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Bharadwaja maharshi

My name is bhardwaja maharshi

I am a Vedic sage
I am known to have a towering scholar in science philosophy and warfare During my period
knowledge was transmitted mouth to mouth and ear to ear I am known to belong in the sixth
manadala rigveda I figure in genealogy of bruhaspathi the principal preceptor of all Vedic deities. I
wrote the yantra sarvasa which covers astonishing discoveries in aviation and space sciences and
flying machines well before leanardo da Vinci’s time. Some of my flying machines were reported to
fly around the universes. My design left a huge impact on modern days aviation engineers I also
discussed who to make plane’s invisible but the sun and wind forces I made many fascinating
insights. They say the aircraft was used in Ramayana and Mahabharata and was very developed.
Which indicates that aircraft’s were way more advanced back then. The knowledge of aeronautics is
described in Sanskrit in 100 sections,8 chapters, 500 principles and 3000 slokas. I explained how the
aircraft flys in the air and how to use the same aircraft in the water. I also described war planes and
fighter aircraft’s. I always refer to 7 acharayas connected with works on aviation science. The first
principle of vaimanika shastra defines aircraft vegasaamyat vimaano andajaayaam which means via
Ana is the one which one can fly in the air like a bird. Did you know there are 31 instruments to fly an
aircraft i also taught people how to put them together into the form of an aircraft.

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