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09/11/2020 8 Models of Blended Learning | eDynamic Learning

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8 Models of Blended Learning

November 6, 2019

Blended learning is one of the most common implementa on strategies used consistently
across all states. But the defini on and usage models and examples vary widely (but not
inaccurately) as the use of technology becomes a central point in our instruc on.

I wouldn’t dare ask for a round-robin of sharing our ages. However, I will ask if you remember
a me when technology wasn’t used in schools and classrooms – and even our homes? I’ll
bravely date myself by saying that I remember when my family got their first computer! I also
remember having to put tape over the phone so no one would use it while trying to connect
to the internet. I also remember it taking fooorrrever to connect to the internet. And forget
the hours it took to even download something!
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If you can remember these nostalgic moments too, then you remember when technology in
schools was scarce and highly coveted. And if you were in a school fortunate enough to start
establishing their first computer lab you were even more apprecia ve.

Jump ahead to today.

Think about all the technology our students have access to now. And I’m not thinking about
just in school. What about smartphones, e-readers, and the never-ending list of Apps that
make learning, communica ng, and connec ng easier? Our kids (and us!) are completely
plugged in, and for our students in our classrooms, they are digital na ves. They don’t know
what life was like before 3G or 4G. The point is that technology is deeply ingrained in our
daily lives, both inside and outside of the classroom.

In fact, as soon as we started integra ng online learning in schools, we became

implementers of blended learning.

Blended learning isn’t so much a new idea or concept, but rather a natural evolu on of the
way we teach by leveraging technology, mee ng the kids (our digital na ves) where they are
at today, and implemen ng various instruc onal models and strategies in the way we deliver
our instruc on that simultaneously leverages online learning.

The types of models based on the defini on of blended learning is really where we launch
this conversa on.

What is Blended Learning?

Honestly, I could ask teachers and administrators across the na on to define blended learning
and there would be a lot of varying answers. Especially when we talk about the Flipped

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Classroom Model. But, at the core of all the different answers that might be provided, it’s safe
to say that they will all be wrapped around the similar core nucleus of the merging of
‘tradi onal’ instruc on and leveraging online technology. And they would be correct.

The ChristensonIns tute.org defines blended learning as having three parts:

1. at least in part through online learning, with some element of student control over me,
place, path, and/or pace;
2. at least in part in a supervised brick-and-mortar loca on away from home;
3. and the modali es along each student’s learning path within a course or subject are
connected to provide an integrated learning experience.
With this defini on in mind, blended learning supports and places emphasis on some
elements of student-centered control in the form of me, pace, path, or place.

Common Blended Learning Models

Addi onally, iNACOL adds that first the “tradi onal” instruc onal model must be changed up
then the technology comes in ac ng as an “enabler to high-quality learning experiences”
versus “driving” it, in order to support blended learning.

In any blended learning classroom, learning should be engaging and flexible to meet various
needs. Addi onally, online learning should be used in purposeful ways that support and drive
bigger learning objec ves.

Let’s discuss some common blended learning models found in classrooms and districts across
the na on.

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1. Sta on-Rota on Model

The most common model in many classrooms; especially in elementary. Students in this
model rotate to different ‘sta ons’ during a fixed period of me. Sta ons are o en referred to
as ‘centers’ as well. One of these sta ons must allow for an ac vity that allows for online
learning. For example, one year I was given 55-minute math blocks. As part of my sta on-
rota on set-up, a er my short direct instruc on kick-off of the day, students then rotated
through three different sta ons – one of which was leveraging online learning.

2. Lab-Rota on Model
This is another common model that schools with computer labs are familiar with and is similar
to sta on-rota on. In this model, students rotate on a fixed schedule to a computer lab. We
see this model in districts of all sizes. I’ve been in schools where the teacher uses “lab me”
for students to ini ate research and/or use various so ware (like Microso Office Suite,
Google Suite, or Adobe Suite products) to complete assignments and projects. Addi onally,
I’ve worked in a school where the Instruc onal Technology Teacher, or Career and
Technology Teacher partnered with the core classroom teacher to develop comprehensive
project-based learning units.

3. Individual-Rota on Model
This is common in classrooms with a high focus on differen a on and personaliza on,
including, but not limited to, Gi ed and Talented programs and classes focusing on mastery.
In this model, students work independently through assigned lessons or units of instruc on,
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working towards mastery of understanding before ‘rota ng’ to their next task on their own
individual schedule. For example, in a G&T class I taught, each student had their own
individualized playlist that they worked through. It included various ac vi es, including
instruc onal me with me, that they completed. This is a strong form of personalized learning
in a blended learning model as it gives the student a high level of pace, place, voice, and

4. Flipped Classroom Model

This is the most widely defined blended learning model, as many schools and classrooms
adopt various forms of this strategy. In this model, students are introduced to content or
concepts (typically through audio recordings or videos) outside the core classroom, including
at home, then work through the prac ce and individual learning with the teacher and peers
back in the core classroom. And this is where the name comes from because the learning
structure is “flipped” in a tradi onal instruc onal model. Students are introduced to the new
concept outside the classroom (what would typically be direct instruc on), which allows for
far more of the next day’s classroom me to be dedicated to prac cing and applying the new
concept with the teacher scaffolding support and working with peers towards a deeper

This model is quickly gaining trac on in individual classrooms and across whole districts as
more educators are finding the value and success with this instruc onal strategy. In fact,
Clintondale High School in Clinton Township, Michigan, implemented the concept for its
en re 400-student school almost a decade ago. When they first started out, they began with
a single classroom of at-risk students and discovered that by the end of the school year, they
were outperforming peers in other “tradi onal” classrooms.

eDynamic Learning’s embedded videos and highly popular unit audio podcasts are a great
way to leverage eDL’s courses and lessons in a flipped classroom model. These all-inclusive
audio summaries addi onally support English language proficiency.

5. Project-Based Learning
This could be another topic to explore further in-depth. But, again, in the spirit of keeping it
simple, project-based learning is where students learn through projects and is not to be
confused with a culmina ng lesson or unit project. Rather, PBL is an opportunity for students
to learn through projects. Think of PBL as learning through a unit of projects rather than a
lesson. Essen ally, this ‘hands-on, minds-on’ learning takes place over me. The integra on of
online learning is an essen al component of PBL strategies and is o en a perfect fit for
STEAM classrooms.

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eDynamic Learning’s Project-Based Learning guide supports teachers looking to establish

project-based learning strategies in CTE and elec ve classrooms.

6. Remote (Virtual or Enriched Virtual) Model

As our students are faced with more and more challenges, such as having to work while in
school or gradua ng on me with their cohort, many districts are turning towards the virtual
or remote model of blended learning. In this model, students are not enrolled in a virtual
school, but rather work on coursework remotely but s ll show up to their brick-and-mortar
school for some face-to-face learning sessions. This typically places the student on a unique,
‘non-tradi onal’ schedule.

7. ‘Flex’ Learning Model

In this model, students work through online lessons at their own pace while in the brick-and-
mortar classroom with the teacher available for support, guidance, and one-on-one
instruc on as well. This model truly gives students substan al flexibility and ownership over
their learning.

8. A La Carte / Supplemental
Finding teachers for unique courses like Cybersecurity, Hospitality and Tourism, or
Criminology may be challenging. For example, do you ever wish you could offer American
Sign Language or Middle School Coding, but don’t have a teacher to provide instruc on? The
A La Carte model may be the solu on you are looking for. This model allows students to take
an online course with a ‘teacher of record’ then report to their ‘tradi onal’ classroom for
other classes. The benefit allows students to take the courses they need when a teacher is
unavailable for teaching the course, all while allowing the school to keep funds within the

eDynamic Learning offers instruc onal services that enable districts to offer a rich set of
course op ons for students covering a broad range of topics. eDL can connect schools to
highly-qualified, state-cer fied teachers in hard to find subject areas that offer virtual online
teaching services. This allows districts to take advantage of easy onboarding and
implementa on at any me of the year and retain students and the associated FTE funding to
expand the programs and staff they offer at their school.

In our next blended learning blog, we’ll be taking a look at various instruc onal strategies that
can be used throughout the different models discussed here.

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