Final Demo LP English

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Republic of the Philippines


Don M. Banzon Ave. Poblacion
City of Balanga, Bataan
Balanga Campus
(047) 237-4688

A Detailed Lesson Plan in English 10

I. Objectives
At the end of the lesson, 100% of the students with at least 80% level of proficiency will be able to:
a. explain the literary devices used (Symbolism)- EN10LT-IV-b- 2.2.2;
b. express insights based on the literary piece read; and
c. create a postcard with couplet using symbolism.

Subject Matter
Topic: Literary Device-Symbolism
Text: A Martian Sends a Postcard Home by Craig Raine
References: K to 12 Curriculum Guide English
Celebrating Diversity through World Literature
Materials: LCD monitor or television, speakers, cartolinas for visual aids, postcards,
airplane toys
Skills: Reading skill, speaking skill, writing skill, critical thinking skill
Value: Creating good memories by making right decisions today.

II. Procedure

Teacher’s Activities Students’ Activities

A. Preliminary Activities
1. Prayer
2. Greetings of the students
3. Checking of attendance and cleanliness
B. Motivational Activity
“I will post three pictures on the board and then you are
going to tell me what they represent. Understood?”

(The teacher will post the picture on the board.) “Yes, Sir.”

“What does this picture represent?”

“Very good. How about this picture?” ““The rose represents love and passion, Sir.”

(The teacher will post the picture on the board.)

“That’s correct! How about this picture?”
(The teacher will post the picture on the board.)

“The dove represents peace and humanity, Sir!”

“Very good class. You did great. Now, let’s look at the
pictures again and tell me what do you see on them?”

“Correct! Have you ever wondered how it feels like to live

in another country?”

“The tree represents strength, growth, and life, Sir.”

“That’s amazing! Which country is your dream
destination, then?”

“What is the first thing you will do when you arrive in your “There are names of countries, Sir.”
dream destination?”

“Yes, Sir. In fact, it has always been my dream to visit

“I would probably do the same. By the way, I have here other countries.”
an extra picture. ”
Students’ answers may vary.

“I would probably take a lot of pictures of the places or

take a selfie with the places I will be visiting.”

Let’s look at the back of it. What do you see on it?

“There’s a name, an address, and a message, Sir!”

“There’s a stamp, Sir!”
“I can see the word postcard on it, Sir.”

“That’s correct. This is actually a postcard. Did you know

that many years ago, when cameras and cell phones were
not yet invented, the very first thing people do when they
arrived in a place is to purchase a postcard then they write
a message on it and send it to their loved ones?”

“Postcards look like these pictures here on the board.

Sending postcard take some time to reach the person
you’re sending it to. Unlike today, how do we send
messages now?” “We send messages through cellphones and computers.
We can even see our loved ones who are in other
countries via video call. Capture different places and
send the photos instantly.”

“Exactly! It’s easier to communicate now.”

C. Presentation of the Lesson

“Going back to the activity that we had, will you please “Sir, we use the word representation, Sir.”
tell me what led you in giving me the things related to the
objects? What word did you use in relating these objects
to your answers?”

“Sir, symbols.”
“Great. You were able to give me the representations of
the things that I posted because those descriptions are
associated or related to the pictures.”

“Now, what do you call those objects that represent “Symbolism!”

That’s right! Today we will be discussing…” At the end of the lesson, 100% of the students with at
(The teacher will post pictures) least 80% level of proficiency will be able to:
a. explain the literary devices used
(Symbolism)- EN10LT-IV-b-
b. express insights based on the
“Very good! Will you please read our lesson objectives for literary piece read; and
today?” c. create a postcard with couplet using

“Thank you. Let’s now proceed.”

D. Lesson Proper Students’ answer may vary.

“We have different kinds of symbolism, class. They are
Christian Symbolism, Agricultural Symbolism, Seasonal
Symbolism, Color Symbolism and many more.”
“Symbolism is the use of symbols to represent ideas or
“I have here some example words that show symbolism.” qualities.”

1. Cross – death, crucifixion, sacrifice

2. Spring – new life, hope, youth, growth,
3. Gate/door – exclusion, opportunity
4. Mountain – obstacle, challenge, hardship
5. Gold – power, money, rarity
6. Black- death, darkness, unknown, sadness, fear
“Will you please give me other examples?”

“Thank you! Everything you gave was correct.”

“Since you were able to give me examples of things that
show symbolism, can you define symbolism on your own

“Very good! Symbolism is the use of symbols to represent

ideas or qualities by giving them symbolic meanings that “There is a poem on the postcard, Sir.”
are different from their literal sense.”
“A Martian Sends a Postcard Home.”
“The purpose is to help the readers understand better the
message of the author by using concrete object to
represent an abstract idea.”

Now that you know what symbolism is, I have here one
more postcard.”

“What do you see on my postcard?”

“That is correct. What is the title of the poem?”

Students’ answers may vary.

“We will talk about this poem today and find out symbols
used to represent ideas or qualities in the poem. The poem
is made by Craig Raine.

“He is a famous writer lived on an era where writers could

see everyday world in unconventional and often strange

“Craig’s father, Norman Edward Rain, was a faith healer

who believed that he knew when people were cured when
he sees things differently while healing them, that’s the
indication that they are already cured. Hmm, quite
interesting, right? These added to Craig’s interest in
writing using Defamiliarization.”

“Say it’s your first time to be here on earth, and you see
this object (the teacher will hold an object). How will you
describe/interpret it?”

Alright! We have different descriptions and

interpretations of this object. In literature we also do this Correct answers:
and that is Defamiliarization.” Shriek – a high-pitched piercing cry or sound; a scream
“Defamiliarization is the artistic technique of presenting Perch – sit somewhere, especially on something high or
to audience common things in an unfamiliar or strange narrow
way in order to enhance perception of the familiar.”
Caxton – a reference to the person who introduced a
“In the poem, we will find out how Craig Raine made printing press in England in 1946
things unfamiliar by using the Martian’s perception of
normal things in our planet but before we read the poem,
here are words that we will encounter in the text that may
be unfamiliar to you. Let us discover what these words Engravings – the process or art of cutting or carving a
mean.” design on a hard surface

● Unlocking of Difficulties

“We have two columns, A and B. On Column A are the

unfamiliar words. On Column B are the possible meanings
of the words in Column A. You task is to identify the (Students will create their own sentences using the
correct meaning of the unfamiliar words. By matching A unfamiliar words.)
with B.”

Column A Column B


a high-pitched piercing cry or

sound; a scream Students read the next lines.
Mist is when the sky is tired of flight
and rests its soft machine on ground:

a reference to the person who then the world is dim and bookish
like engravings under tissue paper.
introduced a printing press in
England in 1946 Rain is when the earth is television.
It has the property of making colours darker.
“You all did
a great job!
Now that
you already But time is tied to the wrist
know what the process or art of cutting or or kept in a box, ticking with impatience.
these words carving a design on a hard
mean, try to At night, when all the colours die,
use them in your own sentences.” they hide in pairs

and read about themselves –

in colour, with their eyelids shut.
“Now I’ll be reading the first three couplets and then you
will be the next sit
one somewhere,
to read the following lines.” on
something high or narrow
Caxtons are mechanical birds with many wings
and some are treasured for their markings –

they cause the eyes to melt

or the body to shriek without pain.

I have never seen one fly, but

sometimes they perch on the hand.
“Yes, Sir.”

Students do the task.

Possible answer:
Our eyes melt when we cry. According to the Martian,
we cry when we read books because we get too attached
to the story or content of the book. The book represents
wisdom. They teach us lessons in life, and things that are
“Thank you very much. Now let’s group the class for the important in this life, especially if we are students.
next task.”

(The teacher will distribute pieces of colored papers to the

students and will let them choose the color they like. The Possible answer:
colors indicate which group they will be in.) The Martian was referring to the clouds. When the
clouds rest on the ground, fogs are formed. Whenever
Task 3: CONVER-STATIONS it’s raining, the atmosphere is so gloomy and dark.
Sunny day represents the happy times of our lives while
“I prepared 3 Stations where you can find parts of the rainy days are the dark and lonely days of our lives.
poem. You have to mill around each station to answer a
corresponding question about that specific part of the
poem. You are only given 2 minutes to stay in each station
to analyse and elaborate your answer for better discussion
later. After you finished answering all the three questions, Possible answer:
I will give you another minute to finalize your answers and Our time is being tied to our wrist when we wear wrist
then I will call a representative from the group to share watch, and it is kept in the box because some clocks are
your insights and analysis of the poem. Are my box in shape, just like a wall clock. The colors die at
instructions clear?” night because during night time, it gets darker. These
lines describe human eyes. They hide in pairs during
Station 1: night time. We should always dream big in life.

How do your eyes melt and what object could be the cause
of that ‘melting’ according to the Martian? Explain your

Station 2:

How does rain make colors darker? Explain your answer.

“Yes, Sir!”

“We should live like everyday is our last day. Seize the
Station 3:
Students’ answers may vary.
How do colors die at night and what do you think is the
meaning of ‘they hide in pairs? Explain.

“Very good, class! Your answers are all correct. Let’s

have the objects or symbols used in the poem.” “The author wants to tell us that life is short. We only
live once. We should collect good memories that we can
look back when we grow old.”
1. Book – represents wisdom and learning, this also
represents our childhood, the time in which we
show eagerness to learn new things.
“None, Sir!”
2. Mist – symbolizes struggles, down moments,
dark days and/or problems. Life is not always
clear and simple. There will be times when you
will face the ‘mist’ in our lives that may block our

3. Time – symbolizes dying and aging. We are so

afraid that as time runs fast, our body deteriorate
and die.

“Do you understand class?” Students share their insights.

“In that case, since we can never stop time from running,
what should we do, then?”

“That’s correct. Carpe Diem! Familiar with it?”

“Carpe Diem is a phrase that comes from the Roman poet

Horace which literally means ‘Pluck the day!’. It is
usually translated as ‘seize the moment!’ or simply, “enjoy
yourself while you can!”

“The last line of the poem explained why we should live Students do the activity.
life to the fullest. Since life is a journey, it will reach its
destination when the right time comes. We will reach the
end of our days whether we like it or not. But before we
reach that, when we grow old, we need someone who will
lay with us while we look back at the memories we created
when we were young. We need a companion.”

“So, what do you think is the message that the author of

the poem wants to tell the readers?”

“Very good! Whether we like it or not, we will all grow

old and die. But the important thing is that we have good
memories we can carry with us.”

“Do you have questions about the poem?”

“Very good!

E. Generalization
Task 4: Travel the world
“I am glad that you were able to understand the poem.
Now, I am holding an airplane carrying one important
question. Let this airplane travel around the world
(pertaining to the class) while I am playing a song.
Whoever holds the airplane when the music stops, has to
share their insights by answering the question. Let’s
“Why is symbolism an important literary device to use
in literature?”
F. Application
Task 5: Another Martian Sends a Postcard

“Based on the video that you watched, create a postcard

and write a poem with 2 couplets describing 1 scene. Base
your description from a Martian’s perspective. The other
groups will guess the scene you are describing. Let us

(The teacher will distribute the art materials and will show
his own made postcard with 2 couplets describing a scene
and let the class guess what he is pertaining to.)
“Very good, class! You all did a great job!”
G. Evaluation
“I can see that you are ready for a quiz.”
(The teacher will distribute the quiz to the students.)

Choose the letter of the correct answer.

1. What is the best explanation of the word

‘rainbow’ in this poem:

“My heart leaps up when I behold

A rainbow in the sky:
So was it when my life began;
So is it now I am a man;
So be it when I shall grow old, …”

a. fear for the future

b. happy times of life
c. luck for a good fortune
d. hope for a better future

2. If the sunflower here symbolizes human beings

and sun symbolizes life what does this stanza
“Ah Sunflower, weary of time,
Who counts the steps of the sun;
Seeking after that sweet golden clime
Where the traveller’s journey is done;”
a. happy times of life
b. death
c. life cycle
d. yearning for a never-ending life

3. What does ‘stage’ symbolizes in this poem?

“All the world’s a stage, Answers:

And all the men and women merely players; 1. d
they have their exits and their entrances; 2. b
And one man in his time plays many parts,” 3. a
4. b
a. we have different roles to play in life 5. c
b. influences of the people we meet in life
c. our victorious moments in life
d. our opportunities in life

4. Explain the symbolism of the word ‘branches’

in this peom:

Like a Mighty Tree Students will copy their extended activity.

Katy J. Parenteau

Stand tall, oh mighty oak, for all the world to see. “None, Sir.”
Your strength and undying beauty forever amazes me.
Though storm clouds hover above you,
Your branches span the sky.
“Goodbye, Sir Jerymie!”
a. You are as strong as a tree.
b. You are capable of achieving your dreams in life.
c. You can influence and inspire others.
d. You are beautiful inside out.

5. Choose the best explanation of the symbolism in

this poem.

Don’t judge my cover; it’s not mine.

I was given this to wear for the duration of my time.
Overtime, it has become creased, ripped, and worn,
A once perfect canvas the day I was born.

a. Judgment of others speaks more about them.

b. Our imperfections do not define who we are.
c. We are born as babies with fresh spirits, but as we
grow old, we grow weary and tired.
d. Nothing lasts forever.

H. Extended Activity

“Bring out your notebook and copy your extended

activity. Answer the following questions on 1 whole sheet
of paper.”
I. As a student, how will you seize each moment of
your life?
J. Think of an object that represents you as person.
Describe it on the Martian’s perspective.

“Do you have any question?”

“If that’s the case, let’s call it a day. Goodbye class!”

Prepared By:

Jerymie L. Pegolio

Checked by:

Ms. Rio S. Solomon

Bataan National High School

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