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Detailed Lesson Plan in English II

In English II
At the end of the lesson the students will be able to:
a. Identify the describing words in the sentence
b. Use describing words in the sentence
c. Participate actively in the discussion
a. Descriptive Adjective
c. Visuals, Pictures, worksheets
Teacher’s Activity Students Activity
A. Preliminary Activity
1. Greetings
Good Morning Class! Good Morning Sir!

2. Prayer

Okay Class before we start who want to lead

(Student are raise their hands)
our prayer?

Bless us, O lord, and these thy gifts, which we

____please lead the prayer
are about to receive from thy bounty, through
You may now take your seat. Christ our lord.
Okay class who is absent for today ? None sir
4. Review
Before we proceed to our new topic, who can Sir!!
tell me what are we discussed yesterday?
Very good!
Our topic yesterday is noun Sir
what is noun again class?
A noun is a word that names a person, place,
Okay, now I have different pictures here.All we thing, or animal in a sentence
have to do is to guess what is in the picture and
where does it belong did you understand?
(The teacher will show the pictures and the
pupils will guess and describe it)


1. Place

2. Things

3. Things




Very Good!
B. Motivation
For today we will be reading a short poem. The
title of our poem is “My favorite food”
My favorite food!
Again class what is the title of our short poem?
Very Good!
“My Favorite Food”
Pizza is my favorite food.
With red sauce on the top.
When I eat a warm piece,
I just don’t want to stop.

I love the soft cheese

That sits on the red sauce
My pizza has crunchy crust,
Is very hard to toss.

Pepperoni in the top

Can be a spicy treat
Yummy, yummy. Pizza !
Let’s go, it’s time to eat.
Yes Sir!
Did you understand the poem class?

Okay very Good!

C. Presentation of the Lesson
Kindly read the underline words in the poem.

Very Good!
Yes Sir!
Those underlined words describe the pizza

Very Good!

Our topic is Descriptive Adjective

C. Discussion/developmental Activity
Now, Let us read the words written on the

Very Good!

Let us now use the words in the sentence.

(Teacher will write the sentence on the board.)

Teacher ask question about each sentence, then

she will underline the describing words.

What have you notice on these words?

Yes, they describe. So if these words describe a

Person, Place, Animal or Things.

What do we call it ?

Very good Class?

(The teacher will show more examples)

Ask the pupils to read the sentence given.

D. Generalization
Now, based on the previous examples written
on the board What are describing words or
(The teacher write the answer on the board and
ask the pupils to read it afterwards.)

E. Application
The teacher will group the pupils into two(2)
groups. Each group will receive a paper and
mistery box
The pupils will think of a word that describe the
following item in their mystery box give at
least 3 adjectives.
Write your answer in the bond paper

Underline the describing words used in each
Mary has a curly hair.2.
The park is clean and green.3.
The ball is big and round.4.
The cat is sweet.5.
My hat is colorful.6.
Rick is strong.7.
Ana is beautiful.8.
I have a big heart.9.
The baby is crying.10.
My teacher is tall.

Look around you. Cite 1person, 1place, 1thing
and 1animal in yourcommunity and construct a
sentences that describe it

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