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J Clin Monit Comput

DOI 10.1007/s10877-015-9744-1


Continuous noninvasive cardiac output determination using

the CNAP system: evaluation of a cardiac output algorithm
for the analysis of volume clamp method-derived pulse contour
Julia Y. Wagner4 • Julian Grond2 • Jürgen Fortin2 • Ileana Negulescu3 •

Miriam Schöfthaler3 • Bernd Saugel3,1

Received: 22 March 2015 / Accepted: 24 July 2015

Ó Springer Science+Business Media New York 2015

Abstract The CNAP system (CNSystems Medizintechnik CNCO autocalibrated to biometric patient data (CNCO-auto).
AG, Graz, Austria) provides noninvasive continuous arterial We did not perform an analysis of trending capabilities
pressure measurements by using the volume clamp method. because the patients were hemodynamically stable. The
Recently, an algorithm for the determination of cardiac output median age and APACHE II score of the 22 male and 16
by pulse contour analysis of the arterial waveform recorded female patients was 63 years and 18 points, respectively.
with the CNAP system became available. We evaluated the 18 % were mechanically ventilated and in 29 % vasopressors
agreement of the continuous noninvasive cardiac output were administered. Mean ± standard deviation for CNCO-
(CNCO) measurements by CNAP in comparison with cardiac cal, CNCO-auto, and TDCO was 8.1 ± 2.7, 6.4 ± 1.9, and
output measurements invasively obtained using transpul- 7.8 ± 2.4 L/min, respectively. For CNCO-cal versus TDCO,
monary thermodilution (TDCO). In this proof-of-concept Bland–Altman analysis demonstrated a mean difference of
analysis we studied 38 intensive care unit patients from a ?0.2 L/min (standard deviation 1.0 L/min; 95 % limits of
previously set up database containing CNAP-derived arterial agreement -1.7 to ?2.2 L/min, percentage error 25 %). For
pressure data and TDCO values obtained with the PiCCO CNCO-auto versus TDCO, the mean difference was -1.4 L/
system (Pulsion Medical Systems SE, Feldkirchen, Ger- min (standard deviation 1.8 L/min; 95 % limits of agreement
many). We applied the new CNCO algorithm retrospectively -4.9 to ?2.1 L/min, percentage error 45 %). This pilot
to the arterial pressure waveforms recorded with CNAP and analysis shows that CNCO determination is feasible in criti-
compared CNCO with the corresponding TDCO values cally ill patients. A percentage error of 25 % indicates
(criterion standard). Analyses were performed separately for acceptable agreement between CNCO-cal and TDCO. The
(1) CNCO calibrated to the first TDCO (CNCO-cal) and (2) mean difference, the standard deviation, and the percentage
error between CNCO-auto and TDCO were higher than
between CNCO-cal and TDCO. A hyperdynamic cardiocir-
& Bernd Saugel culatory state in a substantial number of patients and the
hemodynamic stability making trending analysis impossible
Present Address: Department of Anesthesiology, Center of are main limitations of our study.
Anesthesiology and Intensive Care Medicine, University
Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf, Martinistrasse 52, Keywords Cardiac output  Hemodynamic monitoring 
20246 Hamburg, Germany
Vascular unloading technology  Pulse contour analysis 
CNSystems Medizintechnik AG, Reininghausstrasse 13, Intensive care unit
8020 Graz, Austria
II. Medizinische Klinik und Poliklinik, Klinikum rechts der
Isar der, Technischen Universität München, Ismaninger
Strasse 22, 81675 Munich, Germany
1 Introduction
Department of Anesthesiology, Center of Anesthesiology and
The CNAP system (CNSystems Medizintechnik AG, Graz,
Intensive Care Medicine, University Medical Center
Hamburg-Eppendorf, Martinistrasse 52, 20246 Hamburg, Austria) allows continuous noninvasive beat-by-beat
Germany recording of the arterial pressure waveform [1, 2].

J Clin Monit Comput

The CNAP device is easy to apply and uses an enhancement Technischen Universität München, Munich, Germany) and
of the Peňáz principle, a method first described in 1973, to was approved by the institutional ethics committee
generate an arterial waveform [2, 3]. For arterial waveform (Ethikkommission der Fakultät für Medizin der Technis-
recording, an inflatable finger cuff is applied to the patient’s chen Universität München). All patients or their legal
finger [2]. The finger artery’s diameter is assessed by an inte- representatives gave written informed consent.
grated photo-plethysmograph that controls that the blood vol- In order to evaluate the novel CNCO algorithm, we
ume in the finger artery is kept constant. A controller adjusts the retrospectively applied the new CNCO algorithm to ICU
finger cuff pressure in order to keep the blood volume constant patients from a previously set up database containing
throughout the cardiac cycle. The pressure that is required to (a) CNAP-derived arterial pressure data and waveforms
keep the volume constant corresponds to the true arterial and (b) TDCO values obtained with the PiCCO system
pressure waveform [2]. But the original Peňáz principle is not (Pulsion Medical Systems SE, Feldkirchen, Germany).
working if arterial diameter and wall tension are altered due to When collecting data for this hemodynamic database, we
vasoconstriction and vasodilation. The CNAP device elimi- simultaneously recorded invasive and noninvasive arterial
nates such vasomotoric influences by the use of concentrically pressure waveforms over a total time period of 15 min. The
interlocking loops and a so-called VERIFI-algorithm (‘‘Vaso- total time period was split into 3 intervals of 5 min with
motoric Elimination and Reconstructed IdentiFication of the varying time between the 3 time points depending on the
Initial setpoint’’) [4]. This algorithm continuously analyzes the clinical routine. The TDCO measurements were performed
shape of the waveforms and thereby allows distinguishing at the beginning of each 5-min interval. This structured
between blood volume shifts due to changes in arterial pressure hemodynamic database including TDCO values and arte-
and those due to changes of the arterial diameter. This dis- rial pressure waveforms obtained with the CNAP system
tinction is crucial for stable long-term tracking of arterial now allowed us to apply the newly released CNCO algo-
pressure. The resulting finger cuff derived arterial pressure rithm to the arterial pressure waveforms recorded with
signal is calibrated by a transfer function to oscillometrically CNAP and to compare the resulting CNCO values with the
obtained arterial pressure values using an upper arm cuff. corresponding TDCO values (criterion standard).
Studies have shown that the technology provides arterial Data on arterial pressure measurements from the data-
pressure values with reasonable agreement in comparison base used for the present study have been previously
with invasive arterial pressure measurements in anesthetized reported in a method comparison analysis [8].
patients during surgical procedures [5–7], intensive care unit In the database, arterial pressure data from a total of 57
(ICU) patients [8, 9], and emergency department patients [10]. patients were available. Arterial pressure waveform
Recently, the manufacturer released a novel cardiac recordings of 6 patients could not be used for the evalua-
output (CO) algorithm for continuous noninvasive CO tion of the CNCO algorithm because in 4 patients no
(CNCO) monitoring based on the pulse contour analysis of CNAP arterial waveforms had been recorded and in 2
the noninvasively obtained arterial pressure waveform. The patients the data set was incomplete and hence data syn-
proprietary CNCO algorithm incorporates physiological chronization impossible. We additionally excluded 13
markers such as the areas under the pulse waveform during patients from data analysis because of an untypically deep
systole and during diastole, accounting for the physiolog- dicrotic notch, making beat detection and hence the cal-
ical factors of preload, contractility, afterload and com- culation of heart rate as well as pulse contour analysis
pliance of the vessels. The CNCO algorithm was finetuned unreliable. Therefore, we included 38 patients in the final
using machine learning tools on comprehensive data sets. statistical analysis.
So far, no validation studies evaluating the CO mea-
surements by CNAP–CNCO exist. 2.2 Cardiac output determination
The aim of our proof-of-concept analysis was to assess by transpulmonary thermodilution
the agreement of CNCO measurements in comparison with
CO measurements invasively obtained using transpul- Transpulmonary thermodilution was used as criterion
monary thermodilution (TDCO) in ICU patients. standard method for CO determination in this study. As
described above, when collecting arterial waveform data
for the database on CNAP arterial pressure measurements
2 Materials and methods [8], we simultaneously systematically recorded TDCO
data. We recorded 3 TDCO values in each patient. TDCO
2.1 Study design and patients measurements were performed as described previously
using a PiCCO-Plus or PiCCO-2 monitor (Pulsion Medical
The study was performed in a medical ICU of a German Systems SE) [11, 12]. For a thermodilution measurement,
university hospital (Klinikum rechts der Isar der we injected 15 mL of iced 0.9 % saline via a central

J Clin Monit Comput

venous catheter in the central venous circulation. Using a analysis for the comparison CNCO-cal versus TDCO.
thermistor at the tip of the dedicated arterial catheter placed Therefore, this analysis was performed with the remaining
in the abdominal aorta through the femoral artery (Pul- 73 data pairs. For the analysis of CNCO-auto versus
siocath PV2015L20, Pulsion Medical Systems SE) we TDCO, we used all 111 pairs of CO measurements for
recorded the thermodilution curves used to calculate comparative analyses.
TDCO. We determined a TDCO value by averaging the
results of 3 consecutive thermodilution measurements. 2.5 Statistical analyses
Thus, 9 (3 9 3) indicator injections per patient were per-
formed resulting in 3 TDCO values per patient. For statistical analyses we used Excel 2011 (Microsoft Corp.,
Redmond, Washington, USA), MATLAB version 7.8.0
2.3 Cardiac output algorithm applied to the CNAP- (R2009a) (The MathWorks Inc., Natick, Massachusetts,
derived arterial pressure waveforms USA) and Python version 2.7 (Python Software Foundation,
Beaverton, Oregon, USA). Patient characteristics are pre-
For the comparison of the 3 TDCO values (criterion stan- sented for all patients as absolute numbers with percentages or
dard) with the corresponding, i.e. simultaneously mea- median with interquartile range (25–75 % percentile range)
sured, CNCO values, we applied the new CNCO algorithm and for each individual patient. For CNCO-cal, CNCO-auto,
retrospectively to the arterial pressure waveforms recorded and TDCO, we separately calculated mean ± standard
with CNAP. deviation (SD) for the observed CO values. In addition, we
For the comparison between CNCO and TDCO, the computed Bland–Altman plots considering that repeated
CNCO values were averaged over 30 s before the times the measurements in each individual were analyzed [13] and the
TDCO values were read out. percentage error [14] for the comparison of TDCO versus
The algorithm used for the determination of CNCO is CNCO-cal and TDCO versus CNCO-auto.
based on the pulse contour analysis of the arterial wave-
form noninvasively recorded with CNAP.
Analyses were performed separately for (1) CNCO 3 Results
calibrated to the first TDCO (CNCO-cal) and (2) CNCO
autocalibrated to biometric patient data (CNCO-auto). The characteristics of the 38 patients are presented in
For CNCO-cal, the first TDCO value was used to Table 1.
externally calibrate the CNCO value. Mean ± SD for CNCO-cal, CNCO-auto, and TDCO was
Autocalibration of CNCO resulting in CNCO-auto is 8.1 ± 2.7, 6.4 ± 1.9, and 7.8 ± 2.4 L/min, respectively.
obtained by a proprietary nomogram using biometric data. For CNCO-cal versus TDCO, Bland–Altman analysis
A calibration factor is obtained from a polynomial function demonstrated a mean difference of ?0.2 L/min with a SD
of the subject’s gender, age, height and weight. This cali- of 1.0 L/min and 95 % limits of agreement of -1.7 to
bration factor is used to obtain absolute CO values and ?2.2 L/min (Fig. 1a). The percentage error was 25 %.
accounts for the typical physiological conditions of pri- For CNCO-auto versus TDCO, the mean difference was
marily healthy subjects. However, it cannot account for all -1.4 L/min with a SD of 1.8 L/min and 95 % limits of
pathological conditions because it is solely based on bio- agreement of -4.9 to ?2.1 L/min (Fig. 1b). The percent-
metric data. age error was 45 %.
Table 2 provides a direct comparison of the results for
2.4 Data the mean of differences, limits of agreement, and per-
centage error between CNCO-cal and CNCO-auto.
Because we had recorded three TDCO values in each of the
38 patients in the database, 114 TDCO were available for
comparison with the corresponding CNCO values. In 3 of 4 Discussion
the 114 data pairs, no CNAP arterial waveform was
available at the time of TDCO reading since the CNAP In this proof-of-concept analysis, we retrospectively
monitor performed a arterial pressure setpoint search or applied the new CNCO algorithm to arterial pressure
NBP calibration leaving us with 111 pairs of CO mea- waveforms previously recorded with CNAP and compared
surements for comparative analyses. CNCO-cal and CNCO-auto values with simultaneously
As described above, for CNCO-cal, the first TDCO measured TDCO values (criterion standard) in 38 critically
value was used to externally calibrate the CNCO value. ill patients in order to evaluate the measurement perfor-
Therefore, the first of the 3 pairs of CO measurements in mance of CNCO for the first time. According to the find-
each patient could not be included in the Bland–Altman ings of this pilot analysis, CNCO determination is feasible

J Clin Monit Comput

Table 1 Patient and clinical

Sex, male, n (%) 22 (56)
Weight (kg) 79 (69–85)
Height (m) 1.75 (1.66–1.79)
Body mass index (kg m-2) 25.9 (23.2–27.7)
Age (years) 63 (55–71)
Reason for intensive care unit admission
Acute liver failure, n (%) 9 (24)
Gastrointestinal bleeding, n (%) 3 (8)
Sepsis, n (%) 6 (16)
Respiratory insufficiency, n (%) 9 (24)
Other, n (%) 11 (29)
Clinical characteristics at day of study measurement
Mechanical ventilation, n (%) 7 (18)
Norepinephrine therapy, n (%) 11 (29)
Norepinephrine dose (lg min-1) 7 (2–10)
Midazolam therapy, n (%) 9 (24)
Advanced hemodynamic monitoring data
Cardiac index (L/min/m2) 4.1 (3.4–4.7)
Cardiac power index (W/m2) 0.6 (0.7–0.9)
Central venous pressure (mm Hg) 9 (15–19)
Global end-diastolic volume index (mL/m2) 686 (767–910)
Extravascular lung water index (mL/kg) 7 (9–13)
Pulmonary vascular permeability index 1.2 (1.4–2.1)
Systemic vascular resistance index (dyn s cm-5 m2) 1399 (1099–1718)
Intensive care unit scores
Acute Physiology and Chronic Health Evaluation II Score, points 18 (22–26)
Sequential Organ Failure Assessment score, points 5 (8–11)
Data are presented as the median and interquartile ranges (25–75 % percentile) or as absolute frequencies
with percentages

in critically ill patients. The percentage error of 25 % Sequentially combining invasive, less invasive, and nonin-
between CNCO-cal and TDCO indicates acceptable vasive CO monitoring technologies might in the future allow
agreement, while the percentage error was higher for providing advanced hemodynamic monitoring individually
CNCO-auto versus TDCO. Furthermore, the absolute mean adapted for the patient’s specific clinical situation [18, 19].
of differences was higher for CNCO-auto versus TDCO In the context of our study findings, it is important that
than for CNCO-cal versus TDCO (-1.4 versus ?0.2 L/ the 30 % percentage error threshold suggested by Critchley
min) and the limits of agreement were higher (-4.9 to and Critchley [14] to define acceptable agreement between
?2.1 versus -1.7 to ?2.2 L/min). These results suggest different technologies for CO assessment has repeatedly
that further refinements are needed to improve CNCO-auto been questioned [17, 20, 21]. Peyton and Chong [20]
measurements that are autocalibrated based on the patient’s suggested that a clinically more realistic percentage error
biometrics. cut-off value for the agreement of minimally invasive CO
In the recent years, a variety of new CO monitors were monitors with thermodilution-derived CO would be 45 %.
developed, including minimally invasive and completely Although we performed our method comparison study
noninvasive technologies [15–17]. As CO is a crucial by retrospectively applying the now available CNCO
hemodynamic parameter in critical care and anesthesiology algorithm to previously recorded arterial waveforms, our
[17] the concept of continuous noninvasive CO assessment is results represent realistic clinical data because we delib-
intriguing. If the measurement performance of innovative, erately did not screen the CNCO and TDCO measurements
noninvasive means of CO estimation was proven to be for artifacts.
comparable to established invasive methods, complications Our study allows conclusions about the measurement
associated with invasive CO assessment could be avoided. performance of the new CNCO algorithm. However,

J Clin Monit Comput

Fig. 1 a Comparison of cardiac

output measurements obtained
with the CNAP system
(calibrated to the first
transpulmonary thermodilution
cardiac output; CNCO-cal) and
transpulmonary thermodilution-
derived cardiac output (TDCO);
b Comparison of cardiac output
measurements obtained with the
CNAP system (autocalibrated to
biometric data; CNCO-auto)
and transpulmonary
thermodilution-derived cardiac
output (TDCO). A Bland–
Altman plot with the mean of
differences (continuous
horizontal line) and 95 % limits
of agreement (1.96 9 standard
deviation; dashed horizontal
lines) is shown

because patients in this study—although critically ill— comparison with TDCO is not possible based on our data
were hemodynamically stable and we did not perform CO (96 % of consecutive CO measurements showed absolute
modifying maneuvers during study measurements, an differences \15 %). To evaluate whether CNCO can fol-
evaluation of the trending capabilities of CNCO in low changes in CO determined with a criterion standard

J Clin Monit Comput

Table 2 Comparison between CNCO-cal and CNCO-auto

CNCO calibrated to the CNCO autocalibrated to biometric
first TDCO (CNCO-cal) patient data (CNCO-cal)

Mean of the differences (standard deviation) (L/min) 0.2 (1.0) -1.4 (1.8)
Upper and lower 95 % limit of agreement (L/min) -1.7 to ?2.2 -4.9 to 2.1
Percentage error (%) 25 45
CNCO continuous noninvasive cardiac output, TDCO transpulmonary thermodilution derived cardiac output

technique, prospective validation studies should include arterial waveforms proved to be unsuitable for the retro-
interventions inducing rapid hemodynamic changes such as spective analysis in this proof-of-concept study.
a passive leg raising maneuver or a fluid challenge test. Especially the fact, that patients treated for disease states
While the present study is the first validation study for altering vasomotor tone such as sepsis and liver failure
CNCO, another technology for the noninvasive assessment were included in our study might be a limitation of our
of CO based on the volume clamp method [i.e., ClearSight study design with regard to generalizability to other patient
system (Edwards Lifesciences, Irvine, CA, USA); formerly collectives such as elective surgical patients. In this con-
known as Nexfin system (BMEye, Amsterdam, The text, it is noteworthy that the mean TDCO in our study
Netherlands)] has been evaluated in clinical studies collective was high (7.8 L/min). A hyperdynamic cardio-
before—with inconsistent results. While Broch et al. [22] circulatory state is characteristic for patients with low
demonstrated that the Nexfin system allows CO estimation systemic vascular resistance such as patients with sepsis or
in cardiac surgery patients with a percentage error of liver failure. These special hemodynamic characteristics of
\30 % when compared with transpulmonary thermodilu- our study collective must be borne in mind when inter-
tion, higher percentage errors between 38 % and 58 % preting the results regarding CNCO-auto that is derived
were reported in other clinical studies evaluating the sys- based on biometric data.
tem in cardiac surgery patients in comparison with pul-
monary artery or transpulmonary thermodilution [23–26].
In 45 mixed ICU patients, Ameloot and colleagues [27] 5 Conclusions
revealed a percentage error of 36 % between Nexfin-CO
and CO determined by transpulmonary thermodilution. In This pilot analysis shows that CNCO determination is
another study in medical ICU patients, Monnet et al. [28] feasible in critically ill patients. A percentage error of 25 %
however observed a percentage error of 57 % when com- indicates acceptable agreement between CNCO-cal and
paring Nexfin-derived cardiac index with transpulmonary TDCO.
thermodilution measurements.
In general, when comparing an innovative hemody- Conflict of interest J.Y.W. and B.S. received refunds of travel
expenses from CNSystems Medizintechnik AG (Graz, Austria). B.S.
namic monitoring technology in a clinical method com- collaborates with Pulsion Medical Systems SE (Feldkirchen, Ger-
parison study, a crucial question with regard to the study many) as member of the Medical Advisory Board. J.G. is employee of
design is which criterion standard method should be used CNSystems Medizintechnik AG (Graz, Austria), which has developed
[19, 21]. Because thermodilution methods are considered and markets the CNAP system. J.F. is CEO and founder of CNSys-
tems, receives salary, has equity interests, and is named as inventor on
to be the clinical criterion standard for CO determination several CNAP-patents. For I.N. and M.S. there is no conflict of
[21], we chose to compare CNCO values with TDCO interest to disclose.
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