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Answers © Chapter 1 ‘Shite check taxa oe 5 2 BNE IE 20 43e-1 eH veretoe tA 48 9,105,12-W)=(s+ sn. rez b 5.21 )= (20-39, red 243,729, 2187 = Br rez 2B w 4a 0-412 -28 we 305» 39700 & 0.-14,-9,16,-25 . elasas . ree : 4 545635 fF -3-20146 se tthe 35 sabe ee 4484024764120 2s as ee Suns) » Sra rat : EEL a Fen Set Sev «du beceett eran bse tanas re ; tae teen 4 rozmed re 8g aay a (epentngo h : tet tines . 9816 tuarouee syebuemes Bs 765 & 13070 755 a © 520145 40 384) 4 5, = 0.0769 (354) Wa 572 (0384) © Joe) ‘Terefore there ae two possible common ratios, each comresponding toa diferent sum ro inn The terms are in geometric progression with r= 1, to ee thin general note le: the form ofa general tem in a geomet progression with {and common rato converges when 4,5, = “ a] xerciee $0 #290 » 200 © 2014 £42150 the nearest euro ar 8 2.9 kp 9 trials. tn genera the geometricmodel snot reliable since if Frisana were to cany outa arge number of tials then te ake wold become excesively sweet (since exponetial growth is -reater than lear gro) to flour woule eventually Decome I ie the mix ‘ently sugar inthe (albeit ‘uncealisc case that Prsana ‘ales out the tla lange number of ies, 5 second: 3, third: 1 fourth: + ofa) a The length converges to a nit vale since the ‘common ratio between theo consecutive side lengths es than one 41992. @ S=2 6s S740 & s1882 © 373m 8 a Rapid: $300, Quick: $252, RepidiQuik: $291 > Rapid $450, Quick: $475, RapidiQuick: $461 8s s1s00 in savings, $2500 in bonds and $1000 shares » S601 © $26 a xu +0575 403754 (0.379) where xis the amount administered each, & smg There are 7mglml drug in the bloodstream ater the third administation, ereae 1 1 (et bP +(e b = (ar 20b 15) (a2 —2ab +B) = 20+ 2B = 2101+) 2 A general od number can be writen in the form 2k-+ 1 {Consider iwo general odd rumbers 2n +1 33d 2m +1 Then (n+ 1)(2m +1) Ame $n 2m 122 Qnm +3 Si +s aways an od umber, A four dig umber represented by 44, (0 tobe confosed witha proc) fan be writen in the form | Naa,x 1044, 108+ = (999+ 1a, +1094 14, +Orda +4, = (9990, +994, +944) Hasta, te, a) outta, +114, +4) Hasta ta, +a) 2 Benigni patetayt 09 alvides 8 isa whole number se. 9 divides the sum ofthe digi Hence 3978, 9864 and 5670 ae divisible by 9 but 5453 nd 7898 ate not. fat 429? + (tae? PH + Rabel + Be + a dabd ae BOP RE TRE Yee He +8) I+) ieee a Consider an array integer ed. Then (n I) = redne tn = ane odd nde t)-(n=ifnot)e nf) Peele oa ea ‘ae =1) Lijit eect) daelestnmaete Equating the areas: fos 2 pte slassy ys 7 =abect ease tab he aePee xerise sF 4 Suppose for the sake of contradiction that is od “Then n?= 2m +1 for some smaZ and n= 2E for some kez. But then 2 = (24)? = 42 = 2 +148 seven but Qe + 1) is ‘de, so this isa contradiction 1 soda = ns aso 0. 2 Assume for the sake of contradiction that i= B whee mine are exprime fe they hve n common facto. Then dea ae “here emstbe ame oi c= throne eZ ‘sings 93 = Meo tia dbleby > “hele 3 va commen factor Giant Bate sumed tha eand bine common tacos siti contdion, Suppose forte sake of contradiction that (2 fsierasonal then 3 can be waiter sn the form = 2 where a.beZ are relatively coprime (Le. share no common facors) = 2B 0 2dvides a= ¢= am tor some me Z=9 B= 2m so divides? ‘0.2 vides bath ad b but ‘eas assumed that and b shared no common fats. This fsa contradiction, ‘contradiction that there exist 4geZ such tharp*~89~ 11 =0 a p= 84+ 1h 0p isan odd inceger p= 2+ 1 for some ke Z sak 122894 HL sae saeel=age11 3448 +429) = 10 98 +2 = pers ven wares Sed inp a comadton Supa forest conven a tor ea ia ae # (a) et aaefe(s) oof sconracn ‘Suppose forthe sake of cont rdicson that or bo the equation 2 +B =< is sasied find nether #nor bis an even ‘number cls odd todd 2+ iso {iter a or b must be add only be writen asthe sum fof an odd number and an ‘even number. Bu this implies that either aor Bis od. This 2s? fsa contradiction since we sume that either a nor bis fn even number. Furthermore, his proo shows that precsely one of aor bmusthe even, ‘vith the other mabe od. 7 Suppose there exists, ke 2 such that +2 = 4k “Then m must be divisible by 2 and can be writen inthe form n= 2m with mez, +2 = 4k sree t 2 But the left-hand side ian imeger whereas the right- hand side i not: hiss « contradicion, 8 suppose pis irational, 4s rational and fr the Soke of contradiction that pqs rational. Then But by assumption, @ was trratonal. This isa contradiction, 9 Let m, ne 3 and suppose for the sake of contradiction that ae Ten m= = em since m, nes, this a only betrucifmsn=m—n= 2h Neither of these ae soluble Inthe integers. This ie contradiction, Moa The mene take any pame number: the numbers erainly vise bys but el pine Then 4:28 B15) 4. Toke the same example as shove #142436, notdnisbie bya 14293642 10,20 aivisble by «| ereae $6 124s, #14916... ane sequence for red and srcen other than staring point) 1,10 14.9, 16,25,36 Hu, = forred: r+ IP for green . 1 Draw the next terms fand count the ine Aisisons and count the coloured squares. Pn): at 7 Safrsy(nd) ‘The semen PU) sue Patent) ~}0(g)-" Sonnets elywafyedo vay ~Hlor-aln(ved) ste] a eve evens LovsafysZuo] “Horencusave = floreayororpanf (vd) Since P() er and PO) PW 1) or ez then bythe eine oF tuahematial induction thessement tre for a postive ines, Pn): 1449-16 scape (ayn ‘The saement P(t: raced rosiveor 1449-1664) paca Hd) Then 144914 ves apne ay HE ayer! srl] 2 cayenne 2 Le Pay sik) Since P() is true and Ply Pik I) for ke Z then by the principle of mathematical indiction, the statement tie fo all osive integers ‘The statement P(0) ts re: L - Assume that Pi) tre forsome keZ a fe. Pek) P+ 1) Since Fis true an Pub) = Pike 1) for kez ‘hen by the prinple of ‘mathematical induction the statement ste for all postive integers Pon 9°! dvisible by & (lorem) ‘he statement Pi tre 9! 1 =a which ie clearly divisible by 8 Assume P(X) tobe tue for some ke ie divides "= 1 98-1 Sn forsome meR ‘Then 99 = 169-98 (gm 1)—1 9-1 = 815m)+ S08 aio divides 9" 1 Le Py > P+ 1) Since P() is true and PUA) Pike 1) for LEN then by the prinpe of ‘mathemati induction, the statement sre fr all natural numbers, Pln)s PAP eee (ony 7 ‘Me satementP(2) tue: ast) Assume Py tue for some kez » be PPE, Then P42 4.8 8 (RH) AEE ey esr Cae satern) Gente sakes) a ‘i 1 (ean icrey is EA 7 4 Le mayen wy ‘Since P(1) is true and KAD (eer?) +a) PQ) PUk+ 1) for ke (e+ ae (ala) ) 2 ay ‘mathemati inditon, the statement tue forall then by the principle of natural numbers 2) Pn: ~nis vise by 3 oS “The statement Pi toe: a1 =0and 0's divisible 1 (es by 3 Assume PO} fs tue 2 forsome keZie. B- kis ke divisible p> P= wa Sn for some mez Le PR) PED hen (E+ 1 = 1) Since 1 itr and FU) => We +3434 1) Pub 1) lordeN then bythe areay Fringe of mathemati 2 3+ Induction te sataments aeen fee foal ara mbes Seveei case bs Pnfsn?~ nis mull of dive be 3 sforaline ‘he satement 70) wae ter) 7+) Deir terainiys since 9) 6 ewe and smulipe of PW) PK orth ‘Assume Pi ire for thea bythe principle of ome ket ‘mathemateal induction, eB kisdlvsble by 6 ‘the statement sve fra =~ k= émforsome natural nimbers ‘meXThen f+ 1) = (8+ 1) rtd 2484384 3k) ee ro): ests nea ha = WBE ae Ln = 6m-+ 3h 1) buat A fwd) mat +1) must be an even ‘The aatement P(t) tue: number sine in any pair ‘of consecutive natural rot wn umes ants nen Assume Pi) i true for ae ae A+ 1) =2rforsome 759 | = Seater Gor which is divisible bys ie. Pik) = Pe) Since P() sue and Uk) = Pk 1 for ke then by the principe of mathemati. induction, the statement forall natural numbers, 1 ims 2024 3s visible by 7 ine") ‘The statement P() i tue 27-35-75) ‘Assume that iste for some te fen? sdvsle by 7s B43 tor sere me Toe 20194 Smaeep zee g0 7m 3) 49-38 bi 7 381 2-31) wh is vile by 7 S070 = +1) Since FU) tue and Py Pike Ion ke {hen by the pine of ‘mathemati indocon, the statement re forall satura numbers 1 Pfs) (2n-1)(2n+1) 3 “he statement P(1) stv 12-16) Assume that 2) se forsome ke Se P4345 8 (OI) RE NKe Then 24384 St E> 24 aes A HORDE M(x apes(oten) +(on-1)) 760 ol 28 90.043) Aue Rice +1)(2k+3)(k+1) ie Ft (eneeee Lipay ei _ e261) -1(2(ke1) 1) 1 Le. eyo A+) Since ete and P= Pe “Fi fre Wher by the pndpe ofmathensial Induction the ivements tre for al natural numbers Pn) Sura) Sueayins2) ‘The statement Pi) 6 rue: Selon) 1) 1 (qu) ket = Bal eer |" Sosna+) 2 & sept Astume i) tobetetor * "ETB some te rea (an= 3? se SeteanAeeenteray — =tinssean=9 =n) = 40 = 12(4n) men Sheen) -Seleeneteentes2) sols always divisible by 12 finducion amongst other rethods i also valid) Fale: subecuting = tives 75 which i not prime fest proved by induction: (eeny(eea}sferneray 3 DE, Pin PP #4 On AP 3 ‘ian 1) leptin yer) statement P(0) is true > Pena) te Pia) = PE EY Since PU sie and Pik) => Pk Ip for ke then by the pence of ‘mathematical indict, the stateremtis true forall ‘natural numters Assume the statement) Ist for some ke 2 te PEP ot k=? eae =1) Then 143° + ot ips aeeap =RRR-1) 424407 2268 +8R +12 4 6k+ 2264 4 114 6 = he HAR +6824 54-41) (eo Ik Hake +a) (es 12k UP des 12g 1) — 17 Pn): So es ee ‘he statement F(1) ue so Pk) 3 PIR + 1) rorise tH since (1 is tue and Rs AkeNorkeN | then by the principe of S16! 6456 = 39600 mathematica inducion, [31481 _| 649+ 1) =405200 the statementis true forall [72= 61 | 6(7=1)= 4520, natural numbers, ae ex proved by induction: — Fs poe bayer hve le) 22S hea x21) (a= Kin= 9 oes ys The statement Prue: | "+0 Ne rye 1 en ses tee tent) Tien! Assume the statement PU) —, Stucforsomelez* 2 #4 6 2 6 3 | ae Moy ner +(e-)xt= ct ‘then, (one alae T2420 34304, [erty] en Hike Tyee Ree) HI) HED ee) k(k-tyeenese(eeny & HNC) 43K) =e ' 7 ce+n(ae+0? 1) ase 6 mu10 3 » no so P(t) ks) «200 est proved by re. apument n= me) = (8-1) {ees the product of ‘three consecutive positive fmeten il Imcpes inthecsen= 1.018 4g 1 Ux, S884 558° ral by 90 done) Tce ye comecutve postive ges a2 20 282, always inciude a multiple of 3, ae foto pot lags fe tele eiaes Aisle by 3 ‘uae 2s sot? p tosiseso « na%4 Sra" ees) 15.68239 sine 6 2 Pes 109" oy, 95-1095 © 16665 cy be Brercise ty doa toxes awe b Lars ies 320+ 6 2a arte 169 + @ 2H 6rt 12+ 200 ta reed eba ae 761 2 2080 3 re Lede. a= 12 (acepe flkernatve correct answer) 32st) ~Toayeezs) Sa 1 (sa 2h 549498 -91r =9n -a2rs9=0 = (or- 1-9) =0 “Therefore there are wo reba d a em Ba} = Ea ee HE Kx, (Cee egeecy Suppose there exist integers 4 and b such that 140 #76 = 1, Then, 204 ‘But the leftshand sie isan integer whereas the right- hand side not. This is —a, Rie Wye R|y> 0) asymptote: 2andpe2 FeBI=O ssymptotes:x=2 and y =2 y panarns [xeRIx> 200 o 7 bef a a 1a DeweR|x23, Oceanian R=fyeRiy>9} » o-{rania3 : Fey npafeemz Zor end « oyafeeniest Rpefyemivat) k= [yeRIy<0) ssymptotes:x emiys3) Date [x20 =e Ryso) € Dm tex, 9 ox © B-RR=WeR|ys2 7 DREYER.) 8 D=RR=yeR|y<-2) * py or (both answers valid) ~6.0r-8 both answers valig) 1 ere dorsels 1 xo only valid or =2 (both answers valid) =so-$ ' xargs 21 Sexe? Re gery fe -texed ff <-2orx> 0 (both valid Bos texcsxe2 wasn | ea $a pie fab 91 © BR REL) fi-4)=16,f10)= 0,100 = 2 fel)=-4f0)=1,418)=3 HAN © DAR Ra yeR|y> Lory sy 2 fi)=0.n0) ‘fa)=3 fe © DRE, roefesrs [-se10, x22 fata =H b payer 4 jae ces xerlee 2K 2 2 Netter Onto and one-to-one One-to-one, nat onto One-to-one, not omto (Onto, not one-to-one (Onto, not one-to-one Individual response exercise 2 ven, mary-to-one (0, many-to-one (Od, one-o-one Neither many-to-one Nelther, mny-to-one (04a, manv-to-one 2 fi =Oforailx exercise 26 aa a ” oa Bow NE ww ie 5 Hs 29-3004 98 Bt Sa Viciet OR referred} Fea) =300=1) (1=2).0,.°R, featsyNema Dy g= te RIM 2, Re=very2n ef Gy aoa xeR[rs-3 or reRly20) 2 at slals)per-2ianra 8 Aol) = aD 8 H(a(0)=Vaeeaea Ww fain) = t= 5 5 Individual response 6 3204+ 420 This gives the number of bacterin food hours ‘out ofthe relrigerator 547 nous a ee ‘rarelae 20 1» Inverse doesnot exist » 18.0. 2-61.49), bana 5 © es) Gamo mete pte —— = @ 2dr ol 1 Sey x0) Ba p(ayaaede, Dj. [reRlx20) Rp freRly22} 769 4 UeNoyter) Hah os! idhog = gid”) ‘struein general, tis certainly true forthe specified functions 5 unpontantsit most be shown that both faye) = and avin = - Hala=—s[r-t)o4 =-terederand s(fle))=1- F408) » Hata os PAS Coe ‘wanslation by (*) Seater () : : “I . “1 aa vertical seth by factor ~8, translation by () b re)= fi, 1 ane s(2)-4 + carota) mvaniosys6 * stretch horizontally by: seal factor 3, sete vol by sale factor 3, alton () © eg. translation by. (=), lo) sh very se factor 2, tanation by () 2 wre] xe) Rove R29) 2 © eg trantation by (4), °) horiomal stretch by tacort 4 veiel Chapter review 4 Nota function b Yes. = 42x55) 23 © Yes °R.Ry= yeR|-1s yell 4 Nota function = Nota function 6 Mes. ( =18) a2a2 02 38 Pinas bo rieine oie) 4 eg zefleion in axis went?) era strech by sale tacor wanton (3) we (asa domain [0.1] » oad Neither 222 xam-style questions 9 Norealroos =a<0 (mack 2=36-4(24)(8) 36-88 (Lmarky 36-8 <0 eB) wed a ken oork> f we (2 marks) Equation of line of, ‘bak (2 marks) Therefore 31 x seed (1 mark) 10 4 The graph offs sited to unis in the postive sedivecton ard one unit in the negative direction. (2-27 + a0e—2) + a (6 marks} OG sre) +468 47-1 Dea 4e+6 (1 marky fa Doerr ya 34 emanksy yee yetaae pea 3) 029 ax rye macy . (2 macy ya sya nkey- (rma syoxsksy- (Liat ayoyekeed Wee Wpaker=t ke (many So is setinverse » Rangeis > L fie (2 many (shape of graph: 1 mark) (Goth asymprotes: | mark) So 6H BE 3A marks) ‘Therefore k=3 (mati) Bynes 37 +4 2 arks) mark) The domain of fa) is se4 eR) (mark) The range off Ja)23-faeR) (mak) 7-10 wep) 1245108 (a mark “F105 (amas) 1245-28) may (1 mark foreach branch comely drawn, 1 maek for both ssymptotes:3 marks otal) Bas (1 mark) ra(t +082 3+ (003412) (2 mas) € Solving 100 = 18014082) 3400348 (mak) 300+ 3.478 1840829 300+ 5.812 18+ 14.760 282. 368 1= 282 24.8 months ise (mark) (mak 1=24.8months (0 mark) 4 Atorizenal asymptote exists at 18082 P08 3412 (2 marks) ‘Therelore fr #20, P< 434 ‘mark (mask ‘Anorlzenalasyanpote ets at P2634 (1 mack) ‘Theron or 20, Pease (mark) ora (imate ana b-vend (6 marksp (1 mark for both asymptotes: 1 ‘mark for both intercepts: 1 mak for left-hand branch correc 1 mark for right-hand branch comet) 7 (e538 —6e4 9 (1 may 2-328 12 (amatisy 2-3 + Loew 2 4 ‘Therelore ga) = 20+ 126 (mary Chapter 3 ‘it cheek taxes o reeny © xsi 2b xed Dares bases? e -tsxs2 © 1.00, 1.50 ‘eercee 9¢ 3 B86 eB ge usa EG nals ‘eereee 20 A= 37> 0 wo distinct real rots © A=0= one repeated real 4 49-37-<0- no real rots saw 8> 0000 ‘itinc eal oots # 8=0 one repeated real 224 B 1 <2 ewe sine real rots 23 > one peated real root t>B-> sonatas ot nt elt (ne repeated real rot: Noteal cots 0<5-¢4 ererise 26 4 xe )-4-21 2 reR-) 2 xe], 20015, 461 4 v3 5 seh {opt § vef2) a (88 erie 3F » (2-4) 4 Rei) =0.ime) , Rei) © £a05y 4 a 1 © Rez) = 24, Im(z) 23) ‘ 5 124+ Geren fom Brecie Rele)= aye Im(a=-i5 36 Question 7a (and e ne(jne Linge insion a beam (FIMO gry coyacere nee pee es cos Pay sieve fio ‘Assume 1) se for Some te 2 — . (erik 1= (ener = (apes 7 4310, = using Bere 36 teston se nee Ss nedkeeZ 48 fo = (04299089) b nadke2 be Z » fi © x 2706+ 4) © fs) =e IP 2-2) Exercise at Ao gipeze aes & gyase ee ee equate? 2a gay =3P Bea r= bgp =20— e+ mors © athe re aaa) 4 fey =e 1p) © fi =e INBe97) a2 seat isa ro exercise 3 La quettatsren g B gey=2e—3e—1 fe aiameae-xesrer | & A giy)=3ete 20282413, roar 2b (etayer ae 5)e-3) ecerege 3K 48 sum=3, produar=4 ainy=n— x34 > quest eet irel § sama 3, product 0 Cmemsaeeeers 6 sumed podae$ poems? aed it bac 304 4 es a & : a ; va 7 b dees 9418 fe 2-11 6 2e 10 Boa vated bere ota) aaa ae eae 38 (= type- 2042) be nar 446) © ere Nee =2e4 5) 48 Letthe thee cots be od a a bebo ae We sotbe re nos are wa de prota of neo Ca)ts)eo)=(N8](A8)(-2) -ab= fae =a bow fp xel lens ne2 cferet 4a xe 1.78897, “1497. xe-109326 © 0505312 0 (1 mark 3 36820 B-12k>0 Hue 12)>0 (a mark) Ceidcalvalus are k= 0 and mn (mask Solution is ke Oor k> 12 (marks) 13 9 Using shech of y= (x4 4) o-n (mark) Correct sketch oF able Solution i -t0 the point isa ‘minimum and when #<0 since fs rereae 40 1200) Y= eb=o} 2 + No points ofintesion » sSsconcave up throughout ins domain, € fis never concave down. 2 42-38) bel eof 3) + ol ££ 00,016) & O0 aR 12> 0 Sho be bfx) 6er+2b=0-5 (240 by construction since F(a) tsacabie) 2 P=40m 45271 m fom the smaller one. 5 (5)04)(35)=2450 5 rehelm, A= 954 cn? a 42 0.873 ka fiom the point on the shore opposite your boat, or 5.13 kn frm the town, rere 45 tris 2 4a; 4mmng 2 osxe3500 b x=10002500/3 1000-s00V5 < x <1000+5005 45:5 millon euros se be Mining ots il not necessary maximize pois asthere ate other factor to betaken nto account. 5 245mby 408m, 1470 euros 5 475 euros 190 passengers Exercise aT ba some! 6.256) © -28ms! ‘The diver hs the water sith a velo of 13 ms, fd constant vereal ccelertion of-10.m%, ‘whlch i approximately the force of gravity. Since both velocity and acceleration sre negative, the diver 'sspeeding up as he/she approaches the wate. 113.611 Locrexecteth frets: wreas, 1215.45 Ans.) aig sto; Wiscrexoeretl 3 6+ ~~: In the interval 010.538, velocity and acceleration have different sions hence the patil slowing down. At = 0.528 fecomes wa stop and for (0528 (1 mary bi Fabe (1 mark as derivative changes sien (mark) 783 2 om a False (1 mak ss the derivatives at {hese points are not negative reciprocal, (mak) 32 2 Let de be the otal length ofthe pipetine FFF +100-x (mans) Lett) be proportional the construction cost of a he pipeline. 0) FSI +100-x (mary dear a eae (2 mais) &. ae iu mask) Solve equation ona +752 (2 mats) xeBE many . A) e758 100-2 (2 mas) =f 21) 100-28 (eet) (oma =75 2 +100-233 Vs 23x Bn Ba (may =Bae100 38-5 Venta Anmptote:x= 8 ‘amar Horizontal Asympote: pe (0 mark) (6 marks) = 0 for turning points (mark) ‘othe etna seman andthere ace no tain pois (mark) Foras2. F's) 40. .0 the functon has no maxima (mark) (mack) SOF _ratent of normals (=ay mad ae Ema restalitiy Asymptoes intersect at (ava), Subsite a) nto normal equation. (1 mark) ae Aor equivalent) (1 mak Simply (mark) (2-4 (a8 14a +46 +15=0 (1mark, Fron GDC (1 mark) (2marks) (For pact), award2 saris only if negative root 12 5-00825 is ncided) median = 705 Range = 330, 0, = 6, ,=720.10R=30 2 Mean=19.2, datas bimodal ‘with moval dass 15 <5 20, snd 30. a? Mean 2 toa 4 Askorveluessand devition= 1.105 tle pickiest . = 2 ae sue the questions ae ; I ‘clear, make sure no leading “ ‘Le eeEe tention cone ponte 4 i answers ae applicable ro j Hong 478 Grenbadvamineoptonsare ty The graph dng mised shemoraccue 4 a Nunber pas 4 vce men of Se b Height of page all students is equal 10 the where the datas close Qualitative, continvons ‘mean of the original 60 plus ‘Quantarve, continuous ‘the mean ofthe new 32, tothe line of best [nae [aves [srs aazes i (forsale, 1 for correctly drawn, fe yPe2anasre-a7as | y=VETHS=TTS a wa @ mars) ee 1 estimate For mean is ©The values ofthe median 2235 (amare 12 & Asthe mode is5 there (2 marks) and the mean are the rust beat least another 5 4 estimate for standard Same due tothe symmetry (0 mark) sevens ne Pat ofthe bar char. (2 marks) So we have 1,3,5,3.6 4 Median isapproxinaiiy 7 #100" 70n+ with another number tobe placedin order. (1 mark) ‘The median willbe the average ofthe 3rd and 4th pieces of daa. (mark) Fortis tobe 4.5 the rising piece of data must, bead (2 marks) ea amas) 0 Lis Sn=700 Tk (mark) Let Steves mass bes Zest (ma (may ‘a stonsto tree 0 Steve's mass of 92 6 sreater than 1.5 108,50 San outer. (1 mark) wa 200 (1 mark boas (1 mark Using midpoint 5,15, 25... as estimates for cach interval, (mask) the 100th piece of data ‘which isin the interval 20" Quadrant it, 0=% 4 osm 38 8-05, 0866,-0.572, © 0.9204, 2.74 pus 2a oe + 368% 10 © Pisundetned sind=-08, and Srerciee GF 5 t0¢and 5.18 5:77 and 2.63 o2%and 291 Undefined a42.54 20-5855, 2714, 8997 121382 were he fst wo anges are the angles forthe negative ungent. and the last oo are sn add rotation to them (2), rercae 6 44, = 1197, ea 3425° 6I,K= 367, 248.9 © Aqs92015" A= 892015" BcA'= 101.6" 154.2 nautical mils, twang = 115" 5 DAR=BCD and CDA=cRA. 6 2DAB + 2CDA= 360, cDA= 180" DAR xariso) Use the coxine re tw pt relationships 18 Peete an 3 eno sind 8 ce) © sce a tan ‘Note hat cos CDA © ce0 sec = DAB) =- - Tea kok 5 One solution __ (Coss) (sn 006%) Bsn Kos XsinX-+c08X) —_xareee 60 T=dsin Neon 4 Amplitude «5, horizontaly (sin. X-+ e054) cos X—2sin eos. X sn? X—2sn-Keos.X) To 4in Xn phase shit = %, period = 2, (onto co X48 maxim =6, minimum = sin Fook » Amplitude =2, horizontal! (in F081) 45iN XO) ny gcon we oe T= tain cos hase shtt= °F, period = 2, ” Pened= cox Leo SEI Se San sina Bacon ‘maximum = 6, minima =—4 208 xe eosin x _ cos xsi x conde es Zev Fav 2sin xcosx asin xeorx ~ ainzy “2 snow a 1 sind _ 26240824 _ dun Aco Acos2A . , sed ana sin = in ACOSA 20 AD 6a 4 teow = ta 28008 AAoon : 3 n2Aseczatan2a=2 2 + Ample}, period = 4 cox = eo x 3008 Same a sini with vere a SnbX= sinh Sina sti 2 ae 5 ReostA Bex? 1 shominciens ap prin & Amphtde 2, pend «2 Want a—aan'a 4 sonoma she = 4, Fiseaninium at = 225 1s ate vericalshit=1down © Alls 12. a BE Ne Te gg Veal seh =2 pale topranis, verical stitt=2 4 * S0)= ar ¥ seen trot parallel 0 the rans shite = 3e0s(2—2 versally downwards by 1, fx) =-2sin3 a new period is 2 © 16) Reflect along the ans stretch bya fae of2 Paral 109-285, SEIN DY Gears $P » se) = 2m, neZ vertical asymptote, exe 35 sin» 0 csc8-9 -o asin 0 2 02S ene nedat Senenez, stcorsttpuniione many 23 0=%snenee st O20% sean new peiod= 2 oe * Fa pataeipermm seed 4 Stretch by a factor of oe hes adatrhene +3 parallel to the ai exo osm ranllelwsberese g gay ETE swears TO ae 2 ae Ue siieats sais, new period =, 15 vel define forall 5 z there are no vertical shits 26 tanrc0for Z0s0y4-2) 15.7% (0359 W 110% qo 384) W The average percentage increase between Decerber 201510 December 2016 equal, to the average ofthe perentage increases from December 2015 to June 2016 and June 2016 to December 2016 (s1% 351), Wividual response Paloma: 20571.44 (02d), {oncit: 20081.77 0247) 40 42606. Bhat Wo 24) Brerise 70 #20 © og.22t lon, 2= 7 og(0:0001) © y=teg,tt sta625 + 107-001 2a 2 gar bm dx? . » ost 2 . ant si br 8 2 er et 9a aire conn chases 1s Fenian yor Lio og," Tog, log, 2 +108, 9 lor (9)=1 2x 220 Bh) 848 (0 33.4) 130 Bah) od x log, 8 0F 1.29 xe6t 342,271 exereiee7E 4 xo 5 8 Areflecti inthe tine (the as) y= A ceflection i the line yoo meraxis)y=-79 se © Ateflecion inthe ine ‘yo0 (hes axis) followed bya velecion inthe line xe 0 y= fx) fof ip) =aiee=xby deer "subsituton an denition of inverse functon | nx 6 gta) [ina y= log,(¢~2) ia translation ‘fy logy 2 isin the positive xdirecion. {y=og,X)~238a wansiation ‘oly og, sb 2 nits the negative -deetion 10 & Domain: (eR: x>—1), asymptote Domain: (veR, > —2}, asymptote: #=—2 | a exercise 7F . Ise fe ansise “oe tg Lt Sata Te) 2s senso 7a foyze-1-0-x-0 » belfacteaet) Thus terest oly solution to f'n fe 38in(aeetje 2 there is only tuming point. oe © The coordinates of the a Heoss=sins) ‘uening point are (0,f0}) 5 “ensfonses exte + eames sey ‘ig poate ae ety tera, lm ve Ne (inx} tuming point and it has te Ioutcen sen ate iey ‘ ica Soma ge 923 ae xin » tiehgne say ang re @ Because Inix! is not defined host ext ny neo Sutonnfec0s yy camaies or trace onymingnaot. —” Sot actmton ae malmoyeda erst als Omid P= <0s0 the beara «reso fines tuning pa mtb a ‘maximum, © Domain: x>0, range: = < ft) $1 4x0 Forx< 0. fin eain(-2) = FU)=Ini-a}+1= 00% ‘So there are 10 -sfntercepts and these are located at x= ae" 0 Minoo e“ maximum a (-e" ey and Sojedertse=wa+s (0) =0mx=0orx=-2 there are wo turning $°(0)=05 8 44n42=0 ai So there ae two points of lntlecson (6.0) 16 minimum, (2-4) isa mani xen Pee) seine + ose eine + ose) Fea) =0= eines oss) 0-9 tane=-1(e'#0) stn he ange be 3 % . the two rots are esated a Fray =esine + cose + e(Cosc sim) = eae 0 = 0) ‘Therefore there ate to points of iaflesion, at + rE} -e some norma at this point has gradient Sounase & sete tinx—cosxee 2 Reon « Luce Binns Lae i tnt 34 aescont of (x) =0 7 ‘ f ctlne—ilysne sc heim ala +c eF seos2e+c 8 i Ea 3 selene t face) . sain(ea)se ober 4 & fen Lam(aax)-Seh fina incest so =(0-3102)-(104-21n3) sees (ha Bond =to(222) m2 estes 4 Zemee ae ae *) # 2esis) g 2 hae it Fe-+ine $1) ==Infcoo), rage: fn) 20 (ine®) Tangent y=1in5~2, oma y=—c+in + ase of tage along y-axis Shale?) . nf 2s) s cainjeajdinpredec rai TEge recee 7H plow del 45 4 thereare many ways1o 1 2gesalec 3 8a" doth the cake bing 2 frie +6 Stanxsee- 1) 2 ome alan an 4 eons Fan ate Constrct RA ange with 5 cos 6c : ‘ ‘oppose aie of length + ec see stanste—[anae 2 an ascent of ena Using question 8, and he fact, be 7 -nlorajec ‘Then the hypotenuse sof da finnefe(] BS team()) sin = 2oas required ena) as required : # Zemio-soec + tm(e-deJec oe Find sec Ditleretiatng implicitly, = 0-0! @racise)sc 2-20 prvacaec ° Lam 22x 4 Longti-aec woe tanec 2el 4¢ 2 Sor6inGonjex3ee Incorporate the constant mo the arbirary constant, ae term)oa 8 Leciornic #9 innit sie ide 20 ind vam co Limis x=-to5 +825, Exercise 7 420 2 intee3 ane 3 42 5s Sing 6-1 a FG 1 208 accom 2046 Capron Dg be eedorss3 18 Laon LE (aeeec 15 8 JFacan fF 2 2s ew tasreqied : rales oon : : sews?) a vetoed reuse mb) Sysime—xcox0) +6 eer nes =1)= nia) + #920" 12) =9y & 5 Invtlne +. tnt inn ins + fins 5 2 e2rjinds$io{on%}sc =(.r2et8)Ine * inal Be Exercise 7K = Pelee in = 24(6 41) 7 -Zfad)e 1 ae-aenjee A 2 ae -aaincen6—-emec & yelainsmiee 2. (26x=stsne + (1 = 2ecose # (Sent aeedeve ee a0 xaresin eV +6 where tntegatevatuatea exner by inspection or substation 3a 1p) 5 sS(e-se ssuc-ia)se 6 mem) 7 od shese . ss * a 2 Ztmeiec © 2 Eaecose+ Yacinx iF) cee? 3 nay'+2 2inx 1 1=2 46 (alae rete conta) =e Sine 2 retsu?a+e (edetze! tw inde constant) (imay(-inx+2)-0 2 1=}{asinarcoran» aeordrcoss}+ redtine 1 nde constant solnr=0orinx=2 Inr=Ompe=t 4 1222 (asnae+3eon24) 46 (edeine 1 ineude constant ts mea roth nt n range 5 re (x-sinccoss)+C eden tinct cons) ‘Therefore he ony ot of intleation (1.0) . . © ne) =(7°] many eo") ( oa («—4)-low (12) <4 (2-x)im3=2in7U1 mark) Jog, = 4) log, c= 12) * (1 mark) 2s = 282 (mak ak) ‘na = 2a bh) cates aces (1 mark ‘ina x 62m) soa amas 4103 may eran (mari ts _2 ‘Equation of tangent is a" (ial 3r-100) “ (0 mat (marks 2.2) (emus (ama a galem-2 GO 2-g-120 (may (imme) oreguaen) Oma gy aay aa ne-yo ae (13k) wa dopa = RL =! (Umar) vega 4 iog 16” Tog 6 oa ” {1 mark) (2x=1)(x+2) Bend x42 wom dant feaenenece ogy (Laan) a lott (1 marty xetoasl (1 mark secsn=2 (mary (1acky ieee) XA grannies cotxde 2 @=log,343 (1 mark Naeitxs3) sins (emaris) —-¢+3d=0g,1331 (mark) Lge ajeamjecal w= note ind +e Solve simultaneous tof 4 -[ne ain tha) ‘vy (amas) © A=[-xcotx+injinal]f 109,343 + 34=1og,2331 Linosatar2ind (1matk) 34 10g,1331 ~109,3465 aks 31 Econ +tnhin | a4 ton (221) emo42m7-263 ‘Grae Sodnhog] (5B ain? ns ‘| 1p (22! -[Beoe® sin 4=$0g,(332) many Ti Haiefed] 3 (3 (ima) -n(¥) mark) aot (Bt) (0 mark . “{c0-0}-|-2+10 4] ° too-[-fong] aS oes Qnty) dete (8) mam) ee ftp Solograté (A mark) Roe 3h oe “) : : 1 mat 430g! (1 mark) i : ay 1 substitute x Bsn (1mare (oaned® ioe,(s45-!2) man va nfo!) amen a (1 mark) omy log 539 (aman) (a machy mat) (i many fersinse are 222 J Leoae(e*fie (2 mansy mas) : By tsnginterton by pata econd sine, (many fe reorse dea Messina ae (emacs » 049 CU mack) 5 fer*sinsx ge =< _1f ead Jevsinne a] mask) 8 fA dea feconc’sde fan ane singe axe S2SH E78 Loca de i marky Je" sinde dx = we fe sin se iteration 1 mse — ars with we xand oO ° f : ence Jerson ae “aes (i masey on wero M%e1 mt | gt ao ° : ao fp loin ae 1300831) +6 Wo cosete sy e—cote neers seeereeteeees « (amar) ] Chapter 8 sts check © (line 1) + m1) +6 Exerise 0A oot os 2 °s 859 © 0878 ‘ 2s 101 700 «138 rare 5 2 31.085 99 unis oS wia-m) 4 sings) 4a mg-sinigy ban se ee zz 4s 8358 pa recess 6D ao Wey ts 219 Wo cte ER cre2e 22 bom © 2m 2 no soluten: W oere® 2 bam eam aie no solten wocter » Bye Mm 7 > 581 onan 8 merean W O Le 04+ 2) + Bb 5) = 101 +9) where wand Bare Let 1 let ‘we substinne again to get B cai + 2) + fli + 5) 91+) (wer) plirsi=— hinds fe where eand Bare BO PB constant, Then 2 Nore at QRS Sats 20» 55 = 995 some cene where and fare ‘constant Then sai 24j+ Bi +58) ‘This gives wo equations Be 3a) ‘This ves two equatons andso Ps=G—m 40-9) ‘Then B=-9- 3a we subsite ro get cr 2a+5(-9-3)=7 where Pal 9, corresponding to (x9) coordinates of P Then ‘we equate both expressions “i30=52 and get a=—4and Sees we substitte again 1 get 8 Sey, posses revs Lat 3442) + Pll 591 ‘where and Bare constant Then Sb + Daj + + 56h 10895 44 In the notation bellow, any vector with a sige leer is measured fom the origi (eg: OA = A re eB seer woo lH} Eons HEEL Eley apis 2+ pi=sp=— 00 en te 2O Be OOeIh Peta Hath) = ie Me seme se a ‘This gives two equations, a+ b= (xt mye + (y+ mj = (m+ x} (or + yh = B+ a where we have — ceeineuntiegspiees eae we urea te ‘commutativity and associativity of aditon of real numbers. as 8 Adentty, or 004 jand for ala O4a=(0-rni (0s ij= (e+ OU s0y=al ym awhere wesbsttuteagintop{8 we have ed the ent and emmy of ation el 1) 3 umber, ele 2 om ad = yh The fr al aa At vectors parle to 6 are ceeaie eyo fofthe form Ablor rel 2 ‘where we have usedthefdemity and commutativity of addition © Gx EPO/—30K ‘ofreal numbers * Trae Si 6) 30k 16 Forany realy and forall a=at+y fr teal» we have er iat 1 aya (e+ = Ay + Aaj = A) + Aun) = Awa) 5,6, 20, oa Jal Tal Yet 2x) + Ayo at Yor Nor ‘where we have used the commetaiviy ofthe multiplication of All vectors parallel 10 @ are real numbers ofthe form 2 for teal Let b= m+n for any realm, me i dab) Smijh = A + a ah ge TESS zis jak hak f+ ahha A rms bo ‘here we have used the commutativity and asodativity of the Dt sy ‘multiplication of real numbers. “Bb We nha OL a fh = Ak + xk i 7 ha Bf pat 9) da pb A vecors parallel 0 dare ‘where we have used dhe commutasivity ad asocativty of he ofthe form 2d for real & ‘mulipistion of real numbers. 52VB fe lapis y= (Lexis (cya 2 Where we have used she identity of multiplication of eal > umber, foe get ¥ 0a= 0,4 yp =(0 f+ (0x)})= 01+ of=0 and Far ve MOF +0) = (Ax OV + (Le Of = OF OF 0 3, Te Te ‘ren the requited vector is xerciee 90 aa mi 28) Oy boa ge SBM Thema ae el Te Paes j. Bigs Bie Lip jek pantlsgle208 jee eet ass 30" ee aolnay) 20-21) Ataf Sis ae > Y “Ye + 3.2 7 “pee Then hereuited vector All vectors parallel o dare x63 ,, 5263 5, 20563, ce BiayllSe20e, ofthe fom aatorred 2 >" gy 3, 8G rer 2 +15j+60k sy ey Wes io egy 5 + mises apo e-b=iouo 4 Wetorm ie ystems of A space diagonal could be = V26214 «056 — ° (2-044 9-424 b-28 (2). cot Sabebb=Oand ac-\)>|-Jo|/) 5 8-119 104 685° (= 2h) (384)=4300:6- Lead WW) a on oass ware 2h3a~ th b=0 2435-28 5 Ltaesdityand b=mi+n This simplifies to Recall that A= (2.0.1), foranyrealny. mn then 2(@a)~B-D—a-b=Oand (00-1, F=(.2-2, 1 abelalbiose 3a) =2b-b- 5b) =0 11.0) Sihlaos = ba ‘We wl expres and 8 eae tacosd =a? ners fhe cali produc between a and b This means swe salve the system of ‘uations forthe norms oft We proveit forthe two dimensional case m ieaesttyi bomen Sty and e= s+ fforany real, bb= 20.00 seymn-chen ree Sla-al-sia-a) + 2ia-b-51a-b)=0 aioe+8) 49 son ars yn tot Umit ymntwtyt=abeae faa aXe) oso Mehavewedmatipicnve Note tha the do produ = Bxsoo30"=6 oper rie numbers ‘Smepative. This wl be Tveutens thereat canbe important allows vs to Tia seons+ fmendedanydimenson take square rots of negative woe Sten aide aseavity —umbers mulled by « escpblews Snddisrvnvayetsalar the Jotproduet Then we Iokipston hol $hstat int for forthe scar 13.5 fe Let 22R. Hab) nom of b : = Allalibiees @) = Alalibicos 8 bb =-6(a-b) Tab) & acbelacoso aDhos@ Uae? Then we we =WEcrte0s¥S =-85 Hab) = laj-b= (2b) 2 b= Ca B)YTEe Bheoso 2a apesercayse2 6 | atbHarb=aas co cquivaleniy Dabs bbe lai + 2atbl+ © Fae iba 4th atbicone = VFTcos Noa = Sk 4H (a-Dya-b)=a-a~ 24° — so.cosd =1/7, ving ‘bbe = Dat a b= ise - an rn" tb Pia +b aaiies 0 Hach of these eases xocise 9F a comespon to the esne aa Naeem am A 8 da Q-oF+O-oy=2ie 37 pane Ss. b anda = B ‘Then the vecor equation 28 @b= (2/4454 (9/127 7 Weuse both dfinio of thetic & elevise a ~2e to write the salar product 2.) af ‘etneen aan be oo, WET ae baa, +6; =lalbleos® Hence both dein ae ‘equivalent. a13 a2 na sth Then the vector equation of the lines es Then the vector equation of the line roa) aes Then the vector equation of the ines evens -G0)-GG) agen 5 weet arsonde x= airersy 1 asta a ‘Then the vector equation parallel ¢ Land passing through Tis wa ol} ‘The perpendicular line snus have anormal vector forts direction vector Li ljaneticd i djontiel, sith omngttst Then the vee equation perpendicalat L passing through Tis oer We find the intersection between Land ras We waite his in Cartesian wodead 4a ‘Then Fag 7 aya ynae3 ‘We wte Lin Cartesian form and get, Bhs 2 2y425 yan To find the intersection, between the to, we ‘equate boh tines and get, So we mustind line passing thecugh T and (§:2} sot on he moses = ies ‘ ‘Then the equation ofthe Iine passing through T and the intersection between the two lines oH) have to be proportional to cach other Note that 234+ Ad sa) dated 1+ 2p 50 249 4-205) or them to be parallel, we rust have 4,~ rd, for eal 7 Then ‘the normalised wis 9j= 2145) Note thar 27=-1 gives For them w be peependicua, dei scalar product must be zero, so fof, =0> Dates 0 sen290= Exerciee 96 4 W-1ite—sysat aka 3 F 3k ‘Then we welte the vecor equation simply 38 Ce &, V2} (3) sate 7—oy+ 24 5)ke 21474 3k ‘Then we write the vector ‘equation simply as EEG We write the forma fr as Heh) ‘We subse with F and Sansa From dhe fst equations, A= 3,and then Sosiating wat har ‘ale of din the last one aves 2esaystnes ence there fa contradiction, and so P ‘doesnot eon the ine ‘A parallel line has the same direction vector, and now the equation ofthe Ee) ‘We substitute Tino the equation of the line to get the system of equations sast-k saad an2e3, saeme -H}) tthe intersection, both lines il take am the sae values, o ie consiruct the system of equations the lines are pale, these diteton vectors ate propontonal to each ther We obtain them by Tevring inthe equations forthe ins investor form p22 ws From the first equation we © setae rete pad aT ashes yess tnd0 25-3 waeuinaereshe9)> © areca sows -5(1) 44-1 ‘We check that these valves satiny the tied equation 1+ 30)e1-31) so the lines donot yeaeet » We rewrite the ines in| eaauea parametie or | perpendicular to each ber. Ws check the scalar _Av the interseton, both lines wil ake on the same values, so we construc the system of equations procict hetieen their dese ae flrection vectors: aude ded 2 1432) 45-4 $145 . We subsite the fst equation ino the second fuation and get 1207 430-4 eg EE os ence the lines ate skew We rewrte te lines in parometne form =Sandso 42-7 +30)=2 which i consistent with ‘he tied equation, We rwite the lines in parametric form Hh aa fj echt ee sit ice maa = ae = oe We subsite this into the Third equation and get (esos Dont which consistent with {he Secon equation. 5 the poin of imcersealon is 1.02) 816 ercse 9H 1 2 We use the provided formula i 3} fe) (3 an -ad, |=] (5)x1-23|=|-3-6 —a,) (ax(-2)-se) (4-5, center seg (a3) sey fa hele Uixa-pe } (0-3 2¢a}0(-3}) 76,2) (0) # | ta fey fal tat fal (HHCY) a be Arlaxb, wf ite [age hes — Acoelntieta ay » aetaneac cpeacince ) (841) (7 arcs of vs h(a ‘pe Sta}! lone) (Sy [apxac|\FTeae = Vioriera 531 ‘then she areas A=1(6.31)= 4(631)=815 1 Leste vectors Bee wel defined Then b= bind = abs) =-Bain(-0) =) ere we have wed the commute numbers and Properties of ines Note that ithe angle fom ato Bis @ then theange rom boa le-@ # Weealauate [nite rae) ax(bxe}-| ales ~0d4)-a(be,~) |=(o-e)b-(odJe (alts. 6a)-esla8—52,)) (Ah) 2 (2) 2 ascaing Dis the apex, we } <3) sa] obi (atenaaa)) [a (ae) atm), 6=RD + DC=(1~28+ 241 (a0) ein sith) Waste tas: 3 |aRD||BC| (28.22. -axt-29(-2) ence ase] 2-(-a)ut ax) =(0a) x= ax b), JER 2x)-)x1} Wecan expand ou the rots products exp as mines) (-8 hela, +, a) (ibs, a =(exe)+(bxe) vada) 15 Were out the vectors AB=(2~ 1+ (1 = 1 (0 Uk=t— 2) © Gab? +haxbraxd tos? asin? Prost sin?) ‘be 8 Wecaleulste ay aL x (3) 4 2) (IS x10 ede be) +a(be +444) ‘Hence the three points are coplanar. =| (abs abs) (be Be) © 8 Wefind D such that AB=DC. Then (he, +e, ay (ads —ab), vn, 4) (8) (4-4) =(oe)h-(04) wl Sete Beles sce Grere Aa 4) Dy peeve ores heh EI een ET (Sh ina ip cle Bone (553) ChE} ae oe aay Wey The volume of he paraleepiped is given by V=\pex DA) Dat = HONE) + 891-5) + (123091 <6 817, eel aN ‘Then we can write the vector equation ofthe plane “Ab boxed ae yal+a-3y pes—3htH © Weeliminae the parameters nb aa5e-e ‘which we subsite int the ‘equation for y and zto get els ear Sessy ened 2=3-30n-n 4H ‘We cannot expess the cqvation interme of. g and, so the Cantsian equationisy t= 1 ‘The normal vector is ia SEG BE Pe ae ayede=3 7 “EH e+ 169-2269 2 We subsite the point Imo the equation ofthe ane 305) ~ 404) 42-2) Hence the point snot on » The normal vector is da3i—ajs2k “Then we are searching fora plane withthe same normal vector but a Aitferent pint Senay 422 15— 16-4 Bea 4y¢ 22-5 We equate solve the equations of plane asa system of 2x 3y- 92210 stay det ‘We subtract xe tind fom the fis and get yore ‘We subtract wo times the frst 7 from the second, and yet, a5y-Te=8 ‘Then sustitting our value fory we getthat “(22 5)—7e= 8 resp 2 Weexpres yand in Which we can then substitute into the ‘equation forza8 436 +22-4)~ this simplifies into 2and soy=x-t Weletc= A andso We eliminate Ao find the Cartesian equation, as > Wecansetthenew uation tobe generated by An aE (= Ly (2k Pa2i—ajek nee a wo planes are parallel thee normal vectors are perl then ye, = nin Ite vector product ofthe have nym, =Imlnjsin=06 Inemce they are pale tems ot Eeseaay yo3eaen ba xsed 2a 14 3y-2e Bay Then : vs y=34 20-2) oA yess Be daw or equivaienty wodes pela ‘We subsite in the equation ofthe plane 2005) -A(2A~1) 41-38 DAs 10-Ae 441-3 hs Aer ‘Theresa unique solution, so te line andthe plane imersec ata point. This points wedts y2Q)-1=3 2=1-3Q)=-5 So they inteset at (7.5.5). ‘We subse inthe equation ofthe plane ‘Theres unique solution, sothe line and the plane Intersect ata point. This points determined by ‘must be orthogonal, 50 thes ox prodact mis be nero. We - ‘obtain the paranetric equation Ne Bers yeret Asenai-a or equivaleny 24A+5)4(-2A-2)-20a Then 2 Tiss precisely what we have calculated above, 35 An tinkcos® orequlvaenty 12a yo3he2 ba ‘We subsite inthe equation ofthe plane soa e029) 52) whieh determine the eon al borers es ofthe ine 3 2 oom Then a alt 1» weeheck when cach bost wert 12 sind = 1 the pat (0). Fora ee ia 312)+(2)(2) . soo 2 Any system of equations - a0 el formed has no solution, so PPP thee ines do not intersect, 2a Wehavesat ae 5000 Ft ‘Then 28 (00) wea? oe 4 We look atthe angle berween yeaa the norma cars seth? m,=(6.0,a)and Suibsiturein the equation =v bo, asia of the plane a oe i eases BA42)+20314 11-0442) pon ean Forlwe have 1 ine 2 Inl= Ale rer000- fr = 5 ve Then the pat oftniecon "7h y=9000- Ptr sree sh loa 0 The duecion vedorof the 1 Then at (0 ines cosas! pa 2 dain aje2k Ine the anglebenween ther ‘The normal veaor othe ‘normal veces ii acute and plane iis the supplementary ane poseak seis obtuse ence for bath the ae postin and encore te angle willbe = 3 Saree at Bost a wil ane fst A Fora, weave thatthe direction vector willbe 2. 8 Tae ini poston given pO) = 231+ 8+ 45k by his othe the magnitude hols. Then Tae speed e given by the 4,= (0+ 3000)7+ (0 -5000}) and since the speed sds we have to normalise and malty snit-a5i65). 10, 20. snagnivude ofthe direction i vecor Ys000"+s000" Via 5a and so with the point (-8000,5000), the equation of the la sahv oa? peslon becomes wivase™ (stars Fa) ¢tterscon between the stmilaly fr Le have d= (0 - 7000)1+ (0 900014 line given and the plane. and since the speed 4s we have to normals and snugly ‘Biedoupooent ofpee by this othr the magnitude holds. Then _S(-7000)i~6s(-9000)_ 42,54 “ in fhey moor Tha Ie sso wien (7000900), the quan the postion Wessun the pecomes wun oe ae fatness) = 820 1203+ 29 =318-1~ 53+ 49 =-2 2764 241 24 3215 Assuming distances in nd ume ia hours Speed ofr, (Oe =1208kmih Speedat, Carers = 13.04 kmih Assume that there an ‘he components of, and, sya 189 e q27+02H ‘We equate the components to gecavaue oft 189-114 +028 This gves y= 15 and r= 20 whichis consistent in ll the equations Hence the paths intersect. The point of intersection ie gven by a) (rsa) (9 ( seesta) (:) J taca) U3 ‘The ies at which they each tis point are 8 and line | a 2 mans) (1 mark) Weave that si inn (orequaleng 2 make 22-9 0} ° fe Borne eae Ue) WW) we loreqieain) (Uma) “Thee ® | Se anti eons %B-08-OR-|2|-lo]=| > GIUG eam quetns ima Joma (HGH) : (many 2 3) ul 2) (>) ‘mat olla vetume " Gh aac many) “lB RCH AB] 2 | om) teary OY > apageecree Teme me amy (uma) 49215 -hes “6 =(9-a).(p-») i marks prap-aa (mark) 5 and |-1 (pa). (peay (mak) 4 (mark) Be ie S0-2.6.4), {a maths ee 2) (6.2.0) ies on AB and (mark | | tes onthe plane and (44.4) lies on cD ‘Therelore AF is perpendienar “J 4) to Band 2485-90 7 =: (my 44 9 Equation oftine 3 (2 mans) 4) perpendicular to 1 and a) pojecimnat To passing through Pis 50 distance tie fb Pina loner lyr [| (2 (Lark) (a+h=19) : 26 2) +72 422? 26446219 “a 36 8) aed (any (2 may aise oa \ (4 2) (8) (8 GG=|0|+2x44| 3 allelelo yh yee : Rest (mark Distance between P(1, 0,2} ho} 6, and (5,-3.3) is given by mde, 22) enby 17 choosing = 1 ay) ees Vo s3-9) 40-27 (2) (4) (8 (20) (2) any \o) J 4 ta) Gs) (1 manky Therefore A(3,8.0), BO. 4.4) and 1,-2.5) leon 2 mans) (G mseksp 2% (1 mark amed} 15 2 4 +6) 4315-2) 4) (8) (aemyae dima) rela) eg] 1 af “(Gh (amarks) so equation of plane (BRIE) (mart) : } a) many yy ty 2, ie" "08 (mark) oot Mey) (erreer Se) (mark) inetion normal to plane |p be} (mark) ss brecon ecerotine (| ltthe angle between the line and the plane is 8 then Pre Barer (mans) Lossese Sap PPP (mark) is maximum when sina maximum, (mark) By GDC, maximum occurs when p=6797- (1 mark) So maximum value of sin@5s 096 (mark) (mark) Gu Efe not pale (mars) Consider andj components (imatk) Le shez +nand-2=t—4 (mark) Solving semutancousy (0 mack) het, (0 mark) Subttute ino component: (mark) 2ehaLin2elels2 {eo equations are consistent) (mark) ‘terelore Land, itersect atthe poin where b= 1 and 2,50 are 101 skew. (mark) Chapter 10 Skate check 2 Re(g)=21m(s,)=2 aie be Penears20aL, xereise 108, koa se! w s0as 155" ‘ ass) . fev 4. seeanswer to part 2 22 oF onan . Sh (apt maltits of (up ipl ) ts and es han 3 erie 100 maginayit@ ve ta Ble Orflmmueretan, a pal sot 2 Ne. © Any correct form 2h! approximately 0.41. as ers 0F 2 Pin): (869m =cisn8 le eal “The statement Pitre om saw Le, (cisik = ciskO (ornforor)= Then (cisk +1 = (cis6)k(cis@) SINT, “eis Gioniies - = (cosk@+ isinc6h(cos0 + sin) seats immediately mea this Asinktcost + snticosk6) a ae 4) sees 4 Wee of caleulor Pa) is te forsee ke? then ois Pik~ 1). Thus yy) is tue forall ne? by the principle of mathematical indction 2 (cos'0~ Gerson? Sint) + 4c092sind— seon0si0"0 BF e-book B dco snd —Aeondsin® tana = Ss "sa 600r asin’ asin Stang —atan a (oo any last ep, divide top and bottom by costa) de escent » Zeose+Z00s2042 e Asingrs tsinare Bee spire gents ae 1a +0 oT soit must be that +e? +a=0 haprerrevew 4 Re(s) =, Im(e)=H2 2 r=2irs0) Tee) leet nee yanstia mat) ‘The five root above can 1a, oF ote the Sih ros af unity Asa consequence ofthe fac hat the toot of unity Re(h 404 040? +08) <0 = (0 isin” + (cos0 sin)" = (coon sine) # (ost-nd) + sn(-n) = (own isin) + eosnd inn) = 2c00n0 -1.060 (451) 2.00 ~ (4.00)! 0384) ostmadp. + eof) na($-5) -na() (mark sole e422) i) 16{ cos 4 isin2=) (oss) ato 2e2) many wo 8) man seas marty i heg=v (mark ae(ieij== (a mark sie iaat (1)" (5) os!0! br de Moves theorem "(1 math ara man (ama) - oy ‘mat agee-E hh eons(-t) mats ae? be “rel-5) timer) € (1-48) =2%oo{ 35) veRs-M aan io) son=6 (omar) Ise (mark) =2 5m) 2am (mark) -2(=-32768) (mark) 48 & (cos8 sine) = cosa + Seost sind) + 10osF sine}? + 10c05°sinB? + Seosesinay (sina) @ mars) = cos8+ Sicostésint ~10c0s hin? — 1020s? + Soosérint@+in°6) By de Moivre’ theorem, (cots in) (mark 5584 nse (1 mark) Fquatng real parts of each expression: (mark) £0550 = e098 10c0 1 — 250) +5 ea = c= 106009 102008 + oH = 16088 ~ 2000984 Scos8 ea Lae aTi or? (1 mark) ~2e078+ cst) (1 mark) (0 mark (0 maniy reolol 2) isa (omen Pen| me -$+art)ensia{-£+an0}) (1 masky eso 2a) yom (may (may (may » area sanin2t) aman -{paod) an (may 15 a = (cosB singin =cosnd “inn (mark) cos + isin)” cos(-n0) Hin (10) cos isin (2 mack) 50 Fed (out sn) +(cosn0 ~isinn) mark + lore “tithe F (mark) (mark. = 2e0540-+ (220528) +6 (01 mark ont Seo0+ 6 seat vende (c+!) (ney -tsore (1 mark) ‘Therefore coon (240 180529+6) Jeotoao = Lflocorss escoanve)a0 (1 may ana sssnae (mark) 1h gn28 sasin Boalt Bs maces =Albntoamntenl eal 2 et ty 7 ey “i . ar (2.marks) =~ (1 mark), AE) oy ") ws ama) iio) ol neal S +2) reli art) AlN {1 mark) = axk+ = (2-5) ma 5 seh (may (mark) (mark) (mark) (1 marky (mark pode @ mars) 7 eee og ae (Seif (8-if 2 on) 7 (mark maa) io) on Bema oaeeae -ro($) var sara) enesenie) 8) may ‘iat (ws 202044 : mnt} l+@+0=0 6 3 weno mam ae a 22 AtorwPaasere dimay * (2) ma 2208+ 508+ 204 aalboal (re) saeese2e amy PF =o=0 may + mx, B eloe a2 6 By tReet a fn ‘i es soe ao [No because the sum of bos 4 the pobabes isnot a 3 equltot to : Nota robaiy a <’ + 03695 “R o 1 [2 3 4 s © P(X : o2 «0955 ae f+ 00197 » 029 fs pireiai)=022, ee 7s ons» 00579 14 Mean=[{ex'sn(enpac =| 2A eosin ders] 4 eerie 23K e 7 i aa venance 2 y=1403,0= 1010 Hieeene 3 9.08 ° 44 pea. 3.200 » 038 & usr noe ram tye questions @ p2386596.0= 129435 2 4 “Mey were ually exusve. hen PANE) «0, ma) © 0129 Dut sinc they areindependent, we have ‘ang =Pa}R0)=03908 0, Chapterrevew “Therefore we have a contadklon, and so A and are not Dene sevet ma mutual excuse (mark Sec sun 1 Pane) =03%08=028 mans) A= ston Mon), BALE) =P10 +B) ~ LAr) =03+ 08 ~024= 0.86 26 {on Mon), ue, (2 mars) {wed wed) rh, hn, Pao) Pla)=P(Ane) 03-024 0.06 (Fes, Sat (Sa, wR or a Suny C=((hon Me), We, (amas) {Westy Th. Pa, (aman fea say at Su {Si Mon), (on, Sum, fein sayianray 38 Fee ester (6 Ta (Tha, We, 2 2 anak) {wea ma) ave, Son) (a maney ae 42k=1=0 (Lark) i+ ploe2 (3k—1)e#1)=0 (mark) wf 8G 22 stl (0 mak) 2 aa (amarks 2(8)=Dar(aen)= “2 aad ot ox 8 co sxke Lek 41.5928 420% io ia 2 Ze e2 al (uma) (1 may (1 mask 4 ver)= 80) ~ ECP. (ma) ss) G3) mae (Jemima b PUX=4)=0.998 (2 marks) © Ruz 2)=0249 (2 marks) Vax) = nrc =p) (1 mack 22 (mack 15 2ENI36, 3.2) ho 40)= (22 238) ct re whee (nett on «258-001 eo | M8) 0985 BoM 79 dma) sitean Bn x en)n1(2<2224) (mat =rie<-t90) zoear may osx0.027=5.3 (1 mark) Therefore the expected umber of days. (1 mark) Let x be the discrete random vatable ‘mas of ‘can of bad beans Ten X-N (415,122) PL > m) 90.65 = PX) (mark) Using inverse normal Astin on GDC = 8 ‘108 (2 marks) You requle Pix > 422.5 x2 420). (mark P(x >4aasix>420) (x> 422.5) sano) _ 12x s4225) rea (mark (1 mark “oe 0787 (mark) Using GDe pur <4135) =0.450 (2 marks) ‘Let Ye the random variable ‘Number of cans ‘of beans having 2 massless than 413. ¢ In Ashok’ experiment, Ys Binomally dlsboted actos 4 ils ith probabil of success (Ge. masses than 41354) being 0450 we oY ~ (148.0430) (0 mark oe mak) Af(toxt—2) ax . (umarky (umarky (0 mask (0 mari F(x) = fle) ae Bfor x) ar (0 mark ~ pie 2] (1 mark) 2221) a may 376/_138 226138) <0. scaayoer otey-fereye oan 22 fost =») de (1 mask (mak (2?) - EWE (mark (mark ‘ Flore) ae ER (anak (Lack) 7 ‘80m? — ne (2 marks) Lo-w “1282 tna ofe-PEH) 04s 130-8 9.126 (2 marks) Anempt to solve Simultaneously: (1 mark) yas (mask) o= 142 (mark) b Pix=nl)<0.22 ‘oman Put) < 039-022 ‘imac so124a1 e mauss sunny 4 fi) >0-9 660 398 (R= 1)> O=>k-1>0since (4 3)82 0 forall Hence > Tas found in b pat i #133) Let be the statement Seceoesn 1S of F(a) 61. RHS of P12) 6 21-1 1, So Pl) itu Assume Pi) tue and attempt towrove P+ 1) sdb tke (ket = (eryere(esape(eniye tes ayxtk 1-1 = (e+ i= as required Since il) iweand Px) 8293B8E) 149(354) trueimples +1) tue BY gas (354) the peincple of mathematical induction the statement has ze oe Seenprocdiorsined 8 a 34kmn . § ostmasty Suerte Fpamsiian 802 bredyeurod wa 1708) barron) smote eases) eam «aa 58! Geig 1 Graph eabays vlera? fe yesLBiee LI7@ st) 2 Wa 0655m(3s4) b 10 ere fism a ti3s bea aed B10 woomapsty © 0707 B51) por 441 Arihmetl progression oars & 5,~Zl2m o(r-n9) 212m p20 8 ssim » 1 Geometric progression © Ba7Tmast ® 4 0801 Lee Bnet PA) 22! 1=1 whieh ‘struc, since the question ves, “Assume the result for Pik) and attempt to prove for mutH, relation 4,,=24,+1 2Qt rr de2e ta as requiced since P() is true and A tre implies Pik) ‘salio true, Hence, by the principle of mathematical Induction, Pn ste for allneZ" 0.881 351) tetera comes cosas = fide ose=arcine se (ost. ~(sinh)" eis et -aeet 835 £ infeode) Sotntand+sec+< » aftr ain(reviw)oe (3) ee stetore Tmano 1 rex(tee) =fecoae 1 bos = ie Ge ko tan=s, 1 tant@-sec@ ravovise —— (eevinw}ee sec 836

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