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● If you want to join causes of action, you must first comply with the rules on joinder of

● you can join as many causes of action or parties in one complaint provided:
1. it arises from the same or transaction, or series of transaction, and/or STI
2. It involves common questions of fact or law.
● RULE 3, Section 6. Permissive joinder of parties. — All persons in whom or against
whom any right to relief in respect to or arising out of the same transaction or series of
transactions is alleged to exist, whether jointly, severally, or in the alternative, may,
except as otherwise provided in these Rules, join as plaintiffs or be joined as defendants
in one complaint, where any question of law or fact common to all such plaintiffs or to all
such defendants may arise in the action; but the court may make such orders as may be
just to prevent any plaintiff or defendant from being embarrassed or put to expense in
connection with any proceedings in which he may have no interest.
● But it shall not include any civil action that is governed by rules on special civil action or
special rules.
● 1on1
-if there is one plaintiff, one defendant, you can join as many causes of action as you
want even though they do not arise from the same series of transaction. But always be
vigilant if it is governed by SCA/SR
-illustration: P1 vs D1 damages, collection of sum of money, specific performance-Yes
can be joined. Why?
Answer: because in 1on1, it doesn’t need to comply with the rules on joinder which
means same transaction or series of transaction involving common question of fact or
Rationale: since there is no party to join
● Multiple
-multiple defendant, multiple plaintiff
-you can still join as many causes of action provided it arises from the same or series of
transaction and/or there is a common question of fact or law
D1,D2,D3 obtained a loan of 3m to open a business(same series of transaction)
Vehicular accident. Can the passenger sue the driver?-yes How about the common
What is the cause of action against the driver?-quasi delict because there is no
contractual relation between driver and common carrier?-breach of contract
Common question of law ba?-no
But there is a common question of fact. Hence, passenger can combine his actions in
one complaint.

-As long as it is not governed by rules on special civil action and special rules.
-question: what if the judge forgot the rule on joinder and promulgated a judgment
(collection of sum of money, partition and specific performance). Is the judgment void
since it violated the rules and there was misjoinder?
No, the judgment is valid.
Misjoinder of causes of action is only a procedural error and not jurisdictional. Therefore,
the failure to object constitutes a waiver. Aside from that, there is a remedy provided
under the Rules of Court. If there is a misjoinder of action, the court has to severe the
causes of action motu proprio or upon motion by either party. (ex severe partition from
the joinder of action)

“RULE2, Section 6. Misjoinder of causes of action. — Misjoinder of causes of action is

not a ground for dismissal of an action. A misjoined cause of action may, on motion of a
party or on the initiative of the court, be severed and proceeded with separately.”
Note: “severance”

While in misjoinder of parties,

“At any stage of the proceedings “

But what if the court promulgated a decision when there are subjects of the complaint
where he does not have any jurisdiction?
-in those areas where the court does not have jurisdiction, such decisions are deemed
void. Because there is no waiver in lack of jurisdiction.

● Totality Rule
1. There are several causes of action but all of them are principally for recovery of
2. The aggregate amount shall be the test of jurisdiction
Exception: do not include attorneys fees and litigation expenses

● Respect of venue
1. There are several causes of action
2. Same parties
3. Pertains to different jurisdiction and/or venue
4. Provided that one of the causes of action falls within the jurisdiction of the RTC
5. Venue lies therein

Damages worth 3m, collection of loan worth 1.8m, recovery of title of real property where the
assessed value is 450k. P and D resident of QC, the real property is in Manila.
Can P join the 3 causes of action in one complaint?
-yes you can join it based on 1on1 (hence it doesn’t need to arise from the same transaction or
have a common question of fact or law)
Question: where will he file it?
Who has jurisdiction for:
damages worth 3m-RTC
Loan of 1.8m-MTC
Recovery of real property- RTC( jurisdictional amount for real actions is 400k in the RTC)

Damages: QC
Collection of 1.8m: personal so QC
Real property: Manila

-do not right as a cause of action damages or specific performance
-cause of action in oposa is destruction of environment, using the constitutional guarantee of
inter generational responsibility and right to healthful and balanced ecology
-is there a generality and commonality of interest in the subject matter Gc -
-regarding the sua, there is no commonality of interest over the subject matter since the
damages differs per person
-if you can file it individually, then you cannot file it in a class suit.
-sulpicio lines, the court ruled that there is no commonality or generality in the subject matter.
There is a difference when it comes to the amount of damages. There is a cause of action, but
you cannot file it as a class suit.

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