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Could it be Unbelief?

Just as faith can be a reactive awakening to hearing the Word of God, unbelief can
creep subtly into the heart and stop the flow of God’s grace. Jesus ran into unbelief in
His own hometown and could do no mighty work there.

Unbelief is a sensitive subject for most of us. We often confuse our knowledge about
faith with faith. Knowledge is of the head, but faith is of the heart. Doubt is of the head,
but unbelief is of the heart.

We have an idea that faith is a constant, energized power within us, and we can pray at
the drop of a hat. But are we praying in faith or from routine? True faith is a response to
our fellowship with God and hearing His Word (Rom. 10:17, John 5:19). Just because
we know about faith, understand faith, and think we are in faith, doesn’t mean we have
had a fresh quickening from the Spirit. Yesterday’s faith may not still be energized

Unbelief is a response related to our five senses, our logic, and how we feel at the
moment. Unbelief walks by sight. Unbelief isn’t convinced until it sees or feels the
answer. The disciples were commissioned to heal the sick and did so, but on one
occasion they were unable to help a man’s son and Jesus reproved them for their
unbelief! Perhaps they had begun trusting in their past experiences and had lost touch
with the Source of true faith.

Unbelief is the only force that can stop healing. It is often undetectable to our
senses. Some who believe in healing and proclaim their faith may actually be dealing
with unbelief. I have been guilty of this. We can’t always see what is going on in
someone’s heart. Guilt, condemnation, bitterness, unforgiveness, or fear can all be
contaminating the heart and hindering true faith. The head can be convinced but the
heart may be struggling.

Faith, like electricity, will only flow when the switch is “on”. In the case of faith, the
“switch” is fellowship with God and “hearing” Him. The God kind of faith requires God’s
life in the heart and mouth of the believer. Unbelief must wait and see what will happen.
The God kind of faith knows the outcome before it comes out.

Barry Bennet from FB, June 18 2023

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