing afar and looking at all this. I say that everything
happened to Imran Khan, exactly as I had seen them in my
dreams. I get very happy to see this that my dreams have
come true. I say Allah had shown me the truth.
I then leave towards my home. As I am walking home, I see a
large Group of Ullamas walking towards me from the other
end of the street. It seemed like this Group of Ullamas were
from all around the world but there were more Indonesian
Ullamas amongst them. As I get closer to them and
eventually pass by them, some of them (mostly Indonesian)
stop and say, this is Qasim the guy with dreams. And then
they come to say Salam to me and shake my hand. The other
ullamas, whom didn’t know me also stop seeing this.
Then I say that the dreams about Imran Khan have come true
by the mercy of Allah SWT. If my dreams about Imran Khan
have come true then my dreams about the Rise of Islam and
Pakistan will also come true. I think to myself, that If these
Ullamas truly love Allah SWT and Prophet Muhammad SAW,
then after the truth and evidence has come to light about my
dreams, they should in every circumstance spread these

dreams with evidence to others. If they spread these dreams

this way, then this will have more impact on Pakistan and the
rest of the world.

I think about this as I continue walking, and I see that those

Ullamas also follow me towards my home. I reach home, and
there is a gathering of many people and Ullamas, as if there is
an important event happening in front of my house.
Dream Ends

Walaikum Assalam wa Rahmatullah


Imran Khan Should Accept His Failure

‫ﺑﺴﻢ ﷲ ﺍﻟﺮﺣﻤٰ ﻦ ﺍﻟﺮﺣﻴﻢ‬
Assalamu Alaikum
In this dream, I saw a big hall. There was a Stage in this hall
where Imran Khan was sitting.

Imran Khan was sitting on a chair next to the desk. And a very
close one of Imran Khan was resting next to him. In the
dream, I could not recognize that other person. Other than
that, the rest of the hall was empty. And I was standing
behind the Stage.
Then I saw Imran Khan softly saying to this person that "I
have failed. I have not been able to fulfill my promises that I
made to the people; the way I wanted to and now, I have
I was surprised to hear Imran Khan and said that "In front of
the people, Imran Khan claims for numerous achievements
that I did great things, our country is developing and we are
prospering but inside of the house, he is acknowledging to his
close ones that he has failed."

Then I came in front of Imran Khan and said that "Mr. Imran
Khan! Sitting next to your close ones, you are saying that you
have failed and admitting your failure but when you go to the
public, you say that great progress is taking place. So when
you already know you have failed, why don't you admit it in

Imran Khan tried to counter my point. Then I told Imran

Khan, "Khan Sahab! The sooner you admit that you have
failed, the less Pakistan will suffer and so quick Pakistan will
come out of trouble."
Imran Khan again said something, but I repeated, "the longer
you take to admit your failure, the more Pakistan will get into
trouble and the problems will increase. So, the sooner you
accept your defeat, the better for this country and you as

In the meantime, Imran Khan tried to counter a bit but in the

end, he realized that I have already listened to him and I
know everything.

Then he quietly started looking at me.

I repeated once again, "the sooner you unveil the truth and
admit your failure, the quicker this country can get back on
track. Otherwise, the longer you do, the more Pakistan will
suffer, and this country will be in trouble."
And this dream ends here.



Tyrannical Powers Are About to Destroy the Political

Planes of Pakistani Leaders

Bismillah A-Rahman A-Rahim

As-Salaamo Alaikum

In this dream I saw that there is a green colour layer on the

sky which is see-through and I can see the blue sky through
this layer. There are passenger planes flying in the sky and
then I see that one passenger plane is coming down for
landing. There is a big leader present in this plane as well.
Suddenly this plane catches fire and it crashes into the
ground. Then I see another plane flying downwards for
landing and this plane also catches fire and crashes into the
ground. Upon seeing this people are absolutely shocked‫ ۔‬I
come out running onto the road and see chaos everywhere
and people are also running in every direction out of fear.
Then I go back to the roof of my house, I see that the green
layer in the sky has shrunk and there are blue colour patches
on it and now it has blue and white layers as well.
I thought to myself that what has happened to the sky
suddenly that it has changed completely? Then I get a feeling
that these are the evil forces that are controlling the whole
world and that the sky changing colour is a sign of that. Then
I notice that there is no plane flying in the sky which means
that the evil forces have taken everything under their
control. Then I see that their machines start destroying the
houses and the buildings. Then these machines start heading
to the place where I am present. Then I come down again

and see that a lot of people are gathered there and I explain
to them that these machines belong to the evil forces and we
do not have anything to fight with them. Then I said that to
fight with these forces we need heavy ammunition.
Then I go out in search of this heavy ammunition. Then I see
a place and I say to myself that I may find that heavy
ammunition here. When I try to get to that place then some
forces send some green coloured crocodiles and other small
dinosaur type of dangerous animals get in my way to stop me
from reaching there. Upon seeing these, I turn back and see
my friends. I say to them that you have fought with such
forces before and you will also be able to fight these forces as
well. I ask them to come with me and they agreed and then
we fight these forces together.

Spreading the Anarchy of the Political People in


Bismillah A-Rahman A-Rahim

As-Salaamu Alaikum

Muhammad Qasim says that I am seeing the current situation

in this dream and I say in my heart that this is the same time
when some politicians want to spread chaos in the country.
Then the army chief forbids them to do so and says that the
situation in the country is already bad. You will make things
worse by holding sit-ins but they do not agree. I have seen all
these things in a dream before and then I say that right now
Imran Khan is in power and he is also a patriot, so how did he
get involved in this chaos.

Then I see the government and its pro-government ministers

speak out against these people and threaten to stop them.
Then I say that the government itself is leading them to
anarchy and so is Imran Khan will become part of this
anarchy. These people will go away in protest and there will
not be much damage but their move could lead to a series of
chaos and sympathy for the common people and further
worsen the situation. Therefore, Imran Khan should stop this
chaos. Imran Khan is the Prime Minister and he should act
wisely and this chaos should be reduced, not be increased.
Walaikum Assalam wa Rahmatullahe wa Barakatuhu

Nawaz Sharif Returns to Pakistan

Assalamo Alaikum wa Rahmatullahe wa Barakatuhu
Muhammad Qasim saw this dream on 7th May 2021

He saw that after some big incident in Pakistan all parties

become much happy except one.
Then he saw in dream that they are bringing back Nawaz
sharif with full protocol and this time Nawaz sharif looks
Much powerful and all his followers supporting him fully and
Maryam is leading them from front. They looks so happy as
their political statements /agenda have proven successfully.
The biggest reason of their happiness was that people used
all kind of tactics against Nawaz Sharif but Nawaz sharif get
And Muhammad Qasim also saw himself moving around
Maryam Nawaz and Muhammad Qasim also happy in the
dream because his statements are coming true. Then
Muhammad Qasim says to Maryam Nawaz by coming closer
to her that my statements are coming true same as I said.
Then she gave Muahmmad Qasim a positive reply that yes
your statements has come true.
(In dream, the meaning of my saying to Maryam Nawaz was
that as my past statements came true, so my future
statements will also come true. And the dream ends after
Walaikum Assalam wa Rahmatullahe wa Barakatuhu

The Role of Pakistan's Rulers, Shirk and Pak Army

16 /01/ 2019

Bismiallahir Rahmanir Raheem

Assalamo Alaikum!

I see in this dream that many rulers come and rule Pakistan
but the situation in Pakistan does not change. Then Imran
Khan comes and people hope that everything will be fine
now because Imran Khan has come but nothing is fine and
everything remains the same. Then Asif Zardari gets angry
with the government (of Imran Khan) and starts holding
meetings and speeches. He says, "I will not leave you and I
will not let your government run and this country will not
I'm watching it all on TV. After watching all this, I go out of
the house and I say that "if the situation remains the same,
the country will not be fine." Then Asif Zardari holds a rally
and I see him standing with distance. When I am watching
this rally, a field starts to form on the ground to my right. And
a field of mud begins to form on this field. The soil in this
field is spread as if someone is laying the soil in a very
systematic way. The soil is as smooth as a clay floor and looks
as if it has been laid by an advanced and expert company.
The soil is very suitable, that is, just as it is moist and moist
from the top, it is also wet from the bottom. Then I don't pay
attention to this soil and I turn to Asif Zardari and say that
"many rulers have come i.e. army, other rulers and Imran
Khan etc. but nothing has changed."

Then I look at the soil, it is spreading a lot and it is spreading

in such a systematic way that the level of the soil and
distance is the same and natural fertilizer is being applied on
it and is spreading itself. I say who is spreading this fertilizer
on this soil like this? Then I think that "now Asif Zardari is
speaking, in the same way soon my turn is to speak and I also
have to talk to people now, so I should prepare for it. I have
to plan what I should say and what I shouldn't say." Then I go
to a room or a small house. When I go there I see that it is a
hall-like room and there are few people there. I talk to them
and tell them that "many rulers came and went, and you look
at the history of all of them, every time there was hope that
prosperity would come but nothing happened and every time
the situation got worse than before." I say that there is only
one reason for this failure and that is "until this country is
purified of shirk and its forms, and until shirk and its forms
are eliminated from the country, Allah will not help. And also
prosperity will not come until then." I see other people come
there and listen to me. Then I see that two army men are also
listening me standing there.

Then I say that "there are various idols and sculptures in the
name of art and culture on different highways and
intersections in the cities, there are big boards with
unnecessary pictures on them, and just like there are many
idols and statues in the parks, and other unnecessary
pictures are shown in cities which are not needed, these are
all types of shirk." I say more that "the last Prophet
Muhammad ‫ ﷺ‬had also eliminated shirk by eliminating such
idols. When we eliminate all these forms of shirk, Allah will
help us. Then not only Pakistan would win Ghazwae Hind, but
she would also defeat super powers like Russia and the

United States in World War III and Pakistan herself would

become a superpower." The people of the army and some
other people were listening to me and I say that "when we
put an end to shirk, then Allah would bless us with His
blessings and mercy and He would open His treasures for us
because even in the early days of Islam, the last Prophet
Muhammad ‫ ﷺ‬exhorted the people to avoid shirk and he
established a society free from shirk."

Then here I give a live interview and the anchor asks me

about the shirk and the need of pictures in today’s life for
different purpose so I say that "where it is needed, it is fine,
but where it is not needed, images should not be used. It is
permissible to use the image in various state affairs, such as
the use of images on identity cards and currency notes, or if a
photographer has a shop, he can use the image because it is
necessary but other than that, if you see various unnecessary
pictures in the city or as most people put pictures of
celebrities in their houses, it is not permissible and it falls
under the category of shirk."
I say that "in the same way if you watch live interviews of
anchors they use their image, famous anchors don't need to
post their image so don't post it because they don't need it
and those who are anonymous anchors, they can post a
picture in their program promo." The people of the army are
standing at a distance and constantly watching all this and
listening to me carefully.

Islamic Presidential System Will Be Implemented

After Imran Khan

Bismillah A-Rahman A-Rahim

As-Salaamu Alaikum

Muhammad Qasim saw in a dream that people are discussing

politics in a big room that, "if the circumstances get bad then
Imran Khan’s government will end and after that Army or
someone else will take over." I said that "If Imran Khan's
government is overthrown, there will be elections and
people will re-elect Imran Khan because he has not been
tested properly yet. Until Imran Khan gets 30% of the time,
people will know about him and then after that some other
system will be established. Imran Khan is the last political
option. After him such a system of governance will be
implemented which will be Islamic and it will be a
presidential form of government.

Walaikum Assalam wa Rahmatullahe wa Barakatuhu




First Sign of Muhammad Qasim's Dreams


Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem

Assalamo Alaikum!

In this dream, Muhammad Qasim said that, I saw myself in

the hall of very big building, I was telling my dreams to a few
people that "in the future such and such events will take
place and a very bad time will come upon the Muslims and
there will even be attempts made to completely end Islam
but Allah help the Muslims and Islam will be spread in the
entire world." Then a person asked me that "Qasim! When
will your dreams come true?" I then became silent and
thought that "only Allah knows when these dreams will come
true. For now, I can only make inaccurate estimations."
Another person asked that "what are the signs that your
dreams are true? How can we believe you? Tell us which
events will take place which proves your dreams are going to
come true." And they ask many types of questions and I had
nothing to say and I walked out from there. Then a man who
believed my dreams said that "Qasim's dreams are true and I
will do my research on this and I will try to find out when
these dreams will come true and which events will occur
before that." Then he went away and entered some Library
like room. There was a book in there and a paper was placed
in it. He opened the paper and there was writing on it saying
that "the first sign of Qasim's dreams is that they will try to
make Pakistan as Tora Bora."

US President's Terrible Plan Against Pakistan


Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem

Assalamo Alaikum!

Muhammad Qasim says that in this dream I came to know

that the President of the United States is going to discuss a
secret plan. I think this plan will also be about Palestine. Then
I say that "this plan can also be a very important plan against
the Muslims. I should also go there and see what the
President of the United States will say." Then I sat on a plane
and went there. The president of USA was sitting in some
office like place. And some other people were sitting there
too. I go inside there also and no one noticed. Then suddenly
the US President stood up and there was a paper in his hand
and he said "Hi India". I said that "what does it mean and why
did he say this?" Then the US President showed the paper to
everyone and I became surprised on seeing that paper. There
was a map of Pakistan and India on it of the same colour. And
then US President said that "now Pakistan will be controlled
by India." And he signed the map and laughed loudly and
showed the map after signing it and kept on laughing that
now India will control Pakistan.

I am saddened to see that he was planning for Pakistan and

he must have said "Jai Hind" and not "High India". I can't
believe it happened so quickly. I run back and tell the people
of Pakistan that "the United States has a plan for Pakistan
after Palestine. Get up and save this country." They said that
"Qasim! Such plans have been made against Pakistan before

but nothing happened and Pakistan is still here and our army
is very strong too and no one can dare to even consider
challenging Pakistan and we have defeated India many times
before too." I said that "yes! But we shouldn't underestimate
the oppressive forces and this time India has other forces
too. Don't you all remember that Muslims thought the same
in the battle of Uhud. Initially they thought that they had
won the battle but suddenly they were caught off guard and
the tables were turned and Muslims suffered heavy losses.
We shouldn't underestimate our enemy and as they are
planning, we should plan to save our country too."

Then I went another way. On the way I saw some birds flying
in the sky. I said that "what kind of birds are these?" And
when I looked closely, those weren't birds but the planes of
enemy flying at a very high altitude. Seeing them, I am very
upset that even the planes of the enemy have started flying
in Pakistan and it is not known whether they are planes or
birds, but they are flying a lot.
Then I went to some huge building and met some people
there. And told them the same thing and they too said that
"Pakistan's army will take care of it." I said that "how much
work will Pakistan's army do? Are they responsible for
everything? And you people aren't responsible for anything?"
I said "the army is doing everything that it can but due to lack
of funding, the enemy attacks from where Pak army is not
present and Pakistan is losing money too. The army can't
fight without the funds." Then I walked away from there and
came home and started to think that "all these people are
sleeping. How can their plan be stopped from being
completed?" And the dream ended there.

Terrible Destruction of Evil Forces in Pakistan and

Muslim Countries

Bismillah A-Rahman A-Rahim

As-Salaam Alaikum

Muhammad Qasim says: In this dream I was underground of

a big building. Someone approached me and told me that "it
would be better for me to exit this building. Some evil forces
are invading our building." But I had unfinished work to do,
so I stayed there. Those evil forces knew that in this building
resides a man who will overcome all evil forces in the future.
So they plan to completely destroy that building. So that man
as well as everyone living in it would perish.

When these forces are fully convinced that the building has
been destroyed then they leave and I finish my work in the
meantime. When I go upstairs, the building is pretty much
destroyed. I said that this building is severely damaged and I
didn't even know about it. I go out to see which army it was
and where it has gone now. I follow in their footsteps and go
a little further. When I go far enough, I look back and see
how far I have come and how much distance is left for me to
reach those forces. In the distance, I see some buildings that
are side by side. Suddenly there was a huge explosion in the
first building and its intensity is so high that a pressure of air
is created and due to this pressure, I also start falling.

Even though I put my hands over my ears after the explosion

but I still heard the terrifying loud sound. I said that "what

kind of a bomb is this. That it made such an impact even

though I am so far away." After that a huge commotion
began. Suddenly there was a second blast in the next
building. And the impact was even greater than before. I said
that "may Allah have mercy! Who is causing these terrifying
blasts with huge impacts". A lot of people died and there
where sounds of screams everywhere. The people who
survived were running around everywhere. Upon seeing
those people I recognized them from my dreams. These are
those people who asked me for help in a dream then I sent
them to a safe place with a boat.

Then the third blast occurred which was much more severe
than the last two. And the impact was so much that this time,
I fell flat on the ground and my ears were screeching and I
couldn't hear anything for a while. I hardly recovered and
when I came to my senses I looked around. I saw dead bodies
everywhere. Chaos was spread in all directions and the
survivors were running around as if the day of judgement has
come. I said that "Qasim! I can't help them in this state. So
it's better to get out of here before something big happens."
Then I ran away from there. And at some place a man
attacked me with a dagger and he was very expert. I said that
"he is definitely from those evil forces." I sustained some
small injuries but I killed him by the mercy of Allah. I went to
a safe high place to see how much destruction had
happened. I said that "who did this and how can we fight
them?" When I looked, I saw how destruction spread beyond
my Imagination and it kept on spreading. I said that "this
destruction can only be repaired by the special mercy and
help of Allah." And the dream ended there!

Terrible Explosions of Evil Forces and Help of

Muhammad Qasim

Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem

Assalamo Alaikum wa Rahmatullahe wa Barakatuhu

I find myself in a place that looks like Pakistan that is not

developed. In the distance, I see some buildings and nice
houses. I say, "I should go there because that place is better
than that." Then I go there and see nice buildings, houses and
lots of people. Suddenly I hear an explosion and I feel warm.
People are crying out for help and Allah saves me by His
grace. When I reach out to people for help, I find many dead
and injured people crying for help, their bodies melting. I say,
"What kind of explosion was that? If I hold someone's hand,
their hand separates from their body because their body is
melting." I say, "What's the matter?" Many of the dead and
wounded have no hope of recovery and are dying of pain.
One lucky survivor says to me, "Qasim! Get out of here, this
place is not safe."
Then I hear another explosion and then a series of
explosions. I say, "I can't help anyone in this situation." Then I
run back from this place to the first place and say, "However
this place is not developed but it is a better place than that
developed place." Then I think, "Who is doing these
explosions and when and how can they be stopped?"

And the dream ended there.

Walaikum Assalam wa Rahmatullahe wa Barakatuhu

Murder of a Person and Chaos in the Country


Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem

Assalamo Alaikum wa Rahmatullahe wa Barakatuhu

I don’t know where it started but I saw a little chaos and

some people tried to find ammo to fight others. I asked
someone "why are you looking for ammo?" He said "there
are bad people coming and they will try to destroy our
homes and they will kill us." When I look around, I find out
what he is saying is the truth.
Then I saw a place where there are some people present with
ammo and they went another way. I go there and I saw some
ammo then I saw a person and he started to collect it. He
said "we need it to defend ourselves". When he finished
collecting ammo then he ran home. I also go behind him to
see what he will do. When I go to his house some people
came and started to attack his home. But he defends it and
they run away.
Then I go in another direction and I saw chaos has spread
even more. People with ammo are running here and there.
Then I saw a big and well known person also collecting
ammo. I asked this well known person "why are you doing
this?" He said "more enemies are coming here and this
situation will become more troubling, we have to save
Then I went to another side and there I saw another well
known person and he was also collecting ammo. I asked him

"why are you collecting ammo?" He said the same; I was so

upset that I said "what is going on here?" And from where is
this ammo coming from?" I saw that the ammo kept on
coming and people kept collecting it to fight. Everyone was
busy in collecting ammo but who is our enemy? Then I heard
the news on TV that some important person got killed. And
after it more chaos arose. Then I said "now this chaos is going
to spread throughout the entire country."

Walaikum Assalam wa Rahmatullahe wa Barakatuhu


Demise of Nawaz Shareef and Civil War in Pakistan


Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem

Assalamo Alaikum

In this dream I see that Nawaz Shareef (former Prime

Minister of Pakistan) has been disqualified and he is holding
big gatherings all over the country and protesting with his
famous slogan "mujhe kiyu nikala" meaning "why have you
disqualified me!" "This is injustice and this is not how you run
a state or a country. I am being targeted according to a well
thought out plan but I am not going to give up." His daughter
Maryam Nawaz is also with him and she also protests in the
similar fashion. Many people make a mockery of the
speeches of Nawaz Shareef and they laugh at him. They also
oppose his stance and present the counter narrative against
it but Nawaz Shareef still doesn’t back off. Then the political
activities of Nawaz Shareef start getting limited and his
speeches are not broadcasted either. Many people leave his
political party and this creates even more problems and
difficulties for him. Due to this he gets a lot of mental stress
and is unable to figure out how to get out of this difficult
situation. Nawaz Shareef keeps losing powers but he keeps
protesting even more than ever. Then he limits himself to his
house and starts recording his protest from there that
"Injustice is being done with me." He says "No one can stop
me and look despite sitting in my house I am still sending my
message across to the whole world." He says that "They
didn’t do the right thing by limiting my activities." And his

daughter stands with him through it all and completely

supports his stance.

Many people express their feelings against Nawaz Shareef

and due to the mental stress his health also starts to
deteriorate. I keep observing this entire situation and then I
see Nawaz Shareef going towards his room. His daughter
Maryam Nawaz is busy with sending messages on the
internet. Some powers take advantage of this situation. Then
I see some miscreants going towards Nawaz Shareef’s house.
I said to myself that "there is definitely something wrong",
and I start running towards Nawaz Shareef’s house. When I
reach there I find some miscreants on one side of the house
and then I use a different entrance to go inside. There is a big
hall there and it leads to different paths. I am looking for the
way that will lead me to Nawaz Shareef’s room. Then I see
some Army Commandos coming from one side and it feels
like Army is also trying to help and protect Nawaz Shareef.
When I see all this I said to myself that "if something happens
to Nawaz Shareef then the situation will get out of control.
And that is why the Army is here to protect him." Army
commandos are also heading towards Nawaz Shareef’s room.
Then suddenly the news came out that "Nawaz Shareef has
died" and upon hearing this I said to myself that "perhaps the
Army has been late to arrive at the spot." After walking
around I arrive in a big room where Maryam Nawaz is
present and she is crying and says that "someone has killed
my father." Upon seeing this I expressed grief on the
situation as "whatever happened was very bad." Then I leave
from there, I see some miscreants but I manage to escape
from there. But during this time the news about the demise

of Nawaz Shareef is spread all over the country and there is

chaos everywhere. The enemies of Pakistan try to take
advantage of the situation and spread unrest and anarchy
everywhere so much so that the situation gets out of control
and even the Army is not able to handle it. The scenes in the
dream were very scary and disturbing. When the calamities
befall Pakistan and the circumstances get worse then the
events unfold as I propagated through my dreams. When
people witness that the events are happening as I have seen
in my dreams and shared them. Then they start following my
dreams even more and believe in them.

Chaos and Panic Everywhere in Pakistan

13/05/ 2018
Assalamo Alaikum!

In this dream, I see that chaos has spread everywhere in

Pakistan and there is a lot of fear among the people.
Resources and funds of Pakistan are also finished. Army is
unable to fight and there are speculations whether this
country will survive or not. Using this chaotic situation to its
advantage, India opens up various fronts against Pakistan and
starts killing the people in different areas in large numbers.
The number of Pakistani troops is small and they keep
moving along the borders but they can’t defend the whole
border efficiently.
Every Pakistani is sad over the appalling condition of
Pakistan. Then India opens up another aggressive front at a
place and the Army of Pakistan is mobilized to tackle the
situation. I only see two helicopters in the entire arsenal of
Pakistan’s Army. Upon seeing this, I said to myself that "this
situation is the interpretation of a previous dream of mine;
where I see that the ammunition of Pakistan Army is finished
and they only have two helicopters left and there is some
ammunition with the Army Chief, and there is a big tank type
machine on the other side which is not getting destroyed."

At this occasion people start complaining to the Army Chief

that "if the Army Chief had believed in Qasim’s dreams
before then we wouldn’t have faced these problems." Then

the people start saying to me that "Qasim! Please do

something and take us out of this misery." Looking at those
bad circumstances, I said that "now it is too late, how can I fix
all this mess and I ignore what the people said to me." People
become very hopeless that there is no hope of getting out
this miserable condition.

Then India starts a big operation at some place and start

killing the Pakistani people. On this the President of the USA
says to India that "Stop these killings! You have only been
ordered to control Pakistan and not the killings", after this
India aborts this big operation. I became very sad on seeing
all this that we had to face this time of disgrace and people of
Pakistan also became very grieved. Once again people turn
towards me and try and push me to do something. Army
Chief also says that, "Qasim! We were wrong, we should
have listened to you under any circumstance and we should
have made plans to save Pakistan. We have made a mistake
and we are regretful for that, please do something and help
I said that "without the help and mercy of Allah I will not be
able to do anything." At this point I get a strong feeling that
whatever I will say Allah will make that happen by His mercy.
Then I invoke Allah’s name and say to myself that "they
haven’t even seen the Army of Allah yet", then I call out and
a lot of fighter jets, other war machines and tanks come out
of the earth and India got absolutely gobsmacked upon
seeing that arsenal. Then I said that "we will progress by the
help of Allah and we will end all kinds of darkness and there
will be no one to stop us."

Rage of Allah and Chaos in Pakistan


Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem

Assalamo Alaikum wa Rahmatullahe wa Barakatuhu

Muhammad Qasim saw this dream on 28 Dec 2018, that

Allah is explaining something to the Muslims but they do not
pay attention. Allah became angry and said to me "Qasim!
Write my message and deliver to these people, they are not
paying attention." "I will inflict my wrath on them." Allah is
speaking in an angry tone and I do not have any other option
but to write the message. Allah starts speaking and says "LA
"There is no God but Allah and Muhammad ‫ ﷺ‬is his final
Messenger." After this Allah narrates something which I do
not remember. Allah is enraged and he speaks in an angry
voice but this anger is not for me. I keep writing and then
some people come to me. They come to know that Allah has
told Qasim to write His message and Qasim is writing it
continuously and delivering it to the people.
Allah’s anger and annoyance remains constant and it
continues and I become scared to write anymore due to the
fear of Allah. I said to myself "why is Allah asking me to write
this message, what can I do now as I do not have any other
option." Then I tell those people who are with me to write
the remaining message. Then I tell them that "whatever Allah
is telling me I will narrate it to you and you just keep writing
it", and one of them said "Yes that’s fine, we will write it."
Allah is watching all this and when those people are ready,

then Allah starts speaking. I listen to that and narrate it to

those people and they keep writing it. This work is very good.
Allah’s anger and rage is not for those people.

I said to myself that "these people are quite courageous that

they have started to write all this." When Allah has
completed His message then one of them says that "the
message, Allah has narrated is very dangerous and scary.
India will also occupy some part of Pakistan." Then I said to
them "yes! But when Allah will help us, we will regain that

Then it also has to happen that an earthquake will come and

the circumstances will get worse after that. Then there is an
earthquake of low intensity and we do not realize that it’s
the same earthquake which we were waiting for and the
news comes out that those people who were controlling the
two big provinces, after this earthquake their houses have
collapsed and they have died. I said to myself that "this was a
very light earthquake but it has collapsed their houses." The
circumstances get worse after this and no one knows what is
happening and how to control the chaos. Chaos spreads
everywhere and it happens exactly how Allah had narrated
and there is darkness everywhere. Then I wear some clothes
and they even shine in the darkness and people can see me
from a faraway distance.
Walaikum Assalam wa Rahmatullahe wa Barakatuhu


How Is Pakistan's Success Possible? Allah's Message

to the Army Chief

Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem

Assalamo Alaikum

In this dream, I see that Pakistan and Pakistan's army is

getting into difficulties. And the army chief does his best to
get Pakistan and the Pakistan army out of these difficulties
and bring peace and prosperity to Pakistan. But every effort
of the army chief is in vain and the resources of the Pakistan
army are dwindling. And because of hard work, the health of
the army chief is also deteriorating. I get upset when I see

And then Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala came on his Arsh

(throne) and said that “Qasim! give this command of mine to
the army chief of Pakistan, that Pakistan and its army and
army chief will stay in the same condition until they listen to
your dreams carefully with attention and until they don't
believe in the things that which you tell them. And Qasim! I
am the best planner and I will make a plan for your success."
Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala has also shown me in my dreams
that when the army chief of Pakistan finds out about my
dreams and he listens to my dreams carefully, then the last
Prophet Muhammad ‫ ﷺ‬testifies to the army chief that “my
son Qasim is not lying to anyone about his dreams. His
dreams are true and come from Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala

and it is going to be exactly as Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala has

shown Qasim in his dreams.

When I tell the important dreams to the Army chief of

Pakistan, he makes plans according to them to save Islam and
to save Pakistan and Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala caused those
plans to succeed by His help. And then we save Pakistan and
Islam with the help of Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala. In my
dreams Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala has also shown plans to
save Islam and to save Pakistan.

Dreams of Muhammad Qasim to the Army Chief


Bismillah A-Rahman A-Rahim

As-Salaamu Alaikum

Muhammad Qasim says that he saw in a dream that I was

giving an interview on TV and I was asked questions about
Pakistan. I am asked "how will your dreams be advertised?" I
say, "Imran Khan hopes that he will succeed but after he
becomes the prime minister his party is divided and people
inside the party say that if you do this and that then we will
support you, otherwise we will not support it, as all political
people do. Imran Khan does the same and says, look what
happens now. Maybe there is a way out and he keeps
working in this type of situation but when the situation gets
so bad he says; I will leave the government and dissolve the
Then I am asked, "If Imran Khan will know your dreams?" I
say that "you may know a little bit about the current
situation but when the situation gets very bad then Imran
Khan thinks; why I failed? And what is the reason for my
failure? Then he considers my dreams and then the army
chief also knows my dreams."
When Imran Khan leaves the government, the situation
worsens than before. Due to which the army chief has to
handle the situation of the country. Before that the army
chief also knew my dreams and the last Prophet Muhammad
‫ ﷺ‬testified to my dreams to the army chief and then the

army chief has to choose a leader under a new system and

the government is given to him. After this shirk is abolished
and the country develops.

Walaikum Assalam wa Rahmatullahe wa Brakatuhu


Army Chief of Pakistan, Conspiracies and Martial Law


Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem

Assalamo Alaikum wa Rahmatullahe wa Barakatuhu

Muhammad Qasim saw this dream on 8 August 2017. He

says: In this dream, I was in a big room. The Army Chief and
other people were talking on a round table. I was standing
near the exit door way. This meeting was urgently made to
address a severe issue. The problem was there were people
who planned to create chaos and destabilize the country.
Those people were in civilian dress. The Army Chief listened
to their plans and he became very upset. He said “don't do
that or else I will impose martial law.” But those people
replied him saying “you can't stop us and you can't do
anything after taking over either.” The Army Chief became
silent. Then he said to them again “I warned you don't do
that.” But those people ignored him and continued to make
their plans.
Out of anger, the army chief walked away towards the exit
door where I was standing. Seeing me there, he approached
me and said "Qasim! Help us! Stop those people otherwise
this country will fall apart. And kindly inform me when you're
finished." I said "okay I will try to stop them”, then he left the
room. I said “if the army chief was not able to stop them then
how can I?" But then I place my trust in Allah ‫ ﷻ‬and relied on
Him. I walked over to the circular table and saw that they had
already began their plans. I was looking at what they were
doing for some time. Then I started talking to them but I

don't remember exactly what I said. However in the end I

was able to stop them. Then I went to the army chief and
told him "I stopped them." The army chief became happy and
said "you have done a great job. Now stay with us so that we
can rebuild our country and soon we will become powerful
and spread peace and mercy."

Walaikum Assalam wa Rahmatullahe wa Barakatuhu




The Nur of Allah and the Journey of Prosperity of the

Muslim Ummah

Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim

Assalamo alaykum

Muhammad Qasim tells, I saw this dream in 2015. I see

construction work was going on in my house. Then I was
standing in front of my house and the Last Prophet
Muhammad (‫ )ﷺ‬came to me and said, "Qasim! When your
house is completed, I will call you to come to the Madinah
and I will meet you there. Then I will order you to go to
Makkah and show gratitude to Allah ‫ ﷻ‬and then you have to
help the Muslim Ummah.’’ I said, ‘’Yes, I will do whatever you
ask me to do." Then I saw myself in a huge Masjid along with
a very small amount of light. The Imam had already started
the prayer and I join them.
When we finished the prayer, a few people looked at me and
said to me "We can see clearly, a light is coming from you’’. I
answered, "So what?" They said to me that, "Can you see
that we are living in darkness and that darkness is increasing
every day, please help us out, you have a light, bring us into
this light, only then we can come out of this darkness.’’ I
answered them that, "I only have the Nur of Allah ‫ ﷻ‬and I can
fill the whole world with it." They requested me to do it for
them. Then I throw the light of Allah ‫ ﷻ‬in the dark sky, the
sky became full of Nur, and the entire world was shining with
Nur and the face of the Muslims also began shining like the
stars and everyone was happy.

Muhammad Qasim and Four Moons

NOV 24, 2015

Bismillah A-Rahman A-Rahim

As-Salaam Alaikum

Muhammad Qasim saw that there was darkness everywhere.

The sky was dark too and there were huge machines and
planes flying across the sky. They had everything under their
control and the people had no other options but to accept
their tyranny. I look up at the sky and look for the moon. So I
see the moon and I say, "I have seen in my dreams that when
there is darkness on all sides, I will see two moons in the sky
and that means this is the time when Allah ‫ ﷻ‬will help me."

So I looked at the sky and I found the first moon and then I
found the second and the third. Then I said "the 4th moon
should be here too" but I didn't see it. In confusion I looked
all across the sky but I could not find it. I got disappointed
and complained to Allah ‫ ﷻ‬saying when will your help arrive.
Just then I looked at the sky right above myself and I saw the
4th moon. I became overjoyed knowing the time of Allah's
promise has arrived.

I climbed a very tall building and I ran off the edge of that
building and I was running in the air by the mercy of Allah ‫ﷻ‬.
Then the Nur (light) of Allah ‫ ﷻ‬appeared on my right hand
index finger. Then I started destroying those gigantic
machines and dangerous planes whilst running through the
air. The people became hopeful that at least someone is
attempting to destroy them. With Allah's help I destroyed all

the machines except one massive sized machine. This

machine was firing at me heavily and I too was running
towards it very fast and then I threw the Nur of Allah ‫ ﷻ‬at the
sky. The Nur of Allah ‫ ﷻ‬quickly spread throughout the sky and
destroyed that machine instantly. Then the entire Sky
became filled with the Nur of Allah ‫ﷻ‬.

We all gained our freedom once again and everyone was

happy. Then I came down onto the land and the people
gathered around me saying you have done something
amazing. And I said "no but it became possible through the
help of Allah ‫ ﷻ‬and verily Allah helps his servants." Then after
that people invited me to their houses for a feast. I said that
"there is no need for it" but they insisted. I said jokingly that
"if only I could clone myself then I would be able to go to
everyone's houses." So they laughed and said that no matter
what happens we will never leave you alone.

Jazakallahu Khairan

Decorated Car of Muhammad Qasim

Bismillah A-Rahman A-Rahim

As-Salaam Alaikum
In this dream Muhammad Qasim tells that I was in my home
in a room. I took a shower and wore new clothes. My home
was very old, damaged and rusty and I was thinking about my
dreams that "how many of my dreams came true? And
where am I according to my dream?" Then I think about it
and I said that "my dreams related to people I meet came
true so far and these people are better than me, they can do
hard work and I am not able to do fast and hard work due to
my weakness. If my weakness can go away I would do work
like they are doing." Then I said "any way, let’s go, maybe
more dreams will come true soon."

Then I went out from the room and went to the road in front
of my home and I was watching the scenery. Then I saw our
old car coming and that car stopped right in front of me. And
2 young boys came out, one is elder in age and the other one
is younger. When I saw the car and boys, I said "oh this is our
old car, yes we got to fix it and now it’s able to run again by
the help of Allah. And now young and hard working people
are driving this car." The elder boy talked to the younger boy
that ‘’we have to decorate things for this car so this car will
look more good.’’ The youngest one said "yes the guy will
come soon to decorate this car."

They unload decorations from the car and put them in the
garage. During this I did not talk to them. I was just looking at
them thinking "what are they doing?" Then they went to the

same home from where I came from. Then I said "yes we are
again joining at one place, we were living at different places.
Now we are gathering in our old home and soon more people
will come to know us and they will join us soon."
Then I go inside the home to see what they are doing inside
the home. I saw about 4 to 5 people including these young
boys, they were planning something saying "we have to do
more good work". I look at them and I said that "let them
make plans and don't disturb them." During all this I did not
talk to anyone and then again I went outside.

When I go to the garage, again I saw a man who arranged the

decorations. When I saw him, I said "I saw him before
somewhere but I don't remember him", so I ask him, "who
are you and what are you doing here?" I didn’t tell him that I
saw him before. He said “I am a man who decorates the cars
and I came here because someone asked me to decorate this
car." I said "yes I saw a young boys talking about you". Then I
asked "are you good with it, I mean are you a professional?"
He said “I already decorated many cars before, the cars you
are seeing on the roads, I decorated them all, so don't worry I
will decorate your car in a professional way". Then, I start
working with him so there is not a single mistake left by
decorating the car because when the other people see our
car they should feel good by seeing our car.
There was a box and in this box, there were colours and
brushes and they were beautiful colours and brushes. I never
saw these types of colours before on any other cars. Then I
see some colours and brushes were missing in the box, I ask
him "why are they missing and where are they?" He said "this

is all the decorations I have and these boys took them all and
he said, leave them!" Then I said that "wait! Let me find it
from the other decorations, maybe they are in other places".
Then I look at all the decorations and I say to Allah "help me
find them". And then I find 3 to 4 colours and I give it to him
and he said ‘’nice you found some colours.’’ Then, I said that
‘’about 4 colours are still missing and the car will not be
decorated properly.’’ Then he said "I will decorate it so no
one will notice it”. Then he starts decorating the car, and he
said "when its ready, people will ask about you; how did you
do this and we never saw a decorated car before like this.”

And dream ended there.

Walaikum Assalam wa Rahmatullahe wa Barakatuhu

Magnificent Painting and the Reward of Allah

Tabaarak wa Ta'ala
December 2015
Assalamo Alaikum wa Rahmatullahe wa Barakatuhu

In this dream Qasim says that I saw a huge room in which

there was a giant paint board on the wall. There were many
different pairs of paints and brushes and I saw three or four
cows grazing on grass. Then suddenly Allah ‫ ﷻ‬had ordered
me to draw a painting exactly like the ones he had shown me
in dreams. I started painting from one side and I was drawing
exactly the way Allah ‫ ﷻ‬wanted. Then I slowly started getting
tired after I used up a lot of my strength. I ended up only
painting half of the board. I told myself “how I can't draw
anymore than this.”

I was so exhausted. I only completed half of the painting. But

the other half was still remaining. In all hopelessness, I left
the painting. And started to walk to the other side of the
room where there was a door. I took one final glance at the
painting that I made. I said to myself that “I tried my best to
obey Allah ‫ ﷻ‬but I just couldn't finish the task that he gave

In that exact moment Allah ‫ ﷻ‬ordered the cows to complete

the remaining half of the painting. And to my amazement
those cows picked up a brush in one of their front legs and
started painting. I was confused thinking, how did these cows
become so intelligent? I ran towards them but they were

painting so fast that they finished by the time I got there and
then they went back to eating grass. When I tried talking to
them they didn't respond the painting was so beautiful. Then
it got famous throughout the entire world. People were
praising me saying, Qasim is a great artist. I said “no rather all
praise belongs to Allah ‫ ﷻ‬and Allah ‫ ﷻ‬is the best of

And then Allah ‫ ﷻ‬Himself made a huge and magnificent

painting. No one had ever made a painting like this before.
And then Allah ‫ ﷻ‬wrote my name on the corner. The people
had no words for it except “Subhan Allah” glorified be Allah.
The people thought I was an amazing painter and the media
was asking me where I got this idea from. I remained silent
but in my heart I knew that Allah ‫ ﷻ‬had made this painting.
He wished to honour me by giving me the credit. In that
dream when I saw that painting even I had no words except
“Subhan Allah.”
The dream ended there.
Walaikum Assalam wa Rahmatullahe wa Barakatuhu

Muhammad Qasim Gets the Job and Faces the

February 2019
Assalamo Alaikum wa Rahmatullahe wa Barakatuhu

In this dream, Muhammad Qasim says, I saw myself in my

house. I said to myself “I don't have any work to do. What is
this life? And what is its purpose? And what kind of life is
There is a very big company which is going around
advertising for manager job. They don't appoint anyone as
manager for quite some time. They want to hire someone
and began to advertise even more. They advertise a
questionnaire on the TV and wait to see who gives the best
answer. I said to myself “my qualification is not that high and
this company is big. I might not get the job.” I see on the
company’s website that the questionnaire is there and I feel
that “I can answer easily.” I write the answers, and after
writing them, I put the answers in an envelope and hand the
questionnaire in to the reception. The receptionist informs
me that tomorrow is the interview.

There is people there who get surprised that how did he get
the interview and I became surprised that "Why did they call
me?" I prepare my clothes for the morning; I iron, and make
preparations. When the morning time comes, I leave the
house. I see a girl in the way, and I like that girl and I want to
marry her. I follow the girl and wherever she goes, I follow

her and run after her nearly the whole day. Then the night
time falls and neither did I get the girl nor the job and I
became sad. I think to myself that “the company who is
hiring must have hired a manager by now.” I should check
who has been selected but nothing appears. I said to myself
that "If I had went for the interview at the right time I might
have been the lucky guy." Then I fell asleep, when I wake up
in morning, I become curious as to who got the job and I
wanted to find out. I go out to see who got the job. I check
the website but there is nothing there.
I went to the office but I look at my clothes and they are
untidy and not so clean. I said to myself “if I go out in this
condition they will not select me.” Anyways, I come back to
home and I take a shower and when I am finished, I see that
there are new clothes that appeared from somewhere! With
these new clothes I can go for the interview. I change clothes,
get ready and leave for the company’s office.
At the reception I see a lady who is sitting there handing out
the envelopes. Seeing me she gets up and says salam and
greets me with respect and says "Welcome sir." As if they are
waiting for me. Many other people say Salam to me and they
all welcome me as well. They told me that “they had hold the
interview and that I was selected.” I asked "how can I be
selected?" I wanted to see the owner to find out how? They
give me directions to his office and I go there. I am very
surprised and curious as to how I got selected for this job. I
go quickly to the room and enter without permission. The
owner was sitting there. He says "come here Qasim! I was
waiting for you and I selected you as manager". I said “I only
came for the interview.” The boss said "I wanted to see who

gives the best answers and I saw that no one else gave
answers good enough but you". Then I wondered who that
person who gave such good answers was. I wondered why he
didn’t come for the interview; he must have got in trouble or
something.” Then I said to myself, “I came out of my house
and I ran into trouble outside.”

The owner said “go to your office there is a room dedicated

for you. We will briefly explain to you how to do the work.” I
said “I know quite a bit as what to do.” I meet some people,
and they introduce me the product. I became grateful to
Allah. I see the office and it was a luxurious office, it had
cameras and monitors. I looked at a monitor and I wondered
"Where is my car?" It was a white coloured car and I saw it
on the screen.

I thought, I need to go out and meet the rest of the people. I

look into a mirror and see that my hair is old and messy and I
need to comb it and set it with gel to make myself look
smarter. I should ask the owner if he has gel so I can tidy up. I
go to the owner who is in the hall talking to people. I asked
him for hair gel so that I can meet the people. The owner
doesn't pay attention to my hair and gives me an old gel
which is a bit dry. I think “it’s ok! I have to use this.” When I
put the gel to my hair, it doesn't get tidy. I said to myself that
“the owner of this big company should at least give me
better gel so that I can work nicer. What will people say? But
the owner did not provide it.” Out of anger I get upset and
take off the gel and I throw it. I said “if the owner himself
doesn't care how his manager looks, then so be it.” I walk
away from there and make my mind up that I have to go and
meet the people in this condition.

As I am thinking all of this then the dream ends.

Walaikum Assalam wa Rahmatullahe wa Barakatuhu


Job of Muhammad Qasim and Happy Boss

2019 February
Assalamo Alaikum wa Rahmatullahe wa Barakatuhu

I was living a useless life, a life of darkness. Then I saw a

company who isn’t interested in hiring anyone. I think to
myself that the owner of this company is a good man, I
should talk to him. I go and talk to him and tell him that, "I’m
living a life of darkness, if you give me a chance, I may come
out of this life of darkness." The owner doesn’t give me much
attention but says that, “I can only give you a chance, if you
don’t do well I won’t be able to help you.” He gives me a
chance and then I start my work and I try my best to do well.

Then slowly my progress starts getting better. Slowly the

owner starts getting happy with my work and thinks that I
was doing well and it was according to his expectations as
well. Then the owner starts telling other people about my
work that Qasim is doing well. Then he becomes so happy
that he starts keeping an eye on me via cameras. He is so
happy with me that once he was attending a high-profile
meeting and I called in the middle of it. He starts listening to
me with full attention and ignores the people in the meeting.
The other attendees also feel that the owner is paying much
attention to Qasim and ignoring us. I mean the owner
becomes extremely happy. The dream ended there.

Walaikum Assalam wa Rahmatullahe wa Barakatuhu




Blessed Car
February 2017

Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem

Assalamo Alaikum

In this dream, Muhammad Qasim saw that, we are the final

generation of people and it was our turn to use a car to reach
our destination. But to our disappointment, we found out
that the previous generation had mistreated that car.
Everything was completely rusted and almost destroyed; the
seats were like garbage and the engines were completely
busted up, the tires were flat and the car wouldn't start up at
all. Then I and some people with me started to fix the car. In
my dreams on February we fixed more and more parts. I and
those with me suffered a lot doing the hard work. For
example, in one dream, we took out the engine together and
replaced it. In another dream, we replace the body of the car.
In one dream, we were able to start the engine while it was
damaged badly we decided to go with it. But then we found
out that the car had no breaks then we stopped the car and
did a lot of work fixing it.

In February 11th 2017, I saw the last prophet Muhammad ‫ﷺ‬

walking around nearby. He looked extremely tired and
worried. This encouraged us to work even harder and faster
and finally, the car was good enough to drive but it went very
slow. I went and told the last prophet Muhammad ‫ ﷺ‬that we
got the car running however it won't go very fast. Then the
last prophet Muhammad ‫ ﷺ‬became filled with pure
happiness. When he came near, he said this was my old car

and now we are able to drive it again. In the back of the car
was I, the last prophet Muhammad ‫ﷺ‬, one female and three
other people and in the front was a young driver. I said “we
are heading towards our destiny with the mercy of Allah.”
And the dream ended there.

Walaikum Assalam wa Rahmatullahe wa Barakatuhu


True Religion of Islam and the Establishment of Peace

in the Whole World

Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem

Assalamo Alaikum wa Rahmatullahe wa Barakatuhu

Muhammad Qasim says that in this dream, I see myself

taking a bath, putting on new clothes and going out to the
park. I see the main gates of the park open, then I see the last
prophet Muhammad ‫ ﷺ‬there and he looks restless. The last
prophet Muhammad ‫ ﷺ‬is walking here and there in anxiety
and I do not resist and I stand by him that maybe he has
something to tell me.

The last prophet Muhammad ‫ ﷺ‬is amazed to see me and says

“Oh Qasim! I was waiting for you so come here." The last
prophet Muhammad ‫ ﷺ‬walks ahead of me and I follow him.
He ‫ ﷺ‬takes me somewhere far away and there is a big
building there. He ‫ ﷺ‬takes me inside the building and says,
“My son! Watch! This was the building of my Islam, the
leaders inside are not doing justice to me and my Islam, they
have formed groups and many of them have become slaves
of the disbelievers. And the leaders of this building are not
working sincerely, they do not care about the poors and they
are not doing justice even its effects have reached the
grassroots level and all the people are following in the
footsteps of their leaders and also they are forcing others to
follow in the footsteps of their leaders, because of which
there is chaos and injustice everywhere. My Islam is being
humiliated in every part of the world. Indeed, I want you to

be the leader of my nation because you treat me with

sincerity and you have done all your work with justice, and
you do not seek help from anyone except Allah. Give wealth
to the needy and spread justice so that its effects reach all
the common people and everyone is happy and peace
spreads everywhere and the whole world sees that this is the
real Islam.” Then I say, “As you command!” On hearing this,
the last Prophet Muhammad ‫ ﷺ‬rejoiced and said, "Son! Do
not be afraid of anything. Allah is with you and Allah has
promised me that He will never leave you alone.” (And the
dream ended there.)

Walaikum Assalam wa Rahmatullahe wa Barakatuhu


Big Masjid and the Prayer of the Last Prophet

Muhammad ‫ﷺ‬

Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem

Assalamo Alaikum wa Rahmatullahe wa Barakatuhu

Muhammad Qasim saw in this dream last prophet

Muhammad ‫ ﷺ‬came out of his house after making wudu for
Asr prayer. He ‫ ﷺ‬was old and needed a stick to walk. He ‫ﷺ‬
called out asking "is there anyone to take me to the Masjid?"
But no one responded and everyone remain caught up in
their own work. He ‫ ﷺ‬became very upset and started to walk
towards the closest Masjid. When he ‫ ﷺ‬reached the Masjid
no one had waited for him and the prayer had already
finished. He ‫ ﷺ‬became even more upset and depressed that
no one waited for him. He ‫ ﷺ‬started to walk towards his
house and again no one offered any assistance.
I had just finished doing a difficult work and met the last
prophet Muhammad ‫ ﷺ‬near his house. He ‫ ﷺ‬said "Qasim!
You came to me when the prayer is finished. What's the use
now? No one listen to me or took me to the Masjid." I said
"don't worry there's a Big Masjid far ahead where prayer
hasn't started so how about I take you there." He ‫ ﷺ‬said in a
sad tone that "Qasim! You couldn't take me to the Masjid
that is near so how you will take me to the Masjid that is
farther and catch prayer on time. You don't have a car either,
so it's fine Qasim! Just leave it. I will just pray at home." I told
him "don't worry! If I got here earlier, I would have taken you

to the Masjid on time. Allah ‫ ﷻ‬is with us so I will take you to

the Masjid with the help of Allah ‫ﷻ‬." He ‫ ﷺ‬said "let us hurry
and go to the Masjid". Now I became worried. I don't even
know the way nor do I have a car. Now only Allah ‫ ﷻ‬can help
me. So Allah ‫ ﷻ‬said in my right ear, "Qasim! pick up
Muhammad ‫ ﷺ‬and run. I will take you to the Masjid." So I
picked up Muhammad ‫ ﷺ‬in my arms and ran then. I started
to run in the air with the mercy of Allah ‫ﷻ‬. He ‫ ﷺ‬became very
happy upon seeing a huge Masjid in front of us. He ‫ ﷺ‬was
even bragging about me saying "this is my son who has taken
me to the Masjid with the help of Allah ‫ﷻ‬."

The people got up for prayer right when we entered and the
last prophet Muhammad ‫ ﷺ‬led the prayer for the others. I
didn't enter the Masjid because I didn't have wudu. I told
myself that if I had wudu then I would have prayed with
them. The Masjid was very big so by time, I finished doing my
wudu. The prayer would have already finished. I said to
myself, “If I did wudu before coming here, the last prophet
Muhammad ‫ ﷺ‬would have missed his prayer. Either way the
good thing is the last prophet Muhammad ‫ ﷺ‬got to the
Masjid on time with the help of Allah ‫ﷻ‬. I gave thanks to Allah
‫ ﷻ‬and started to watch the last prophet Muhammad ‫ ﷺ‬pray.
(The dream ended there.)

Walaikum Assalam wa Rahmatullahe wa Barakatuhu


Last Prophet Muhammad ‫ﷺ‬, His Companions and

Muhammad Qasim Bin Abdul Kareem
May 2015

Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem

Assalamo Alaikum wa Rahmatullahe wa Barakatuhu

Muhammad Qasim narrates that in a dream, I saw the last

Prophet Muhammad ‫ ﷺ‬was sitting with his Companions (may
Allah be pleased with them). I told myself that "the last
Prophet Muhammad ‫ ﷺ‬and his Companions such as Abu Bakr
Siddiq (may Allah be pleased with him) and Umar (may Allah
be pleased with him) had established Islam, and now I have
to restore true Islam just as it was 1400 years ago." Then
Allah ‫ ﷻ‬emanated in a manner befitting His majesty and said,
"You are not alone, I am on your side." The dream ended
Walaikum Assalam wa Rahmatullahe wa Barakatuhu

Black Horse and the Freedom of the Important

Building of Islam

Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem

Assalamo Alaikum wa Rahmatullahe wa Barakatuhu

In this dream we were living in a small place filled with

darkness. Our main Islamic building was captured by anti
Islamic forces. And then Allah ‫ ﷻ‬sent the last Prophet
Muhammad ‫ ﷺ‬to us by His Mercy. Upon seeing the last
prophet Muhammad ‫ ﷺ‬we all became really happy that Allah
‫ ﷻ‬has sent the last prophet Muhammad ‫ ﷺ‬to us again. And
now the time has come that we become united again and
regain our Islamic building. The last prophet Muhammad ‫ﷺ‬
said to me that "Qasim! Go and tell all the Muslim leaders
about me that the last prophet Muhammad ‫ ﷺ‬has come to us
again to free this Islamic building from anti Islamic forces and
to rebuild it". I tell him that "Yes I will go now and convey
your message to all of them". He tells me that "I will wait for
you". But when I go to Muslim leaders and convey the
message of the last prophet Muhammad ‫ ﷺ‬then they don't
believe me. Then I tell them that "do you only love the last
prophet Muhammad ‫ ﷺ‬in your words? Anyone can say
mighty things by his tongue. You all should show your love to
the last prophet Muhammad ‫ ﷺ‬by your actions and not only
by your words." He is waiting for you all". Then they say to
me that "Qasim! Don't waste our time and we know what is
right and what is wrong. Whatever we are doing, we are
doing it for the service of Islam".

Then I decide to go back but on the way back I find powerful

black horses so I take them along with me. After coming back
I tell the complete story to the last prophet Muhammad ‫ﷺ‬.
And I say to him that I am going alone to free the building of
your Islam. He said "Wait my son! I will go with you.” I said
"alright! Ya Rasululah ‫ !ﷺ‬I have a very powerful horse for
you! You ride it“. Then the last prophet Muhammad ‫ ﷺ‬told
the other people to wait for us here.

Then we go to the place where our main building was. We

used to live in this building before. Anti Islamic forces had
captured this building and they were killing the Muslims who
were already there and were also destroying the Islam. l and
the last prophet Muhammad ‫ ﷺ‬started to fight but they were
too much in quantity and power. Also I see that some forces
disguise themselves as Muslims forces but actually they were
not Muslims and they were causing more damage to Islam. I
told the last prophet Muhammad ‫ ﷺ‬that "these forces are
too much. You sit here and have rest and glorify Allah with
praises. I will fight these forces alone with the help of Allah
‫"ﷻ‬. And then I start to fight these forces with the Noor (light)
of Allah ‫ ﷻ‬and the last Prophet Muhammad ‫ ﷺ‬start to
supplicate to Allah ‫ ﷻ‬that "help Qasim!" And then all the
forces were destroyed and only those people remained who
loved peace. No hypocrite force could stand before the Nur
(light) of Allah.

We regain that Islamic building again but that building was

much broken. I tell the last prophet Muhammad ‫ ﷺ‬that we
need to rebuild this building now. He became very happy on
regaining the building. And then the last prophet Muhammad
‫ ﷺ‬said to me that "Qasim! stay here while I go to tell other

Muslims" and then the last prophet Muhammad ‫ ﷺ‬told other

Muslims that “we have regained our place and everyone
should go there. Qasim is over there and play your role in
rebuilding the Islam". The dream ended there.
Walaikum Assalam wa Rahmatullahe wa Barakatuhu

Protection of the House of The Last Prophet

Muhammad ‫ﷺ‬

Bismillah A-Rahman A-Rahim

As-Salaam Alaikum

I was going somewhere in the darkness of the night. And I

didn’t know where to go. As I keep on walking, I see that
under an open sky the last prophet Muhammad ‫ ﷺ‬was laying
on a bed. I go to him running and after sitting on the bed. I
ask him ‫ ﷺ‬that why are you laying here? Why are you not
sleeping in your home? So the last prophet Muhammad ‫ﷺ‬
said “Son, which home? The house which I made has been
taken over by some people and the people who were in my
house have run away in the form of groups and the ones who
have taken over my house are damaging it severely.”
During this for the first time in my life. I look in the eyes of
the last prophet Muhammad ‫ﷺ‬. When my eyes look into the
last prophet Muhammad’s ‫ ﷺ‬eyes, they get stuck on his and I
couldn’t look away. I feel as if in his ‫ ﷺ‬eyes Allah ‫ ﷻ‬has filled
all of His Nur (light), which was an unbelievable moment for
me. I saw that the last Prophet Muhammad ‫ ﷺ‬eyes were wet.

Last prophet Muhammad ‫ ﷺ‬said to me, “My son! Free my

house through Allah’s help from those people and rebuild my
house again. And lead my nation and unite them all into one
nation again so that my house is again respected in the world
as it was respected before. And don’t be afraid for Allah is
with you. He will help you in every condition. You are my son

and it is impossible that the Mercy of Allah skips my son." I

looked into the last prophet Muhammad’s ‫ ﷺ‬wet eyes and
said that no matter how dangerous it is. I will do this work of
yours ‫ ﷺ‬by the help of Allah. Upon hearing this eyes of the
last prophet Muhammad ‫ ﷺ‬were filled with happiness and
the last prophet Muhammad ‫ ﷺ‬started invoking Allah ‫ ﷻ‬that
"help my son".

Then I went away from there and the Nur of Allah showed
me the way to the house of the last prophet Muhammad ‫ﷺ‬.
And when I reached the last prophet Muhammad’s ‫ﷺ‬. home
then I said to myself that Qasim this is your own home. Then
I saw that there were some armed people on the roof of the
house who are watching over the house so that no one
comes inside. Suddenly I see the Nur of Allah ‫ ﷻ‬again on my
right hand index finger and from this Nur of Allah ‫ﷻ‬, I destroy
them. And then I go in the home and I see that the whole
house has converted into a cave so I become very sad. Then I
look for the Muslims thinking where they all are? And how
will I call all of them. Then I say Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar.
So some people hear my voice and say, "Who is this one who
is raising his voice from the house of Khatam-un-Nabiyyin
Muhammad ‫ "? ﷺ‬Then suddenly my eyes open.
Walaikum Assalam wa Rahmatullahe wa Barakatuhu

Adhan of Muhammad Qasim Ibn Abdul Kareem

Inspires Religious Leaders
Assalamo Alaikum wa Rahmatullahe wa Brarka tuhu

29 March 2022

In this dream I see a small hill and that I have to climb on this
hill and say the Adhan (Azaan). I am also accompanied by
some people. As I walk towards this hill, I am confused at first
because I have never done this, but I feel that I have been
instructed to give Adhan. So in some hesitation I continue to
walk towards the hill.
When I get to the top of the hill and begin the Adhan. When I
begin with ‘Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar’ my Adhan does not
sound professional (like the Adhan given in mosques which
has beautiful tone of recitation). But as I continue further in
reciting the Adhan, reaching the part Ashadu an La Ilaha
Illallah, Ashadu un namu hammadar Rasool Allah’ it
continues to become better and professional. When I recite
the part ‘Hayalas Salah Hayalal Falah’ I do it with a
professional tone like in the mosque. Then I see that more
religious people beneath the hill start noticing my Adhan and
they seem impressed.

I finally say ‘Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar, La ilaha illAllah’ in a

beautiful and professional way, then it comes to my mind
that this Adhan ending sounds just the way it was done
hundreds of years ago in Makkah, when the first Adhan
happened in Makkah. Dream Ends



Hungry Lions and Allah's Help

March 2015

Assalamo Alaikum wa Rahmatullahe wa Barakatuhu

In this dream, I was in my old home and everything was
broken and there was no light. I said "maybe it's written in
my destiny to live in this darkness forever." But then Allah
appeared on his throne and said "Qasim! For how long will
you keep on living in this Darkness? Come out of your home
and search for the place of my mercy and blessings. A place
with no darkness and sadness." I immediately left my house
in happiness thinking how kind is Allah that he came to take
me out of this darkness.

I travelled a small distance until I saw 8 or 10 hungry big size

lions roaring. I ran back to my house frightened and slammed
the door behind me. I say, "Oh Allah! There are 8, 10 big
hungry lions outside, they will eat me raw." Then Allah said
"believe me none of them can touch you." I looked outside of
the window searching for lions, at the same time, 3 terrifying
dogs appeared running towards me and were barking
ferociously. I run backward fell back on my rear. Those dogs
struck the metal barrier on the window and fell down
outside. I say to Allah that “look, these dogs have attacked
me and you say that no hungry lion can reach me?" I sat
down on the corner of the wall and Allah became angry and
struck those dogs with lightning and they died right there.
Allah said "Qasim! Either you obey my command or live in
this darkness forever. Trust me, I will protect you and make
you reach your destiny and Qasim! I am all-powerful in what I
do". Allah went away and I kept laying there thinking about

what I should do. Then I thought no matter what I do, death

will still reach me. Its better I die outside and then die in this
darkness. And as Allah says that, I will protect you and will
bring you to your destination, then I should trust in Allah.
I had no other option, so I took Allah's name and left the
house in fear and terror. I even left the door open so I can
easily run back. I slowly went forth in extreme caution at
first. I didn't see any of the lions. Then ahead, I saw the
detached arm of a lion. I thought who could possibly kill such
a scary lion. Going a little further, I see the head of a lion and
the body of another one. Seeing this, I say that "no one can
do this except Allah."
I saw a huge building and I climbed its roof to search for
Allah. I saw the Nur (light) of Allah going somewhere and I
ran after it. When I reach the Nur, it disappeared. The Nur of
Allah was so captivating that I came to realize that I was on
the ground. I became shocked thinking why didn't I fall? I
realized indeed, Allah was holding me the entire time. I felt
very excited and I called out to Allah saying "where are you"?

Then Allah said the name of my destination and said "Qasim!

I am here, come quickly." With energy, I looked at that area
thinking I have to get to Allah. Then I saw a large, black
coloured luxury motorcycle. I drove it but the road was filled
with mud which slowed me down. I wish the road was good
so I could drive it fast. When I said this, a black-coloured
carpet road came out of the earth and spread forth. I became
happy and drove my bike at full speed, reaching my

It is a magnificent building, like a magnificent farmhouse

where people go for walks and entertainment. I am very
happy and I go inside. The atmosphere inside is very calm
and peaceful. It seems as if no one has come here for
centuries but its colour is a little bit faded. Looking ahead, I
see that someone had freshly painted the building and it felt
like Allah was going to flourish the building again and make it

There I also see halal animals such as deer etc. I went from
one room to another and then reached a large hall. And in
that hall was the Nur of Allah. Allah said "Qasim! did I not tell
you that I would bring you here safely?" I said to Allah that
"you made your statement come true and you showed me
the way. You took me out of darkness and you brought me to
light. Indeed, you are the best guider. Now I will take a
shower tomorrow morning and will complete rest of my work
and then I will inform you about my completion." Allah
replied in a serious tone saying "Qasim! if you complete all
your work by tomorrow then, I will establish Qiyama (day of
judgement) in the evening".

A Big House and the End of Evil


Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem

Assalamo Alaikum wa Rahmatullahe wa Barakatuhu

I find myself inside a big house. There I find people indulged

in different types of evils and it is full of darkness. Due to the
dirt and filth that house is in a very bad condition. I run water
in a pipe and start washing that house. There are spider
webs, dirt and insects everywhere in the house. This house is
very big and there are a lot of rooms in it. When I am finished
with the cleaning of the house then I feel hungry. In the end I
find myself with the people that I know and there are some
other people there too.
Walaikum Assalam wa Rahmatullahe wa Barakatuhu

House of Hazrat Ibrahim AS


Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem

Assalamo Alaikum wa Rahmatullahe wa Barakatuhu

Muhammad Qasim saw a dream and says that, I was

travelling in a city, trying to find the house of the last prophet
Muhammad ‫ﷺ‬. Everywhere was darkness. The Muslims had
small broken houses with barely any light. And that light was
coming from the big buildings of non-Muslims. I travelled a
long distance until I saw a place very far away.
I don't get a ride to reach there. So here is the best
opportunity for me to find the house of the last prophet
Muhammad ‫ﷺ‬. Then I saw some people who recognized me
and they asked me, "Qasim! Where are you going?" "I told
them, "I'm trying to get to a place where we will get
everything and there will be no more darkness and that place
is the lost House of the last prophet Muhammad ‫ﷺ‬.
They asked me, "Can we find that place?" I told them, "Yes,
from my dreams, I found it." Then they started walking with
me and I asked them, "Why are you coming with me." They
told me, "We believe you and we also want to escape this
darkness." Then I told them, "This will be very hard for you
and you will get tired, and you will leave me." They said, "We
will not get tired, and we won't leave you". I said, "Ok but if
you get tired then don't blame me!"
Then we travelled some distance and started to become
hopeless. A person pointed to a place and said, "We should

go there." We started walking there until we reached the

edge of the city. The lights of the building also disappeared
and we were in complete darkness. Any dangerous animal
can attack us, so I said, "Let's go back." Then I look at the city
from behind and I see bright and beautiful light from one
place. And I said, "It'll be hard to find the house of the last
prophet Muhammad ‫ ﷺ‬without a machine."

On our way back we saw a mysterious guard. I told him, "I

saw you somewhere", then I asked him, "What are you doing
here?" He didn't respond so then I said "at least we are not
alone." Suddenly, I saw a sharp light from where the guard
man was. We turned one or two blocks until we reached a
park. The park was filled with awesome and beautiful lights.
All the lights were coming from one small house in the
middle of the park. On the door, it was written: “House of
Ibrahim (Alaihisalam).” I became happy that at least we
found the “House of prophet Ibrahim (Alaihisalam).” When I
opened the door, an amazing light emanated from inside.
There were small rooms but only enough for us to sit down. I
said, "The house of the last prophet Muhammad ‫ ﷺ‬is much
bigger than this and we have to find that one." A woman
said, "No matter Ibrahim (Alaihisalam) is a friend of Allah." I
said, Yes! This is true, but it is necessary to get out of this
darkness." Then in a small room, I found a control room and
in front of this was a window.

I realized this house can fly and I told the others that how we
can use this to find the house of the last prophet Muhammad
‫ﷺ‬. Then I flew the house high in the air and I went towards
the direction of that far away city. And I said to myself

"Insha’Allah (if Allah wills), with the help of Allah we will

reach there soon." We flew some distance and the dream
ended there.
Walaikum Assalam wa Rahmatullahe wa Barakatuhu



The Search for a Peaceful Land and Allah’s Special


Bismillah Ar-Rahman Ar-Rahim

Assalamo Alaikum wa Rahmatullahe wa Barakatuhu!

There was darkness and destruction everywhere, it was as if

an evil country dropped a nuclear bomb, me and some other
people wanted to escape from there. I had some type of
flying machine, there was gas in it, everyone went inside but I
was still outside because the gas didn't catch fire, I thought
that ‘’Perhaps the engine was malfunctioning.’’
I did something and sparks appeared however they were very
tiny, after about 5 or 6 sparks the gas finally caught fire. I was
feeling unwell due to the radiation of the nuclear bomb, I
could barely breathe and it was very difficult for me to stay

I joined the others and the machine started to fly, it wasn't

flying properly at one point the machine almost crashed,
Allah ‫ ﷻ‬saved it at nearly the last second, then it started to fly
correctly and went forward with full speed.

Then we finally came out of that darkness, we finally saw the

sun coming out. Some people on the ground saw our
machine and said "look where are these people going." One
of them said “they are definitely going towards a peaceful

They all called out saying “take us with you; we also want to
get out of this darkness and reach the land of peace." The
machine flew with full speed and didn't stop for anyone it
only had those people who sat inside when it was about to
fly, the rest of the people had to walk or run after us in any
way just to get to the peaceful land. Then I strongly felt the
mercy of Allah ‫ ﷻ‬descending down into the earth and
surrounded our machine, this made our machine fly much
more higher and faster, Allah ‫ ﷻ‬protect our machine so that
we were flying forward with full speed, and the people were
chasing after us. (Dream ends)

Walaikum Assalam wa Rahmatullahe wa Barakatuhu


Finding a Peaceful Place and Migrating to It


Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem

Assalamo Alaikum wa Rahmatullahe wa Barakatuhu

Muhammad Qasim says: I saw in this dream that I was in my

city and the conditions weren't good. There was chaos and
restlessness amongst the people. All the people were
trapped in some problem. The influential people were only
concerned about themselves. I was watching this all from the
roof of my house and I said "Is this the state in which we are
to live?" I was still watching when Allah said from the sky
"Qasim! Go out, there is a peaceful place where there are my
blessings and mercy, search for it, there is every kind of
peace there." I became very happy that Allah has shown me
the way.

I left the house and I start searching for that place but I
couldn't find it. I met a few people and I told them that
"there is a peaceful place and we have to search for it." I
could not find a way to get out of the city so I could find the
place. I went to some influential people and told them but
they didn't believe me and they said "there is no place like
that so please don't waste your time looking." Well
eventually I reached a place where there was a huge building.
I said "I should get on the roof of this building and just maybe
I can see the place I'm looking for from up there." I got on the
roof and looked all around but I only saw my own city and did
not find any place else. I said to myself "Qasim! This is the
same building which I often use to see in my dreams where I

go to the huge building, jumped off and Allah holds me up

with his Mercy and then I start running in the air.” I said "If I
want to find that place then I will have to jump." I prepared
myself to make the jump and came running from the back
and made the jump and instead of falling down I started to
run in the air. I said that "Allah has really held me." I was
running in the air. I went far fast. I even went outside the city
but I could only find abandoned areas outside the city. I kept
on running but I couldn't find any place which was peaceful
and had the Mercy of Allah. I became tired and disappointed.
Then I went back to my home and kept on thinking that "how
I struggled so hard and still couldn't find anything and how
the influential people had no confidence in me finding it
either. I said to myself that "perhaps the people were right
that there is no such place and maybe I should not waste my
time." I was busy working when Allah again told me "Qasim!
Go out and find that place and keep on running until you find
that place and do not despair in the Mercy of Allah". Upon
listening to Allah I said “I have tried already, I couldn’t find it
and the influential people didn’t believe me either I was
thinking why I try again?"
Then I said "instead of living in this darkness it’s worth
searching for the place again Perhaps I may find it.” I got out
and reached the building again and looked around thinking
"where should I go this time." Then I thought "I should go
first as high as I can and from there, I should look for the
place". I made the jump again and went as high in the air as I
could. I looked in all directions but couldn't find that place. I
said "I can’t see it not even from this height but I should try
again. Before I went to north, now I should go to east.” I

came down a bit and faced directly towards the east and
started running in that direction. Those influential people
who did not believe me before saw me running. When I was
about to get out of the city there was some turbulence in the
air and I became a little slow but Allah took me out of there
with no problem. I began to see there were abandoned areas
but I kept running very fast. I didn't stop but after going very
far away I became irritated and said "I am not going to find
that place", but Allah said “keep on running until you find
that place.” So I kept on running and suddenly I started
seeing some greenery. When I got near it, I said "this is the
place I have been looking for. Finally I have found that place.
Allah told the truth that place was very peaceful, it was full of
greenery." I became very happy after finding this place. I said
“I should go here prepared.” This is a new place and a
peaceful one. Maybe I might not go back to my old house
again. I set up some location markers so I won't have trouble
finding it again. I set off back home.
After reaching my old house, I packed my luggage and started
back out to the place of peace, but on the way I met two
people I had met before and they believed my dreams. Those
people were looking for that place too. I told them the whole
story and said “I found the place” they became very happy
and said “take us with you please!” I said “ok! Both of you
hold onto me when I begin running in the air with the Mercy
of Allah and you will also be able to run with me and you
won't fall."
We set out for the place of peace. We took off and went just
a short distance when the hand of one man slipped and
started to fall down. I grabbed him. I said “this is dangerous;

we should make a flying machine so that no one falls.” Then I

made a flying machine with the Mercy of Allah and we
travelled more easily in that. When we started to fly, other
people called me and asked “can we come along with you?”
When I came down, I see these were those people who met
me the first time and I had told them everything too and they
were very happy. They said "take us with you too." I said
"ok!" Then I increased the size of the flying machine and it
became a very large car type flying machine. We all sat in it,
and I looked at them and said “Is there anyone missing from
those people who met me for the first time or the people
who helped me?"

For a moment I felt a bit weary to travel. Then I said that

"Allah has facilitated everything for us and all I have to do is
fly the Machine. Allah will make a way and besides what are
we going to if we’re stuck in this darkness. I glanced at my
home and then started flying towards the new place of
peace. (And the dream ended there.)
Walaikum Assalam wa Rahmatullahe wa Barakatuhu

Flying Carpet and the Throne of Allah Subhanahu wa

2011/ 2012
Assalamo Alaikum wa Rahmatullahe wa Barakatuhu

Muhammad Qasim says that In this dream me and my

brother are going somewhere. It feels as if Allah Subhanahu
wa Ta'ala is also watching us and observing us. Then on the
way, we saw a blast. I said to my brother that “stop here! We
should help these people.” Me and my brother stop and it is
such a scene that I become very worried and I said that "we
should go from here I am feeling sick.” Here Allah Subhanahu
wa Ta'ala doesn't like this act and He doesn't pay attention to
us. And I become more worried and said that "If it happens
to get worse I would have vomited." Then I said that "If this
happens again then I will help the people and Allah
Subhanahu wa Ta'ala will like my repentance.
Then we come back home but its dark there. I said that "till
when will we remain in darkness?" Then I said, "It would be
so good if I find a way out of this darkness". Then some
people said that "there is a carpet that flies and goes high
up." Then I ask some people, "How to get in?" Then there is a
fence and a path and there is a room and inside there is the
carpet. Those people charge 25,000 rupees for the ride. Then
when I count the money it’s enough and I said "Allah
Subhanahu wa Ta'ala must have given me this money". Then
I talk to the people at the gate and they ask for 25,000. And
there are people who have already tried it and they said that

"we have already used the carpet and it doesn't fly and these
people are deceiving everyone that it flies." Then I thought
that instead of doing nothing I should try it. Then people saw
me and said that "another man is going to waste his money."
Then I go inside the fence and when I go inside the room
then there I saw the carpet. I said, "It’s the same carpet that I
gave to the last prophet Muhammad ‫ ﷺ‬and he offered
prayer." And then I said that "this carpet will definitely fly."
Then I sit on that carpet and it really flies. When I fly high
then the fence also breaks up and the carpet starts flying and
the same people who are doing this business say that "we
could never make it fly and this man has sat on it and made it
They were running after me and before they got to me they
said that, "If we knew we would have stopped him here."
Then I said that "The carpet will go to Allah Subhanahu wa
Ta'ala." Then I reach Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala and when I
get there Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala says "Qasim!
Congratulations to you that you have got here! You sit down
and do Tasbih here and those people can't get to you."

The dream ended there.

Walaikum Assalam wa Rahmatullahe wa Barakatuhu

Build Future Technology With Valuable Resources


Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem

Assalamo Alaikum wa Rahmatullahe wa Barakatuhu

In this dream, I was passing through a place. On my way, I

look at the ground with some grass grown on it. I felt that in
this land, gold, gems and other precious metals are present.
When I dig the earth, I find a stone like object. When I
remove the dirt from it, I find that it is gold. I become very
happy and keep on digging the earth and find gold, gems and
other precious metals. I become very happy and say that "I
will make a machine just as I saw in the dreams by the help of
Allah (‫)ﷻ‬." I put everything in a bag and pick it up and move
forward. Now, I start to search for a place where I could melt
this gold and other metals and make the machine. I keep on
walking and then I see a building to my right. I say, “I may
find some iron furnace there, from which I will be able to
make the machine”. When I enter the building, I feel that it is
under the control of some satanic forces. I become scared on
this thought and say, “If someone sees me, they will capture
me”. But I have to go inside the building and I do not have
any other option. I say, “When the last prophet Muhammad
‫ ﷺ‬migrated from Maccah, the non-believers had sieged the
area but he recited a few verses from the Quran, due to
which the non-believers could not see him. Therefore, I
should do the same thing”. I try to remember but cannot
recall the words, which the last prophet Muhammad ‫ﷺ‬
recited. The light in the building was very dim, due to which
the visibility was just a few feet. I pronounce the name of

Allah ‫ ﷻ‬and start to move forward while reciting Surah-e-Al-

Ikhlas. The satanic forces could not see me. In the building I
was walking on a straight path which was very long and I was
carrying a lot of weight also. I get tired but I do not give up
and keep on walking continuously. It is a big building which is
very deep from inside. I am continuously in fear with
impression that the satanic forces are present there.

After reaching a point, I feel that I have got out of the reach
of the satanic forces. I get very tired and then I see a place to
my left side. When I go there, I see an iron furnace, some
templates and an iron table. Hence, all the materials that I
required were present there. I say, “Yes! This is what I was
searching for”. I place my things there and after taking some
rest I start to look at the iron furnace. I face a lot of difficulty
due to the darkness. When I look at the iron furnace, I see
that fire is not burning in it. It seemed that the furnace was
not used for many years. Coals were present in it too.
Suddenly, I realize that there is nothing there to light the fire
on coals. I say, “If I knew this before, I at least would have
carried a matchstick with me.” I become very tired and say
that "this is a difficult job. I thought that it would be easy."
I search for something to light a fire in the dark. At last, I find
some oil and stones. I pour the oil on coals and start to rub
the stones so that somehow they would catch fire but they
do not. My hands already get tired because of picking the
entire heavy load. During all this, the stone in my left hand
falls down. I get up in anger and say that "I cannot do this
work anymore." I am very tired and still a lot of work is left.
For now, I cannot even light a fire and even if I do. Melting
the gold and metals and making the machine is a difficult job.

In my frustration, I throw the second stone on the coals too.

It hits the first stone, which cause a big spark and the coals
catch fire. But I still say, “I do not want to do this work
anymore. I did everything that I could." Then I give a glance
at the path of return with desperation and say, “I wish I had
not ever started this work. Now how can I go back on this
long way which is dangerous too?” Then, I look at the other
side and say, “I should move forward and check. Maybe there
is some way to get out of here.”
I just take couple of steps; I hear the footsteps of some
people walking towards me. When I look to my right, I see a
few people. I stop after looking at them and say, “Who are
these people?” When I look closely, I see that they are
wearing black clothes with turbans on their heads. They stop
near that iron furnace and take out the gold and gems from
the bag and place them at one side. Then they increase the
fire in furnace and start to melt the gold. I become surprise
and say, “What are they doing; these are my things”. But
then I say, “Why should I care? I am not going to do this
work”. I could not see clearly because of the dark. Those
people make something from the melted gold. One man puts
two things made from gold on the table and then starts
working again. That gold was shining highly in the dark. I say,
“What have these people made?” When I go near, I find two
golden gears with gems embedded on their surface. Upon
seeing them, I became very surprised and happy and say,
“These are exactly like the gears that I wanted to make.”
When I examine carefully, I find them nicely made but still
there is some room for improvement. Firstly, I thought that I
should tell these people to improve the gears. But then I stop
and say, “Whatever has been made in this darkness is

enough. I should not bother them as Allah ‫ ﷻ‬has made my

work easy. Once they have made all these parts, I will make
the machine.”

Whilst looking at the gears, I hear the sound of someone’s

footsteps. I turn back to have a look and see that the last
prophet Muhammad ‫ ﷺ‬is coming towards me. I become
happy to see him. From the walking style of the last prophet
Muhammad ‫ﷺ‬, I realize that he has become very weak and
that made me sad. I greet him and he greets me back. I say,
“Look! "These people have made these gears with such a
hard work." "How they are shining and the gems on them are
shining too.” The last prophet Muhammad ‫ ﷺ‬become very
happy on seeing them and says: “These people are working
very hard and doing good work. Allah ‫ ﷻ‬will give them a big
reward.” Then, I say: “Could you hold them and check their
quality?” The last prophet Muhammad ‫ ﷺ‬says, “I have
become very weak and the muscles of my right arm are weak
too." "These gears are quite heavy and I cannot pick them
up”. I say, “Do not worry; soon when all the parts are made, I
will make a machine and will be capable of fixing your arm.
Your arm will become normal again and you will get energy in
your body too and you will work like you used to work
before." Upon hearing this, the last prophet Muhammad ‫ﷺ‬
became very happy and he said in excitement, “Qasim! May
Allah ‫ ﷻ‬grant you with more knowledge.”

The dream ends there

Walaikum Assalam wa Rahmatullahe wa Barakatuhu

Modern Bus and the Search for the House of the Last
Prophet Muhammad ‫ﷺ‬

Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem

Assalamo Alaikum wa Rahmatullahe wa Barakatuhu

In this dream I was at my home it was morning time. Allah

ordered me to come out and find the place, He had shown
me in my dreams. I get very happy that Allah has given me a
task. I get ready and leave the house but can't figure out
which direction to go to look for the place. Then I start
walking in one direction, and after some distance I meet a
few people. They ask me if I was Qasim, I get surprised that
I've never met these people, how do they know my name.
Then they ask me if I was going somewhere? I tell them yes,
Allah has ordered me to find the place Allah had shown me in
my dreams. They get very happy upon hearing this and say
that they also want to go with me. I tell them I don't know
where is that place, I have yet to find that myself. I don't
even know how far is that place, you guys may get tired. They
tell me, they would be with me in any case whatsoever. I say
‘’as you wish, but don't blame me later.’’ They say ‘’ok.’’
Upon walking for a while, I find a big bus, It was a modern
one and was quite large. I get a feeling that Allah has
prepared this bus for us. I tell all of the people with me to
hop in. All of us get seated and I start driving. After driving on
a few small roads, we reach at a relatively large road, and
realize this is the same road that will take us to the peaceful

place. I take a turn towards the large road. There was a lot of
traffic on that road. There were houses on both sides of the
road. It feels like the houses behind the visible ones are being
destroyed as we are passing by. It appears to be a war-like
situation. I say, ‘’we have to pass from this road quickly so
that we can avoid trouble or a road blockage.’’ I trust in Allah
and keep on driving. Then the sky gets covered with thick
clouds. I keep on driving for quite a distance but the road
doesn't come to an end. And the traffic keeps on increasing. I
say that I'm exhausted and the road is not coming to end.
Then suddenly something happens and the traffic increases
significantly and unrest appears. A lot of people appear
rushing to the road from left and right and start running here
and there. Some vehicles catch fire and people start dying as
well. I ask myself ‘’what’s happening here?’’ I try to speed up
the bus but there’s a lot of traffic.

Suddenly the road starts to break; it breaks into small pieces

and starts sinking into the ground to cause a traffic jam. Then
the water flows in from somewhere and the whole area
starts sinking. I honk the truck in front of me but its tires are
stuck in the road and it can’t move. It was such chaos that
the vehicles coming from behind were hitting the ones in
front so that they move. I get worried upon seeing this and
ponder what should I do now. I try to reverse but it was
stuck. Its tires were stuck in the ground. I tell the people with
me that the road is blocked, the bus is stuck, and the road is
sinking and there is water everywhere. I tell them, if they
want they can leave before the bus sinks into the earth or
don't blame me afterwards there's still time, you guys can
leave. People say ‘’we won't leave you in any case we would
stay with you here in the bus.’’ I get angry and say that ‘’I’m

leaving, you guys can do what you want.’’ I open the door of
the bus but find the water all around it. I tell myself that
‘’now it's hard to go back.’’ I find stairs next to the door of
the bus; I climb the roof of the bus using them. I could see
that the road ahead was too long. And the traffic was stuck
throughout. Also the road keeps on sinking and people's cars
kept on catching fire, and the unrest keeps on spreading.
Then I take a look at the path we had come from, and say
‘’why didn't Allah tell me that this path was so long and
difficult and that I would get stuck here?’’ ‘’If Allah had told
me before, I would not come this far.’’ Then I look at the way
forward and I find no way of going forward either. Tired of
the situation, I sit right there on the roof and grieve over
what had happened to me.
Then the scene changes and I feel like Allah is watching us
from the sky. And the bus is visible to me from the sky with
myself sitting on top and people talking to each other inside
it that ‘’we are not going give up we need to move forward.’’
Then a person gets up and takes the driving seat. He reverses
the bus a bit, then turns it right, puts it on the sidewalk and
takes it out. He starts driving the bus on the space in front of
the houses including the footpath. I get surprised that who's
this guy who has taken the bus out? I don't see any
signboards along the road maybe they had fallen already.
Now the bus moves slowly with a lot of hiccups. I feel pleased
that the bus is moving at least. Then I come downstairs and
tell them that we have to move carefully so that we don't
incur any damage because we have this bus only. People
were talking to each other and I tell them in a bit angry tone
to not make noise and sit quietly. Let the driver drive the bus
and the ones sitting on the front rows should guide him and

be careful if there's any obstacle or danger so that we avoid

any harm to the bus and we don't get stuck again. Then I say
that Allah will to take us to our destination, He will guide us
Himself and will show us the path.
I get to the back side of the bus. The path was quite difficult.
The bus had to be taken through many obstacles. When one
gets tired, the other one starts driving. Bus keeps moving
with Allah's help and then the evening falls. Then
immediately, the road becomes very smooth and homes and
buildings start appearing on both sides. I get to the roof again
and find out that it was a peaceful place and the lights of
homes and buildings were lit. Then I see light beyond those
houses and buildings. Upon seeing this, I say, that's the place
we had to reach.

The scene changes again and it feels like Allah is watching us.
The bus is moving on the road and the road was approaching
an end where it divides into two further roads. [Left and
right] I ponder, which way we have to go? Then I feel like
Allah is guiding us and He has made the driver realize which
way to go. Then the bus turns left, then going on that road
for a while, there's another road to the right. Bus takes that
road going forward a bit more, the buildings and homes
almost end. And the night has almost fallen. Then I see a
house on the right that has Allah's Nur (light) is coming out of
it. The bus turns right once again on the road where that
house is. Upon seeing it, I say that ‘’this is exactly the place
Allah had told me to reach.’’ I couldn't believe myself that we
are reaching there. When we reach a bit closer I say ‘’this is
the house Prophet SAW had built himself.’’ I’ve found myself
looking for this house in many dreams. Then I could see

Allah's blessings being bestowed on the house. I feel both

happy and surprised that Allah has made us reach here.

Then I look at the sky and say with excitement, and in a bit
loud voice "There's no doubt that my Allah is the Lord of the
skies and the earth He has no partner.’’ ‘’He ordered me to
find this place, I praised Him and left my house.’’ ‘’I found
people on my way and I kept on taking them aboard.’’ ‘’We
faced many obstacles and difficulties and we got totally stuck
at one place but Allah showed us the path with his grace.’’
‘’He helped and guided us, and kept on taking us out of
difficulties.’’ ‘’Finally Allah has made us reach this place with
His grace. Allah has proven His words.’’ ‘’No doubt Allah has
His stronghold on His work. "
The bus reaches the gate of the house in the meanwhile my
voice echoes from the sky and spreads all over the world. The
scene then was very blessedly wonderful. It felt like Allah was
directly listening to my words. People inside the bus rejoice
upon seeing the house and chat with each other happily.
They say ‘’Alhamdulillah’’ for being able to see this house
closely. And the dream ended there.
Walaikum Assalam wa Rahmatullahe wa Barakatuhu

Army of Dajjal (Antichrist) and the Preparation of

Ghazwae Hind

Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem

Assalamo Alaikum wa Rahmatullahe wa Barakatuhu

Muhammad Qasim said: In this dream I was sitting in my

house, this house was old and was also on rent. Me and a
few other people were in a room when Allah ‫ ﷻ‬sent a flying
machine with a message that there’s a place in space and
Allah ‫ ﷻ‬has called me there. I was happy to see that Allah ‫ﷻ‬
has given me some work. Jibril (AS) came there too. I looked
at him but he went to that room where the people were
sitting. Then I went out towards that place.

I boarded on the machine and was going forward with full

speed far from earth into the darkness of deep space. I was
completely surrounded by darkness. In the front and the
back of me all I could see was darkness but I kept moving
forward. Suddenly some evil forces came and said that "stop
him!" If he reaches that place then we will be destroyed. So
they attacked my flying machine and it got destroyed but I
was saved with the help of Allah ‫ ﷻ‬and nothing happened to
me despite being in space.

I kept on flying away from the impact of the space and then I
controlled myself and looked for the way to go back but I
couldn't understand that from which way I came. Then I
estimated a way and I went into that direction by using my
arms and a lot of force and soon I gained much speed. I said

‘’Allah ‫ ﷻ‬has saved me in space and has allowed me to fly

without the machine, so He will guide me to the right path
also and I will go straight to earth and then to my home.’’ I
kept on flying and also got scared that if I went astray then I
probably won't ever be able to go back. Suddenly I saw the
earth and became very happy and Allah ‫ ﷻ‬took me to my

When I reached home, Jibril (AS) was still sitting with those
people. I felt that he was talking to those people and telling
about me, after I came back he noticed me. I said ‘’Why is
JibrIl (AS) watching me and why is he still here? I came from
so far but he is still here and what is he doing sitting with
these people?’’ After a while Jibril (AS) left and so did the
other people.

After coming back, I didn't meet anyone neither did I talk to

anyone. I went and sat in another room and started to think,
I said "why didn't Allah ‫ ﷻ‬tell me that there was danger on
the way and if Allah ‫ ﷻ‬had told me, I wouldn't have ever went
in that direction. I became very sad and I said ‘’I took so
much risk and went so far, I used all of my energy and the
result was nothing. Had I known, I wouldn't have had ever
went on this journey.’’ Then I started to become weak.

Then I went to some place and I met a man from those

people who were in the room, and he asked ‘’what happened
to you? Why are you so sad?’’ I said ‘’Allah ‫ ﷻ‬gave me a task
to do and I couldn't do it. I keep on becoming weaker and
this work is beyond my capacity.’’ He said ‘’don't lose hope
like this, this difficult time will pass too, you should go to see
some doctor.’’

Then I went to a doctor and he gave me a prescription for a

medicine and he said ‘’take this medicine and you will be fine
again.’’ I came back and thought ‘’Where can I find this
medicine from?’’ I showed the prescription to that person, he
said ‘’I know where to get this from, I will get it for you.’’
Then I went to some place and a man was making a house
there and he was setting it really nicely, upon seeing that I
said that ‘’I wish I had a home like this too.’’

Then I met a second person and he was also from those

people in the room and he said that ‘’Qasim! We are making
a house for you.’’ I got surprised ‘’they are making a house
for me? Where and why?’’ He took me to a place and those
people from the room were there. I said ‘’these are the same
people who were in the house and before going on the
journey I was with them. Why are these people doing all this
for me? How did they know that I wanted a home?’’

Those people were working with devotion and honesty. I

thought that ‘’did they receive a message from Allah ‫ ﷻ‬so
they are doing all this?’’ Then the man reached there with
the medicine. Upon seeing that medicine I said ‘’these are
multivitamins which my father used to take’’, then I took the
medicine and started to watch that house. The house was
rather small, upon seeing it, I said "this is a small home with
barely any walking space and hardly we all can fit in it, I had
to build a big house", and in my mind the same big house
came which I often saw in my dreams. Then I said ‘’It is better
to have something than nothing, for now we can make do
with this house, and then if Allah ‫ ﷻ‬wants, we would also get
the big house too, these people have worked really hard to
make this small house.’’

I was still standing there thinking all this. Then someone

came near me and said "a fight has started at such a place"
and that place was famous. I said "how is this possible?" He
said "all this happened suddenly. You can go to see yourself."
When I saw the TV then really a fight had started there and
that fight kept on spreading and became the cause for a huge
calamity. I said "this just keeps on spreading." Those people
who were working with me started to work even more and
they told the people "It is going to be exactly as Qasim
dreamed." I became surprised by seeing all this and thought
"these people are very genuine and honest by spreading this
message that if the people don’t unite, from the war many
Muslims Countries will be destroyed."
Many people sat around them and listened to this and many
believed them too. I said "I should go there myself and see
what is happening." When I reached there, I saw a severe
fight between Muslims and non believers was taking place. I
couldn't understand and didn't know what to do. Muslims
were losing very badly. I mustered up courage and went
forward and there was a path leading to another place. I
followed it and I reached an open area and I became
surprised from what I saw there. The army of the non
believers was getting ready there. Upon seeing it, I said "this
is the same army which I saw in my dreams. It destroyed
Turkey and Saudi Arabia and now it is advancing towards
There were many planes, helicopters and land troops there. I
felt that this army is the army of Dajjal (Antichrist). Upon
seeing all this I said "we Muslims aren't powerful enough to
fight this army." I turned back and went to those people and

told them everything that "the armies of the non believers

are ready and this is the time when non believers destroy the
Muslim countries." They said "this means that we don't have
much time." So those people kept on trying to reach out to
even more people with the message and said "the non
believers are planning a huge attack on us and if we don't use
our brains and unite then a huge calamity will fall upon us.
Pakistan will play a great role in this war. The time for
Ghazwa-E-Hind is very near." This time I saw that some well
known people came and sat near them and listened carefully
and the dream ended there.

Walaikum Assalam wa Rahmatullahe wa Barakatuhu




Peace in the World and Abundance of Food

Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem

Assalamo Alaikum wa Rahmatullahe wa Barakatuhu

I saw in this dream that how I was distributing food to other
people. I finished distributing food to everyone and they had
enough food to fill themselves. When I saw how much food I
had left, there was a lot remaining. Then the last prophet
Muhammad ‫ ﷺ‬told me "Qasim! distribute more food." I
looked around and everyone looked satisfied and filled. Then
I started distributing more food and people looked at me in
shock. They were telling me "Qasim! we are satisfied and our
stomachs are filled." I continued distributing and I saw how I
still had food left. Then I started thinking whether I should
keep the rest to myself or not. Then I thought about
something that made me feel bad. I thought that what if the
last prophet Muhammad ‫ ﷺ‬appears in someone else's
dreams saying to him that, "Go and tell Qasim that the last
prophet Muhammad ‫ ﷺ‬said to distribute more food." I don't
ever want the time to come where the last prophet
Muhammad ‫ ﷺ‬starts messaging others just to convince me.
This would definitely make me feel really bad so I started
distributing more food until in the end people would refuse.

And the dream ends there.

Walaikum Assalam wa Rahmatullahe wa Barakatuhu

Barren Land and the Blessings of Allah Subhanahu wa


Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem

Assalamo Alaikum wa Rahmatullahe wa Barakatuhu

In this dream I am going towards a big ground where the land

is barren and some people ask me "where am I heading to?" I
tell them that "I am going to that big ground" and some of
them also come with me to see that land. I tell the people
that "one day by the mercy of Allah, this land will produce
grains and fruits and some of them believe me." Then I wait
there but nothing happens and that land remains barren
only. I said to myself in despair that "this land is never going
to produce anything and I turned my face away."

Then Allah said from the sky, “When I intend to do something

then it definitely happens” and then the clouds appear in the
sky. Something happens and some rain comes down. By the
mercy of Allah small plants grow in that barren land that are
similar to a fresh crop that grows out of the land. Those
plants are quite small and then a wave comes and those
plants grow bigger. When this happens, those people who
are standing there also watch this happening in front of
them. Then more waves come and those plants grow even
bigger. When around 4 to 5 waves come then those plants
grow quite big and there are grains and fruits on them too.
Whilst this is happening some of the people who are
watching all this also believe in me that "whatever Qasim has
said is going to come true." Then another wave arrives and

those plants or crops are ready meaning they have fruits on

them and then they stand tall on the ground. People become
very surprised that it really happened as I told them and that
barren land has started producing grains and fruits now. Just
when the last wave comes then the people open the doors of
their cars and prepare to get out of their cars because they
feel that the crop is going to be ready now. Then the people
come out of their cars and those who are standing there they
also run towards that field and start plucking the fruits. All of
them become very happy. When I saw everything, I also
became surprised that how did all this happen? But during all
this those plants remain laid down on the ground and it feels
as if it is to prevent the people from entering that field
before the crop is ready and to save it from getting damaged.
And then after the last wave the crop or plants are
completely ready.

Among the people there are also those who initially believed
in me but then changed their minds later on and they are
also running towards that field to pluck the fruits and they
are very regretful.

Walaikum Assalam wa Rahmatullahe wa Barakatuhu


Promise of Allah and the Establishment of a

Miraculous City

Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim

Assalamu Alaikum

In this dream Muhammad Qasim saw himself completing a

very long and tiresome journey. And then I reached a place
where I saw tall buildings. I climbed a roof and said to myself
that "this is where I am supposed to run off the edge." Then
after that I will be running through the air with the mercy of
Allah. So I looked all around to see if everything was clear.
But when I look towards the sky, I found out that some forces
had spread a net to prevent anyone from flying.

This really discouraged me. I thought that "what should I do

now. If I run off the edge of this building then I won't be able
to fly. I will probably fall down due to the net above." Then I
told myself that "no! Qasim! Allah had told me that he will
protect me and he will not let me fail."
I had no other option except to make the jump and put my
entire trust into Allah. Otherwise I will never be able to
become successful. Then I placed all of my trust in Allah. And
I started to run towards the edge and then I ran off and then
I started to fly upwards. Then Allah tore apart the net by his
Mercy. I managed to escape from their very easily. And then I
saw people down below who looked very busy in their jobs
however a few people saw me and said "look! Qasim is flying
in the air."

Some people said that "wherever he is headed towards, that

is the place which contains the mercy and blessings of Allah.
Then they said "come and let's go after him!" And then those
people left their sweet homes and jobs. And started running
in the same direction I was going. I flew far away and then I
reached a place where there was a very beautiful city. It was
extremely advanced and very well designed and had
beautiful architecture such that I have never seen before.
There were beautiful buildings and homes and even the
streets were amazing. The city was decorated with
astonishing colours and even the buildings were very clean.
No words can ever explain the beauty of that City and no
minds could ever imagine it. It felt like this city was a miracle.
Then I thought that, who are these people that Allah made
them build such city and how intelligent must they be. And
just with that Allah said from the sky that "Qasim! This city
will be built by you and those who are with you by my mercy
and my help." And the dream ended with that.
Walaikum Assalam wa Rahmatullahe wa Barakatuhu

Surprising Changes in the Solar system and Its Terrible

Effects on the Earth

Bismillah A-Rahman A-Rahim

As-Salaam Alaikum

Muhammad Qasim saw in a dream: I'm not sure if I read in a

book or if I heard that a great man passed away 1400 years
ago and he made prediction that a big star will be included in
the solar system. And it will pass by the earth as if it is going
to collide with the sun but it will change its direction and
when it will pass by the earth, the earth will become dark
due to its impact. But Allah will bring the earth back in the
orders it was and bring it back to its axis.

Then the news arrives from NASA that "a big star is coming
that will collide with the sun and that the solar system will be
destroyed." But I said: "no it will not collide with the sun but
the earth will be impacted." Then that star changes its
direction and exits the solar system and at that time the
world becomes dark. But people are heedless that this world
will be destroyed and scientists also say that "let the earth
live as long it does. But I said: "No it will remain in its axis and
it will be fixed." Then I sleep and in that dream Allah SWT
says that "Qasim! You bring the earth back to its axis and I
will help you." I woke up with surprise that "how can I fix it
when scientists couldn't and they have all the tools!" Then I
go out and see that the earth is closer to the sun. And I also
look for the moon but I can't find it. And then, when I go on a
machine in space, I saw that the moon is in between the sun

and the earth and this is why the earth has become dark.
Then I saw that if the moon was not in between the people,
they would have been burnt down and the earth would have
been burnt also. Then I said "how can I move the moon and
the earth." Then I come back to the earth and there are some
people who say: "Qasim! you do something" and I said "With
the will of Allah the moon and the earth will go back to their
axis." Then the people saw that it happened in front of them.
Then everyone sees that and they become happy.

Ants Make the Wooden Dice/ Podium

2019 February
Assalamo Alaikum wa Rahmatullahe wa Barakatuhu

Some people come and invite me. Among them, some are
religious and some are political. They say that "come and
speak here." They ask me to come on stage and speak in
front of a dice/podium. That dice/podium has been imported
from non Muslim country and they made it. And when I see
it, I see that it’s been made by non believers. I kick it and it
falls on the ground.
From the land where the ants live, I ask them to make dice /
podiums for me. I am not going to speak on the dice /
podium prepared by the infidels. Those ants come out of the
ground and form wooden dice / podiums. People are amazed
at how "it happened! We never saw it happen!"
Then I make a speech there and the news about this incident
spreads everywhere.

Walaikum Assalam wa Rahmatullahe wa Barakatuhu




Chosen People of Allah Tabaarak wa Ta'ala

Assalamo Alaikum wa Rahmatullahe wa Barakatuhu
Muhammad Qasim told that in this dream, I was walking
somewhere and I knew my destination was the era of peace
and a person meets with me and we were headed in the
same destination, although he was going down the wrong
path. I did not say anything to him or force him but I hinted
to him that you are going the wrong way. He noticed in time
and went the right way and was working like a spark, he
gathered a few people and at one point they were waiting to
meet me, they knew my name and where I was going which
surprised me. Thinking, ‘’Where have I met them before.’’
Allah ‫ ﷻ‬told me, ‘’It is because you share all your basic
dreams and they recognize you.’

They were awesome people very nice and kind, they asked
me, "Qasim! Where are you headed to?" When they knew I
was headed to the path of peaceful land they started
following me and even walked faster than me. Then Allah ‫ﷻ‬
gave us cars and we moved faster, at one point that man
gather many more people and then the whole world saw our

The dream ended there.

Walaikum Assalam wa Rahmatullahe wa Barakatuhu

Glad Tidings for Those; Who Support Muhammad

Qasim in Difficult Situations

Bismillah A-Rahman A-Rahim

As-Salaam Alaikum

Muhammad Qasim says, I saw myself sitting in Al-Masjid An-

Nabawī. I felt a very good feeling of peace, knowing that I am
in the pure Masjid of the last Prophet Muhammad ‫ﷺ‬. And
then I saw the last Prophet Muhammad ‫ ﷺ‬coming towards
me. He sat right in front of me and in his hands were four big
size papers made of gold. The last Prophet Muhammad ‫ﷺ‬
told me in a very excited tone that "Qasim! Give this message
of mine again to my Ummah (nation) that whoever supports
you is just like a person who has supported me and that
person will be with me on the day of judgement. And Qasim,
give this message of mine to those people who are with you
that they shouldn't worry about this work they have done as
not being written as good deeds. They should never think of
their work as no value. No matter what type of work it is
even if someone does a very small amount of work, then
Allah will never ever let it go to waste. Allah will multiply that
work many, many times. This isn't any ordinary work which
they are doing. They shouldn't think that I do not know their
names and their contributions. Allah has written them on
these papers and I read their names and their work over and
over. And Allah informs me of them directly, they have
nothing to worry about. And they will be with me on the day
of judgement. These golden papers which Allah has, given

me, I will carry them with me all the time. And on these
golden papers are the names of those who will be with you in
difficult times. Qasim! The true Islam of mine will spread
throughout the entire world with the help of Allah. Make
sure you deliver this message of mine to those people."
I sat there quietly listening to everything the last Prophet
Muhammad ‫ ﷺ‬said. I wanted to read the names on the paper
but I couldn't move a single part of my body. I don't even
know if my name is in there.

Message of the Last Prophet Muhammad ‫ ﷺ‬in the

Name of Muhammad Qasim's Supporters

Assalamo Alaikum wa Rahmatullahe wa Barakatuhu

In this dream, Allah, the last Prophet Muhammad ‫ ﷺ‬and I
were in one place. I was lost and the last Prophet
Muhammad ‫ ﷺ‬asked me, "Why is my son lost?" I said to him,
"This is a very difficult task. So far, only a small number of
people have believed in me and in my dreams. And there are
few other people who are waiting to see if my dreams come
true or not and they say that Allah knows if he is telling the
truth or not. And everyone else thinks that I'm crazy and it's a
sin to support me." On hearing this, the last Prophet
Muhammad ‫ ﷺ‬became anxious and a bit angry and he rushed
towards me and said, "Qasim! Convey this message of mine
to my whole Ummah (nation) that whoever supports you and
stands with you is just like a person who is supporting me
and is standing with me because whatever you are doing is
what Allah and I said so. And Allah will give them double
rewards that are supporting you. Look whoever is supporting
you; Allah Himself is writing their names on gold paper with
golden words. And my son! Allah does not waste the reward
of those who do good deed. And who is not supporting you is
actually harming himself. I am telling my entire Ummah
(nation) about you, so that on the Day of Judgement none of
my ummati (follower) will accuse me of saying, O the last

Prophet Muhammad ‫ !ﷺ‬When did you tell us about Qasim,

otherwise we would have been one of Qasim's supporters?"

"Qasim, Whoever Is with You as If He Is with Me"-

Hazrat Muhammad ‫ﷺ‬
Oct 9, 2015

Bismillah A-Rahman A-Rahim

As-Salaam Alaikum

Muhammad Qasim says in a dream, I saw the last prophet

Muhammad ‫ ﷺ‬giving a message to the Muslim Ummah
(nation), which I am going to share today. On that night, the
last prophet Muhammad ‫ ﷺ‬appeared thrice in my dream.
Yes, Prophet Muhammad ‫ ﷺ‬appeared in my dream three
times in a single night. In the first dream, I saw that the last
prophet Muhammad ‫ ﷺ‬was worried and walking here and
there and then, he ‫ ﷺ‬tells me with great zeal that:

"Qasim, convey this message to my Ummah, that whoever

stands with you is just like a person standing with me and
whoever supports you is just like a person supporting me
and he will also be with me on the day of Judgement."

And the other two dreams were the same too.

Muhammad Qasim says in a dream of Sep 30, 2015, I saw
that it was daytime and Allah ‫ ﷻ‬was on the Arsh (throne). The
last prophet Muhammad ‫ ﷺ‬and I were at same place. I was
sitting lost in my thoughts. The last prophet Muhammad ‫ﷺ‬
asked me the reason. I replied him ‫ ﷺ‬that "this task is too
difficult. Till now, only a small number of people have
believed in me and my dreams and few other people are
waiting to see if my dreams come true or not and they say

that only Allah ‫ ﷻ‬knows if I am telling the truth or not. And

everyone else thinks that I am crazy and to support me is a
sin." Upon hearing this, the last prophet Muhammad ‫ﷺ‬
became anxious and a bit angry and came towards me
hurriedly and said that
"Qasim, convey this message of mine to my whole Ummah
that whoever supports you and stands with you is just like a
person who is standing with me and supporting me. It is my
Islam since you are doing everything because Allah ‫ ﷻ‬and I
said so and Allah ‫ ﷻ‬will give them a double reward. Look,
whoever is supporting you, Allah ‫ ﷻ‬himself is writing their
names on a golden paper with golden words and my son,
Allah ‫ ﷻ‬does not waste the rewards of those who do good".
I don't care whether people believe me or not. It doesn't
affect me and I am not asking for any reward from anyone.
The last prophet Muhammad ‫ ﷺ‬ordered me to convey his
message and I am just following the last prophet
Muhammad's ‫ ﷺ‬command.
That's all.
JazakAllah (may Allah reward you).

People of Indonesia, Malaysia and Bangladesh Help

Spread Dreams

Assalamo Alaikum wa Rahmatullahe wa Barakatuhu

In this dream I see that I am in an area of a big building

construction, like a government institution with blocks and
buildings. There are also open grounds, and some parts
where construction is still under progress. It is darkness all
around. There are also many security people present in this
In this darkness I am walking around, amongst many other
people whom I don’t know. I then send a message that we
have to spread the true Islam of Nabi Muhammad ‫ﷺ‬. I don’t
know who I send this message to, but I just send it.
Then I feel that the message has reached some mysterious
people, and they begin chasing me. I then begin to run to
evade these people, and I reach a place. When I arrive at this
place, I pray to Allah ‫ ﷻ‬that 'Oh Allah, for how long will we
keep on running, please show us the path out of this.'

Then I find a pond nearby, with blue colored water. By that

point, some people have also joined me, about 3 or 4, but we
don’t talk about Islam openly, because of mysterious people

I see that some people, of Indonesian, Malaysian and Bangla

descent, are rising from the bottom of the pond to the top.

Then they appear out of the blue water. I feel that Allah has
sent these people towards me. This group of people indicate
to me to go in the same direction as they came from.

I then tell the people with me that we have to go to that

direction, then all of us go there. As soon as we enter the
pond, we start descending, like an elevator/lift.

We end up in a room, like a room of a hotel. And this hotel

has a window through which I can look outside. I see that this
place is near mountains. I say, Allah has helped us reach this
location by His mercy and now we can begin working freely.
The Indonesian, Malaysian and Bangladeshi group of people
are not present in the room, but I feel that they can see us
from far.While I'm looking around the room, I see more
people coming and joining us in the room.

Then, I find myself in a separate area of the room, and I begin

to feel hungry. I see that there is nothing to eat except some
dry flat-bread (roti) and some leaves. I say, that in such a
tough situation, even this food is a blessing for us. I begin
eating the roti with leaves. The leaves had a mixed sweet and
sour taste and they tasted fairly good. I think to myself,
leaves normally taste bitter and bad, but these ones are

Then it comes to my mind that during the difficult times of

Prophet Muhammad ‫ﷺ‬, he also had similar diet and
difficulties, so we should be thankful to Allah.

Then, I feel that the Indonesian, Malaysian group of people

are watching us from far, and they say that these people are
living in difficult conditions and their food is not good either,

we must arrange for food and sustenance for them so that

they can live more comfortably and work easily.

Then I say that Allah is helping us and continuously watching

over us at all times. We must begin our foundation and grow
it so that the people from Indonesia, Malaysia and
Bangladesh can also reach us easily and we can work
together to spread the true Islam of Nabi Muhammad ‫ﷺ‬.
Dream ends there
Walaikum Assalam wa Rahmatullahe wa Barakatuhu

Muhammad Qasim Bin Abdul Kareem Softening Iron

and Gold for His Companions

13th May 2022

Bismillah hir-Rahman nir-Raheem

In this dream I see that some people from Indonesia and

Malaysia have arrived to Pakistan and they are doing some
work, but it does not happen or complete the way they

I am also present there amongst them. They have a pipe

made of iron that they are holding and preparing to cut. But
they do not have any equipment to cut it with. Then I put my
saliva on my index finger (Shahadat finger) and I draw a line
on the pipe where it needs to be cut. As soon as I finish the
circle the pipe cuts and upon seeing this, I get surprised how
this had happened.

Then I see that there is a lot of iron that needs to be melted

so that some people can use it to make something. But we do
not have anything to melt this iron with. Then I see that I put
my saliva on both my hands and I touch the iron. I see that it
gets soft upon my touch. I continue to repeat this (put saliva
on my hands and then touch the iron) and slowly after
sometime the iron gets soft just like sand.

Then I also do the same process with Gold, and I make it soft
and like sand.

Then I give these soft metals to the people who are with me,
so that they can use it and design their shops and open them.
And I say in amazement, how Allah has made this happen for
Dream Ends.



Confirmation of Allah ‫ ﷻ‬That Muhammad Qasim's

Dreams Are True

Assalamo Alaikum wa Rahmatullahe wa Barakatuhu

In this dream Allah said, “Qasim! The Qur'an is my word.
Even if Satan, the jinn and all human beings come together,
they cannot make a single verse of it. In the same way, I
(Allah) am the creator of these dreams which I have shown
you. Even if Satan, jinn and humans all come together, they
can't make such dreams. "

Muhammad Qasim's Decision to Abandon the Mission

of Spreading the Dream and the Order of The Last
prophet Muhammad ‫ﷺ‬
Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem

Assalamo Alaikum wa Rahmatullahe wa Barakatuhu

Muhammad Qasim said that, I decided one night on February

10th, 2015 that tomorrow, I will delete all my social media
accounts and I will abandon this work once and for all. Then,
on that night the last prophet Muhammad ‫ ﷺ‬appeared in my
dream. The last prophet Muhammad ‫ ﷺ‬said, "Qasim! Do not
despair in the mercy of Allah. He Is helping you and you are
very close to your destiny. Qasim! Just wait a bit more, Allah
is with you". The voice and accent of the last prophet
Muhammad ‫ ﷺ‬was extremely sad. It was as if he would lose
everything if I would stop my work. I never ever saw him
worried like that before

Work on a Mission to Spread the Dreams

February 2018

Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem

Assalamo Alaikum wa Rahmatullahe wa Barakatuhu

Muhammad Qasim tells that, I see in this dream that we are

living in a house. This house, I saw many times in my dreams.
It was damaged a lot and many people where repairing it. I
was inside of the home doing some work. After finishing the
work I said, "I have to see the other people and the work
they have done." They are working but I could not meet with
them due to my own work. So I went outside and I saw these
people are painting the home as well as they repair the
exterior walls and other things. They didn't come inside yet
because they are busy outside. I went to the door and I saw
these people from door and they are busy with their work. I
saw their work through the door space and I said that there is
a lot of work still left. They will finish the outside first then
they will go inside and it might take some time. When I went
outside, they see me and become happy to see me there. I
start handshaking with them and I told them that "I was busy
with my own important work and I just got time to see you."
They said "no worry, we are also working here." Then we
start talking about our work and the dream ended there.
Walaikum Assalam wa Rahmatullahe wa Barakatuhu

Muhammad Qasim Bin Abdul Kareem Becomes

Famous Personality

Assalamo Alaikum wa Rahmatullahe wa Barakatuhu

In this dream I see that I am at the bottom floor of my house.

Some people come to visit me in Pakistan, and then they
leave. Then I see that a place (maybe Indonesia and
Malaysia), is suffering from lack of rain and experience
drought. There are groups of people in this area that are
praying to Allah SWT for rain and ease. At the same time I am
also thinking that at my home my plants will not grow unless
there is humidity in the air. Due to lack of rain in the other
place, Pakistan is also impacted and that’s why there is less
moisture in the air.

Then I see that Allah SWT answers the call of those groups of
people and it rains in that area. Due to this rain, it also
impacts at my home, and I see rain drizzling through my
window. I get happy that this moisture will help my plants.
Then I go outside my house to see what sort of clouds are
bringing this rain, but I don’t see any dark clouds, I only see
white clouds and rain. Then I come back inside my house.
Then the dream continues and it feels like a few months have
passed and those people who had come before return again.
I feel that this time is end of January or February. When they
return, the work begins again and many people come to
know of my dreams. When the dreams spread, I see the

anchors and journalists don’t stay quiet any longer and they
talk about my dreams. More and more people join us, and I
also see that my clothes are formally changed. The dreams
then spread and the year goes on, and I feel that at this time I
become a well known person. Allah SWT continues to help
us, and I say that by the end of this year, the work will be

Walaikum Assalam wa Rahmatullahe wa Barakatuhu




Ordinary Muslims Will Be the First to Believe in

Muhammad Qasim's Dreams

Bismillah A-Rahman A-Rahim

As-Salaam Alaikum

I saw in a dream that there is darkness everywhere. We have

everything but no electricity to light up bulbs and tube lights
and everyone is in search of electricity. Then I see that Allah
‫ ﷻ‬gives me electricity by His Mercy. Then I go to
Ulamas(Scholars), Muftis (experts in Islam) and Leaders and I
tell them that "I have electricity and I can light up the houses
of people with it." But Ulamas, Muftis and Leaders don't
believe in me that I really have any electricity. They say that
"I am lying." Ulamas, Muftis and Leaders only disagree with
me that I have no electricity but they don't say anything
more to me. Neither do they stop me nor do they forbid me
that I should not say this to anyone else. They say that "let
him do whatever he wants. For he is merely wasting his time,
he has no electricity." But Allah ‫ ﷻ‬tells me that "Qasim! Don’t
worry! I am with you. No one can stop you and I will help
you." And then Allah ‫ ﷻ‬helps me and normal Muslims start to
believe in my words. And then this news spreads all around
the world. And then everyone believes me and they say that
"light up everything with the electricity that Allah ‫ ﷻ‬has given
you". Then, when I spread the light with the Mercy of Allah
‫ﷻ‬, the Ulamas say that "Alas! We should have believed him".

Walaikum Assalam wa Rahmatullahe wa Barakatuhu


Muslim Leaders and Their Followers Deny Qasim's


Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem

Assalamo Alaikum wa Rahmatullahe wa Barakatuhu

In this dream, I was wandering somewhere and I asked

myself "where am I going?" The Last Prophet Muhammad ‫ﷺ‬
used to walk in light and Allah would fill that place with light
from His mercy but I can't seem to find the way even after
being in the Ummah (nation) of the last Prophet Muhammad
‫ﷺ‬. I made a du'a (supplication) to Allah to walk on the path of
the last prophet Muhammad ‫ ﷺ‬so that I might be successful.

Then I saw a building. When I went inside there was a girl

crying while she was cooking in the kitchen. I was tired and
hungry. I asked the girl for something to eat but she didn't
listen to me. I called her several more times but still she
didn't listen to me or look at me as if she didn't know I was
there. Then she closed the kitchen door.
I kept moving. A little further away, I saw stairs going up. I
started to climb them. After climbing a few stairs, I stopped
for a brief moment and said to myself, “Qasim! This is just
what I saw in my dreams, that is, I'm wandering somewhere,
then I find a girl and she doesn't listen to me.”

Then I go ahead and think now “I will definitely meet Allah.” I

then continued up the steps and saw there was a huge hall;
there were Muslims and their leaders. When I go near them,
Allah says in my right ear "Qasim! Narrate the dreams which I

have shown you." So I stopped and told them "Allah and the
last Prophet Muhammad ‫ ﷺ‬have been coming in my dreams
for many, many years. Allah has promised me that He will
help me and He will take me out of this darkness. And Allah
has shown me the straight path from the dreams." After
hearing this, they started to laugh at me and said "are you
crazy? Who has seen Allah in dreams?" But a few people
believed me. I said “why not? Allah is able to do all things and
the last Prophet Muhammad ‫ ﷺ‬has told me in the dreams
that Qasim! Whoever supports you is just like a person who
supported me but they made fun of me again after hearing
that. I said "You all are making fun of me because Allah and
the last Prophet Muhammad ‫ ﷺ‬keep coming in my dreams?"
So their leader said "yes this is exactly why and you’re a liar!"
I said to myself silently that this Ummah (nation) makes
supplications to Allah to help them and take them out of
darkness but when Allah sends someone, they ridicule him.

I go forward from there and those people who believed me

also started to walk with me. So the rest of the people told
them not to walk with me and they said “it's a sin” but they
didn't listen to them and they came behind me. I said to my
companions “if these people don't believe, Allah will shake
them heavily.” Then suddenly a very strong earthquake came
and everyone was terrified. I felt as if this building will
collapse. I said “if this building starts to collapse, its roof will
tear open and Allah will take out me and those with me but
the earthquake stopped and the people who were with
leaders, most of them ran away and they became scared but
the leaders and their few companions started to ridicule me
again. I said to them “Allah has sent such a terrifying
earthquake and still you don't understand then maybe you

will never understand.” Then Allah showed up on His throne

in great anger and Allah said "you just keep on ridiculing
Qasim! Your hands will break and you will become ruined!"
Upon hearing the angry voice of Allah I woke up, shaking with
Walaikum Assalam wa Rahmatullahe wa Barakatuhu

Denial of Muhammad Qasim's Dream and Muslim

Civil War
2015 September

Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem

Assalamo Alaikum wa Rahmatullahe wa Barakatuhu

In this dream Allah told me "Qasim! So long as the Muslims

don't believe in your dreams, I will not change the condition
of the Muslims and they will stay that way and I will
constantly straighten them from every side only until they
regard your dreams as the truth and that everything will
happen exactly the way I have shown you in your dreams."
[22-09-2015] Allah asked me "Qasim! Did Muslims believe
you?" I told Him "no except a few people other than that no
one believed me." Allah said "Qasim! If they don't believe in
you, I will shake them heavily and I will make them fight one
another and they will keep fighting one another for as long as
they don't believe in you."

Then I saw Muslims started to kill each other and the fighting
became very tense and the bloodshed was very severe. The
rest of the Muslims became afraid as if they don't know what
just happened and what will happen to them. It looked like
they just wanted the others to stop fighting. Then the people
who rejected my dreams started to believe them. Even the
people with many followers started to believe in my dreams
as well as the ones who stopped others from believing my
dreams. Then they told others about my dreams and this
spread throughout the entire world.

Respite of Allah and His Warning About Punishment


Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem

Assalamo Alaikum wa Rahmatullahe wa Barakatuhu

Muhammad Qasim says that “Allah came in my dream. A

sharp blue light was coming from inside the Nur (light) of
Allah. I have never seen such a Nur before.”

Allah said "Qasim! I have given much respite to the people

but except a few, no one has believed in you instead many
have ridiculed you. Give my message to these people that the
respite which I gave them to think and understand is soon
going to come to an end, So get ready to taste my
punishment." (The dream ended there.)
Walaikum Assalam wa Rahmatullahe wa Barakatuhu

Torment of Allah and the Search for a Safe Place

05/10/ 2017

Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem

Assalamo Alaikum

Muhammad Qasim says: In this dream I saw myself in some

place that was surrounded by homes and buildings. I felt that
Allah was right above us and closer to us than the clouds. I
felt that "Allah was in a state of extreme anger." With a loud
and terrifying voice, He started saying things like "the verses
of punishment from Quran." I felt that Allah gave some
orders to these people "to do something and these people
didn’t obey the order nor did they care about them." Allah
said "I will send the same punishment to you, just like I sent
to the people before you who did not obey my orders". Allah
mentioned "the punishment of the people of prophet Lut
(AS)" and asked "Have you forgotten the punishment I sent
to them?" I said “oh no! Allah is very angry." I saw that the
people were running around frantically attempting to hide
but everywhere they hid, Allah said "I know where you're
hiding and no one can hide from me.” Then they started
running the other way and Allah told them the same thing
again “I know where you are hiding and no one can hide from
me”. At this point I started to run and hide too. I said “this
isn’t good because when Allah becomes angry there is
nothing or no one who can stop Him and it’s just better to
stay away and try to find a safer place." Then I saw a few
people running alongside me. I did not ask them why they
were running with me. I saw a place far away and I said “that
looks like a good place to take cover.” Then I sat in a corner

with my back against a wall. The people who were with me

sat next to me. The place where we were was much more
peaceful but I could still faintly hear Allah’s voice in the far
distance. I said "Allah will not send His punishment here."
Then I saw a few influential people had arrived. They were
chatting amongst each other and said “the people here seem
to be peaceful and out of harm’s way so far, maybe this
means Allah won’t send His punishment here.” So I began to
wait it out, worried and wandering when Allah’s anger will
end. I thought to myself "when it ends and I go back to the
place where we were. Will there be anything left?"

And the dream ended there.




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