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The polar bear

Student: Victor Caldas Torres


Year: 2023
A short description of the polar bear
• Polar bears have a thick layer of body fat and a waterproof shell that
insulates them from air and cold water.
• It is known as polar bear or also white bear (due to the color of its
fur, ideal for hunting between ice and snow) to a species of
quadrupedal mammal, typical of the frozen regions of the arctic, which
constitutes one of the terrestrial carnivores of larger size today. Its
scientific name is Ursus maritimus.
polar bear characteristics:
• If you wonder how much a polar bear weighs, a male polar bear weighs
more than 500 kg, females weigh half of these, they measure 2 meters and
males 2.60 meters.
• The structure of the polar bear, despite its large size, is more slender than
that of its relatives, the brown and black bears, likewise, tiny, black and
shiny eyes stand out, like the sensitive snout of enormous olfactory power,
the ears are small, hairy and very rounded.
• This very specific facial configuration is due to a double reason: camouflage
and the possibility of avoiding as much as possible the loss of body heat
through the aforementioned facial organs.
Polar bear feeding
• The white bear feeds mainly on young ringed seals.
• They are carnivorous animals. Other species of bears incorporate numerous
vegetables and fruits into their diet. Polar bears, due to the region they inhabit, only
eat vegetables sporadically in the arctic summer. For this reason they are the most
carnivorous bears on earth.
• Polar bears do not drink water. The water they have in their environment is salty,
so they need to obtain blood and body fluids from their prey.
Main prey of the polar bear
• Seals
• Walruses
• Belugas
• white beaked dolphins

• How do polar bears hunt?

• To catch its prey, it uses its efficient nose. When the seals or belugas come to the
surface to breathe, they hit them and dig their claws into them to get them out of
the water. Although they swim very well, they prefer to face their prey on the ice.
Causes of the danger of
extinction of the polar bear
• Among the main causes and threats that explain why polar bears are
in danger of extinction we find pollution, the modifications of its
ecosystem and climate change.Causes of the danger of extinction of
the polar bear:
1. Climate change
2. Growing pollution
3. resource exploitation
4. Global warming
How can we solve this problem?
• One way would be by helping not to pollute, not to throw garbage since these generate gases that
generate climate change and this to polar bears since it affects their habitat causing the poles to melt also
affecting humanbeings.
• Another way to help would be by not marrying these animals, since they are married for their luxurious
dense, white and hairy fur.
• Many areas of the Arctic have strong management and monitoring of polar bears. But there are some
places where unsustainable hunting appears to be taking place, including illegal and unreported hunting.

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