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 B. Upper central incisors

1. You're assessing a 10-month-old infant.
You note on examination the anterior  C. Lateral incisors
fontanelle is open. The nurse will:*

 A. Document this as an abnormal finding  D. Canine

because this fontanelle should close at 2 5. You're assessing a 2-month-old infant.
months Which finding below is a normal milestone
that should be reached by this infant at this
 B. Document this as a normal finding age?*
because this fontanelle closes at about 18
months  A. The infant can sit up with support.

 C. Document this as a normal finding  B. The infant holds a rattle.
because this fontanelle closes at about 12
months  C. The infant smiles at its parent.

 D. Document this as an abnormal finding  D. The infant is afraid of strangers.
because this fontanelle should close at 6
months 6. At what age would you educate the parents
of an infant to stop swaddling the infant
2. An infant weighed 8 lbs. at birth. How because the infant will be able to roll over
many lbs. should the infant weigh at 6 onto its tummy?*
 A. 2 months
 A. 24 lbs
 B. 4 months
 B. 10 lbs
 C. 6 months
 C. 16 lbs
 D. 10 months
 D. 32 lbs
7. At 8-9 months of age, what milestone
3. An infant was 21 inches at birth. How many should an infant be able to successfully
inches should the infant be at 6 months?* perform?*

 A. 30-36 inches  A. Begin walking

 B. 24-27 inches  B. Say several words like mama or dada

 C. 23-25 inches  C. Sit without support

 D. 22-24 inches  D. Follow basic commands

4. During an assessment of a 10-month-old 8. A 6.5-month-old is hospitalized. What
infant, you note on the infant's gum line two nursing intervention will you include in their
teeth that have erupted. These are the only plan of care?*
teeth present in the infant's mouth. These teeth
are known as the?*  A. Separate the infant and parent during
 A. Lower central incisors
 B. Maintain the infant's daily rituals and  C. Pulls to a standing position and can
routines take a few steps

 C. Allow the infant to examine equipment  D. Follows simple commands like "wave
before usage bye-bye"

 D. Maintain the same nursing staff during  E. Puts objects in a container
each shift
9. You note a 10-month-old is using the pincer  F. Hits two small wooden blocks together
grasp. Which option below best describes this
milestone?*  G. Says 2-3 word sentences
 A. The infant is able to grasp large 12. Your patient is 5-months-old. Which
objects with the palm and forefingers. developmental milestone, if not performed by
the infant, should be further investigated?*
 B. The infant is able to grasp small  A. Crawling
objects with the index finger and thumb.

 B. Rolling over from back to tummy

 C. The infant is able to grasp small and
large objects with the middle finger and
thumb.  C. Using the pincer grasp

 D. The infant is able to grasp large  D. Sitting without support
objects with the palm and thumb. 13. You're teaching a new mom of a 1-week-
10. You're developing a plan of care for an old infant on how to prevent SIDS (Sudden
infant and you include activities for play. The Infant Death Syndrome). Which statement by
play activities include hiding a toy and letting the parent requires you to re-educate the
the infant look for it along with playing peek- parent on this topic?*
a-boo. Which infant below would best benefit
from this type of play?*  A. "The best sleeping position for the
baby is on their side or tummy".
 A. 6-month-old
 B. "It's okay to share the same room with
 B. 2-month-old the baby."

 C. 9-month-old  C. "I will stop swaddling the baby once
he can roll over onto his tummy".
 D. 4-month-old
 D. "I will be sure to remove extra
11. A 12-month-old arrives to the health clinic blankets and toys from the baby's bed."
for a well visit. You're assessing the infant's
developmental milestones. Select below all the 14. You're helping develop a meal plan for a
milestones the child should be able to 10-month-old. Which foods will you select to
perform?* be part of the meal plan? Select all that
 A. Rides a tricycle
 A. Mashed potatoes
 B. Draws a triangle
 B. Grapes
 C. Soup  E. Distract the infant with a toy
17. Your patient is 6-months-old. According
 D. Toast with honey to Erickson's Stage of Development, this
15. You're educating a group of parents about patient is in what stage?*
car seat safety. A participant asks about the
 A. Autonomy vs. Shame & Doubt
best position of a car seat for a 6-month-old.
Your response is:*
 B. Trust vs. Mistrust
 A. Forward-facing and back seat
 C. Initiative vs. Guilt
 B. Forward-facing and front seat
 D. Identity vs. Role Confusion
 C. Rear-facing and front seat 18. A 3-week-old infant is exclusively breast
fed. What will you include in the patient
 D. Rear-facing and back seat education to the mother during this clinic
16. You're providing care to a 1-month-old visit?*
infant who is hospitalized. The parents are
 A. Introduce solid foods around 3-4
unable to be at the bedside. The infant is
months of age along with breast feeding.
crying. Select appropriate nursing
interventions for this infant:*
 B. The infant needs to be supplemented
 A. Let the infant play with crib mobiles with Vitamin D (400 IU) daily.

 B. Swaddle the infant  C. Cow’s milk may be substituted for
breast milk around 6 months.
 C. Attempt to play peek-a-boo with the
infant  D. Breast feeding is only recommended
for the first 4 months of life
 D. Rock the infant
 B. 5 feet 8 inches
1. A 2-year-old weighed 7 lbs. at birth. How
much should the child weigh now?*  C. 5 feet 2 inches
 A. 14 lbs.
 D. 6 feet
 B. 28 lbs. 3. The mother of a 2-year-old verbalizes concern
about how her child has suddenly developed
 C. 21 lbs. temper tantrums. She asks about preventive
measures. What are some preventive measures
you can educate the mother about? Select-all-
 D. 36 lbs. that-apply:*
2. You're assessing the height of a 24-month-old.
 A. Avoid giving the child choices
The child is 34 inches. Based on this
measurement, what is an estimated adult height
for this child?*  B. Distract the child

 A. 6 feet 2 inches  C. Give in to the child's request

7. Fill-in-the-blank: The anal and urethral
 D. Prepare the child for a change in activity sphincter can be voluntarily controlled around
or an event a few minutes before it occurs _______________.*

 E. Avoid new activities when the child is  A. 12-18 months
hungry or tired
 B. 24-36 months
4. Your patient, who is 2 years old, is having a
temper tantrum. What actions below are not
 C. 6-12 months
appropriate for dealing with this situation?
 D. 18-24 months
 A. Attempt to stop the tantrum
8. You're teaching a group of new moms about
how to assess toilet training readiness in their
 B. Protect the child from hurting themselves toddler. Which statement by a participant
demonstrates they did NOT understand the
 C. Ignore the behavior education provided:*

 D. Reason with the child  A. "I should start potty training once my child
has had a dry diaper for 2 hours or more."

 E. Leave the child alone until the tantrum

stops  B. "It is best to start night-time potty training
before day-time potty training."

 F. Be consistent with your approach

 C. "Having regular bowel movements is a
5. You're providing car seat safety education to a sign of potty training readiness."
mother of an 18-month-old. Which statement by
the mother requires you to re-educate her about  D. "My child can sit on the toilet for at least
this topic? 10 minutes without fussy, so I think I will trying
potty training soon."
 A. The safest place for the child is in the
back seat. 9. According to Piaget's Theory of Development,
what stage would a 14-month-old be in?*
 B. A child is switched to a forward-facing car
seat at 12 months.  A. Formal operational

 C. A child less than 24 months of age should  B. Sensorimotor

be in a rear-facing care seat.
 C. Preoperational
 D. My son sits in a rear-facing car seat in the
back of the car.  D. Concrete operational

6. When potty training a child, it is important to 10. According to Piaget's Theory of

remember that bladder control occurs before Development, your patient is in the
bowel control.* Preoperational Stage based on their age. The
patient demonstrates they are in this stage by
 True which finding below?*

 False  A. The child understands time and quantity.

 B. The child likes to play pretend.

nurse to the toddler will help decrease
 C. This concept of object permanence is not negativism when administering medications to
developed yet. the toddler?*

 D. The child possesses abstract thinking  A. "Are you ready for your medicine?"
rather than concrete thinking.
 B. "Can you take your medicine in a cup?"
11. You're creating a plan of care for a 24-month-
old and developing interventions to help with the
 C. "Do you want to take your medicine
development of the child. According to Erickson's
Stages of Development, what intervention below
would help promote development in this patient?
*  D. "You can take your medicine in the blue
or green cup."
 A. Thoroughly communicate the rules to the
child. 15. The nurse is educating the parents of a 13-
month-old on how to avoid dental caries. Which
statements should the nurse include in the
 B. Encourage the child to ask questions education about this topic to the parents? Select-
about care. all-that-apply:*

 C. Take time to swaddle and rock the child  A. "If a bottle is given at night, be sure to
when crying. water down the juice before giving it to the child".

 D. Give the child opportunities to make food  B. "When your child's first teeth erupt, it is
and drink selections. time to go to the dentist."

12. A 20-month-old is in what stage of

 C. "If your water at home does not contain
development according to Erickson's Stages of
fluoride, fluoride supplementation may be
 A. Industry vs. Inferiority
 D. "To help promote autonomy in your child,
he should brush his teeth by himself without
 B. Initiative vs. Guilt

 C. Autonomy vs. Shame and Guilt 16. The mother of a toddler verbalizes her child
has become a picky eater. What are some
 D. Trust vs. Mistrust strategies the mother can implement to help her
child? Select-all-that-apply:*
13. You observe toddlers playing. The children
are playing with toys, but they are not playing  A. Have small easy to grab nutritious snacks
together. This type of play is known as?* available rather than 3 large meals a day

 A. Solitary play  B. Give the child new foods to try

 B. Parallel play  C. Use the same plate and cup for meals

 C. Associate play  D. Offer food items that are mixed

 D. Co-operative 17. A toddler is hospitalized and the parent had

to temporarily leave the child. The child was
14. You're providing caring to a 2-year-old and inconsolable when the parent left, but now is
have noted negativism. Which statement by the
quite and withdrawn. This is known as what parent expresses concern. As the nurse you
stage of separation anxiety?* should tell the parent?*

 A. Detachment  A. Try potty training again while the child is
 B. Denial
 B. Reassure the parent that this is temporary
 C. Despair and is most likely occurring because the child is

 D. Protest
 C. Advise the parent to set limits and
18. A 3-year-old is hospitalized. The parent implement discipline strategies for toilet
verbalizes to you that at home the child was accidents.
potty trained but now the child is refusing to use
the toilet and is voiding on themselves. The  D. Recommend the parent avoids ritualistic
routines until the child is not hospitalized.
1. Your patient is 4-years-old. According to
Erickson's Stages of Psychosocial Development  B. Concrete operational
the child should develop ____________ by the
end of their developmental stage.*  C. Formal operational
 A. trust
 D. Sensorimotor
 B. purpose 4. Which statement below is TRUE regarding a
5-year-old’s cognitive development based on
 C. autonomy Piaget's Theory?*

 A. "The goal of this stage is to achieve the

 D. competence understanding of object permanence."
2. When considering Erickson's Stages of
Psychosocial Development for a 3-year-old  B. "This child now has the ability to think
which action below would potentially hinder a logically about events."
child's development?*
 C. "This child's thinking is still egocentric and
 A. Giving the child freedom to try new things they can't understand the point of views of
 B. Offering options of play that are imaginary
 D. "This child has the ability to create
 C. Accepting reasonable choices made by hypothetical arguments."
the child
5. You're assessing the development of a 5-year-
old. Which of the following are FINE motor skills
 D. Making choices and decisions for the
a child should be able to perform at this age?
3. A preschooler is in what stage of development
 A. Ride a tricycle
according to Piaget's Theory?*

 A. Preoperational  B. Use blunt tip scissors

 C. Hop  D. Give the child privacy and direct the
parents to the waiting room while the IV is
 D. Skip started.

 E. Copy triangles and circles  E. Encourage and answer all the child's
questions before starting the IV.

 F. Print their first name 9. A 4-year-old is hospitalized for the treatment
of a brain tumor. As the nurse you know that a
6. A 3-year-old is hospitalized and the parent has preschooler would struggle with which of the
to leave to care for other children but will be back following issues during the hospitalization?*
to visit. What observation found in this
preschooler would demonstrate the child is  A. Separation anxiety
experiencing the protest phase of separation
 B. Loss of control
 A. Loud crying that is inconsolable
 C. Loss of relationship with peers
 B. Withdrawn and sullen
 D. Negativism
 C. Crying quietly and acting out
10. You’re developing a plan of care for a 3-year-
old that includes play activities. What type of play
 D. Happy and content does a child participate in at this age?*

7. What is an example of animism in a 3-year-old  A. Parallel

child? Select the most appropriate option below:*

 A. The child leaves the T.V. on while she  B. Cooperative
plays outside so her doll won't become bored.
 C. Associative
 B. The child dresses up in a doctor outfit.
 D. Solidary
 C. The child uses a stick as a sword to slay
11. You see a group of children working together
to build a sand castle. What type of play is this?*

 D. The child copies her mother by putting on  A. Parallel

jewelry and high heels.
 B. Cooperative
8. You need to start an IV on a 4-year-old. Select
the appropriate interventions to perform before
starting the IV to help the preschooler cope with  C. Associative
this procedure. Select-all-that-apply:*
 D. Solidary
 A. Let the child know that at 9:00 am you will
be starting the IV. 12. A parent verbalizes concern about her 3-
year-old stammering while pronouncing words
 B. Be honest with the child about what to and asks for suggestions. Which statement by
expect with starting the IV. the nurse to the parent is NOT an appropriate
intervention regarding the child’s stammering?*
 C. Have a doll available that the child can  A. “When the child stammers help the child
start an IV on. finish the word.”
 B. “Encourage the child to take their time as  D. “Be patient and listen attentively to the
they speak.” child as she speaks.”

 C. “It is normal for a child to stammer during

this time and should subside.”

1. The school-age child experiences many 4. A 9-year-old arrives to the clinic for a well
physical changes throughout this developmental visit. What are some safety educational topics the
time period. Which of the following is NOT a nurse should discuss during this visit? Select all
change experienced by this age group?(Required) that apply:(Required)
 A. The child typically grows about 2.5 inches  A. Rear-facing car seat safety
per year.
 B. Toxic substances ingestion prevention
 B. Most of the child's 28 permanent teeth will
 C. Bike safety
be erupted by the end of this developmental
period.  D. Swimming safety
 C. The child's weight triples from the age of 6  E. Gun and Fire Safety
to 12 years.
 F. SIDS Prevention
 D. The child's gross motor skills allow them 5. A 10-year-old is hospitalized for the treatment
to ride a bike without training wheels, swim, and of a broken arm. The child is becoming restless
skate. and bored. The nurse asks the child if they would
2. The nurse is assessing a 10-year-old's risk like to do an activity. Which activity below would
factors for obesity. Which findings assessed by the be appropriate for the nurse to suggest to the
nurse are risk factors for obesity in this child? child?(Required)
Select all that apply:(Required)
 A. Stacking blocks
 A. The child moderately exercises 1 hour
each day.  B. Writing poems

 B. The child has a diet rich in calories  C. Playing a card game
according to a weekly food diary.  D. Watching a movie
 C. The child’s mother, father, and older 6. A 10-year-old is being prepped for heart
sibling are obese. surgery to replace a heart valve. What fears or
stressors does the nurse anticipate this child could
 D. The child has limited access to food experience during this hospitalization?(Required)
3. The nurse is developing a plan of care to help  A. Fear of strangers
the school-age child and their caregiver implement  B. Fear that the hospitalization is punishment
diet changes to help decrease the child's obesity for doing wrong
risk. Which intervention below should be
avoided?(Required)  C. Fear of pain/injury

 A. Include the family members with setting  D. Invasion of privacy
weight and food goals 7. Your patient is 7-years-old. What stage of
psychosocial development, according to
 B. Use a reward system that includes food Erickson's Theory, should this child be in?
rewards (Required)

 C. Substitute the child's favorite food with  A. Autonomy vs. Shame and Doubt
healthier options
 B. Initiative vs. Guilt
 D. Consider team sports for the child
 C. Industry vs. Inferiority
 D. Identify vs. Role Confusion
8. According to Erickson's Stages of Psychosocial
Development what is the outcome for the school-
age child to obtain during this stage?(Required)
 A. Competency
 B. Trust
 C. Sense of Purpose
 D. Love
9. Fill in the blank: According to Piaget's Theory
of Cognitive Development a 10-year-old child
would be in the _________________ stage.

 A. Preoperational
 B. Concrete Operational
 C. Sensorimotor
 D. Formal Operational
10. A 7-year-old child is able to recognize that
even though one glass is short while the other is
tall they both contain the same amount of liquid.
According to Piaget’s Theory of Cognitive
Development, the ability to reason this among the
liquid in the glasses in known as?(Required)
 A. Classification
 B. Spatial-sense
 C. Conservation
 D. Representation
11. According to Kohlberg's Stages of Moral
Development, what would be the reason for
conformity to the rules for a 9-year-old child?

 A. The child conforms to the rules because of

the rewards given for good behavior.
 B. The child conforms to the rules because it
maintains social order.
 C. The child conforms to the rules because it
provides a mutual benefit.
 D. The child conforms to the rules because it
causes others to view them as being good.

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