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Week 9

Reading Comprehension p.41
1. c (lines 3−5); 2. a (line 12); 3. b (line 14); 4. b (lines 18−19);
5. d (lines 18−19); 6. d (lines 24−25); 7. d (lines 28−31)
A: p.41
1. three (3); 2. tests (in general); 3. nutrition; 4. educational styles;
5. intelligence; 6. problem-solving; 7. social; 8. negative; 9. information
B p.43
1. b (first paragraph); 2. b (entire passage); 3. c (lines 6−7);
4. b (lines 11−14); 5. a (lines 4−5); 6. a (lines 29−31);
7. d (final paragraph)
Reading Comprehension p.46
1. c (lines 1−8); 2. c (lines 10−12); 3. b (lines 19−22);
4. b (lines 24−25); 5. a (lines 17−19); 6. c (lines 30−31);
7. a (entire passage
Reading Comprehension p.48
1. c (lines 3−5); 2. a (line 12); 3. b (line 14);
4. b (lines 18−19); 5. d (lines 18−19); 6. d (lines 24−25);
7. d (lines 28−31)

Unit 4 Young Athletes

CHAPTER 1 Laura Dekker: Record-Setter!

ローラ・デカー: 記録を樹立した人!

All athletes aspire to be the best in their sport, and young athletes are no different.
More young athletes now aim to win competitions, set records, or perform amazing
feats. And some, like Dutch sailor Laura Dekker, achieve that goal.
aspire 熱望・切望する、aspiration=野心、抱負、向上心、aspirant=野心家
no different 決して少しも違わない
aim to ~ ~を狙う→~を目指して進む・努力する、aim=狙い・目標
feat きわだった行為・芸、偉業、功績
Dutch sailor オランダ人の船乗り、水兵、海軍軍人、sail=帆、帆船、(船が)航行・出航す
る、Dutch=オランダ人・語、the Netherlands=(国名)オランダ

As a child, Laura Dekker loved the sea. She was born on a boat in New Zealand, and
has hardly stepped off one since.
Laura first sailed by herself at age six, displaying a talent for understanding her boat
and the confidence to control it. At 13 years old, Laura felt ready for the biggest
challenge of all: she wanted to set the record for the youngest person ever to sail
around the world alone.
step off (乗り物や高いところから)降りる、
by herself=alone 1人で、独力で、for oneself=(自分のために)独力で
confidence 自信、(理性的な)信頼、確信、秘密、confident=確信している、confidential=
マル秘の、confidential (documents)=機密(書類)、親展
the youngest person ever (最上級+名詞+ever)これまで最年少の、

Before she could do that, she had to face many challenges. While her parents were
confident that she could do it, the Dutch government tried to stop her, arguing that she
was too young to risk her life. Many people also felt that she should be focusing on her
studies. After a long battle, she finally got permission.
She had to go for classes to learn how to care for herself while alone at sea, and had to
use a bigger boat than she was used to. To avoid falling behind in her studies, she had to
sign up with a special distance-learning school and promise to do her homework at sea.
arguing(=and it agued=分詞構文) 論ずる、主張する、口論する
focus on ~ ~に焦点を合わせる、集中させる
care for ~ ~の世話をする、面倒をみる、大事にする、大切に思う
permission 許可、認可、承認、permit=(公に)許可する、許可書、免許証
avoid falling behind in ~ ~に遅れることを避ける、avoid ~ing=~を避ける
sign up with ~ ~に(署名して)加入・契約・登録する
distance(=remote)-learning school 遠隔学習学校
at sea 航海中に、海上で、途方に暮れる

Finally, at the age of 15, Laura was ready. On January 20, 2011, she set out from the
island of St. Maarten in the Caribbean on her 38-foot (11.5-meter) sailboat, Guppy. Her
trip lasted 500 days in total, partly because she had to stop at different ports to study and
check her boat. During this time, she visited exotic islands like the Galapagos, Bora
Bora, and Vanuatu, and also found time to go surfing, scuba diving, and cliff diving.
She even discovered a new hobby: playing the flute! Laura was alone for most of her
journey, but she kept a blog that was read by many people around the world.
set out 出発・出航する、始める、(整理して)発表・展示・設計する
St. Maarten シント・マールセン、シント・マールテン - Wikipedia
the Caribbean カリブ海領域、カリブ海地域 - Wikipedia
Guppy (淡水魚)グッピー
port (客船・商船などが寄港する)港、harbor=(波風を避けるための自然の)港
exotic 風変わりな、魅惑的な、異国風の
the Galapagos, Bora Bora, and Vanuatu ガラパゴス諸島、ボラボラ島、バヌアツ、ガラパ
ゴス諸島 - Wikipedia ボラボラ島 - Wikipedia  バヌアツ - Wikipedia

Laura returned to St. Maarten at the age of 16 years and 123 days, and was greeted by
her family, friends, and many fans. She had become the youngest sailor to circle the
globe alone.
However, Guinness World Records and the World Sailing Speed Record Council did
not verify her claim, saying they no longer recognize records for youngest sailors
because it could encourage other young people to do dangerous things. Despite this,
Laura felt a sense of achievement. She said that spending so much time alone on her
trip / helped her (to) focus on the important things in her life. “I became good friends
with my boat,” Laura said.
“I learned a lot about myself.”
verify (正しいと)認める、立証・証明・確証する、
World Sailing Speed Record Council(=WSSRC) ワールド・セーリング・スピード記録審
claim (当然の権利として)主張・要求・断言(する)
sense of achievement 達成感、achieve=果たす、完成する
could encourage other young people to ~(仮定法)他の若者に~するよう励ます・促すか
もしれない、encourage/allow/urge/inspire A to ~ A が~するよう促す
Reading Comprehension p.52
A. Choose the correct answers for the following question.
1. ( ) 2. ( ) 3. ( )

B. Read the following sentences. Check (✓)true or false (✓)

1. ( ) 2. ( ) 3. ( ) 4. ( ) 5. ( )

Vocabulary Comprehension pp.52-53

A. Write the word or phrase that does not belong in each group. The words in blue are
from the passage.
1. ( ) 2. ( ) 3. ( ) 4. ( )
5. ( ) 6. ( ) 7. ( )
B. Complete the following sentences with the words in blue from A. You might have to
change the form of the word.
1. ( ) 2. ( ) 3. ( ) 4. ( )

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