T V NG Test 1 Hacker 2

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1.Occupant  /ˈɒk.jə.pənt/: dân ngụ cư,cư dân

Eg: All occupant in HH building need to submit tenant

fee bimonthly

2.designate (v) /ˈdez.ɪɡ.neɪt/ chỉ định,chỉ thị gọi tên

(adj)  /ˈdez.ɪɡ.nət/ được chọn được chỉ định

Eg: as soon as you click the button “Pay” in the payment

system,your designated amount will be processed
3.regrettably /rɪˈɡret.ə.bli/ đáng tiếc

Eg: Regrettably,  education has not been properly funded.

4.It is adj+ that +V-nguyên thể

It is vital that you go to hospital urgently because your hurt is

so serious.
5.consequently (adv) kết quả là
Do đó
I spent all my savings for buying computer,consequently,I had
to call my parents to have financial support .

6.Cordially(adv) thành thật,trân thành

eg: You are cordially invited to the funding event because you
are our loyal customer.
7.Refurbish (v) to make the building look new again

Eg: Because of our house was built in 1930s, my parents want

to refurbish it this year.
8.Comnprehensive (adj) 1 cách bao quát,toàn diện
comprehensive coverage: gói bảo hiểm trọn gói

Eg: comprehensive coverage includes health,education

Eg: Toeic test is a comprehensive test because it can evaluate
your English ability
9.Park Ranger (n) kiểm lâm viên
Eg: Park ranger suspects/doubts that the food scraps attract
raccoons go out the woooded fence,and they may pose a risk
to visitors and their pets

10.Suspect/doubt (v) nghi ngờ ,không chắc chắn

Eg: we really dount the investigate result

11.With that in mind (n) với suy nghĩ/ý nghĩa đó

Eg: With that in mind,we attempt to bring food for the poor in
this area.
12.Pose a risk: Nguy cơ rủi ro,nguy hiểm
Pose a hazard :

Eg:When children go out without adult,It poses a risk for

13.Back out (v) Hủy bỏ

Eg: our first choice backed out about the lead actor ,so I am
waiting the entertainment agency provide the replacement.
14.worthwhile (adj) đáng giá/bõ công

Eg: by achiveing this worthwhile objective,we can be

continue our efforts
Eg: It is a worthwhile job because we can increase the
employment in the state
15.Underrated (adj) bị đánh giá thấp

Eg: this city often be underrated on the tourism industry.

16.postal address (n) địa chỉ bưu điện

Eg:Our ID card will be sent to our postal adress that be

provided berfore .
17: Entail (v) kéo theo

Eg: The events do entail a significant expense fro the

18.Forstering (v) nuôi dưỡng nâng đỡ

Eg: This event help to forter the interaction bettween citizen

and business.
19.city council (n) hội đồng thành phố

Eg: City council members need to have a meeting to hear the

citizen’s opinions.
20.promotional booth (n) Gian hàng khuyến mại

Eg: To try our sample ,please drop by our promotional booth.

21.Outskirt of town (n) ngoại ô thị trấn

Eg: so many botique stores at the outskirt of the town.So we

are very anxious about the expanding of LONA superstore.
22.Vibrant (adj) náo nhiệt/đông đúc

Eg: HCM city is the most vibrant city in Vietnam.In there you
can find so many livable destinations.
23.Turn down for what: từ chối làm gì

Eg: Most of the retailers hope the city council members to

turn down the proposition about expanding super Store.
24.Purpose of sth to do sth

Eg: The purpose of wildlife campaign is to protect the

endangered species .
Eg: the purpose of the retreat is to allow all employees to
bond with one together
25.preserve (v) bảo tồn
(n) khu bảo tồn
26.prior engagement (n) có công việc/nhiệm vụ từ trc

Eg :staff member who has a prior engagement don’t need to

feel obliged to attend the field trip
27.Feel obliged to do sth: cảm thấy bắt buộc phải làm gì.

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