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Duration: 60 mins Lesson

Subject : English Class:6A Time:10.30a.m-11.30a.m

Theme : World of Self, CCE : Global Sustainability; Date:
Focus skill: Writing
Family and Friends Values Wednesday, January 11, 2023
Language / Grammar Focus: Topic sentences; functional
Topic : What’s your opinion?
language: giving opinion (e.g. I don’t believe that…)
21st Century Learning: Class discussion, group/pair work,
Teaching aids: Textbook, worksheet, pictures
mind map

Differentiation strategy (DS) : Feedback Assessment: Task


4.3-Communicate with appropriate language 4.2- Communicate basic information

M form and style for a range of purposes in print
and digital media
C intelligibly for a range of purposes in print
and digital media

4.3.3 Produce a plan or draft of two 4.2.5 Connect sentences into two coherent
paragraphs or more for a familiar topic paragraphs or more using basic
M and modify this appropriately in C coordinating conjunctions and reference
response to feedback pronouns

By the end of the lesson, pupils should be to produce a plan of an opinion essay about wearing school uniforms in at least
two paragraphs.

By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to connect at least six sentences into two coherent paragraphs using basic
coordinating conjunctions and reference pronouns.


Pupils can:
a. write at least six sentences about their opinions of wearing school uniforms.
b. use at least three suitable phrases to write an opinion essay.
c. use basic coordinating conjunctions and reference pronouns to connect at least six sentences into two coherent paragraphs.

1. Use a picture of a Malaysian child/children in school uniform to elicit the word ‘uniform’.
2. Ask pupils to describe the child’s uniform and compare it to their own, if relevant.

3. Activity 1:
a. Pupils work in groups.
b. Give each group some pictures of children from different places in the world.
c. Have pupils look at the pictures and share their ideas about how the school children look, comparing
them to each other and to themselves. (CCE: Global Sustainability).
d. Ask pupils if they think the children are happy to be wearing their school uniform, or to be without a
Lesson delivery school uniform.
e. Ask pupils to brainstorm positive and negative points of school uniforms.
f. They should note their ideas on paper in a mind map or in two columns.
g. Gather some positives and negatives from different groups.
4. Activity 3:
a. Write the plan on the board. (Activity 5 pg 115)
b. Tell pupils they are going to prepare an opinion essay on the topic: 'Are school uniforms a good
c. Pupils put their ideas together as a class.
d. Complete the plan on the board and leave it on the board for reference. (CCE: Values – listening to
each other’s opinions). (Assessment)
5. Activity 4:
a. Read out the phrases in the Look! box.
b. Encourage pupils to use them in their essay.
a. The pupils write their essay in pairs using the plan on the board. (Assessment)

6. Pupils share their writing with the class.

Post lesson
7. Give feedback on pupils’ writing.

a. ___ /___ pupils are able to achieve the stipulated learning objective.
b. ___ /___ pupils are not able to achieve the stipulated learning objectives Lesson postpone:
and they are given remedial activities / enrichment activities.
a. Course c. CRK

b. Sick leave d. Meeting

Other :

Activity 2: Prepare an opinion essay on the topic; ‘Are school
uniforms a good idea?’ Work as a class to complete the plan.

Introduce the topic: There are many advantages and

disadvantages to wearing school uniform.
Give your opinion:

Topic sentence:
Main ___________________
body: Supporting sentence:
nt 1)
Topic sentence:
Main ___________________
body: Supporting sentence:
nt 2)

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