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Posted originally on the Archive of Our Own at

Rating: Teen And Up Audiences

Archive Warning: Choose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Category: M/M
Fandom: | Bangtan Boys | BTS
Relationship: Min Yoongi | Suga/Park Jimin
Character: Min Yoongi | Suga, Park Jimin (BTS), Kim Taehyung | V
Stats: Published: 2016-12-11 Words: 3509

And You Don’t Even Know My Name Yet

by Frejdig (Hjertevarm)


Yoongi runs the campus radio’s night slot, and some jackass keeps calling in just to insult
his music and request High School Musical songs instead.


See the end of the work for notes

‘’That asshole is calling again.’’

’’Which one?’’ Taehyung smacks his lips, bleary eyed with the lid of his energy drink resting
against his lower lip.

’’The Disney one.’’

’’Disney one?’’ this makes Taehyung squint. ‘’I love Disney.’’

‘’Yeah, but we don’t love this guy,’’ Yoongi fixes the microphone before him, the headset
muffling his hearing, dread apparent in his eyes.

Taehyung frowns, hunching his head back, framing a fake double-chin. ‘’You don’t know our

‘’Shut up,’’ Yoongi brushes him off, pushing some of the buttons to let the ongoing music
dwindle in the end session and raise the volume of his microphone –

‘’And that was Anaconda by Nicki Minaj; a personal favorite. Next up we’ll play some more
tracks but from V’s list, plus there’s the usual ask hour where you’ll get advice on whatever’s on
your mind, summarized as personal feel-good chipper from two neighbor-friendly dudes.’’
‘’With love from us to all the other sleep deprived college students out there, of course. We’re all
in this together,’’ Taehyung says shortly after, and Yoongi sends him a glare for quoting a High
School Musical song, because it’s what Disney guy is going to rant about in a few minutes, most

Yoongi has already memorized the number that pops up every forsaken time he and Taehyung do
their midnight campus radio session twice a week, this time on a Thursday, where just around
0:00 they’ll start answering calls from students.

‘’Normally we’d only accept calls a little past midnight once we’ve run the first part of the track
through, but we’ve got an eager caller here,’’ Yoongi says, because really, he just wants to get this
over with.

This guy, Disney guy, as Yoongi calls him, isn’t even trying to be subtle.

Most students here who give them a call during midnight hours have their numbers on private,
even if there was a period where it wasn’t allowed because some guys found it funny to prank call
the radio continuously.

‘’Suga here,’’ Yoongi answers, ‘’how may I help?’’ he drawls, formal for an act, meddling with
the papers of the schedule for tonight.

Here we go.

‘’Hey!’’ a fresh voice chirps on the other line.

Even if it’s late, the radio’s got a fair amount of listeners. That’s what the counter says, at least.

Taehyung and Yoongi are anonymous and go under cover names, even if the bass in Taehyung’s
voice might be easy to recognize, since he does some crazy things every now and then and has his
name known around campus.

‘’Hey yourself,’’ Taehyung flirts into the microphone, but it’s just for fun, even if Yoongi side-
eyes him vehemently, as if to say ‘don’t encourage him’.

‘’Can I talk to Suga?’’ the guy asks, voice so soft but energized, even if all the other callers
usually sound battered and bruised by this semester, and god –

‘’Mm, what’s on your mind?’’ Yoongi replies, pretending to be occupied with curling the corner
of the papers in his hand, but Taehyung doesn’t fall for the act and looks devilish.

‘’Cute,’’ he says under his breath, just for the microphone to catch it, receiving a pinch on his knee
that has him narrowing his eyes, biting his tongue to keep quiet, knowing he’s went in for a haul.

‘’It’s about your playlist,’’ the guy starts, and Yoongi almost rips the page in his hands apart.


‘’It’s really bad.’’

‘’Bad,’’ Yoongi repeats, voice dry. Taehyung is stifling a row of laughter next to him, covering
his face with a hand.

God, here it really comes.

‘’You always pick explicit songs. What about nicer ones? I’d recommend-‘’
‘’High School Musical, right?’’ Yoongi interferes.

‘’Yeah, exactly.’’ The guy sounds so sure.

And this is the fifth time he’s called only this month. Yoongi doesn’t know if he can label it as a
prank yet, but it might just be.

During the first and second time, they ended up discussing for more than twenty minutes straight,
and Taehyung had to pull Yoongi away from the microphone and interfere.

It seems that the conversation has been amusing to other students though, because some callers
have commented on it afterwards or mentioned ‘The Disney Guy’.

Yoongi even heard a snippet of a conversation about it one time in the cafeteria next to his own

‘’Which one would you recommend me this time?’’ Yoongi is seconds away from rolling his
eyes, and he’s so used to this soft-spoken voice insulting his taste in music that he just goes along
with it instead of arguing.

There’s some rustling on the other line, and for the first time, the guy sounds a little nervous.

‘’You’re the Music in Me.’’

‘’Excuse me?’’ Yoongi clears his throat.

‘’There’s a song,’’ the guy says, ‘’that’s called You’re the Music in Me.’’

‘’You want me to play it tonight? Special edition?’’ Yoongi drawls, sarcasm apparent in his voice,
though he’d admit that there’s a tug in his stomach the first time the guy says it, since there’s a
different undertone.

‘’Your cheeks look warm,’’ Taehyung whispers, making a cone with his hand to be sneaky,
avoiding his microphone.

Yoongi bares his teeth at the other, shortly. A small grimace, which is an impressive reaction to
get out of him, because during these hours the most he’d do would be to send The Death Glare
instead of The Stinky One.

‘’Smooth,’’ Taehyung lowers his voice on purpose, mumbling into the microphone.

And Yoongi sure won’t admit that his face is prickling, so he scowls and regards the conversation

‘’I could sing it for you?’’ the guy offers, something cheeky in it. Daring, even. ‘’If you don’t want
to look it up, I’ll just sing it for you.’’

Taehyung downright slaps his cheeks, mouth shaping a small o as he croaks, seconds away from

‘’Sing it for me?’’ Yoongi deadpans. He snorts. ‘’Can you even sing?’’ He doesn’t doubt that
Disney Guy can sing. It’s an edge in his voice, the gentleness and the inquiring pang that indicates
that he’s come here to impress.

Which is different, because usually they simply snarl at each other, or maybe it’s Yoongi who’s all
claws while Disney Guy is actually pretty sweet except he says he dislikes Yoongi’s playlist every

‘’You can rap. I’ve heard you before, here on the radio. I can sing. Together, we’d be really
good, don’t you think so?’’ Disney guy offers.

‘’Wow,’’ Yoongi mutters under his breath, rubbing the bridge of his nose, and Taehyung is
vibrating on his seat by now, a wicked glint in his eyes.

‘’You’ve got balls, coming on to me like that with your number uncensored,’’ the blond admits.

He’s got it bad, he knows. He can feel a smile pulling at the corners of his mouth, mostly in

‘’I know you,’’ the guy replies, simply. ‘’You’re flattered.’’

Yoongi downright huffs at this, sending Taehyung a face, who only but stares right back, eyes as
wide as possible.

‘’Alright, know-it-all. You’re getting privilege, for we’re actually not finished with the playlist
yet,’’ Yoongi does roll his eyes now. ‘’But yeah. Go for it. I’m listening.’’

He amends the words quickly –

‘’We’re listening.’’

The guy clears his throat. ‘’Okay,’’ he says, sounding a bit breathy like he’s actually prepping for
a show.

He does as he said he would.

He sings.

And it’s fucking beautiful.

Cheesy? Yeah.

But Yoongi sits there, the wrinkles on his forehead thinning out as he listens. The start is scratchy,
with a few stubbed ‘na na na na’s.

However, the rest follows suit, and even over the phone line, it’s no lie that the guy is good.

It’s the lyrics that dumbfounds Yoongi the most though, realizing he’s been listening for a minute
straight –

‘’It’s like I knew you before we met,’’ Disney guy sings.

‘’Can’t explain it. There’s no name for it. I’m saying words I’ve never said, and it was so easy –
because you see the real me,’’

A little pause – ‘’As I am. You understand, and that’s more than I’ve ever known.’’

Yoongi feels something commence in his throat, mouth drawn in a line. Taehyung is oddly quiet,
listening too.

‘’To hear your voice above the noise – I know I’m not alone. Oh, you’re singing to me.’’

‘’When I hear my favorite song,’’

Yoongi holds his breath.

‘’I know that we belong.’’

The guy sings a little lighter.

He sounds like an angel.

‘’Because you’re the music in me.’’

Silence stretches in the studio, even after the guy has finished.

Taehyung stares blankly into the air for a second, and then turns his head, granting Yoongi a more
than telling look.

Yoongi chooses to ignore it, and purses his lips.

‘’So,’’ he hovers in front of the mic again, considering. ‘’You’ve practiced, huh?’’

‘’Oh,’’ Disney Guy puffs out, ‘’yeah, for a while.’’

He’s so honest.

Which is usually Yoongi’s forte, though it isn’t as present right now.

The studio is completely eerie.

For some reason, it’s almost like it’s only Yoongi and this unknown dude on the line, even if
several of other people are in fact listening to their whimsical Ping-Pong discussion, plus this
guy’s potential… confession.

Maybe it’s Yoongi reading into things.

It must be him thinking too much about something that has no importance.

A prank call, he reminds himself. It’s just a prank call. He’s supposed to hate this guy.

‘’Well,’’ he smacks his lips. ‘’You’re good. I’ll give you that.’’

‘’Really?’’ it’s hopeful, almost.

It definitely doesn’t make Yoongi’s heart throb painfully in his chest.

‘’Really,’’ he sighs, absent-mindedly adjusting his headset.

‘’Better than your playlist?’’

‘’Hey now,’’ Yoongi furrows his brows. ‘’Don’t get pushy.’’

‘’I mean it. You should play High School Musical more often.’’

‘’Why are you so intent on insulting me?’’

‘’I’m not insulting you. Your music is just bad.’’

‘’Now, you listen here – ‘’ and there comes the ten minutes long discussion that Taehyung has
been waiting for on the sideline.

Because however sweet the duo may seem, Disney Guy is going to rile Yoongi up again, and
everyone can see that it’s on purpose; all except Yoongi himself.

‘’I’ve had enough of your,’’ Yoongi flaps uselessly with his hands, tempted to groan, ‘’music in
me shit or whatever children songs you’re infatuated with.’’

He’s going to regret saying this.

He already is, even if he hasn’t said it yet,

‘’Come here! Come here to the studio. You Disney, faceless guy, whoever you are! I swear
to god I’m going to- ‘’ he’s just so annoyed, ‘’do whatever...’’

This guy calls their line constantly to insult Yoongi’s music and then butter him up at the same

It doesn’t make any sense.

‘’Say it to my face, you fucking… whatever! Whatever!’’ he gruffly mumbles something

incoherent under his breath, shutting the line.

He almost punches his own mouth by pulling the mic even closer to his face, snarling into the
device ‘’Sorry for the interruption, guys. Now we’re going to play a bit of V’s playlist. Excuse me
for a second,’’ he lets go and raises himself, pulling off his headset and slamming the papers on
the desk before leaving the studio.

Taehyung’s been watching all the while, bewildered but highly amused as he turns to his own
mic. ‘’Yep, and there you have it – the nightly fight between our dear Suga and Disney Guy. Hey,
you still listening?’’

‘’I don’t know what you’re playing, but good going there. Now go make Suga happy again,
alright? That’s the only condition.’’

He nods to himself and stretches over to get the papers that Yoongi left. ‘’Anyway, their lover
quarrel has taken up a lot of time, so ask hour starts now.’’

‘’You ready with your phones, guys? I’ll answer everything. Promise. Had three Red Bulls, so
let’s get it going, bitches.’’

It’s kind of stupid, Yoongi realizes.

Getting angry about this.

The thing is that he normally wouldn’t be bothered.

Had it been anyone else, he’d have brushed it off, laughed and turned the music up louder.

But this is The Disney Guy, and, yeah.

Yoongi doesn’t know what to do with that.

He sits outside the studio, tempted to go for a smoke.

He doesn’t, though.

Doesn’t sneak a nearly empty packet up from the back of his jeans, because he’s promised himself
to quit anyway.

Bad habit, that’s what it is.

Losing his temper –

Also a bad habit.

He leans against the door to the studio, thumping his head there. It’s soundproof, so Taehyung
probably won’t notice a thing.

This part of the college is pretty vacant; close to the campus, and the sub-room is lighted up, but
the hallway ahead is dark and empty.

Yoongi sighs, running a hand over his face.

Now he’s probably going to be a minor subject between students for tomorrow; at least for those
who’ve stayed up late tonight and finished assignments with Suga and V on the go.

Yoongi basically, or outright asked the guy to fight him. Over such a petty discussion as taste in

Then again, he takes his playlists very seriously.

His thoughts wander, ruffling his blonde locks of hair, barely noticing the small noise nagging the
back of his head.

However, the obstacle becomes louder; more apparent within seconds, like someone’s tapping a
finger on the wall.

Yoongi looks around, perplexed at first, till he sees the automatic light in the hallway turn on with
a flicker and a metallic sound.

The tapping turns into the sound of hurried footsteps travelling down the hall on the other side of
the wall in front of Yoongi, along with a harsh breath and sneakers squeaking reverberating in the

Seconds later, Yoongi freezes on the spot as he sees a person pop up in the door frame by the end
of the room; a guy whose face Yoongi doesn’t get to see before the guy is cupping his own knees,
his in- and exhaling almost frantic as if he’s been out running a marathon.

He’s wearing the attire that spells out ‘College Zombie’, which consists of a big sweater, loose
shorts, woolen socks and trashy sneakers with the loops undone, along with unruly, middle-parted
brown hair.

‘’Sorry,’’ he says, catching his breath –

‘’I’m so sorry, Yoongi.’’

The guy looks up, and he’s wearing golden-framed glasses too, a nimble design.

Holy shit,
Yoongi thinks, blinking his eyes, suddenly more awake than before.

Because there’s no doubt that this is Disney Guy.

But also the first year student, Park Jimin, that Yoongi’s been tutoring in math since the beginning
of the semester.

It’s first now that it clicks, though.

Where he connects the pieces, the voice, and the wit, and the guy’s undeniable ability to make
Yoongi smile and scowl at the same time.

It all makes sense.

‘’Jimin?’’ he says anyway, outwitted.

Jimin’s too busy, taking three quick steps closer and nearly backing Yoongi up against the wall,
an urgent expression on his face as he repeats what he said when he arrived.

‘’I’m sorry, Yoongi, I really didn’t mean to. It’s just that you always get a bit riled up when we
talk about music, and since you’re my senior and, I thought that-‘’

‘’Jimin,’’ Yoongi cuts him off.

Jimin shuts his mouth, throat bobbing.

‘’Are you the guy who’s been pestering me with High School Musical songs for the past couple
of months?’’

He receives a killer look in return: Jimin who looks like a puppy with figurative ears turning

‘’Yes, but… but it was just for fun, you know. I recognized your voice. I always know when it’s
your voice, and I know your rapping because you’ve showed me some, so…,’’ the younger
complies, sounding small, even if he’s a bit taller than the other.

‘’You’re always stressed with your studies and your music,’’ Jimin explains. ‘’So I thought I’d… I
don’t know. Cheer you up.’’

‘’By telling me my music sucks?’’ Yoongi raises a brow, and Jimin does the ‘yikes’ face.

‘’I never meant it like that,’’ he assures. ‘’I just, you know.’’

The skin around his eyes is a little puffy, and only one side of his face looks mushed, like he’s
been lying in bed while talking on the phone to Yoongi during the session, and in the last minutes
hauled himself up to meet the elder here.

‘’I thought that I had seriously upset you just now, and I’m sorry. I really didn’t mean to. I kind of
wanted to get in contact with you, but um… yeah.’’

‘’But?’’ Yoongi presses.

He’ll admit it.

He likes to see Jimin fidget under the gaze, contemplating what to say.
‘’But since you only tutor me sometimes, and you always correct me on my stuff and sigh a lot, I
thought… I don’t know. I didn’t. I mean. You know…’’

‘’Know what?’’ Yoongi’s smiling now, barely able to hold it back.

Jimin does that half-hearted shrug, some light noises bubbling up his throat, a ‘hmm’ and a
considering ‘ahh’.

‘’You know!’’ he exclaims.

‘’Know what, exactly? Jimin, I’m not a mind reader here.’’

Jimin’s nose crinkles, and he stands there, lifting his hands, fingers twitching like he’s rolling
marbles between them, clearly struggling.

‘’I have a crush on you!’’ he downright wheezes, the tips of his ears red now, not to mention bits
of his throat and his cheeks too.

‘’Oh,’’ he immediately runs a hand through his hair, shutting his eyes tightly. ‘’Look,’’ he
murmurs, a desperate tint to it. ‘’Look at what you’ve done. Now I’ve just admitted my crush, I,
ugh- god,’’ Jimin huffs and puffs, adjusting his glasses countless of times.

‘’How unfortunate,’’ Yoongi comments. Doesn’t hide that he's joyed.

‘’Now I got you pinned,’’ he says, closing the distance between them, and Jimin stiffens.

Walking in a circle, because as Yoongi inches closer, he maneuvers them around with the look in
his eyes solely, while Jimin hunches back like he’s in for a scolding, until his back hits the wall
instead of Yoongi’s.

‘’Disney guy,’’ Yoongi hums, tilting his head, eyes slanted into half-moons in amusement.

‘’I really didn’t mean it when I said your music sucks,’’ Jimin persists.

‘’I’m really angry,’’ the elder promptly replies with not even a trace of resentment in his voice.

‘’I’m sorry.’’

‘’Super angry.’’

‘’I swear I’ll… I’ll make it better. I’ll make it up to you, I swear.’’


‘’Yoongi, I promise,’’ Jimin pleads.

They’re standing face to face, and the younger almost looks genuinely scared, but at the same time

‘’I’m so angry that I could just…,’’ Yoongi trails off, and the air in the room takes a turn when he
leans in so that their nose tips brush.

Jimin must’ve expected pain or something else, for he bonks the back of his head into the wall and
closes his eyes –

Opening them again when he feels a mouth on his.

Feather light and fond; a soft press of lips.

It being Yoongi’s face up close, his skin looking a bit oily from a long day and night, but his
eyelashes are slender and he still smells of a familiar deodorant.

The kiss makes a tiny, wet noise when they withdraw, and the elder hovers there, eyes half-lidded.

Jimin stares, licking his lips in reflex. His gaze flickers from Yoongi’s eyes to his mouth
continuously, a double-take to assure that this is real.

‘’Go to bed, Jimin,’’ Yoongi whispers after a while.

Jimin nods, slowly, and whispers just as softly in return: ‘’okay.’’

‘’Don’t forget the homework I gave you, alright? No skipping.’’

‘’I won’t skip it. Promise.’’

Yoongi smiles. ‘’Good.’’

There’s a heap of silence where they don’t do anything, just lingering.

Then, Jimin nods once more, side-stepping away and shuffling out of the room, his cheeks still
burning, hands fixing his shorts in a flighty motion.

‘’Goodnight,’’ he says, taking a look over his shoulder.

‘’Jimin,’’ Yoongi says, stopping the other in his tracks.


‘’Your singing… it was beautiful.’’

Jimin stares.

A bashful smile blooms on his cheeks, rounding them.

He doesn’t say anything, only bites his lower lip and continues to look over his shoulder when he
walks out, almost tripping on the way.

Yoongi stays there, for god knows how long.

Staring into the air.

Trying to decipher the wild feeling in his chest. The feeling of needles working a way in there, but
possibly in the best way possible for something that he’d have thought would be hurtful.

‘’Hey,’’ the door goes up, and Taehyung pops his head out.

‘’You done brooding or what? There’s a chick asking for you,’’ he jabs a thumb the other way,
pointing towards the inside of the studio. ‘’She’s a Suga fan, apparently.’’

‘’Coming,’’ Yoongi enters the studio, finding his seat.

The adrenaline rush from before keeps a buzz in his body.

‘’Your cheeks look warm,’’ Taehyung points out, opening another can of that liquefied sugar he
loves, the substance emitting a sizzling sound.

Yoongi smiles until his gums show.

‘’Taehyung,’’ he says.


‘’Shut up.’’

End Notes


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