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Group 5

Belgion astronomer Georges Lemaite used Hubbles amazing

discoveries to suggest to suggest an answer to big astronomy
question “How did the universe begin?”

1.How did the universe began?

The universe began as a
 Small
 Dense fireball
That exploded 13.8 billion years ago
known as Big Bang.

2. Name the unique properties of the Earth that enables it to

support life?
7 Factors that make Earth habitable
1. The light on the Earth
2. Earth’s atmosphere

The presence of Ozone Layer
4. Favorable Climatic Condition


Force of attraction (Earth’s gravitational pull)

6. Water
7. Distance of the Earth from the Sun

3. Compare Earth to other planets.

Earth is nearly 13,000 kilometers across. The smallest
terrestrial planet, Mercury, has a diameter about 40 percent of
that size. Jupiter, the biggest planet, is more than ten times
larger than Earth.
4. What would be the effects of continuous Ozone layer
depletion to the organisms living on Earth?
-Ozone Layer depletion causes increased UV Radiation Levels at
the Earth surface, which is damaging to human health.
-Negative effects include increase in certain type of skin
cancers,eye cataracts and immune deficiency disorders.
-It can also damage plant by entering leaf openings,this can
damage the plant leaves and causes reduced survival.

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