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Algebra 2 Name___________________________________ ID: 1

Lightening Round Date________________ Block____

2.1 Vertex Form of a Quadratic Function
Use the information provided to write the vertex form equation of each parabola.

1) y = −x 2 + 10x − 33 2) y = −2x 2 + 16x − 26

3) y = −( x + 9)( x + 3) 4) y = −2( x + 9)( x + 8)

Identify the vertex and min/max value of each. Then sketch the graph.

5) y = ( x + 4)
2 1
6) y = − ( x + 1) 2 + 6
y 3
6 8

4 6

2 4

−8 −6 −4 −2 2 4 6 8 x
−2 −8 −6 −4 −2 2 4 6 8 x

−4 −2

−6 −4

−8 −6


-1- Worksheet by Kuta Software LLC

©u D2R0g2E1j ZK[u^tWaq CSsoJfStRwtagrzeY \LPLXCi.b P HAOlvlB hrHiRgihHtHsS yrbeBsWeyrxv^eddY.m [ rMIaIdzeU rwQiWtmhi lIcnsf`iAnIiztreQ JAKlKgneibRrHaG E2v.
2.2 Standard Form of a Quadratic Function
Use the information provided to write the standard form equation of each parabola.

8) y = −( x − 9) − 2
1 2
7) y = − ( x − 9) 2 − 2

9) y = 2( x − 2)
2 1
10) y = ( x + 10)( x + 8)

Identify the vertex and min/max value of each. Then sketch the graph.

11) y = −x 2 − 8x − 13 1
12) y = x 2 + 4
y 2
6 8

4 6

2 4

−8 −6 −4 −2 2 4 6 8 x
−8 −6 −4 −2 2 4 6 8 x

−4 −2

−6 −4

−8 −6


-2- Worksheet by Kuta Software LLC

©Q \2Q0r2_1K KKJuXttaL ^SVo\fMtywTaGrLev ^LiLPCk.p a DAUlAlq \rFi\guhwtGsO TrgeSsaeQrWvjeldm.C D ZMPaGd]eS rwBiUtwhA \IXnAfLi]n`iDtQej yAFlZgvekb]rsaY d2J.
2.3 Intercept or Factored Form of a Quadratic Function
Use the information provided to write the intercept or factored form equation of each parabola.

13) y = x 2 − 16x + 63 14) y = −5x 2 + 10x + 240

( ) 16) y = 2( x + 2) − 32
2 2
3 1
15) y = −2 x − +
2 2

Identify the vertex and min/max value of each. Then sketch the graph.

17) y = 2( x + 4)( x + 1) 18) y = −( x + 6)( x + 5)

y y
8 8

6 6

4 4

2 2

−8 −6 −4 −2 2 4 6 8 x −8 −6 −4 −2 2 4 6 8 x
−2 −2

−4 −4

−6 −6

−8 −8

-3- Worksheet by Kuta Software LLC

©p E2y0A2_1u sKFuwtyak cSjoAf_tdwyanr]eb VLaLNCg.v n tA^lTlx qriiUgahMtCsr errets]eNruvDeXdb.G Q XMdapdteN Iw^iftyhy IIxnMfmiLn^ixtxeB GAslDgEe^bArvaR G2W.
2.4 Complex Numbers and Operations

19) (7 − 9i) − (i) − (2i) 20) (10 + 5i)(−7 + 9i)

21) (1 − i)(−10 + 8i) 3i

−1 + 8i

2.5 Completing the Square

Solve each equation by completing the square.

23) 5n 2 + 20n − 60 = 0 24) p 2 + 18 p + 27 = 4

25) m 2 = −61 − 14m 26) −5x 2 − 10x + 88 = 10 − 6x 2

-4- Worksheet by Kuta Software LLC

©j I2j0q2m1T mKzuRtPam tSrowfctEwga]rLeO dLLLNCC.P g HAslflz Qrdi\g\hotZs\ BrVe^sveOrIveeUdH.y g GMqaudQe] swmimtChG AI]nQfriNnYiDtAe_ mAAlCgUetbmrBaQ X2u.
Solve each equation by taking square roots.

27) 9 + 49x 2 = 90 28) 5x 2 + 10 = −90

2.6 Quadratic Formula

Solve each equation with the quadratic formula.

29) −3x 2 − 6x + 8 = 0 30) −5n 2 − 10n + 32 = −8

31) 6x 2 − 10 = 10x 32) −3x 2 − 6x = −3 − 6x

Find the discriminant of each quadratic equation then state the number and type of solutions.

33) 3x 2 − 5x + 3 = 0 34) −4x 2 − 5x − 1 = 0

-5- Worksheet by Kuta Software LLC

©e N2\0B2R1q `KZuJt]aw TSwoUfytPw_aYrhe] TLnLuCr.P g UAvlolf frjiegXhetbsI GrpexsheKrdvJehd^.B E _MSaHdtek owFiRtJhM lIHnSfTisnQi[tFeM kAQlQgzePbmrhaO A2T.
2.7 Linear-Quadratic Systems
Solve each system of equations.

35) −4x 2 − 2x − 14 y − 53 = 0 36) 2x 2 − 3x + y − 1 = 0

x− y+1=0 x+ y−3=0

Graph the solution set of the following systems of inequalities.

37) y ≥ −( x + 3) − 3 38) y ≥ 2( x + 2) + 3
2 2

y y
−6 −5 −4 −3 −2 −1 1 2 x
−2 9
−4 6
−6 3
−7 −6 −5 −4 −3 −2 −1 1 2 3 4 5 x

-6- Worksheet by Kuta Software LLC

©L X2O0^2W1g WKeuBtPae vSGo_fXt]waaYrIeK VLyLBCZ.] U xAQlUlG KrziQgBhAtKsz srReXsZeIrSv]ePdk.\ u PMqaGdHex owBi]tzha CInnBfMiWnFiQtNeK wAclCgOeqbVr^au m2I.
Algebra 2 Name___________________________________ ID: 1

Lightening Round Date________________ Block____

2.1 Vertex Form of a Quadratic Function
Use the information provided to write the vertex form equation of each parabola.

1) y = −x 2 + 10x − 33 2) y = −2x 2 + 16x − 26

y = −( x − 5) − 8 y = −2( x − 4) + 6
2 2

3) y = −( x + 9)( x + 3) 4) y = −2( x + 9)( x + 8)

y = −( x + 6) + 9
( )
2 2
17 1
y = −2 x + +
2 2

Identify the vertex and min/max value of each. Then sketch the graph.

5) y = ( x + 4)
2 1
6) y = − ( x + 1) 2 + 6
Vertex: (−4, 0)
Min value = 0 y
8 Vertex: (−1, 6)
Max value = 6
4 6

2 4

−8 −6 −4 −2 2 4 6 8 x
−2 −8 −6 −4 −2 2 4 6 8 x

−4 −2

−6 −4

−8 −6


-1- Worksheet by Kuta Software LLC

©Y i2p0_2y1^ FKPuTt^am PSNocfVtFwOaAryex xLlLNCB.Z F eAylalL ErYiEgchhtnsi mrieBsOeQrgvnendw.g a uMTapdSec YwxiztnhB rIPnOf_iFnxiEtJex kACl[gkejbtrSax [2z.
2.2 Standard Form of a Quadratic Function
Use the information provided to write the standard form equation of each parabola.

8) y = −( x − 9) − 2
1 2
7) y = − ( x − 9) 2 − 2
y = −x 2 + 18x − 83
1 9 89
y = − x2 + x −
4 2 4

9) y = 2( x − 2)
2 1
10) y = ( x + 10)( x + 8)
y = 2x 2 − 8x + 8
1 2 3 20
y= x + x+
12 2 3

Identify the vertex and min/max value of each. Then sketch the graph.

11) y = −x 2 − 8x − 13 1
12) y = x 2 + 4
y 2
8 Vertex: (−4, 3)
Max value = 3 y
6 8 Vertex: (0, 4)
Min value = 4
4 6

2 4

−8 −6 −4 −2 2 4 6 8 x
−8 −6 −4 −2 2 4 6 8 x

−4 −2

−6 −4

−8 −6


-2- Worksheet by Kuta Software LLC

©A X2W0[2o1Q jKYubtKaO EStoPfftXwRatrpee rL`LfCm.u J DABlhlF fruiMgehytRsJ srNejsJe\rkvpesd\.Y W yM]aMdaeW jw_iftzhO eIvnafiidndiXtye] DADlOgWebbYrBa_ ]2a.
2.3 Intercept or Factored Form of a Quadratic Function
Use the information provided to write the intercept or factored form equation of each parabola.

13) y = x 2 − 16x + 63 14) y = −5x 2 + 10x + 240

y = ( x − 9)( x − 7) y = −5( x − 8)( x + 6)

( ) 16) y = 2( x + 2) − 32
2 2
3 1
15) y = −2 x − +
2 2 y = 2( x − 2)( x + 6)
y = −2( x − 2)( x − 1)

Identify the vertex and min/max value of each. Then sketch the graph.

17) y = 2( x + 4)( x + 1) 18) y = −( x + 6)( x + 5)

(5 9
Vertex: − , −
2 2 ) 8
Vertex: −
11 1
2 4 )
9 1
6 Min value = − 6 Max value =
2 4
4 4

2 2

−8 −6 −4 −2 2 4 6 8 x −8 −6 −4 −2 2 4 6 8 x
−2 −2

−4 −4

−6 −6

−8 −8

-3- Worksheet by Kuta Software LLC

©n u2e0d2\1L uKnugtYaf `SXowfRtMwjaIrBeJ [LhLQCJ.F P EA\lelq DrmiMgThxtSsE CrzeQsEeZr[vye\dA.q w ]MYaldee_ kwGiYthhW xIgnvfciEnliAtqeT nAplFgleOberEa[ Z2X.
2.4 Complex Numbers and Operations

19) (7 − 9i) − (i) − (2i) 20) (10 + 5i)(−7 + 9i)

7 − 12i −115 + 55i

21) (1 − i)(−10 + 8i) 3i

−2 + 18i −1 + 8i
24 3i

65 65

2.5 Completing the Square

Solve each equation by completing the square.

23) 5n 2 + 20n − 60 = 0 24) p 2 + 18 p + 27 = 4

{2, −6} {−9 + 58, −9 − 58 }

25) m 2 = −61 − 14m 26) −5x 2 − 10x + 88 = 10 − 6x 2

{−7 + 2i 3, −7 − 2i 3 } {5 + i 53, 5 − i 53 }

-4- Worksheet by Kuta Software LLC

©j P2K0J2W1Y ZKouYtkaR FS`oMfbtrwyaGrQef HLeLvCO.T ^ NAflelP OrSiAgdhgtJsJ XrHe\s]eHr\voe^dH.F K \M[aQdHeh NwdiPtlhL \Iin\fCivn^idtkeB vAUlCgPeIbIreav n2O.
Solve each equation by taking square roots.

27) 9 + 49x 2 = 90 28) 5x 2 + 10 = −90

{2i 5, −2i 5 }
{ } 9 9
7 7

2.6 Quadratic Formula

Solve each equation with the quadratic formula.

29) −3x 2 − 6x + 8 = 0 30) −5n 2 − 10n + 32 = −8

{−4, 2}
{ −3 − 33 −3 + 33
3 }

31) 6x 2 − 10 = 10x 32) −3x 2 − 6x = −3 − 6x

{−1, 1}
{ 5+
85 5 −

Find the discriminant of each quadratic equation then state the number and type of solutions.

33) 3x 2 − 5x + 3 = 0 34) −4x 2 − 5x − 1 = 0

−11; two imaginary solutions 9; two real solutions

-5- Worksheet by Kuta Software LLC

©v u2T0f2x1e _KVu`t_am RSWo`fStmwNa^rIey ILRLuC_.o I oAPlFln _rhi_gjhntPsF `rNevs_errcvfeqdl.n y LMlasdHeP pwzi]tth^ OIwnqfAignfiltEeb GAHlygiegbIrsaF i2l.
2.7 Linear-Quadratic Systems
Solve each system of equations.

35) −4x 2 − 2x − 14 y − 53 = 0 36) 2x 2 − 3x + y − 1 = 0

x− y+1=0 x+ y−3=0
No solution. (1, 2)

Graph the solution set of the following systems of inequalities.

37) y ≥ −( x + 3) − 3 38) y ≥ 2( x + 2) + 3
2 2

y y
−6 −5 −4 −3 −2 −1 1 2 x
−2 9
−4 6
−6 3
−7 −6 −5 −4 −3 −2 −1 1 2 3 4 5 x

-6- Worksheet by Kuta Software LLC

©a w2y0u2x1y PKOuMtXaC VS^ozfotYwXaXrfeS QLwLHCX.X x HAUlUl^ MrciCgwhctqsY urPeDsYeRr`v]ekdF.r U \MBaOdZeg vwDiDtAhN xIenUf_iZn]iGt`eG NAQlVgcenbgrCaz m2m.

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