An Inventory of Vhavenda Useful Plants

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An inventory of Vhavenḓa useful plants

K. Magwede a,b, B.-E. van Wyk b,⁎, A.E. van Wyk c,d
School of Mathematics and Natural Science, University of Venḓa, P.O. Box 5050, 0950 Ṱhohoyanḓou, South Africa
Department of Botany and Plant Biotechnology, University of Johannesburg, P.O. Box 524, 2006, Auckland Park, Johannesburg, South Africa
Department of Plant and Soil Sciences, University of Pretoria, Private Bag X20, 0028 Hatfield, Pretoria, South Africa
National Herbarium, South African National Biodiversity Institute, Private Bag X101, 0001 Pretoria, South Africa

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Available online xxxx An inventory and analysis of the general uses of plants by the Vhavenḓa, a cultural group who historically occu-
pied the region known as Venḓa, currently referred to as the Vhembe District, Limpopo Province, South Africa, are
Edited by A Moteetee presented. Information on plant uses was gathered through a literature review and interviews conducted
amongst Tshivenḓa-speaking rural communities in the Vhembe District. The aim of the study was to document
Keywords: all Vhavenḓa useful plants, i.e., all plants of cultural and practical importance in fulfilling the everyday
needs of the people. A total of 574 plant species from 355 genera and 121 families was recorded. In addition
Vhavenḓa ethnobotany
897 vernacular names have been recorded, of which 224 (25%) is published here for the first time. The list
Useful plants includes 189 trees, 143 shrubs, 170 herbs, 44 climbers, 21 grasses, four sedges, one parasite and two epi-
Traditional plant use phytes. The number of species in the main use categories are as follow: medicine (384), vegetables (128),
Vhembe District edible fruits (123), firewood (101), craftwork (93), construction (91), magic (45), beverages (34), cordage
Soutpansberg (31), ornamental (26), shade (22), fodder (16), birdlime or rubber (14), famine foods (11), snuff ingredient
South Africa (11), edible caterpillars feeding on leaves (10), dyes and leather tanning (eight), live fence (seven), vege-
Tshivenḓa table condiments (six) and fish poisons (six). Minor uses include edible seeds, edible cooked tubers, edible
flower nectar, ritual purposes, edible gum, edible root tubers, edible rhizomes, edible gums, musical flutes,
edible nuts, edible corn, edible leaf sap, soda for cooking vegetables, coffee substitutes, toothbrushes, polish,
cosmetic oil, arrow poisons, insects repellents, soap substitutes, adhesives, toys and others. The top ten
plant families i.e., those contributing the highest number of useful plant species are Fabaceae/Leguminosae
(64 spp.), Asteraceae (33 spp.), Malvaceae s.l. (32 spp.), Apocynaceae s.l. (24 spp.), Euphorbiaceae (22 spp.),
Poaceae (21 spp.), Rubiaceae (20 spp.), Solanaceae (20 spp.), Amaranthaceae (19 spp.) and Cucurbitaceae
(18 spp.). The data is not only a contribution to the cultural heritage of the Vhavenḓa, but also of consider-
able scientific and practical interest. It provides the basic information that researchers can use to compare
historical and contemporary biocultural plant-use patterns in southern Africa, as well as in controlled future
studies to test the efficacy/merits of specific uses.
© 2018 SAAB. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction vernacular names, life forms (i.e., trees, shrubs, herbs) and catego-
ries of use (i.e. medicine, food and crafts), but also provides the
In southern Africa, the combination of botanical and cultural di- data necessary for regional and cultural comparisons in the future.
versity has resulted in a complex regional mosaic of traditional Moreover, this information is a valuable resource of traditional
plant use that has not yet been systematically documented knowledge that researchers can use in controlled studies to test the
(De Beer and Van Wyk, 2011). Since no complete synthesis of efficacy/merits of specific uses.
Vhavenḓa traditional plant use has yet been published, our aim The territory traditionally occupied by the Vhavenḓa (i.e., the
with this study was to compile a comprehensive inventory of useful Venḓa people) is the Vhembe District (the bulk of which comprises
plants. This allows not only for a first analysis of the overall patterns the region historically referred to as “Venḓa”) of the Limpopo
of Vhavenḓa plant use in terms of species (taxonomic) diversity, Province, South Africa (Fig. 1). Although three main ethnic groups
are present in the area (Vhavenḓa, Bapedi and Tsonga), only the
Vhavenḓa, the largest of the three, was considered for this study.
⁎ Corresponding author. The four villages were chosen as historical Venḓa settlements
E-mail address: (B.-E. van Wyk). where the overwhelming majority of residents are Vhavenḓa. The
0254-6299/© 2018 SAAB. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Please cite this article as: Magwede, K., et al., An inventory of Vhavenḓa useful plants, South African Journal of Botany (2018),
2 K. Magwede et al. / South African Journal of Botany xxx (2018) xxx–xxx

Fig. 1. Map of the Vhembe District, Limpopo Province, South Africa, showing the four villages (marked with a star) where ethnobotanical surveys were conducted. These are Mafukani
village in the Mutale municipality, Niani (Matshena village) in the Musina municipality, Tshaulu village in the Thulamela municipality and Vuvha village in the Makhado municipality.
Figure prepared from maps supplied by the Municipal Demarcation Board (2016), Vhembe District Municipality GIS unit (with permission).

district includes most of the Soutpansberg, a mountain range that 2015), to ethnoveterinary medicine (Ramovha and Van Wyk, 2016;
has been recognised as a local centre of floristic endemism, with an Ramovha, 2016), to trade (Tshisikhawe, 2002), antimicrobial activity
estimated 3000 species of which about 45 species and infraspecific (Green et al., 2010; Magwede et al., 2014; Samie et al., 2005; Samie
taxa are endemic to the centre (Van Wyk and Smith, 2001). The et al., 2009a, 2009b; Obi et al., 2002; Green et al., 2010), antifungal
Vhembe District is covered mainly by vegetation of the Savannah activity (Steenkamp et al., 2007; Samie et al., 2010; Samie and
Biome, made up of three dominant vegetation types namely, Nefefe, 2012; Samie and Mashau, 2013; Masevhe et al., 2015) and
Soutpansberg Sandy Bushveld, Makuleke Sandy Bushveld and anti-HIV activity (Bessong et al., 2004, 2005, 2006). Some anecdotes
Musina Mopane Bushveld (Mucina and Rutherford, 2006. The region on Vhavenḓa plant uses are also included in books on the South
experiences hot and wet summers and cool (frost-free) dry winters. African flora but these mostly have Netshiungani (1981), Arnold
The high species diversity and endemism add to the complexity of and Gulumian (1984) and Mabogo (1990) as the original source of
traditional plant use and plant-related cultural practises amongst information. Therefore, most of the information is scattered in differ-
the Vhavenḓa (Mabogo, 1990). It was therefore expected that not ent publications, showing a need to consolidate all the information
all of the useful plants of the region has yet been documented, de- into a comprehensive inventory of Vhavenḓa plant use. The inven-
spite the inclusion of several species names in the important publica- tory presented here also includes a substantial number of unpub-
tions of Stayt (1931), Netshiungani (1981), Arnold and Gulumian lished records based on own experience and recent ethnobotanical
(1984), Van Warmelo (1989), Singo (1996) and especially Mabogo surveys.
Various aspects of the Vhavenḓa ethnobotany have been included 2. Materials and methods
in several studies, ranging from general ethnobotany (Stayt, 1931;
Liengme, 1983; Mabogo, 1990; Singo, 1996; Maanda and Bhat, Information was collected through literature studies and formal
2010; Mahwasane, 2013) to ethnomedicine or ethnopharmacology interviews with a total of 66 participants from four villages, namely
(Netshiungani, 1981; Arnold and Gulumian, 1984; Masevhe et al., Mafukani, Matshena, Tshaulu and Vuvha (Fig. 1). The first author

Please cite this article as: Magwede, K., et al., An inventory of Vhavenḓa useful plants, South African Journal of Botany (2018),
K. Magwede et al. / South African Journal of Botany xxx (2018) xxx–xxx 3

Table 1
Inventory of Vhavenḓa useful plants (indigenous and naturalised species only). Abbreviations for voucher specimens: KMV = Khathutshelo Magwede (University of Venḓa Herbarium);
MMQ = Maanda Mbuyedzedzo Queen (University of Venḓa Herbarium); Ramovha (University of Venda Herbarium); LT = MT Linger (Thohoyandou Herbarium). Sources of information
on Venḓa plant use (A in the last column): A1 = Arnold and Gulumian (1984); B1 = Bvenura and Afolayan (2015); G1 = Green et al. (2010); H1 = G Hemm - Venḓa herbarium specimen
notes; K1 = Komape et al. (2014); L1 = Luseba and Tshisikhawe (2013); L2 = MT Linger – Venḓa herbarium specimen notes; M1 = Mabogo (1990); M2 = Maanda and Bhat (2010); M3 =
Mahwasane et al. (2013); M4 = Magwede et al. (2014); M5 = Masevhe et al. (2015); M6 = Mulaudzi et al. (2015); N1 = Netshiungani (1981); O1 = Interview results and own observations;
R1 = Rampedi (2010); R2 = Ramovha and Van Wyk (2016); R3 = Ramovha (2016); S1 = Stayt (1931); S2 = Singo (1996); S3 = Steyn et al. (2001); S4 = Steenkamp et al. (2007); S5 =
Samie et al. (2009b); S6 = Semenya et al. (2012); V1 = Van Warmelo (1989); V2 = Van Rensburg et al. (2007); V3 = Van der Walt (2009). General sources of information (B in the last col-
umn): B2 = Bromilow (2010); J1 = Joffe and Oberholzer (2001); P1 = Coates Palgrave (2002); V4 = Venter and Venter (1996); V5 = Van Wyk et al. (2002); V6 = Van Wyk (2005); V7 = Van
Oudtshoorn (1992); V8 = Van Wyk and Gericke (2000); V9 = Van Wyk et al. (2008); V10 = Van Wyk et al. (2009); V11 = Van Wyk and Wink (2017); V12 = Van Wyk and Van Wyk (2013);
W1 = Watt and Breyer-Brandwijk (1962); W2 = Wink and Van Wyk (2008).

Family Botanical name Vernacular name Life form Part used Use category Uses
* Naturalised aliens (V) = Tshivenḓa; (E) = English; Newly recorded A: Local (Vhavenḓa) uses
(for cultivated aliens see (A) = Afrikaans uses in bold B: Uses recorded
Table: 2); New species Newly recorded names in bold elsewhere
records in bold

Acanthaceae Hypoestes forskaolii (Vahl) R. nnyoyambudzi, lubikela (V) Herb Leaf Vegetable A: O1 and S2
Br.; KMV398
Acanthaceae Dicliptera clinopodia Nees; lubikelashamba (V) Herb Leaf Vegetable A: O1
Achariaceae Kiggelaria africana L.; mufhaṱavhufa (V); red ivory, Tree Wood Construction A: O1
KMV454 spokewood (E); spekhout (A) B: V9
Agavaceae *Agave sisalana Perrine ex tshikwenga (V); sisal (E) Tree Leaf Craftwork and A: O1
Engelm.; KMV284 construction B: V8 and B2.
Alliaceae Tulbaghia leucantha Baker; nyalamudavhi (V); veld onion, wild Herb Leaf and Vegetable A: O1 and H1
KMV377 garlic (E); fonteinknoffel (A) flowers
Amaranthaceae *Achyranthes aspera L. var. mukuluvhali (V); chaff flower (E); Herb Leaf Medicine and A: M1, V3 and O1
aspera; KMV034 landklits (A) vegetable
Amaranthaceae *Amaranthus dubius Mart. ex vowa (V); pigweed (E); misbredie (A) Herb Leaf Vegetable A: B1 and O1
Thell.; KMV466
Amaranthaceae Amaranthus capensis Thell. vowa (V); smooth pigweed (E); Herb Leaf Vegetable A: O1
subsp. capensis; KMV035 misbredie (A)
Amaranthaceae *Amaranthus graecizans L. vowa (V); pigweed (E); misbredie (A) Herb Leaf Vegetable A: B1, V2 and O1
subsp. graecizans; KMV478
Amaranthaceae *Amaranthus hybridus L. Vowa, thebe, gango, Herb Leaf Vegetable A: M2, S2, B1, V2 and O1
subsp. cruentus (L.) Thell.; tshiubavhakololo (V); red B: V8
MMQ039 amaranth, common pigweed (E);
gewone misbredie (A)
Amaranthaceae *Amaranthus hybridus L. vowa (V); cape pigweed (E); Herb Leaf Vegetable A: S2 and O1
subsp. hybridus var. misbredie (A)
erythrostachys Moq.; KMV468
Amaranthaceae *Amaranthus hybridus L. vowa (V); common pigweed (E); Herb Leaf or aerial Medicine, snuff A: M2, M1, S2, V2, S3 and
subsp. hybridus var. hybridus; gewone misbredie (A) parts ingredient and vegetable O1
MMQ038 B: V8 and B2
Amaranthaceae Amaranthus praetermissus vowa (V); pigweed (E); misbredie (A) Herb Leaf Vegetable A: O1
Brenan; KMV464
Amaranthaceae *Amaranthus spinosus L.; vowa, tshiṱhavhamisisi, Herb Whole plant Medicine and vegetable A: A1, M1, S1, M5, V2, S3
MMQ026 tshinyameila (V); spiny amaranth, and O1
thorny amaranth, thorny pigweed
(E); misbredie (A)
Amaranthaceae Amaranthus standleyanus vowa (V); pigweed (E); misbredie (A) Herb Leaf Vegetable A: S2, B1 and O1
Parodi ex Covas; KMV469
Amaranthaceae Amaranthus thunbergii L.; vowa (V); cape pigweed (E); Herb Leaf Vegetable A: M1, S2, V2 and O1
MMQ013 kraanvoëlbossie (A)
Amaranthaceae *Amaranthus tricolor L.; vowa (V); pigweed (E); misbredie (A) Herb Leaf Vegetable A: O1
Amaranthaceae *Amaranthus viridis L.; vowa, vowakholomo (V); pigweed Herb Leaf Vegetable A: O1, B1, V2 and S2
KMV269 (E); skraalmisbredie (A)
Amaranthaceae *Alternanthera sessilis (L.) vowamulambo, tshifumbe (V) Herb Leaf Vegetable A: O1 and H1
DC.; KMV401
Amaranthaceae *Chenopodium album L.; ḓaleḓale (V); wild spinach, fat hen, Herb Leaf Vegetable A: M1, S2, V3 and O1
KMV229 common pigweed (E); seepbossie, B: V8 and B2
varkbossie, bloubossie (A)
Amaranthaceae *Chenopodium murale L. var. makhuluwaḓaledale (V); Herb Leaf Medicine and vegetable A: O1
murale; KMV230 rounded-leaved fat hen, wheat B: V8
bush, goosefoot (E); gansevoet,
koringbossie (A)
Amaranthaceae Chenopodium sp.; KMV306 muthathathuri (V) Herb Whole plant Medicine A: M1 and O1
Amaranthaceae Cyathula natalensis Sond.; munamumuhulwane (V) Herb Fruit Medicine and magic A: O1
Amaranthaceae Pupalia lappacea (L.) A.Juss. munamu (V); sweethearts, Herb Fruit Medicine A: O1
var. lappacea; KMV483 burweed (E); beesklits (A)
Amaryllidaceae Boophone disticha (L.f.) Herb; kholomo (V); bushman poison (E); Herb Whole plant Medicine A: O1
KMV036 boesmangifbol (A) B: V10, V5, W2, V4 and V8
Anacardiaceae Lannea discolor (Sond.) Engl.; muvhumbu, tshivhumbu, munii (V); Tree Fruit, bark Edible fruit, cordage A: A1, O1 and V1
KMV053 live-long (E); dikbas (A) and root and medicine B: V8, V12, V10, W1 and
Anacardiaceae Lannea edulis (Sond.) Engl. mutshutshungu (V); wild grape (E); Shrub Fruit and root Edible fruit and medicine A: O1 and V1

(continued on next page)

Please cite this article as: Magwede, K., et al., An inventory of Vhavenḓa useful plants, South African Journal of Botany (2018),
4 K. Magwede et al. / South African Journal of Botany xxx (2018) xxx–xxx

Table 1 (continued)

Family Botanical name Vernacular name Life form Part used Use category Uses
* Naturalised aliens (V) = Tshivenḓa; (E) = English; Newly recorded A: Local (Vhavenḓa) uses
(for cultivated aliens see (A) = Afrikaans uses in bold B: Uses recorded
Table: 2); New species Newly recorded names in bold elsewhere
records in bold

var. edulis; KMV402 wildedruif (A) B: W1, V8 and V10

Anacardiaceae Lannea schweinfurthii (Engl.) mulivhadza, muswoswoto, Tree Fruit, leaf, Edible fruit, craftwork, A: M1, A1, S4 and O1
Engl. var. stuhlmannii (Engl.) muaḓaba, muvhumbumudenya (V); bark, root and magic and medicine B: V8, V4, V12, V9, V4
Kokwaro; KMV037 false-marula (E); valsmaroela (A) root bark and V10
Anacardiaceae *Mangifera indica L.; KMV442 munngo (V); mango (E); Tree Fruit, bark, Edible fruit, medicine A: O1
veselperske (A) root and wood and firewood B: V6
Anacardiaceae Ozoroa engleri R.Fern. & A. mudumbula, bandulakhali (V); Shrub Bark Medicine A: M1
Fern.; KMV410 dropping resintree (E);
treurharpuisboom (A)
Anacardiaceae Ozoroa reticulata (Baker f.) R. munungu, munungumaswi Tree Bark and root Medicine A: R3
Fern. & A. Fern.; Ramovha 133
Anacardiaceae *Schinus molle L.; KMV408 mubibiri (V); peppertree (E); Tree Leaf or whole Medicine, shade and A: O1
peperboom (A) plant ornamental
Anacardiaceae Sclerocarya birrea (A.Rich.) mufula (V); marula (E); maroela (A) Tree Fruit, seed, Edible fruit, cosmetic oil, A: M1, V1, R1, R2, R3, N1,
Hochst. subsp. caffra (Sond.) bark and dried fruit skin burnt to make A1, S1, S2 and O1
Kokwaro; KMV038 wood mukango (cooking soda), B: W1, P1, V10, V4, V12,
medicine, cordage, craftwork, V8, V6 and V9
firewood and construction
Anacardiaceae Searsia chirindensis (Baker f.) mutshakutshaku, Tree Fruit, leaf, Edible fruit, medicine and A: O1
Moffett; KMV055 muvhaḓelaphanga (V); red currant bark, root and craftwork B: V12, V9, V4 and J1
(E); bostaaibos (A) wood
Anacardiaceae Searsia lancea (L.f.) F.A. mushakaladza (V); karee (E); Shrub Fruit, leaf and Edible fruit, beverage, A: M1, N1, S1, A1 and O1
Barkley; KMV039 karee (A) wood medicine, craftwork, B: V8, J1, V9, P1 and V4
construction, and firewood
Anacardiaceae Searsia leptodictya (Diels) T.S. muthathaba, mushakaladza (V); Shrub Fruit, leaf, Medicine A: O1 and A1
Yi, A.J.Mill. & J.Wen; KMV040 mountain karee, rock karee (E); bark and root
klipkaree (A)
Anacardiaceae Searsia magalismontana mutshakutshaku, tshidzimba (V); Shrub Fruit Edible fruit A: O1
(Sond.) Moffett subsp. coddii hard-leaved currant (E);
(R. & A.Fern.) Moffett; hardeblaartaaibos (A)
Anacardiaceae Searsia pyroides (Burch.) mutshakutshaku, mushakaladza Shrub Fruit Edible fruit A: O1
Moffett var. pyroides; (V); river firethorn currant (E); B: V9
KMV457 taaibos (A)
Anacardiaceae Searsia rogersii (Schönland) muṱhasiri (V); Roger's currant (E) Shrub Fruit and Edible fruit and firewood A: M1 and O1
Moffett; KMV054 wood
Annonaceae Annona senegalensis Pers. muembe (V); wild custard-apple Shrub Fruit, leaf, Edible fruit, beverage, A: M1, V1, R1, S1, A1 and
subsp. senegalensis; KMV041 (E); wildesuikerappel (A) bark, root andmedicine, magic, cordage, O1
wood craftwork, construction, and B: W1, P1, V8 and V12
Annonaceae Artabotrys brachypetalus mudzidzi, munnamutswu (V); large Climber Fruit, bark, Edible fruit, medicine, A: M1, V1, A1, S1 and O1
Benth.; KMV042 hook-berry (E); groot-haakbessie (A) root and wood magic and construction B: P1
Annonaceae Artabotrys monteiroae Oliv.; munnamutswu (V); red hookberry Climber Root Medicine A: A1, M1 and O1
KMV093 (E); rooihaakbessie (A)
Annonaceae Hexalobus monopetalus (A. muhuhuma, muukhuma, Shrub Fruit, root and Edible fruit, medicine, A: M1, V1, A1, S4 and O1
Rich.) Engl. & Diels; KMV043 muhukhuma, munii, mushakame wood craftwork, construction and B: P1, V8 and V12
(V); shakama-plum (E); firewood
shakamapruim (A)
Annonaceae Xylopia odoratissima Welw. muvhulavhusiku (V); kalahari Tree Root and Medicine and firewood A: M1, A1 and O1
ex Oliv.; KMV044 bitterwood (E); kalahari-bitterhout wood
Aphloiaceae Aphloia theiformis (Vahl) mufhefhera (V); albino-berry (E); Tree Leaf, twig, Medicine and magic A: O1
Benn.; KMV449 albinobessie (A) bark and root
Apiaceae Centella asiatica (L.) Urb.; mukulungwane (V); marsh Herb Leaf Medicine and vegetable A: O1
KMV216 pennywort (E); waternavel (A) B: V10, V11 and V8
Apiaceae *Cyclospermum leptophyllum lufhelele (V); fir-leafed celery (E) Herb Aerial parts Medicine A: M4 and O1
(Pers.) Sprague ex Britton &
P.Wilson; KMV004
Apiaceae Heteromorpha arborescens muṱhaṱhavhanna (V); common Tree Leaf and root Medicine A: O1, M1, A1, R3, R2 and
(Spreng.) Cham. & Schltdl. parsley-tree (E); kraaibos, N1
var. abyssinica (Hochst. ex A. wildepietersieliebos (A) B: V12, P1, W1, V10, V9,
Rich.) H.Wolff; KMV403 J1 and V8
Apocynaceae Acokanthera oppositifolia musilili (V); bushmans's poison (E); Shrub Latex and Arrow poison and medicine A: A1, N1 and M1
(Lam.) Codd; KMV235 boesmansgif (A) root B: V12, V10, W2, W1, V5,
P1, J1 and V11
Apocynaceae Adenium multiflorum tshivhuyana (V); impala lily (E); Shrub Whole plant Medicine, living fence and A: O1
Klotzsch; KMV122 impalalelie (A) ornamental B: J1, W1, W2 and V5
Apocynaceae Carissa bispinosa (L.) Desf. ex murungulu, tshirungulu, mutogwe Shrub Fruit, root or Edible fruit, beverage, A: O1, L1 and M1
Brenan; KMV045 (V); common num-num (E); whole plant medicine, and ornamental B: P1, R1 and V12
noemnoem (A)
Apocynaceae Carissa edulis (Forssk.) Vahl; murungulu, tshirungulu, Shrub Fruit and root Beverage and medicine A: M1, R1, A1 and O1

Please cite this article as: Magwede, K., et al., An inventory of Vhavenḓa useful plants, South African Journal of Botany (2018),
K. Magwede et al. / South African Journal of Botany xxx (2018) xxx–xxx 5

Table 1 (continued)

Family Botanical name Vernacular name Life form Part used Use category Uses
* Naturalised aliens (V) = Tshivenḓa; (E) = English; Newly recorded A: Local (Vhavenḓa) uses
(for cultivated aliens see (A) = Afrikaans uses in bold B: Uses recorded
Table: 2); New species Newly recorded names in bold elsewhere
records in bold

KMV094 mutogwemuhulwane (V); B: V12 and V4

climbing num-num (E);
ranknoemnoem (A)
Apocynaceae Carissa tetramera (Sacleux) murungulu (V); sand num-num (E) Shrub Fruit Beverage A: R1
Stapf; KMV217
Apocynaceae *Catharanthus roseus (L.) G. ḽiluvha, tshikhaṱhakhaṱhane, Herb Leaf and root Medicine A: A1, S6, M6 and O1
Don; KMV046 musalamarubini (V); Rose B: B2, V8, V11, V5, W2,
periwinkle (E); soldateblom (A) O1 and V10
Apocynaceae Cryptolepis obtusa N.E.Br.; muṱanzwakhamelo, ṱhanamaswi Climber Leaf Vegetable A: O1
KMV420 (V); monkey rope (E);
bobbejaantou (A)
Apocynaceae Diplorhynchus condylocarpon muthowa (V); horn-pod tree (E); Shrub Leaf, root, Medicine, edible caterpillar A: O1
(Müll.Arg.) Pichon; KMV047 koorspeulboom (A) caterpillar and birdlime B: P1, V9 and V12
feeding on
leaf and fruit
Apocynaceae Gomphocarpus fruticosus (L.) mutshulwa, mubvafhisa (V); Herb Leaf Medicine A: V3, M1, M6 and O1
Aiton f. subsp. fruticosus; milkweed (E); melkbos (A) B: V8, V5 and W1
Apocynaceae Holarrhena pubescens Wall. ex makhuluwamuhatu (V); fever pod Shrub Bark, root and Medicine, birdlime, glue or A: O1, V1, R2, R3 and A1
G.Don; KMV049 (E); koorspeulboom (A) fruit latex adhesive B: V12, P1 and V8
Apocynaceae Landolphia kirkii Dyer ex mukumululo, muvhungo (V); rubber Climber Fruit, latex, Edible fruit, beverage, A: M1, V1, R1 and O1
Hook.f.; KMV056 vine (E); melktou (A) root and birdlime, medicine, magic,
woody vine craftwork, and construction
Apocynaceae *Nerium oleander L.; ḽiluvha (V); oleander, rose laurel Shrub Leaf, latex, Medicine and ornamental A: O1
KMV218 (E); selonsroos (A) bark or whole B: V11 and V5
Apocynaceae Pentarrhinum insipidum E. phulule (V); heart vine (E); Herb Leaf Vegetable A: M1, O1, V1, S2, B1 and
Mey.; MMQ015 donkieperske (A) M2
Apocynaceae Pergularia daemia (Forssk.) donzwamutuku (V); trellis vine Climber Leaf and latex Medicine A: V3 and O1
Chiov. subsp. daemia; (E); bobbejaankambro (A)
Apocynaceae Rauvolfia caffra Sond.; muṋadzi (V); quinine-tree (E) Tree Leaf, sap, bark Medicine, shade and A: O1, M1, A1, S4 and N1
KMV018 kinaboom (A) and wood craftwork B: V12, V10, V8, V9, P1,
W1, V5 and V4
Apocynaceae Riocreuxia picta Schltr.; bwerepwere, berepere (V) Climber Leaf Vegetable A: O1
Apocynaceae Riocreuxia torulosa Decne. mufungwi (V) Climbing Leaf Vegetable A: O1, S2, B1, S3 and V1
var. torulosa; KMV416 herb
Apocynaceae Sarcostemma viminale (L.) R. mutshiso, gona, muṱungu (V); Climber Root and bark Medicine A: M1, V1, R3 and O1
Br. subsp. suberosum Meve & caustic vine (E); spantou, melkbos, B: W1, V12 and V5
Liede; KMV404 melktou (A)
Apocynaceae Secamone parvifolia (Oliv.) thundwa, lutundwa, mutanamaswi (V) Climber Stem vine Craftwork A: O1 and V1
Bullock; KMV048
Apocynaceae Stapelia gigantea N.E.Br.; muḓadzashango, tshiovholosi (V); Herb Root and leaf Medicine A: M1 and O1
KMV423 giant stapelia (E); grootaasblom (A) sap B: V8
Apocynaceae Strophanthus petersianus duluṅombe (V); corky stem Climber All plant parts Medicine A: O1
Klotzsch; KMV219 poison-rope (E); kurkstamgiftou (A)
Apocynaceae Tabernaemontana elegans muhaṱu (V); toad-tree (E); Shrub Fruit, latex Edible fruit, snuff A: M1, O1, M5, R2, S4, R3
Stapf; KMV057 paddaboom (A) and root ingredient, mukango and A1
(cooking soda), birdlime B: V9, P1 and V12
and medicine
Apocynaceae Telosma africana (N.E.Br.) nyendanyendane Climber Leaf Vegetable A: O1
N.E.Br.; KMV533
Apocynaceae Wrightia natalensis Stapf; musunzi (V); saddle-pod (E); Tree Root Medicine A: A1, M1, M5, V1, N1
KMV095 saalpeultjieboom (A) and O1
B: V12 and V9
Araceae Zantedeschia aethiopica (L.) ndalunwepi, ndalunwafhi, Herb Leaf,rhizome Medicine and ornamental A: S1, O1, S4 and A1
Spreng.; KMV058 ṋdevheyatholo, or whole B: V8, V10, J1 and W1
tshitukanatshamagovhani (V); plant
white arum lily (E); varklelie,
witvarkoor (A)
Araceae Zantedeschia albomaculata ndalunwepi, ndalunwafhi (V); Herb Root and Medicine and ornamental A: O1
(Hook.) Baill. subsp. spotted-leaved Arum (E); whole plant B: V8, W1
albomaculata; KMV537 kleinvarkoor, witvlekvarkoor (A)
Arecaceae Hyphaene coriacea Gaertn.; mulala, mutshema (V); lala palm Tree Leaf, sap and Cordage, craftwork, A: M1, S1, N1, A1 and O1
KMV096 (E); lalapalm (A) stem pith beverage (wine) and B: V8, V9 and V12
Arecaceae Hyphaene petersiana mulala, mutshema (V); northern lala Tree Fruit and leaf Edible fruit, beverage A: O1
Klotzsch ex Mart.; KMV059 palm (E); noordelike lalapalm (A) (wine) and craftwork B: V8, V9, V12, V6 and V9
Arecaceae Phoenix reclinata Jacq.; mutshevho (V); wild date palm (E); Tree Fruit, leaf or Edible fruit, beverage (wine), A: N1, M1 and O1

(continued on next page)

Please cite this article as: Magwede, K., et al., An inventory of Vhavenḓa useful plants, South African Journal of Botany (2018),
6 K. Magwede et al. / South African Journal of Botany xxx (2018) xxx–xxx

Table 1 (continued)

Family Botanical name Vernacular name Life form Part used Use category Uses
* Naturalised aliens (V) = Tshivenḓa; (E) = English; Newly recorded A: Local (Vhavenḓa) uses
(for cultivated aliens see (A) = Afrikaans uses in bold B: Uses recorded
Table: 2); New species Newly recorded names in bold elsewhere
records in bold

KMV097 wildedadelboom (A) whole plant craftwork, construction and B: V12, V8, J1 and V9
Araliaceae Cussonia spicata Thunb.; musenzhe (V); cabbage-tree (E); Tree Leaf, stem, Medicine, magic, A: A1, S1, O1 and M1
KMV060 kiepersol (A) root or whole ornamental and shade B: J1, V4, V8, W1 and V9
Araliaceae Schefflera umbellifera (Sond.) mukho (V); false cabbage-tree (E); Tree Bark and Medicine and craftwork A: M1, N1 and O1
Baill.; KMV098 valskiepersol (A) wood B: V12 and V9
Asparagaceae Asparagus buchananii Baker; lufhaladzamakole (V) Shrub Root or whole Medicine and magic A: M1, A1 and O1
KMV062 plant
Asparagaceae Asparagus falcatus L.; govhakhanya,gundakhanga, Shrub Leaf and root Medicine A: M1, S4 and A1
KMV421 muhakatshaini (V); sickle thorn (E)
Asphodelaceae Aloe arborescens Mill.; tshikhopha (V); krantz aloe (E); Shrub Leaf sap Medicine A: O1
KMV435 kransaalwyn (A) B: J1, V10
Asphodelaceae Aloe chabaudii Schönland var. tshikhopha (V); aloe (E); aalwyn (A) Herb Leaf Medicine A: A1 and O1
chabaudii; KMV032 B: V8
Asphodelaceae Aloe hahnii Gideon F.Sm. & tshikhopha (V); common soap aloe Herb Leaf and root Medicine A: O1, R3 and R2
R.R.Klopper; KMV436 (E); bontaalwyn (A)
Asphodelaceae Aloe marlothii A.Berger; bindamutshe (V); mountain aloe Shrub Leaf, bark and Medicine A: M1, A1 and M1
KMV033 (E); bergaalwyn (A) root B: V12
Asphodelaceae Aloe sp.; KMV390 tshikhophatshiṱuku, tshitudzwi (V); Herb Leaf Medicine A: M1and O1
wateraalwyn (A)
Asphodelaceae Aloe vossii Reynolds; KMV205 tshikhopha (V) Herb Leaf Vegetable A: L2 and S1
Asteraceae *Acanthospermum hispidum muvhavhanyane (V); bristly strabur Herb Aerial parts Medicine A: M4
DC.; KMV013 (E); donkieklits (A)
Asteraceae Acmella caulirhiza Delile; tshishengelaphofu (V) Herb Leaf Medicine A: O1 and H1
Asteraceae *Ageratum conyzoides L.; blueweed (E); bokkruid (A) Herb Leaf Medicine A: M3
Asteraceae Aspilia pluriseta Schweinf. mubvamalofha, malofhane (V) Herb Root Medicine A: O1
subsp. pluriseta; KMV052
Asteraceae Athrixia phylicoides DC.; mutshatshaila, mubosotie (V); Herb Leaf and twig Medicine and beverage A: M1 and O1
KMV400 bushman's tea (E); boesmanstee (A) B: V8 and V10
Asteraceae *Bidens bipinnata L.; MMQ025 mushidzhidonga (V); spanish Herb Leaf Vegetable A: M2, S2, B1 and O1
blackjack (E); spaanse knapsekêrel (A) B: B2 and V8
Asteraceae *Bidens pilosa L.; KMV008 mushidzhi (V); blackjack, Herb Leaf Medicine and vegetable A: M1, S1, O1, S2, B1, S3
Bur-mangold, spanish needle (E); and M2
knapsekêrel (A) B: V8 and B2
Asteraceae Brachylaena discolor DC.; mufhaṱa (V); lowveld silver-oak Tree Bark, root, Medicine, craftwork, A: M1, N1 and O1
KMV063 (E); laeveldvaalbos (A) twig and construction, firewood B: V9 and V12
wood and fire-making
Asteraceae Brachylaena huillensis O. mufhaṱathavha, tshifhaṱa (V); Tree Wood Construction, firewood A: O1
Hoffm.; KMV405 silver-oak (E); kusvaalbos (A) and fire-making B: V12 and J1
Asteraceae Brachylaena transvaalensis E. mufhaṱa (V); forest silver-oak (E) Tree Bark, twig Medicine, craftwork, A: M1 and O1
Phillips & Schweick.; KMV099 and wood construction, firewood B: V8
and fire-making
Asteraceae Callilepis lancifolia Burtt phila (V) Herb Tuber Medicine A: O1
Davy; KMV529
Asteraceae *Galinsoga parviflora Cav.; nḓevhedzamphobo (V); yellow Herb Leaf Vegetable A: O1
KMV430 weed (E); knopkruid (A)
Asteraceae Gerbera ambigua (Cass.) Sch. Iṱolandau (V); gerbera (E); Herb Leaf Vegetable A: M1
Bip.; KMV065 botterblom (A)
Asteraceae Gymnanthemum phaṱhane (V) Shrub Leaf Medicine A: R3
amygdalinum (Delile) Sch.Bip.
ex Walp.; Ramovha 164
Asteraceae Gymnanthemum coloratum pheṱhane (V); lowveld bitter tea Shrub Leaf, bark and Medicine A: M4, L1 and O1
(Willd.) H.Rob. & B.Kahn sens. (E); laeveld-bittertee (A) root B: V12 and P1
lat.; KMV002
Asteraceae Gymnanthemum myrianthum mululudza, mukombodza, Shrub Leaf and root Snuff ingredient and A: M1, V1 and O1
(Hook.f.) H.Rob.; KMV423 mubongabonga (V); eared medicine
vernonia (E); bloubittertee (A)
Asteraceae *Helianthus annuus L.; tshiteaduvha (V); sunflower (E); Herb Seed Edible seed A: O1
KMV507 sonneblom (A) B: V6
Asteraceae *Xanthium strumarium L.; gwanda (V); large cocklebur (E); Herb Fruit and root Medicine A: S6 and O1
KMV224 kankerroos (A) B: W2
Asteraceae Helichrysum kraussii Sch.Bip.; tshifulaṱhulo, tshilalaṱhulo, Shrub Root Medicine A: A1 and O1
KMV017 tshifhefhavhana, tshifhefhuwane,
tshiputelaluvhuḓa (V); straw
everlasting (E)
Asteraceae Helichrysum nudifolium (L.) hottentot's tea (E); Herb Root Medicine A: M1
Less. var. nudifolium; KMV406 hottentotsteebossie (A) B: W1 and V10
Asteraceae Kleinia longiflora DC.; KMV222 mushavhavhakazi (V) Shrub Stem Medicine A: M1 and R3
Asteraceae Kleinia sp. tshifatafaṱane (V) Shrub Leaf Medicine A: M1

Please cite this article as: Magwede, K., et al., An inventory of Vhavenḓa useful plants, South African Journal of Botany (2018),
K. Magwede et al. / South African Journal of Botany xxx (2018) xxx–xxx 7

Table 1 (continued)

Family Botanical name Vernacular name Life form Part used Use category Uses
* Naturalised aliens (V) = Tshivenḓa; (E) = English; Newly recorded A: Local (Vhavenḓa) uses
(for cultivated aliens see (A) = Afrikaans uses in bold B: Uses recorded
Table: 2); New species Newly recorded names in bold elsewhere
records in bold

Asteraceae Kleinia sp. tshiṱanzisanngwa (V) Shrub Leaf Medicine A: M1

Asteraceae Linzia glabra Steetz; Ramovha phaṱhaphaṱhane (V) Herb Leaf Medicine A: R3
Asteraceae Macledium zeyheri (Sond.) S. tshiṱoni (V); doll's protea (E); Herb Flower or Medicine A: M1
Ortíz subsp. zeyheri; KMV064 jakkalsbossie (A) aerial parts
Asteraceae Pechuel-Loeschea murundelaphunguwe (V); Shrub Root Medicine A: O1
leubnitziae (Kuntze) O. stinkbush (E); stinkbossie (A)
Hoffm.; KMV489
Asteraceae *Schkuhria pinnata (Lam.) Luswielo, gaulo (V); khaki bush (E); Herb Whole plant Medicine A: M5, R3
Kuntze ex Thell.; KMV221 khakibos (A) B: V8
Asteraceae *Sonchus asper (L.) Hill subsp.
shashe (V); annual sow-thistle, Herb Leaf Medicine and vegetable A: M2, S2, B1, S3 and O1
asper; MMQ008 common sow thistle, wild thistle B: B2 and W2
(E); doringsydissel (A)
Asteraceae Sonchus nanus Sond. ex Harv.; tshikakalembe, tshikandamalembe Herb Leaf Vegetable A: V1
KMV494 (V); thistle (E); sydissel (A)
Asteraceae *Sonchus oleraceus L.; shashe (V); common sowthistle Herb Leaf Vegetable A: M1, M2, B1, S3 and O1
KMV347 (E); gewone sydissel (A) B: V8 and B2
Asteraceae *Tagetes minuta L.; KMV001 mushashathuri, mukangambanzhe Herb Leaf or aerial Medicine and insect A: M4, A1, M5, V1, O1
(V); khakhi weed (E); kakiebos (A) parts leaf repellent and L1
B: B2 and V8
Asteraceae Tarchonanthus trilobus DC. muṱwari (V); broad-leaved Shrub Wood Construction and firewood A: O1
var. galpinii (Hutch. & E. camphorbush (E);
Phillips) Paiva; KMV439 breëblaarkanferbos (A)
Asteraceae Vernonia fastigiata Oliv. & ṱhanyi, ṱanyi, muṱhanyi, Herb Leaf Vegetable A: M1, M2, S2, B1, S3 and
Hiern; MMQ029 tshidovholela (V); starstalk (E) O1
Basellaceae *Anredera cordifolia (Ten.) Climber Whole Medicine A: M6
Steenis; KMV536
Bignoniaceae Kigelia africana (Lam.) Benth.; muvevha (V); sausage-tree (E); Tree Fruit, bark or Famine food, medicine, A: N1, O1, M1 and A1
KMV069 worsboom (A) whole plant ornamental and shade B: V12, V8, W1, V11, V4,
P1, V9, J1 and V10
Bignoniaceae Markhamia zanzibarica (Bojer muḽakholomo (V); bell-bean (E); Tree Leaf Medicine and fodder A: M1, A1, N1 and O1
ex DC.) K.Schum.; KMV225 klokkiesboontjieboom (A) B: V12 and P1
Bignoniaceae Rhigozum obovatum Burch.; murenzhebani (V); karoo gold (E); Tree Flowers and Vegetable and firewood A: O1
KMV479 geelberggranaat (A) wood
Boraginaceae Cordia sp. Ramovha 148 tshinzienzie (V) Shrub Leaf Medicine A: R3
Boraginaceae Ehretia rigida (Thunb.) Druce murovherovhe, mutepe (V); puzzle Tree Fruit, root, Edible fruit, medicine, A: A1, R1, M1, R3 and O1
subsp. nervifolia Retief & A.E. bush (E); deurmekaarbos (A) wood or magic, construction, B: V4, V9, V12, P1 and J1
van Wyk; KMV406 whole plant firewood, fire-making,
ornamental and shade
Brassicaceae *Brassica rapa L. mutshaini (V); Chinese cabbage (E); Herb Leaf Vegetable A: V2 and O1
Sjinese kool (A) B: V8 and V6
Brassicaceae Boscia albitrunca (Burch.) Gilg muṱhobi, muvhombwe (V); Tree Fruit, leaf, Edible fruit, famine food A: N1, M1, and O1
& Gilg-Ben.; KMV409 shepherds-tree (E); witgat, root or whole and shade B: V12, V8, V9, P1, W1
matoppie (A) plant and V4
Brassicaceae Cadaba aphylla (Thunb.) tshikuni, munnamutswu, Shrub Root Medicine and magic A: M1
Wild; KMV227 mudiatsiwana (V); leafless worm B: V8
bush (E); swartstormbos (A)
Brassicaceae Capparis tomentosa Lam.; gwambazi, muobaḓali, muombaḓadzi, Shrub Root Medicine A: M1, A1, S1, V1, S4 and
KMV076 luakhaboyi (V); woolly caperbush O1
(E); wollerige kapperbos (A) B: V8, V12, V10 and P1
Brassicaceae Cleome gynandra L.; KMV410 murudi, nimvi, munimvi (V); Herb Leaf Vegetable and medicinal A: M1, M2, S2, B1, V2, S3,
African cabbage (E); oorpeultjie (A) V3 and O1
B: V8
Brassicaceae Cleome monophylla L.; muṱohoṱoho, muṱoṱombudzi (V); Herb Leaf Vegetable A: M1, M2, S2, B1, V2, V3
MMQ021 Spider plant, Spindle flower, and O1
Spindlepod (E); rusperbossie (A) B: V8
Brassicaceae Maerua angolensis DC. subsp. mutambanamme, mupopane (V); Tree Leaf and bark Medicine A: O1, L1 and M1
angolensis; KMV300 bead-bean tree (E); B: V9 and V4
knoppiesboontjieboom (A)
Brassicaceae Maerua cafra (DC.) Pax; mutapatila (V); bush-cherry, Tree Bark and root Medicine and magic A: M1 and A1
KMV301 spiderbush (E); witbos (A) B: V12
Brassicaceae Maerua edulis (Gilg & mutshalimela (V) Shrub Tuber Medicine A: O1
Gilg-Ben.) DeWolf; KMV528
Burseraceae Commiphora africana (A. mutaladzi (V); hairy corkwood (E); Tree Bark resin Medicine A: O1
Rich.) Engl. var. africana; harige kanniedood (A)
KMV 399
Burseraceae Commiphora marlothii Engl.; mufhafha, mubobo (V); Tree Fruit, bark Edible fruit, medicine and A: M1 and O1
KMV072 paperbark corkwood (E); and root famine food B: V12 and V9
papierbaskanniedood (A)
Burseraceae Commiphora mollis (Oliv.) muukhuthu (V); velvet-leaved Tree Wood or Craftwork, shade and live A: M1 and O1
Engl.; KMV074 corkwood (E); fluweelkanniedood (A) whole plant fence B: V9 and W1

(continued on next page)

Please cite this article as: Magwede, K., et al., An inventory of Vhavenḓa useful plants, South African Journal of Botany (2018),
8 K. Magwede et al. / South African Journal of Botany xxx (2018) xxx–xxx

Table 1 (continued)

Family Botanical name Vernacular name Life form Part used Use category Uses
* Naturalised aliens (V) = Tshivenḓa; (E) = English; Newly recorded A: Local (Vhavenḓa) uses
(for cultivated aliens see (A) = Afrikaans uses in bold B: Uses recorded
Table: 2); New species Newly recorded names in bold elsewhere
records in bold

Burseraceae Commiphora viminea Burtt mutonyombiḓi, mutalu (V); Tree Root Medicine A: N1, A1, O1 and M1
Davy; KMV073 zebra-bark corkwood (E); B: V9
sebrabaskanniedood (A)
Cactaceae *Opuntia ficus-indica Mill.; muḓoro (V); sweet prickly pear (E); Shrub Fruit, leaf and Edible fruit, fodder, beverage A: M1, V1, S1, R1, A1 and
KMV408 boereturksvy (A) root (wine) and medicine O1
B: V8, B2, V6 and V12
Cannabaceae *Cannabis sativa L. var. sativa; mbanzhe (V); dagga (E) Herb Flowers, fruit, Medicine A: O1
KMV226 seed, leaf and B: V8, V10, W2, V11 and
twig B2
Canellaceae Warburgia salutaris (G. mulanga (V); pepper-bark tree (E); Tree Bark Medicine A: M1, O1, A1, R3 and N1
Bertol.) Chiov.; KMV075 peperbasboom (A) B: V9, V8, V10, V11, V12,
P1, W1, V9 and V4
Celastraceae Catha edulis (Vahl) Forssk. ex luṱhadzi, mutie (V); bushman-tea, Tree Leaf and Beverage (tea), medicine, A: R1 and O1
Endl.; KMV302 khat (E); boesmanstee (A) wood craftwork and construction B: P1, V9 and W2
Celastraceae Elachyptera parvifolia malambakupikwa (V); sand Shrub Root Medicine and magic A: O1
(Oliv.) N.Hallé; KMV068 paddle-pod (E)
Celastraceae Elaeodendron transvaalense mulumaṋamana, mukuvhazwivhi, Tree Fruit and bark Edible fruit and medicine A: A1, M1, M5, O1, S4, R3
(Burtt Davy) R.H.Archer; mukundadivhu (V); bushveld and N1
KMV079 saffron (E); bosveldsaffraan (A) B: V12, V10, W1, P1 and
Celastraceae Gymnosporia senegalensis tshiphandwa (V); confetti Shrub Root and Medicine, craftwork, magic A: M1, A1, O1 and S1
(Lam.) Loes.; KMV411 spikethorn (E); rooipendoring (A) wood and firewood B: V8 and V9
Celastraceae Gymnosporia tenuispina ntsatshilambe (V); bell spiketthorn Shrub Root Magic A: M1 and O1
(Sond.) Szyszył.; KMV304 (E) klokkiespendoring (A)
Celastraceae Loeseneriella crenata luuvhu (V); valley paddle-pod (E); Shrub Flexible Construction A: M1 and O1
(Klotzsch) R.Wilczek ex N. valleispaanpeul (A) woody vine
Hallé var. crenata; KMV350
Celastraceae Maytenus peduncularis mukwatule (V); Cape-blackwood Shrub Root and Medicine, birdlime and A: A1, V1 and O1
(Sond.) Loes.; KMV352 (E); Kaapse swarthout (A) wood craftwork B: V12
Celastraceae Maytenus undata (Thunb.) tshibvukahalwa, tshikwaṱukwaṱu (V) Shrub Wood Craftwork, construction and A: M1 and O1
Blakelock; KMV351 firewood B: W1, V12 and J1
Celastraceae Mystroxylon aethiopicum mugugunu, mukwatule, Tree Fruit, bark, Edible fruit, medicine, A: M1 and O1
(Thunb.) Loes. subsp. mukwatikwati (V); kooboo-berry root and wood magic, birdlime, craftwork B: V12, P1, V9 and V4
aethiopicum; KMV305 (E); koeboebessie (A) and firewood
Celastraceae Pleurostylia capensis (Turcz.) murumelelwa (V); coffee-pear (E); Tree Root Magic A: M1 and O1
Loes.; KMV228 koffiepeer (A)
Celastraceae Pristimera longipetiolata mutshiḽari, mukolomo, Shrub Root and Medicine A: M1, M5 and O1
(Oliv.) N.Hallé; KMV303 mutandambeulane, parasitic plant
mutswiputswipu (V); long-stalk
paddle-pod (E);
langsteelspaanpeul (A)
Celastraceae Salacia rehmannii Schinz; dira, musasalwabwa, ntsatshilambe, Shrub Root Magic A: M1 and O1
KMV425 phaṱhatshimima, tavhatapano,
tavhatapi (V); wildelemoentjie (A)
Chrysobalanaceae Parinari curatellifolia Planch. muvhula (V); mobola-plum (E); Tree Fruit, bark Edible fruit, medicine, A: M1, N1, R1, A1, S4, R3
ex Benth; KMV456 grysappel (A) and wood craftwork, construction and and O1
firewood B: W1, V4, V8, V9 and P1
Chrysobalanaceae Parinari capensis Harv. tshivhulafhasi, tshivhulana (V); Shrub Fruit and root Edible fruit and medicine A: O1
subsp. capensis; KMV461 dwarf mobola-plum (E); B: V8
grysappeltjie (A)
Clusiaceae Garcinia livingstonei T. muphiphi, mupimbi (V); lowveld Tree Fruit, flower, Edible fruit, beverage A: M1, N1, A1, S1 and O1
Anderson; KMV231 mangosteen (E) leaf, root and (wine), medicine, craftwork B: W1, V12, V8, R1, V9,
sapling and construction V4 and P1
Combretaceae Combretum apiculatum Sond.; mugavhi (V); red bushwillow (E); Tree Wood Firewood and construction A: O1 and M1
KMV426 rooiboswilg (A) B: V9 and V8
Combretaceae Combretum collinum Fresen. muvuvha (V); bicoloured Tree Wood Firewood and construction A: M1 and O1
subsp. gazense (Swynn. & bushwillow (E); B: V9
Baker f.) Okafor; KMV307 tweekleurboswilg (A)
Combretaceae Combretum erythrophyllum muvuvhu (V); river bushwillow (E); Tree Root and Medicine, construction and A: M1 and S1
(Burch.) Sond.; KMV457 riviervaderlandswilg (A) wood craftwork B: V10, V12, J1, V9 and
Combretaceae Combretum hereroense mudzwiri, mugavhi, musingidzi (V); Tree Fruit, root and Medicine, craftwork and A: M1 and O1
Schinz; KMV308 russet bushwillow (E); wood firewood B: V12, V9 and V4
kierieklapper (A)
Combretaceae Combretum imberbe Wawra; mudzwiri, mugeri (V); leadwood Tree Root, wood or Medicine, ritual, A: M1, O1, R3 and N1
KMV422 (E); hardekool (A) whole plant construction, craftwork and B: W1, V9, V8, P1, V12
shade and V4
Combretaceae Combretum molle R.Br. ex G. mugwiti (V); velvet bushwillow Tree Leaf, bark, Medicine, craftwork, A: A1, M1, S4, R3 and O1
Don; KMV412 (E); fluweelboswilg (A) root and construction and firewood B: V9, V12, W1, V9, P1

Please cite this article as: Magwede, K., et al., An inventory of Vhavenḓa useful plants, South African Journal of Botany (2018),
K. Magwede et al. / South African Journal of Botany xxx (2018) xxx–xxx 9

Table 1 (continued)

Family Botanical name Vernacular name Life form Part used Use category Uses
* Naturalised aliens (V) = Tshivenḓa; (E) = English; Newly recorded A: Local (Vhavenḓa) uses
(for cultivated aliens see (A) = Afrikaans uses in bold B: Uses recorded
Table: 2); New species Newly recorded names in bold elsewhere
records in bold

wood and J1
Combretaceae Combretum mossambicense muḽandou (V); knobby climbing Climber Root Magic A: M1
(Klotzsch) Engl.; KMV309 bushwillow (E); knoppiesklimop (A)
Combretaceae Combretum microphyllum mukopokopo, gopokopo, Shrub - Nectar, root Edible nectar, medicine A: A1, R2, S4, R3 and O1
Klotzsch; KMV413 bungaluselo (V); forest scrambling and wood and firewood B: V12 and V8
burning-bush (E)
Combretaceae Combretum vendae A.E.van gopokopobani, lugwiti (V); Venda Shrub Root Medicine A: K1 and O1
Wyk var. vendae; KMV401 bushwillow (E); Vendaboswilg (A)
Combretaceae Combretum zeyheri Sond.; mufhaṱelaṱhundu (V); large-fruit Tree Root, wood or Medicine, construction and A: M1, O1 and V1
KMV427 bushwillow (E); raasblaar (A) whole plant shade B: V12, V9, W1 and V4
Combretaceae Pteleopsis myrtifolia (M.A. nwanḓa (V); stink-bushwillow (E); Tree Bark and Cordage, construction and A: O1
Lawson) Engl. & Diels; stinkboswilg (A) wood firewood B: V12
Combretaceae Terminalia prunioides M.A. muṱwari (V); purple-pod Tree Fruit and Beverage (tea), craftwork, A: O1, R2 and R1
Lawson; KMV019 cluster-leaf (E); sterkbos (A) wood construction and firewood B: V9 and P1
Combretaceae Terminalia sericea Burch. ex mususu (V); silver cluster-leaf (E); Tree Bark, root and Medicine, cordage and A: A1, O1, S4, R3 and M1
DC.; KMV414 vaalboom, geelhout (A) wood craftwork B: V9, V12, V8, J1, V10
and W1
Commelinaceae Commelina benghalensis L.; damba (V); Benghal commelina Herb Leaf or aerial Vegetable and fodder A: O1 and V3
KMV415 (E); Bengaalse wandelende jood (A) parts B: V7
Commelinaceae Commelina erecta L.; damba (V); blue commelina (E); Herb Leaf or aerial Vegetable and fodder A: O1
KMV232 blouselblommetjie (A) parts
Convolvulaceae Evolvulus alsinoides (L.) L.; mukangambadzhe (V); blue haze (E) Herb Leaf Medicine A: M1 and O1
Convolvulaceae Ipomoea dichroa Choisy; tshipokoṱo (V) Climber Leaf Vegetable A: O1
Convolvulaceae Ipomoea obscura (L.) Ker muḓuhwi, mundalendale (V); wild Herb Leaf and Vegetable and edible A: M2, M1, V1, B1, S3 and
Gawl. var. obscura; MMQ018 petunia (E); wildepatat (A) caterpillar on cooked caterpillar O1
Convolvulaceae Ipomoea plebeia R.Br. subsp. muḓuhwi (V) Climbing Leaf and Vegetable and edible A: S2, B1 and O1
africana A.Meeuse; KMV470 herb caterpillar on cooked caterpillar
Convolvulaceae Jacquemontia tamnifolia (L.) tshibokoṱo (V) Creeping Leaf Vegetable A: O1
Griseb.; KMV077 herb
Crassulaceae Kalanchoe brachyloba Welw. tshinyanyu, tshirindidza (V); Herb Leaf Medicine A: O1 and R3
ex Britten; KMV290 short-lobed kalanchoe (E)
Cucurbitaceae Acanthosicyos naudinianus tshiphaswi, tshinyagu (V); wild Creeper Leaf Vegetable A: O1
(Sond.) C.Jeffrey; KMV503 watermelon (E);
wildewaatlemoen (A)
Cucurbitaceae Citrullus lanatus (Thunb.) mutshatsha (V); bitter melon (E); Herb Fruit and leaf Edible fruit and vegetable A: O1, V2 and S2
Matsum. & Nakai; KMV417 bitterappel (A) B: V8 and V6
Cucurbitaceae Coccinia rehmannii Cogn.; tshifhafhe (V); wild cucumber (E) Climber Leaf and root Vegetable and medicine A: V3 and O1
KMV091 tuber
Cucurbitaceae Cucumis africanus L.f.; tshinyagu (V); wild cucumber (E); Herb Leaf and seed Vegetable and medicine A: M1, M2, S2 and O1
MMQ017 wildeagurkie (A) B: W1
Cucurbitaceae Cucumis anguria L. var. muṱhangavhavhe, tshiphaswi, Herb Leaf and seed Vegetable and medicine A: O1
longaculeatus J.H.Kirkbr.; tshinyagu (V); gooseberry gourd, B: V6
KMV311 gherkin (E); agurkie (A)
Cucurbitaceae Cucumis metuliferus E.Mey. tshithangavhavhe, tshinyagu (V); Herb Leaf Vegetable A: O1
ex Naudin; KMV437 african horned cucumber (E); B: V6
rooikomkommer (A)
Cucurbitaceae Cucumis myriocarpus tshinyagu (V); wild cucumber (E); Herb Leaf and fruit Vegetable and medicine A: O1
Naudin subsp. myriocarpus; wildekomkommer (A)
Cucurbitaceae Cucumis zeyheri Sond.; tshinyagu, tshithangavhavhe, Herb Leaf and seed Vegetable and medicine A: O1, V3 and S2
KMV418 gumutsha (V); wild cucumber (E);
wildekomkommer (A)
Cucurbitaceae Lagenaria siceraria (Molin) muphapha, mukumbu (V); african Herb Leaf and fruit Vegetable, edible cooked A: O1, S1, S2, V2 and V1
Standl.; KMV411 calabash (E); marakka (A) fruit and craftwork B: V8, V9 and V6
Cucurbitaceae Momordica balsamina Wall.; tshibavhe, lukake (V); balsam apple Herb Leaf Vegetable and medicine A: M1, M2, S2, B1, V2, S3,
KMV504 (E); aloentjie (A) V3 and O1
B: V8
Cucurbitaceae Momordica boivinii Baill.; mbandatshilale, nyapiringulule, Herb Leaf Medicine A: M1, V1 and O1
KMV312 tshifhafhe, tshilungamuṋo (V)
Cucurbitaceae *Momordica charantia L.; lubavhe, tshibavhe, lugulusekene, Herb Leaf Medicine and vegetable A: O1, B1 and S2
KMV455 nngutshiphaswi (V); B: V6
balsam pear (E)
Cucurbitaceae Momordica foetida nngu (V); gifappel (E); Herb Leaf Medicine and vegetable A: M1, M2, B1, S3 and O1
Schumach.; KMV506 gifappeltjie (A)
Cupressaceae Widdringtonia nodiflora (L.) ṱhaululo (V); mountain cypress (E); Shrub Root and Medicine, magic and A: O1 and M1
Powrie; KMV419 bergsipres (A) wood construction

(continued on next page)

Please cite this article as: Magwede, K., et al., An inventory of Vhavenḓa useful plants, South African Journal of Botany (2018),
10 K. Magwede et al. / South African Journal of Botany xxx (2018) xxx–xxx

Table 1 (continued)

Family Botanical name Vernacular name Life form Part used Use category Uses
* Naturalised aliens (V) = Tshivenḓa; (E) = English; Newly recorded A: Local (Vhavenḓa) uses
(for cultivated aliens see (A) = Afrikaans uses in bold B: Uses recorded
Table: 2); New species Newly recorded names in bold elsewhere
records in bold

Cyperaceae Cyperus esculentus Vahl ex ngowe (V); yellow nut sedge (E); Sedge Corn Edible corn A: M1 and O1
Kunth; KMV236 geeluintjie (A) B: V6
Cyperaceae Cyperus latifolius Poir.; dzhesi (V) Sedge Leaf Craftwork and construction A: M1 and O1
Cyperaceae Cyperus sexangularis Nees; muṱaṱe (V); star sedge (E); Sedge Leaf or whole Craftwork, construction and A: M1, S1 and O1
KMV313 matjiesgoed (A) plant ornamental
Didiereaceae Portulacaria afra Jacq.; tshirindidza (V); elephant food (E); Shrub Leaf Medicine A: O1
KMV459 olifantskos, soetspekboom (A)
Dioscoreaceae Dioscorea dregeana (Kunth) gambampengo, mukamba (V); Climber- Tuber Medicine A: O1
T.Durand & Schinz; KMV 460 wild yam (E) herb
Ebenaceae Diospyros lycioides Desf. muṱhala (V); karoo blue bush, Shrub Fruit, twig, Edible fruit, toothbrush, A: R1, M1, A1, S1, R3 and
subsp. lycioides; KMV012 bluebush star-apple (E); bloubos (A) bark and root medicine, and tanning dye O1
B: V9
Ebenaceae Diospyros mespiliformis musuma, mutsuma (V); Tree Fruit, root and Edible fruit, beverage, A: M1, N1, R2, R1, A1, R3
Hochst. ex A.DC.; KMV314 jackal-berry, african ebony (E); wood medicine, dye, craftwork, and O1
jakkalsbessie (A) construction and firewood B: W1, P1, V12, V9, V4
and V8
Ebenaceae Diospyros whyteana (Hiern) F. munyavhili, mwanḓa (V); bladder-nut Shrub Seed, leaf, Medicine and firewood A: M1, M5 and O1
White; KMV428 (E); bostolbos, swartbas (A) root and B: V4, V9 and J1
Ebenaceae Euclea crispa (Thunb.) Gürke muṱangulenyele (V); blue guarri Shrub Fruit and root Edible fruit and medicine A: O1
subsp. crispa; KMV450 (E); bosghwarrie (A) B: V9
Ebenaceae Euclea divinorum Hiern; muṱangule (V); magic guarri (E); Shrub Fruit, Edible fruit, beverage, A: M1, R1 and O1
KMV238 towerghwarrie (A) caterpillars, edible caterpillar, craftwork, B: M1, W1, V12, V9 and
bark, root and medicine and toothbrush P1
Ebenaceae Euclea linearis Zeyh. ex Hiern; luṱangule, muṱangulemusekene, Shrub Root and twig Medicine and toothbrush A: M1
KMV417 mukwatikwati (V); lance-leaved
guarri (E); smalblaarghwarrie (A)
Ebenaceae Euclea natalensis A.DC. subsp. muṱangulethavha, mungulenyele Tree Fruit, Edible fruit, edible A: A1, N1, O1 and M1
natalensis; KMV239 (V); hairyleaved guarri (E); caterpillar on caterpillar, dye, medicine B: V12, V8 and J1
bergghwarrie (A) leaf, bark, and toothbrush
root and twig
Equisetaceae Equisetum ramosissimum vhulungwane (V) Herb Whole plant Medicine A: M1
Desf. subsp. ramosissimum;
Euphorbiaceae Acalypha indica L. var. thaiyakhomba (V); indian girl (E) Herb Leaf or aerial Medicine A: O1
indica; KMV482 parts
Euphorbiaceae Alchornea laxiflora Pax & K. mubvamalofha, murundamalofha Shrub Root Medicine A: O1
Hoffm.; KMV240 (V); Venda beadstring (E);
Vendakralesnoer (A)
Euphorbiaceae Croton gratissimus Burch. var. mufhorola, mukavhamahunguvhu, Tree Leaf, bark and Medicine and construction A: M1 and O1
gratissimus; KMV241 mushashaṋawa, nyapinduka, wood B: V12, V9 and W1
muthathakhumbi, mafinyingule,
masunungule, nyasingiriṱane (V);
lavender croton (E);
laventelkoorsbessie (A)
Euphorbiaceae Croton megalobotrys Müll. muruthu (V); fever-berry (E); Tree Fruit shells Medicine, magic and fish A: M1, V1, S1, N1, A1 and
Arg; KMV318 grootkoorsbessie (A) and bark poison O1
B: V12, W1, V4, V9 and
Euphorbiaceae Croton pseudopulchellus nyasimbiṱane (V); small lavender Shrub Leaf and bark Medicine A: O1
Pax; KMV343 fever-berry (E);
klein-laventelkoorsbessie (A)
Euphorbiaceae Croton sylvaticus Hochst.; muḽathoho, mugubisa, Tree Bark Medicine A: O1
KMV358 muimavanda (V); forest B: V9
fever-berry (E); boskoorsbessie (A)
Euphorbiaceae Euphorbia confinalis R.A. mukonde (V); lebombo euphorbia Tree Root and Medicine, birdlime and A: O1
Dyer; KMV463 (E); Lebombonaboom (A) latex fish poison
Euphorbiaceae Euphorbia cooperi N.E.Br. ex A. tshikondengala (V); bushveld Tree Root and Medicine, birdlime and fish A: S1, O1 and A1
Berger; KMV430 candelabra tree (E); noorsdoring (A) latex poison
Euphorbiaceae Euphorbia cupularis (Boiss.) muswoswo (V); dead-man's tree Shrub Leaf and latex Medicine A: M1, N1, L1, O1, V1, S1,
L.C.Wheeler; KMV014 (E); dooimansboom (A) A1, R3 and M4
B: W1, W2 and V5
Euphorbiaceae Euphorbia ingens E.Mey. ex mukonde, mukondevenda (V); Tree Bark, root and Medicine and birdlime A: O1, A1 and M1
Boiss.; KMV431 giant euphorbia (E); naboom (A) latex B: V8, J1, P1, W1 and V9
Euphorbiaceae *Euphorbia hirta L.; KMV319 tsheṋe (V); red milkweed, asthma Herb Aerial parts Medicine A: O1
weed (E); bloubekruip,
rooimelkkruid (A)
Euphorbiaceae Euphorbia tirucalli L.; muṱungu (V); rubber-hedge Tree Whole plant Medicine and live fence A: M1 and O1
KMV242 euphorbia (E); kraalmelkbos (A) B: V12, J1 and V9

Please cite this article as: Magwede, K., et al., An inventory of Vhavenḓa useful plants, South African Journal of Botany (2018),
K. Magwede et al. / South African Journal of Botany xxx (2018) xxx–xxx 11

Table 1 (continued)

Family Botanical name Vernacular name Life form Part used Use category Uses
* Naturalised aliens (V) = Tshivenḓa; (E) = English; Newly recorded A: Local (Vhavenḓa) uses
(for cultivated aliens see (A) = Afrikaans uses in bold B: Uses recorded
Table: 2); New species Newly recorded names in bold elsewhere
records in bold

Euphorbiaceae Erythrococca menyharthii tshinzie (V); northern red-berry Shrub Fruit and leaf Edible fruit and vegetable A: O1
(Pax) Prain; KMV432 (E); noordelike rooibessie (A) B: P1
Euphorbiaceae *Jatropha curcas L.; KMV437 mupfuredonga (V); physic nut, Shrub Latex, seed oil Medicine A: M4 and O1
big-purge nut (E); purgeerboontjie (A) and root B: V8, V10, W1, V5 and
Euphorbiaceae Jatropha latifolia Pax; tshipfure (V) Shrub Root Medicine A: O1 and R2
Euphorbiaceae Jatropha spicata Pax; muxwatu (V); rock jatropha (E) Shrub Sap or latex Medicine A: O1
Euphorbiaceae Jatropha zeyheri Sond.; thundamali, khwingwili (V); Herb Tuber Medicine A: O1
KMV320 verfbol (A) B: V8
Euphorbiaceae *Ricinus communis L. var. mupfure (V); castor-oil tree (E); Shrub Leaf, seed oil Medicine A: M1, S6, V1, R3 and A1
communis; KMV244 kasterolieboom (A) and root B: V10, V11, W2, V5 and
Euphorbiaceae Spirostachys africana Sond.; muonze (V); tamboti (E); Tree Seed oil, bark, Medicine and fish poison A: A1, M4, O1, M1, V1, R3
KMV024 tambotie (A) and wood and N1
B: V12, V8, V4, V9, W1,
V5 and P1
Euphorbiaceae Tragia dioica Sond.; MMQ043 mbuwambuwane (V); Herb Leaf Vegetable A: M2 and M1
brandnetel (A)
Euphorbiaceae Tragia rupestris Sond.; tshitondovhe (V); brandnetel (A) Herb Flowers and Medicine A: M1 and O1
KMV409 fruit
Fabaceae Afzelia quanzensis Oliv.; muṱokoṱa (V); pod-mahogany (E); Tree Fruit, bark, Snuff ingredient, mukango A: A1, O1, S4, R3 and S1
KMV440 peulmahonie (A) root, wood or (cooking soda), medicine, B: V12, V4 and V9
whole plant craftwork, firewood and
Fabaceae Albizia adianthifolia muelela, muvhanḓangoma (V); Tree Leaf, bark, Fodder, medicine, A: M1, V1, A1 and O1
(Schumach.) W.Wight var. rough-barked flatcrown (E); root, wood or craftwork, construction, B: V12, V9, V10, V4, J1
adianthifolia; KMV441 platkroon (A) whole plant firewood, shade and and V8
Fabaceae Albizia anthelmintica (A.Rich.) muime, mupalakhwali, Tree Bark and root Medicine A: A1, R3
Brongn.; KMV322 mukuvhavhanḓinḓa (V); B: P1, V12, V10, V9 and
worm-cure albizia (E); V8
wurmbasvalsdoring (A)
Fabaceae Albizia brevifolia Schinz; mupalakhwali, mutsiḽari (V); rock Tree Fruit, leaf and Medicine A: O1, M1 and A1
KMV323 false-thorn (E); rotsvalsdoring (A) root B: W1
Fabaceae Albizia forbesii Benth.; mupfumbadzi (V); broad-pod Tree Bark and Cordage and firewood A: O1
KMV480 albizia (E); breëpeulvalsdoring (A) wood B: V12
Fabaceae Albizia tanganyicensis Baker f. mulelu, munungufhefhe (V); Tree Bark Medicine A: A1 and O1
subsp. tanganyicensis; paperbark false thorn (E); B: V4 and J1
KMV402 papierbasvalsdoring (A)
Fabaceae Albizia versicolor Welw. ex muṱambapfunda, muvhambangoma Tree Bark, root and Medicine, cordage, soap A: M1, S4 and O1
Oliv.; KMV442 (V); large-leaved albizia (E); wood substitute and craftwork B: V12, V4, J1, V8 and V9
grootblaarvalsdoring (A)
Fabaceae *Arachis hypogaea L.; KMV443 nḓuhu, nḓuhumange (V); ground Herb Seed or whole Edible seed, condiment and A: O1, S2 and V1
nut (E); grondboontjie (A) plant fodder B: V6 and V8
Fabaceae Bauhinia galpinii N.E.Br.; mutswiriri (V); pride-of-De Kaap Shrub Bark, root, Medicine, construction and A: M1, A1 and O1
KMV247 (E); vlam-van-die-vlakte (A) sapling or ornamental B: V8 and V4
whole plant
Fabaceae Bolusanthus speciosus (Bolus) mukamba, muswingaphala (V); tree Tree Bark, root, Medicine, craftwork, A: O1, M1, L1 and V1
Harms; KMV248 wistaria (E); vanwykshout (A) wood or construction, shade and B: V4, V9, P1, V12 and J1
whole plant ornamental
Fabaceae Burkea africana Hook.; mufhulu (V); wild-seringa (E); Tree Caterpillar, Edible caterpillar, medicine, A: M1, S1, V1, M5 and O1
KMV427 wildesering (A) bark and construction and firewood B: W1, P1, V12, V8, P1
wood and V9
Fabaceae *Caesalpinia decapetala luanakha (V); Mauritius-thorn (E); Shrub Fruit sap, seed Adhesive, glue, soap A: O1, V1 and S6
(Roth) Alston; KMV491 kraaldoring (A) or whole substitute, medicine and B: B2 and P1
plant live fence
Fabaceae *Cajanus cajan (L.) Druce; munḓodzi (V); pigeon pea (E); Shrub Fruit Cooked edible seed A: M1, V1 and O1
KMV413 duiwe-ertjie (A) B: V8 and V6
Fabaceae Cassia abbreviata subsp. muṋembeṋembe, mulambadivhu, Tree Root Medicine A: M1, M4, R2, R3 and O1
beareana (Holmes) Brenan; muboma, mulumaṋama (V); B: P1, V12, W1, J1 and V9
KMV325 long-tail cassia (E); sambokpeul (A)
Fabaceae Colophospermum mopane (J. mupani, muṱanari (V); mopane (E); Tree Caterpillar on Edible caterpillar, fodder, A: A1, N1, S1, R1, M1 and
Kirk. ex Benth.) J.Leonard; mopanie (A) leaf, twig, bark, toothbrush, medicine, O1
KMV492 root and wood construction and firewood B: V9, V8, P1 and W1
Fabaceae Crotalaria capensis Baker; murundelatshotshi, mulambabea, Shrub Root Medicine A: M1
KMV444 nḓuhushango (V); ear rattle-pod
(E) klapperpeul (A)
Fabaceae Dalbergia melanoxylon Guill. muuluri, muhuluri (V); zebrawood Tree Bark, root and Medicine and craftwork A: M1, O1, V1, A1, S4 and
& Perr.; KMV249 (E); sebrahout (A) wood N1

(continued on next page)

Please cite this article as: Magwede, K., et al., An inventory of Vhavenḓa useful plants, South African Journal of Botany (2018),
12 K. Magwede et al. / South African Journal of Botany xxx (2018) xxx–xxx

Table 1 (continued)

Family Botanical name Vernacular name Life form Part used Use category Uses
* Naturalised aliens (V) = Tshivenḓa; (E) = English; Newly recorded A: Local (Vhavenḓa) uses
(for cultivated aliens see (A) = Afrikaans uses in bold B: Uses recorded
Table: 2); New species Newly recorded names in bold elsewhere
records in bold

B: V12, V8, P1 and W1

Fabaceae Dalbergia nitidula Guill. & musinḓe (V); purplewood flat-bean Tree Wood Construction and craftwork A: O1 and V1
Perr.; KMV466 (E); pershoutplatboontjie (A) B: V8 and W1
Fabaceae Dichrostachys cinerea (L.) murenzhe (V); sickle bush (E); Shrub Fruit, leaf, Fodder, magic, medicine, A: M1, O1, A1, S4 and O1
Wight & Arn. subsp. africana sekelbos (A) parasitic plant, cordage, construction, B: V12, V9, V4, P1, J1 and
Brenan & Brummitt var. bark, root and craftwork and firewood V8
africana; KMV493 wood
Fabaceae Elephantorrhiza burkei Benth.; gumululo, musesekufa, tshisesevhufa, Shrub Bark and Medicine A: A1, M5, O1, R2, R3 and
KMV250 tshisesethavha, tshisesana, tuber L1
gumbathakha, gumbavhufa, B: P1 and V4
gumbaufa (V); sumach bean,
elephant-root (E); basboontjie (A)
Fabaceae Elephantorrhiza elephantina gumululo, musesekufa, tshisesana, Shrub Tuber Medicine A: M1, M4 and O1
(Burch.) Skeels; KMV021 gumbathakha (V); sumach bean, B: W1 and V10
dwarf elephant-root (E);
elandsboontjie (A)
Fabaceae Erythrina lysistemon Hutch.; muvhale (V); sacred coral-tree (E); Tree Leaf, bark or Medicine, live fence, A: M1, M4 and O1
KMV009 gewone koraalboom (A) whole plant ornamental and shade B: V12, V10, V9, P1, J1, V8
and V4
Fabaceae Faidherbia albida (Delile) A. muhoṱo (V); ana-tree (E); Tree Fruit, leaf, Fodder, medicine and A: M1 and O1
Chev.; KMV251 anaboom (A) bark and root shade B: V12, V9, V4 and W1
Fabaceae Indigofera arrecta Hochst. ex muswiswa, mualigatsibi, Shrub Root Medicine and dye A: M1 and A1
A.Rich.; KMV445 mpindukwa (V); Natal indigo (E); B: V8
verfbossie (A)
Fabaceae Millettia stuhlmannii Taub.; muangaila (V); panga-panga (E); Tree Root Medicine and magic A: M1, A1 and O1
KMV494 patryshout (A) B: V12 and V9
Fabaceae *Mimosa pigra L.; KMV361 mushona (V); giant sensitive Tree Leaf and root Medicine A: O1
tree (E)
Fabaceae Mucuna coriacea Baker subsp. vhulada (V); hellfire bean (E); Climber Root Medicine A: M1
irritans (Burtt Davy) Verdc.; brandboontjie (A)
Fabaceae Mundulea sericea (Willd.) A. mukundanḓou (V); cork-bush (E); Shrub Leaf, twig, Medicine and fish poison A: A1, O1, M1, S1, R3 and
Chev. subsp. sericea; KMV252 kurkbos (A) bark and root N1
B: V8, W2, V9 and J1
Fabaceae Ormocarpum trichocarpum mugogodwane, mukundandou (V); Herb Leaf, fruit and Magic and toy A: M1
(Taub.) Engl.; KMV446 caterpillar pod (E); rusperboontjie (A) wood B: V9
Fabaceae Peltophorum africanum Sond.; musese (V); african-wattle (E); Tree Leaf, root, Medicine, cordage, A: M1, A1, O1, S1, S4 and
KMV016 huilboom (A) bark and craftwork and firewood N1
wood B: V12, V4, V9, W1, J1
and V8
Fabaceae Philenoptera violacea mufhanda (V); apple-leaf (E); Tree Leaf, bark, Medicine, magic, craftwork A: O1, M4, V1, R2, R3 and
(Klotzsch) Schrire; KMV020 appelblaar (A) root and and construction A1
wood B: V4, V12 and J1
Fabaceae Piliostigma thonningii mokolokoṱe (V); camels-foot (E); Tree Fruit, bark, Edible fruit, famine food, A: M1, A1, B1, S3 and O1
(Schumach.) Milne-Redh.; kameelspoor (A) leaf and root cordage and medicine B: V12, V4, W1 and V9
Fabaceae Pterocarpus angolensis DC.; mutondo (V); Transvaal teak (E); Tree Fruit, bark, Medicine, magic, craftwork A: L1, M1, A1, R2, R3 and
KMV010 kiaat (A) sap, root and and construction O1
wood B: V12, V9, W1, J1, V8
and V4
Fabaceae Pterocarpus rotundifolius muhaṱaha, mushushaphongwe (V); Tree Leaf, bark and Medicine, craftwork and A: O1, R3 and M5
(Sond.) Druce subsp. round-leaved bloodwood (E); wood general construction B: V4, V9, V12 and J1
rotundifolius; KMV447 dopperkiaat (A)
Fabaceae Rhynchosia komatiensis murundamali (V) Climber Root Medicine A: R2 and R3
Harms; KMV015
Fabaceae Rhynchosia vendae C.H.Stirt.; musivha, liṱo, maṱo (V) Herb - Root tuber Medicine A: O1
KMV435 climber
Fabaceae *Senna septemtrionalis (Viv.) muḓuwishango (V); avaram (E) Shrub Leaf Medicine A: M5
Irwin & Barneby; KMV495
Fabaceae *Senna didymobotrya vhuṱungu, vhuṱunguhaṋowa, Shrub Aerial parts Medicine A: O1
(Fresenius) H.S. Irwin & mutsheketsheke (V); peanut butter
Barneby; KMV254 cassia (E);
grondboontjiebotter-cassia (A)
Fabaceae Senna italica Mill. subsp. mutsheketsheke, muḓuwaḓuwane Shrub Leaf and root Medicine A: O1, M6, R3 and R2
arachoides (Burch.) Lock; (V); eland's pea (E); wilde ertjie (A)
Fabaceae *Senna obtusifolia (L.) H.S. mutsheketsheke, muyekeyeke (V); Herb Root Medicine A: M4 and M3
Irwin & Barneby; KMV403 coffeeweed (E)
Fabaceae *Senna occidentalis (L.) Link; mutsheketsheke (V); Shrub Aerial parts Medicine A: O1 and R3
KMV467 stinking-weed (E)
Fabaceae Senna petersiana (Bolle) Lock; mulambadivhu, muṋembeṋembe, Shrub Fruit, bark Edible fruit and medicine A: M1, N1, A1, M5, L1, R2,

Please cite this article as: Magwede, K., et al., An inventory of Vhavenḓa useful plants, South African Journal of Botany (2018),
K. Magwede et al. / South African Journal of Botany xxx (2018) xxx–xxx 13

Table 1 (continued)

Family Botanical name Vernacular name Life form Part used Use category Uses
* Naturalised aliens (V) = Tshivenḓa; (E) = English; Newly recorded A: Local (Vhavenḓa) uses
(for cultivated aliens see (A) = Afrikaans uses in bold B: Uses recorded
Table: 2); New species Newly recorded names in bold elsewhere
records in bold

KMV404 gonela (V); monkey pod (E); and root M6, R3 and O1
apiespeul (A) B: V12 and P1
Fabaceae Senegalia ataxacantha (DC.) muluwa, tshikwalo (V); flame thorn Tree Root and Medicine, craftwork, A: M1, N1, V1, S1 and O1
Kyal. & Boatwr.; KMV438 (E); vlamdoring (A) wood construction and firewood B: V8 and V9
Fabaceae Senegalia burkei (Benth.) munanga (V); black monkey thorn Tree Leaf and Construction and firewood A: M1 and O1
Kyal. & Boatwr.; KMV245 (E); swartapiesdoring (A) wood B: V12
Fabaceae Senegalia caffra (Thunb.) murovhambaḓo (V); common hook Tree Leaf and Medicine, construction and A: M5 and O1
P.J.H.Hurter & Mabb.; thorn (E); gewone haakdoring (A) wood firewood B: V12, V9 and V4
Fabaceae Senegalia nigrescens (Oliv.) tshiṋangana, tshiṋangaphele (V); Tree Fruit and Fodder, construction and A: M1, and O1
P.J.H.Hurter; KMV321 knob thorn (E); knoppiesdoring (A) wood firewood B: V4, J1 and V9
Fabaceae Schotia brachypetala Sond.; mulubi, muṋunzwu, mulunzwu (V); Tree Nectar, bark, Edible flower nectar, A: M1, O1, A1, R2, R3 and
KMV448 weeping boer-bean (E); wood or medicine, craftwork, N1
huilboerboom (A) whole plant firewood, shade and B: V12, V9, W1, P1 and
ornamental V4
Fabaceae Sesbania sesban (L.) Merr. mugunwa (V); frother, river bean Herb Leaf Soap substitute A: O1 and V1
subsp. sesban; KMV468 (E); rivierboontjie (A)
Fabaceae Tylosema fassoglensis mutama (V); creeping bauhinia (E); Shrub Fruit shells Craftwork and medicine A: A1 and O1
(Kotschy) Torre & Hillc.; gemsbokboontjie (A) and root
Fabaceae Tephrosia zoutpansbergensis murumbulashedo (V) Shrub Root Medicine A: O1
Bremek.; KMV364
Fabaceae Vachellia erioloba (E.Mey.) musivhiṱha (V); camel thorn (E); Tree Wood or Craftwork, firewood and A: O1
P.J.H.Hurter; KMV426 kameeldoring (A) whole plant shade B: J1 and V8
Fabaceae Vachellia karroo (Hayne) muunga, mupfamutshena (V); Tree Gum, fruit, Edible gum, medicine, A: M1, A1 and O1
Banfi & Gallaso; KMV490 sweet thorn, white-thorn (E); wood or fodder, firewood, B: V12, V10, V4, J1, V8,
witdoring, soetdoring (A) whole plant ornamental and shade V9 and W1
Fabaceae Vachellia nilotica (L.) P.J.H. musu, muswu, (V); scented-pod Tree Gum, fruit Edible gum, fodder, A: O1
Hurter & Mabb. subsp. (E); lekkerruikpeul (A) and wood firewood and construction B: V9
kraussiana (Benth.) Kyal. &
Boatwr.; KMV443
Fabaceae Vachellia rehmanniana musivhiṱha (V); silky thorn (E); Tree Bark and Cordage and firewood A: O1
(Schinz) Kyal. & Boatwr.; sydoring (A) wood B: V9
Fabaceae Vachellia robusta (Burch.) muvumbangweṋa (V); robust Tree Bark, root and Medicine and firewood A: O1
Kyal. & Boatwr. subsp. thorn, brack thorn (E); brakdoring (A) wood
robusta; KMV446
Fabaceae Vachellia tortilis (Forssk.) musu, muswu, muungakhanga (V); Tree Gum, fruit, Edible gum, fodder, A: M1 and O1
Gallaso & Banfi subsp. umbrella thorn (E); tafelboom, bark, wood or cordage, construction, B: V4, J1 and V9
heteracantha (Burch.) Kyal. & withaakdoring (A) whole plant firewood and shade
Boatwr.; KMV246
Fabaceae Vachellia xanthophloea muungangweṋa, munzhelenga (V); Tree Bark, root and Medicine and ornamental A: O1 and R3
(Benth.) P.J.H.Hurter; fevertree thorn (E); whole tree B: V9
KMV447 geeldoringboom, koorsboom (A)
Fabaceae Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walp. muṋawa (V); cow pea (E) Herb Leaf and seed Medicine and vegetable A: M2, S2, B1, V2 and O1
subsp. unguiculata; MMQ027 B: V8 and V6
Fabaceae Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walp. tshiṋawana (V); wild cow pea (E) Creeper Leaf Vegetable A; O1
subsp. dekindtiana (Harms)
Verdc.; KMV493
Fabaceae Vigna vexillata (L.) A.Rich. var. musivha, mukundulela, muṋawana Herb Tuber Famine food A: M1
vexillata; KMV256 (V); narrow-leaved wild sweetpea
(E); wilde-ertjie (A)
Fabaceae Zornia milneana Mohlenbr.; lukandululo (V); caterpillar bean (E) Herb Whole plant Medicine A: S5
Fabaceae Xanthocercis zambesiaca mutshato (V); nyala tree (E); Tree Fruit, bark Famine food, medicine and A: M4, L1 and O1
(Baker) Dumaz-le-Grand; njalaboom (A) and wood construction B: P1, J1, V9 and V12
Gentianaceae Anthocleista grandiflora Gilg;
muenene, muphophamaḓi, gaululo Tree Leaf and bark Medicine A: M1 and A1
KMV275 (V); forest big-leaf (E); B: V12, V4 and V9
grootblaarboom (A)
Gunneraceae Gunnera perpensa L.; KMV431 shamboḓavhadzimu (V); wild Herb Leaf, flower Vegetable, medicine and A: M1, R3 and O1
rhubarb (E); wilderabarber (A) stalks, stem magic B: V8, V12, W1 and J1
and rhizome
Hernandiaceae Gyrocarpus americanus Jacq. mudzhoudzhou (V); propeller-tree Tree Bark, latex Medicine A: A1, S4 and O1
subsp. africanus Kubitzki; (E); helikopterboom (A) and root B: V12
KMV 276
Hyacinthaceae Drimia sanguinea (Schinz) tshigaṋame (V); rooislangkop (A) Herb Bulb Medicine A: O1
Jessop; KMV277 B: V8
Hyacinthaceae Drimia sp. Ramovha 199 tshiganama (V) Herb Tuber Medicine A: R3
Hyacinthaceae Eucomis autumnalis (Mill.) mathuvhazwoṱhe (V); pineapple Herb Tuber or Medicine and ornamental A: O1
Chitt.; KMV414 flower (E); wilde pynappel (A) whole plant B: V8, V10, W1 and J1

(continued on next page)

Please cite this article as: Magwede, K., et al., An inventory of Vhavenḓa useful plants, South African Journal of Botany (2018),
14 K. Magwede et al. / South African Journal of Botany xxx (2018) xxx–xxx

Table 1 (continued)

Family Botanical name Vernacular name Life form Part used Use category Uses
* Naturalised aliens (V) = Tshivenḓa; (E) = English; Newly recorded A: Local (Vhavenḓa) uses
(for cultivated aliens see (A) = Afrikaans uses in bold B: Uses recorded
Table: 2); New species Newly recorded names in bold elsewhere
records in bold

Heteropyxidaceae Heteropyxis natalensis Harv.; mudedede, munukhavhaloi, Tree Leaf, twig, Medicine and firewood A: O1, S1 and A1
KMV472 mutopitopi (V); lavender-tree (E); root and B: V12, J1, V10, V4, V9
laventelboom (A) wood and V8
Hypoxidaceae Hypoxis hemerocallidea thidigwane (V); star flower, african Herb Tuber Medicine A: O1
Fisch., C.A.Mey. & Avé-Lall.; potato (E); sterblom (A) B: V10, V11 and V8
Icacinaceae Apodytes dimidiata E.Mey. muphophamaḓi, tshiphophamaḓi Tree Root and leaf Medicine A: O1
ex Arn. subsp. dimidiata; (V); white-pear (E); witpeer (A) B: P1
Icacinaceae Pyrenacantha grandiflora bwere, mudzamanga, Climber Root Medicine and magic A: S1, M1 and O1
Baill.; KMV258 tshidzamanga, vuḽavhasheka (V)
Icacinaceae Pyrenacantha kaurabassana galange (V) Creeper Tuber and leaf Medicine and vegetable A: O1
Baill.; KMV391
Iridaceae Gladiolus dalenii Van Geel phendephende (V); wild gladiolus, Herb Leaf and bulb Medicine A: A1, O1 and L1
subsp. dalenii; KMV497 African gladiolus, Natal lily (E); B: J1
wildeswaardlelie, papegaaigladiolus (A)
Kirkiaceae Kirkia acuminata Oliv.; mubvumela (V); white seringa (E); Tree Bark Medicine A: O1
KMV455 witsering (A) B: V9
Lamiaceae Acrotome inflata Benth.; mpuyuyu (V); tumble Weed (E); Herb Leaf Medicine A: O1 and M1
KMV260 tolbossie (A)
Lamiaceae Hoslundia opposita Vahl; Tshivhuvhudzi (V), butter berry (E) Herb Fruit and Edible fruit and vegetable A: O1
KMV530 leaves
Lamiaceae Leonotis leonurus (L.) R. Br.; muṋunzu (V); wilde dagga, Herb Flower nectar Medicine and edible nectar A: O1
KMV291 narrow-leaved leonotis (E); and leaf B: V8, W1, V10 and J1
wildedagga (A)
Lamiaceae Leonotis ocymifolia (Burm.f.) muṋunzu (V); minaret flower (E); Herb Nectar Edible nectar A: M1 and O1
Iwarsson; KMV450 rooidagga, wildedagga (A)
Lamiaceae Ocimum americanum L. var. bunganyunyu (V); wild basil (E) Herb Leaf Medicine and insect A: A1, M1, V1, V3 and O1
americanum; KMV292 repellent
Lamiaceae Plectranthus laxiflorus Benth.; bunganyunyu, sinḓambudzi (V); Herb Leaf Medicine and insect A: M1, A1 and O1
KMV297 citronella Spur-flower (E) repellent
sitronellamuishondblaar (A)
Lamiaceae Vitex ferruginea Schumach. mutsikidzi, mupfulupfumbu, Shrub Fruit Edible fruit A: O1
& Thonn.; KMV473 mupfumbupfumbu (V); plum
fingerleaf (E); pruimvingerblaar (A)
Lamiaceae Volkameria glabra (E.Mey.) munukhatshilongwe, mukwatikwati Tree Leaf, root and Medicine and construction A: A1, O1 and M1
Mabb. & Y.W.Yuan; KMV259 (V); smooth tinderwood (E); wood B: J1
stinkboom (A)
Lauraceae Cassytha filiformis Thunb.; luangalala, luendatadulu (V); love Climber Aerial parts Medicine and magic A: M4, M1, L1, A1 and O1
KMV023 vine, false dodder (E); nooienshaar, and root
vrouehaar (A)
Loganiaceae Strychnos cocculoides Baker; mukudubu (V); corky Tree Fruit and Edible fruit and firewood A: O1
KMV434 monkey-orange (E); wood B: V9
kurkbasklapper (A)
Loganiaceae Strychnos decussata (Pappe) mukangala (V); Cape-teak (E); Tree Bark and root Medicine and magic A: M1, O1, S1, S4 and A1
Gilg; KMV261 Kaapse kiaat (A) B: V12, V9 and P1
Loganiaceae Strychnos henningsii Gilg muvhavhanyane (V) Tree Leaf, bark and Medicine A: R3
Ramovha 128 root
Loganiaceae Strychnos madagascariensis mukwakwa (V); black Tree Fruit, bark Medicine and firewood A: M1, N1, A1, M5 and O1
Poir.; KMV296 monkey-orange (E); swartklapper (A) and wood B: V12, V8, V9 and P1
Loganiaceae Strychnos potatorum L.f.; mukongovhoti (V); black Tree Bark Medicine A: M5
KMV451 bitter-berry (E); swartbitterbessie (A) B: V12
Loganiaceae Strychnos pungens Soler.; mukwakwa (V); spine-leaved Tree Fruit, leaf and Edible fruit, famine food A: O1 and M1
KMV299 monkey-orange (E); root and medicine B: V12, V8, P1 and V9
stekelblaarklapper (A)
Loganiaceae Strychnos spinosa Lam. subsp. muramba (V); spiny Tree Fruit and Edible fruit, beverage, A: V1, M1, R1, S1 and O1
spinosa; KMV262 monkey-orange (E); groenklapper wood medicine, construction, B: M1, V8, V9 and O1
(A) craftwork and firewood
Lophiocarpaceae Lophiocarpus tenuissimus tshitangwi (V); narrow-leaved Herb Leaf Vegetable A: O1
Hook.f.; KMV378 pondweed (E); fonteingras (A)
Loranthaceae Erianthemum dregei (Eckl. & tshilungwane, vhulungwane Semi- Fruit Magic and birdlime A: M1 and O1
Zeyh.) Tiegh.; KMV274 tshilingwalingwane, parasite
dzhakavhavhe (V); hairy mistletoe,
wood flower (E); voëlent (A)
Maesaceae Maesa lanceolata Forssk.; muunguri, mutibammela (V); false Tree Fruit, bark Edible fruit and medicine A: M1, O1, A1 and N1
KMV476 assegai (E); valsassegaai (A) and root B: V12 and P1
Malpighiaceae Sphedamnocarpus pruriens (A. azwiili, tsimambe (V); lesser Climber Root Medicine A: M1, A1 and O1
Juss.) Szyszyl. subsp. pruriens; moth-fruit creeper (E)
Malpighiaceae Acridocarpus natalitius A. mavhofhe, mavhophe (V); Shrub Root Medicine A: O1
Juss var. natalitius; KMV495 mothfruit (E)
Malvaceae *Abelmoschus esculentus (L.) mandande, delelemukhwayo (V); Herb Leaf Vegetable A: M2, B1 and O1

Please cite this article as: Magwede, K., et al., An inventory of Vhavenḓa useful plants, South African Journal of Botany (2018),
K. Magwede et al. / South African Journal of Botany xxx (2018) xxx–xxx 15

Table 1 (continued)

Family Botanical name Vernacular name Life form Part used Use category Uses
* Naturalised aliens (V) = Tshivenḓa; (E) = English; Newly recorded A: Local (Vhavenḓa) uses
(for cultivated aliens see (A) = Afrikaans uses in bold B: Uses recorded
Table: 2); New species Newly recorded names in bold elsewhere
records in bold

Moench. var. esculentus; lady's finger, okra (E) B: V8 and V6

Malvaceae Adansonia digitata L.; muvhuyu (V); baobab (E); Tree Leaf, fruit, Vegetable, edible fruit, A: M1, N1, R1, A1, S1, B1,
KMV070 kremetart (A) fruit shell and famine food, medicine, S3 and O1
bark cordage, craftwork, shade B: P1, V12, V8, V9, V6 and
and ornamental W1
Malvaceae Corchorus asplenifolius deleleluṋanzwanowa (V); jute plant, Herb Leaf Vegetable A: B1, V2, S3 and O1
Burch.; KMV395 gusha (E); geelvaringblaartjie (A)
Malvaceae Corchorus confusus Wild; deleleluṋanzwaṋowa (V); jute plant Herb Leaf Vegetable A: O1 and S2
KMV472 (E); varingblaartjie (A)
Malvaceae *Corchorus olitorius L. var. delelelupfumo (V); jute plant (E) Herb Leaf Vegetable A: B1, V2 and O1
olitorius; KMV436
Malvaceae Corchorus sp. Ramovha 127 mutulwi, vhushule (V) Herb Root Medicine A: R3
Malvaceae *Corchorus tridens L.; delele (V); wild jute plant (E); wilde Herb Leaf Medicine and vegetable A: M1, M2, S2, B1, V2 and
MMQ011 jute (A) O1.
B: V8
Malvaceae *Corchorus trilocularis L.; delelemukula, delele (V) Herb Leaf Vegetable A: B1, V2, S3 and O1
Malvaceae Dombeya rotundifolia tshiluvhari (V); wild-pear (E); Tree Bark, root and Medicine, cordage, A: O1, M1, R3 and R1
(Hochst.) Planch. var. wildepeer, drolpeer (A) wood craftwork and firewood B: V10, V4, J1, V9 and P1
rotundifolia; KMV363
Malvaceae Grewia bicolor Juss. var. murapfa, murabva, mutabva, Shrub Fruit, bark Edible fruit, medicine, A: M1, R2, R3 and O1
bicolor; KMV051 nyamuzwila (V); white-leaved and wood cordage, fire-making and B: P1 and V12
raisin (E); witblaarrosyntjie (A) firewood
Malvaceae Grewia flavescens Juss.; muparatsheni, mizwilaminzhi, Shrub Fruit, root and Edible fruit, medicine, A: M1 and O1
KMV364 nyamuzwila, phunzunyeke, wood construction and firewood
muparafeni, mumbudzi (V);
sandpaper raisin (E);
skurwerosyntjie (A)
Malvaceae Grewia hexamita Burret; murabvapfene, gukhuna, gukuna, Shrub Fruit and Edible fruit, construction A: M1 and O1
KMV080 mukukuna (V); gaint raisin (E); wood and firewood B: P1, V12, V4 and V9
reuserosyntjie (A)
Malvaceae Grewia microthyrsa K.Schum. mupfuka (V); sand raisin (E); Shrub Fruit, Edible fruit, edible A: M1, V1, A1 and O1
ex Burret; KMV087 sandrosyntjie (A) caterpillar, caterpillar, medicine, B: V12
root and construction and craftwork
Malvaceae Grewia monticola Sond.; murabva, murapfa (V); silver raisin Tree Fruit and Edible fruit, medicine and A: O1 and R3
KMV453 (E); vaalrosyntjiebos (A) wood craftwork B: V9
Malvaceae Grewia occidentalis L. var. mulembu, mupunzunyeke (V); Shrub Fruit, leaf, Edible fruit, vegetable, A: M1, M2, S2, B1, S3 and
occidentalis; MMQ005 cross-berry (E); kruisbessie, bark, root, medicine, construction, O1
assegaaibos (A) sapling and firewood and craftwork B: J1, P1, V4 and V9
Malvaceae Grewia villosa Willd. var. mupunzu (V); mallow raisin (E); Shrub Fruit, root and Edible fruit, medicine and A: M1, O1 and V12
villosa; KMV084 malvarosyntjie (A) sapling construction B: V12
Malvaceae Hermannia glanduligera K. manyamanye (V) Herb Root Medicine A: M1
Schum.; KMV367
Malvaceae Hibiscus nigricaulis Baker f.; mukhwayo (V) Herb Bark Cordage A: O1
Malvaceae Hibiscus praeteritus R.A.Dyer; makhuluwamutudo (V) Shrub Leaf and bark Vegetable and cordage A: M1, V1 and O1
Malvaceae Hibiscus trionum L.; MMQ012 delelemukhwayo, delelevhalemba Herb Leaf Vegetable A: M1, M2, S2 and O1
(V); bladder weed (E);
terblansbossie (A)
Malvaceae Hibiscus vitifolius L. subsp. muhwidzi, mutsembwane, Herb Root Medicine A: S1, A1, V1 and O1
vitifolius; KMV263 mutsembyane, musembane (V);
vine-leaved hibiscus (E);
wildestokroos (A)
Malvaceae *Malva parviflora L. var. tshiteaḓuvha (V); kallow (E); Herb Leaf Vegetable A: M1, M2, B1 and O1
parviflora; MMQ006b kiesieblaar (A) B: B2
Malvaceae *Malva sylvestris L.; MMQ06a tshiteaḓuvha (V); cheese weed, Herb Leaf Vegetable A: M2, B1 and O1
egyptian mallow (E) B: V11
Malvaceae Sida acuta Burm.f. subsp. delelemukula (V); taaiman (A) Herb Leaf Vegetable A: O1
acuta; KMV439
Malvaceae Sida cordifolia L. subsp. muṱuḓo, delelemukula (V); flannel Herb Bark Medicine and cordage A: M1, V1, V3 and O1
cordifolia; KMV452 weed (E); hartblaartaaiman (A) B: B2
Malvaceae Sida rhombifolia L. subsp. delelemukula, ligelegele (V); Herb Leaf Vegetable A: O1 and B1
rhombifolia; KMV473 common sida (E); taaiman (A)
Malvaceae Sterculia rogersii N.E.Br.; mukakate (V); star-chestnut (E); Tree Bark Medicine and cordage A: O1
KMV481 sterkastaiing (A)
Malvaceae Triumfetta annua L.; tshimbvumbvu, munamu (V) Herb Leaf Vegetable A: O1

(continued on next page)

Please cite this article as: Magwede, K., et al., An inventory of Vhavenḓa useful plants, South African Journal of Botany (2018),
16 K. Magwede et al. / South African Journal of Botany xxx (2018) xxx–xxx

Table 1 (continued)

Family Botanical name Vernacular name Life form Part used Use category Uses
* Naturalised aliens (V) = Tshivenḓa; (E) = English; Newly recorded A: Local (Vhavenḓa) uses
(for cultivated aliens see (A) = Afrikaans uses in bold B: Uses recorded
Table: 2); New species Newly recorded names in bold elsewhere
records in bold

Malvaceae Triumfetta pilosa Roth.; tshimbvumbvu, munamu (V) Herb Leaf Medicine A: A1
Malvaceae Triumfetta rhomboidea Jacq. mulembu (V); burrweed (E) Herb Leaf Vegetable A: O1
var. rhomboidea; KMV085 klitsbossie (A)
Malvaceae Waltheria indica L.; KMV474 delelemukula (V); meidebossie (A) Herb Leaf Vegetable A: B1, S3 and O1
Meliaceae Ekebergia capensis Sparm.; muṱobvuma, muḓouma, Tree Caterpillar, Edible caterpillar, A: M1, A1 and O1
KMV264 muzhouzhou (V); Cape-ash (E); bark and medicine, shade and B: V12, V9, V4, W1 and
essenhout (A) wood craftwork V10
Meliaceae Entandrophragma caudatum munzhounzhou (V); mountain Tree Fruit shell Toys A: M1 and O1
Sprague; KMV288 mahogany (E); bergmahonie (A)
Meliaceae *Melia azedarach L.; KMV498 muserenga (V); Persian lilac, Tree Leaf, fruit Fodder, craftwork, A: M1, S6 and O1
syringa (E); sering (A) seed, root and medicine and construction B: W2, B2, V9 and V12
Meliaceae Trichilia dregeana Sond.; muṱuhu (V); forest Tree Bark and Medicine, fish poison and A: M1, A1, V9 and O1
KMV327 Natal-mahogany (E); wood craftwork B: V8, J1, V12, V10 and
bosrooiessenhout (A) V9
Meliaceae Trichilia emetica Vahl subsp. mutshikili (V); Natal-mahogany Tree Bark, seed Medicine, vegetable A: M1, A1, O1, N1 and R1
emetica; KMV293 (E); rooiessenhout (A) arils and seed condiment, beverage (milky B: V12, V4, V9, P1 and
oil liquid from seed arils), oil W1
and polish
Meliaceae Turraea obtusifolia Hochst.; mbovane (V); small Shrub Leaf Medicine and insect A: L1
KMV265 honeysuckle-tree (E); repellent
kleinkanferfoelieboom (A)
Melianthaceae Bersama tysoniana Oliv.; sando (V); forest bersama (E); Tree Leaf, root and Medicine and magic A: M1
KMV328 boswitessenhout (A) parasite B: V12 and P1
Menispermaceae Cissampelos torulosa E.Mey. lukandululo, lukongolwanḓou, Climber Aerial parts Medicine A: M1, M5 and O1
ex Harv. & Sond.; KMV474 lubeleha, mupupuṅwa (V);
kidney-leaf (E); davidjieswortel (A)
Menispermaceae Cissampelos mucronata A. ndalunwapi (V) ivy-vine (E); Climber Root Medicine A: O1
Rich.; KMV453 davidjieswortel (A)
Menispermaceae Cocculus hirsutus (L.) Diels; muzwingo (V); bushveld Climber Leaf and stem Vegetable and cordage A: O1
KMV484 moonseed creeper (E); vine
bosveld-halfmaanranker (A)
Molluginaceae Limeum viscosum (J.Gay) tshiṱopiṱopi (V); klosaarbossie (A) Herb Leaf Vegetable A: O1 and S2
Fenzl subsp. viscosum var.
kraussii Friedrich; KMV471
Monimiaceae Xymalos monospora (Harv.) tshipengo (V); lemonwood (E); Tree Wood Craftwork and A: O1
Baill.; KMV487 borriehout (A) construction
Moraceae Ficus burkei (Miq.) Miq.; muumo (V); common wild fig. (E); Tree Fruit, latex Edible fruit, birdlime and A: M1, R1 and O1
KMV405 gewone wildevy (A) and medicine B: V4
Moraceae Ficus glumosa Delile; KMV329 tshikululu (V); african rock-fig, Tree Fruit and bark Edible fruit and medicine A: M1, J1 and O1
mountain fig. (E); berg-rotsvy, B: W1
bergvy (A)
Moraceae Ficus ingens (Miq.) Miq.; tshikululu, muumo (V); red-leaved Tree Fruit and bark Edible fruit and medicine A: M1 and O1
KMV451 fig. (E); rooiblaarvy (A) B: V9
Moraceae Ficus natalensis Hochst. subsp. muumo (V); wild fig tree, Natal fig Tree Fruit and Edible fruit and medicine A: O1
natalensis; KMV452 tree (E); wildevy, Natal-vy (A) latex B: V9
Moraceae Ficus sansibarica Warb. subsp. muṱambvu (V); knobbly fig. (E); Tree Fruit, latex, Edible fruit, birdlime, A: M1 and O1
sansibarica; KMV454 knoppiesvy (A) bark or whole medicine, ornamental and B: V4 and V9
plant shade
Moraceae Ficus sur Forssk.; KMV475 muhuyungala, mugalangafhasi (V); Tree Fruit, leaf, Edible fruit, vegetable, A: O1, S4 and A1
broom-cluster (E); besemtrosvy (A) bark and birdlime, medicine, B: V4, V9 and V12
wood cordage, craftwork,
firewood and fire-making
Moraceae Ficus sycomorus L.; KMV455 muhuyulukuse, muṱole (V); Tree Fruit, leaf, Edible fruit, vegetable, A: M1, N1, A1, S4 and O1
sycamore fig. (E); trosvy (A) latex, bark, birdlime, medicine, B: W1, V12, V9 and V4
root and cordage, craftwork,
wood firewood and fire-making
Moraceae Maclura africana (Bureau) mupulumbu (V); african Shrub Fruit Edible fruit A: M1 and O1
Corner; KMV294 osage-orange (E); B: P1 and V12
afrikasoetlemoen (A)
Moraceae *Morus alba L. var. alba; murebeila, mutebeila (V); Tree Fruit or whole Edible fruit and A: O1
KMV282 mulberry (E); moerbei (A) plant ornamental B: B2 and V6
Musaceae Ensete ventricosum (Welw.) mulolo (V); wild banana (E); Tree Fruit and leaf Famine food, cordage and A: O1, M1 and V1
Cheesman; KMV330 wildepiesang (A) craftwork B: J1
Myricaceae Morella pilulifera (Rendle) nemalondane (V) Tree Root Medicine A: R3
Killick; Ramovha 169
Myrothamnaceae Myrothamnus flabellifolius mafautshivuwa, mafavuka, Shrub Aerial parts Medicine A: M1
Welw.; KMV424 mukangambanzhe (V); resurrection B: V10 and W1
plant (E); bergboegoe (A)
Myrsinaceae Rapanea melanophloeos (L.) tshiḓiḓiri (V); Cape-beech (E); Tree Bark and Medicine and craftwork A: M1, S4 and O1

Please cite this article as: Magwede, K., et al., An inventory of Vhavenḓa useful plants, South African Journal of Botany (2018),
K. Magwede et al. / South African Journal of Botany xxx (2018) xxx–xxx 17

Table 1 (continued)

Family Botanical name Vernacular name Life form Part used Use category Uses
* Naturalised aliens (V) = Tshivenḓa; (E) = English; Newly recorded A: Local (Vhavenḓa) uses
(for cultivated aliens see (A) = Afrikaans uses in bold B: Uses recorded
Table: 2); New species Newly recorded names in bold elsewhere
records in bold

Mez.; KMV286 Kaapse boekenhout (A) wood B: V12, V4, P1 and V9

Myrtaceae *Eucalyptus grandis W.Hill ex mubomo (V); blue gum tree (E) Tree Whole plant Medicine, construction, A: S6 and O1
Maiden; KMV267 ornamental, shade and
Myrtaceae Eugenia capensis (Eckl. & tshiṱawaṱawane (V) Shrub Fruit and Edible fruit A: O1
Zeyh.) Sond.; KMV440 wood
Myrtaceae Eugenia natalitia Sond.; tshiṱawaṱawane, tshiṱulumembe, Shrub Fruit and Edible fruit, construction A: O1 and M1
KMV273 muṱulumembe (V); forest myrtle wood and craftwork
(E); bosmirt (A)
Myrtaceae *Psidium guajava L.; KMV425 mugwavha (V); guava (E); Tree Fruit, leaf, Edible fruit, medicine and A: A1 and O1
koejawel (A) root and firewood B: B2, V6, W1, V8 and V9
Myrtaceae Syzygium cordatum Hochst. muṱu (V); waterberry (E); Tree Fruit, leaf, Edible fruit, medicine, A: M1, N1, A1, S4 and O1
ex C.Krauss subsp. cordatum; waterbessie (A) root and construction and firewood B: W1, V12, V4, V8, J1,
KMV477 wood V11, V10 and V9
Myrtaceae Syzygium gerrardii (Harv. ex mupone, muphone (V); forest Tree Fruit, bark Edible fruit, medicine, A: O1
Hook.f.) Burtt Davy; KMV285 waterberry (E); boswaterbessie (A) and wood construction and firewood B: V12, P1 and V8
Myrtaceae Syzygium guineense (Willd.) muṱumadi, muṱuphemba (V); Tree Fruit, bark, Edible fruit, beverage, A: M1, N1, R1 and O1
DC. subsp. guineense; bushveld waterberry (E); root and medicine and firewood B: W1, V12, V8 and V9
KMV268 bosveldwaterbessie (A) wood
Myrtaceae Syzygium legatii Burtt Davy & muṱawi (V); mountain waterberry Tree Fruit and Edible fruit and firewood A: M1, V1 and O1
Greenway; KMV458 (E); bergwaterbessie (A) wood
Nymphaeaceae Nymphaea nouchali Burm.f. muromboḓane, shamboḓa, Herb Leaf and root Medicine A: A1 and O1
var. caerulea (Savigny) shamboḓavhadzimu (V); blue
Verdc.; KMV415 waterlily (E); blouwaterlelie (A)
Ochnaceae Brackenridgea zanguebarica muṱavhatsindi (V); brackenridgea Shrub Bark and root Medicine and magic A: M1, S1, A1, S4 and O1
Oliv.; KMV331 (E); geellekkerbreek (A) B: V12
Ochnaceae Ochna arborea Burch. ex DC.; murambothavha (V); coldbark Tree Bark, root and Medicine, construction and A: A1 and O1
KMV270 ochna (E); kouebasrooihout (A) wood firewood
Ochnaceae Ochna holstii Engl.; KMV088 tshipfure, tshipfurenyana (V); Tree Leaf and twig Medicine A: M4, L1 and O1
red-ironwood (E); rooiysterhout (A)
Ochnaceae Ochna pulchra Hook.; tshiṱoni, tshiṱhoṱhonya (V); Shrub Wood Firewood and construction A: O1
KMV281 granite ochna (E); vervelboom,
lekkerbreek (A)
Olacaceae Ximenia americana L. var. muṱhanzwa, muṱhanzwaṱanzwane, Shrub Fruit, seed oil, Edible fruit, cosmetic oil, A: M1, R1, A1 and O1
microphylla Welw. ex Oliv.; muṱhanzwakhomu, bark and root medicine and magic B: P1, V12, V4, V8 and V9
KMV499 tshiṱhanzwaṱhanzwane,
mutshilikhomu (V); blue sourplum
(E); blousuurpruim (A)
Olacaceae Ximenia caffra Sond. var. ḓadzwaṅombe, muṱhanzwa, Shrub Fruit, seed oil Edible fruit, beverage, A: M1, S1, A1, R1 and O1
caffra; KMV215 mutshili (V); large sourplum (E); and root cosmetic oil and medicine B: M1, V12, V8, P1 and V9
grootsuurpruim (A)
Oleaceae Olea capensis L. subsp. enervis musiri (V); small Ironwood (E); Tree Root and Medicine, craftwork and A: A1 and O1
(Harv. ex C.H.Wright) I.Verd.; kleinysterhout (A) wood firewood B: V12 and V9
Oleaceae Olea europaea L. subsp. muṱwari (V); wild olive (E); Tree Fruit, leaf, Medicine and firewood A: O1
africana (Mill.) P.S.Green; olienhout (A) bark and B: V9
KMV458 wood
Oleaceae Schrebera alata Welw.; mulingwi (V); wing-leaved Tree Leaf and Medicine and craftwork A: A1 and O1
KMV459 wooden-pear (E); wood B: V9
vlerksteelhoutpeer (A)
Ophioglossaceae Ophioglossum reticulatum L.; tshiimangamulenzhe (V) Herb Leaf Vegetable A: O1 and V1
Orchidaceae Ansellia africana Lindl.; mphwe, ṱhahame (V); leopard Epiphyte Whole plant Medicine A: O1
KMV373 orchid (E); luiperdorgidee (A)
Orchidaceae Mystacidium capense Schltr.; ṱhahame, mudziwatombo (V) Epiphyte Leaf Snuff ingredient A: H1
Orobanchaceae Striga asiatica (L.) Kuntze; vhuri (V); mealie-witchweed (E); Herb Whole plant Medicine A: M3
KMV371 mieliegif, rooiblombossie (A)
Oxalidaceae Oxalis semiloba Sond. subsp. mukulungwane, tshishengela, Herb Leaf Medicine A: M1 and O1
semiloba; KMV486 tshoṱopiṱopi (V); Transvaal sorrel
(E); Transvaalse suring (A)
Passifloraceae Adenia digitata (Harv.) Engl.; dundu, tshikuṱu (V); finger-leaved Climber Leaf, bark and Vegetable and medicine A: M1, M2, V1, A1, S1, B1,
MMQ033 adenia, wild granadilla (E); root R3 and O1
bobbejaangif (A) B: V5 and W2
Passifloraceae Adenia gummifera (Harv.) bopha, beleha (V); monkey rope Climber Leaf, root and Vegetable, medicine and A: S1, V1, A1, M1, R3 and
Harms var. gummifera; (E); slangklimop (A) stem vine cordage O1
Passifloraceae Adenia spinosa Burtt Davy; tshivhuyudumbu (V); spiny Shrub Bark Medicine A: M1 and O1

(continued on next page)

Please cite this article as: Magwede, K., et al., An inventory of Vhavenḓa useful plants, South African Journal of Botany (2018),
18 K. Magwede et al. / South African Journal of Botany xxx (2018) xxx–xxx

Table 1 (continued)

Family Botanical name Vernacular name Life form Part used Use category Uses
* Naturalised aliens (V) = Tshivenḓa; (E) = English; Newly recorded A: Local (Vhavenḓa) uses
(for cultivated aliens see (A) = Afrikaans uses in bold B: Uses recorded
Table: 2); New species Newly recorded names in bold elsewhere
records in bold

KMV332 greenstem, elephant's foot (E);

olifantsvoet (A)
Passifloraceae *Passiflora edulis Sims; mufuranganḓela (V); granadilla, Climber Fruit and leaf Edible fruit and vegetable A: O1
KMV489 passion fruit (E); grenadella (A) B: V8 and V6
Pedaliaceae Dicerocaryum senecioides museṱo (V); devil's thorn (E) Herb Leaf Medicine, vegetable and A: L1, M2, M1, V3, B1, S3,
(Klotzsch) Abels; MMQ023 duiweltjie, elandsdoring (A) soap substitute R3 and A1
B: V8
Phyllanthaceae Antidesma venosum E.Mey. ex mukhwalikhwali (V); forest Shrub Fruit, bark, Edible fruit, medicine and A: O1, A1 and J1
Tul.; KMV315 tassel-berry (E); tosselbessie (A) root and firewood B: J1, V4, V9 and V12
Phyllanthaceae Bridelia micrantha (Hochst.) munzere (V); mitzeerie (E); Tree Fruit, bark, Edible fruit, medicine, A: M1, A1, S4 and O1
Baill.; KMV316 mitserie (A) root and construction and firewood B: W1, V12, V4 and V8
Phyllanthaceae Bridelia mollis Hutch.; mukumbakumba (V); velvet Tree Fruit and root Edible fruit, glue and A: M1, A1, S4, R3 and O1
KMV317 sweetberry (E); fluweelsoetbessie (A) medicine B: W1, V12, V8 and P1
Phyllanthaceae Flueggea virosa (Roxb. ex muṱangauma, mavhelematshena Shrub Fruit, root and Edible fruit, beverage, A: M1, R1 and O1
Willd.) Voigt subsp. virosa; (V); whiteberry-bush (E); wood medicine, construction and B: V12 and P1
KMV243 witbessiebos (A) firewood
Phyllanthaceae Hymenocardia ulmoides tshixeuxeu (V); red-heart tree (E); Tree Fruit and Edible fruit and general A: O1 B: V12
Oliv.; KMMV501 rooihartboom (A) wood construction
Phyllanthaceae Pseudolachnostylis muṱonḓowa (V); kudu-berry (E); Tree Leaf, bark and Medicine and magic A: M1, A1, W1, R3 and O1
maprouneifolia Pax; KMV434 koedoebessie (A) root B: V12, P1, W1 and V9
Phytolaccaceae *Phytolacca octandra L.; muinki, vowa, thebe (V); inkberry Herb Aerial parts Vegetable and snuff A: M1, R3 and O1
KMV464 (E); inkbessie (A) especially leaf ingredient
Picrodendraceae Androstachys johnsonii Prain; musimbiri (V); Lebombo-ironwood Tree Leaf and Medicine, fodder and A: M1 and O1
KMV429 (E); Lebombo-ysterhout (A) wood construction B: V8, V12, V9 and P1
Pinaceae *Pinus patula Schltdl. & mupaini (V); pine tree (E); Tree Leaf, root and Medicine, firewood and A: S6 and O1
Cham.; KMV280 treurden (A) wood construction
Piperaceae Piper capense L.f. var. capense; mulilwe (V); wild peper (E); Shrub Bark Medicine A: A1, S4 and M1
LT 16 wildepeper (A)
Pittosporaceae Pittosporum viridiflorum muṱanzwakhamelo (V); Tree Bark Medicine A: O1
Sims; KMV456 cheesewood (E); kasuur (A) B: V9
Plumbaginaceae Plumbago zeylanica L.; mufhisanomboro (V); ceylon Shrub Bark Medicine A: O1
KMV214 leadwort (E)
Poaceae *Bambusa balcooa Roxb.; musengele (V); common bamboo Grass Stem Construction A: O1
KMV333 (E); gewone bamboes (A) B: B2
Poaceae Cymbopogon caesius (Hook. dadasenga (V) Grass Leaf stalk Construction A: O1
& Arn.) Stapf; KMV213 B: V7
Poaceae Cymbopogon marginatus Stapf funḓwi, fungwi, ndau, khonde (V) Grass Root Medicine A: A1 and V1
ex Burtt Davy; KMV461
Poaceae Cymbopogon nardus (L.) benzwa, tshula (V); giant Grass Leaf stalk Construction A: O1 and M1
Rendle; KMV462 turpentine grass (E) B: V8 and V7
Poaceae Cynodon dactylon (L.) Pers.; tshiṱanzhela (V); couch grass, Grass Whole plant Medicine or ornamental A: M1, R3 and O1
KMV271 twitch grass (E); kweek (A) B: B2 and V7
Poaceae Eleusine coracana (L.) Gaertn.; mufhoho (V); finger millet (E) Grass Grains Edible seed A: V1 and O1
KMV092 B: V6
Poaceae Hyparrhenia dregeana hatsi (V); tambuki grass (E); Grass Leaf stalk Construction A: O1
(Nees) Stapf ex Stent; rooigras, tamboekiegras (A) B: V8
Poaceae Hyparrhenia dissoluta (Nees hatsi (V) Grass Leaf stalk Construction A: O1
ex Steud.) Clayton; KMV335 B: V7
Poaceae Hyparrhenia filipendula bungushule, dadasenga, musenga, Grass Leaf stalk Construction A: O1
(Hochst.) Stapf var. lufhe (V); thatching grass (E); B: V7 and V8
filipendula; KMV406 rooigras (A)
Poaceae Hyparrhenia hirta (L.) Stapf; mulalangatemba, lufhe (V); Grass Leaf stalk Construction A: O1
KMV212 common thatching grass (E); B: B2, V7 and V8
boesmangras (A)
Poaceae Hyparrhenia tamba (Steud.) hatsi (V); berggras (A) Grass Leaf stalk Construction A: O1
Stapf; KMV487 B: V7 and B2
Poaceae Oxytenanthera abyssinica musununu (V); holy Venda bamboo Grass Hollow stem Musical flutes and A: S1, M1, V1 and O1
Munro; KMV201 (E); heilige Venda-bamboes (A) craftwork
Poaceae *Pennisetum glaucum (L.) R. luvhele (V); African millet, pearl Grass Grain Porridge, fodder and A: O1
Br.; KMV202 millet (E); mannakoring (A) traditional beverage (beer)
Poaceae Phragmites australis (Cav.) luṱanga (V); common reed (E); Grass Leaf stalk Construction and musical A: O1 and A1
Steud.; KMV418 fluitjiesriet (A) flutes
Poaceae Phragmites mauritianus luṱanga (V); lowveld reed (E); Grass Root and leaf Medicine, construction, A: M1, S1, A1, R3 and O1
Kunth; KMV210 laeveld-fluitjiesriet (A) stalk craftwork and musical
Poaceae Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench makhaha (V); grain sorghum (E); Grass Grain and Food-porridge, fodder and V1, S1, S2 and O1
subsp. arundinaceum (Desv.) graansorghum (A) cane-stalk traditional beverage (beer)
de Wet & Harlan; KMV202
Poacaeae Sporobolus africanus (Poir.) mushingidzhane (V); rat's tail Grass Leaf stalk Craftwork and A: M1 and O1

Please cite this article as: Magwede, K., et al., An inventory of Vhavenḓa useful plants, South African Journal of Botany (2018),
K. Magwede et al. / South African Journal of Botany xxx (2018) xxx–xxx 19

Table 1 (continued)

Family Botanical name Vernacular name Life form Part used Use category Uses
* Naturalised aliens (V) = Tshivenḓa; (E) = English; Newly recorded A: Local (Vhavenḓa) uses
(for cultivated aliens see (A) = Afrikaans uses in bold B: Uses recorded
Table: 2); New species Newly recorded names in bold elsewhere
records in bold

Robyns & Tournay; KMV211 dropseed (E); rotstertfynsaadgras (A) construction

Poaceae Themeda triandra Forssk.; mudile (V); oat grass (E); rooigras (A) Grass Leaf stalk Construction A: O1
KMV336 B: V7
Polygalaceae Securidaca longepedunculata mpesu (V); violet-tree (E); Tree Leaf, bark and Medicine and cordage A: M1, A1, N1, S1 and O1
Fresen. var. longepedunculata; krinkhout (A) root B: V12, V10, V11, V9, P1
KMV209 and W1
Portulacaceae *Portulaca oleracea L.; makhuluwaluvhisi, tshitopitopi (V); Herb Leaf Vegetable A: M1 and O1
KMV480 purslane (E) B: V8 and V6
Proteaceae Faurea saligna Harv.; KMV337 muṱango (V); willow beechwood Tree Bark, root and Medicine, craftwork and A: M1, A1, O1 and M5
(E); bosveldboekenhout (A) wood firewood B: V12, V9 and V8
Proteaceae *Macadamia integrifolia mutebvu (V); macadamia nut (E) Tree Nut Edible nut A: O1
Maiden & Betche; KMV509 B: V6
Proteaceae Protea caffra Meisn. subsp. tshidzungu, tshiḓiḓiri (V); common Tree Fruit and bark Medicine A: A1 and O1
caffra; KMV338 protea (E); gewone suikerbos (A) B: V12
Ranunculaceae Anemone transvaalensis thauyakhomba (V); blistering leaf Herb Leaf and root Medicine A: A1, O1 and M5
(Szyszyl.) Burtt Davy var. (E); brandblaar (A)
transvaalensis; KMV488
Ranunculaceae Clematis brachiata Thunb.; tshiumbeumbe (V); traveller's joy Climber Leaf and stem Medicine and craftwork A: A1, M1, S1 and O1.
KMV203 (E); klimop, lemoenbloeisels (A) vine B: J1
Rhamnaceae Berchemia discolor (Klotzsch) muṋie, munyee, mukhukhuma (V); Tree Fruit, bark, Edible fruit, famine food A: M1, A1, R1 and O1.
Hemsl; KMV339 brown ivory (E); bruinivoor (A) root and craftwork, beverage (beer), B: W1, V12 and V9
wood medicine, construction, dye,
fire-making and firewood
Rhamnaceae Berchemia zeyheri (Sond.) muṋieṋiane, muṋiedombo (V); red Tree Fruit, bark Edible fruit, famine food A: M1, R1 and O1
Grubov.; KMV484 ivory (E); rooi-ivoor (A) and wood craftwork, beverage (beer), B: W1, V12, V4, V8, J1
medicine, construction, dye, and V9
fire-making and firewood
Rhamnaceae Helinus integrifolius (Lam.) mupupuma, mufhufhumwa (V); Climber Leaf, stem Soap substitute and A: M1, V1 and O1
Kuntze; KMV340 soap creeper, soap bush (E); and root medicine B: V8
seepbos (A)
Rhamnaceae Ziziphus mucronata Willd. mukhalu, mutshetshete (V); buffalo Tree Fruit, leaf, Edible fruit, vegetable, A: M1, N1, A1, M4, S1
subsp. mucronata; KMV011 thorn (E); blinkblaar- bark, root, medicine, construction, and O1
wag-‘n-bietjie (A) wood and craftwork, firewood and B: W1, V12, V4, V8, J1
shoots fence and V9
Rosaceae Prunus africana (Hook.f.) mulalamaanga (V); red stinkwood Tree Bark and root Medicine A: O1
Kalkman; KMV485 (E); rooistinkhout (A) B: V9
Rosaceae *Prunus persica (L.) Batsch. muberegisi (V); peach (E); Tree Fruit, leaf and Edible fruit and medicine A: O1, M4, L1, S3, M6 and
var. persica; KMV003 perskeboom (A) root V1
B: B2
Rosaceae Rubus pinnatus Willd.; muṋambala (V); wild bramble (E); Climber Fruit and root Edible fruit and medicine A: M1 and O1
KMV208 braambos (A)
Rosaceae Rubus rigidus Mercier; muṋambala (V); wild bramble, (E); Climber Fruit Edible fruit and beverageA: O1 and R1
KMV349 wildebraam (A) B: V8
Rubiaceae Breonadia salicina (Vahl) muṱulume (V); matumi (E); Tree Bark, root and Medicine, construction and A: O1 and A1.
Hepper & J.R. Wood; KMV354 mingerhout (A) wood firewood B: V12, V4 and P1
Rubiaceae Afrocanthium mundianum mutomboti (V); rock-alder (E); Shrub Fruit, leaf, Edible fruit, medicine, A: O1, M1, A1 and V1
(Cham. & Schltdl.) Lantz; klipels (A) root and construction, firewood and B: P1, V12 and V9
KMV344 wood craftwork
Rubiaceae Canthium ciliatum (Klotzsch) mulumekhoḓa (V); hairy Shrub Fruit and Edible fruit and magic A: O1 and M1
Kuntze; KMV348 turkey-berry (E); fluweelklipels (A) thorn B: M1 and V12
Rubiaceae Canthium inerme (L.f.) muvhibvelashdani (V); turkey berry Shrub Fruit and Edible fruit, craftwork and A: O1
Kuntze; KMV449 (E); bokdrolbessie (A) wood firewood B: V9
Rubiaceae Cephalanthus natalensis Oliv.; murondo (V); strawberry-bush, Shrub Fruit and leaf Edible fruit and medicine A: O1, L1, R3 and M1
KMV483 quinine berry (E); witpruim (A) B: M1, P1 and V12
Rubiaceae Conostomium natalense ndilele (V); wild pentas (E) Herb Root Magic A: M1, S1 and O1
(Hochst.) Bremek. var.
ovalifolium Bremek.; KMV419
Rubiaceae Fadogia tetraquetra K.Krause tshiḽiso, muḓifhakunene, Herb Fruit and root Edible fruit and medicine A: M1 and O1
var. tetraquetra; KMV341 murunzambilu (V)
Rubiaceae Gardenia volkensii K.Schum. tshiralala (V); bushveld gardenia Tree Fruit, twig, Medicine, magic, ritual and A: M1, S1, N1, R3 and O1
subsp. spatulifolia (Stapf & (E); bosveldkatjiepiering (A) root and craftwork B: V12, J1, V9 and V4
Hutch.) Verdc.; KMV482 wood
Rubiaceae Hyperacanthus amoenus murombe (V); spiny-gardenia (E); Tree Fruit, root and Edible fruit, beverage, magic A: M1, O1, S1 and R1
(Sims) Bridson; KMV342 doringkatjiepiering (A) wood and firewood
Rubiaceae Lagynias dryadum (S.Moore) muzwilungala, muzwiluthavha (V); Shrub Fruit, root and Edible fruit, medicine, and A: M1 and O1
Robyns; KMV353 woodland pendent-medlar (E); sapling construction
wildemispel (A)
Rubiaceae Paederia bojeriana Hochst. sulesule (V) Climber Stemvine and Cordage and medicine A: O1
subsp. foetens (Hiern) Verdc.; leaf
Rubiaceae Pavetta lanceolata Eckl.; tshituku (V); weeping brides-bush Shrub Leaf and root Medicine A: A1

(continued on next page)

Please cite this article as: Magwede, K., et al., An inventory of Vhavenḓa useful plants, South African Journal of Botany (2018),
20 K. Magwede et al. / South African Journal of Botany xxx (2018) xxx–xxx

Table 1 (continued)

Family Botanical name Vernacular name Life form Part used Use category Uses
* Naturalised aliens (V) = Tshivenḓa; (E) = English; Newly recorded A: Local (Vhavenḓa) uses
(for cultivated aliens see (A) = Afrikaans uses in bold B: Uses recorded
Table: 2); New species Newly recorded names in bold elsewhere
records in bold

KMV345 (E); treurbruidsbos (A)

Rubiaceae Pavetta schumanniana F. tshituku (V); poison brides-bush Shrub Leaf Edible leaf sap A: O1
Hoffm. ex K.Schum.; KMV393 (E); gifbruidsbos (A)
Rubiaceae Psydrax livida (Hiern) mukavhamahunguvhu (V); Shrub Fruit and Edible fruit, craftwork and A: M1 and O1
Bridson; KMV207 green-twig quar (E); groenkwar (A) wood firewood
Rubiaceae *Richardia brasiliensis Gomes; muḽegere (V); Mexican clover (E); Herb Whole plant Medicine A: M5
KMV346 Meksikaanse klawer, (A)
Rubiaceae Rothmannia capensis Thunb.; murathamapfeṋe, mukudubu (V); Tree Fruit, root and Medicine, craftwork and A: A1, O1, M1, L1, N1, S4
KMV027 wild gardenia (E); wood firewood and M4.
valskatjiepiering (A) B: P1, V12, V4, J1 and V9
Rubiaceae Tricalysia capensis (Meisn. tshifhanza (V); forest jackal-coffee Shrub Root and Medicine and firewood A: O1
ex Hochst.) Sim var. (E); bosjakkalskoffie (A) wood
transvaalensis Robbr.;
Rubiaceae Tricalysia lanceolata (Sond.) mufhanza, tshitukutshaḓaka (V); Shrub Wood Craftwork and firewood A: O1
Burtt Davy; KMV407 jackal-coffee (E); jakkalskoffie (A)
Rubiaceae Vangueria esculenta S. muzwilu (V) Shrub Fruits Edible fruits A: O1
Moore; KMV535
Rubiaceae Vangueria infausta Burch. muzwilu (V); velvet wild-medlar Tree Fruit, leaf, Edible fruit, beverage, A: M1, O1, A1, M5 and S1
subsp. infausta; KMV206 (E); grootmispel, wildemispel (A) root and medicine, magic, and B: V12, V8, J1, V4, P1 and
wood firewood V9
Ruscaceae Sansevieria hyacinthoides (L.) savha (V); mother-in-law's tongue Herb Fruit and leaf Medicine, craftwork, A: M1 and O1
Druce; KMV420 (E); skoonma-se-tong (A) ornament and construction B: V8, V10 and J1
Rutaceae Toddalia asiatica (L.) Lam.; gwambadzi, mufhiso, muhaba, Climber Leaf and root Medicine A: A1 and O1
KMV460 tshikwangula (V); climbing-orange
(E); ranklemoentjie (A)
Rutaceae Vepris lanceolata (Lam.) G. muhodwa, muumano, phaladzane Shrub Leaf, bark, Medicine, construction and A: A1, M1 and O1
Don; KMV481 (V); white-ironwood (E); root and craftwork B: V12, J1, V9 and P1
witysterhout (A) wood
Rutaceae Zanthoxylum capense tshikhafushi, munungu (V); wild Shrub Root Medicine A: O1
(Thunb.) Harv.; KMV500 cardamon (E); kleinknophout (A)
Rutaceae Zanthoxylum davyi (I.Verd.) munungu (V); forest knobwood Tree Bark, thorn Medicine A: M1, A1 and O1
P.G.Waterman; KMV380 (E); bosknophout (A) and root B: V4, V8, W1 and V9
Rutaceae Zanthoxylum humile (E.A. tshinungufhala, munungu (V); Shrub Root Medicine A: O1
Bruce) P.G.Waterman; knobwood (E); harige knophout (A) B: V12
Rutaceae Zanthoxylum leprieurii Guill. & munungu (V) Tree Root Medicine A: R3
Perr.; Ramovha 142
Salicaceae Dovyalis caffra (Hook.f. & muṱunu (V); kei-apple (E); Shrub Fruit and Edible fruit, beverage, A: O1, R1, S1, A1 and M1
Harv.) Warb.; KMV470 kei-appel (A) thorn medicine and magic B: V12, J1, V9, O1 and M1
Salicaceae Dovyalis zeyheri (Sond.) mutshimba (V); apricot sourberry Shrub Fruit, bark Medicine and craftwork A: O1 and M5
Warb.; KMV257 (E); appelkoossuurbessie (A) and wood B: P1, V8 and V12
Salicaceae Oncoba spinosa Forssk. subsp. mutunzwu (V); snuff-box tree (E); Shrub Fruit, root, Edible fruit, medicine, A: M1, A1, N1, O1 and S1
spinosa; KMV428 snuifkalbassie (A) fruit shells or carftwork and ornamental B: V12, P1 and J1
whole plant
Salicaceae Scolopia zeyheri (Nees) muvhambanguvho (V); thorn pear Tree Fruit Edible fruit A: O1
Harv.; KMV365 (E); doringrooipeer (A)
Salicaceae Trimeria grandifolia (Hochst.) muhashaphande, muthethenya, Tree Leaf and Medicine, craftwork and A: M1, M5 and O1
Warb. subsp. grandifolia; mufhanza, tshilaphithi (V); wood firewood B: V12
KMV471 wild-mulberry (E); wildemoerbei (A)
Salicaceae Salix mucronata Thunb. subsp. muṋengeledzi (V); safsaf willow Shrub Leaf, bark, Medicine, magic, A: S1, A1, M1 and O1
woodii (Seemen) Immelman; (E); safsafwilger (A) root and fire-making and firewood B: V12, V10, V8, J1, V4
KMV381 wood and V9
Salvadoraceae Salvadora australis Schweick.; munḓamuka (V); narrow-leaved Shrub Leaf Medicine A: A1 and N1
KMV355 mustard-tree (E); B: P1, V12 and V9
smalblaarmosterdboom (A)
Santalaceae Osyris lanceolata Hochst. & mpeta (V); rock tannin-bush (E); Shrub Root Medicine and magic A: V1, M5, M1, W1, S1,
Steud.; KMV370 rotslooibas (A) A1, R3 and O1
Sapindaceae Cardiospermum corindum muphophopho (V); bushveld Climber Root Medicine A: O1
L.; KMV491 balloon Vine (E)
Sapindaceae Dodonaea viscosa Jacq. var. muṱhaṱhavhanna (V); sand-olive Shrub Leaf, root or Medicine, live fence and A: O1 and M5
angustifolia (L.f.) Benth.; (E); sandolien (A) whole plant ornamental B: V12 and V10
Sapindaceae Pappea capensis Eckl. & Zeyh.; murodolo, tshikavhavhe, Tree Fruit, seed oil, Edible fruit, medicine, A: M1 and O1
KMV379 muvunḓambaḓo (V); jacket-plum leaf, bark and beverage (wine), beverage B: W1, P1, V12, V8, J1, R1
(E); doppruim (A) wood (tea), craftwork and and V9
Sapotaceae Englerophytum munombelo (V); stemfruit, milk Tree Fruit, bark, Edible fruit, medicine, A: M1, N1, R1, S2 and O1
magalismontanum (Sond.) plum (E); stamvrug (A) root, plant ritual, beverage (wine), B: W1, V12, V4, V8 and
T.D.Penn.; KMV356 parasite and craftwork and firewood V9
Sapotaceae Manilkara mochisia (Baker) muṋambu (V); lowveld milk Tree Fruit and Edible fruit, construction A: O1

Please cite this article as: Magwede, K., et al., An inventory of Vhavenḓa useful plants, South African Journal of Botany (2018),
K. Magwede et al. / South African Journal of Botany xxx (2018) xxx–xxx 21

Table 1 (continued)

Family Botanical name Vernacular name Life form Part used Use category Uses
* Naturalised aliens (V) = Tshivenḓa; (E) = English; Newly recorded A: Local (Vhavenḓa) uses
(for cultivated aliens see (A) = Afrikaans uses in bold B: Uses recorded
Table: 2); New species Newly recorded names in bold elsewhere
records in bold

Gerstner; KMV394 berry (E) wood and firewood B: V9

Sapotaceae Mimusops zeyheri Sond.; mububulu, mutaladzi (V); Tree Fruit, root and Edible fruit, medicine, A: M1, V1 and O1
KMV078 red-milkwood (E); moepel (A) wood firewood and craftwork B: W1, V12, V4, V8, J1, R1
and V9
Solanaceae *Capsicum annuum L. var. phiriphiri (V); chilli pepper (E); Shrub Fruit, root and Medicine, condiment and A: M2, B1, R3 and O1
glabriusculum (Dunal) Heiser rissie (A) leaf vegetable
& Pickersgill; KMV476
Solanaceae *Capsicum frutescens L.; phiriphiri (V); chilli pepper, serrano Shrub Root, fruit Medicine, condiment and A: O1
KMV028 pepper (E); rissie (A) and leaf vegetable B: V11 and W2
Solanaceae *Datura ferox L.; KMV369 zavhazavha (V); Jimson weed, Herb Leaf Snuff ingredient A: O1
prickly-apple (E); stinkblaar (A) B: W2
Solanaceae *Datura stramonium L.; zavhazavha (V); Jimson weed, Herb Whole plant Medicine and snuff A: M1, S6, M6 and O1
KMV357 thorn-apple (E); stinkblaar (A) ingredient B: V10, V5, V8 and V11
Solanaceae *Lycopersicon esculentum muṱamaṱisi (V); tomato (E); Herb Fruit Edible fruit A: O1
Mill; KMV508 tamatie (A) B: V6
Solanaceae *Nicotiana tabacum; KMV372 fola (V); tobacco (E); tabak (A) Herb Leaf Snuff ingredient A: O1 and S1
B: V8, W2 and V11
Solanaceae *Nicandra physalodes (L.) tshirunnguḓane (V); apple of peru Herb Leaf Vegetable A: M2, B1 and O1
Gaertn.; MMQ048 (E); bitterappelliefie (A)
Solanaceae *Physalis peruviana L.; murunguḓane (V); Cape gooseberry Herb Fruit and leaf Edible fruit and vegetable A: O1, M1 and R1
KMV029 (E); appelliefie (A) B: M1, V8 and V6
Solanaceae Solanum aculeastrum Dunal murulwa, mututulwa, shulwa, Shrub Fruit or whole Medicine and live fence A: M1, A1, S4 and O1
subsp. aculeastrum; KMV025 mushulwa (V); goat bitter-apple plant B: P1 and V12
(E); bokbitterappel (A)
Solanaceae *Solanum americanum Mill.; muxe (V) Herb Leaf Vegetable A: V2 and O1
Solanaceae Solanum campylacanthum mututulwa (V); poison apple (E); Herb Fruit and root Medicine A: M5, M1, S1, S4, M6
Hochst. ex A.Rich. subsp. gifappel (A) and A1
panduriforme (Drège ex
Dunal) J.Samuels; KMV362
Solanaceae Solanum giganteum Jacq.; mututulwa (V); red bitter-apple, Shrub Fruit and leaf Medicine A: O1, R3 and L1
KMV376 healing-leaf tree (E); B: V12 and P1
geneesblaarboom, rooibitterbessie (A)
Solanaceae Solanum lichtensteinii Willd.; mututulwa (V) Shrub Fruit juice Medicine A: R3
Ramovha 165
Solanaceae *Solanum mauritianum Scop.; mututulwa (V); bugtree (E); Shrub Fruit and leaf Medicine A: S6 and O1
KMV368 luisboom (A)
Solanaceae *Solanum nigrum L.; MMQ049 xaxaḓi (V); common nightshade Herb Fruit and leaf Edible fruit, dye, medicine A: M1, M2, V1, V3, S2, B1,
(E); nastergal(A) and vegetable V2 and O1
B: V8, V6 and B2
Solanaceae Solanum retroflexum Dunal; muxe (V); wonder berry, sobosobo Herb Leaf and fruit Vegetable, medicine and A: M2, V1, S2, V2 and O1
MMQ024 berry (E); nastergal (A) edible fruit B: V8
Solanaceae Solanum supinum Dunal var. mututulwa (V); toothache bush (E); Shrub Fruit and root Medicine A: M4 and O1
supinum; KMV007 tandpynbos (A) B: V8
Solanaceae *Solanum tuberosum L.; muḓabula (V); potato (E); Herb Tubers Edible tuber A: O1
KMV464 aartappel (A) B: V6
Solanaceae Withania somnifera (L.) musalamarubini (V); winter cherry Shrub Root Medicine A: M5 and O1
Dunal; KMV090 (E); geneesblaarbossie (A) B: V10, V11, W2 and V8
Stilbaceae Halleria lucida L.; KMV066 muḓula, murevhe (V); tree-fucsia Tree Fruit, root, Edible fruit, medicine, A: M1 and O1
(E); notsung, ouhout (A) wood and craftwork and firewood B: J1, V9, V4 and V12
Stilbaceae Nuxia floribunda Benth.; muḽanotshi (V); wild elder (E); Tree Bark and Medicine, craftwork, A: M1 and O1
KMV071 bosvlier (A) wood construction and firewood B: V12 and V9
Thymelaeaceae Passerina montana Thoday; mutsanana (V); mountain gonna Herb Leaf, sapling Construction and cordage A: M1 and O1
KMV374 (E); berggonna (A) and bark
Thymelaeaceae Peddiea africana Harv.; gokodzalulimi, muhoholodza (V); Shrub Leaf and bark Medicine and cordage A: M1, O1 and V12
KMV366 poison-olive (E); gifolyf (A) B: W1, V12, W2 and V5
Turneraceae Tricliceras longepedunculatum iṱolandau (V) Herb Leaf Vegetable A: O1
(Mast.) R.Fern. var.
longepedunculatum; KMV397
Typhaceae Typha capensis (Rohrb.) N.E. musama (V); bulrush (E); Sedge Rhizome and Edible rhizome and A: V1 and O1
Br.; KMV082 matjiesgoed, papkuil (A) bulrushes craftwork B: V8 and J1
Ulmaceae Celtis africana Burm.f.; mumvumvu, luvhambo (V); white- Tree Leaf, bark, Vegetable, medicine, magic A: O1, M1 and A1
KMV083 stinkwood (E); witstinkhout (A) branches, and craftwork B: P1, J1, V9, W1 and V4
sticks and
Ulmaceae Trema orientalis (L.) Blume; mumvumvu, mukurukuru (V); Tree Twig and leaf Magic and vegetable A: M2, L1, B1 and O1
MMQ007 pigeon wood (E); hophout (A) B: V12 and V9
Urticaceae Laportea peduncularis dzaluma (V); river stinging nettle Herb Leaf Vegetable A: O1, V1, B1, S3 and S2
(Wedd.) Chew subsp. (E); bosbrandnetel (A)
peduncularis; KMV467

(continued on next page)

Please cite this article as: Magwede, K., et al., An inventory of Vhavenḓa useful plants, South African Journal of Botany (2018),
22 K. Magwede et al. / South African Journal of Botany xxx (2018) xxx–xxx

Table 1 (continued)

Family Botanical name Vernacular name Life form Part used Use category Uses
* Naturalised aliens (V) = Tshivenḓa; (E) = English; Newly recorded A: Local (Vhavenḓa) uses
(for cultivated aliens see (A) = Afrikaans uses in bold B: Uses recorded
Table: 2); New species Newly recorded names in bold elsewhere
records in bold

Urticaceae Obetia tenax (N.E.Br.) Friis; muvhazwi, gukhunya, thanga, Shrub Leaf and bark Vegetable and cordage A: M1, M2, S1, S2, B1, S4
MMQ022 muugana, muendanathavha, and O1
dyambila, zavhazavha (V); B: V12, W2 and V9
mountain nettle (E); bergbrandnetel
Urticaceae *Urtica dioica L.; MMQ002 dzaluma (V); common stinging Herb Leaf Vegetable A: M2, B1 and S1
nettle (E); gewone brandnetel (A) B: V8, V11 and V6
Urticaceae Pouzolzia mixta Solms; muṱhanzwa, mulambadivhu, Shrub Leaf, shoots, Vegetable, medicine, magic A: M2, M1, S2, B1, S3, R3
MMQ020 murovhaḓembe (V); soap nettle (E); bark and root and cordage and O1
seepnetel (A) B: V12 and V8
Urticaceae Pouzolzia parasitica (Forssk.) gwikwiṱimba, makhuluwadzaluma Herb Leaf Vegetable A: O1, S2 and V1
Schweinf.; KMV382 (V); small stinging nettle (E);
kleinbrandnetel (A)
Velloziaceae Xerophyta retinervis Baker; tshikundanḓazi (V); black-stick lily, Shrub Whole plant Medicine A: A1 and V3
KMV089 monkey's tail (E); bobbejaanstert, B: V10
aapstert (A)
Verbenaceae *Lantana camara L.; KMV387 tshidzimbambule, Shrub Whole plant Medicine, edible fruit and A: S6, A1 and O1
tshidzimbampoṱolo (V); cherry-pie, ornamental B: W2
common lantana (E);
boesmandruiwe (A)
Verbenaceae Lantana rugosa Thunb.; tshidzimbavhalisa, tshidzimba (V); Shrub Fruit and leaf Edible fruit and medicine A: M1, V3, A1 and O1
KMV386 bird's brandy, small lantana (E);
klein lantana, voëlbrandewyn (A)
Verbenaceae Lippia javanica (Burm.f.) musudzungwane, mukundamboho Shrub Leaf and root Beverage (tea), repellent A: A1, O1, B1 and M1
Spreng.; KMV050 (V); fever-tea (E); beukesbossie, and medicine B: V8, V10 and W1
koorsbossie (A)
Verbenaceae Priva cordifolia (L.f.) Druce munamamutuku (V) Herb Leaf and fruit Vegetable and medicine A: O1
var. abyssinica (Jaub. &
Spach) Moldenke.; KMV497
Violaceae mafambaboriḽe (V); narrow-leaved
Rinorea angustifolia (Thouars) Shrub Root Medicine A: M5
violet-bush (E);
Baill. subsp. natalensis (Engl.)
Grey-Wilson; KMV388 kleinblaarviootjiebos (A)
Vitaceae Cissus quadrangularis L. var.malongekanye, tshiuvhulusi (V); Climber Stem vine Medicine A: M4, V3, R2, R3 and O1
quadrangularis; KMV006 veld grapes, cactus vine (E) B: V8
Vitaceae Cyphostemma sp.; KMV385 tshidzidzivhungo, Climber Fruit Edible fruit A: O1
tshikwetamukulo (V)
Vitaceae Rhoicissus tomentosa (Lam.) khundwi, dyaṱhoho, Climber Fruit, root and Beverage, edible fruit and A: M1, V12, R1 and O1
Wild & R.B.Drumm.; KMV389 nḓirivhedzaḓaka (V); forest-grape tubers medicine B: V12, V10 and W1
(E); bosdruif (A)
Vitaceae Rhoicissus tridentata (L.f.) mutumbulambudzana (V); Shrub Fruit, root and Edible fruit and medicine A: M1, J1, O1, A1, R3 and
Wild & R.B.Drumm. subsp. bushman's grape (E); tubers V12
tridentata; KMV067 boesmansdruif (A) B: V12, J1 and V8
Zamiaceae Encephalartos transvenosus tshifhanga, tshitondolo, mutondolo Tree Bark, root and Medicine and glue A: O1 and V1
Stapf & Burtt Davy; KMV383 (V); modjadje cycad (E); sap B: V9
modjadjibroodboom (A)
Zygophyllaceae Balanites maughamii Sprague; mudulu, mululu (V); green-thorn Tree Fruit, thorn, Edible fruit and medicine A: M1, S1 and O1
KMV223 (E); groendoring (A) bark and root B: V8, V12, V10, W1 and
Zygophyllaceae Tribulus terrestris L.; KMV030 tseṱwana (V); devil-thorns (E); Herb Whole plant Medicine and vegetable A: M1, M2, B1 and O1
dubbeltjie (A)
Zygophyllaceae Tribulus zeyheri Sond. subsp. tseṱo (V); devil-thorns (E); Herb Leaf Vegetable A: M1, M2, B1 and O1
zeyheri; KMV031 dubbeltjie (A)

grew up in one of the villages (Vuvha) and through family and highly seasonal). Using the rapid ethnobotanical appraisal method
friends, was able to easily identify knowledgeable persons to partic- (Martin, 1995), initial surveys were conducted to compile a prelimi-
ipate. The local chiefs or indunas were consulted prior to the com- nary checklist of useful plants. Participants were interviewed in the
mencement of the survey and permission was granted for all four Venḓa language (called Luvenḓa or, more commonly, Tshivenḓa).
villages. Ethical clearance was obtained from the Ethics Committee In a second phase of the study, formal and structured interviews
of the Faculty of Science, University of Johannesburg (Protocol of were conducted using a photo album (flip-file) of all useful plants,
13 January 2015). Data were extracted from books, journal articles, following the matrix method of De Beer and Van Wyk (2011). Full
unpublished university theses and field notes on herbarium details of this ongoing quantitative ethnobotanical survey will be
specimens in the Ṱhohoyanḓou Herbarium. The survey was con- published elsewhere. Except for non-indigenous cultivated 25
ducted during all seasons, and for three years (2014 to 2017), in species (in Table 2) listed following International Plant Names
order to study and photograph all useful plants (some of which are Index (IPNI), the inventory was compiled mainly according to the

Please cite this article as: Magwede, K., et al., An inventory of Vhavenḓa useful plants, South African Journal of Botany (2018),
K. Magwede et al. / South African Journal of Botany xxx (2018) xxx–xxx 23

Table 2
Inventory of cultivated plants used by the Vhavenḓa. Sources of information on Venda plant uses (in the last column): A1 = Arnold and Gulumian (1984); B1 = Bvenura and Afolayan
(2015); M1 = Mabogo (1990); M2 = Maanda and Bhat (2010); M5 = Masevhe et al. (2015); O1 = Interview results and own observations; R1 = Rampedi (2010); S1 = Stayt (1931);
S2 = Singo (1996); V1 = Van Warmelo (1989); V2 = Van Rensburg et al. (2007).

Family Botanical name Vernacular name Life Part used Use category Uses
Voucher specimens are deposited at the (V) = Tshivenḓa; (E) = English; form New use categories are Local (venda)
University of Venda Herbarium. (A) = Afrikaans shown in bold uses sources
*non-indigenous; **indigenous

Aizoaceae **Carpobrotus edulis (L.) L.Bolus subsp. lutele (V); sour fig. (E); suurvy (A) Herb Leaf and fruit Medicine and ornamental A: O1
edulis; KMV392 B: V6, J1, V10,
V8 and V10
Alliaceae *Allium cepa L.; KMV515 nyala (V); onion (E); ui (A) Herb Bulb and leaf Vegetable ingredient or A: O1
Alliaceae *Allium sativum L.; KMV204 khanakhana (V); garlic (E); knoffel (A) Herb Bulb Vegetable ingredient or A: O1
Apiaceae *Daucus carota L.; KMV523 kherotsi (V); carrot (E); geelwortel (A) Herb Tuber Edible tuber A: O1
Araceae *Colocasia esculenta (L.) Schott; MMQ028 mufhongwe (V); elephant's ear (E); Herb Leaf and root Vegetable and cooked A: M2, B1 and
amadoembie (A) tuber edible tuber V1
Bromeliaceae *Ananas comosus (L.) Merr.; KMV517 tshienge (V); pineapple (E); Shrub Fruit Edible fruit A: O1
pynappel (A)
Brassicaceae *Brassica oleracea L. var. acephala (DC.) mureipi, murodishia (V); collards Herb Leaf Vegetable A: O1
Schübler & Martens; KMV521 (E); boerkool (Afrikaans)
Brassicaceae *Brassica oleracea L. var. capitata L.; KMV522 khavhishi (V); cabbage (E); kool, Herb Leaf Vegetable A: O1
kopkool (A)
Caricaceae *Carica papaya L.; KMV324 mupapawe (V); pawpaw (E); Tree Fruit, seed, Vegetable, edible fruit A: A1, M1, O1
papaja (A) latex and root and medicine and M5
Chenopodiaceae *Beta vulgaris L.; KMV526 tshipinisi (V); swiss chard (E); Herb Leaf Vegetable A: O1
snybeet (A)
Convolvulaceae *Ipomoea batatas (L.) Lam.; MMQ019 murambo (V); sweet potato (E); Herb Leaf and Vegetable and edible A: M2, V1, S2,
patat (A) tubers cooked tuber B1 and O1
Cucurbitaceae *Cucurbita ficifolia Bouché; KMV233 magondoni, tshikomukomu (V); Herb Leaf and Vegetable A: O1
fig-leaf gourd (E) flowers
Cucurbitaceae *Cucurbita maxima Duchesne; KMV234 thanga (V); winter squash, pumpkin Herb Leaf and Vegetable A: O1, B1, V2
(E); pampoen (A) flowers and S2
Cucurbitaceae *Cucurbita moschata Duchesne; KMV234 phuri, luranga, thanga (V); pumpkin Herb Leaf and Vegetable A: B1, V2 and
(E); pampoen (A) flowers O1
Cucurbitaceae *Cucurbita pepo L.; MMQ014 phuri, luranga, thanga (V); pumpkin Herb Leaf, flowers Vegetable, edible cooked A: O1, B1, V2
(E); pampoen (A) and fruit fruit and medicine and M2
Cucurbitaceae *Luffa cylindrica M.Roem.; KMV412 shukuto (V); sponge gourd (E); Herb Leaf and fruit Vegetable A: O1
vadoekplant (A)
Euphorbiaceae *Manihot esculenta Crantz; KMV433 mutumbula (V); cassava (E); Shrub Leaf and tuber Vegetable, medicine and A: M1 and O1
maniok (A) edible tuber
Fabaceae *Phaseolus vulgaris L.; KMV512 muṋawa (V); common bean, kidney Climber Seed Edible seed A: O1
bean (E); groenboon (A)
Fabaceae *Pisum sativum L.; KMV513 mueregisi (V); garden pea (E); Herb Seed Edible seed A: O1
ertjie (A)
Lauraceae *Persea americana Mill.; KMV511 mugadaphele, muafukhada (V); Tree Fruit and Edible fruit and firewood A: O1
avocado (E); avokado (A) wood
Malvaceae *Malvaviscus sp.; KMV462 delele (V); wax mallow (E) Shrub Leaf Vegetable A: O1
Moraceae *Ficus carica L.; KMV279 muhuyu (V); common fig-tree (E); Tree Fruit and latex Edible fruit and medicine A: O1 and M5
gewone vyeboom (A)
Moringaceae *Moringa oleifera Lam.; KMV266 muringa (V); horse-radish tree (E); Tree All parts Medicine A: O1
peperwortelboom (A)
Musaceae *Musa acuminata Colla; KMV510 muombva (V); banana; Tree Fruit and stem Edible fruit, medicine, snuff A: O1
piesangboom (A) pith ingredient and cook soda
Musaceae *Musa paradisiaca L.; KMV287 muombva (V); banana tree (E); Tree Fruit and stem Edible fruit, medicine, snuff A: M1, A1 and
piesangboom (A) pith ingredient and cook soda O1
Poaceae *Cymbopogon citratus Stapf; KMV463 mutie (V); lemon grass (E) Grass Stalk Beverage A: R1
Poaceae *Saccharum officinarum L.; KMV432 muovha (V); sugar cane (E); Grass Cane-stalk Edible juice A: O1 and V1
suikerriet (A)
Poaceae *Zea mays L.; KMV433 mavhele (V); mealies (E); mielie (A) Grass Grain and leaf Porridge and fodder A: O1, S2 and
stalk S1
Rosaceae *Eriobotrya japonica (Thunb.) munombelo (V); loquat (E); Tree Fruit and leaf Edible fruit and medicine A: O1
Lindl.; KMV416 lukwart (A)
Rutaceae *Citrus limon (L.) Osbeck; KMV272 tshikavhavhe, mukavhavhe (V); Tree Fruit, leaf and Edible fruit, beverage-tea A: A1 and O1
lemon (E); suurlemoen (A) root and medicine
Rutaceae *Citrus paradisi Macfad.; KMV468 mubambahosi (V); grapefruit (E); Tree Fruit Edible fruit A: O1
pomelo (A)
Rutaceae *Citrus reticulata Blanco; KMV469 muṋarangisi, muṋerengisi (V); Tree Fruit Edible fruit A: O1
mandarin orange (E); nartjie (A)
Rutaceae *Citrus sinensis (L.) Osbeck; KMV470 muswiri (V); orange (E); lemoen (A) Tree Fruit Edible fruit A: O1
Sapindaceae *Litchi chinenesis Sonn; KMV475 muḽitshisi (V); litchi (E); lietsjie (A) Tree Fruit Edible fruit A: O1
Solanaceae *Solanum betaceum Cav.; KMV359 muṱamaṱisi (V); tree tomato (E); Shrub Fruit Edible fruit A: O1
boomtamatie (A)
Tropaeolaceae *Tropaeolum majus L.; MMQ046 bopa, lubopa (V); Indian cress, Herb Leaf Medicine and vegetable A: M2, B1 and
monks cress (E); kappertjie (A) O1

Please cite this article as: Magwede, K., et al., An inventory of Vhavenḓa useful plants, South African Journal of Botany (2018),
24 K. Magwede et al. / South African Journal of Botany xxx (2018) xxx–xxx

classifications adopted in latest list of the southern African flora pro- Gulumian (1984) and Mabogo (1990). The last-mentioned study
vided online by the South African National Biodiversity Institute has been the first detailed ethnobotanical account, as is reflected in
(SANBI, 2016). Species listed as naturalised aliens were included in the rapid increase in the number of recorded species in all use
the main inventory (Table 1), but cultivated introduced species typ- categories.
ical of the study area are listed separately (in Table 2). Afrikaans and Stayt was an anthropologist and lecturer in the Department of
English vernacular names were taken from Smith (1966) and various Social Anthropology at the University of the Witwatersrand who
other literature sources as listed in Tables 1 and 2. published the first substantial book on the Vhavenḓa culture. Van
Warmelo was a government ethnologist who produced the first
3. Results and discussion comprehensive Tshivenḓa dictionary in 1989 (as a revision of his
“Tshivenḓa-English Dictionary” published in 1937). Some of Van
3.1. Species (taxonomic) diversity Warmelo's detailed records and notes, housed at the University of
Johannesburg – Doornfontein campus, were consulted for this re-
An inventory of all recorded Vhavenḓa useful plants is presented view. These notes provide fascinating opportunities for studying cul-
in Tables 1 and 2. All indigenous and naturalised aliens are listed in tural changes that have occurred since 1929. For example, Capparis
Table 1, and all popular introduced crop plants are given separately tomentosa was recorded as being used by many homesteads as live
in Table 2. A total of 121 families, 355 genera and 574 species (infra- fences “to keep witches away”. It is noteworthy that this species is
specific taxa counted as species) are used by the Vhavenḓa, of which still commonly used today for a similar purpose - the root is included
120 species (22%) are recorded for the first time as having ethnobo- as the main ingredient of medicine used for magical protection of
tanical relevance. The 120 new species records (shown in bold in the homesteads. Netshiungani (1981) published a paper on the uses of
first column of Table 1) here refer to species that have not previously indigenous trees in Venḓa and included 46 indigenous trees. Arnold
been recorded for the Vhavenḓa cultural group. Of these, 99 are in- and Gulumian (1984) listed 151 plants in their “Pharmacopoeia
digenous (18%) and 21 are naturalised aliens (3%). Overall, nearly of traditional medicine in Venda” including those published by
19% of the study area's estimated flora of 3000 species is used in Netshiungani (1981). A major contribution was that of Mabogo
one way or another. Of the total 574 species, 461 (80%) are indige- (1990), who covered no less than 294 species, with information
nous and 78 (14%) are naturalised aliens (Table 1). A selection of gathered from own experience and through basic ethnobotanical
the most popular and commonly cultivated alien species is listed in survey work. It also included all previously published ethnobotanical
Table 2, which includes 36 species (6%) of the total number of useful information. After 1990, several scientific papers were published by
plants. various authors, usually dealing with only one (or a few) useful spe-
A comparison of the major contributions to Vhavenḓa ethnobot- cies. Most of these studies attempted to test and validate therapeutic
any is presented in Fig. 2. It shows the increase over time of the claims as presented in Mabogo (1990), with very few new species re-
total number of useful plant species recorded by several authors, as cords added.
well as the total number for medicinal plants, food plants and all Analyses of the data in Tables 1 and 2 can provide interesting
other uses. The graph shows the rapid increase resulting from this insights into the main patterns of plant use. For example, Fig. 3 shows
cumulative review. The large numbers of species given here support the top ten families of useful plants (i.e., those contributing the
the notion that available data was scattered in the literature and that largest number of species to the inventory). It is noteworthy that
no detailed analyses of Vhavenḓa plant use patterns were hitherto the Fabaceae/Leguminosae have 64 recorded species, nearly double
possible. the number of next most important family, the Asteraceae (33 species).
Earlier accounts of Vhavenḓa plant uses can be found in Stayt The remaining families in decending order are: Malvaceae s.l. (32 spe-
(1931), Van Warmelo (1989), Netshiungani (1981), Arnold and cies), Apocynaceae s.l. (24 spp.), Euphorbiaceae s.str. (22 spp.), Poaceae

600 574



294 243
241 245

151 151
57 68
33 46
10 30 32 28 20 32
18 11
0 0
Stayt (1968) Van Warmelo Netshiungani Arnold and Mabogo (1990) This review
(1989) (1981) Gulumian (1984)

Total number of species Medicinal Food Other

Fig. 2. Numbers of species of Venḓa useful plants recorded by various authors.

Please cite this article as: Magwede, K., et al., An inventory of Vhavenḓa useful plants, South African Journal of Botany (2018),
K. Magwede et al. / South African Journal of Botany xxx (2018) xxx–xxx 25








Fig. 3. Families with the highest numbers of Venḓa useful plant species.

(21 spp.), Rubiaceae (20), Solanaceae (20 spp.), Amaranthaceae 3.2. Vernacular names
(19 spp.) and Curcurbitaceae (18 spp.).
The most important genera, as measured by the number of species The data presented (in Table 1) allow for an analysis of the number
that are used, are shown in Fig. 4. The top 12 genera (all those with of vernacular names that have been recorded for Venḓa useful plants
six or more useful species), include important food plants such as (Fig. 5 and Appendix 1). Each scientific name of the 574 useful species
Amaranthus (12 species), important medicinal plants such as Solanum is followed by vernacular names in Tshivenḓa (V), and where available,
(10 species), Aloe (six species), Euphorbia (six species) and craft plants at least one each in English (E) and Afrikaans (A). A total of 897
such as Albizia (six species). Tshivenḓa names are included, of which 238 are recorded here for the
In general, and as expected, the most species-rich families and gen- first time. Out of the total of 897 names, 109 names were found to be
era features prominently amongst the top 10 families and top 12 genera used for more than one species: 84 names are used for two species
as shown in Figs. 3 and 4. each, 17 names for three species each, three names for four species


10 10

7 7

6 6 6 6 6 6

Fig. 4. Genera with the highest numbers of Venḓa useful plant species.

Please cite this article as: Magwede, K., et al., An inventory of Vhavenḓa useful plants, South African Journal of Botany (2018),
26 K. Magwede et al. / South African Journal of Botany xxx (2018) xxx–xxx










Stayt Netshiungani Arnold and Van Warmelo Mabogo (1990) This review
(1968) (1981) Gulumian (1984) (1989)

Total number of species Total number of Tshivenda names

Additional names recorded Extra names percentage

Fig. 5. Numbers of Tshivenḓa vernacular plant names recorded by various authors.

each, two names for five species each, two for six species and one name, very similar to muṋie, the name that is correctly used for Berchemia dis-
known locally as vowa, for 13 species of Amaranthus. As a result, the color. The two names can therefore easily be confused with one another,
total number of different names (i.e. names pronounced and/or spelt resulting in errors of identification.
differently) drops to 738. Some vernacular names are invariable Fig. 5 shows the increase in the recorded number of vernacular
throughout the traditional Vhavenḓa region, while others have local names since the publication of Stayt (1931). The earlier publications
variations and thus contributed to the large number of new names re- (Stayt, 1931; Netshiungani, 1981) listed only a single name for each of
corded. As pointed out by Van Warmelo (1989), there is a tendency the species, while Arnold and Gulumian (1984), Van Warmelo (1989),
for the Tshivenḓa language to be conservative with consonants. At pres- Mabogo (1990) and this review show a general trend of an increasing
ent, the young generation tends to be less conservative with consonants numbers of local names given to a single species.
when pronouncing plant names. For example, Hexalobus monopetalus
has at least five different Tshivenḓa names – muhuhuma, muukhuma, 3.3. Life forms
muhukhuma, munii, mushakame (Van Warmelo, 1989). The original
name appears to be muukhuma but nowadays most people refer to The data in Tables 1 and 2 also allow for an analysis of the life
the plant as muhuhuma. The name mushakame is an example of a re- forms (habits) of Vhavenḓa useful plants. In tree-dominated biomes,
gional variant, mostly used to the north of the Soutpansberg (Niani). the expectation is that trees would have the highest frequency
The name munii is an old name for Hexalobus monopetalus but sounds and diversity of use (e.g. roots and bark as medicine, timber for







1 4 2
Parasite Sedges Epiphytes Grasses Climbers Shrubs Herbs Trees

Fig. 6. Numbers of Venḓa useful plant species in each of various life forms (habit types).

Please cite this article as: Magwede, K., et al., An inventory of Vhavenḓa useful plants, South African Journal of Botany (2018),
K. Magwede et al. / South African Journal of Botany xxx (2018) xxx–xxx 27

400 382





150 128 121

91 92 92
50 34 31 27 22 18 14 11 11 9 7 6 6 4

Fig. 7. Numbers of Venḓa useful plant species in each of various categories of use.

construction and firewood, fruits and seeds as food), resulting in Soutpansberg mountain range) now use Schinus molle medicinally for
them being the dominant life form that is used. As shown in Fig. 6, treating coughs, colds and influenza by inhaling steam from boiled
this appears to be true for Vhavenḓa useful plants. The largest num- leaves. These introduced plants became integrated into the local culture,
ber of useful species are indeed trees (189), followed closely by a phenomenon highlighted by Semenya et al. (2012) amongst Pedi and
herbs (170) and shrubs (143). Climbers (44 species) and grasses also by Dold and Cocks (2000) in the Eastern Cape Province of South
(21 species) are also relatively important, reflecting the dominant Africa.
biome (savannah).
4. General conclusions
3.4. Categories of use
The inventory presented in this contribution is the first compre-
Each of the useful plant species listed in Tables 1 and 2 was allocated hensive compilation of Vhavenḓa useful plants. The relatively large
to one or more use categories as recorded for the Vhembe District only. numbers of new species records and new use records show that
The resulting pattern is shown in Fig. 7. Vhavenḓa ethnobotany was hitherto incompletely recorded. The
It is noteworthy that no fewer than 382 species are used medicinally, data and associated brief synthesis presented here give a glimpse
considerably more than the 296 species used as sources of food (128 of the rich cultural heritage of the Vhavenḓa and highlights the di-
vegetables, 121 edible fruits, 34 beverages, 11 famine foods and six con- versity of Vhavenḓa traditional plant use and its associated indige-
diments). A total of 91 species are used as source of firewood, 92 as nous knowledge.
source craftwork material, 92 providing construction material, 31 pro- The potential uses of the inventory include the following: (1) The
viding fibre for cordage, 14 as source of rubber used to make birdlime, preservation of precious indigenous knowledge that run the risk of
seven species used as source of dye or material used for leather tanning being lost due to the adoption of modern lifestyles; (2) A source of
and six used as source of adhesives or glues. Ornamental and shade new ideas for scientific studies. The recorded uses from this inven-
plants represent a relatively small use category, with a total of 49 spe- tory offers many ideas to be tested scientifically for the validation
cies (27 species used only as ornamentals, 22 as shade plants) and of their effectiveness; (3) A source of information for conservation
seven as live fences. There are numerous other use categories with authorities – to manage the biodiversity and sustainable use of the
smaller numbers of species: fodder for livestock (18 species), snuff in- plant resources; (4) It provides a new source of information on spe-
gredients (11 species), fish poisons (six species), sources of cooking cies with commercial potential; (5) The list can be used for future
soda – for softening fibrous vegetables when cooking (six species), cof- comparative studies between cultures and regions, including the
fee substitute (one species), toothbrushes (five species), cosmetic oils magical uses of plants, which is a prominent feature of Vhavenḓa
(three species), arrow poisons (one species), insect repellents (five spe- plant use; (6) The Tshivenḓa names provide important clues about
cies), soap substitutes (five species), toys (two species) and ritual uses the temporal and spatial origins of plant use practises that can be
(three species). studied by historians and linguists.
Out of the total of 574 plants, 113 are alien species, with 78 of those
being naturalised and 36 cultivated as popular crop plants in Vhavenḓa Acknowledgements
home gardens (Table 2). Alien plants were introduced mainly as fruits
and vegetables, but also as ornamental plants and for various other pur- Financial and logistic support from the National Research Founda-
poses. For example, Schinus molle, known as mubibiri in Tshivenḓa, was tion of South Africa, the University of Johannesburg (NRF Grant Number
introduced from South America and cultivated as both an ornamental 8442) and the University of Venda are gratefully acknowledged. We
and shade plant (Van Wyk and Van Wyk, 2013) but later became also thank the research participants (interviewees) for generously shar-
naturalised. People around Sinthumule (south of the Soutpansberg ing their time and knowledge, and Isaac Ramovha for kindly providing
mountain range) and in the Nzhelele Valley (north-west of the us with an electronic copy of his doctoral thesis.

Please cite this article as: Magwede, K., et al., An inventory of Vhavenḓa useful plants, South African Journal of Botany (2018),
28 K. Magwede et al. / South African Journal of Botany xxx (2018) xxx–xxx

Appendix A Appendix 1 (continued)

ligelegele Sida rhombifolia subsp. rhombifolia Malvaceae
Alphabetical index of Tshivenḓa plant names ḽiluvha *Nerium oleader Apocynaceae
ḽiluvha *Catharanthus roseus Apocynaceae
liṱo Rhynchosia vendae Fabaceae
Tshivenḓa name Botanical name Family luakhaboyi Capparis tomentosa Brassicaceae
luanakha *Caesalpinia decapetala Fabaceae
*naturalised aliens and **non-naturalised luangalala Cassytha filiformis Lauraceae
(cultivated) aliens lubavhe Momordica charantia Cucurbitaceae
azwiili Sphedamnocarpus pruriens subsp. pruriens Malpighiaceae lubeleha Cissampelos torulosa Menispermaceae
bandulakhali Ozoroa engleri Anacardiaceae lubikela Asystasia gangetica subsp. micrantha Acanthaceae
beleha Adenia gummifera var. gummifera Passifloraceae lubikelashamba Dicliptera clinopodia Acanthaceae
benzwa Cymbopogon nardus Poaceae lubopa **Tropaeolum majus Tropaeolaceae
berepere Riocreuxia picta Apocynaceae luendatadulu Cassytha filiformis Lauraceae
bindamutshe Aloe marlothii Asphodelaceae lufhaladzamakole Asparagus buchananii Asparagaceae
bopa **Tropaeolum majus Tropaeolaceae lufhe Hyparrhenia filipendula var. filipendula Poaceae
bopha Adenia gummifera var. gummifera Passifloraceae lufhe Hyparrhenia hirta Poaceae
bungaluselo Combretum microphyllum Combretaceae lufhelele *Cyclospermum leptophyllum Apiaceae
bunganyunyu Ocimum americanum var. americanum Lamiaceae lugulusekene Momordica charantia Cucurbitaceae
bunganyunyu Plectranthus laxiflorus Lamiaceae lugwiti Combretum vendae var. vendae Combretaceae
bungushule Hyparrhenia filipendula var. filipendula Poaceae lukake Momordica balsamina Cucurbitaceae
bwere Pyrenacantha grandiflora Icacinaceae lukandululo Zornia milneana Fabaceae
bwerepwere Riocreuxia picta Apocynaceae lukandululo Cissampelos torulosa Menispermaceae
dadasenga Cymbopogon caesius Poaceae lukongolwanḓou Cissampelos torulosa Menispermaceae
dadasenga Hyparrhenia filipendula var. filipendula Poaceae luranga **Cucurbita moschata Cucurbitaceae
ḓadzwaṅombe Ximenia caffra var. caffra Olacaceae luranga **Cucurbita pepo Cucurbitaceae
ḓaleḓale *Chenopodium album Amaranthaceae luswielo *Schkuhria pinnata Asteraceae
damba Commelina benghalensis Commelinaceae luṱanga Phragmites australis Poaceae
damba Commelina erecta Commelinaceae luṱanga Phragmites mauritianus Poaceae
delele *Corchorus trilocularis Malvaceae luṱangule Euclea linearis Ebenaceae
delele *Corchorus tridens Malvaceae lutele Carpobrotus edulis subsp. edulis Aizoaceae
delele **Malvaviscus sp. Malvaceae luṱhadzi Catha edulis Celastraceae
deleleluṋanzwaṋowa Corchorus confusus Malvaceae lutundwa Secamone parvifolia Apocynaceae
deleleluṋanzwanowa Corchorus asplenifolius Malvaceae luuvhu Loeseneriella crenata var. crenata Celastraceae
delelelupfumo *Corchorus olitorius var. olitorius Malvaceae luvhambo Celtis africana Ulmaceae
delelemukhwayo *Abelmoschus esculentus var. esculentus Malvaceae luvhele *Pennisetum glaucum Poaceae
delelemukhwayo Hibiscus trionum Malvaceae mafambaboriḽe Rinorea angustifolia subsp. natalensis Violaceae
delelemukula Waltheria indica Malvaceae mafautshivuwa Myrothamnus flabellifolius Myrothamnaceae
delelemukula Sida acuta subsp. acuta Malvaceae mafavuka Myrothamnus flabellifolius Myrothamnaceae
delelemukula Sida cordifolia subsp. cordifolia Malvaceae
mafinyingule Croton gratissimus var. gratissimus Euphorbiaceae
delelemukula *Corchorus trilocularis Malvaceae
magondoni **Cucurbita ficifolia Cucurbitaceae
delelemukula Sida rhombifolia subsp. rhombifolia Malvaceae
makhaha Sorghum bicolor subsp. arundinaceum Poaceae
delelevhalemba Sida rhombifolia subsp. rhombifolia Malvaceae
makhuluwaḓaledale *Chenopodium murale var. murale Amaranthaceae
dira Salacia rehmannii Celastraceae
makhuluwadzaluma Pouzolzia parasitica Urticaceae
donzwamutuku Pergularia daemia subsp. daemia Apocynaceae
makhuluwaluvhisi *Portulaca oleracea Portulacaceae
duluṅombe Strophanthus petersianus Apocynaceae
makhuluwamuhatu Holarrhena pubescens Apocynaceae
dundu Adenia digitata Passifloraceae
makhuluwamutudo Hibiscus praeteritus Malvaceae
dyambila Obetia tenax Urticaceae
malambakupikwa Elachyptera parvifolia Celastraceae
dyaṱhoho Rhoicissus tomentosa Vitaceae
malofhane Aspilia pluriseta subsp. pluriseta Asteraceae
dzaluma Laportea peduncularis subsp. peduncularis Urticaceae
malongekanye Cissus quadrangularis var. quadrangularis Vitaceae
dzaluma *Urtica dioica Urticaceae
mandande *Abelmoschus esculentus var. esculentus Malvaceae
dzhakavhavhe Erianthemum dregei Loranthaceae
manyamanye Hermannia glanduligera Malvaceae
dzhesi Cyperus latifolius Cyperaceae
masunungule Croton gratissimus var. gratissimus Euphorbiaceae
fola *Nicotiana tabacum Solanaceae
mathuvhazwoṱhe Eucomis autumnalis Hyacinthaceae
funḓwi Cymbopogon marginatus Poaceae
maṱo Rhynchosia vendae Fabaceae
fungwi Cymbopogon marginatus Poaceae
mavhele **Zea mays Poaceae
galange Pyrenacantha kaurabassana Icacinaceae
mavhelematshena Flueggea virosa subsp. virosa Phyllanthaceae
gambampengo Dioscorea dregeana Dioscoreaceae
mavhofhe Acridocarpus natalitius var. natalitius Malpighiaceae
gango *Amaranthus hybridus subsp. cruentus Amaranthaceae
mavhophe Acridocarpus natalitius var. natalitius Malpighiaceae
gaulo *Schkuhria pinnata Asteraceae
mbandatshilale Momordica boivinii Cucurbitaceae
gaululo Anthocleista grandiflora Gentianaceae
mbanzhe *Cannabis sativa var. sativa Cannabaceae
gokodzalulimi Peddiea africana Thymelaeaceae
mbovane Turraea obtusifolia Meliaceae
gona Sarcostemma viminale subsp. suberosum Apocynaceae
mbuwambuwane Tragia dioica Euphorbiaceae
gonela Senna petersiana Fabaceae
mizwilaminzhi Grewia flavescens Malvaceae
gopokopo Combretum microphyllum Combretaceae
mokolokoṱe Piliostigma thonningii Fabaceae
gopokopobani Combretum vendae var. vendae Combretaceae
Securidaca longepedunculata var.
govhakhanya Asparagus falcatus Asparagaceae mpesu Polygalaceae
gukhuna Grewia hexamita Malvaceae
mpeta Osyris lanceolata Santalaceae
gukhunya Obetia tenax Urticaceae
mphwe Ansellia africana Orchidaceae
gukuna Grewia hexamita Malvaceae
mpindukwa Indigofera arrecta Fabaceae
gumbathakha Elephantorrhiza elephantina Fabaceae
mpuyuyu Acrotome inflata Lamiaceae
gumbathakha Elephantorrhiza burkei Fabaceae
muaḓaba Lannea schweinfurthii var. stuhlmannii Anacardiaceae
gumbaufa Elephantorrhiza burkei Fabaceae
muafukhada **Persea americana Lauraceae
gumbavhufa Elephantorrhiza burkei Fabaceae
mualigatsibi Indigofera arrecta Fabaceae
gumululo Elephantorrhiza elephantina Fabaceae
muangaila Millettia stuhlmannii Fabaceae
gumululo Elephantorrhiza burkei Fabaceae
mubambahosi **Citrus paradisi Rutaceae
gumutsha Cucumis zeyheri Cucurbitaceae
muberegisi *Prunus persica var. persica Rosaceae
gundakhanga Asparagus falcatus Asparagaceae
mubibiri *Schinus molle Anacardiaceae
gwambadzi Toddalia asiatica Rutaceae
mubobo Commiphora marlothii Burseraceae
gwambazi Capparis tomentosa Brassicaceae
muboma Cassia abbreviata subsp. beareana Fabaceae
gwanda *Xanthium strumarium Asteraceae
mubomo *Eucalyptus grandis Myrtaceae
gwikwiṱimba Pouzolzia parasitica Urticaceae
mubongabonga Gymnanthemum myrianthum Asteraceae
hatsi Hyparrhenia tamba Poaceae
mubosotie Athrixia phylicoides Asteraceae
hatsi Hyparrhenia dissoluta Poaceae
mububulu Mimusops zeyheri Sapotaceae
hatsi Hyparrhenia dregeana Poaceae
mubvafhisa Gomphocarpus fruticosus subsp. fruticosus Apocynaceae
Tricliceras longepedunculatum var.
iṱolandau Turneraceae mubvamalofha Aspilia pluriseta subsp. pluriseta Asteraceae
Iṱolandau Gerbera ambigua Asteraceae mubvamalofha Alchornea laxiflora Euphorbiaceae
khanakhana **Allium sativum Alliaceae mubvumela Kirkia acuminata Kirkiaceae
khavhishi **Brassica oleracea var. capitata Brassicaceae muḓabula *Solanum tuberosum Solanaceae
kherotsi **Daucus carota Apiaceae muḓadzashango Stapelia gigantea Apocynaceae
kholomo Boophone disticha Amaryllidaceae mudedede Heteropyxis natalensis Heteropyxidaceae
khonde Cymbopogon marginatus Poaceae mudiatsiwana Cadaba aphylla Brassicaceae
khundwi Rhoicissus tomentosa Vitaceae muḓifhakunene Fadogia tetraquetra var. tetraquetra Rubiaceae
khwingwili Jatropha zeyheri Euphorbiaceae (continued on next page)

Please cite this article as: Magwede, K., et al., An inventory of Vhavenḓa useful plants, South African Journal of Botany (2018),
K. Magwede et al. / South African Journal of Botany xxx (2018) xxx–xxx 29

Appendix 1 (continued) Appendix 1 (continued)

mudile Themeda triandra Poaceae mukudubu Strychnos cocculoides Loganiaceae
muḓoro *Opuntia ficus-indica Cactaceae mukudubu Rothmannia capensis Rubiaceae
muḓouma Ekebergia capensis Meliaceae mukukuna Grewia hexamita Malvaceae
muḓuhwi Ipomoea plebeia subsp. africana Convolvulaceae mukulungwane Centella asiatica Apiaceae
muḓuhwi Ipomoea obscura var. obscura Convolvulaceae mukulungwane Oxalis semiloba subsp. semiloba Oxalidaceae
muḓula Halleria lucida Stilbaceae mukuluvhali *Achyranthes aspera var. aspera Amaranthaceae
mudulu Balanites maughamii Zygophyllaceae mukumbakumba Bridelia mollis Phyllanthaceae
mudumbula Ozoroa engleri Anacardiaceae mukumbu Lagenaria siceraria Cucurbitaceae
muḓuwaḓuwane Senna italica subsp. arachoides Fabaceae mukumululo Landolphia kirkii Apocynaceae
muḓuwishango *Senna septemtrionalis Fabaceae mukundadivhu Elaeodendron transvaalense Celastraceae
mudzamanga Pyrenacantha grandiflora Icacinaceae mukundamboho Lippia javanica Verbenaceae
mudzhoudzhou Gyrocarpus americanus subsp. africanus Hernandiaceae mukundandou Ormocarpum trichocarpum Fabaceae
mudzidzi Artabotrys brachypetalus Annonaceae mukundanḓou Mundulea sericea subsp. sericea Fabaceae
mudziwatombo Mystacidium capense Orchidaceae mukundulela Vigna vexillata. var. vexillata Fabaceae
mudzwiri Combretum hereroense Combretaceae mukurukuru Trema orientalis Ulmaceae
mudzwiri Combretum imberbe Combretaceae mukuvhavhanḓinḓa Albizia anthelmintica Fabaceae
muelela Albizia adianthifolia var. adianthifolia Fabaceae mukuvhazwivhi Elaeodendron transvaalense Celastraceae
muembe Annona senegalensis subsp. senegalensis Annonaceae mukwakwa Strychnos madagascariensis Loganiaceae
muendanathavha Obetia tenax Urticaceae mukwakwa Strychnos pungens Loganiaceae
muenene Anthocleista grandiflora Gentianaceae mukwatikwati Euclea linearis Ebenaceae
mueregisi **Pisum sativum Fabaceae mukwatikwati Mystroxylon aethiopicum subsp. aethiopicum Celastraceae
mufhafha Commiphora marlothii Burseraceae mukwatikwati Volkameria glabra Lamiaceae
mufhanda Philenoptera violacea Fabaceae mukwatule Maytenus peduncularis Celastraceae
mufhanza Tricalysia lanceolata Rubiaceae mukwatule Mystroxylon aethiopicum subsp. aethiopicum Celastraceae
mufhanza Trimeria grandifolia subsp. grandifolia Salicaceae muḽakholomo Markhamia zanzibarica Bignoniaceae
mufhaṱa Brachylaena transvaalensis Asteraceae mulala Hyphaene coriacea Arecaceae
mufhaṱa Brachylaena discolor Asteraceae mulala Hyphaene petersiana Arecaceae
mufhaṱathavha Brachylaena huillensis Asteraceae mulalamaanga Prunus africana Rosaceae
mufhaṱavhufa Kiggelaria africana L. Achariaceae mulalangatemba Hyparrhenia hirta Poaceae
mufhaṱelaṱhundu Combretum zeyheri Combretaceae mulambabea Crotalaria capensis Fabaceae
mufhefhera Aphloia theiformis Aphloiaceae mulambadivhu Senna petersiana Fabaceae
mufhisanomboro Plumbago zeylanica Plumbaginaceae mulambadivhu Cassia abbreviata subsp. beareana Fabaceae
mufhiso Toddalia asiatica Rutaceae mulambadivhu Pouzolzia mixta Urticaceae
mufhoho Eleusine coracana Poaceae muḽandou Combretum mossambicense Combretaceae
mufhongwe **Colocasia esculenta Araceae mulanga Warburgia salutaris Canellaceae
mufhorola Croton gratissimus var. gratissimus Euphorbiaceae muḽanotshi Nuxia floribunda Stilbaceae
mufhufhumwa Helinus integrifolius Rhamnaceae muḽathoho Croton sylvaticus Euphorbiaceae
mufhulu Burkea africana Fabaceae muḽegere *Richardia brasiliensis Rubiaceae
mulelu Albizia tanganyicensis subsp. tanganyicensis Fabaceae
mufula Sclerocarya birrea subsp. caffra Anacardiaceae
mulembu Triumfetta rhomboidea var. rhomboidea Malvaceae
mufungwi Riocreuxia torulosa var. torulosa Apocynaceae
mulembu Grewia occidentalis var. occidentalis Malvaceae
mufuranganḓela *Passiflora edulis Passifloraceae
mulilwe Piper capense var. capense Piperaceae
mugadaphele **Persea americana Lauraceae
mulingwi Schrebera alata Oleaceae
mugalangafhasi Ficus sur Moraceae
muḽitshisi **Litchi chinensis Sapindaceae
mugavhi Combretum apiculatum Combretaceae
mulivhadza Lannea schweinfurthii var. stuhlmannii Anacardiaceae
mugavhi Combretum hereroense Combretaceae
mulolo Ensete ventricosum Musaceae
mugeri Combretum imberbe Combretaceae mulubi Schotia brachypetala Fabaceae
mugogodwane Ormocarpum trichocarpum Fabaceae mululu Balanites maughamii Zygophyllaceae
mugubisa Croton sylvaticus Euphorbiaceae mululudza Gymnanthemum myrianthum Asteraceae
mugugunu Mystroxylon aethiopicum subsp. aethiopicum Celastraceae mulumaṋama Cassia abbreviata subsp. beareana Fabaceae
mugunwa Sesbania sesban subsp. sesban Fabaceae mulumaṋamana Elaeodendron transvaalense Celastraceae
mugwavha *Psidium guajava Myrtaceae mulumekhoḓa Canthium ciliatum Rubiaceae
mugwiti Combretum molle Combretaceae mulunzwu Schotia brachypetala Fabaceae
muhaba Toddalia asiatica Rutaceae muluwa Senegalia ataxacantha Fabaceae
muhakatshaini Asparagus falcatus Asparagaceae mumbudzi Grewia flavescens Malvaceae
muhashaphande Trimeria grandifolia subsp. grandifolia Salicaceae mumvumvu Celtis africana Ulmaceae
muhaṱaha Pterocarpus rotundifolius subsp. rotundifolius Fabaceae mumvumvu Trema orientalis Ulmaceae
muhaṱu Tabernaemontana elegans Apocynaceae muṋadzi Rauvolfia caffra Apocynaceae
muhodwa Vepris lanceolata Rutaceae munamamutuku Priva cordifolia var. abyssinica Verbenaceae
muhoholodza Peddiea africana Thymelaeaceae muṋambala Rubus pinnatus Rosaceae
muhoṱo Faidherbia albida Fabaceae muṋambala Rubus rigidus Rosaceae
muhuhuma Hexalobus monopetalus Annonaceae muṋambu Manilkara mochisia Sapotaceae
muhukhuma Hexalobus monopetalus Annonaceae munamu Pupalia lappacea var. lappacea Amaranthaceae
muhuluri Dalbergia melanoxylon Fabaceae munamu Triumfetta annua Malvaceae
muhuyu **Ficus carica Moraceae munamu Triumfetta pilosa Malvaceae
muhuyulukuse Ficus sycomorus Moraceae munamumuhulwane Cyathula natalensis Amaranthaceae
muhuyungala Ficus sur Moraceae munanga Senegalia burkei Fabaceae
muhwidzi Hibiscus vitifolius subsp. vitifolius Malvaceae muṋarangisi **Citrus reticulata Rutaceae
muimavanda Croton sylvaticus Euphorbiaceae muṋawa **Phaseolus vulgaris Fabaceae
muime Albizia anthelmintica Fabaceae muṋawa Vigna unguiculata subsp. unguiculata Fabaceae
muinki *Phytolacca octandra Phytolaccaceae muṋawana Vigna vexillata. var. vexillata Fabaceae
mukakate Sterculia rogersii Malvaceae mundalendale Ipomoea obscura var. obscura Convolvulaceae
mukamba Dioscorea dregeana Dioscoreaceae munḓamuka Salvadora australis Salvadoraceae
mukamba Bolusanthus speciosus Fabaceae munḓodzi *Cajanus cajan Fabaceae
mukangala Strychnos decussata Loganiaceae muṋembeṋembe Senna petersiana Fabaceae
mukangambadzhe Evolvulus alsinoides Convolvulaceae muṋembeṋembe Cassia abbreviata subsp. beareana Fabaceae
mukangambanzhe Myrothamnus flabellifolius Myrothamnaceae muṋengeledzi Salix mucronata subsp. woodii Salicaceae
mukangambanzhe *Tagetes minuta Asteraceae muṋerengisi **Citrus reticulata Rutaceae
mukavhamahunguvhu Psydrax livida Rubiaceae mungulenyele Euclea natalensis subsp. natalensis Ebenaceae
mukavhamahunguvhu Croton gratissimus var. gratissimus Euphorbiaceae muṋie Berchemia discolor Rhamnaceae
mukavhavhe **Citrus limon Rutaceae muṋiedombo Berchemia zeyheri Rhamnaceae
mukhalu Ziziphus mucronata subsp. mucronata Rhamnaceae muṋieṋiane Berchemia zeyheri Rhamnaceae
mukho Schefflera umbellifera Araliaceae munii Lannea discolor Anacardiaceae
mukhukhuma Berchemia discolor Rhamnaceae munii Hexalobus monopetalus Annonaceae
mukhwalikhwali Antidesma venosum Phyllanthaceae munimvi Cleome gynandra Brassicaceae
mukhwayo Hibiscus nigricaulis Malvaceae munnamutswu Artabotrys brachypetalus Annonaceae
mukolomo Pristimera longipetiolata Celastraceae munnamutswu Artabotrys monteiroae Annonaceae
mukombodza Gymnanthemum myrianthum Asteraceae munnamutswu Cadaba aphylla Brassicaceae
mukonde Euphorbia confinalis Euphorbiaceae munngo *Mangifera indica Anacardiaceae
mukonde Euphorbia ingens Euphorbiaceae munombelo Englerophytum magalismontanum Sapotaceae
mukondevenda Euphorbia ingens Euphorbiaceae munombelo **Eriobotrya japonica Rosaceae
mukongovhoti Strychnos potatorum Loganiaceae munukhatshilongwe Volkameria glabra Lamiaceae
mukopokopo Combretum microphyllum Combretaceae (continued on next page)

Please cite this article as: Magwede, K., et al., An inventory of Vhavenḓa useful plants, South African Journal of Botany (2018),
30 K. Magwede et al. / South African Journal of Botany xxx (2018) xxx–xxx

Appendix 1 (continued) Appendix 1 (continued)

musenga Hyparrhenia filipendula var. filipendula Poaceae
munukhavhaloi Heteropyxis natalensis Heteropyxidaceae
musengele *Bambusa balcooa Poaceae
munungu Zanthoxylum leprieurii Rutaceae
musenzhe Cussonia spicata Araliaceae
munungu Zanthoxylum humile Rutaceae
muserenga *Melia azedarach Meliaceae
munungu Zanthoxylum davyi Rutaceae
musese Peltophorum africanum Fabaceae
munungu Zanthoxylum capense Rutaceae
musesekufa Elephantorrhiza elephantina Fabaceae
munungu Ozoroa reticulata Anacardiaceae
musesekufa Elephantorrhiza burkei Fabaceae
munungufhefhe Albizia tanganyicensis subsp. tanganyicensis Fabaceae
museṱo Dicerocaryum senecioides Pedaliaceae
munungumaswi Ozoroa reticulata Anacardiaceae
mushakaladza Searsia lancea Anacardiaceae
muṋunzu Leonotis ocymifolia Lamiaceae
mushakaladza Searsia leptodictya Anacardiaceae
muṋunzu Leonotis leonurus Lamiaceae
mushakaladza Searsia pyroides var. pyroides Anacardiaceae
muṋunzwu Schotia brachypetala Fabaceae
mushakame Hexalobus monopetalus Annonaceae
munyavhili Diospyros whyteana Ebenaceae
mushashaṋawa Croton gratissimus var. gratissimus Euphorbiaceae
munyee Berchemia discolor Rhamnaceae mushashathuri *Tagetes minuta Asteraceae
munzere Bridelia micrantha Phyllanthaceae mushavhavhakazi Kleinia longiflora Asteraceae
munzhounzhou Entandrophragma caudatum Meliaceae mushidzhi *Bidens pilosa Asteraceae
muobaḓali Capparis tomentosa Brassicaceae mushidzhidonga *Bidens bipinnata Asteraceae
muombaḓadzi Capparis tomentosa Brassicaceae mushingidzhane Sporobolus africanus Poaceae
muombva **Musa acuminata Musaceae mushona *Mimosa pigra Fabaceae
muombva **Musa paradisiaca Musaceae mushulwa Solanum aculeastrum subsp. aculeastrum Solanaceae
muonze Spirostachys africana Euphorbiaceae mushushaphongwe Pterocarpus rotundifolius subsp. rotundifolius Fabaceae
muovha **Saccharum officinarum Poaceae musilili Acokanthera oppositifolia Apocynaceae
mupaini *Pinus patula Pinaceae musimbiri Androstachys johnsonii Picrodendraceae
mupalakhwali Albizia anthelmintica Fabaceae musinḓe Dalbergia nitidula Fabaceae
mupalakhwali Albizia brevifolia Fabaceae musingidzi Combretum hereroense Combretaceae
mupani Colophospermum mopane Fabaceae musiri Olea capensis subsp. enervis Oleaceae
mupapawe **Carica papaya Caricaceae musivha Rhynchosia vendae Fabaceae
muparafeni Grewia flavescens Malvaceae musivha Vigna vexillata. var. vexillata Fabaceae
muparatsheni Grewia flavescens Malvaceae musivhiṱha Vachellia erioloba Fabaceae
mupfamutshena Vachellia karroo Fabaceae musivhiṱha Vachellia rehmanniana Fabaceae
mupfuka Grewia microthyrsa Malvaceae musu Vachellia tortilis Fabaceae
mupfulupfumbu Vitex ferruginea Lamiaceae musu Vachellia nilotica subsp. kraussiana Fabaceae
mupfumbadzi Albizia forbesii Fabaceae musudzungwane Lippia javanica Verbenaceae
mupfumbupfumbu Vitex ferruginea Lamiaceae musuma Diospyros mespiliformis Ebenaceae
mupfure *Ricinus communis var. communis Euphorbiaceae musununu Oxytenanthera abyssinica Poaceae
mupfuredonga *Jatropha curcas Euphorbiaceae musunzi Wrightia natalensis Apocynaceae
muphapha Lagenaria siceraria Cucurbitaceae mususu Terminalia sericea Combretaceae
muphiphi Garcinia livingstonei Clusiaceae muswingaphala Bolusanthus speciosus Fabaceae
muphone Syzygium gerrardii Myrtaceae muswiri **Citrus sinensis Rutaceae
muphophamaḓi Anthocleista grandiflora Gentianaceae muswiswa Indigofera arrecta Fabaceae
muphophamaḓi Apodytes dimidiata subsp. dimidiata Icacinaceae muswoswo Euphorbia cupularis Boiss Euphorbiaceae
muphophopho Cardiospermum corindum Sapindaceae muswoswoto Lannea schweinfurthii var. stuhlmannii Anacardiaceae
mupimbi Garcinia livingstonei Clusiaceae muswu Vachellia nilotica subsp. kraussiana Fabaceae
mupone Syzygium gerrardii Myrtaceae muswu Vachellia tortilis Fabaceae
mupopane Maerua angolensis subsp. angolensis Brassicaceae mutabva Grewia bicolor var. bicolor Malvaceae
mupulumbu Maclura africana Moraceae mutaladzi Mimusops zeyheri Sapotaceae
mupunzu Grewia villosa var. villosa Malvaceae mutaladzi Commiphora africana var. africana Burseraceae
mupunzunyeke Grewia occidentalis var. occidentalis Malvaceae mutalu Commiphora viminea Burseraceae
mupupuma Helinus integrifolius Rhamnaceae mutama Tylosema fassoglensis Fabaceae
mupupuṅwa Cissampelos torulosa Menispermaceae muṱamaṱisi *Lycopersicon esculentum Solanaceae
murabva Grewia monticola Malvaceae muṱamaṱisi **Solanum betaceum Solanaceae
murabva Grewia bicolor var. bicolor Malvaceae mutambanamme Maerua angolensis subsp. angolensis Brassicaceae
murabvapfene Grewia hexamita Malvaceae muṱambapfunda Albizia versicolor Fabaceae
muramba Strychnos spinosa subsp. spinosa Loganiaceae muṱambvu Ficus sansibarica subsp. sansibarica Moraceae
murambo **Ipomoea batatas Convolvulaceae mutanamaswi Secamone parvifolia Apocynaceae
murambothavha Ochna arborea Ochnaceae muṱanari Colophospermum mopane Fabaceae
murapfa Grewia monticola Malvaceae mutandambeulane Pristimera longipetiolata Celastraceae
murapfa Grewia bicolor var. bicolor Malvaceae mutandambevhulane Pristimera longipetiolata Celastraceae
murathamapfeṋe Rothmannia capensis Rubiaceae muṱangauma Flueggea virosa subsp. virosa Phyllanthaceae
murebeila *Morus alba var. alba Moraceae muṱango Faurea saligna Proteaceae
mureipi **Brassica oleracea var. acephala Brassicaceae muṱangule Euclea divinorum Ebenaceae
Dichrostachys cinerea subsp. africana var. muṱangulemusekene Euclea linearis Ebenaceae
murenzhe Fabaceae muṱangulenyele Euclea crispa subsp. crispa Ebenaceae
murenzhebani Rhigozum obovatum Bignoniaceae muṱangulethavha Euclea natalensis subsp. natalensis Ebenaceae
murevhe Halleria lucida Stilbaceae muṱanzwakhamelo Pittosporum viridiflorum Pittosporaceae
muringa **Moringa oleifera Moringaceae muṱanzwakhamelo Cryptolepis obtusa Apocynaceae
murodishia **Brassica oleracea var. acephala Brassicaceae mutapatila Maerua cafra Brassicaceae
murodolo Pappea capensis Sapindaceae muṱaṱe Cyperus sexangularis Cyperaceae
murombe Hyperacanthus amoenus Rubiaceae muṱavhatsindi Brackenridgea zanguebarica Ochnaceae
muromboḓane Nymphaea nouchali var. caerulea Nymphaeaceae muṱawi Syzygium legatii Myrtaceae
murondo Cephalanthus natalensis Rubiaceae mutebeila *Morus alba var. alba Moraceae
murovhaḓembe Pouzolzia mixta Urticaceae mutebvu *Macadamia integrifolia Proteaceae
murovhambaḓo Senegalia caffra Fabaceae mutepe Ehretia rigida subsp. nervifolia Boraginaceae
muṱhala Diospyros lycioides subsp. lycioides Ebenaceae
murovherovhe Ehretia rigida subsp. nervifolia Boraginaceae
muṱhangavhavhe Cucumis anguria var. longaculeatus Cucurbitaceae
murudi Cleome gynandra Brassicaceae
muṱhanyi Vernonia fastigiata Asteraceae
murulwa Solanum aculeastrum subsp. aculeastrum Solanaceae
muṱhanzwa Ximenia caffra var. caffra Olacaceae
murumbulashedo Tephrosia soutpansbergensis Fabaceae
muṱhanzwa Pouzolzia mixta Urticaceae
murumelelwa Pleurostylia capensis Celastraceae
muṱhanzwa Ximenia americana var. microphylla Olacaceae
murundamali Rhynchosia komatiensis Fabaceae
muṱhanzwakhomu Ximenia americana var. microphylla Olacaceae
murundamalofha Alchornea laxiflora Euphorbiaceae
muṱhanzwaṱanzwane Ximenia americana var. microphylla Olacaceae
murundelaphunguwe Pechuel-Loeschea leubnitziae Asteraceae
muṱhasiri Searsia rogersii Anacardiaceae
murundelatshotshi Crotalaria capensis Fabaceae
muthathaba Searsia leptodictya Anacardiaceae
murunguḓane *Physalis peruviana Solanaceae muthathakhumbi Croton gratissimus var. gratissimus Euphorbiaceae
murungulu Carissa tetramera Apocynaceae muthathathuri Chenopodium sp. Amaranthaceae
murungulu Carissa bispinosa Apocynaceae muṱhaṱhavhana Dodonaea viscosa var. angustifolia Sapindaceae
murungulu Carissa edulis Apocynaceae muṱhaṱhavhanna Heteromorpha arborescens var. abyssinica Apiaceae
murunzambilu Fadogia tetraquetra var. tetraquetra Rubiaceae muthethenya Trimeria grandifolia subsp. grandifolia Salicaceae
muruthu Croton megalobotrys Euphorbiaceae muṱhobi Boscia albitrunca Brassicaceae
musalamarubini *Catharanthus roseus Apocynaceae muthowa Diplorhynchus condylocarpon Apocynaceae
musalamarubini Withania somnifera Solanaceae mutibammela Maesa lanceolata Maesaceae
musama Typha capensis Typhaceae mutie Catha edulis Celastraceae
musasalwabwa Salacia rehmannii Celastraceae
musembane Hibiscus vitifolius subsp. vitifolius Malvaceae (continued on next page)

Please cite this article as: Magwede, K., et al., An inventory of Vhavenḓa useful plants, South African Journal of Botany (2018),
K. Magwede et al. / South African Journal of Botany xxx (2018) xxx–xxx 31

Appendix 1 (continued) Appendix 1 (continued)

mutie **Cymbopogon citratus Poaceae muvhula Parinari curatellifolia Chrysobalanaceae

muṱobvuma Ekebergia capensis Meliaceae muvhulavhusiku Xylopia odoratissima Annonaceae
mutogwe Carissa bispinosa Apocynaceae muvhumbu Lannea discolor Anacardiaceae
mutogwemuhulwane Carissa edulis Apocynaceae muvhumbumudenya Lannea schweinfurthii var. stuhlmannii Anacardiaceae
muṱohoṱoho Cleome monophylla Brassicaceae muvhungo Landolphia kirkii Apocynaceae
muvhuyu Adansonia digitata Malvaceae
muṱokoṱa Afzelia cuanzensis Fabaceae
muvumbangweṋa Vachellia robusta subsp. robusta Fabaceae
muṱole Ficus sycomorus Moraceae
muvunḓambaḓo Pappea capensis Sapindaceae
mutomboti Afrocanthium mundianum Rubiaceae
muvuvha Combretum collinum subsp. gazense Combretaceae
mutondo Pterocarpus angolensis Fabaceae
muvuvhu Combretum erythrophyllum Combretaceae
mutondolo Encephalartos transvenosus Zamiaceae
muxe *Solanum americanum Solanaceae
muṱonḓowa Pseudolachnostylis maprouneifolia Phyllanthaceae
muxe Solanum retroflexum Solanaceae
mutonyombiḓi Commiphora viminea Burseraceae
muxwatu Jatropha spicata Euphorbiaceae
mutopitopi Heteropyxis natalensis Heteropyxidaceae
muyekeyeke *Senna obtusifolia Fabaceae
muṱoṱombudzi Cleome monophylla Brassicaceae
muzhouzhou Ekebergia capensis Meliaceae
mutsanana Passerina montana Thymelaeaceae
muzwilu Vangueria esculenta Rubiaceae
mutsembwane Hibiscus vitifolius subsp. vitifolius Malvaceae
muzwilu Vangueria infausta subsp. infausta Rubiaceae
mutsembyane Hibiscus vitifolius subsp. vitifolius Malvaceae
muzwilungala Lagynias dryadum Rubiaceae
mutshaini *Brassica rapa Brassicaceae muzwiluthavha Lagynias dryadum Rubiaceae
mutshakutshaku Searsia pyroides var. pyroides Anacardiaceae muzwingo Cocculus hirsutus Menispermaceae
mutshakutshaku Searsia chirindensis Anacardiaceae mwanḓa Diospyros whyteana Ebenaceae
mutshakutshaku Searsia magalismontana subsp. coddii Anacardiaceae ndalunwafhi Zantedeschia albomaculata subsp. albomaculata Araceae
mutshalimela Maerua edulis Brassicaceae ndalunwafhi Zantedeschia aethiopica Araceae
mutshato Xanthocercis zambesiaca Fabaceae ndalunwapi Cissampelos mucronata Menispermaceae
mutshatsha Citrullus lanatus Cucurbitaceae ndalunwepi Zantedeschia albomaculata subsp. albomaculata Araceae
mutshatshaila Athrixia phylicoides Asteraceae ndalunwepi Zantedeschia aethiopica Araceae
mutsheketsheke *Senna occidentalis Fabaceae ndau Cymbopogon marginatus Poaceae
mutsheketsheke *Senna didymobotrya Fabaceae nḓevhedzamphobo *Galinsoga parviflora Asteraceae
mutsheketsheke Senna italica subsp. arachoides Fabaceae ṋdevheyatholo Zantedeschia aethiopica Araceae
mutsheketsheke *Senna obtusifolia Fabaceae ndilele Conostomium natalense var. ovalifolium Rubiaceae
mutshema Hyphaene coriacea Arecaceae nḓirivhedzaḓaka Rhoicissus tomentosa Vitaceae
mutshema Hyphaene petersiana Arecaceae nḓuhu *Arachis hypogaea Fabaceae
mutshetshete Ziziphus mucronata subsp. mucronata Rhamnaceae nḓuhumange *Arachis hypogaea Fabaceae
mutshevho Phoenix reclinata Arecaceae nḓuhushango Crotalaria capensis Fabaceae
mutshikili Trichilia emetica subsp. emetica Meliaceae nemalondane Morella pilulifera Myricaceae
mutshiḽari Pristimera longipetiolata Celastraceae ngowe Cyperus esculentus Cyperaceae
mutshili Ximenia caffra var. caffra Olacaceae nimvi Cleome gynandra Brassicaceae
mutshilikhomu Ximenia americana var. microphylla Olacaceae nngu Momordica foetida Cucurbitaceae
mutshimba Dovyalis zeyheri Salicaceae nngutshiphaswi Momordica charantia Cucurbitaceae
mutshiso Sarcostemma viminale subsp. suberosum Apocynaceae nnyoyambudzi Asystasia gangetica subsp. micrantha Acanthaceae
mutshulwa Gomphocarpus fruticosus subsp. fruticosus Apocynaceae ntsatshilambe Gymnosporia tenuispina Celastraceae
mutshutshungu Lannea edulis var. edulis Anacardiaceae ntsatshilambe Salacia rehmannii Celastraceae
mutsikidzi Vitex ferruginea Lamiaceae nwanḓa Pteleopsis myrtifolia Combretaceae
mutsiḽari Albizia brevifolia Fabaceae nyala **Allium cepa Alliaceae
mutsuma Diospyros mespiliformis Ebenaceae nyalamudavhi Tulbaghia leucantha Alliaceae
mutswiputswipu Pristimera longipetiolata Celastraceae nyamuzwila Grewia bicolor var. bicolor Malvaceae
mutswiriri Bauhinia galpinii Fabaceae nyamuzwila Grewia flavescens Malvaceae
muṱu Syzygium cordatum subsp. cordatum Myrtaceae nyapinduka Croton gratissimus var. gratissimus Euphorbiaceae
muṱuḓo Sida cordifolia subsp. cordifolia Malvaceae nyapiringulule Momordica boivinii Cucurbitaceae
muṱuhu Trichilia dregeana Meliaceae nyasimbiṱane Croton pseudopulchellus Euphorbiaceae
muṱulume Breonadia salicina Rubiaceae nyasingiriṱane Croton gratissimus var. gratissimus Euphorbiaceae
muṱulumembe Eugenia natalitia Myrtaceae nyendanyendane Telosma africana Apocynaceae
mutulwi Corchorus sp. Malvaceae phaladzane Vepris lanceolata Rutaceae
muṱumadi Syzygium guineense subsp. guineense Myrtaceae phaṱhane Gymnanthemum amygdalinum Asteraceae
mutumbula **Manihot esculenta Euphorbiaceae phaṱhaphaṱhane Linzia glabra Asteraceae
mutumbulambudzana Rhoicissus tridentata subsp. tridentata Vitaceae phaṱhatshimima Salacia rehmannii Celastraceae
muṱungu Sarcostemma viminale subsp. suberosum Apocynaceae phendephende Gladiolus dalenii subsp. dalenii Iridaceae
muṱungu Euphorbia tirucalli Euphorbiaceae pheṱhane Gymnanthemum coloratum Asteraceae
muṱunu Dovyalis caffra Salicaceae phila Callilepis lancifolia Asteraceae
mutunzwu Oncoba spinosa subsp. spinosa Salicaceae phiriphiri *Capsicum annuum var. glabriusculum Solanaceae
muṱuphemba Syzygium guineense subsp. guineense Myrtaceae phiriphiri *Capsicum frutescens Solanaceae
mututulwa Solanum lichtensteinii Solanaceae phulule Pentarrhinum insipidum Apocynaceae
mututulwa *Solanum mauritianum Solanaceae phunzunyeke Grewia flavescens Malvaceae
mututulwa Solanum campylacanthum subsp. panduriforme Solanaceae phuri **Cucurbita moschata Cucurbitaceae
mututulwa Solanum giganteum Solanaceae phuri **Cucurbita pepo Cucurbitaceae
mututulwa Solanum supinum var. supinum Solanaceae sando Bersama tysoniana Melianthaceae
mututulwa Solanum aculeastrum subsp. aculeastrum Solanaceae savha Sansevieria hyacinthoides Ruscaceae
muṱwari Tarchonanthus trilobus var. galpinii Asteraceae shamboḓa Nymphaea nouchali var. caerulea Nymphaeaceae
muṱwari Terminalia prunioides Combretaceae shamboḓavhadzimu Nymphaea nouchali var. caerulea Nymphaeaceae
muṱwari Olea europaea subsp. africana Oleaceae shamboḓavhadzimu Gunnera perpensa Gunneraceae
muugana Obetia tenax Urticaceae shashe *Sonchus asper subsp. asper Asteraceae
muukhuma Hexalobus monopetalus Annonaceae shashe *Sonchus oleraceus Asteraceae
muukhuthu Commiphora mollis Burseraceae shukuto **Luffa cylindrica Cucurbitaceae
shulwa Solanum aculeastrum subsp. aculeastrum Solanaceae
muuluri Dalbergia melanoxylon Fabaceae
sinḓambudzi Plectranthus laxiflorus Lamiaceae
muumano Vepris lanceolata Rutaceae
sulesule Paederia bojerianasub sp. foetens Rubiaceae
muumo Ficus burkei Moraceae
ṱanyi Vernonia fastigiata Asteraceae
muumo Ficus natalensis subsp. natalensis Moraceae
tavhatapano Salacia rehmannii Celastraceae
muumo Ficus ingens Moraceae
tavhatapi Salacia rehmannii Celastraceae
muunga Vachellia karroo Fabaceae
ṱhahame Ansellia africana Orchidaceae
muungakhanga Vachelliatortilis Fabaceae
ṱhahame Mystacidium capense Orchidaceae
muungangweṋa Vachellia xanthophloea Fabaceae
thaiyakhomba Acalypha indica var. indica Euphorbiaceae
muunguri Maesa lanceolata Maesaceae
ṱhanamaswi Cryptolepis obtusa Apocynaceae
muvevha Kigelia africana Bignoniaceae
thanga **Cucurbita moschata Cucurbitaceae
muvhaḓelaphanga Searsia chirindensis Anacardiaceae
thanga **Cucurbita pepo Cucurbitaceae
muvhale Erythrina lysistemon Fabaceae
thanga **Cucurbita maxima Cucurbitaceae
muvhambangoma Albizia versicolor Fabaceae thanga Obetia tenax Urticaceae
muvhambanguvho Scolopia zeyheri Salicaceae ṱhanyi Vernonia fastigiata Asteraceae
muvhanḓangoma Albizia adianthifolia var. adianthifolia Fabaceae ṱhaululo Widdringtonia nodiflora Cupressaceae
muvhavhanyane Strychnos henningsii Loganiaceae thauyakhomba Anemone transvaalensis var. transvaalensis Ranunculaceae
muvhavhanyane *Acanthospermum hispidum Asteraceae thebe *Phytolacca octandra Phytolaccaceae
muvhazwi Obetia tenax Urticaceae thebe *Amaranthus hybridus subsp. cruentus Amaranthaceae
muvhibvelashdani Canthium inerme Rubiaceae
muvhombwe Boscia albitrunca Brassicaceae (continued on next page)

Please cite this article as: Magwede, K., et al., An inventory of Vhavenḓa useful plants, South African Journal of Botany (2018),
32 K. Magwede et al. / South African Journal of Botany xxx (2018) xxx–xxx

Appendix 1 (continued) Appendix 1 (continued)

thidigwane Hypoxis hemerocallidea Hypoxidaceae tshiputelaluvhuḓa Helichrysum kraussii Asteraceae
thundamali Jatropha zeyheri Euphorbiaceae
tshiralala Gardenia volkensii subsp. spatulifolia Rubiaceae
thundwa Secamone parvifolia Apocynaceae
tseṱo Tribulus zeyheri subsp. zeyheri Zygophyllaceae tshirindidza Kalanchoe brachyloba Crassulaceae
tseṱwana Tribulus terrestris Zygophyllaceae tshirindidza Portulacaria afra Didiereaceae
tsheṋe *Euphorbia hirta Euphorbiaceae tshirungulu Carissa bispinosa Apocynaceae
tshibavhe Momordica charantia Cucurbitaceae tshirungulu Carissa edulis Apocynaceae
tshibavhe Momordica balsamina Cucurbitaceae tshirunnguḓane *Nicandra physalodes Solanaceae
tshibokoṱo Jacquemontia tamnifolia Convolvulaceae tshisesana Elephantorrhiza elephantina Fabaceae
tshibvukahalwa Maytenus undata Celastraceae
tshisesana Elephantorrhiza burkei Fabaceae
tshiḓiḓiri Rapanea melanophloeos Myrsinaceae
tshisesethavha Elephantorrhiza burkei Fabaceae
tshiḓiḓiri Protea caffra subsp. caffra Proteaceae
tshidovholela Vernonia fastigiata Asteraceae tshisesevhufa Elephantorrhiza burkei Fabaceae
tshidzamanga Pyrenacantha grandiflora Icacinaceae tshishengela Oxalis semiloba subsp. semiloba Oxalidaceae
tshidzidzivhungo Cyphostemma sp. Vitaceae tshishengelaphofu Acmella caulirhiza Asteraceae
tshidzimba Searsia magalismontana subsp. coddii Anacardiaceae tshitangwi Lophiocarpus tenuissimus Lophiocarpaceae
tshidzimba Lantana rugosa Verbenaceae tshiṱanzhela Cynodon dactylon Poaceae
tshidzimbambule *Lantana camara Verbenaceae tshiṱanzisanngwa Kleinia sp. Asteraceae
tshidzimbampoṱolo *Lantana camara Verbenaceae
tshiṱawaṱawane Eugenia capensis Myrtaceae
tshidzimbavhalisa Lantana rugosa Verbenaceae
tshiṱawaṱawane Eugenia natalitia Myrtaceae
tshidzungu Protea caffra subsp. caffra Proteaceae
tshienge **Ananas comosus Bromeliaceae tshiteaduvha *Helianthus annuus Asteraceae
tshifatafaṱane Kleinia sp. Asteraceae tshiteaḓuvha *Malva sylvestris Malvaceae
tshifhafhe Coccinia rehmannii Cucurbitaceae tshiteaḓuvha *Malva parviflora var. parviflora Malvaceae
tshifhafhe Momordica boivinii Cucurbitaceae tshithangavhavhe Cucumis zeyheri Cucurbitaceae
tshifhanga Encephalartos transvenosus Zamiaceae tshithangavhavhe Cucumis metuliferus Cucurbitaceae
tshifhanza Tricalysia capensis var. transvaalensis Rubiaceae tshiṱhanzwaṱhanzwane Ximenia americana var. microphylla Olacaceae
tshifhaṱa Brachylaena huillensis Asteraceae
tshiṱhavhamisisi *Amaranthus spinosus Amaranthaceae
tshifhefhavhana Helichrysum kraussii Asteraceae
tshifhefhuwane Helichrysum kraussii Asteraceae tshiṱhoṱhonya Ochna pulchra Ochnaceae
tshifulaṱhulo Helichrysum kraussii Asteraceae tshitondolo Encephalartos transvenosus Zamiaceae
tshifumbe *Alternanthera sessilis Amaranthaceae tshitondovhe Tragia rupestris Euphorbiaceae
tshigaṋame Drimia sanguinea Hyacinthaceae tshiṱoni Macledium zeyheri subsp. zeyheri Asteraceae
tshiganama Drimia sp. Hyacinthaceae tshiṱoni Ochna pulchra Ochnaceae
tshiimangamulenzhe Ophioglossum reticulatum Ophioglossaceae tshitopitopi *Portulaca oleracea Portulacaceae
tshikakalembe Sonchus nanus Asteraceae
tshiṱopiṱopi Limeum viscosum subsp. viscosum var. kraussii Molluginaceae
tshikandamalembe Sonchus nanus Asteraceae
tshitudzwi Aloe sp. Asphodelaceae
tshikavhavhe Pappea capensis Sapindaceae
tshikavhavhe **Citrus limon Rutaceae tshitukanatshamagovhani Zantedeschia aethiopica Araceae
tshikhafushi Zanthoxylum capense Rutaceae tshituku Pavetta schumanniana Rubiaceae
tshikhaṱhakhaṱhane *Catharanthus roseus Apocynaceae tshituku Pavetta lanceolata Rubiaceae
tshikhopha Aloe vossii Asphodelaceae tshitukutshaḓaka Tricalysia lanceolata Rubiaceae
tshikhopha Aloe chabaudii var. chabaudii Asphodelaceae tshiṱulumembe Eugenia natalitia Myrtaceae
tshikhopha Aloe hahnii Asphodelaceae tshiubavhakololo *Amaranthus hybridus subsp. cruentus Amaranthaceae
tshikhopha Aloe arborescens Asphodelaceae
tshiumbeumbe Clematis brachiata Ranunculaceae
tshikhophatshiṱuku Aloe sp. Asphodelaceae
tshikomukomu **Cucurbita ficifolia Cucurbitaceae tshiuvhulusi Cissus quadrangularis var. quadrangularis Vitaceae
tshikondengala Euphorbia cooperi Euphorbiaceae tshivhulafhasi Parinari capensis subsp. capensis Chrysobalanaceae
tshikululu Ficus glumosa Moraceae tshivhulana Parinari capensis subsp. capensis Chrysobalanaceae
tshikululu Ficus ingens Moraceae tshivhumbu Lannea discolor Anacardiaceae
tshikundanḓazi Xerophyta retinervis Velloziaceae tshivhuvhudzi Hoslundia opposita Lamiaceae
tshikuni Cadaba aphylla Brassicaceae tshivhuyana Adenium multiflorum Apocynaceae
tshikuṱu Adenia digitata Passifloraceae
tshivhuyudumbu Adenia spinosa Passifloraceae
tshikwalo Senegalia ataxacantha Fabaceae
tshixeuxeu Hymenocardia ulmoides Phyllanthaceae
tshikwangula Toddalia asiatica Rutaceae
tshikwaṱukwaṱu Maytenus undata Celastraceae tshoṱopiṱopi Oxalis semiloba subsp. semiloba Oxalidaceae
tshikwenga *Agave sisalana Agavaceae tshula Cymbopogon nardus Poaceae
tshikwetamukulo Cyphostemma sp. Vitaceae tsimambe Sphedamnocarpus pruriens subsp. pruriens Malpighiaceae
tshilalaṱhulo Helichrysum kraussii Asteraceae vhulada Mucuna coriacea subsp. irritans Fabaceae
tshilaphithi Trimeria grandifolia subsp. grandifolia Salicaceae vhulungwane Equisetum ramosissimum subsp. ramosissimum Equisetaceae
tshilingwalingwane Erianthemum dregei Loranthaceae
vhulungwane Erianthemum dregei Loranthaceae
tshiḽiso Fadogia tetraquetra var. tetraquetra Rubiaceae
vhuri Striga asiatica Orobanchaceae
tshilungamuṋo Momordica boivinii Cucurbitaceae
tshilungwane Erianthemum dregei Loranthaceae vhushule Corchorus sp. Malvaceae
tshiluvhari Dombeya rotundifolia var. rotundifolia Malvaceae vhuṱungu *Senna didymobotrya Fabaceae
tshimbvumbvu Triumfetta annua Malvaceae vhuṱunguhaṋowa *Senna didymobotrya Fabaceae
tshimbvumbvu Triumfetta pilosa Malvaceae vowa Amaranthus thunbergii Amaranthaceae
tshiṋangana Senegalia nigrescens Fabaceae *Amaranthus hybridus subsp. hybridus var.
tshiṋangaphele Senegalia nigrescens Fabaceae vowa Amaranthaceae
tshiṋawana Vigna unguiculata subsp. dekindtiana Fabaceae *Amaranthus hybridus subsp. hybridus var.
tshinungufhala Zanthoxylum humile Rutaceae vowa Amaranthaceae
tshinyagu Cucumis anguria var. longaculeatus Cucurbitaceae
vowa *Amaranthus dubius Amaranthaceae
tshinyagu Cucumis africanus Cucurbitaceae
tshinyagu Cucumis myriocarpus subsp. myriocarpus Cucurbitaceae vowa *Amaranthus graecizans subsp. graecizans Amaranthaceae
tshinyagu Acanthosicyos naudinianus Cucurbitaceae vowa Amaranthus praetermissus Amaranthaceae
tshinyagu Cucumis metuliferus Cucurbitaceae vowa Amaranthus standleyanus Amaranthaceae
tshinyagu Cucumis zeyheri Cucurbitaceae vowa *Amaranthus tricolor Amaranthaceae
tshinyameila *Amaranthus spinosus Amaranthaceae vowa Amaranthus capensis subsp. capensis Amaranthaceae
tshinyanyu Kalanchoe brachyloba Crassulaceae
vowa *Phytolacca octandra Phytolaccaceae
tshinzie Erythrococca menyharthii Euphorbiaceae
vowa *Amaranthus hybridus subsp. cruentus Amaranthaceae
tshinzienzie Cordia sp. Boraginaceae
tshiovholosi Stapelia gigantea Apocynaceae vowa *Amaranthus viridis Amaranthaceae
tshipengo Xymalos monospora Monimiaceae vowa *Amaranthus spinosus Amaranthaceae
tshipfure Jatropha latifolia Euphorbiaceae vowakholomo *Amaranthus viridis Amaranthaceae
tshipfure Ochna holstii Ochnaceae vowamulambo *Alternanthera sessilis Amaranthaceae
tshipfurenyana Ochna holstii Ochnaceae vuḽavhasheka Pyrenacantha grandiflora Icacinaceae
tshiphandwa Gymnosporia senegalensis Celastraceae
xaxaḓi *Solanum nigrum Solanaceae
tshiphaswi Cucumis anguria var. longaculeatus Cucurbitaceae
zavhazavha Obetia tenax Urticaceae
tshiphaswi Acanthosicyos naudinianus Cucurbitaceae
tshiphophamaḓi Apodytes dimidiata subsp. dimidiata Icacinaceae zavhazavha *Datura ferox Solanaceae
tshipinisi **Beta vulgaris Chenopodiaceae zavhazavha *Datura stramonium Solanaceae
tshipokoṱo Ipomoea dichroa Convolvulaceae

Please cite this article as: Magwede, K., et al., An inventory of Vhavenḓa useful plants, South African Journal of Botany (2018),
K. Magwede et al. / South African Journal of Botany xxx (2018) xxx–xxx 33

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Please cite this article as: Magwede, K., et al., An inventory of Vhavenḓa useful plants, South African Journal of Botany (2018),

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