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Paul O.



My own life story using the stages of psychosocial development framework. Growing up, I’m
thankful and proud to state that I’ve successfully resolved the first stage of Erikson’s Stages of
Psychosocial Development, Infancy (Trust vs. Mistrust). From the moment I was born until I was 18
months old, my parents provided me with enough food, love, and constant care that I needed to
survive. Because of that, I was able to gain a sense of trust, which then helped me to form a good
relationship with other people as I grew up. I can also say with certainty that I’ve moved past this stage
too, Toddler (autonomy vs. shame and doubt).

It was the time in my life when I began to learn different physical skills, such as walking and
crawling. My parents have always been so encouraging and supportive of me instead of overly
controlling the things that I always do. This is why I became the confident and independent person that I
am today. Even if I became more forceful in the third stage, pre-school age (initiative vs. guilt), my
parents never stopped me from interacting with my friends at school, they’ve given me a chance to
explore and develop my interpersonal skills and fill up my curiosity about the world. Because of this
opportunity, I was able to develop my sense of initiative, leadership, and etc. Erikson’s fourth stage is all
about school-age (industry vs. inferiority). It is the stage where a person learns how to read, write, and
do things on their own with the help of their teachers.

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