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Saurabh Mannan, BDS, DMD,

Dental Abscess to Septic MPH, MS,* Patricia A. Tordik,
DMD,* Frederico C. Martinho,
Shock: A Case Report and DDS, MSc, PhD,* Noah Chivian,
DDS,† and Craig S. Hirschberg,
Literature Review DDS†

Sepsis is a leading cause of death in the United States, with a mortality rate in excess of
215,000 deaths per year. It may lead to septic shock, a complex pathophysiological process This is a report of a healthy 23-
with microbial and host response events that progress to multisystem derangement. There is year-old male who presented
poor documentation of the relationship between dental infection and septic shock, with only a to the urgent care clinic of a
few case reports of septic shock secondary to dentoalveolar abscess. Presented is a case of dental school for treatment of
sepsis/septic shock in a 23-year-old man with signs and symptoms of pulpal necrosis, acute an endodontic and canine
apical abscess, and canine space infection that rapidly progressed to an altered mental state, space infection. The patient’s
hyperthermia, tachycardia, hypotension, acute respiratory failure, diarrhea, renal insufficiency, condition rapidly deteriorated
lactic acidosis, leukocytosis, and hyperglycemia. Once septic shock develops, the mortality to a medical emergency and
rate is nearly 50%. Early antimicrobial intervention is associated with surviving severe sepsis, near-death experience
making it critical for dentists to understand local factors leading to the crisis and the signs and because of sepsis and septic
symptoms of the sepsis–septic shock continuum. (J Endod 2021;47:663–670.) shock. Significant changes in
vital signs are not expected in
KEY WORDS localized infections. Hence, all
Bacteremia; dentoalveolar abscess; odontogenic infection; sepsis; septic shock vital signs should be routinely
checked while examining
infected dental patients.
Sepsis is a serious, complicated medical condition with a high mortality rate. Sepsis and septic shock
are 2 entities occurring as a continuum, with sepsis leading to septic shock1. Sepsis was first defined
in 1991 as a systemic inflammatory response syndrome due to suspected infection with 2 or more
specified clinical criteria. Septic shock includes hypotension and organ dysfunction that persists
despite volume resuscitation, along with the systemic inflammatory response syndrome criteria2.
Using these definitions, the Surviving Sepsis Campaign developed guidelines for a protocol-driven
model of care3. In 2016, the international Sepsis-3 Committee defined sepsis as “a life-threatening
condition caused by a dysregulated host response to infection, resulting in organ dysfunction,”
whereas septic shock is “circulatory, cellular, and metabolic abnormalities in septic patients,
presenting as fluid-refractory hypotension requiring vasopressor therapy with associated tissue
hypoperfusion (lactate . 2 mmol/L)”4.
In the United States, the incidence of severe sepsis is estimated to be 300 cases per 10,000
population5, with over 30 million cases of sepsis/annum estimated worldwide6. More than 500,000 From the *Endodontics Division,
annual emergency department visits in the United States are related to sepsis7. In 2013, sepsis-related Department of Advanced Oral Sciences
illness was the most expensive reason for hospitalization, costing $23.7 billion8. One study reported the and Therapeutics, University of Maryland
mortality rate of sepsis as 33%–35%9, whereas hospital deaths in patients with sepsis from 2 School of Dentistry, Baltimore, Maryland;
and †Department of Endodontics,
independent cohorts found mortality ranged between 34%–56%10,11. With sepsis-related mortality Rutgers School of Dental Medicine,
above 215,000 deaths per year, it is a leading cause of death in the United States6. Newark, New Jersey
In 2013, New York state was the first to implement regulations that require hospitals to follow
Address requests for reprints to Dr
protocols for treating sepsis, which resulted in a greater decrease in sepsis mortality compared with Patricia A. Tordik, Endodontics Division,
control states without regulations12. Illinois, New Jersey, and Indiana also have mandatory practices, Department of Advanced Oral Sciences
whereas other states have introduced bills into legislature as recently as 2020 or use voluntary and Therapeutics, University of Maryland
School of Dentistry, 650 W Baltimore
programs13. In 2018, Maryland developed a public awareness campaign to help prevent sepsis
Street, Baltimore, MD 21201.
fatalities14. E-mail address:
We report a case of an urgent care visit to a dental school clinic for treatment of an endodontic and 0099-2399/$ - see front matter
canine space infection that quickly escalated to a medical emergency and near-death experience for the Copyright © 2021 American Association
patient because of sepsis and septic shock. of Endodontists.

JOE  Volume 47, Number 4, April 2021 Dental Abscess to Septic Shock 663
CASE REPORT no known drug allergies was noted. His vital plan was for magnetic resonance imaging and
signs are presented in Table 1. The clinical/ electroencephalography while awaiting the
Day 1
radiographic data are provided in Table 2. A results of urodynamic studies and lumbar
0900 Hours
periapical radiograph was provided by the puncture. To manage possible infection, the
A 23-year-old man presented to the
urgent care clinic (Fig. 1). The patient said he patient was given intravenous cefepime,
predoctoral urgent care clinic with a chief
felt cold and was given a blanket. vancomycin, and metronidazole, which was
complaint of an ongoing “toothache and
later changed to ceftriaxone, vancomycin,
severe pain.” His past medical history was
1440 Hours metronidazole, and acyclovir. A lactated Ringer
noncontributory with no known drug allergies;
Within 10 minutes of evaluation, intense solution bolus was administered for fluid
his past dental history included caries in tooth
shivering ensued. The patient was lethargic replenishment.
#7. The patient was taking acetaminophen. His
and hyperthermic. His tympanic temperature
vital signs are provided in Table 1. A limited oral
and vital signs are presented in Table 1. 2334 Hours
examination revealed pulpal necrosis/acute
Emergency medical service (EMS) was The patient had elevated troponin, lactate, and
apical abscess in tooth #7. For pain
activated. Until the paramedics arrived, the creatinine values (Table 3). Primary cardiac
management, 1 cartridge of lidocaine with
patient was semireclined, his airway was pathology was considered not likely,
1:100,000 epinephrine (34 mg lidocaine
maintained, respiration was supported with transthoracic echocardiography was planned,
hydrochloride/0.017 mg epinephrine) mesial
100% oxygen, and ice packs were applied to and the patient was admitted to the critical
and distal to the infected area was
the forehead and axillae. The patient became care resuscitation unit.
administered using a standard local infiltration
tachypneic, difficult to arouse, and lost
consciousness after EMS arrival. Because of Day 2
the suspected contribution of the dental Approximately 8 hours after admission, the
1030 Hours infection, the attending endodontist requested working diagnosis included septic shock,
A dental student was assigned to initiate root the patient be transported to the university central nervous system failure or compromise,
canal treatment of tooth #7 in the predoctoral hospital emergency department (ED), where metabolic crisis, acute respiratory failure, renal
endodontics clinic later the same day. With there is an oral and maxillofacial surgery insufficiency, elevated liver enzymes,
pain relief, the patient planned to hydrate and service, rather than to the city hospital on call. leukocytosis, and fever. The transthoracic
eat a light meal before his appointment. The ED consented to accept the patient. echocardiographic finding was tachycardia
Tachycardia was refractory to 6 mg adenosine secondary to sepsis, volume depletion, and
1415 Hours provided en route to the ED. His vital signs are fever. Heart rate decreased with volume
The patient presented to the predoctoral recorded in Table 1. A review of his systems resuscitation, leading to the conclusion of
endodontics clinic. Despite having a toxic are included in Table 3. sinus tachycardia. Norepinephrine bitartrate
appearance, he was alert; was oriented to (Levophed; CIBA, Basel, Switzerland) was
person, place, time, and situation; and was in 1810 Hours administered to maintain a mean arterial
no respiratory distress. The attending faculty The patient was sedated with propofol and pressure .65 mm Hg based on the bedside
made a cursory diagnosis of canine space benzodiazepine and then intubated to protect echocardiogram suggesting myocardial
infection and immediately transferred care to the airway. A full-body computed tomographic dysfunction and euvolemia. Full ventilator
the on-call postgraduate endodontic resident. scan was ordered because of the sudden support continued until vast improvement
alteration in mental awareness. The differential allowed for extubation. Findings of
1430 Hours diagnosis included meningitis, encephalitis, reconstructed computed tomographic
His past medical and dental history was septic encephalopathy, toxin/ingestant, and images, taken with contrast to evaluate for
reviewed, medications were reconciled, and seizure/postictal. The immediate treatment infection, were unremarkable (Table 4).

TABLE 1 - Vital Signs as Recorded in the Medical Record

Temperature MAP
Day Time BP Pulse (beats/min) HR R (Rate) R (Rhythm) R (Depth) SpO2 % ( F) Temp ( C) (mm Hg) Arterial BP
1 0900 155/96* 80 12 Regular Normal
1 1430 170/104* 100* 12 Regular Normal
1 1440 170/100* 160* 18* Increased Shallow 106* 41.1*
1 1533 135/98* 183* 174* 20* Increased Shallow 97* 102.9* 39.4*
1 1931 113/66 128* 114* 20* Increased Shallow 100 100* 37.8*
2 0200 95/54* 79 75 15 Regular Normal 100 98.6 37* 67.67* 114/53

BP, blood pressure; HR, heart rate; MAP, mean arterial pressure; R, respiration; SpO2, oxygen saturation.
*Values outside of the normal range.

TABLE 2 - Clinical and Radiographic Data Collection

Lymphadenopathy upon Mobility Probing Periapical

Tooth Swelling palpation ST Cold Hot EPT Percussion Palpation (mm) (mm) radiolucency (mm)
7 V, CS N N NR NT NT S S 0 ,3 6!8

CS, canine space; EPT, electric pulp test; N, none; NR, no response; NT, not tested; S, sensitive; ST, sinus tract; V, vestibular.

664 Mannan et al. JOE  Volume 47, Number 4, April 2021

Day 3
The oral and maxillofacial surgery service
completed a head/neck examination. Extraoral
swelling with obliteration of the nasiolabial fold
and a broad, fluctuant swelling in the vestibule
were noted. A diagnosis of acute apical
abscess/canine space infection associated
with tooth #7 was made. After infiltrating with
lidocaine/epinephrine, a vestibular, horizontal
incision was made extending from tooth #6 to
tooth #8. Subperiosteal blunt dissection
produced purulent and sanguineous drainage.
Tissues were irrigated with a high volume of
0.9% normal saline, and a gauze pressure
dressing was placed.

Day 4
An improvement in fever, leukocytosis, and
hemodynamics was noted. The clinical course
of infection was improving.

Day 5
The patient was discharged to home with a
7-day course of amoxicillin/clavulanate
potassium 875 mg and 30 mL 0.12%
chlorhexidine gluconate oral rinse. He was
advised to follow up with the dental school,
where the nonsurgical root canal treatment FIGURE 1 – The periapical radiograph provided by the urgent care clinic.
was completed by the same predoctoral
TABLE 3 - A Review of the Systems and Pertinent Values from the Comprehensive Metabolic Panel
student, 3 months later (Fig. 2). The discharge
note stated the following: “Because of likely
Normal findings Abnormal findings
dental abscess, the patient was hypotensive
on presentation and showed signs of ischemic General Febrile, altered mental status:
nonverbal, agitated, incoherent
end organ damage with lactic acidosis,
Skin Diaphoretic
transaminitis, troponinemia, acute kidney injury
Head and neck No traumatic head injury or cervical
and altered mental status (AMS), requiring lymphadenopathy
intubation.” Pulmonary/chest No stridor or wheezes Tachypenia
Cardiovascular Regular rhythm, normal heart Sinus tachycardia, bedside
sounds, and intact distal pulses; echocardiogram grossly
DISCUSSION no gallop; no friction rub; no depressed with left ventricular
Except when pathogens directly enter the murmur heard ejection fraction 5 25%–35%
bloodstream, sepsis occurs in 2 stages: Gastrointestinal Normal bowel sounds, no Vomiting, diarrhea
preseptic and septic. With direct distention, no mass, no
tenderness, no rebound, no
contamination, the preseptic stage is absent15.
Previously, it was believed the immune system
Urinary UDS ordered
maladaptive response played the predominant Genital All
role in presepsis16,17. New information Vascular All
suggests pathogens are also involved18. Musculoskeletal All
Neurologic LP and EEG planned
Hematologic Comprehensive metabolic panel
Preseptic and Septic Bacterial Role
The primary sources for bacteria entering the
Endocrine All Thyroid-stimulating hormone and
bloodstream include local infection, lungs, free thyroxine test planned
lymphatics, venous system, or intestines. Only Psychiatric Indeterminate signs/symptoms due to altered mental state
erythrocytes clear bacteria from the
bloodstream19. The erythrocyte membrane is Normal range Measured value
triboelectrically charged to attract bacteria.
Creatinine 0.6–1.2 mg/dL 1.42 mg/dL*
Once fixed to the membrane, oxyhemoglobin Lactate 0.5–1.0 mmol/L 3.4 mmol/L*
is released, killing most bacteria19,20. If a Troponin 0.0–0.04 ng/mL 0.61 ng/mL*
bacterium survives oxidation, it can be trapped
in the concave pocket of an erythrocyte. Once EEG, electroencephalography; LP, lumbar puncture; UDS, urodynamic study.
*Elevated values.
trapped, it is either oxidized and released into

JOE  Volume 47, Number 4, April 2021 Dental Abscess to Septic Shock 665
plasma for digestion in the reticuloendothelial

planes Thyroid Vasculature

system, released, and removed by the liver and

spleen or uses exotoxin to decompose the
erythrocyte membrane and enter the cell15.
Inside an erythrocyte, a bacterium is protected
from immune complexes and exogenous
antibacterial agents. Using hemoglobin, it can
multiply and rupture the membrane, releasing
Posterior Soft tissue

new bacteria into plasma. This is a critical step


in developing sepsis15.
Motile and nonmotile bacteria resistant
to host immunity proliferate in tissue and enter

circulation15. Immunity-resistant features


include superoxide dismutase, catalase, and

gonyautoxin production. These enzymes
convert harmful superoxide to nontoxic water
with Foley catheter in place
Urinary bladder collapsed
and oxygen15. Likewise, a capsule, slime layer,
adrenal glands: normal
and excretion: normal
Kidney enhancement
Paranasal sinuses,

pancreas, spleen,
Liver, gallbladder,
mastoid air cells:

and biofilm protect against phagocytosis, lytic

Other organs/

all well aerated


enzymes, immune complexes, reactive oxygen

species, and erythrocyte attachment20.
Sepsis-causing bacteria must also express a
large quantity/variety of virulence factors and
coordinate individual gene transcription to
maximize virulence potential16.
lesions Osseous

Gram-positive bacteria effectively



invade host tissue21 and initiate sepsis via

exotoxins and the exposed cell wall
peptidoglycan22, whereas gram-negative

bacteria trigger sepsis through

lipopolysaccharide endotoxins23. Most sepsis
involves facultative anaerobic bacteria15, but
hill, and axilla




nonfacultative anaerobes also contribute.



Meanwhile, the bacterial etiology of

endodontic infection is well-documented24.
Endodontic infections contain both gram-

negative and gram-positive facultative and


obligate anaerobes, with the prevalent phyla

identified as Proteobacteria, Firmicutes,
Bacteroidetes, Fusobacteria, and
TABLE 4 - Findings of Reconstructed Coronal and Sagittal Computed Tomographic Scans

atelectasis, nodules,

Actinobacteria25. Prevotella and

focal consolidation
Lungs: clear; no
vessels: normal
No pericardial

apices: clear

Porphyromonas spp. are associated with

Visible lung

or masses
or pleural

symptomatic infected teeth and are thought to

play an essential role in severe infections26. It is
unknown how many cases of sepsis/septic
shock are the result of dental infections.
When erythrocytes are destroyed by
Free air/

bacteria, inflammation anemia occurs19. With




no erythrocytes to deliver oxygen to organs,

cell hypoxia results. The kidneys and liver
abdomen endobronchial evidence of
Patent, no Normal, no

detect reduced blood oxygen levels and

of ileum

secrete erythropoietin to stimulate bone

marrow erythropoiesis. This slightly increases
the blood oxygen transport capacity. Bacterial
attachment to erythrocytes causes premature


oxygen release, platelet activation, and

disseminated intravascular coagulation27,
which provides nutrients for bacterial
proliferation15. Oxidative hormone inactivation
Chest and

leads to muscle wasting and impaired

Head and

wound healing, whereas insulinlike growth


factor inactivation leads to hyperglycemia28.

Lower blood oxidation also affects the

666 Mannan et al. JOE  Volume 47, Number 4, April 2021

structures34. Mitochondrial injury limits the
ability of the cytochrome system to generate
adenosine triphosphate, leading to myocardial
depression. Excessive acetylcholine secretion
also leads to myocardial depression, but it can
inhibit tumor necrosis factor alpha expression,
improving survival35.
High concentrations of circulating
catecholamines produced in the early stages
of septic shock enhance the inflammatory
response. Continuous elevated levels result in
depletion, perhaps because of apoptosis of
adrenal medullary cells36. Once depleted, the
patient is predisposed to peripheral
vasodilation, compromised myocardial
contractility, and myocardial depression36.
Hypotension, hypoperfusion, and organ
dysfunction follow. The concomitant abnormal
adrenergic modulation of heart/vessels during
septic shock indicates that adrenergic
regulation impairment contributes to
cardiocirculatory failure36.

Signs and Symptoms of Septic

Sequential (Sepsis-Related) Organ Function
Assessment (SOFA) scoring is an objective
method to determine dysfunction based on
oxygen levels, platelet count, Glasgow Coma
Scale (GCS) score, bilirubin level, creatinine
level, and mean arterial pressure2. Quick SOFA
FIGURE 2 – The immediate postobturation periapical radiograph. The nonsurgical root canal treatment was completed
(qSOFA) is simpler and predicts death risk2.
by the predoctoral dental student.
One point each is awarded for AMS (GCS
,15), respiratory rate 22 breaths/min, and
systolic blood pressure (BP) 100 mm Hg.
hypothalamic-pituitary-thyroid axis, causing and disruptions to immune/metabolic Patients with qSOFA scores of 2–3 are
adrenal and vasopressin insufficiency and activities. If the patient is not well managed, associated with a 3- to 14-fold increase in
thyroid hormone inadequacy. Vasopressin health rapidly deteriorates. Symptoms include hospital mortality and should be further
oxidation along with low levels of angiotensin II cardiovascular depression, delirium, acute assessed with blood testing, including serum
and angiotensin-converting enzyme contribute respiratory distress syndrome, acute renal lactate, and full SOFA scoring37. When our
to systemic vasodilation29. Resultant albumin failure, and hepatic dysfunction31. A nonlinear, patient suffered from AMS and tachypnea, he
oxidation leads to hypoalbuminemia, which is exponential relationship between cellular injury had a qSOFA score of 2.
identified as an independent predictor of and organ failure leads to a high level of Our patient presented with serious,
sepsis mortality15. Lastly, inactivation of mortality30. general signs of sepsis including all
immunoglobulins alters immunoreactivity15. The effect of septic shock on the components of a toxic appearance38. This
cardiovascular system can be divided into 3 included an ill presentation, shivers/chills,
major events: vasodilation, maldistribution of lethargy, diaphoresis, rapid pulse, and fever of
Preseptic and Septic Host Role blood flow, and cardiovascular depression31. 102 –107 F. Upon arrival to the ED, our
Prolonged overexpression of chemical Hypotension despite adequate fluid patient was suffering from acute respiratory
mediators required to recruit immune effector resuscitation reflects the end of progressive failure.
cells evoke harmful biological effects16. Often deterioration17. Myocardial depressant factors Questioning an infected dental patient
referred to as cytokine cascade/dysfunction, it tumor necrosis factor alpha and interleukin 1 can reveal if he or she is eating or sufficiently
involves all cell types including antigen- beta participate in cardiovascular hydrated. Dentists should recognize the signs
presenting cells, neutrophils, macrophages, depression32. These factors produce and symptoms of dehydration, including a
and lymphocytes. Once the cascade initiates abnormal amounts of nitric oxide and cyclic drawn facial appearance, dry mucous
events, hypoxia and cellular hypoperfusion guanosine monophosphate. Excessive nitric membranes, fever, loss of skin turgor, oliguria,
lead to transitory organ failure30. Profound oxide leads to decreased vascular resistance, postural hypotension, serum electrolyte
oxidative cellular stress results in resulting in maldistribution of blood flow33. It changes, thirst, and weakness38. Our patient
catecholamine depletion, hormonal alterations, also interacts with superoxide to form was experiencing at least 6 of these signs and
vascular dysfunction, neural dysregulation, peroxynitrite, which directly injures intracellular symptoms.

JOE  Volume 47, Number 4, April 2021 Dental Abscess to Septic Shock 667
Another symptom of sepsis is central include sepsis, kidney failure, pulmonary physiological heart rate response to infection
nervous system changes. Although our patient embolism, myocarditis, drug abuse, or and shock is rapid and weak. Our patient had
was initially alert and oriented, his best eye, trauma38. recorded rates of 100 beats/min and then 160
verbal, and motor responses diminished over a An elevated body temperature highly beats/min before EMS arrival.
short period of time. Within 30 minutes, his predicts acute infection. Moderate to severe
GCS score was 15, then 11, and then infections always produce an elevated
unresponsive. A declining or “waxing and temperature, whereas a localized acute apical
waning” GCS is concerning, and the airway abscess with or without swelling will not39. Presented is a healthy 23-year-old male whose
should be reassessed for intervention38. Our Temperatures .101.3 F indicate simple condition rapidly deteriorated during an
patient was intubated upon arrival in the ED. pyrexia, whereas hyperthermia is a term emergency dental office visit due to sepsis/
Our patient had elevated creatinine reserved for body temperatures 105.8 F38. septic shock. Significant changes in vital signs
(1.42 mg/dL), lactate (3.4 mmol/L), and We initially recorded temperatures in our are not expected in localized infections. Hence,
troponin (0.61 ng/mL) values. Elevated patient as high as 106 F. Unfortunately, body all vital signs should be routinely checked while
creatinine indicates kidney disease, shock, temperature was not recorded when the examining infected dental patients. BP, pulse,
dehydration, or congestive heart failure38. The patient first arrived. If it had been, a referral respiration, and temperature should be
high lactic acid level was interpreted as could have occurred sooner. thoughtfully assessed within the context of the
secondary to hypoperfusion, and intravenous Although there are no or minor changes patient’s overall medical and dental conditions
fluid replenishment was continued. Elevated in BP during localized infections, sepsis/septic and sudden alterations in mental state,
lactate signals anaerobic metabolism and shock produce significant BP changes respiration, and systolic BP quickly acted on.
indicates sepsis, shock, cardiac arrest, liver attributed to shock, decreased blood volume,
disease, seizure, asthma, trauma, bowel vasodilatation, or severe dehydration (low BP).
dysfunction, medication-related damage, or Our 23-year-old patient presented with severe
cancers 38. Troponin values between 0.04 and pain, no known medical conditions, a normal The authors thank Dr. Michael A. Steinle for his
0.39 ng/mL may indicate cardiac problems, body mass index of 22.8 kg/m2, and elevated valuable input.
with values over 0.4 ng/mL indicating possible BP readings that steadily decreased to The authors deny any conflicts of
cardiac arrest. Other reasons for elevation hypotension by day 2. The normal interest related to this study.

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