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Naga City

Special Learning Program

Student: Ellamae S. Alamo
Subject: EDUM440 - The Teaching Profession
Professor: Arnulfo Aaron R. Reganit, Ed. D

My Teaching Philosophy

I believe the children are our future……..

All children can learn and have the right to a quality education. All young people,
regardless of gender, race, ethnicity, or ability, should have access to professional, well-informed
instructors who are sophisticated and knowledgeable in their fields of expertise and life.
Certainly, every child has unique learning styles and aptitudes; however, by establishing a
personal rapport with each learner, I can provide each with an equal opportunity for success. By
recognizing the potential of each student and setting distinct, individual goals for each, I can
accommodate personal needs and abilities and encourage the pursuit of academic objectives.

Teach them well and let them lead the way ……

Motivation and inspiration must precede academic achievement. Students deserve a

teacher's enthusiasm for the topic at hand and learning in general. When students' energy is
stimulated by a teacher's genuine passion for learning, and everyone is ready and eager to engage
in active learning, teaching and learning becomes a simultaneous journey for both the teacher
and students. To promote active learning, I will be enthusiastic and believe in the student's ability
to learn and succeed. Using constructivist teaching methods in the classroom compels students to
take an active role in their education by making decisions and accepting responsibility for
intelligent inquiry and discovery. For instance, discussions, projects, and experiments ensure
student success and enable students and teachers to identify each student's preferences and
strengths. This strategy facilitates differentiated activities for each student's unique goals, making
the subject matter more pertinent to the lives of all students.

Show them all the beauty they possess inside. Give them a sense of pride……..

Establishing a mutually respectful, trustworthy rapport with students is essential, one in

which communication takes precedence. Through this relationship, a fair, democratic
environment based on trust and care can be created in the classroom, allowing students to
interact securely and confidently. Once this foundation has been laid, I can already achieved a
significant objective: the ethical characteristics of equality, open, honest communication, and
trust have been emphasized and implemented without the need to preach to students. Expecting
students to model these ethically correct behaviors in the classroom prepares them for adult
interaction and survival in the future.
Naga City

Let the children’s laughter remind us how we used to be …….

Teaching is a lifelong process; a teacher's life purpose is to serve. A teacher is committed

to education, their discipline, their learners, and making the future the best place for all of us to
live. As a youthful professional, I accepted these challenges when I decided to become a teacher
and maintain my commitment to them.

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