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Name: Marcus Jerard C. Ramos Student No.: 171-0108 Year/Block: 4-B____

Week No. : Date : 5/24-26/23 RLE Area Assigned: Community

Daily Activities Learning Outcomes

Summary of your learning activities, topics Knowledge, Skills, Attitudes and Values acquired,
and nursing procedures discussed , observed, responsibilities and assignments accomplished
presented and demonstrated and other and submitted, other observations and reflections.
Date activities done.

May First Day of duty: Community Today is our first day of nursing duty in 8
24, the community, I was a bit nervous
2023 Today we did the following: because I was not sure what to expect.
- courtesy call to municipal In the morning we, first stopped at the
RHU next to the city hall, it was recently
- orientation to rhu redeveloped by sm corporation so the
interior was modern and very ideal for
- tour of community
patients. They oriented us about the
- establishing rapport with ppl different things that hey do in this RHU
like handling animal bite patients, covid
- taking bp vaccinations, and projects like chikiting
ligtas. This orientation allowed me to
- interview
gain insight on what Licensed
community nurses have to do for their
jobs in the RHU.

We then went to RHU 2 which had the

biggest scope of barangays handled.
They also oriented us about their
different roles and responsibilities,
asking for our help to look for children
who are eligible for their chikiting ligtas
program. We also got a tour of the
different puroks in Brgy. Paitan,
showing us where the community healh
center is and where prominent
members of the community lived.

By the time it was lunch time we were

already deployed to the community
where I was able to interview a mother
with her child for my Family coping
index, Initial database and Family
nursing care plan. Interviewing them
allowed me to gain an insight on the
daily living of the citizens of Brgy Paitan.
On the way back to our headquarters,
several people also called our attention
to take their BPs, this surprised me
because the people on this community
seemed so familiar with us even saying
that it has been long since nursing
students came to their Barangay.

At the end of this duty, I felt pleasantly

surprised as to how light and easy it was
to establish rapport with the
community people. They were all very
welcoming and allowed me to
effectively do my duties.

Second Day of duty: Community Today we got to the community earlier

since we didn’t need to be oriented in
Today we did the following: the RHUs anymore, we started the day
- Gawad kalinga tour early by walking through the different
puroks taking the BP of different
- taking bp residents in the area, they were very
accommodating, even calling out for us
- Manning the health center in
when they needed their BPs taken. By
he afternoon we moved to Piel for the
- formulation of leadership training Gawad Kalinga community, at this point
plan it was very hot, and the sun was at it’s
peak, our umbrellas saved us from the
- formulation of health teaching plan scorching sun, but the heat was still
very apparent. It made me realize just
- bp taking
how hard it is for some people in the
- planning of health center community who have no other choice
improvementshealth center but to work or live in these conditions.
25, 8
2023 We also started planning for the
improvements that we needed to do for
the community center, it was quite dirty
and have been unmaintained, so we
cleaned it and planned to add different
things to make it look like a health
center. We also planned out how we
would implement our trainings for the
next day.

This day was a bit more exhausting and

the heat was another factor that made
our supposedly easy tasks harder,
nevertheless it gave me new
perspectives and allowed me to
empathize with the residents of the

May Third Day of duty: Community Today we went straight to Piel to start 8
26, setting up the health center in the
Today we did the following:
2023 Gawad Kalinga Community, we covered
- setting up gk center the door with new linoleum and put up
informational posters about family
- inviting participants for training planning, dengue and other health
facts. Seeing these improvements
- Bp taking
although they aren’t too big of a change
- leadership training gave me a sense of satisfaction that I
am able to make change for this
- establishing rapport with the community.
residents of GK community Later at noon, we started our youth
leadership training for young members
- post evaluation of the community, it gave a a glimpse of
how important it is to shape how this
young generation thinks in order to
provide a better future for the
community. Although the temperature
was even hotter than yesterday, I
enjoyed facilitating the program for the

By the end of this duty rotation, I

learned and realized plenty of things
that would help me in my career and
personal life in the future. I realized
how different it is to be a community
nurse than a nurse in an institution. I
also was able to practice my social skills
in a wider scale with several patients at
a time. And I also feel accomplished
that I was able to foster change and
help the community people that are in

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_______________________ ________ _____________________________________

Printed Name and Signature of Student Printed Name and Signature of Clinical Instructor

Date Submitted : ___________________

Noted by:

Approved by:
Maria Lourdes C.Policarpio, RN, MSN
Academic and Clinical Coordinator

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