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Lyceum of the Philippines University Cavite

International School

Third Quarter Major Activity in MITS021C (Media and Information Literacy)

I. Objectives

1. Apply the knowledge learned from the third quarter in dissecting and identifying facts as
well as hoaxes in media information.
2. Utilize fact checking abilities and critical thinking in analyzing information presented in
various media platforms.
3. Value the importance of responsible media practice and its importance to the society.

II. Activity

1. Provide an integration of what you have learned In MITS021C to combat one of the
most debilitating issues the world is currently suffering from: fake news.
2. Cite at least three (3) pieces of fake news posted in the web or any social media
platform in 2020. Take note that the three news items must come from different
sources (one news item per source). ALWAYS include proper citation for all the attached
3. Attach images or screenshots of the news articles in your output (at least one
screenshot per article).
4. Separately discuss each piece of fake news. Identify if they have already reached a large
number of audience and if these news affected the readers in one way or another.
Afterwards, briefly discuss the truth behind these news and provide the real
5. List down at least five (5) markers or indicators to spot the given articles as hoax.
6. Finally, on a separate page, briefly discuss how these fake news affect the society and
what can be done to gradually eliminate them.

III. Guidelines

1. Output must be submitted in Word Document format.

2. Font style: Arial, Font size: 11, Margin: 1 inch on all sides, Paper size: Letter (8 ½ x 11)
3. Attached images must be colored, with a size of at least 3 x 4 inches.
4. The entire output must not exceed 4 pages.
5. The output will be graded based on the rubric provided below.
6. Strictly NO PLAGIARISM.
7. Due to the enhanced community quarantine (ECQ), this output will take the place of the
third quarterly examination for the subject MITS021C.
8. Submission will be done via MyLPU.
9. IMPORTANT REMINDER: Submission of the output will be on or before the fifteenth
school day after the resumption of classes. Considerations will be given to those who
have difficulty in accessing the internet and other technological tools.
10. Further announcements will be provided in case the ECQ will still be extended after April
30, 2020.

IV. Scoring Rubric

10 - 9 POINTS 8 - 7 POINTS 6 - 5 POINTS 4 - 3 POINTS 2 -1 POINTS

The articles were The articles were The articles were The articles were The articles were
carefully and presented and briefly discuss but discussed not explained at
thoughtfully discussed lacks some incompletely and all.
dissected and accordingly. important details. with a little to no
CONTENT discussed. Fake relevance to fake
news was news.

Abundance of No evidence of
evidence and Evidence of Some evidence of Little evidence of critical, careful
explanation of critical, careful critical careful critical, careful thought analysis
critical, careful thought and thought and thought analysis and/or insight
thought and analysis and/or analysis and/or and/or insight.
analysis. Evidence insight. insight
and examples are
vivid and specific.

Exhibits clarity, Exhibits clarity, Exhibits some Exhibit some Exhibit little or
complexity, and some depth clarity, though faulty logic, no evidence of
OVERALL perceptiveness, about the topic, only minimal and/or effective thinking
QUALITY OF originality, and but lacks the depth of thought stereotypical or about the topic.
ANALYSIS depth of thought qualities of about the topic. superficial
about the topic. complexity, thinking about
perceptiveness. the topic.
Clearly highlights Highlights the
the implications of implications of
fake news by fake news by Highlights the fake Only highlights Only presents
choosing articles choosing articles news but only the fake news the fake news
RELEVANCE that caused that caused provides few with little to no without any
hysteria or hysteria or discussion on its discussion on its supporting
confusion to the confusion to the implications. implications. discussion.
audience, and audience, and
carefully provided provided some
the genuine facts facts opposing
opposing the fake the fake news.

Clear, concise Mostly clear, Adequate Poor sentence Very poor

sentences. concise sentence structure. sentence
sentences. structure but may Writing may be structure, and/or
No grammatical require editing for wordy or difficult Uses
GRAMMAR errors. May have some clarity/wordiness. to follow in inappropriate
& minor places. language or
MECHANICS grammatical Some grammatical language that is
errors. errors, but these too informal.
do not impede
understanding. Many Significant
grammatical grammatical
errors. errors.

The student was The student was The student was The student was Proper citations
able to utilize able to utilize able to utilize able to utilize were missing.
PROPER reliable sources reliable sources limited sources sources but not
CITATION which were but were not only but were relevant.
properly cited in properly cited in properly cited in
the essay. the essay. the essay.

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