Detailed Lesson Plan

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A. Content Standard The learner demonstrates understanding of how
world literature and other text types serve as
instruments to resolve social conflicts, also how to
use the language of research, campaigns and
B. Performance Standard The learner competently presents a research report on
a relevant socio-cultural issue.
C. Learning Competency/ Objectives At the end of the lesson, the students are able to
a. Define Sensory Imagery
b. Identify the types of imagery in a word or
c. Materialized the essence of the lesson sensory
images in creating a short story.
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide pages
2. Learner’s Material Pages
3. Additional Materials from Learning Resource
B. Other Learning Resources Printed Materials, Chalk, Visual Aids
A. Review Previous Lesson or Presenting the
New Lesson

“Good morning, class” “Good morning, Ma’am!”

“Class monitor, is there any absent today?” “None, Ma’am”
“Ok, thank you so much”
“Please pick up the pieces of garbage under your
chair and make your chairs properly aligned.”
“Kindly pass the Home Learning Activity that I
gave to you last meeting.”
“Student A please collect the papers of your “Okay, Ma’am”
(Review of previous lesson…)
B. Establishing a Purpose for the Lesson

“5 Pics 2 Words”

Are you familiar with 4 pics 1 word?

I have modified that class into 5 pics 2 words.

Some mechanics class, you guess the hidden

words here by referring in these pictures, now
the letters below will serve as your clue in
guessing the hidden words.

Whoever got the correct answer/words will

receive 10 points in performance.
Let’s start! (The students do the activity…)
C. Presenting Example


Yes? What is the hidden words? (The student will answer…)

Very good, Student A let us give a round of

applause to student A. with that you will have
plus 10 points in performance task.

The Hidden words are SENSORY and


Because today class, our lesson has something to


Before we proceed to our lesson, let us have first

the objectives so that we will be guided as we get
along with our discussion.
Everyone please read! Thank you.
D. D. Discussion (Skill #1)


So that we can define sensory imagery. Let as

have first an activity. Okay? Get your bond
Paper and then read this excerpt from the story “
The Boy in the Polar Express”

Additional instruction:
You are going to read this one and then
visualized it and afterwards, you draw what
have you visualized. I’ll give you 5 minutes.

Okay times up!

Now based on this activity class, or by relating
this excerpt to this drawing, can you now define
Sensory Imagery? (Student will answer…)

Very good that’s right! Or in the other hand

SENSORY IMAGERY – is a literary devices
that writers used to employ, to engage readers in
multiple levels.

Now question! How do readers engage in

multiple levels? (Student will answer…)
Yes, very good!
Through the use of the five senses and what are
those five senses? (Student will answer…)

There are 5 types of sensory imagery. These

are visual imagery, auditory imagery, olfactory
imagery, gustatory imagery and tactile imagery.
First, we have the visual imagery.
Visual imagery focuses on the physical
attributes of a person, object and place. It
includes: color, size, shape, lightness or
darkness, shade or hue, and pattern.
Gustatory imagery focuses on how the food
tastes. Simply, this is your sense of taste.
Auditory imagery. I am sure you are familiar
with the word auditory, right?
This is our sense of? Yes. Our sense of hearing.
Auditory imagery focuses on how the way things
sound. It includes alliteration and onomatopoeia
in creating sounds.
Next is Olfactory imagery describes what we
smell. It includes fragrance and odor.
Tactile imagery is our sense of touch. It focuses
on what we can feel when we touch something.
It includes: where you can feel it, temperature,
textile (smooth or rough), soft or hard, slimy or
sticky, blunt or pointed
Do you understand now what the 5 types of
sensory imagery are? Yes, Ma’am
E. E. Practicing Skill # 2
Now, I have here class a word and sentences. I
want you to answer which sense these words or
sentence appeal to. Is it sense of smell, hear,
sight, taste or touch. Okay are you ready? KEY TO CORRECTION
1. Gustatory imagery
1. Sweet 2. Visual imagery
2. Colorful 3. Auditory imagery
3. Screaming 4. Olfactory imagery
4. The velvety coat was perfumed 5. Tactile imagery
5. The fire warmed our frozen toes. 6. Visual imagery
6. “It was quite a small room, with heavy 7. Gustatory imagery
black beams in the ceiling. By daylight it 8. Auditory imagery
was amazingly dirty." 9. Olfactory imagery
7. “The candy melted in her mouth and 10. Tactile imagery
swirls of bittersweet chocolate and
slightly sweet but salty caramel blended
together on her tongue.”

“The pitter-patter
of rain and
breeze had
progressed into a
downpour and
howling wind.”
“The pitter-patter
of rain and
breeze had
progressed into a
downpour and
howling wind.”
“The pitter-patter
of rain and
breeze had
progressed into a
downpour and
howling wind.”
8. “The pitter-patter of rain and whispering
breeze had progressed into a gushing
downpour and howling wind.”
9. “The winter evening settles down With
smells of steaks in passageways"
10. “I feel the warm of your embrace”

G. F. Developing Mastery

Match the types of sensory images to their
1. Visual Imagery 1. E
2. Gustatory Imagery 2. D
3. Auditory Imagery 3. B
4. Olfactory Imagery 4. A
5. Tactile Imagery 5. C
a. It describes what we smell.
b. It focuses on how the way things sound.
c. It focuses on what we can feel when we touch
d. It focuses on how the food tastes.
e. It focuses on the physical attributes of a
person, objects, and place.
H. G. Finding Practical Application

“Regarding to our Discussion and series of Yes, describing how something tastes, smells,
activities about Sensory imagery, Do you think it sounds, or feels—not just how it looks—makes a
is important to study this topic? Explain your passage or scene come alive. Using a combination of
answer. imagery and sensory imagery arms the reader with as
As a student in what situation do you used much information as possible and helps them create a
Sensory imagery? Prove tour answer. more vivid mental picture of what is happening

“Amazing! Very Well said, Thank you

I. H. Making Generalization

1. What is Sensory Imagery? (The student will answer…)
2. What are the 5 types of Sensory imagery? (The student will answer…)
3. What is visual imagery? (The student will answer…)
4. What is gustatory imagery? (The student will answer…)
5. What is auditory imagery? (The student will answer…)
6. What is olfactory imagery? (The student will answer…)
7. What is tactile imagery? (The student will answer…)
“Very good!”
J. I. Evaluating Learning
Create a short story that contains sensory words. Content/ idea – 30 pts
Organization – 30 pts
Narrative devices – 15 pts
Grammar – 15 pts
Total of 90 points
K. J. Additional application/ Home Learning

(continuation of activity)
Create a short story that contains sensory words.

Content/ idea – 30 pts
Organization – 30 pts
Narrative devices – 15 pts
Grammar – 15 pts
Total of 90 points

“Let’s call it a day. Goodbye and thank you, “Good bye Ma’am, thank you”

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